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Professional Report Name: Rosa Aracely Cant Lozano Course t tle! "n#l s$ %& -odule: -odule .

/ Re0orted S0eec$1 2ass *e &o ce and Relat *e Clauses 7ate: -onday1 )ctober 211 201./ 8 bl o#ra0$y:
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Students number:AL02619704 'eac$er(s name! )l * a +onz,lez Sal nas Act * ty: 3ome4or5 7 6 'o0 c 7! 2roblem sol* n# 'eam: N6A

)bAect *e! 2rocedure! 1. First, I read Unit 7in my Students book to understand the subject. 2. Secondly, I have started answerin all the e!ercise o" Unit 7on my Students book as workbook. #. I must invent a history with this $. %hen I have to res&ond correctly my activities. '. (reate the result and inserted on the correct rubric. ). Finally, I made my conclusion.

Results! 1. What would you have done?

Professional Report When Andrew was growing up, he was careful with his money. He got an allowance every week from his parents, and because he wanted to go to college, he set aside money every month. He opened a savings account that paid good interests, so his savings grew. In college, he didnt have much money, but he had a budget and stuck to it. He kept track the money he spent, and when he bought things, he always paid in cash. But then, Andrew won ! million in a lottery, and everything changed. He didnt" invest money in"stocks and bonds. Instead, he went on a spending spree. He bought a house, a car, clothes, and computers, and he spent a lot on travel and entertainment. #oon he had nothing left, so he applied for a credit card and started charging his everyday e$penses. %o pay his college tuition fees, he took out a loan, which he is still paying off. Andrew has a good &ob now, but he still hasnt gotten out of debt. 2. How many words can you remember? 'ouns honesty vulgarity generosity nobility courtesy sincerity

accountability adaptability proactivity

(Is honesty important to you)* +es, it is What personal ,ualities do you think are the most important for a &ob interviewer) I think are sincerity, accountability, honesty, adaptability and proactivity. Ad&ectives happy sad angry bored tired spleenful serious smiling mad

(Are you generally a happy person)* +es, I am Are you angry) 'o, I-m so fine Why did you get to be bored at weekend) Because I will be punished in my room for my behavior at school one month. 3. So what were they saying? A. .omplete these ,uotations with a problem, and then add a solution, using the appropriate form of the verb given. !. /ohn0 (I went rock climbing, and I got this really big hole tear in my backpack. It needs to be sewn sewing 1sew2. Are you good at sewing)* 3. Alice0 (4y kitchen faucet keeps droppers 1drip2, and I can-t turn it off. It needs to be fi!ed fi!ing 1fi$2, but I can-t afford to get a plumber for doing 1do2 it right now. .an you take a look at it) 5. 6obert0 (I have this big oil spot on my good &acket. I have to have it too dry cleaning 1clean2 before my &ob interview ne$t week. Which dry cleaner-s has the fastest service)*

Professional Report 7. 4aria0 (4y watch has been running bad. I-ve never had the battery to be changed "change2, so it probably needs to be replaced replacing 1replace2. How much will a new battery cost)* 8. Hilary0 (I had a car accident, and one of my doors got a big blow in it. I-ve been looking for a place to get it to be fi!ed fi!ing 1fi$2. Who fi$ed your car after your accident)* #. Want some help? A .omplete the conversations with words like 9w, 9uch, 9ops, 9oh, :gh, :h;oh, and #hoot. #ometimes more than one answer is possible. %hen practice with a partner. !. A $w% B $uch% 3. A $ops% I &ust got an electric shock. I should get that iron fi$ed. I bet that hurt. Are you 9<) 4y computer &ust crashed again. I can-t understand it. It keeps happening. B &h'oh% 4aybe you-ve got a virus. =o you want me to look at it) 5. A $oh% I-m hungry. =o you want a snack) B #ure. >et-s see. =o you want some scrambled eggs) A &gh% I can-t stand eggs. B Shoot% I &ust dropped them. 9h, well, never mind.

Conclus on! I learned interesting terms and e$pressions of how I can respond to such a situation? I met new phrases, vocabulary and verbs.

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