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Hair Removal
How to Make an Aspirin Mask
Very cheap and easy way to rid ingrown hairs
By Naomi Torres, Guide Free Hair Removal Newsletter! Enter email address Discuss in my forum



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A n as pirin mas k will s ave you lots over s ome of the mos t expens ive and popular ingrown hair removal produc ts . H ow's that? A s pirin is c ommonly one of their ac tive ingredients to ward off the bumps and rednes s bec aus e it c ontains s alic ylic ac id, a powerful exfoliator to s lough off dead s kin c ells allowing the ingrown hair to releas e. Salic ylic ac id's deep exfoliating ac tion c an take mois ture Lauren Nicole / Getty Images along with it. U nles s the s kin is dehydrated or lac king water, oily s kin types s hould be okay mixing it with water. O therwis e add J ojoba oil, a vegetable oil c los es t to the s ebum (oil) that humans produc e, to help replenis h los t mois ture for normal to dry s kin. H oney is not only s weet to eat but has natural hydrating, antis eptic , antimic robial and anti- bac terial properties . H oney in the rec ipe will help ward off bac teria s o the area does n't bec ome infec ted, mois turize the s kin and reduc e s welling. A ll very muc h needed. Ingredients:

3 - 4 unc oated A s pirin tablets Water for oily s kin or J ojoba oil (c ompare pric es ) for normal or dry s kin H oney How to Make A spirin Mask P lac e hot water in a large glas s bowl. T ake 1 ts p. of honey and ts p of water or jojoba oil and put it in a s maller bowl in the hot water s o that it s oftens . C rus h three to four unc oated as pirin tablets us ing a mortar and pes tle or fork. Remove the bowl of honey mixture from hot water and add c rus hed as pirin, mixing together with fork. I f the c ons is tenc y is s till too thic k, add a tiny more oil or water. I t won't be the us ual thic k mas k that you're probably us ed to and that's okay, it will s till do the job. T es t the temperature of the mas k and apply over the ingrown hairs us ing your fingertips , s taying far away from eyes . T he mixture is als o great for pimples , s o plac e on them as well. L et it dry about ten minutes and remove with warm water, making s ure all trac es are gone and pat dry. U s e mas k onc e or twic e a week depending on your s kin type and s everity of your ingrown hairs .

Where and When Not to Use:

I f you're allergic to any of the mas k ingredients or s alic ylic ac id, if you're pregnant, breas tfeeding or have any medic al c ondition that has you avoid as pirin. A n area that has been waxed or had a s alic ylic ac id, glyc olic or an enzyme produc t applied in the las t four days . I rritated, inflamed, c ut, or s unburned s kin. T his is only a referenc e guide, pleas e c hec k with your doc tor or dermatologis t if you have any ques tions about us ing this mas k if you have a c ertain s kin, health or medic al c ondition. L ooking for other ways to prevent and rid ingrown hair with ingredients at home and s ave money?

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