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Work presented as required for the course of: PHYSICAL


Group: 301


Force of gravity, a necessary evil.

The human body is a system that works together to have a correct operation, for this reason, all force entering our body, will affect it all this, but in a different way. Gravity is one of the fundamental forces that influence it on planet Earth, is therefore studying what this causes to our body, is of great importance for the understanding of internal events. The human body can adapt to the gravity that is exposed only to change this, can adversely affect their internal composition, since the human body is accustomed to one fight daily with this force that is present on our planet. For humans it is quite annoying to have to contend with a constant force that opposes us resistance in many daily activities, like climbing a bicycle on a slope; but we do not understand the damage that can cause lack of this force, to which we are accustomed to our body. Throughout history, man has been interested in the study of the structures that surround it and how they interact with us, for this reason, man undertook a trip to the knowledge of what surrounds the planet in which we live. But the places that we have agreed, do not possess the same gravity that has our planet; Thus, began the study of factors that affect the human body in these severities. To find the way to get to these places and to counter these forces, the man began his journey to the outside of the Earth, where was facing the Moon, which is a place where there is no gravity, that is, that there is weightlessness, or microgravity, and these phenomena cause different alterations to the human body. The human body, understands the gravity as a force that sends you signals, which help you to understand how to act and how to counter it; for example tells the muscles and bones how much resistance should have own posture. In weightlessness, the human body receives a series of mechanical signals, which are then converted into chemical; with this causing the body engages to changes you are presented with. But for this, a series of internal changes are made. Circulation is affected, since the force of gravity causes blood flow have a travel cefalocaudal, in where standing human body possesses 200 mmHg 60 to 80 mmHg in the head and blood in the feet. But with the loss of this force that keeps us standing, body stabilizes this flow and makes it uniform throughout the body, thus having approximately 100mmHg of blood in all this. This inner phenomenon, cause in structures

where on Earth is no less circulation, as in the head to swell and on the feet that we possess is decreasing largest circulation size. So that the body can perform this stabilization of uniform blood flow in the body, you must remove the excess having blood, then in the first 2-3 days spent in weightlessness, the body loses approximately 22% of the volume of blood that normally has on planet Earth; This elimination is done via urine. To present this decrease in blood flow, the heart does not have the same amount of blood to pump, then the myocardial muscle presents atrophy by disuse. Also presents a decrease of red and white cells, which also causes the reduction of immunity of the human body, making it more likely the possibility of contracting diseases in space. To submit a redistribution of body fluids, these log in to places like the lungs and rib cage, where they create diseases as pleural effusion, also presents much nasal congestion by the same. In this same way, the rest of the muscles that make up the human body present atrophies disuse, since they should not carry out a constant contraction that overcome the force of gravity, and thus allow us to have a proper position. This makes is decreased tone and normal muscle mass of the human body; for example muscles of the spine and legs, which are those who give us greater stability, are decreased by 20% in their muscle mass, is loss occurs gradually, it is estimated that approximately 5% of weekly muscle mass; is lost This is usually recovered in a month on Earth, as it is estimated that every day in space, needed a day on Earth to recover The same occurs in the bone of the body system, as they assimilate that as there is no force to overcome, you don't need so many composition; then its mass is decreased due to the lack of fixing of calcium ions in the bones, collaterally causing kidney stones, because these calcium ions can accumulate in the body and create them. This bone phenomenon, is known by humans as osteoporosis. It is estimated that approximately 1% of bone mass per month, is lost getting this on long trips a waste of 40 to 60% of this mass; which is difficult recovery on Earth, it is estimated that for 1 month at ingravitacion, takes the body with gravity 1 year to recover some percentage of that bone mass, and to achieve this objective, is also necessary to work to achieve it, since it does not recover alone. Other systems such as the liver and the kidney, are affected by alterations in the metabolism of the body, which causes diarrhea, nausea and constant vomiting.

Endocrine system the circadian rhythm, is affected since the extraterrestrial orbit has a day/night cycle in 97 minutes, which generates them insomnia and then present a cumulative fatigue. All these alterations that presents the human body in weightlessness, can be controlled to an extent by an exhaustive physical training on Earth, seeking with this get the increase in the mass of the body, so lost in space does not produce major contraindications to the return. In addition, a series of investigations, for the creation of instruments that can simulate the gravity that exists on Earth, allowing this normalization of body in outer space are being implemented. By the time progress is being made in an instrument called a lower body negative pressure, as its name suggests, seeks to create a negative pressure on the feet, thus achieving body to function in a way cefalocaudal and performing exercises, body have an oppositional force that prevents the decrease of bone and muscle mass, which also normalizes the circulation of liquids in the body. But the advance in these instruments is quite complex, since it is known that this is presented by the change that causes the signals giving gravity to the human body, where they know very well what are the chemical signals that this force causes and consequences; but we don't have knowledge about mechanical signals that occur, thus having a vacuum in the research, which is being filled by means of experiments.


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