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Written By Unexplainable Enterprises LLC: Colloidal Silver is a liquid suspension that is Non-Toxic and safe for adults, children,

pets, and even pregnant women. Colloidal Silver is usually taken orally and consists of pure water and nano-si ed silver particles. Silver has !een used for more than T"# T$#%S&N' ()&*S with no reports of deaths or ailment +as we know of,. Colloidal Silver kills deadly pathogens that make us ill. &ctually, to our knowledge, there isn-t even one known pathogen or !acteria that Colloidal Silver has !een shown not to kill. /t kills &00 1)*2S.

Colloidal Silver Can Be Used To:

Treat Both Serious and Minor Illnesses and Diseases Water Puri i!ation "u#an and Pet "ealth Ener$y In!reaser Cleanin$ Disin e!tant Mouth%ash Colloidal Silver )ills M(S' Colloidal Silver )ills eColi Colloidal Silver )ills Sal#onella Colloidal Silver )ills Staph Colloidal Silver )ills *east Colloidal Silver )ills &un$al In e!tions

&D' Certi ied Independent Lab (eports Sho% That:

/f you want to review these la! reports, Contact us and request the links to the reports. 2ost people report that after using colloidal silver daily, the no longer get colds, the flu, virus-s, and report an increase in energy and stamina shortly after starting to take it.

"o% To Ma+e Colloidal Silver In *our ,%n "o#e

Supply List: 'istilled "ater Silver )lectrodes 33.3334 5ure Silver #nly 5ower Supply !etween 67 to 78 volts &lligator Clips 1lass 'rinking Cup

Step -. (ou will need 7 silver electrodes. (ou can use 33.3334 pure silver coins, or you can !uy silver wire, or simply cut a silver !ullion !ar into 7 strips. The important thing is you will need 33.3334 pure silver that is clean. Step /. Cut the end off the thin wire of your power supply and attach the alligator clips. 5roceed to fasten the two silver electrodes to the rim of your drinking glass with the alligator clips keeping the silver a!out 697: apart. %se caution to not met the silver touch each other or it will short out the power supply. Step 0. ;ill the glass with 'istilled "ater and plug the power supply in. 2ake sure only the silver electrode is touching the water. Soon you will notice small !u!!les on 6 electrode and then you should visually see the silver streams collecting in the drinking glass. &llow !etween 6<-7< minutes until the liquid turns golden grayish. Step 1. %nplug the power supply and carefully remove the electrodes. There will !e residue from the process which will stick to the silver electrodes, so use caution to avoid getting this residue into your suspension. Some residue may get into the suspension, this is #= and can !e filtered out with a coffee filter. Step 2. &fter you are finished, pour your colloidal silver into a glass storage container, cap it air-tight and store it in the dark. Try not to expose your solution to light, That-s it. Now you may start using your colloidal silver. "e recommend taking !etween 6-7 ta!lespoons a day for a healthy routine. "ithin >< days you should notice a whole-!ody change and feel the effects. 2ost people report to !e happier, more vi!rant, less irrita!le, and all around healthier.

Dis!lai#er. The statements regarding these products have not !een evaluated !y the ;ood and 'rug &dministration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information on this "e! site or in testimonials is designed for educational purposes only. /t is not intended to !e a su!stitute for informed medical advice or care. 5lease consult your doctor with any questions or concerns you might have. Colloidal Silver is a 'ietary Supplement under the ;ederal ;ood, 'rug, and Cosmetic &ct as amended !y the 'ietary Supplement $ealth and )ducation &ct of 6338

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