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EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

A Dessertation Project Report On Web Portal"

MA !PA" # !$ER%!&Y
%'bmitte( in Partial )'l)illment o) A*ar( o) the Degree o)

Master o) &echnolog+ ,-.//0/12

#n(er the %'per3ision o)

Dr. Gaurav Jain

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Submitted to: Submitted by:

Project Report

Mr Ma(h'ma+ %en ,6.O.D80 Metch Department2

RA$! RA 4A M&E56 Enrol. o. 8 444444444... Roll o.80 %ession80-./-0-./1

MANIPAL UNIVERSITY This is to Certify that Mr. RA$! RA 4A Stude t of M&E56 Program !"atch

#$%%&#$%'( of this i stitute has successfu))y co*p)eted his+her Project tit)ed Web Portal7 at EYERISE &echnologies P3t. "t(. U der the,uida ce of Dr. Ga'ra3 4ain as a the part of course curricu)u* of M&E56 pro,ra* affi)iated to MANIPAL UNIVERSITY.To the -est of *y . o/)ed,e this project is a authe tic record of stude t0s o/ /or.. 1uri , the e2ecutio of this project stude t0s si cerity a d de3otio /as fou d per e2ce))e ce. I /ish hi* success at e3ery sta,e of his+her career.

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ,Mr. Ma(h'ma+ %en2 6.O.D80 M&E56 Program

Project Report

MA !PA" # !$ER%!&Y

5e /ish to e2press our heart&fe)t tha .s to e3eryo e /ho he)ped us to co*p)ete this project. 5e /ou)d )i.e to tha .s Dr. Ga'ra3 4ain for pro3idi , us the opportu ity to u derta.e our M.&ech Project. E3eryo e . o/s that efficie t /or. is othi , -ut *utua) coordi atio -et/ee t/o or *ore peop)e. 6or us it /as 3ery difficu)t to *a.e a rea) ti*e project /ithout the he)p of peop)e surrou di , us. 5e are e2tre*e)y tha .fu) to EYERISE &echnologies P3t. "t(. for pro3idi , us the project i their or,a i7atio -et/ee the e 3iro *e ts of project /or.. 5e /ou)d )i.e to e2press ,ratitude to/ards Dr. Ga'ra3 4ain for their )o,istic he)p. 5ith the he)p of scie tific peop)e it is 3ery easy to co*p)ete our project u der these peop)e i the or,a i7atio .

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

5e /ou)d )i.e to tha . our pare ts for their *ora) support. Last -ut ot )east8 tha .s to the a)*i,hty that /as a)/ays /ith us.

&o Whom it ma+ concern

This is to certify that the project tit)ed Web Portal7 has co*p)eted -y Mr. RA$! RA 4A . E ro))*e t No. :::::::::. Roll o.0
:::::::::u der *y ,uida ce a d super3isio duri , the period fro* 9a

%$ 8

to May #: 8 #$%% a d has ot -ee su-*itted ear)ier /hether the Rajastha Tech ica) U i3ersity8 ;ota or to a y other i stitutio s for partia) 6u)fi))*e t of the re<uire*e t for the de,ree of Master of Co*puter App)icatio !M.TEC=(.

Si, ature of the stude t 1ate?

Si, ature of the >uide 1ate?

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

! DE;



EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Project Report



EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

/. &6E MA! O<4E5&!$E O= &6E PRO4E5& I the curre t a,e of co*puters8 efforts ha3e -ee *ade to co3er e3ery aspect of hu*a )ife /ith faster co*puti , po/er of di,ita) co*puters. Especia))y i a Co*pa y8 such as >)ass >raphic7 ,)ass desi, u certai ties -eco*es a co*pa y 8 /here e or*ous a*ou t of data are to -e processed e3ery day. Therefore8 a syste*atic effort to reduce the i for*atio i*porta t dri3i , factor for esta-)ish*e t of auto*atic syste*. The A>)ass,* /e- porta)B has -ee de3e)oped i Microsoft Visua) Studio dot Net as 6ro t&E d /ith SCL Ser3er #$$D as "ac.&E d E the e 3iro *e t used is 5i do/s F2+#$$$+NT+GP. 5ith the de3e)op*e t of this /e- app)icatio the co*pa y /ou)d ,et faster updati , of the records a d /ou)d retrie3e faster tha *a ua) syste*. The e/ syste* is 3ery user frie d)y to operate. A y o tech ica) staff cou)d operate the syste* /ithout a y proper trai i ,. The *ai o-jecti3es of the Project+/e- porta) are to?

Accept re,istratio detai)s a d perfor* re,istratio . Perfor* c)ie t0s order of desi, o ,)asses or i terior architecture. >e erate product order specificatio chart. >e erate c)ie t0s purchase0s report Ma.e the porta) fu)) user frie d)y. Ma.e the /e- app)icatio re)ia-)e a d sca)a-)e. I crease the /or.i , speed of the co*pa y. I crease o3era)) perfor*a ce of the co*pa y. Pro3ide security to the 3a)ua-)e data of the >)ass >raphic7 Co*pa y. Pre3e t u authori7ed access of the data.

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

-. A<%&RA5& Pro3ide a syste* for a co*pa y that is a ,)ass desi, co*pa y. @r,a i7atio schedu)es >)ass desi, /or. a d architects a d i terior desi, ers to rea)i7e practica))y e3ery i*a,i ati3e a d i o3ati3e idea they cou)d co cei3e for their c)ie ts. The Syste* *a a,es c)ie t8 artist a d user re)atio ship a d co**u icatio accordi , to ad*i i.e >)ass >raphic7 co*pa y. This >)ass,* /e- porta) is rea) )i3e This /e- porta) is *ai )y used -y ,)ass desi, artist8 ,)ass i terior desi, ers co*pa y8 c)ie t ha3i , re<uire*e t of ,)ass desi, /or.8 user i terested i ,)ass i terior desi, etc. =eat'res8 Products 1etai)s Artists+C)ie ts+User 1etai)s Product Cate,ory Ma a,e*e t Me*-ers Ma a,e*e t Ad*i Co tro) Pa e) project a d o )i e o ur)? http?++///.,)ass,*+ .

Reports8 >)asses 1esi, 0s Report User0s reports C)ie t0s )ist depe di , o the ris. )e3e) Product cate,ory /ise report @ )i e C)ie t @rder0s report

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

1. ! &ROD#5&!O The >)ass,* 5e- Porta) Syste* is *ai )y de3e)oped to pro3ide a co*pa y a /e))&de3e)oped syste* that is i ,)ass desi, co*pa y. The co*pa y >)ass >raphic7 is ori,i a))y for*ed to satisfy the co*p)ete eed i architectura) ,)ass i dustry. @r,a i7atio accepts re<uests fro* the Artist /ho pro3ides 3arious desi, to the c)ie ts a d usi , the ,)ass8 co ti uous tech o)o,y de3e)op*e ts i *a ufacturi , a d processi , ha3e )e t ,)ass. This syste* he)ps i easy fi2i , of appoi t*e ts for c)ie ts. This syste* a)so pro3ide Auto*atic 1oors8 Sho/er cu-ic)e fitti ,s a d >)ass pyra*id etc. The porta) of >)ass >raphic7 co*pa y is fu))y dedicated to pro3ide -etter ser3ice to our c)ie ts a d to satisfy up to *a2i*u* desire.This syste* a)so processes *ar.eti , E sa)es peop)e a a)ysis the so)utio . >. PRO4E5& 5A&EGORY This project is a rea) )i3e /e- app)icatio project *ai )y focuses o c)ie t ser3er '&tier architecture a d j<uery i*p)e*e tatio . This is the 5e- app)icatio -ased o ASP.Net8 a Ser3er Side 5e- Tech o)o,y i te,rati , R1"MS for ce tra)i7ed *a a,e*e t of data-ase. I ha3e used VISUAL STU1I@ #$%$ as fro t&e d a d MICR@S@6T SCL Ser3er #$$D as -ac.&e d. eed of our c)ie ts a d pro3ide the* the ade<uate a d proper the fie)d of ,)ass

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report


EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

E+eRise &echnologies Pvt.

Ltd. , founded in 2010 , is one of the fastest growing software

company . The establishing objective was to be the most dependable organization providing impeccable service , premium products and comprehensive solutions to the customers in india and abroad. O ! "O#$%& 'e endeavor to provide our customers with the best available products and services bac(ed by appreciation for business and functional needs. )*+)!T,%)& -ompany offers best web design , development , ).-ommerce, 'eb.+ortal , web promotion , software outsourcing , e.-ommerce web site design , offshore website design and 'ebsite development . -ompany has versatile range of products and services

5areer 8
At E+erise &echnologies P3t. "t(. /e )et you u co3er your fu)) pote tia) -y offeri , a /ide ra ,e of opportu ities )i*ited o )y -y your a*-itio a d aspiratio s. 5e offer a outsta di , career path that is structured for )o ,&ter* ,ro/th a d a /or. e 3iro *e t desi, ed to -ri , out your -est & a p)ace for you to *a2i*ise your pote tia) a d rea)ise your aspiratio s. 5e dri3e a hi,h perfor*a ce cu)ture to de)i3er added 3a)ue to our custo*ers. If you are ta)e ted8 /ith the dri3e to perfor* a d achie3e8 reati3e8 a))&rou der /ith )eadership <ua)ities a d outsta di , acade*ic <ua)ificatio s8 /e /a t you.

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

%er3ice O))ering 8
5e offer a -road ra ,e of IT co su)ti , a d custo* pro,ra**i , ser3ices. 5e ha3e si, ifica t e2perie ce satisfyi , the *ost specia) tech ica) eeds of our custo*ers. 5e u dersta d the i*porta ce of a -a)a ced tech ica) desi, . 5e app)y the appropriate )e3e) of tech o)o,y to each project8 .eepi , s*a))er projects si*p)e a d )ar,er projects ro-ust. @ur c)ie ts represe t a -road cross&sectio of -usi esses. 5e are 3ery proud of the re)atio ships /e ha3e -ui)t8 a d /e ha3e ear ed the* throu,h )iste i ,8 )ear i ,8 a d co**u icati , /ith our c)ie ts. The cate,ories -e)o/ su**ari7e our *ost co**o tas.s. If youHre ot sure /hich of these is e2act)y your case8 p)ease do Ht hesitate to co tact us8 so /e ca co sider your case i di3idua))y.

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

Web 6osting

6u))y fu ctio a) /e-&e a-)ed 3ersio s of the e2isti , -usi ess app)icatio s. Custo* corporate /e-sites /ith co te t *a a,e*e t a d perso a)i7atio features. E&-usi ess8 co*p)ete so)utio s a d -ac.& e d syste*s for e&shops8 e&auctio s a d e&cata)o,ues. Corporate i tra et syste*s for -usi ess process a d /or.f)o/ auto*atio . 5e-&e a-)ed data-ases /ith c)ie t& ser3er or &tier architecture. E*ai) syste*s auto*atio 8 custo* e& *ai) app)icatio pro,ra**i ,. 1o*ai Na*e Re,istratio a d Site =osti , .

%o)t*are (e3elopment

5e- 1esi, a d Mai te a ce Lo,o a d >raphic 1esi, Searcha-)e 1ata-ase I te,ratio Custo* Pro,ra**i , E&Co**erce Co te t >e eratio a d Editi , Mo-i)e app)icatio de3e)op*e t .

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

Database %er3ices

6)at fi)edata-ase )i.e Microsoft e2ce) . Re)atio a) 1ata-ase )i.e Microsoft Access Microsoft SCL @rac)e a d so o . R1"MS )i.e 1"#8@rac)e a d MySCL etc.

WE O==ER8 Lar,e a d co*p)e2 project *a a,e*e t capa-i)ities E d&to&e d so)utio s capa-i)ity E2te si3e do*ai e2pertise a d tech o)o,ica) co*pete cies Si7a-)e resource poo) /ith di3erse s.i)) sets Stro , custo*er re)atio ships Stro , ser3ice de)i3ery chai Lar,e a d co*p)e2 project *a a,e*e t capa-i)ities

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

E d&to&e d so)utio s capa-i)ity E2te si3e do*ai e2pertise a d tech o)o,ica) co*pete cies Si7a-)e resource poo) /ith di3erse s.i)) sets Stro , custo*er re)atio ships

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

E+erise &echnologies P3t. "t(. >irdhari Sada 8 Near Shi3a Se a "ha3a 1adar8 Mu*-ai Te)? !$##( IF%D%F$'

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

&YPE O= #%ER%
There are fi3e Types of users for this /e- porta). Na*e of the users are as?

/. EAterner #sers8 This types of users o )y sho/ the detai)s of differe t products a d o3er3ie/ of co*pa y etc. They ca 0t i put a y data to the syste*. -. 5lients8 This types of user are those user /ho purcha,e the product a d ser3ices. 1. Artist8 This types of users are those user ha3i , accou t as a artist /ho desi, ed o ,)asses a d i terior architecture.. >. #ser as a member8 These users are users /ho ha3i , a )o,i accou t i this porta) :. A(min8

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

These are a)so users -ut specia) type of users ha3i , fu)) co tro) o the differe t fu ctio of the /e- porta) . E2a*p)e& pro3idi , acces co tro) to )o,i user8 3a)idate a user of ot etc.

%Y%&EM A A"Y%!%

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report


EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

System Requirements Review & Validation

Project Report

#ser Requirement S"ecifications

Software Requirements Review & Validation

Software Requirements



Review & Validation

etailed !unctional S"ecifications



Review & Validation

'lo%al Im"lementation S"ecifications & etailed Im"lementation S"ecifications

$ode and


Review & Validation

$oding &


Testing Review & Validation


&aintenance Review & Validation


Process Engineering o) Application %o)t*are ,%D"52

!(enti)ication o) the nee( Si ce the /or)d is ,ro/i , for ,)o-a)i7atio 8 e3ery or,a i7atio /a ts to -eat its co*petitors a d /a t to ,ro/. E terprise Resourcefu) P)a i , !ERP( is the eed of today0s or,a i7atio . Sur3i3a) o *a ua) syste* is difficu)t so8 that0s /hy or,a i7atio

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

of the corporate /or)d /a ts to co*puteri7e their depart*e ts. The *odu)es shou)d -e co*p)ete data-ase dri3e a d i teracti3e that shou)d pro3ide the proper i for*atio a-out the P)ace*e t a d Trai i , @r,a i7atio .

Success of a syste* depe ds )ar,e)y o ho/ accurate)y a pro-)e* is defi ed8 horou,h)y i 3esti,ated a d proper)y carried out to the choice of so)utio . A a)ysis is a phase i /hich the re<uire*e ts for the e/ syste* are ide tified. Syste* a a)ysis is a detai)ed study of the 3arious operatio s perfor*ed -y a syste* a d their re)atio ship /ithi a d outside of the syste*. The <uestio is? /hat *ust -e do e to so)3e the pro-)e*J @ e aspect of a a)ysis is defi i , the -ou daries of the syste* a d deter*i i , /hether or ot a ca didate syste* shou)d co sider other re)ated syste*. 1uri , a a)ysis data are co))ected o the a3ai)a-)e fi)es8 decisio poi ts a d tra sactio s ha d)ed -y the pare t syste*. 1ata f)o/ dia,ra*8 i ter3ie/s8 o site o-ser3atio s8 <uestio used as a )o,ica) syste* *ode) a d too)s to perfor* the a a)ysis.

aires are

Tas.s8 /hich are perfor*ed as a a)yst? >athered a)) facts a-out the prese t syste* fro* the e*p)oyees. Studied stre ,th a d /ea. ess of the curre t syste*. 1eter*i ed A/hatB *ust -e do e to so)3e the pro-)e*. Prepared a fu ctio a) specificatio s docu*e t.

I order to reduce the ti*e8 there is a eed for co*puteri7ed syste* that Ca retrie3e data8 i sert data8 update e2isti , data or de)ete e2isti , data. These *odu)es are de3e)oped /ith the ai* of reduci , ti*e8 reduci , *a po/er8 reduci , cost so that

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd. the records ca

Project Report

-e easi)y *ai tai ed. The 3o)u*e of /or. a d co*p)e2ity are

i creasi , year -y year. This syste* reduces co*p)e2ity a d /or.)oad.

Preliminar+ !n3estigation8 A re<uest to ta.e assista ce fro* i for*atio syste* ca -e *ade for *a y reaso s8 -ut i each case so*eo e i the or,a i7atio i itiate the re<uest. 5he the re<uest is *ade8 the first syste* acti3ity the pre)i*i ary i 3esti,atio -e,i s. This acti3ity has three parts?

Re<uest c)arificatio 6easi-)e Study Re<uest appro3a)

Ma y re<uests fro* e*p)oyees a d users i the or,a i7atio are ot c)ear)y defi ed. Therefore8 it -eco*es ecessary that project re<uest *ust -e e2a*i ed a d c)arified proper)y -efore co sideri , syste*s i 3esti,atio .

The feasi-i)ity study is carried out -y a s*a)) ,roup of peop)e /ho are fa*i)iar /ith i for*atio syste* tech i<ues8 u dersta d the parts of the -usi ess or or,a i7atio that /i)) -e i 3o)3ed or affected -y the project8 a d are s.i))ed i the syste* a a)ysis a d desi, process.

Re<uest Appro3a)? It is ot ecessary that a)) re<uest projects are desira-)e or feasi-)e. So*e or,a i7atio s recei3e so *a y projects re<uest fro* e*p)oyees that o )y a fe/ of

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

the* ca -e purchased. =o/e3er8 those projects that are feasi-)e a d desira-)e shou)d -e put i to a schedu)e. I so*e cases8 de3e)op*e t ca start i**ediate)y8 a)thou,h usua))y syste* staff *e*-ers are -usy o other o ,oi , projects. 5he such situatio arises8 *a a,e*e t decides /hich projects are *ore ur,e t a d schedu)e the* accordi ,)y. After a project re<uest is appro3ed8 its cost8 priority8 co*p)etio ti*e a d perso a) re<uire*e ts are esti*ated a d used to deter*i e /here to add it to a y e2isti , project )ist. Later o 8 /he the other projects ha3e -ee co*p)eted8 the proposed app)icatio de3e)op*e t ca -e i itiated.

A a)ysis is a process of studyi , a pro-)e* a d to fi d the -est so)utio to that pro-)e*. Syste* a a)ysis ,i3es us the tar,et for the desi, a d the i*p)e*e tatio . A a)ysis is o e phase8 /hich is i*porta t phase for syste* de3e)op*e t )ife cyc)e. Syste* de3e)op*e t is a pro-)e* so)3i , tech i<ues. A a)ysis i 3o)3es i ter3ie/i , the c)ie t a d the user. These peop)e a d the e2isti , docu*e ts a-out the curre t *ode of operatio i for*atio for the a a)yst. A a)ysis is the process of studyi , a pro-)e* to fi d the -est so)utio to that pro-)e*. Syste* a a)ysis ,i3es us the tar,et for the desi, a d the i*p)e*e tatio . A a)ysis is o e phase of the 3ery i*porta t phase of the syste* de3e)op*e t )ife cyc)e. Syste* de3e)op*e t is a pro-)e* so)3i , tech i<ues. A a)yses i 3o)3e i ter3ie/i , the c)ie t a d the user. These peop)e a d the e2isti , docu*e t a-out the curre t *ode of operatio are the -asic source of i for*atio for the a a)yst. are the -asic source of

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

=EA%!<!"!&Y %&#DY

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

AAt prese t8 as poi ted out ear)ier8 *ost of the /or. is do e *a ua))y. A d there is o de yi , the fact that co*puters /ou)d <uic.e the /or. if a so)utio is de3e)oped prude t)y. So8 the first <uestio that /hether co*puteri7atio etc. A The differe t parts of the prese t *ode) /ere chec.ed /ith three criteria i *i d a d o3era)) it has -ee co sidered as a /or.a-)e a d -a)a ced so)utio a d /ou)d ot -e o-so)ete i e 3iro *e t E5O OM!5 =EA%!<!"!&Y The or,a i7atio is fu))y capa-)e of arra ,i , a)) the -asic soft/are accordi , to the re<uire*e t. No e2tra soft/are or hard/are eeds to -e ac<uired -ecause they a)ready ha3e the syste* a d other re)e3a t soft/are. Major -e efits e2pected fro* this syste* are I creased speed of /or. /ith *a y of the *u da e tas. -ei , auto*atica))y do e )ea3i , *ore ti*e for other thi ,s. Less ti*e co su*i , or i other /ords say that there is o ti*e co su*i , to see the appropriate reports as co*pare it /ith the *a ua) syste*. More accurate. Certai )y8 co*puters are )ess pro e to error tha the hu*a -ei ,. More f)e2i-)e. As the -e efits e2pected far out/ei,h the cost to -e i curred8 the e/ syste* is 3ery *uch eco o*ica))y feasi-)e. 3ery ear future. The -a)a ce /as sou,ht -et/ee tech o)o,y a d the rea) is ecessary is ot so i*porta t. The *ai co cer /as the re,ardi , the se)ectio of soft/are + hard/are + *ode of /or.&i + i terface

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

&he bene)its o) this project incl'(e )o'r t+pes8

5O%& %A$! G <E E=!&% This project reduces the ad*i istrati3e a d operatio a) cost. "ecause of the reductio i the use of paper8 the cost a)so reduces. !MPRP$E %ER$!5E 0 "E$E" <E E=!&% Proposed syste* i*pro3es the syste*0s perfor*a ce -ecause the curre t syste* is -ased o *a ua) processi , /hi)e the proposed syste* is -ased o co*puter processi ,. !MPRO$E ! =ORMA&!O <E E=!&% It pro3ides -etter i for*atio i the stipu)ated space a d ti*e for decisio &*a.i ,. &!ME %A$! G <E E=!&% It sa3es )ots of ti*e a d pro3ides the sa*e resu)t i a far )esser period of ti*e. &echnical =easibilit+ Meaning? Ca the /or. for the project -e do e /ith curre t e<uip*e t e2isti , soft/are tech o)o,y a d a3ai)a-)e perso )i.e)ihood that it ca -e de3e)opedJ Repl+? I this project the /or. ca ot -e do e -y the curre t syste* -ecause curre t)y a)) the records8 fi))i ,8 tra sactio s8 e tries8 are do e -y *a ua)s. It is rea))y ti*e co su*i , a d *ar,i of error is *ore. Yes8 the curre t a3ai)a-)e perso -e ,i3e to those perso e) ca de3e)op this syste* -ut specia) trai i , shou)d e) to i*pro3e their s.i))s. Yes e/ tech o)o,y or soft/are8 e)J If e/ tech o)o,y is eeded8 /hat is the

/hich is curre t)y /or.i , i the *ar.et8 is to -e eeded to de3e)op this syste*.

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

It ca -e de3e)oped easi)y /ith this soft/are a d for a )o , ter* it is /or.i , effecti3e)y a d *ar,i of error is )ess. 6ar(*are8 =ard/are se)ected has -ee e2a*i ed a,ai st the processi , capacity8 a d the *e*ory re<uire*e t for curre t as /e)) as ear future /or.)oad. %o)t*are8 Cost -e efit a a)ysis for this part /as so*e cha))e ,i ,.

Operational =easibilit+8 The project is easy to operate a d it has a user&frie d)y i terface. The /or.i , staff of the co*pa y ca -e trai ed easi)y. It is easy for the staff to adapt a d use accordi , to the proposed syste*. A ready /i))i , ess is sho/ -y the staff a d the custo*er to use the proposed syste*. =e ce the syste* is operatio a))y feasi-)e.

='nctionalit+( 6u ctio a)ity i c)udes issues such as deter*i i , /hether the syste* ca pro3ide ri,ht i for*atio at the ri,ht p)ace a d o ti*e. ,t fully support managements re/uirements of
desired report and /ueries.

Acceptance8 Accepta ce i*p)ies ho/ /e)) recei3ed this system would be from both users and
management perspective. The proposed system will be gladly accepted by the end user as it automates their routine wor( and is user friendly.

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report


EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

Co*puter Aided Soft/are E ,i eeri , ca -e as si*p)e as a si ,)e too) that support a specific soft/are e ,i eeri , acti3ity or as co*p)e2 as a co*p)ete Ae 3iro *e t A that e co*passes too)s8 a data-ase8 peop)e8 hard/are8 a et/or.8 operati , syste*8 sta dards8 a d *yriad other co*po e ts. Each -ui)di , -)oc. for*s a fou datio for the e2t8 /ith too)s sitti , as the top of the heap. It is i teresti , to ote that the fou datio for effecti3e CASE e 3iro *e t has re)ati3e)y )itt)e to do for soft/are e ,i eeri , too)s the*se)3es. Rather8 successfu) e 3iro *e ts appropriate hard/are a d syste*s soft/are. I additio 8 the e 3iro *e t architecture *ust co sider the hu*a /or. patter s that are app)ied duri , the soft/are e ,i eeri , process. The e 3iro *e t co*posed of the hard/are p)atfor* a d syste* support !i c)udi , et/or.i , soft/are8 soft/are *a a,e*e t8 a d o-ject *a a,e*e t ser3ices(8 the ,rou d/or. for CASE. "ut the CASE e 3iro *e t itse)f de*a ds other -ui)di , -)oc.s. A set of porta-i)ity ser3ices pro3ides a -rid,e -et/ee CASE too)s a d their i te,ratio fra*e/or. a d the e 3iro *e t architecture. The i te,ratio fra*e/or. is a co))ectio of specia)i7ed pro,ra*s that e a-)es i di3idua)0s CASE too)s to co**u icate o e a other8 to create a project data-ase8 a d to e2hi-it the sa*e )oo. a d fee) to the e d user !the soft/are e ,i eer(. Porta-i)ity ser3ices a))o/ CASE too)s a d their i te,ratio fra*e/or. to *i,rate across differe t hard/are p)atfor*s a d operati , syste* /ithout si, ifica t adapti3e *ai te a ce. The -ui)di , -)oc.s represe t a co*prehe si3e fou datio for the i te,ratio of CASE too)s. =o/e3er8 *ost CASE too)s i use today ha3e -ee ? co structed usi , a)) these -ui)di , -)oc.s. I fact so*e CASE too)s re*ai Apoi t so)utio ?B That is8 a too) is used to assist i a particu)ar soft/are e ,i eeri , acti3ity !e.,. a a)ysis *ode)i ,( -ut does ot direct)y co**u icate /ith other too)s8 is ot tied i to a project data-ase8 is ot part of a

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i te,rated CASE e 3iro *e t !)&CASE(. A)thou,h this situatio is ot idea)8 a CASE too) ca -e used <uite effecti3e)y8 e3e if it is a poi t so)utio . At the )o/ e d of the i te,ratio spectru* is the i di3idua) !poi t so)utio ( too). 5he i di3idua) too)s ca pro3ide too)s pro3ide faci)ities for data e2cha ,e8 the i te,ratio )e3e) is i*pro3ed s)i,ht)y. Such too)s produce output i a sta dard for*at that shou)d -e co*pati-)e /ith other too)s that ca read the for*at. I so*e cases8 the -ui)der of co*p)e*e tary CASE too)s /or. to,ether to for* a -rid,e -et/ee the too)s !e.,. a a a)ysis a d desi, too) that is coup)ed /ith a code ,e erator(. Usi , this approach8 the tea* de3e)opers8 sy er,y -et/ee the too)s separate)y. Si ,)e source i te,ratio occurs /he a si ,)e CASE too)s 3e dor i te,rates a u*-er of differe t too)s a d se))s the* as a pac.a,e. A)thou,h this approach is <uite effecti3e8 the c)osed architecture of *ost si ,)e source e 3iro *e ts prec)udes easy additio fro* other 3e dors.

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%CW A D 6CW %PE5!=!5A&!O

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Project Report

%o)t*are an( 6ar(*are &ools

De3elopment En3ironment8 Operating %+stem8 Win(o*s ;P The syste* /i)) -e -ui)t o /i do/s co*pati-)e e 3iro *e t. The app)icatio /i)) -e /e- -ased de3e)oped usi , ASP.NET tech o)o,y. Web %er3er8 !!% 5E" Ser3er to ser3e as ASP.NET e ,i e. The syste* re<uires. %er3er si(e Application %o)t*are? ASP.NET Ser3er Pa,es !ASP.NET( 5lient %i(e Application %o)t*are? 9a3a Script8 =TML Data <ase? SCL Ser3er #$$D The syste* re<uires SCL Ser3er #$$D as a data-aseK ho/e3er the syste* /i)) -e SCL CLIENT co*p)ai t to /or. o a y sta dard data-ase. 5lient <ro*sers8 I ter et E2p)orer L.$ or Netscape Na3i,ator I.M The syste* re<uires I ter et E2p)orer or Netscape Na3i,ator -ro/ser for c)ie t side.

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Project Report


6 or the de3e)op this project. The 3arious Soft/are resources are used. =ront En( <ac9 En( Web %er3er &echnolog+ 8Visua) studio.Net!#$%$( 8 MS SCL Ser3er #$$D 8 IIS !I ter et I for*atio Ser3ices( 8 .NET 6ra*e/or. !ASP.NET /ith CN I.$(

5o(e0<ehin( "ang'age 8 CN8 9a3aScript8 =TML89CUERY81=TML.


OPERA&! G %Y%&EM 5i do/s Gp !Ser3ice pac. '( 5i do/s Gp #$$' ser3er 5i do/s M

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Project Report


EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

Wh+ *e are 'sing %D" %er3er ,-.)*+, %ome o) the merits o) 'sing %D" %er3er ,RD<M%2 are as 'n(er80 Ce tra)i7atio of data-ase. C)ie t Ser3er Tech o)o,y. Security. Nor*a)i7atio of 1ata "ase. Re)atio ship. Tra sactio Processor. It ,i3es so*e i ter et re)ated features. =e ce -ecause of these features /e are usi , SCL Ser3er as a -ac. e d tech o)o,y.

A<O#& %D" %er3er SCL Ser3er co tai s a)) the features of pre3ious 3ersio . It a)so supports so*e e/ features E e ha ce*e t to so*e e2isti , features.SCL ser3er pro3ides deficie t E effecti3e so)utio for the *ajor features. Lar,e 1ata-ase E Space Ma a,e*e t Co tro)
%0$ %erver supports the largest database potential hundred of "iga 1ytes in size. To ma(e efficient use of e2pensive

devices, it allows full control of space usage.

3any -oncurrent 4atabase +erformances ,t supports large no. of concurrent users e2ecuting a

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

variety of database #pplications operation on the same data. ,t minimizes data connection 5 guarantees data concurrency.

6igh Transaction +rocessing +erformances %0$ %erver maintains the processing features with a high degree of overall system performance. 4atabase user doesn7t suffer from slow processing performance.

6igh #vailability #t some sets %0$ %erver wor(s 28 6ours per day with no downtime or limit database throughput. 9ormal operation such as database bac(up 5 partial completion system failure don7t interrupt database use.

-ontrolled #vailability %0$ %erver can selectively control the availability of data at the database level 5 sub 4atabase level . ).g. an administrator can disallow use of a specific application. 4ata can be reloaded without affecting other application.

,ndustry #ccepted %tandards %0$ %erver adheres to industry accepted standards for the data access language operating system, user interface 5 networ( communication protocols. ,t is open system that

protoco)s a custo*er i 3e tio .

1istri-uted 1ata-ase Syste* 6or co**u ity e 3iro *e t that are co ected 3ia

et/or.s. SCL ser3er co*-i es the data physica))y )ocated

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Project Report

o the differe t co*puters i o e )o,ica) data-ase that ca -e accessed -y a)) the et/or. users. 1istri-uted syste* ha3e sa*e de,ree of user tra spare cy E data co siste cy as o &distri-uted syste*s yet recei3es the ad3a ta,es of )oca) data-ase *a a,e*e t. Porta-i)ity SCL ser3er soft/are is co*pati-)e to /or. u der differe t operati , syste* E sa*e o a)) syste*. SCL ser3er is the product of Micro Soft so app)icatio de3e)oped o SCL ser3er ca -e used o 3irtua))y a y syste* /ith )itt)e or o *ore *odificatio . Compatibility
%0$ server software is compatible with software industry standards, including standards operating systems. #pplication developed on %0$ server can be used on virtually any system with little or no modification.

-onnectivity %0$ server software allows different types of computer and operating system to share information networ(s.

EW =EA&#RE% O= %D" %ER$ER I*pro3ed sca)a-i)ity The *a2i*u* si7e of a SCL ser3er data-ase has -ee

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Project Report

i crease to support hu dreds of tera-ytes depe di , o the operati , syste* o /hich it resides. I*pro3ed security SCL ser3er i c)udes pass/ord *a a,e*e t so that a pass/ord has a )i*ited )ifeti*e a d *ust *eet certai co*p)e2ity such as *i i*u* )e ,th. a accou t ca -e )oc.ed after a specified o of fai)ed )o,i atte*pts. I*pro3ed perfor*a ce 3ia partitio A ta-)e of i de2 ca di3ided i to s*a))er pieces ca))ed patro s8 -ased o the 3a)ue of o e or *ore co)ou* s. A ta-)e patro ca -e i di3idua))y *a ,ed so that operatio s i o e partitio do ot affect the a3ai)a-i)ity of data o the other partitio s. A)so I sert8 Update a d 1e)ete operatio a,ai st a partitio ta-)e ca -e processed partia))y. E ha ced support for data-ase rep)icatio The perfor*a ce a d *a a,ea-i)ity of data-ase rep)icatio ha3e -ee si, ifica t)y i*pro3ed. Capa-i)ity to ha d)e a *uch )ar,er u*-er of co curre t users "y poo)i , data-ase co ectio 8 the SCL ser3er is a-)e ser3ice a *uch )ar,er u*-er of co curre t users up to '$$$ 8 depe di , o the ser3er operati , syste* a d ser3er hard/are resources.

Ne/ a d i*pro3ed data types So*e e2isti , data types ha3e -ee e ha ced a d e/ 1ata types ha3e -ee i troduced.

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Project Report

!ntro('ction to $is'al %t'(io . E& Visua) Studio. et is the too) for rapid)y -ui)di , e terprise sca)e ASP.NET /eapp)icatio s a d hi,h perfor*a ce app)icatio s. Visua) studio. et i c)udes co*po e t -ased de3e)op*e t too)s8 such as Visua) CN8 Visua) 9N8 Visua) "asic. et a d 3isua) COO . et8 as /e)) as u*-er of additio a) tech o)o,ies to si*p)ify tea*& -ased desi, 8 de3e)op*e t8 a d dep)oy*e t your so)utio s. Visua) studio supports the Microsoft.Net fra*e/or.8 /hich pro3ides the co**o )a ,ua,e ru ti*e a d u ified pro,ra**i , c)assesKASP.NET uses this co*po e t to create ASP.NET /e- app)icatio s a d GML /e- ser3ices. The .NET fra*e/or. is a i te,ra) /i do/s co*po e t that supports -ui)di , a d ru i , the e2t ,e eratio of app)icatio s a d GML /e- ser3ices. The .NET fra*e/or. is desi, ed to fu)fi)) the fo))o/i , o-jecti3es? To pro3ide a co siste t o-ject&orie ted pro,ra**i , e 3iro *e t /hether o-ject is stored a d e2ecuted )oca))y8 -ut i ter et distri-uted8 or e2ecuted re*ote)y. To pro3ide a code e2ecutio e 3iro *e t that *i i*i7e soft/are dep)oy*e t a d 3ersio i , co f)icts. To pro3ide a code e2ecutio e 3iro *e t that pro*otes safe e2ecutio of code8 i c)udi , code created -y a u . o/ or se*i trusted third party. To pro3ide a code e2ecutio e 3iro *e t that e)i*i ates the perfor*a ce pro-)e*s of scripted or i terpreted e 3iro *e t. To *a.e the de3e)oper e2perie ce co siste t across /ide)y 3aryi , type of app)icatio 8 such as /i do/s -ased app)icatio s a d /e- -ased app)icatio s. To -ui)d a)) co**u icatio o i dustry sta dards to e sure that code -ased o the .NET fra*e/or. ca i te,rate /ith a y other code. &he . E& =rame*or9

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Project Report

The .NET fra*e/or. is a Mu)ti)a ,ua,e e 3iro *e t for -ui)di ,8 dep)oyi ,8 a d ru i , GML /e- ser3ices a d /e- app)icatio s. It co sists of # parts?

5ommon "ang'age R'ntime ,5"R2 The co**o )a ,ua,e ru ti*e is the fou datio of the .NET fra*e/or..

Ru ti*e is a a,e t that *a a,es code at e2ecutio ti*e8 pro3idi , core ser3ices such as *e*ory *a a,e*e t8 thread *a a,e*e t a d re*oti , /hi)e a)so e forci , strict type safety a d other for*s of code accuracy that pro*ote security a d ro-ust ess. I fact the co cept of code *a a,e*e t is a fu da*e ta) pri cip)e of ru ti*e. Code that tar,ets the ru ti*e is . o/ as *a a,ed code8 /hi)e code that does ot tar,et the ru ti*e is ca))ed u *a a,ed code. The C)ass )i-rary8 the other *ai co*po e t of the .NET fra*e/or. is a co*prehe si3e o-ject orie ted co))ectio of reusa-)e types that you ca use to de3e)op app)icatio s ra ,i , fro* traditio a) co**a d )i e or ,raphica) user i terface!>UI( app)icatio s to app)icatio s -ased o the )atest i o3atio s pro3ided -y ASP.NET such as /e- for*s a d GML /e- ser3ices. The .NET fra*e/or. ca -e hosted -y u *a a,ed co*po e ts that )oad the co**o )a ,ua,e ru ti*e i to their processes a d i itiate the e2ecutio of *a a,ed code there-y creati , a soft/are e 3iro *e t that ca a)so supports the de3e)op*e t of third party ru ti*e hosts. e2p)oit -oth *a a,ed a d u *a a,ed features. The .NET fra*e/or. ot o )y pro3ides se3era) ru ti*e hosts -ut

A%P. E&

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

ASP.NET -ui)ds o the pro,ra**i , c)asses of the .NET fra*e/or.8 pro3idi , a /e- app)icatio *ode) /ith a set of co tro)s a d i frastructure that *a.e it si*p)e to -ui)d asp /e- app)icatio s.ASP.NET i c)udes a set of co tro)s that e capsu)ate co**o =TML user i terface e)e*e ts such as te2t -o2es a d drop do/ *e us. These co tro)s ru o the /e- ser3er ho/e3er a d push their user i terface as =TML to the -ro/ser. @ the ser3er the co tro)s e2pose a o-ject orie ted pro,ra**i , *ode) that -ri ,s the rich ess of o-ject orie ted pro,ra**i , to the /e- de3e)oper.ASP.NET a)so pro3ides i frastructure ser3ices such as sessio state *a a,e*e t a d process recyc)i , that further reduce the a*ou t of code a de3e)oper *ust /rite a d i crease app)icatio re)ia-i)ity. I additio ASP.NET uses these sa*e co*po e ts to e a-)e de3e)opers to de)i3er soft/are as a ser3ice. Usi , GML /e- ser3ices features /e ca /rite our o/ -usi ess )o,ic a d use the ASP.NET i frastructure to de)i3er that ser3ice 3ia S@AP.

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%Y%&EM DE%!G


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Project Report

The *ost creati3e a d cha))e ,i , phase of the syste* )ife cyc)e is syste* desi, . The ter* desi, descri-es a fi a) syste* a d the process -y /hich it is de3e)oped. It refers to the tech ica) specificatio s that /i)) -e app)ied i i*p)e*e ti , the ca didate syste*. The )irst step is to deter*i e ho/ the output is to -e produced a d i /hat for*at. Sa*p)es for the output !a d i put( are a)so prese ted. The secon( step is i put data a d *aster fi)es !data -ase( ha3e to -e desi, ed to *eet the re<uire*e ts of the proposed output. The operatio a) !processi ,( phases are ha d)ed throu,h pro,ra* co structio a d testi , i c)udi , a )ist of the pro,ra*s eeded to *eet the syste*0s o-jecti3e a d co*p)ete docu*e tatio . 6i a))y8 detai)s re)ated to justificatio of the syste* o the user a d the or,a i7atio are docu*e ted a d e3a)uated -y *a a,e*e t as a step to/ard i*p)e*e tatio . To desi, the syste* /e *ust ote the fo))o/i , poi ts? To ide tify the Soft/are Co*po e ts /hich satisfy the Syste* 1esi, . To desi, a d docu*e t the Soft/are Co*po e ts a d their )i .a,e. I this co*po e t the soft/are co*po e ts a d re)e3a t i terfaces such as8 ectio s8 sta dard

i teractio s /ith e2isti , i ter a) a d e2ter a) syste*s8 et/or. co i put a d output for*ats are to -e ide tified.

!(enti)+ Rele3ant !nter)aces I teractio /ith e2isti , i ter a) syste*s. I teractio /ith e2ter a) syste*s. Net/or. Co ectio s.

Sta dard I put 6or*ats Sta dard @utput 6or*ats. Program %peci)ication

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd. E)e*e ts of Specificatio s re<uired are =o/ it is -ei , accessed. 6u ctio ca))ed. Pro,ra* Security. 6ie)d 1etai)s. Pro,ra* 6u ctio s.

Project Report

6ro* A a)ysis 1etai)ed Syste* 1ocu*e tatio Cost 9ustificatio a d Ca didate desi,

@utput 1esi,

I put 1esi,

6i)e 1esi,

1esi, su-*itted to *a a,e*e t for appro3a)

Processi , 1esi,

1esi, accepted


A-a do project

Yes Test Pro,ra*s

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

%&EP% ! %Y%&EM DE%!G



The data f)o/ dia,ra*s depict the f)o/ of the i for*atio /ithi the syste*. The syste* a d its user act as si . /ith a)) the i for*atio fo))o/i , i to the*. C)ie t act the source as a)) the re<uest are ,e erated -y hi*. The records are he)d i the stora,e spaces depict -y partia))y ope recta ,)e. Arro/s /ithi the 161 sho/ the f)o/ of the i for*atio for* o e processi , poi t to a other. 161 is <uit i*porta t as its records i a pictoria) for* a)) the i for*atio f)o/ /ithi the syste*. 5ith the he)p of 161 /e ca ide tify the curre t i for*atio structure of the syste*. The structure of the syste* ca thus -e a a)y7ed a d it he)p i *a.i , i*pro3e*e t /ithi the curre t syste*. 5e ca ,roup a fe/ processi , sites to,ether or reduce e2pe ditureK /e redirect the f)o/ of the i for*atio to *a.e the syste* *ore efficie t. The 161 is i te ded to represe t i for*atio f)o/ -ut it is ot a f)o/chart a d is ot i te ded to i dicate decisio &*a.i ,8 f)o/ of co tro)8 )oops a d other procedura) aspects of the syste*. 161 is a usefu) ,raphica) too) a d is app)ied at the ear)ier sta,es of re<uire*e ts a a)ysis. It *ay -e further refi ed at pre)i*i ary desi, sta,e a d is used as *echa is* for creati , a top )e3e) structura) desi, for soft/are.

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

%YM<O"% O= D=D

&he 3ario's s+mbols 'se( )or D=D are8


A s<uare defi es a source !ori,i ator( or desti atio of syste* data.


#n arrow identifies data in motion. ,t is a pipeline through which information flows.


A circ)e or a -u--)e represe ts is a process that tra sfor*s i co*i , data f)o/ i to out,oi , data f)o/. Circ)e -asica))y represe ts a process.

."en Rectangle

A ope Recta ,)e is data store&data at rest8 or te*porary repository of data. @pe recta ,)e -asica))y de otes data stora,e.

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Project Report





>)ass,raph* /e- porta)



5lient #ser

5O &E;& "E$E" D=D =OR G"A%%GRAP6!5B.5OM WE< POR&A"

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Project Report

"e3el / D=D )or A(ministrator

Artist Report

Users Profile 5eApp)icatio


Client Report


Create User

User I1

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

"e3el / D=D )or Manager

Reg of Clients

Artist Assign


Alter designs




User I1

Change of Password

EYERISE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Project Report

"e3el / D=D )or 5lient


C)ie tPprofi)e
Design Selection 5eApp)icatio




Change of Artist

C)ie t I1

Artist Profile

Change of Password

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

"e3el / D=D )or Artist


Client Details

5e- App)icatio






Artist I1

Change of Password

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(. "e3el / D=D )or Members "ogin

Project Report


"ogin to Web

$ali( ation

A(min Artist

to /e-


"e3el - D=D )or Design 5atoger+


Web Application




&+pe o) Or(er

Colour Ething


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Project Report

1ata 6)o/ 1ia,ra**i , is a *ea s of represe ti , a syste* at a y )e3e) of detai) /ith a ,raphic et/or. of sy*-o)s sho/i , data f)o/s8 data stores8 data processes8 a d data sources+desti atio . The data f)o/ dia,ra* is a a)o,ous to a road *ap. It is a et/or. *ode) of a)) possi-i)ities /ith differe t detai) sho/ o differe t hierarchica) )e3e)s. This processes of represe ti , differe t detai)s )e3e) is ca))ed A)e3e)i ,B or Apartitio i ,B -y so*e data f)o/ dia,ra* ad3ocates. Li.e a road *ap8 there is o starti , poi t or stop poi t8 o ti*e or ti*i ,8 or steps to ,et so*e/here. 5e just . o/ that the data path *ust e2ist -ecause at so*e poi t it /i)) -e eeded. A road *ap sho/s a)) e2isti , or p)a ed roads -ecause the road is eeded.

1etai)s that is ot sho/ o the differe t )e3e)s of the data f)o/ dia,ra* such as 3o)u*es8 ti*i ,8 fre<ue cy8 etc. is sho/ o supp)e*e tary dia,ra*s or i the data dictio ary. 6or e2a*p)e8 data store co te ts *ay -e sho/ i the data dictio ary. 1ata 6)o/ 1ia,ra* !161( uses a u*-er of sy*-o)s to represe t the syste*s. 1ata 6)o/ 1ia,ra* a)so . o/ as Q"u--)e Chart0 is used to c)arify syste* re<uire*e ts a d ide tifyi , the *ajor tra sfor*atio s that /i)) -eco*e pro,ra*s i syste* desi, . So it is the starti , poi t of the desi, phase that fu ctio a))y deco*poses the re<uire*e ts specificatio s do/ to the )e3e) of detai)s.

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DA&A %&R#5&#RE%80






i t !PRIMARY ;EY( 3archar!:$(



i t!6@REI>N;EY( dateti*e i t !6@REI>N;EY( 3archar!:$( 3archar !:$$(

5"!E &GDA!"Y


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Project Report dateti*e 3archar !:$( i t

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Project Report 3archar !:$( i t !6@REI>N;EY(

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Project Report


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Project Report


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Project Report


Syste* i*p)e*e tatio

is the sta,e /he

the user has thorou,h)y tested the

syste* a d appro3es a)) the features pro3ided -y the syste*. The 3arious tests are perfor*ed a d the syste* is appro3ed o )y after a)) the re<uire*e ts are *et a d the user is satisfied. The e/ syste* *ay -e tota))y e/8 rep)aci , a e2isti , *a ua) or auto*ated syste*8 or it *ay -e a *ajor *odificatio to a e2isti , syste*. I either case8 proper i*p)e*e tatio is esse tia) to pro3ide a re)ia-)e syste* to *eet or,a i7atio a) re<uire*e ts. Successfu) i*p)e*e tatio it. I*p)e*e tatio is the process of ha3i , syste*s perso e) chec. out a d put e/ e<uip*e t i to use8 trai users8 i sta)) the e/ app)icatio a d co struct a y fi)es of data eeded to use it. This phase is )ess creati3e tha syste* desi, . 1epe di , o the si7e of the or,a i7atio that /i)) -e i 3o)3ed i usi , the app)icatio a d the ris. i 3o)3ed i its use8 syste*s de3e)opers *ay choose to test the operatio i o )y o e area of the fir* /ith o )y o e or t/o perso s. So*eti*es8 they /i)) ru -oth o)d a d e/ syste* i para))e) /ay to co*&pare the resu)ts. I sti)) other situatio s8 syste* de3e)opers stop usi , the o)d syste* o e day a d start usi , the e/ o e the e2t. The i*p)e*e tatio of the /e- -ased or LAN -ased et/or.ed project has so*e e2tra steps at the ti*e of i*p)e*e tatio . 5e eed to co fi,ure the syste* accordi , the re<uire*e t of the soft/are. 6or the project /e eed to i sta)) a d co fi,ure 5e-)o,ic ser3er D.% 8 data-ase ser3er8 a d the dep)oy*e t directory for the project. *ay ot ,uara tee i*pro3e*e t i the or,a i7atio usi , the e/ syste* !that is a desi, <uestio (8 -ut i*proper /i)) pre3e t

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

Aspects o) !mplementation The t/o aspects of i*p)e*e tatio are? Trai i , Perso e)

Co 3ersio Procedures

&RA! ! G E3e /e)) desi, ed a d tech ica))y e)e,a t syste*s ca succeed or fai) -ecause of the /ay they are used. Therefore the <ua)ity of the trai i , recei3ed -y the perso e) i 3o)3ed /ith the syste* i 3arious /ays he)ps or hi ders8 a d *ay e3e pre3e t8 the successfu) i*p)e*e tatio of a i for*atio syste*. Si ce8 =u*a Resource Recruit*e t Process is /e-&-ased a d user frie d)y8 ot *uch effort /as re<uired i trai i , process.

5O $ER%!O 8 Co 3ersio is the process of cha ,i , fro* the o)d syste* to the e/ syste*. There are t/o *ethods of ha d)i , syste*s co 3ersio ? Para))e) Ru I**ediate cut&off

Parallel R'n I this approach8 the o)d syste* a d the e/ syste* are used si*u)ta eous)y for so*e period of ti*e so that the perfor*a ce of the e/ syste* ca -e *o itored a d co*pared /ith that of the o)d syste*. A)so i case of fai)ure of the e/ syste*8 the user ca fa)) -ac. o the o)d syste*. The ris. of this approach is that the user *ay e3er /a t to shift to e/ syste*.

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

!mme(iate c't0o)) I this *ethod8 the use of the o)d syste* ceases as soo as the e/ syste* is i*p)e*e ted a d -ou,ht i to pa)ace. The o)d syste* -eco*es redu da t fro* the day of i*p)e*e tatio of the e/ syste*. There is the hi,h ris. i 3o)3ed i this approach if the e/ syste* is ot tested ri,orous)y. This is -ecause of the fact that if the e/ syste* fai)s8 the there /i)) ot -e a ythi , to fa)) -ac. upo . The ad3a ta,e of this approach is that -oth the syste*s eed ot -e used si*u)ta eous)y.

!mplementation &ools The project /as i*p)e*e ted usi , ASP.NET ser3er pa,es8=TML8ASP.NET -ea s. The i*p)e*e tatio /or. /as carried out i 5i do/s GP+#$$$ ser3er p)atfor*.

%( CN.Net a d Asp.Net #( SCL Ser3er #$$D

5o(ing This *ea s pro,ra* co structio /ith procedura) specificatio s has fi ished a d the codi , for the pro,ra* -e,i s?

@ ce the desi, phase /as o3er8 codi , co**e ced Codi , is atura) co se<ue ce of desi, . Codi , step tra s)ate a detai)ed desi, pro,ra**i , )a ,ua,e rea)i7atio . Mai e*phasis /hi)e codi , /as o sty)e so that the e d resu)t /as a opti*i7ed code. represe tatio of soft/are i to a

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

The fo))o/i , poi ts /ere .ept i to cosideratio /hi)e codi ,? 5o(ing %t+le The structured pro,ra**i , *ethod /as used i a)) the *odu)es the project. It i corporated the fo))o/i , features The code has -ee /ritte so that the defi itio a d i*p)e*e tatio of each fu ctio is co tai ed i o e fi)e. A ,roup of re)ated fu ctio /as c)u--ed to,ether i o e fi)e to i c)ude it /he eeded a d sa3e us fro* the )a-our of /riti , it a,ai a d a,ai . aming 5on3ention80 As the project si7e ,ro/s8 so does the co*p)e2ity of reco, i7i , the purpose of the 3aria-)es. Thus the 3aria-)es /ere ,i3e *ea i ,fu) a*es8 /hich /ou)d he)p i u dersta di , the co te2t a d the purpose of the 3aria-)e. The fu ctio a*es are a)so ,i3e *ea i ,fu) a*es that ca -e easi)y

u derstood -y the user.

!n(entation 9udicious use of i de tatio ca *a.e the tas. of readi , a d u dersta di , a pro,ra* *uch si*p)er. I de tatio is a esse tia) part of a ,ood pro,ra*. If code id i te ded /ithout thou,ht it /i)) serious)y affect the reada-i)ity of the pro,ra*. The hi,her&)e3e) state*e ts )i.e he defi itio of the 3aria-)es8 co sta ts a d the fu ctio are i te ded8 /ith each ested -)oc. i te ded 8 stati , their purpose i the code.

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Project Report

")a . )i e is a)so )eft -et/ee each fu ctio defi itio to *a.e the code )oo. eat. I de tatio for each source fi)e stati , he purpose of the fi)e is a)so do e.


The e3a)uatio phase ra .s 3e dor proposa)s a d deter*i es the o e -est suited8 E3a)uatio of the syste* is perfor*ed to ide tify its stre ,ths a d /ea. esses. The actua) e3a)uatio ca occur a)o , a y of the fo))o/i , di*e sio s?

@peratio a) E3a)uatio ? Assess*e t of the *a er i /hich the syste* fu ctio s8 i c)udi , case of use8 respo se ti*e8 o3era)) re)ia-i)ity a d )e3e) of uti)i7atio . @r,a i7atio a) I*pact? Ide tificatio or,a i7atio i co*petiti3e i*pact. User Ma a,er Assess*e t E3a)uatio of the attitudes of se ior a d user *a a,er /ithi the or,a i7atio 8 as /e)) as e d&users. 1e3e)op*e t Perfor*a ce? E3a)uatio of the de3e)op*e t process i accorda ce /ith such yardstic.s as o3era)) de3e)op*e t ti*e a d effort8 co for*a ce to -ud,ets a d sta dards a d other project *a a,e*e t criteria. a d *easure*e t of -e efits to the

such areas as fi a cia) co cer s8 operatio a) efficie cy a d

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Project Report

MA! &E A 5E

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Project Report

MA! &E A 5E
MA! &E A 5E8 Soft/are *ai te a ce is the )ast phase i the soft/are E ,i eeri , process that e)i*i ates errors i the /or.i , syste* duri , its /or. spa a d to tu e the syste* to a y 3ariatio s i its /or.i , e 3iro *e t. The syste* re<uires *ai te a ce as there *ay -e cha ,es a d re<uire*e ts i the or,a i7atio a) eeds8 ,o3er *e t po)icies8 hard/are a d soft/are e 3iro *e t etc. ofte s*a)) syste* deficie cies are fou d as a syste* is -rou,ht i to operatio a d cha ,es are *ade to re*o3e the*. Syste* re<uire*e ts *ay -e re3ised as a resu)t of syste* usa,e or cha ,i , operatio a) eeds. Perhaps o3ersi,ht that occurred duri , the de3e)op*e t process *ai te a ce eeds to -e corrected. @fte the eed arises to capture additio a) data for stora,e i a data-ase or i

tra sactio fi)es or perhaps it *ay -e ecessary to add error detectio features to pre3e t syste* users fro* i ad3erse)y ta.i , a u /a ted actio . Mai te a ce of the syste* after it is i sta))ed is co cer ed /ith a additio a) factor i hard/are. @ ce the syste* is de)i3ered a d i sta))ed there is a -rief /arra ty period duri , /hich ti*e the 3e dor is respo si-)e for *ai te a ce. This is a typica))y a F$ day period after that ti*e the purchaser has the optio of ac<uiri , *ai te a ce fro* 3arious sources. Mai te a ce source e2cepti , 3e dor is a)so a3ai)a-)e fro* co*pa ies specia)i7i , i pro3idi , the ser3ice8 ca))ed third party *ai te a ce co*pa ies. 5he the syste* is i sta))ed8 it is ,e era))y used for )o , period. The a3era,e )ife of syste* is I&L years8 /ith the e)dest app)icatio s ofte is used for o3er %$ years. The eed for de-u,,i , a d correcti , errors or fai)ure o a e*er,e cy -asic is co*parati3e)y )o/? )ess tha #$R of the tas. of correctio . Syste* a d or,a i7atio are i co sta t state

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Project Report

of f)u2K therefore the *ai te a ce of the syste* a)so i 3o)3ed adoptio s for ear)ier 3ersio of soft/are.

Appro2i*ate)y #$R of a)) *ai te a ce /or. is perfor*ed to acco**odate cha ,es i report8 fi)es a d data-ase. The ,reatest a*ou t of *ai te a ce /or. is for user e ha ce*e t8 i*pro3ed docu*e tatio a d recordi , syste* co*po e ts or ,reater efficie cy. A-out L$R of a)) *ai te a ce is for this purposed. 6o))o/i , ta-)e su**ari7ed the -road c)asses of *ai te a ce fou d i de3e)op*e t of i for*atio syste*s



5orrecti3e A(apti3e

E*er,e cy fi2es8 routi e de-u,,i ,. Acco**odatio of cha ,es to data a d to hard/are a d soft/are8 cha ,es i the e2ter a) e 3iro *e t. User e ha ce*e t8 i*pro3ed docu*e tatio recordi , of co*putatio a) efficie cy8 user reco**e datio s for e/ capa-i)ities. Routi e ser3ice of c)ea i , a d adjusti , the e<uip*e t to pre3e t s8 future *ai tai a-i)ity re)ia-i)ity e ha ce*e t8 reco3eri , desi, i for*atio to i*pro3e the o3era)) <ua)ity.



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Project Report

%ec'rit+ Mechanism
I the soft/are security there are t/o )e3e) of security. 5hich is pro3ided -y the 6R@NT EN1 a d # d )e3e) of security pro3ided -y the data-ase /hich is -ei , used. =RO & E D %E5#R!&Y8 This security )e3e) is de3e)oped a d desi, ed -y the s+/ de3e)oper or desi, er. s+he pro3ides her+his s+/ the security for the syste*8 -y co sideri , *a y factors re,ardi , to the particu)ar s+/.

!n this so)t*are )ollo*ing are 'se( to pro3i(e sec'rit+. #%ER A#&6E &!5A&!O 8 E3ery user of the e*ai) first eeds to re,ister hi* /ith a u i<ue user a*e a d pass/ord. If the user has a)ready re,ister he ca )o,i usi , his user a*e a d pass/ord. This e sures that o other perso e2cept the Authori7ed user ca access or *odify the data co tai i , *ai)s a d other perso a) i for*atio . To e sure that the user a*e a d pass/ord are ot accessed -y a y other perso s these 3a)ues are stored i e crypted for* i the data-ase a d he ce ca -e protected fro* a y *ischie3ous access. @ ce the user has authe ticated hi*se)f at -e,i of the pro,ra* he ca chec. a d se d E*ai)s.

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Project Report

To stop "rute 6orce attac. if user a*e a d pass/ord co*-i atio ,oes /ro , three ti*es successi3e)y the the pro,ra* stop respo di , for a /hi)e to add a e2tra security. "OG! 56E5E! G8 There are four )o,i 0s are pro3ided i this soft/are o e for ad*i istrator 8 *a a,er8 physicia a d c)ie t. I order to a3ai) the ser3ices of soft/are e*p)oyees ha3e to pro3ide a 3a)id id a d pass/ord a d o )y after e teri , correct id a d pass/ord e*p)oyee /i)) ,et e try other/ise they /i)) -e -)oc.ed fro* accessi , a y ser3ices of this site. Si*i)ar)y a )o,i chec. is pro3ided for user app)yi , for jo-. I order to e ter c)ie t 7o e user ha3e to e ter id a d pass/ord /hich they ,ot after re,istratio 8 i this /ay security ha3e -ee pro3ided for -oth e*p)oyee sectio a d c)ie t sectio . There is a)so pro3isio to cha ,e the pass/ord i case pass/ord is . o/ -y other.

<A5E E D %E5#R!&Y8 I this particu)ar soft/are our -ac. e d used is SCL ser3er #$$D. So a)) i -ui)t security aspects pro3ided -y the SCL ser3er #$$D data-ase is used as it is. It /i)) pro3ide the stro , feature of security so that it /i)) -e difficu)t to cha ,e8 *odify a y perso a) or e*p)oyee i for*atio data. I for*atio is 3ita) to success8 -ut /he da*a,ed or i the /ro , ha ds8 it ca threate success. SCL ser3er #$$D pro3ides e2te si3e security features to safe ,uard your i for*atio fro* -oth u authori7ed 3ie/i , a d i te tio a) or i ad3erte t da*a,e. This security is pro3ided -y ,ra ti , or re3o.i , pri3i)e,es o a perso &-y&perso a d pri3i)e,e& -y& pri3i)e,e -asis. There are si2 /ays -y /hich security re,ardi , to the data-ase ca -e pro3ided. They are as fo))o/s& %. CREATE USER #. 1ELETE USER '. M@1I6Y USER

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(. I. >RANT PERMISSI@N T@ USER :. C@MMIT L. R@LL"AC;

Project Report

%Y%&EM %E5#R!&Y
!ntro('ction @ e *i,ht thi . that there is a )itt)e reaso to -e co cer ed a-out security i a i tra et. After a))8 -y defi itio a i tra et is i ter a) to o es0 or,a i7atio K outsider ca access it. There are stro , ar,u*e ts for the positio o es0 i tra et o a y other )i,ht. @ the other ha d8 i*p)e*e ti , so*e si*p)e8 -ui)t&i security *easures i o es0 that a ot i tra et shou)d -e

co*p)ete)y ope to its users8 /ith )itt)e or o security. @ e *i,ht ot ha3e co sidered

i tra et ca a))o/ o e to pro3ide resources o e *i,ht ot ha3e co sidered possi-)e i such co te2t. 6or e2a*p)e8 o e ca ,i3e access to so*e 5e- Pa,es to so*e peop)e /ithout the* a3ai)a-)e to o er e tire custo*er -ase8 /ith se3era) .i ds of authe ticatio . I tra et security is8 the 8 a *u)tifaceted issue8 /ith -oth opportu ities a d da ,ers8 especia))y if o es0 et/or. is part of the I tra et. &here are basicall+ t*o t+pes o) sec'rit+ associate( *ith this s+stem8 /. Ph+sical sec'rit+80 1a*a,e due to atura) causes )i.e earth tre*or8 f)oodi ,8 /ater )o,,i ,8 fire ha7ards8 at*ospheric or e 3iro *e ta) co ditio s etc..6or o3erco*i , these difficu)ties the rep)ica of the data are auto*atica))y stored at 3arious et/or.s a d for e 3iro *e ta) co ditio s Air co ditio i , e 3iro *e t is created. -. Data sec'rit+80 There are -asica))y t/o pro-)e*s associated /ith data security?&

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Project Report

a(. 1ata ot -ei , a3ai)a-)e to the authori7ed perso at the ti*e of eed. -(. 1ata -eco*i , a3ai)a-)e to the u authori7ed perso . &o o3ercome these (i))ic'lties the )ollo*ing access )acilities has been pro3i(e(80 i) Identification:U i<ue Ids for the differe t users ha3e -ee pro3ided. ii) Authentication:Syste* chec.s the pass/ord u der the particu)ar user ide tificatio . The co*puter per*its the 3arious resource to the authori7ed perso . iii) Authorization:The access co tro) *echa is* to pre3e t u authori7ed )o,,i , to the syste*. ee( )or %ec'rit+ Ma y peop)e 3ie/ co*puter a d et/or. security i a e,ati3e )i,ht8 thi .i , of it o )y i ter*s of restricti , access to ser3ices. @ e *ajor 3ie/ of et/or. security is Athat /hich is ot e2press)y per*itted is de ied.B A)thou,h this is a ,ood /ay of thi .i , a-out ho/ to co -e a ect other or,a i7atio to the i ter et8 o e ca 8 a d possi-)y shou)d8 ot 3ie/ i tra et security fro* a *ore positi3e a ,)e. Property set up8 i tra et security ca e a-)er8 e richi , o es0 i tra et /ith ser3ices a d resources o e /ou)d other/ise -e a-)e to pro3ide. Such a o3era)) security po)icy *i,ht -e descri-ed as Athat /hich is ot e2press)y de ied is per*itted.B This does ot *ea that o e shou)d thro/ cautio to the /i d a d *a.e e3erythi , a3ai)a-)e to o es0 users o o es0 i tra et. There are *a y thi ,s to co sider /he p)aci , se siti3e -usi ess data out o o es0 i tra et. It *ay fa)) i to the /ro , ha ds8 or /orse8 -e used a,ai st o es0 -usi ess. 6or e2a*p)e8 so*e of o es0 users *i,ht ha3e i for*atio they /ou)d )iF.e to *a.e a3ai)a-)e8 pro3ided access to it ca -e )i*ited

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Project Report

to a specified ,roup&for e2a*p)e8 co fide tia) *a a,e*e t or fi a cia) i for*atio . 5ithout the a-i)ity to e sure that o )y those /ho ha3e the ri,ht to see such i for*atio /i)) ha3e access8 the custodia s of data /i)) ot -e /i))i , to put it o o es0 i tra et. Pro3idi , security i creases o es0 or,a i7atio 0s a-i)ity to use the i*porta t co))a-orati3e aspects of a i tra et. The *ore defe si3e approach8 pre3e ti , a-use of o es0 i tra et8 is a)so ,i3e p)ay8 ho/e3er. @r,a i7atio s0 eeds for security i a i tra et ca 3ary /ide)y. "usi esses i /hich co fide tia)ity a d discretio are the or* i ha d)i , proprietary i for*atio a d corporate i te))ectua) property ha3e differe t eeds tha a co))e,e or u i3ersity8 for e2a*p)e. Acade*ic i stitutio s ,e era))y ti)t to/ard *a.i , the free e2cha ,e of ideas a pri*ary i terest. At the sa*e ti*e8 thou,h the curiosity !to use a po)ite /ord( of u der,raduates re<uires stro , eeds for security. ;eepi , pryi , sopho*ores out of u i3ersity ad*i istratio co*puti , resources is a hi,h priorityK for e2a*p)e8 stude ts ha3e -ee . o/ to try to access ,rade records!their o/ or those of others( for 3arious reaso s. %ec'rit+ =eat'res o) an !ntranet80 "efore ,oi , i to a ,reat dea) of detai) a-out ho/ o e ca use security to e ha ce o es0 i tra et8 ta.e a hi,h& )e3e) )oo. at /hat security features are a3ai)a-)e to o es. These -rea. do/ i to three *ai cate,ories. =irst 8 o e ca ta.e steps o o es0 5e- ser3er to set up security. %econ(8 o e ca ta.e steps /ith the other TCP+IP et/or. ser3ices o e has set up o o es0 i tra et to e ha ce their security. Third8 o e ca secure custo*ers0 5e- -ro/sers the*se)3es to )i*it /hat they ca do /ith the*. a2 Web ser3er %ec'rit+

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Project Report

There is a /ide ra ,e of 3ery f)e2i-)e security features o e ca i*p)e*e t o o es0 5eser3er. =ere0s a su**ary? Access to 5e- ser3ers8 i di3idua) 5e- pa,es8 a d e tire directories co tai i , 5e- pa,es ca -e set to re<uire a user a*e a d pass/ord. Access to 5e- ser3ers8 i di3idua) 5e- pa,es8 a d e tire directories co tai i , 5e- pa,es ca -e )i*ited to custo*ers o specific co*puter syste*s. !I other /ords8 access /i)) -e de ied u )ess the user is at his or her usua) co*puter or /or.statio .( @ e ca or,a i7e i di3idua)s i to ,roups a d ,ra t access to i di3idua) 5eser3ers8 5e- pa,es8 a d e tire directories co tai i , 5e- pa,es -ased o ,roup *e*-ership. @ e ca or,a i7e co*puters i to ,roups8 a d ,ra t access to i di3idua) 5eser3ers8 5e- pa,es8 a d e tire directories co tai i , 5e- pa,es -ased o ,roup *e*-ership. It0s o es0 respo si-i)ity to deter*i e the )e3e) of security o e eed o o es0 i tra et8 a d8 of course8 to i*p)e*e t it. Putti , *ost of the security *easures *e tio ed i to p)ace is ot difficu)t. @ es0 pri*ary co cer /i)) -e e2p)ai i , to custo*ers ho/ i tra et security /or.s8 ot so *uch as a )i*iti , factor -ut as a opportu ity for i creased use a d co))a-oratio usi , o es0 i tra et. Assuri , decisio &*a.ers that they ca *a.e i for*atio a3ai)a-)e o o es0 i tra et i a secure fashio ca ,o a )o , /ay to/ard *a.i , o es0 i tra et a success. At the sa*e ti*e8 it0s i*porta t to *a.e sure -oth i for*atio pro3iders a d their custo*ers u dersta d a u*-er of critica) aspects of i tra et security8 so they do 0t i ad3erte t)y defeat the purpose of it. There are et/or. security co**o p)aces8 u re)ated to i tra et security specifica))y8 that eed o es0 atte tio . A)) the security precautio s i the /or)d ca 0t protect o es0 i tra et fro* o3era)) poor security practices. Users *a.i , poor choices o pass/ords a)/ays )ead the )ist of co*puter a d et/or. security ris.s. @ e ca )i*it access to a se siti3e 5e- resources -ased o the TCP+IP et/or. address of -oss0s pc8 -ut if the -oss /a).s

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Project Report

a/ay a d )ea3es his pc u atte ded /ithout a acti3e scree )oc.8 a yo e /ho /a).s i to the e*pty office ca access the protected resources.

b2 An !mportant Warning Abo't 6ostnameC !P A((ress A'thentication A)) of the 5e- ser3er soft/are descri-ed i this chapter trusti ,)y accepts the /ord of a re<uesti , co*puter /he it se ds its IP address. Verificatio of this i for*atio is ot possi-)e. It0s re)ati3e)y easy for a user to cha ,e the host a*e+IP address of a UNIG syste*8 a d )au,ha-)y easy to cha ,e that of a pc or Mac. A curious8 *ischie3ous8 or *a)icious perso ca reco fi,ure his co*puter to i*perso ate so*eo e e)se0s si*p)y -y cha ,i , the IP address of his o/ . A)thou,h this is a o3era)) et/or. security issue8 ot specifica))y o e for o es0 i tra et8 it0s i*porta t o e ; o/ a-out it -ecause it ca affect the security of o es0 access co tro))ed docu*e ts. Security&*i ded et/or. ad*i istrators ca use specia) hard/are a d soft/are to pre3e t this sort of IP spoofi ,8 -ut for o es0 i tra et8 o e0)) pro-a-)y /a t to co*-i e host a*e+IP address authe ticatio sectio . c2 %ec'reC Encr+pte( &ransactions @ e ca further e ha ced security o o es0 i tra et -y e crypti , 5e- tra sactio s. 5he o e use a e cryptio faci)ity8 i for*atio su-*itted -y custo*ers usi , 5e- fi))& i for*s&i c)udi , user a*es8 pass/ords8 a d other co fide tia) i for*atio &ca -e tra s*itted secure)y to a d fro* the 5e- ser3er. (2 !ntranet an( the !nternet Is o es0 i tra et is accessi-)e fro* the i ter etJ If so8 a)) of the security pro-)e*s of the I ter et are o/ o es0 i tra et0s pro-)e*s8 too. @ e ca 8 ho/e3er8 co ect safe)y to the /ith user a*e+pass/ord authe ticatio 8 as out)i ed i the fo))o/i ,

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

I ter et a d sti)) protect o es0 i tra et. @ e ca e3e use the I ter et as a *ea s of )etti , re*otes sites i o es0 co*pa y access o es0 i tra et.

e2 =ire*alls It0s a fact of I ter et )ife there are peop)e out there /ho /a t to -rea. i to other peop)e0s et/or.s 3ia the I ter et. Reaso s 3ary fro* i oce t curiosity to *a)icious crac.i , to -usi ess a d i ter atio a) espio a,e. At the sa*e ti*e8 the 3a)ue of I ter et to or,a i7atio s a d -usi esses is as ,reat that 3e dors are rushi , to fi)) the eed for I ter et security /ith I ter et fire/a))s. A I ter et fire/a)) is a de3ice that sits -et/ee o es0 i ter a) et/or. a d outside I ter et. Its purpose is to )i*it access i to a d out of o es0 et/or. -ased o o es0 or,a i7atio 0s access po)icy. A fire/a)) ca -e a ythi , fro* a set of fi)teri , ru)es set up o the router -et/ee o e a d the I ter et to a e)a-orate app)icatio ,ate/ay co sisti , of o e or *ore specia))y co fi,ured co*puters that co tro) access. 6ire/a))s per*it desired ser3ices co*i , fro* the outside8 such as I ter et e&*ai)8 to pass. I additio 8 *ost fire/a))s o/ a))o/ access to the 5or)d 5ide 5e- fro* i side the protected et/or.s. The idea is to a))o/ so*e ser3ices to pass -ut to de y others. 6or e2a*p)e8 o e *i,ht -e a-)e to use the Te) et uti)ity to )o, i to syste*s o the I ter et8 -ut users o re*ote syste*s ca ot use to )o, i to o es0 )oca) syste* -ecause of the fire/a)).

%'mmar+ Security is i*porta t ot so *uch -ecause it pre3e ts thi ,s8 -ut -ecause it e a-)es the*. 9udicious use of -ui)t&i security features of the 5e- ser3er a d other i tra et resources ca add 3a)ue to o es0 i tra et -y *a.i , e/ thi ,s possi-)e.

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

&E%&! G

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

&E%&! G
! &ROD#5&!O

Testi , is the process of a a)y7i , a soft/are ite* to detect the differe ces -et/ee de*o strated a d desired -eha3ior. No piece of code is co*p)ete)y ready u )ess it has -ee fu))y tested. This sta,e is 3ery i*porta t as at this sta,e8 it is 3erified /hether the code de3e)oped *eets the re<uire*e t specificatio s or ot. Moreo3er a)) 3a)idatio s are a)so chec.ed. 6or testi , a piece of code !ca))ed the test item(8 3arious test plans are prepared. I ; o/)ed,e Torre t8 a test p)a is descri-ed as8 a docu*e t descri-i , the scope8 approach8 resources8 a d schedu)e of i te ded testi , acti3ities. It ide tifies test ite*s8 the features to -e tested8 the testi , tas.s8 /ho /i)) do each tas.8 a d a y ris.s re<uiri , co ti ,e cy p)a i ,. It co sists of a u*-er of test cases. They are defi ed as8 a docu*e t specifyi , i puts8 predicted resu)ts8 a d a set of e2ecutio co ditio s for a test ite*. A ,ood test case is o e that has a hi,h pro-a-i)ity of fi di , a as yet u disco3ered error. A successfu) test is o e that u co3ers a as yet u disco3ered error. There are -asica))y t/o types of soft/are testi ,? /. White Box e!tin"

It is a test case desi, *ethod that uses the co tro) structure of the procedura) desi, to deri3e test cases. E2hausti3e /hite&-o2 testi , at our e d resu)ted i ,uara teei , that? A)) i depe de t paths /ithi a *odu)e ha3e -ee e2ecuted at )east o ce. A)) )o,ica) decisio s o their true a d fa)se sides ha3e -ee e2ercised.

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

A)) )oops /ithi their -ou daries a d /ithi their operatio a) -ou ds ha3e -ee e2ecuted.

A)) i ter a) data structures ha3e -ee e2ercised a d assured of their 3a)idity.

- . <lac9 <oA &esting This type of test case desi, *ethod focuses o the fu ctio a) re<uire*e ts of the soft/are8 i, ori , the co tro) structure of the pro,ra*. Throu,h ")ac. -o2 testI%i , /e atte*pted to fi d errors i the fo))o/i , cate,ories? I correct or *issi , fu ctio s. I terface errors. Errors i data structures or e2ter a) data-ase access. Perfor*a ce errors. I itia)i7atio a d ter*i atio errors.

at're o) %o)t*are De)ects

Logical errors a d incorrect assumptions are i 3erse)y proportio a) to the pro-a-i)ity that a pro,ra* path /i)) -e e2ecuted. Errors te d to creep i to our /or. /he /e desi, a d i*p)e*e t fu ctio 8 co ditio s8 or co tro) that is out of the *ai strea*. 5e ofte -e)ie3e that a )o,ica) path is ot )i.e)y to -e e2ecuted /he 8 i fact8 it *ay -e e2ecuted o a re,u)ar -asis. The Lo,ica) f)o/ of a pro,ra* is so*eti*es cou teri tuiti3e8 *ea i , that the u co scious assu*ptio s a-out f)o/ of co tro) a d data *ay )ead us to *a.e desi, errors that are u co3ered o )y o ce path testi , co**e ces. Typographical errors are ra do*. 5he a pro,ra* is tra s)ated i to pro,ra**i , )a ,ua,e source code8 it is )i.e)y that so*e typi , errors /i)) occur. Ma y /i)) -e u co3ered -y sy ta2 chec.i , *echa is*s8 -ut others /i)) ,o u detected u ti) testi , -e,i s. It is as )i.e)y that a type /i)) e2ist o

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

a o-scure )o,ica) path as o a *ai strea* path. A process ca))ed Code Re3ie/ detects the perfor*a ce a d a*i , co 3e tio &re)ated errors.

A %trategic Approach to %o)t*are &esting Testi , is a set of acti3ities that ca -e p)a ed i ad3a ce a d co ducted syste*atica))y. 6or this reaso a te*p)ate for soft/are testi , & a set of steps i to /hich /e ca p)ace specific test case desi, tech i<ues a d testi , *ethods & shou)d -e defi ed for the soft/are e ,i eeri , process. The ,e eric characteristics for testi , are? Testi , -e,i s at the *odu)e )e3e) a d /or.s Aout/ardB to/ard the i te,ratio of the e tire co*puter&-ased syste*. 1iffere t testi , tech i<ues are appropriate at differe t poi ts i ti*e. The de3e)oper of the soft/are co ducts testi , a d !for )ar,e projects( a i depe de t tests ,roup does the testi ,. Testi , a d de-u,,i , are differe t acti3ities8 -ut de-u,,i , *ust -e acco**odated i a y testi , strate,y. &E%& %&RA&EGY =O""OWED The soft/are e ,i eeri , process *ay -e 3ie/ed as a spira). I itia))y the syste* e ,i eeri , defi es the ro)e of soft/are a d )eads to soft/are re<uire*e t a a)ysis /here the i for*atio do*ai fu ctio 8 -eha3ior8 perfor*a ce8 co strai ts a d 3a)idatio ecessary to 3erify that a s*a)) source code criteria for the soft/are are esta-)ished. A strate,y for soft/are testi , *ust acco**odate )o/&)e3e) tests that are se,*e t has -ee correct)y i*p)e*e ted as /e)) as hi,h&)e3e) tests that 3a)idate *ajor syste* fu ctio s a,ai st user re<uire*e ts.

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report





&6E &E%&! G APPROA56

Mo3i , up/ards a)o , the arro/ /e co*e to desi, a d fi a))y to codi ,. So the testi , ca -e carried out at 3arious )e3e)s. So*e of the co**o )y used Strate,ies for testi , are as fo))o/s?&

U it Testi ,

Modu)e Testi ,

Su-syste* testi ,

Syste* testi ,

Accepta ce Testi ,

A)thou,h testi , is of *a y types /e ha3e used o )y three types of testi ,8 /hich are as fo))o/s? & # !& &E%&! G

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

A)so . o/ as *odu)ar testi , i this /e tested each of the *odu)es of our syste* i di3idua))y /ith sti*u)ated data.

$A"!DA&!O &E%&! G Va)idatio testi , is the hi,h&order testi , do e to see /hether the soft/are *eets a)) the criteria8 as esta-)ished -y the re<uire*e t a a)ysis. This testi , pro3ides the fi a) assura ce that the soft/are *eets a)) the fu ctio a) a d -eha3iora) re<uire*e ts. I our case8 the test cases for this /ere c)u--ed /ith those of i te,ratio testi , to *a.e this a e2te sio of the i te,ratio testi ,8 u der the head 6u ctio a) Testi ,

%Y%&EM &E%&! G This is the )ast hi,h&order testi ,8 /hich fa))s outside the -ou dary of soft/are e ,i eeri , a d i to the -roader co te2t of co*puter syste* e ,i eeri ,. Soft/are8 o ce 3a)idated8 *ust -e co*-i ed /ith other syste* e)e*e ts !e.,. peop)e8 hard/are a d data-ases(. This 3erifies that a)) e)e*e ts *esh proper)y a d that a)) syste* fu ctio +perfor*a ce is achie3ed. This i corporates testi , for )oad8 stress8 3o)u*e8 co*pati-i)ity8 co fi,uratio 8 security8 i sta-i)ity8 re)ia-i)ity a d reco3ery. This sta,e of testi , /as ot co*p)eted fu))y for the )ac. of ti*e E i puts A55EP&A 5E &E%&! G The user a d *a a,e*e t accepted the syste* -ecause it fu)fi))ed the re<uire*e ts of the* a d pro3ides ,ood 3isua) i terface so that the user ca i co 3e ie ce. operate it /ithout

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

The pri*ary purpose of this project is to rep)ace the e2isti , *a ua) processi , /ith error free8 hi,h speed8 a d )o/ cost a d shou)d i*pro3e the syste* capa-i)ity. This is a /e)) defi ed jo- of our tea* that has ta.e se3e /ee.s to a a)y7e the situatio i /hich this project /i)) /or. a d the app)icatio of the Microsoft .NET that /i)) use this project. It /as a ,ood e2perie ce for us to /or. i a tea* ,roup that has a 3ery frie d)y e 3iro *e t a d )ear i , at*osphere. 5or.i , o the project /as ,ood e2perie ce. I u dersta d the i*porta ce of P)a i , a d desi, i , as a part of soft/are de3e)op*e t. "ut it0s 3ery difficu)t to co*p)ete the pro,ra* for si ,)e perso . 1e3e)opi , the project has he)ped us so*e e2perie ce o rea)& ti*e de3e)op*e t Procedures. 5e))8 it0s *y p)easure to *a.e project for the tit)e of G"A%%GRAP6!5B.5OM WE< POR&A" 7.

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

=#&#RE %5OPE O= &6E PRO4E5&

The *ajor part of the project is desi, ed a d de3e)oped -y usi , ASP.NET. "ut i future .NET 6ra*e/or. a d Acti3e Ser3er Pa,es /i)) -e i corporated to e ha ce the perfor*a ce of the project. =ere the third party has ha d)ed the fi a cia) factor. "ut it /i)) -e e3a)uated a d *ai tai ed -y our o/ ser3er a d pac.a,e. Credit card 3a)idatio i corporated. @pti*i7atio thou,h is the a,e&o)d co cept -ut is a pri cipa) *oti3e to -e achie3ed8 for this each a d e3ery *odu)e is tested i iso)atio to chec. its /or.a-i)ity a d participatio i the project. a d i*p)e*e tatio is a)so a future app)icatio 8 /hich /i)) -e

At o/ this project pro3ides the fo))o/i , fu ctio a)ity? Products 1etai)s Artists+C)ie ts+User 1etai)s Product Cate,ory Ma a,e*e t Me*-ers Ma a,e*e t Ad*i Co tro) Pa e)

I the future this project ca -e e ha ced to i c)ude the fo))o/i ,?

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(. @ )i e pay*e t Syste*. @ )i e ,)ass a d i terior desi, /or..

Project Report

@ )i e )ear i , a-out the >)ass,* 5e- Porta) po)icy. E*ai) faci)ity o the sa*e /e-site.

REPOR& H % AP%6O&%

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Project Report

% AP%6O&% O= =ORM%

A<O#& #%

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Project Report



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Project Report


5O &A5&

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Project Report

ADM! !%&RA&OR "ogin %creen

#ser Registration #sing pop'p *in(o*

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Project Report

Admini!trator#! $rofi%e

Users profile

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(. Emplo+ee Atten(ence Report

Project Report


5hange Pass*or(

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

A%P. E& on the E(ge Author? Ric. Lei Programming Microso)t $is'al cI. et !Microsoft Press( Author? 6ra cesco "a)e a. !ntro('cing . E& 5R@G pu-)icatio s. #pgra(ing Microso)t $is'al <asic . E& !Microsoft Press( Authors? Ed Ro-i so 8 Ia @)i3er8 Michae) "o d. "earn to Program *ith $is'al <asic . E& !@s-or e Mc>re/&=i))( Author? 9oh S*i)ey.

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

A%P. et 1.J <lac9 <oo9 Pu-)icatio ? 1rea*tech <eginning.A%P. E&.1.J. o3. -..K "y? Chris =art8 9oh ;auff*a 8 1a3e Suss*a Pu-)icatio ? 5R@G

Websites8 http8CC***.3bnet( http8CC*** http8CC***.microso) http8CC***.(atabasejo'



"rea.i , a pro-)e* i to successi3e)y *a a,ea-)e parts for i di3idua) study.


A data ite* that characteri7es a o-ject.

5ostC<ene)it Anal+sis

The purpose of the co*pari , projected sa3i ,s a d -e efits to projected costs to decide /hether a syste* cha ,ed is justified.

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(. Database

Project Report direct)y

A store of i te,rated data capa-)e of -ei ,

addressed for *u)tip)e usersK it is or,a i7ed so that Various fi)es ca -e accessed throu,h a si ,)e refere ce "ased o the re)atio ship a*o , records i the fi)e rather the the physica) )ocatio .


The soft/are that deter*i es ho/ data *ust -e structured to produce the user0s 3ie/K a d *ai tai a d update the syste*.

Data )lo*

Mo3e*e t of data i a syste* fro* a poi t of ori,i to a Specific desti atio s& i dicated -y a )i e a d arro/.

Data sec'rit+

Protectio of data fro* )oss8 disc)osure8 *odificatio or destructio .

Data str'ct're

A )o,ica))y re)ated set of data that ca -e deco*posed i to )o/er )e3e) data e)e*e tsK a ,roup of data e)e*e ts ha d)ed as a u it.


Process of de3e)opi , the tech ica) a d operatio a) specificatio s of a ca didate syste* for i*p)e*e tatio .

=easibilit+ %t'(+

A procedure that ide tifies8 descri-es a d e3a)uate ca didate syste*s a d se)ect the -est syste* for i*p)e*e tatio .

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(. =ile

Project Report

Co))ectio of re)ated records or,a i7ed for a particu)ar purpose a)so ca))ed a dataset.

=lo* 5hart

A ,raphic picture of the )o,ica) steps a d se<ue ce i 3o)3ed i a procedure or a pro,ra*.


A physica) carrier of data of i for*atio .

Gantt 5hart

A static syste* *ode) used for schedu)i ,K portrays output perfor*a ce a,ai st ti*e.


syste* de3e)op*e t S a phase that focuses o


trai i ,8 site preparatio a d fi)e co 3ersio for i sta))i , a ca didate syste*. Maintenance Restori , to its ori,i a) co ditio .


A process of rep)aci , a ,i3e

fi)e /ith its )o,ica) o

e<ui3a)e tK the o-ject is to deri3e si*p)e fi)es /ith redu da t e)e*e ts. Operating %+stem

I data-ase S *achi e -ased soft/are that faci)itates the a3ai)a-i)ity of i for*atio or reports throu,h the 1"MS.


Ide tity authe ticator a .ey that a))o/ access to a pro,ra* syste* or procedure.


!Project E3a)uatio E Re3ie/ Tech i<ue( A f)o/ syste* *ode) used to *a ipu)ate 3arious 3a)ues as a -asis for deter*i i , the critica) path to i terpret these re)atio ship

EYER!%E &echnologies P3t. "t(.

Project Report

a d to re)ate the* -ac. to the rea) /or)d as a co tro) tech i<ue. Recor( A co))ectio of a,,re,ates or re)ated ite*s of data treated as a u it.

%o'rce 5o(e

A Procedure or for*at that a))o/ e ha ce*e ts o a soft/are pac.a,e.


A re,u)ar or order)y arra ,e*e ts of co*po e ts or parts i a co ected a d i terre)ated series or /ho)eK a ,roup of

co*po e ts ecessary to so*e operatio . %+stem Design 1etai)ed co ce tratio o the tech ica) a d other specificatio s that /i)) *a.e the e/ syste* operatio a). %D"5 !Syste* 1e3e)op*e t Life Cyc)e( A structured se<ue ce of phases for i*p)e*e ti , a i for*atio syste* %+stem &esting. Testi , the /ho)e syste* -y the user after *ajor pro,ra*s a d su-syste*s ha3e -ee tested. #nit &esting Testi , cha ,es *ade i a e2isti , or e/ pro,ra*s.

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