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TOEIC 600 WORDS L1 Contracts /'k ntrkt/ N. hp n!" !#ao k$o" kh% &'c" !#() k* k%t Abide by v. to comply with, to conform Agreement /'gri:mnt/ n. a mutual arrangement, a contract (hp ng, giao !"o# Agree /'gri:/ v. agreeable ad$. ( ng %, t&n th'nh, b(ng l)ng, tho* thu+n# A,,urance /'urn,/ n. - guarantee, confidence (,. ch/c ch/n0 ,. tin ch/c0 i1u ch/c ch/n, i1u tin ch/c# 2ancel v. to annul, to call off (h3y b4# 5etermine /di't:min/ v. to find out, to influence (6nh, 7&c 6nh, 6nh r8# 9ngage / in'geid/ v. to hire, to involve: ( da;n 7<=p <> tuy<>n du?ng m@?t ngAB;i0 thu< m@?t ngAB;i# 9,tabli,h /i,'tCbliD/ v. to in,titute permanently, to bring about ( lE?p, tha;nh lE?p, thi<=t lE?p, !i<=n lE?p# Fbligate / 'bligei/ v. to bind legally or morally ( bG=t bu@?c, e=p bu@?c# Fbligation /,bli'geiDn/ n. obligatory ad$. ( nghiHa vu?, b@>n phE?n# Iarty n. a per,on or group participating in an action or plan, the per,on, or ,ide, (buJi tiKc, li<n hoan# concerned in a legal matter ( tham gia, bi<=t v<; hoG?c u>ng h@? (m@?t !<= hoa?ch, m@?t ha;nh @?ng..# Irovi,ion /provi,ion/n. a mea,ure ta!en beforehand, a ,tipulation (i1u !ho*n# Irovider n. provi,ion n. Le,olve /ri'Mlv/ v. to deal with ,ucce,,fully, to declare ( -uy<=t tEm, y= !i<n -uy<=t# Npecify /,pe,i, fai/ v. to mention e7plicitly (chO r8, ghi r8, 6nh r8, ghi chP v'o phQn chi tiRt !S thu+t# Npecification n. (,. chO r8, ,. 6nh r8# ,pecific ad$. (r8 r'ng, r'nh mTch# L+ ,ark-t#n! .th/ tr&0n!" n1# t#23 th45 kh6ch h7n!8 Attract /'trC!t/ v. to draw by appeal (thu hPt, hUp dVn, l@i cuWn# Attraction n. attractive ad$. 2ompare /!m'pe/ v. to e7amine ,imilaritie, and difference, (: with# ,o, Wi chiRu o to compare the orginal with the copy ,o nguy<n b*n vXi b*n ,ao (: to# ,o ,&nh o poet, often compare ,leep to death c&c nh' thB thAYng ,o ,&nh giUc ng3 vXi c&i chRt (ng@n ngZ h[c# tTo cUp ,o ,&nh (c3a t\nh t], ph^ t]# 2ompari,on n/!m'pCri,n/. comparable /'!mprbl/ad$. (c^ th_ ,o ,&nh Ac# 2ompete /!m'pi:t/ v. to ,trive again,t a rival (ua tranh, ganh ua, cTnh tranh# 2on,ume /!n',$u:m/ v. to ab,orb, to u,e up (d`ng, ti<u tha# 2on,umer /!n',$u:m/ n. ngAYi ti<u d`ng, ngAYi ti<u tha (h'ng ho&, th.c phbm...# con,umable /!n',$u:mbl/ ad$. (c^ th_ Gn Ac, c^ th_ ti<u tha Ac# 3
2onvince /!n'vin,/ v. to bring to believe by argument, to per,uade (l'm cho tin, l'm cho nghe theo, thuyRt phac# 2urrent ad$. cappening or e7i,ting at the pre,ent time, adv. do be on top of thing, (chi1u, hAXng (dA lu+n, tA tAeng...# fad /fCd/ n. a practice followed enthu,ia,tically for a ,hort time, a craMe (mWt# gn,pire /in',pai/ v. to ,pur on, to ,timulate imagination or emotion. (truy1n (c*m hhng, % nghi...#0 truy1n c*m hhng cho (ai#, gEy c*m hhng cho (ai# jar!et v. the cour,e of buying and ,elling a product, n. the demand for a product (gi& th6 trAYng0 tknh hknh th6 trAYng# jar!eting n. mar!etable ad$. Ier,uade /p',weid/v. to move by argument or logic (l'm cho tin0 thuyRt phac# Iroductive ad$. 2on,tructive, high yield (,*n 7uUt# Nati,fy /',Cti,fai/ v. to ma!e happy (l'm tho* mln, l'm v]a l)ng, &p hng (Ac y<u cQu, i1u !iKn...## L9 Warrant#-s /: r;nt#/ .S< =>o >?8

,. cho phmp0 ,. Ac phmp, -uy1n (Ac l'm viKc gk# (ph&p l%# ,. b*o *m (h'ng ho& Png -uy c&ch...#

2haracteri,tic /,!Cri!t'ri,ti!/ ad$. Levealing of individual trait, (ri<ng, ri<ng biKt, nc th`, nc trAng# 2on,e-uence /'!n,i!wn,/ n. that which follow, nece,,arily (tQm -uan tr[ng, t\nh tr[ng Ti# 2on,ider /!n',id/ v. to thin! about carefully (cEn nh/c, 7em 7mt, ,uy 7mt, ,uy nghi# 2on,ideration n. con,iderable 2over v. to provide protection again,t (che, ph3, bao ph3, bao tr`m, bao b[c# 97pire /i!,'pai/ v. to come to an end (mln hTn, !Rt thPc, hRt hiKu l.c (lu+t#0 mai mot, mUt i# fre-uently /'fri:!wnt/ adv. Fccurring commonly, wide,pread (thAYng 7uy<n, hay 7*y ra, c^ lu@n# gmply /im'plai/ v. to indicate by inference (% n^i0 nga %0 bao h'm %# Iromi,e v. n. to pledge to do, bring about, or provide (lYi hha, i1u hha, i1u hpn AXc0 ,. hha hpn# Irotect v. to guard (b*o vK, ,. b*o vK, ch< che# Irotection n. protective ad$. Leputation /,rep$u:'tein/ n. the overall -uality of character (tiRng tWt, thanh danh, danh tiRng# Leputable ad$. Leputed ad$. ('rep$utbl# (c^ tiRng tWt, danh gi&0 &ng !\nh tr[ng# Le-uire /ri'!wai/ v. to deem nece,,ary or e,,ential ()i h4i, y<u cQu# Le-uirement n. re-ui,ite ad$. qary /'veri/ v. to be different from another, to change (l'm cho !h&c nhau, thay Ji, biRn Ji# L@ A3s#n-ss pBann#n! 4
Addre,, v. to direct to the attention of (6a chO, chuy_n i tXi # Avoid /'vid/ v. to ,tay clear of, to !eep from happening (tr&nh, tr&nh 7a# 5emon,trate /'demn,treit/ v. to ,how clearly and deliberately, to pre,ent by e7ample ( chhng minh, gi*i th\ch, b'y t4, bi_u lo, l'm thUy r8# 5emon,tration n. demon,trative ad$. 5evelop /di'velp/ v. to e7pand, progre,,, or improve (ph&t tri_n, me mang, me rong, !huRch trABng, l'm cho ph&t Tt# 5evelopment n. developer n. 9valuate /i'vCl$ueit/ v. to determine the value or impact of (AXc lAng , 6nh gi&# 9valuation n. evaluator n. rather /'gCs/ v. to accumulate, to conclude (t+p hp lTi, ta h[p lTi, !mo Rn# Fffer v. to propo,e, to pre,ent in order to meet a need or ,ati,fy a re-uirement (Aa ra 1 ngh6# Irimary /'praimri/ ad$. jo,t important, fir,t in a li,t, ,erie,, or ,e-uence (ch3 yRu, ch\nh, b+c nhUt# Li,! n. the chance of lo,, or damage (,. r3i ro, ,. nguy hi_m# Ntrategy /',trCtidi#/ n. a plan of action (chiRn lAc# NtrategiMe n. ,trategic ad$. Ntrong ad$. Iowerful, economically or financially ,ound (mTnh !h4e, b1n vZng# Nub,titute /',b,tit$u:t/ v. to ta!e the place of another (thR, thay thR# LC ConD-r-nc-s /'knD;r;ns/ hE# n!h/ Accommodate /'!mdeit/ v. to fit, to provide with ,omething needed (i1u tiRt, l'm cho th\ch nghi, l'm cho ph` hp# Accommodation n. accommodating ad$. Arrangement /'reindmnt/ n , the plan or organiMation (,. ,/p 7Rp, ,. ,/p nt, c&i Ac ,/p 7Rp, c&i Ac ,/p nt# A,,ociation /,,ou,i'ein/ n, an organiMation of per,on, or group, having a common intere,t (hoi, hoi li<n hiKp0 o'n th_, c@ng ty# Attend /'tend/ v, to go to, to pay attention to (d., c^ mnt# Attender n., attendance n. ret in touch v, to ma!e contact with (giu lien lTc# cold v, to accommodate0 to conduct (tJ chhc, tiRn h'nh# tocation /lou'!ein/ n, a po,ition or ,ite (v6 tr\# Fvercrowded /'ouv'!raud/ a, too crowded (!mo v'o -u& @ng, d n v'o -u& @ng# Legi,ter v, to record (Gng !%# Legi,ter n. regi,tration n. Nelect v, to choo,e from a group (ch[n, l.a ch[n# Nelection n. ,elective ad$.(,. l.a ch[n# Ne,,ion n, a meeting buJi h[p, !u h[p, !h^a h[c da!e part in v, to $oin or participate ( tham gia, tham d.# L6 co?p3t-rs 5
Acce,, v, to obtain, to gain entry (truy c+p, AYng v'o# Acce,, n. acce,,ible ad$. Allocate/'Cl!eit/ v, to de,ignate for a ,pecific purpo,e (chO 6nh, chia phQn# 2ompatible /!mvpCtbl/ a, able to function together (tABng t&c, th\ch hng# 5elete v, to remove0 to era,e (7^a# 5i,play n, what i, vi,ible on a monitor0 v, to ,how (trknh b'y, trAng b'y# 5uplicate /wd$u:pli!it/ v, to produce ,omething e-ual0 to ma!e identical (b*n ,ao, gUp @i# 5uplicate n. duplication n, fail v, not to ,ucceed0 not to wor! correctly (trAt, !h@ng th'nh c@ng# failure n. fallible ad$. figure out v, to under,tand , to ,olve (chO ra, hi_u ra# ggnore v, not to notice0 to di,regard (b4 -ua, lY i# Nearch v, to loo! for0 n, inve,tigation (tkm !iRm, tkm hi_u# Nhot down v, to turn off0 to cea,e operation (^ng lTi, ng]ng lTi# xarn v, to alert0 to tell about a danger or problem (c*nh b&o# xarning n. warning ad$. LF ODD#c- T-chnoBo!) Affordable a, able to be paid for0 not too e7pen,ive (hp l%# A, needed adv, a, nece,,ary (cQn thiRt# ye in charge of v, to be in control or command of (c^ tr&chnhiKm, nghia va# 2apacity n, the ability to contain or hold0 the ma7imum that ,omething can hold (,hc chha, !h* nGng# 5urable a, ,turdy, ,trong, la,ting (lEu b1n# gnitiative n, the fir,t ,tep0 an active role (,&ng !iRn# gnitiate v. initiation n. Ihy,ical a, perceived by the ,en,e, (v+t chUt, i1u gk ^ li<n -uan Rn t. nhi<n# Irovider n, a ,upplier (nh' cung cUp# Irovide v. provi,ion n. Lecur v, to occur again or repeatedly (t&i dizn, t&i hiKn# Lecurrence n. recurring ad$. Leduction n, a le,,ening , a decrea,e (thu nh4, gi*m bXt# Leduce v. reducible ad$. Ntay on top of v, to !now what i, going on0 to !now the late,t information (c+p nh+t# Ntoc! n, a ,upply0 v, to !eep on hand (d. trZ, cJ phQn# LG ODD#c- Hroc-I3r-s Appreciate v, to recogniMe, under,tand the importance of0 to be than!ful for (&nh gi& cao# Appreciation n. appreciated ad$. ye e7po,ed to v, to become aware of0 to gain e7perience in ph1# =7) ra" phJ ra5 =Kc trLn" ph1#
trLn" MNch trLn" =Ec BE

yring in 2a,ual 2ode

v, to hire or recruit0 to cau,e to appear (dVn tXi, mang tXi # a, informal (tOnh c0" =(t cht" n!P3 nh#2n" MJ tOnh" khJn! cK chQ /nh# n, rule, of behavior (bo lu+t, -uy lu+t# 6
rlimp,e n, a -uic! loo! (lAXt -ua, tho&ng -ua# jade of v, to con,i,t of (tTo n<n# Fut of a, no longer having, mi,,ing (hRt, mUt# Futdated a, ob,olete0 not currently in u,e (hRt hTn# Iractice n, method of doing ,omething (t+p luyKn# Iractice v. practical ad$. (c3ng cW, gia cW# Leinforce v, to ,trengthen, ,upport (c3ng cW, gia cW# Leinforcement n. reinforcing gerund qerbal a, oral (b(ng lYi n^i # qerbaliMe v. verbally adv. LR EB-ctron#cs .#Sn tT8 5i,! n, an ob$ect u,ed to ,tore digital information (ia m&y t\nh# facilitate v, to ma!e ea,ier (l'm cho dz d'ng, thu+n tiKn# {etwor! n, an interconnected group or ,y,tem (mTng lAXi# Iopularity n, the ,tate of being widely admired, ,ought (t\nh Ti chPng, phJ biRn# IopulariMe v. popular ad$. Iroce,, n, a ,erie, of operation, or action, to bring about a re,ult (-uy trknh# Leplace v, to put bac! in a former place or po,ition (thay thR# Leplacement n. replaceable ad$. Levolution n, a ,udden or momentou, change in a ,ituation (cuoc c&ch mTng, -uay v)ng# LevolutioniMed v. revolutionary ad$. Nharp a, abrupt or acute0 ,mart (,/c nmt# N!ill, n, developed ability (!S nGng# Noftware n, the program, for a computer (phQn m1m# Ntorage n, the ,afe!eeping of good, or information (!ho, ,. d. trZ# Ntore v. n. dechnical a, ,pecial ,!ill or !nowledge (|S thu+t# L10 Corr-sponI-nc- .U3an hS th& tV8 A,,emble v, to put together0 to bring together (thu th+p, l/p r&p# yeforehand adv, early, in advance (,Xm, trAXc# 2omplicated a, not ea,y to under,tand (phhc tTp# 2omplication n. complicated ad$. 2ourier n, a , a me,,enger (ngAYi chuy_n ph&t, Aa thA# 97pre,, a, fa,t and direct (chuy_n ph&t nhanh# fold v. to bend paper (ph3, bao b[c, gUp lTi# tayout n, a format0 the organiMation of material on a page (N. bbW tr\ trang giUy# jention v, to refer to0 n, ,omething read or written (Aa ra, 1 c+p Rn# jention n. mentionable ad$. Ietition n, a formal, written re-ue,t0 v, to ma!e a formal re-ue,t (lYi thOnh cQu, 1 ngh6# 7
Iroof v, to loo! for error, (b(ng chhng# Iroofreader n. proofing gerund. Legi,tered a, recorded and trac!ed (l v'o ,J, l Gng !%# Legi,tration n. regi,tered ad$. Levi,e v, to rewrite (,}a lTi, b*n ,}a# L11 Wo= XIM-rt#s#n! anI R-cr3#t#n! Abundant /;Y= nI;nt/ a, plentiful, in large -uantitie,0 n, a large number ( nh#Z3" thVa th[#"# Accompli,hment /;'k ?pB# ?;nt/ n, an achievement, a ,ucce,, (\#Sc [ ho7n th7nh" th7nh U3>" th7nh t<3" th7nh t]ch# Accompli,h /;'k ?pB# / v. ^o7n th7nh" B7? _on!" B7? tr`n accompli,hed ad$. yring together v, to $oin, to gather ( gom la?i0 nho=m la?i, ho?p la?i# 2andidate /'knI#I#t/ n, one being con,idered for a po,ition, office ( N!&0# I< th#5 th] s#nh# 2ome up with v, to plan, to invent, to thin! of (% 6nh# 2ommen,urate a, in proportion to, corre,ponding, e-ual to ( . a to" :#th8 =bn! k]ch cc M'#8 jatch n, a fit, a ,imilarity (MVa8 Irofile n, a group of characteri,tic, or trait, ( T#d3 sT s1 B&c5 ?J t> s1 B&c8 ~ualification, /"k:aB#D#'k-#Sn/ n, re-uirement,, -ualitie,, or abilitie, needed for ,omething (Hhe? ch(t" nfn! B<c" 8 ~ualify /'Yk: B#gDa#/ v. (hQ t& c6ch" kh> nfn!" #Z3 k#Sn# -ualified ad$. Lecruit /r#'kr3it/ v, to attract people to $oin an organiMation of a cau,e ( t3)dn I4n!8 Lecruitment n. recruiter n. Nubmit /s;=Y?#t/ v, to pre,ent for con,ideration (=#Sn hE8 Nubmi,,ion n. ,ubmittal n (,. biKn ho# dimecon,uming a, ta!ing up a lot of time (cQn nhi1u thYi $an# L1+ XppB)#n! anI Int-rM#-:#n! ._#n M#Sc M7 phn! M(n8 Ability n, a ,!ill, a competence (!h* nGng# Apply v, to loo! for (in viKc, tkm viKc# Applicant n. application n.(ngAYi nop Bn 7in viKc# yac!ground n, a per,onv, e7perience (!inh nghiKm# ye ready for v, to be prepared ( ,n ,'ng cho# 2all in v, to re-ue,t (y<u cQu, ,mYi tXi# 2onfidence n, a belief in onev, ability (t. tin# 2onfident ad$. 2onfidently adv. 2on,tantly a, on a continual ba,i,, happening all the time (li<n tac, lu@n lu@n, !h@ng Ji# 97pert n, a ,peciali,t (nh' chuy<n m@n, chuy<n ,Eu, th'nh thTo# 97perti,e n. e7pert ad$. 8
follow up v. to ta!e additional ,tep,, to continue (tiRp tac, tiRp theo# ce,itate v, to pau,e, to be reluctant (do d., lAng l.# Ire,ent v. to introduce, to ,how, to offer for con,ideration (trknh b'y, giXi thiKu# Ire,entation n. pre,entable ad$. xea!ne,, n, a fault, a -uality lac!ing ,trength (i_m yRu# L19 ^#r#n! anI Tra#n#n! .?&'n M7 7o tNo8 2onduct v, to hold, to ta!e place, to behave (hAXng dVn, chO To# renerate v, to create, to produce (,inh ra# cire v, to employ, to offer a $ob or po,ition (thu<, mAXn# cire n. hiring gerund (thu<, tuy_n dang# |eep up with v, to ,tay e-ual with (giZ cEn b(ng# too! up to v, to admire, to thin! highly of (|hEm phac, ngyAng mo# jentor n, a per,on who guide, (ngAYi cW vUn# Fn trac! a, on ,chedule (dheo d8i# Le$ect v, to turn down, to ,ay no (t] chWi# Le$ection n. re$ecting gerund Net up v, to e,tabli,h, to arrange0 a , arranged (thiRt l+p, tTo Nucce,, n, reaching a goal (th'nh c@ng# Nucceed v. ,ucce,,ful ad$. draining n, the preparation or education for a ,pecific $ob ('o tTo# drainer n. trainee n. pdate v, to ma!e current. {, the late,t information (c+p nh+t# L1@ SaBar#-s anI =-n-D#ts .B&1n! M7 tr c(p8 ya,i, n. the main rea,on for ,omething, a ba,e or foundation (n1n t*ng, cB b*n# ye aware of v. to be con,ciou, of, to be !nowledgeable about (am hi_u v1# yenefit, n. the advantage, provided to a employee in addition to ,alary (ti1n tr cUp# yenefit v. (giPp \ch cho# beneficial ad$. (c^ \ch, c^ li# 2ompen,ate v. to pay, to ma!e up for.(b i thAYng, 1n b`# 2ompen,ation n. (,. 1n b`, ,. b i thAYng# compen,atory ad$. 5elicate ad$. Nen,itive, adv. xith ,en,itivity (nhTy bmn, !hmo lmo# 9ligible ad$. Able to participate in ,omething, -ualified (3 tA c&ch, th\ch hp# fle7ible ad$. {ot rigid, able to change ea,ily (, dz ,ai !hiRn, dz uWn n/n# {egotiate v. to tal! for the purpo,e of reaching an agreement e,pecially on price, or contract, ('m ph&n, thABng lAng# {egotiation n. negotiator n. Lai,e n. an increa,e in ,alary (,. tGng lABng# Letire v. to ,top wor!ing, to withdraw from a bu,ine,, or profe,,ion (nghO hAu# Letirement n. retired ad$. qe,ted ad$. Ab,olute, authoriMed (Ac -uy1n, Ac phmp# 9
xage n. the money paid for wor! done, u,ually hourly (ti1n c@ng, ti1n lABng#

L1C Hro?ot#ons" H-ns#ons anI X:arIs Achieve v, to ,ucceed , to reach a goal (gi'nh Ac, ho'n th'nh# Achievement n. achiever n. 2ontribute v, to add to, to donate, to give (^ng g^p, g^p phQn# 2ontribution n. contributor n. 5edication n, a commitment to ,omething (cWng hiRn# 5edicate v. dedicated ad$. too! forward to v, to anticipate, to be eager for ,omething to happen (chY i, mong i# too!ed to v, to depend on , to rely on (tr@ng chY v'o, pha thuoc v'o# toyal a, faithful, believing in ,omething or ,omebody (trung th'nh# jerit n, e7perience, high -uality (7uUt ,/c# Fbviou, a, ea,y to ,ee or under,tand (r8 r'ng, hi_n nhi<n# Iroductive a, u,eful, getting a lot done (nGng ,uUt, !h* nGng l'm viKc# Iromote v, to give ,omeone a better $ob0 to ,upport, to ma!e !nown (1 Tt# Iromotion n. promoter n. Lecognition n, credit, prai,e for doing ,omething well (,. c@ng nh+n, ,. th]a nh+n# qalue n, worth (&ng gi&# L16 Shopp#n! yargain n, ,omething offered or ac-uired at a price advantageou, to the buyer (mnc c*# year v, to have a tolerance for, to endure (ch6u .ng# yehavior n, the manner of onev, action (c&ch hng 7}, Wi 7}# 2hec!out n, the act, time, or place of chec!ing out, a, at a hotel or a ,upermar!et (thanh to&n, -uQy thanh to&n# 2omfort n, a condition or feeling of plea,urable ea,e, wellbeing, and contentment (th4ai m&i, dz d'ng# 2omfortable ad$. 2omfortably adv. 97pand v, to increa,e the ,iMe, volume, -uantity, or ,cope of0 to enlarge (nXi rong# 97pan,ion n. e7panded ad$. 97plore v, to inve,tigate ,y,tematically (thGm d), !h*o ,&t # 97ploration n. e7ploratory ad$. gtem n, a ,ingle article or unit (mnt h'ng# jandatory a, re-uired or commanded, obligatory (b/t buoc# jerchandi,e n, item, available in ,tore, (h'ng h^a mua b&n# Ntrict a, preci,e. 97act (chnt ch# Ntrictne,, n. ,trictly adv. drend n, the current ,tyle (7u hAXng, 7u thR# L1F OrI-r#n! S3ppB#-s .ph#%3 t#%p t%8 10
5iver,e a, different0 made up of di,tinct -ualitie, (a dTng# 5iver,ify v. diver,ity n. (a dTng h^a# 9nterpri,e n, a bu,ine,,0 a large pro$ect (2@ng trknh d. &n lXn# 9,,ential a, indi,pen,able, nece,,ary (cQn thiRt# 9veryday a, common, ordinary (th@ng thAYng, th@ng dang# function v, to perform ta,!, (chhc nGng, tr&ch nhiKm# function n. functional ad$. jaintain v, to continue, to ,upport, to ,u,tain (duy trk# jaintainability n. maintainable ad$. Fbtain v, to ac-uire (Tt Ac, c^ Ac# Irere-ui,ite n, ,omething that i, re-uired or nece,,ary a, a prior condition (i1u !iKn Au ti<n# ~uality n, a di,tingui,hing characteri,tic (chUt lAng# Nmooth a, without difficultie,0 deliberately polite and agreeable in order to win favor (<m thUm, ,u@n ,# Nmooth out v. Nmoothly adv (t'm cho ,u@n ,# Nource n, the origin (ngu n, ngu n gWc# Ntationery n, writing paper and envelope, ( d`ng vGn ph)ng# L1G Sh#pp#n! .Mjn t># &0n! thQ)8 Accurate a, e7act0 errorle,, (Png, ch\nh 7&c# Accuracy n. accurately adv. 2arrier n, a per,on or bu,ine,, that tran,port, pa,,enger, or good, (ngAYi honc mot hlng v+n chuy_n# 2atalog a, a li,t or itemiMed di,play0 v, to ma!e an itemiMed li,t of (,&ch danh mac chi tiRt# fulfill v, to fini,h completely (ho'n th'nh(c@ng viKc, nhiKm va# fulfilling gerund fulfillment n. (,. ho'n th'nh# gntegral a, nece,,ary for completion (cQn thiRt, !o th_ thiRu# gnventory n, good, in ,toc!0 an itemiMed record of the,e good, (|i_m !< (h'ng h^a# jinimiMe v, to reduce, to give le,, importance to (gi*m tXi mhc tWi thi_u# jinimal ad$. jinimum n. (tWi thi_u# Fn hand a, available (,n ,'ng, ,n c^# Lemember v, to thin! of again (nhX, nhX lTi# Nhip v, to tran,port0 to ,end (v+n chuy_n# Nhipper n. ,hipment n. (viKc g}i h'ng# Nufficient a, a, much a, i, needed (v]a 3# Nupply v, to ma!e available for u,e (cung cUp# L1R InMo#c-s .^Ka 1n8 2harge 2ompile 2u,tomer n, an e7pen,e or a co,t0 v, to demand payment (thu ph\# v, to gather together from ,everal ,ource, (thu th+p# n, one who purcha,e, a commodity or ,ervice (!h&ch h'ng# 11
5i,count 9fficient 9,timate n, a reduction in price0 to reduce in price (gi*m gi&# a, acting or producing effectively with a minimum of wa,te (c^ hiKu l.c, hiKu -u*# v, to appro7imate the amount or value of ,omething0 to form am opinion About ,omething (AXc lAng. 6nh gi&# 9,timation n. e,timating gerund gmpo,e v, to e,tabli,h or apply a, compul,ory0 to force upon other, (&p nt, mp buoc, b/t ai ph*i l'm gk ^# gmpo,ition n. impo,ing ad$. (&nh (thuR ai ^# ji,ta!e n, an error or a fault (li# ji,ta!en v. ad$. Frder n, a re-ue,t made to purcha,e ,omething 0 v, to command or direct (Bn nt h'ng# Irompt ad$ being on time or punctual, carried out without delay, n. a reminder or a cue (nhanh ch^ng# Iromptne,, n. prompt v. Lectify v. to ,et right or correct (chOnh ,}a# derm, n. condition, (i1u !h4an# L+0 InM-ntor) .k#d? k2 ho7n! hKa8 Ad$u,t v. to change in order to match or fit, to cau,e to corre,pond (i1u chOnh, d'n 7Rp # Ad$u,tment n. ad$u,table ad$. Automatic ad$. Fperating independently (t. ong# Automation n. automatically adv. 2rucial ad$. 97tremely ,ignificant or important (ch3 yRu# 5i,crepancy n. a divergence or di,agreement (,. bUt ng, bUt h)a# 5i,turb v. to interfere with, to interrupt (l'm phi1n# 5i,turbance n. di,turbingly adv. (l'm rWi loTn, gEy c*n tre# tiability n. an obligation a re,pon,ibility (tr&ch nhiKm ph&p l%# Leflect v. to given bac! a li!ene,, (ph*n &nh, tABng hng vXi# Leflection n. reflector n. Lun v. to operate (chTy, hoTt ong# Ncan v. to loo! over -uic!ly (7em lAXt, 7em -ua# Nubtract v. to ta!e away, to deduct (tr] i, !hUu tr]# dediou, ad$. dire,ome by rea,on of length, ,lowne,,, or dullne,,, boring (ch&n ngGt,, bu n t# qerify v. to prove the truth of (&c minh, !i_m lTi# L+1 Aank#n! .N!7nh n!kn h7n!8 Accept v. to receive, to re,pond favorably ( ng %, chUp thu+n# Acceptance n. acceptable ad$. yalance n. the remainder, v. to compute the difference between credit, and debit, of an account.(NW dA (t'i !ho*n## 12
yorrow v. to u,e temporarily (vay mAn# 2autiou, ad$. 2areful, wary (th+n tr[ng# 5educt v. to ta!e away from a total, to ,ubtract (!hUu tr]# 5eductible n. deduction n. 5ividend n. a ,hare in a di,tribution (di1n lli cJ phQn# 5own payment n. an initial partial payment (N. tr* trAXc phQn !hi mua h'ng# jortgage n. the amount due on a property, v. to borrow money with your hou,e a, collateral. (cQm cW, thR chUp# Le,triction n. a limitation (giXi hTn,hTn chR# Le,trict v. re,tricted ad$. Nignature n. the name of a per,on written by the per,on (chZ !%# Nign n. v. da!e out v. withdraw, remove (rPt ti1n# dran,action n. a bu,ine,, deal (giao d6ch# L++ Xcco3nt#n! .thanh to6n8 Accounting n. the recording and gathering of financial information for a company (,. thanh to&n, t\nh to&n# Accountant n. account n. (!R to&n# Accumulate v. to gather, to collect (t\hc ly, ly !R# Accumulation n. accumulated ad$. A,,et n. ,omething of value (t'i ,*n# Audit n. a formal e7amination of financial record,, v. to e7amine the financial (!i_m to&n# yudget n. a li,t of probable e7pen,e, and income for a given period (ngEn -uS, ngEn ,&ch#. yudget v. ghi v'o ngEn ,&ch budgetary ad$. yuild up n. to increa,e over time (N. tGng cAYng# 2lient n. a cu,tomer (!h&ch h'ng# 5ebt n. ,omething owed, a, in money or good, (!h4an n# Fut,tanding ad$. Ntill due, not paid or ,ettled (c)n t n tTi, chAa gi*i -uyRt 7ong, chAa tr* n# Irofitable ad$. advantageou,, beneficial (c^ ,inh lYi# Irofit v. n. (li nhu+n, thu h i# Leconcile v. to ma!e con,i,tent ('nh chUp nh+n, cam ch6u# durnover n. the number of time, a product i, ,old and replaced or an emloyee leave, and another employee i, hired (doanh ,W, doanh thu# L+9 InM-st?-nts .L3 t&8 Aggre,,ive Attitude 2ommitment 2ommit v. ad$. 2ompetitive, a,,ertive (lUn ,En, 7Em chiRm# n. a felling about ,omething or ,omeone (th&i o, -uan i_m# n. a promi,e (th4a thu+n, th4a AXc, cam !Rt# noncommittal ad$. 13
2on,ervative ad$. 2autiou,, re,trained (b*o th3, th+n tr[ng# fund n. an amount of money for ,omething ,pecific, v to provide money for (ngu n ti1n, -uS d. trZ#. gnve,t v. to put money into a bu,ine,, or activity with the hope of ma!ing more money, to put effort into ,omething (Qu tA# gnve,tment n. inve,tor n. tongterm ad$. involving or e7tending over a long period (d'i hTn# Iortfolio n. a li,t of inve,tment, (danh mac vWn Qu tA# Iull out v. to withdraw, to ,top participating, n. a withdrawal, removal (rPt ti1n, rPt lui# Le,ource n. a,,et,, valuable thing, (ngu n# Leturn n. the amount of money gained a, profit (ti1n thu v1, ti1n lli# Leturn, n. returnable ad$. xi,e ad$. |nowledgeable, able to offer advice ba,ed on e7perience (d]ng tr*i hi_u biRt nhi1u, !h@n ngoan, ,&ng ,uWt#. xi,dom n. wi,ely adv. L+@ Ta_-s .nEp th3%8 2alculate v. to figure out, to compute (t\nh to&n# 2alculation n, calculator n. 5eadline n. a time by which ,omething mu,t be fini,hed (hTn cuWi# file v. to enter into public record, n. a group of document, or information about a per,on or an event (,/p 7Rp, ,/p nt t'i liKu# fill out v. to complete (ho'n tUt, ho'n th'nh# rive up v. to -uit, to ,top (Qu h'ng, tTm d]ng, tTm ngAng# oint ad$. dogether, ,hared (tham gia# Fwe v. to have a debt. do be obligated to pay (n# Fwner n. owing gerund Ienalty n. a puni,hment, a con,e-uence (!ho*n ti1n phTt# IenaliMe v. penal ad$. Irepare v. to ma!e ready (chubn b6# Ireparation n. preparatory ad$. Lefund n. the amount paid bac!, v, to give bac! (tr* lTi, ho'n tr*# Npou,e n. a hu,band or wife (v honc ch ng# xithhold v. to !eep from. do refrain from (t] chWi, ngGn c*n, c*n tre# L+C l#nanc#aB Stat-?-nts .=6o c6o t7# ch]nh8 5e,ired ad$. xi,hed or longed for (mong i, mong AXc, !hao !h&t# 5e,ire n. v. 5etail v. to report or relate minutely or in particular, (chi tiRt, ti_u tiRt, !h\a cTnh nh4# foreca,t n, a prediction of a future event .v. to e,timate or calculate in advance (d. o&n, d. b&o trAXc# tevel n. a relative po,ition or ran! on a ,cale (mhc o, hTng# 14
Fverall Ier,pective Iro$ected Iro$ect n. v. Leali,tic ad$. Legarded a, a whole, general (bao g m, t)an bo# n. a mental view or outloo! ad$. 9,timated, or predicted ba,ed or pre,ent data (d. &n, !R hoTch#

ad$. dending to or e7pre,,ing an awarene,, of thing, a, they really are (c^ ^c th.c tR# Leality n. reali,tic ad$. (th.c tR, th.c tTi# darget v. to e,tabli,h a, a goal, n. a goal (mac ti<u# dran,lation n. the act or proce,, of tran,lating (b*n d6ch, b'i d6ch# dran,late v. tran,latable ad$. dypical ad$. 2onforming to a type (nc th`, nc trAng, ti<u bi_u# ield n. an amount produced, v. to produce a profit (li nhu+n, li thc# L+6 Hrop-rt) anI I-part?-nt .c1 U3an U3>n B* =kt En! s>n8 Ad$acent ad$. ne7t to (ngay cTnh, li1n !1# 2ollaboration n. the act pf wor!ing with ,omeone (hp t&c, cong t&c# 2ollaborate v. collaboration n. 2oncentrate v. to focu,, to thin! about (tr[ng tEm, t+p trung# 2onducive ad$. 2ontributing to, leading to (c^ \ch, c^ li# 5i,rupt v. to interrupt, to di,turb (ph& v, -uUy rWi# 5i,ruption n. di,ruptive ad$. camper v. to impede or interfere (ngGn tre, c*n tre# gncon,iderate ad$. Lude, impolite. (thiRu chu &o, -uan tEm# tobby n. an anteroom, foyer, or waiting room (h'nh lang, ,*nh chY, v+n ong h'nh lang# jove up v. to advance, improve po,ition (tiRn l<n# Fpen to ad$. Leceptive to, vulnerable (tiRp thu, d`ng Ac cho ai ^# Fpt v. to choo,e, to decide on (ch[n l.a# Fption n. optimal ad$. (v+t Ac chon, i1u Ac chon$# NcrutiniMe v. to loo! at carefully and clo,ely (7em 7mt !S lAng, cbn th+n# Ncrutiny n. in,crutable ad$. L+F AoarI ,--t#n!s anI co??#tt--s .c3Ec h`p hE# n! U3>n tr/ M7 Q) =an8 Adhere to v. to follow, to pay attention to (duEn th3# Agenda n. a li,t of topic, to be di,cu,,ed ({hZng vUn 1, c@ng vi1c ph*i b'n tTi cuoc hp# yring up v. to introduce a topic (giXi thiKu, Aa ra# 2onclude v. to ,top, to come to a deci,ion (!Rt lu+n, !Rt thPc# 2onclu,ion n. conclu,ive ad$. (,. !Rt thPc, ,. -uyRt 6nh# ro ahead v. to proceed with, n. permi,,ion to do ,omething (tiRp tac, tiRn tri_n# roal n. ob$ective, purpo,e (mac ti<u, mac \ch# tengthy ad$. tong in time, duration, or di,tance (d'i d)ng# jatter n. an item, i,,ue, topic of intere,t (vUn 1, ch3 1# 15
Ieriodically adv. from time to time (6nh !u# Ieriod n. periondic ad$. Iriority n. ,omething of importance, ,omething that ,hould be done before other thing, (Au ti<n# IrioritiMe v. prior ad$. Irogre,, n. a movement forward, v. to move forward on ,omething, e,pecially wor! or a pro$ect (,. tiRn bo, ,. tiRn l<n# Irogre,,ion n. progre,,ive ad$. ,. tiRn tXi xa,te b. not to u,e wi,ely, n. not worthwhile. (!h@ng gi& tr6# L+G m3aB#t) controB .k#d? so6t ch(t B&n!8 yrand n. an identifying mar! or label, a trademar! (nhln, nhln hiKu# 2onform v. to match ,pecification, or -ualitie, (l'm cho ph` hp# 5efect n. an imperfection or flaw (nhAc i_m# 5efect n. defective ad$. 9nhance v. to ma!e more attractive or valuable (tGng, nEng cao# rarment n. an article of clothing (&o -uQn# gn,pect v. to loo! at clo,ely, to e7amine carefully or officially (!i_m tra, thanh tra# gn,pection n. in,pector n. Ierceive v. to notice, to become aware of, to ,ee (nh+n thhc, linh hoi# Ierception n. perceptive ad$. (,. nh+n biRt, mVn c*m# Lepel v. to !eep away, to fight again,t (by 7a, !hAXc t]# Lepellent n. ad$. da!e bac! b. to return ,omething, to withdraw or retract (lUy lTi, !mo lTi# dhrow out v. to di,po,e of (vht i, b4 i# niform ad$. 2on,i,tent in form or appearance (|h@ng thay Ji v1 t\nh c&h hay hknh thhc# xrin!le n. a crea,e, ridge, or furrow, e,pecially in ,!in or fabric (nRp nhGn# L+R HroI3ct D-M-Bop?-nt .ph6t tr#dn s>n phe?8 An7iou, ad$. xorried (lo Eu, bGn !hoGn# An7iety n. an7iou,ly adv. (mWi lo Eu# A,certain v. to di,cover, to find out for certain (tkm hi_u mot c&ch ch/c ch/n# A,,ume v. to ta!e upon one,elf, to believe to be true (cho r(ng, th]a nh+n# A,,umed ad$. A,,umption n. 5ecade n. a period of ten year, (th+p !# 97amine v. to interrogate, to ,crutiniMe (7em 7mt chi tiRt# 97periment v. to try out a new procedure or idea, n. a te,t or trial (th\ nghiKm, cuoc th} nghiKm# 97perimentation n. e7perimental ad$. togical ad$. formally valid, u,ing orderly rea,oning (hp l%, c^ l%# Le,earch n. the act of collecting in formation about a particular ,ub$ect (nghi<n chu# Le,pon,ibility n. ta,! (bJn ph+n, tr&ch nhiKm# 16
Le,pon,ible ad$. Le,pon,ibly adv. Nolve v. to find a ,olution, e7planation, or an,wer (gi*i -uyRt, l'm ,&ng t4 mot vUn 1# Nupervi,or n. an admini,trator in charge (ngAYi gi&m ,&t# Ny,tematic ad$. jethodical in procedure, organiMed (c^ phABng ph&p, hK thWng# L90 R-nt#n! anI L-as#n! .th32 M7 cho th328 Apprehen,ive ad$. An7iou, about the future ( e ngTi, ,# Apprehend v. apprehen,ion n. 2ircum,tance n. a condition, a ,ituation (tknh thR, tknh huWng# 2ondition n. the ,tate of ,omething, a re-uirement (i1u !iKn# 2onditional ad$. 2ondition v. 5ue to prep. yecau,e of ( be, nguy<n nhEn dVn Rn c&i gk# fluctuate v. to go up and down, to change (dao ong, thay Ji bUt thAYng# fluctuation n. fluctuating gerund. (,. giao ong# ret out of v. to e,cape, to e7it (rYi !h4i# gndicator n. a ,ign, a ,ignal (chO dVn, chO 6nh# gndicate v. indication n. tea,e n. a contract to pay to u,e property for an amount of time, v. to ma!e a contract to u,e property ( cp ng cho thu<# toc! into v. to commit, to be unable to change (th4a thu+n !o thay Ji# Fccupancy n. the ,tate of being or living in a certain place (,e hZu, chiRm hZu# Fption n. a choice, an alternative ( ,. l.a ch[n# Nub$ect to ad$. nder legal power, dependent (t`y thuoc v'o c&i gk ^, d.a theo c&i gk ^# L91 S-B-ct#n! a R-sta3rant .ch`n B<a nh7 h7n!8 Appeal ad$., to be attractive or intere,ting (,. hUp dVn, th\ch thP# Arrive v., to reach a de,tination (tXi moy nBi# 2ompromi,e n., a ,ettlement of difference, in which each ,ide ma!e, conce,,ion, (,. th4a hiKp, th4a AXc# 5aring ad$., to have the courage re-uired (t&o bTo, li1u linh# familiar ad$., often encountered or ,een0 common (tABng t.# ruide n., one who lead,, direct,, or give, advice (ngAYi hAXng dVn# ruidance n., guidable ad$., ja$ority n., the greater number or part (phQn lXn, a ,W# ji7 v., to combine or blend into one ma,,0 n., a combination (tron lVn, h)a lVn# ji7ture n., mi7able ad$., Lely v., to have confidence in0 to depend on (tin c+y v'o, d.a v'o# Leliability n., reliable ad$., Necure v., to get po,,e,,ion of0 to obtain (b*o *m# Nub$ective ad$., particular to a given per,on0 highly per,onal0 not ob$ective (ch3 -uan# Nugge,t v., to offer for con,ideration or action (gi %# 17
Nugge,tion n., ,ugge,tible ad$., (,. 1 ngh6, c^ th_ 1 ngh6 Ac# L9+ Eat#n! o3t .fn =2n n!o7#8 ya,ic ad$., ,erving a, a ,tarting point or ba,i, (cB b*n, cGn b*n# 2omplete ad$., having all nece,,ary or normal part,, component,, or ,tep, (Qy 3, tr[n vpn# 2ompletion n., completely adv., l'm cho Qy 3 97cite v., to arou,e an emotion (!\ch ong# 97citement n., e7citing ad$., flavor n., a di,tinctive ta,te (v6 ng[t, m`i thBm ph*ng phUt# forget v., to be unable to remember (-u<n# forgetful ad$., forgettable ad$., gngredient n., an element in a mi7ture (th'nh phQn# udge v., to form an opinion (&nh gi&# ji7up n., a confu,ion0 v., to confu,e (lVn lon, bWi rWi# Iatron n., a cu,tomer, e,pecially a regular cu,tomer (!h&ch h'ng -uen# Iredict v., to ,tate, tell about, or ma!e !nown in advance (d. o&n, d. b&o# Irediction n., predictable adv., Landom ad$., having no ,pecific pattern, purpo,e, or ob$ective (ngVu nhi<n, tknh cY# Lemind v., to cau,e to remember (nh/c nhe# L 99 OrI-r#n! L3nch .!`# ?Kn fn tr&a8 yurden,ome ad$., of or li!e a burden0 onerou, (phi1n to&i# 2ommon ad$., wide,pread, fre-uent, u,ual (th@ng thAYng, phJ biRn# gn common n., commonly 5elivery n., the act of conveying or delivering (giao h'ng# 9legant ad$., e7hibiting refined, ta,teful beauty (thanh l6ch, trang nhl# 9legance n., elegantly adv., fall to v., to become onev, re,pon,ibility (b/t Qu Gn# gmpre,, v., to affect ,trongly, often favorably (Un tAng# gmpre,,ion n., impre,,ionable ad$., gndividual ad$., by or for one per,on0 ,pecial0 particular (c& nhEn, ri<ng l# gndividualiMe v., individually adv., ti,t n., a ,erie, of name,, word,, or other item,0 v., to ma!e a li,t (danh ,&ch# jultiple ad$., having, relating to , or con,i,ting of more than one part (nhi1u, phhc tTp# {arrow v., to limit or re,trict0 ad$., limited (ch+t hpp, hTn chR# Iic! up v., to ta!e on pa,,enger, or freight (^n (ai ^## Nettle v., to ma!e compen,ation for, to pay0 to choo,e (6nh cA, Jn 6nh# L9@ Cook#n! as a car--r .N!hZ n(3 fn8 Accu,tom to v., to become familiar with, to become u,ed to (l'm -uen vXi c&i gk# Apprentice n., a ,tudent wor!er in a cho,en field v.,(t+p ,., ngAYi mXi v'o ngh1# 18
Apprentice,hip n., 2ulinary ad$., relating to the !itchen or coo!ing (viKc bRp nPc# 5emanding ad$., re-uiring much effort or attention ()i h4i !h/t !he# 5raw v., to cau,e to come by attracting (!mo, l@i !mo# gncorporate v., to unite one thing with ,omething el,e already in e7i,tence (,&t nh+p chnt ch# gncorporation n., incorporating gerund., gnflu7 n., a flowing in (d)ng ch*y v'o# jethod n., a procedure (phABng ph&p, c&ch thhc# jethodology n., methodical ad$., Futlet n., a mean, of relea,e or gratification, a, for energie,, drive,, or de,ire, (lWi ra, lWi tho&t# Irofe,,ion n., an occupation re-uiring con,iderable training and ,pecialiMed ,tudy (ngh1 nghiKp# Irofe,,ional ad$., profe,,ionally adv.,(chuy<n nghiKp# Lelin-ui,h v., to let go0 to ,urrender (t] b4# dheme n., an implicit or recurrent idea0 a motif (ch3 1, 1 t'i# L9C EM-nts .s< k#Zn8 A,,i,t v., to give help or ,upport to (tr giPp, tr l%# A,,i,tance n., a,,i,tant n. (,. giPp , ngAYi giPp viKc# 2oordinate v., to ad$u,t or arrange part, to wor! together (,/p 7Rp, ,p nt# 5imen,ion n., a mea,ure of width, height, or length (!\ch thAXc# 97act ad$., characteriMed by accurate mea,urement, or inference, (ch\nh 7&c# reneral ad$., involving only the main feature rather than preci,e detail, (hQu hRt, phJ biRn# reneraliMe v., generally adv., (dizn t* chung chung# gdeal ad$., imaginary0 e7i,ting a, a perfect model (-uan niKm, tAeng tAng, mVu hknh l% tAeng# gdealiMe v., ideally adv. (l% tAeng h^a, theo l% tAeng# tead time n., the time between the initial ,tage of a pro$ect and the appearance of re,ult, (!ho*ng thYi gian giZa lPc b/t Qu v' lPc ho'n th'nh mot -u& trknh ,7 mXi# Ilan n., a ,cheme for ma!ing ,omething happen0 v., to formulate a ,cheme Iro7imity n., the ,tate, -uality, ,en,e, or fact of being near or ne7t to0 clo,ene,, (,. gQn gi# Legulation n., rule,, law,, or control,0 v., to control (,. i1u chOnh, -ui t/c, i1u lK# Legulate v., regulatory ad$., Nite n., a place or ,etting (v6 tr\, 6a i_m# Ntage v., to e7hibit or pre,ent (drknh dizn# L96 n-n-raB TraM-B .I3 B/ch ton! U3an8 Agency n., an e,tabli,hment engaged in doing bu,ine,, (Ti l%# Announcement n., a public notification (th@ng c&o, th@ng b&o# Announce v., announcer n., yeverage n., a drin! other than plain water ( uWng, thhc uWng# 19
ylan!et n., a covering for !eeping warm, e,pecially during ,leep0 any full coverage0 v., to cover uniformly (j1n, chGn# yoard v., to enter a boat, plane, or train0 to furni,h to ,ee the road, v.,(l<n t'u# Fnboard ad$.,(tr<n t'u# 2laim v., to ta!e a, rightful0 to retrieve ()i h4i, -uy1n y<u ,&ch# 5elay v., to po,tpone until a later time0 n., the period of time during which one i, delayed n., (trk holn# 9mbar! v., to go onboard a flight or ,hip0 to begin (t<n t'u# gtinerary n., a propo,ed rout for a $ourney, ,howing date, and mean, of travel (l6ch trknh bay# Irohibit v., to forbid by authority or to prevent (ngGn cUm, ngGn chnn# qalid ad$., having legal efficacy or correctne,, (hiKu l.c# qalidate v., validation n., L9F X#rB#n-s .h7n! khJn!8 5eal with v., phra,e, to attend to0 mange0 to ,ee to (b'n v1 c&i gk, th4a thu+n c&i gk# 5e,tination n., the place to which one i, going or directed (i_m Rn# 5i,tingui,h v., to ma!e noticeable or different (nh+n ra, nh+n biRt# 5i,tingui,hable ad$., di,tingui,hably adv., (c^ th_ nh+n ra# 9conomical ad$., intended to ,ave money, time, or effort (tiRt !iKm# 9conomy n., economiMe v.,(,. tiRt !iKm# 9-uivalent ad$., e-ual (tABng ABng# 97cur,ion n., a plea,ure trip0 a trip at a reduced fare (chu%en thGm -uan# 97pen,ive ad$., mar!ed by high price, (/t# 97pen,e n., e7pen,ively adv., (chi ph\# 97tend v., to ma!e longer0 to offer (!e^ d'i, d'nh cho# Iro,pective ad$., li!ely to become or be (v1 ,au, ,/p tXi# Nituation n., the combination of circum,tance, at a given moment (v6 tr\, tknh thR# Nub,tantial ad$., con,iderable in importance, value degree amount, or e7tent (&ng !_, -uan tr[ng# Nub,tance n., ,ub,tantially adv.,(tr[ng yRu, -uan tr[ng# Ny,tem n., a functionally related group of element, (hK thWng# L9G Tra#ns .t73 hpa8 2omprehen,ive ad$., covering broadly0 inclu,ive (bao g m, bao h'm# 2omprehen,ivene,, n., comprehen,ively adv.,(to'n diKn# 5elu7e ad$., noticeably lu7uriou, (thuoc loTi ,ang tr[ng, 7a 7O# 5irectory n., a boo! or collection of information or direction, (danh mac, danh bT# 5uration n., the time during which ,omething la,t, (!ho*ng thYi gian# 9ntitle v., to allow or -ualify (cho -uy1n l'm gk# fare n., the money paid for tran,portation (ti1n 7e, ti1n vm# 20
Fff,et v., to counterbalance (1n b`, b` /p# Fperate v., to perform a function (hoTt ong# Fperation n., operational ad$.,(,. hoTt ong# Iunctual ad$., prompt (Png giY# Iunctuality n., punctually adv.,(t\nh Png giY# Lelatively adv., ,omewhat (tABng Wi, v]a ph*i# Lemainder n., the remaining part (phQn c)n lTi# Lemote ad$., far removed (7a 7@i, t&ch biKt# Lemotene,, n., remotely adv.,(N. 7a 7@i, rUt 7a# L9R ^ot-Bs .kh6ch sNn8 Advance / d'v:n,/ n., a move forward ( ( advance in ,omething# ,A? ca>i ti<=n 2hain / tDein/ n, a group of enterpri,e, under a ,ingle control ( daHy, chu@Hi, loa?t. 2&c c@ng viKc !inh doanh do ngAYi l'm ch3# 2hec! in v., to regi,ter at a hotel0 to report onev, pre,ence (Gng !y= B> !ha=ch ,a?n, ,A? Gng !y= i ma=y bay# 2onfirm v., to validate ( 7a=c nhE?n0 chA=ng thA?c# 2onfirmation n., confirmed ad$., 97pect v., to con,ider probable or rea,onable (o&n trAXc, liKu trAXc# 97pectation n., e7pectant ad$., cou,e!eepern., ,omeone employed to do dome,tic wor! (-u*n gia# {otify v., to report (th@ng b&o, cho biRt# Ireclude v., to ma!e impo,,ible0 to rule out (ngGn c*n# ~uote v., to give e7act information on0 n., a -uotation ( tri=ch dEHn# ~uotation n., -uotable ad$., (lYi tr\ch dVn# Late n., the payment or price according to a ,tandard (gi& (c*## Le,erve v., to ,et a,ide (d. trZ, d. ph)ng, _ d'nh# Le,ervation n., in re,erve n., (nt ch trAXc# Nervice n., u,eful function, (d6ch va# L@0 Car R-ntaBs .cho th32 _-8 yu,y ad$., engaged in activity (b+n# 2oincide v., to happen at the ,ame time (7*y ra tr`ng !hXp, ng thYi# 2oincidence n., coincidentally adv., (tr`ng hp ngVu nhi<n# 2onfu,ion n., a lac! of clarity, order, or under,tanding (nhQm lVn, bWi rWi# 2ontact v., to get in touch with (li<n hK vXi ai# 5i,appoint v., to fail to ,ati,fy the hope, de,ire, or e7pectation of (l'm thUt v[ng# gntend v., to have in mind (d. 6nh# gntention n., intent ad$., ticen,e n., the legal permi,,ion to do or own a ,pecified thing (cUp phmp, giUy phmp# {ervou, ad$., ea,ily agitated or di,tre,,ed0 unea,y or apprehen,ive (h i hop, lo l/ng# 21
{ervou,ne,, n., nervou,ly adv., Fptional ad$., not compul,ory or automatic (t`y %, !o b/t buoc# dempt v., to be inviting or attractive to (l@i !mo, 7Pc giac# demptation n., tempting ad$., dhrill n., the ,ource or cau,e of e7citement or emotion (r`ng mknh, r`ng rn li !u# dier n., a ran! or cla,, (dly, tQng, lXp# L@1 ,oM#-s .Hh#? >nh8 Attain v., to achieve (Tt Ac, gi'nh Ac# Attainment n., attainable ad$., 2ombine v., to come together (!Rt hp, phWi hp# 2ontinue v., to maintain without interruption ( tiRp tac# 2ontinuation n., continual ad$., 5e,cription n., a repre,entation in word, or picture, (,. m@ t*, dizn t*# 5e,cribe v., de,criptive ad$., 5i,per,e v., to ,pread widely, to ,catter (phEn t&n# 9ntertainment n., a diverting performance or activity (,. gi*i tr\# 9ntertain v., entertaining ad$., gnfluence v., to alter or affect (*nh hAeng, t&c ong# Lange n., the ,cope (phTm vi, trknh o, linh v.c# Lelea,e v., to ma!e available to the pubic0 to give permi,,ion for performance (c@ng bW, ph&t h'nh# Lepre,ent v., to typify (^ng, dizn !6ch# Neparate ad$., detached0 !ept apart (t&ch bTch, t&ch ti<ng# Nucce,,ive ad$., following in order (li<n tac li<n tiRp# L@+ Th-at-r .nh7 h6t8 Acting n., the ,erie, of event, that form the plot of a ,tory or play (th3 vai, dizn 7uUt# Approach v. to go near0 to come clo,e to in appearance or -uality0 n., a way or mean, of reaching ,omething (tiRp c+n, lTi gQn# Approachable ad$., approach n., Audience n., the ,pectator, at a performance (!h&n gi*# 2reate v., to produce through arti,tic or imaginative effort (,&ng tTo# 2reation n., creative ad$., 5ialogue n., a conver,ation between two or more per,on, (giai thoTi, hoi thoTi# 9lement n., fundamental or e,,ential con,tituent (yRu tW, nguy<n tW# 97perience n., an event or a ,erie, of event, participated in or lived through v.,(chi tiRt# 97perienced ad$., Fccur v., to ta!e place0 to come about (7uUt hiKn, n*y ra # Ierform v., to act before an audience, to give a public pre,entation of (dizn 7u&t# Ierformance n., performer n., (bi_u di<n, trknh dizn# 22
Lehear,e v., to practice in preparation for a public performance0 to direct in rehear,al (5izn t+p# Leview n., a critical e,timate of a wor! or performance0 v., writing a critici,m of a performance (N. ph< bknh, lYi ph< bknh # Nold out ad$., having all tic!et, or accommodation, completely ,old, e,pecially ahead of time0 v., to ,ell all the tic!et, (hRt vm# L@9 ,3s#c .k? nhNc8 Available ad$., ready for u,e0 willing to ,erve (,n ,'ng _ d`ng# yroad ad$., covering a wide ,cope(rong rli, r8 r'ng# 2ategory n., a divi,ion in a ,y,tem of cla,,ification0 a general cla,, of idea, (hTng, loTi# 2ategoriMe v., categorical ad$.,(phEn loTi 7&c th.c# 5i,parate ad$., fundamentally di,tinct or different (!h&c loTi# 5ivide v., to ,eparate into part, (phEn chia# favorite ad$., preferred (Aa th\ch# favorable ad$., favorably adv., gn,tinct n., an inborn pattern that i, a powerful motivation (b*n nGng# Ireference n., ,omeone or ,omething li!ed over another or other, (,. Aa th\ch, th\ch c&i gk hBn# Irefer v., preferential ad$., Lea,on n., the ba,i, or motive for a action0 an underlying fact or cau,e (l% do# Lela7ation n., the act of reacting or the ,tate of being rela7ed0 refre,hment of body or mind (thA giln# Lela7 v., rela7ed ad$., da,te n., the ability to di,cern what i, e7cellent or appropriate (,e th\ch,th6 hiRu# rge v., to advocate earne,tly0 a., a natural de,ire (thPc giac, giac gil# L@@ ,3s-3?s .A>o t7n!8 Ac-uire v., to gain po,,e,,ion of0 to get by onev, own effort, (Tt Ac, thu Ac# Admire v., to regard with plea,ure0 to have e,teem or re,pect for (|hEm phac, hEm mo# 2ollection n., a group of ob$ect, or wor!, to be ,een, ,tudied, or !ept together (bo ,Au t+p# 2ollect v., collector n., 2ritici,m n., an evaluation, e,pecially of literary or other arti,tic wor!, (,. ph< bknh, bknh phbm# 2riticiMe v., Ih< bknh critic n., (nh' ph< bknh# 97pre,, v., to give an opinion or depict emotion (b'y t4, bi_u lo tknh c*m# fa,hion n., the prevailing ,tyle or cu,tom (thYi trang# tei,ure n., freedom from timecon,uming dutie,0 free time (thYi gian r*nh ri# Le,pond v., to ma!e a reply0 to react (h i Em, phPc &p# Le,pon,e n., re,pon,ive ad$., (,. tr* lYi# Nchedule n., a li,t of time, of event,0 v., to enter on a ,chedule (l6ch trknh, !R hoTch l'm viKc# Nignificant ad$., meaningful0 having a ma$or effect0 important (-uan tr[ng, &ng !_# 23
NpecialiMe v., to concentrate on a particular activity (chuy<n m@n h^a# Npeciali,t n., ,pecialiMed ad$.,(chuy<n gia# Npectrum n., a range of related -ualitie,, idea,, or activitie, ( ,. phEn bJ theo t\nh chUt, ,W lAng, h'nh vi# L@C ,-I#a .Hh&1n! t#Sn tr3)dn thJn!8 A,,ignment n., v., ,omething, ,uch a, a ta,!, that i, a,,igned (nhiKm va, c@ng viKc# 2hoo,e v., to ,elect one thing over another (l.a ch[n# 2hoice n., choo,y ad$., 2on,tant n., ,omething that i, unchanging or invariable (trung th'nh, chung th3y# 2on,titute n., to be the element, or part, of (tTo th'nh, th'nh l+p, thiRt l+p# 5eci,ive ad$., characteriMed by deci,ion and firmne,, (dht !ho&t# 5i,,eminate v., to ,catter widely0 to di,tribute (truy1n b& phJ biRn# gmpact n., a ,trong, immediate impre,,ion (*nh hAeng, ,. t&c ong# gn depth ad$., in complete detail0 thorough (t mO, cbn th+n, chu &o# gnve,tigative ad$., ,pecialiMing in uncovering and reporting hidden information (i1u tra# gnve,tigation n., inve,tigate v., tin! n., an a,,ociation0 a relation,hip (li<n !Rt# Nub,cribe v., to receive a periodical regularly on order (nt mua mot c&i gk ^ 6nh !u# Nub,cription n., ,ub,criber, n., (,. mua b&o d'i hTn, ,. thu< bao iKn thoTi# dhorough ad$., e7hau,tively complete (tO mO, chu &o# dhoroughne,, n., thoroughly adv., L@6 Doctorqs ODD#c- .phrn! kh6?8 Annual ad$., yearly (7*y ra h'ng nGm# Appointment n., arrangement, for a meeting0 a po,ition in a profe,,ion (cuoc hpn# A,,e,, v., to determine the value or rate of ,omething (AXc 6nh, 6nh lAng# A,,e,,ment n., a,,e,,able ad$., 5iagno,e v., to recogniMe a di,ea,e0 to analyMe the nature of ,omething (chbn o&n# 5iagno,i, n. lYi chubn o&n diagno,tic ad$., driKu chhng 9ffective ad$., producing the de,ired effect0 being in effect (*nh hAeng# gn,trument n., a tool for preci,e wor!0 the mean, whereby ,omething i, achieved (i1u tr6# janage v., to handle0 to deal with0 to guide (gi*i -uyRt, 7oay ,e# Irevent v., to !eep from happening0 to hinder (chWng lTi, ph)ng chWng# Irevention n., preventive Lecommend v., to pre,ent a, worthy0 to endor,e (giXi thiKu# Lecommendation n., recommendable ad$., Lecord v., to ,et down in writing0 n., a official copy of document, (ghi lTi, lAu lTi# Lefer v., to direct for treatment or information0 to mention (chO 6nh, li<n -uan Rn# Neriou, ad$., weighty (nghi<m tr[ng# 24
L@F D-nt#stqs oDD#c- .Hhrn! Nha ss8 Aware / 'we/ ad$., having !nowledge ( co= !i<=n thA=c hoG?c nhE?n thA=c v<; ai/ca=i gi;# 2atch up v., to bring up to date 5i,traction / di,'trC!Dn/ n., the act of being turned away from the focu, ( ,A? la;m ,ao laHng, ,A? la;m laHng i, ,A? la;m A=t -uaHng (ma?ch tA tAB>ng, c@ng vi<?c ang la;m...#0 ,A? laHng tri=, ,A? aHng tri=0 i<;u 7ao laHng# 5i,tract v. ( la;m ,ao laHng, la;m laHng i, la;m laHng tri=, la;m r@=i bB;i, la;m r@=i tri=#, di,tracted ad$., 9ncouragement / in'!ridmnt/ n., in,piration or ,upport ( ni<;m @?ng vi<n# 9vident ad$., ea,ily ,een or under,tood0 obviou, (hi_n nhi<n, r'nh r'nh# 9vidence n., evidently adv., cabit n., a cu,tomary manner or practice ( tho=i -uen, tE?p -ua=n cabitual ad$., habitually adv., glluminate // i'lu:mineit/ v., to provide or brighten with light ( chi<=u ,a=ng, ro?i ,a=ng, ,oi ,a=ng# grritate ! / 'iriteit/ v., to chafe or inflame, to bother ( !i=ch thi=ch0 la;m tE=y l<n, la;m ra=t # grritation n., irritable ad$., Fverview / 'ouvv$u :/ n., a ,ummary0 a ,urvey0 a -uic! loo! ( ,A? mi<u ta> chung nhAng ngG=n go?n0 ca=i nhi;n !ha=i -ua=t0 t@>ng -uan# Io,ition / p'MiDn/ n., the right or appropriate place ( vi? tri=, ch@H (cu>a m@?t vE?t gi;# Legularly / 'reg$ulri/ adv., occurring at fi7ed interval, ( B> nhAHng -uaHng ca=ch hoG?c thB;i gian <;u G?n0 ca=ch <;u nhau Le,tore v., to bring bac! to an original condition (|h@i phac lTi#

L@G ^-aBth Ins3ranc- . s&t =auo h#2u? s&vc kho-u .kh# Jv?8 Allow ('lau v., to let do or happen0 to permit (cho, cUp cho, tr cUp, cUp ph&t# Allowance n., allowable ad$., Alternative /:l't:ntiv/ n., the choice between two mutually e7clu,ive po,,ibilitie, (,. l.a chon (mot trong hai## Alternate v., alternatively adv., A,pect /'C,pe!t/ n., a feature element0 an appearance (v, b1 ngo'i0 diKn mTo# 2oncern /!n',:n/ v., to be of intere,t or importance to (lo l/ng, bGn !hoGn0 -uan tEm# 9mpha,iMe ('emf,aiM v., to ,tre,, (nhUn mTnh# 9mpha,i, n., emphatic ad$., gncur "# v., to ac-uire or come into (g&nh ch6u, ch6u lUy# Ier,onnel n., a group of employee, or wor!er, (c&n bo, nhEn vi<n# Iolicy n., a ,et of rule, and regulation, (nhZng i1u !ho*n c3a cp ng b*o hi_m# 25
Iortion $% n., a ,ection or -uantity within a larger thing0 a part of a whole (phEn chia, !hbu phQn# Legardle,, adv., in ,pite of (yUt chUp, !h@ng Rm 7Oa tXi, !h@ng chP % tXi# Nalary n., a fi7ed compen,ation paid regularly for wor! done0 onev, pay (lABng# Nuitable ad$., appropriate to a purpo,e or an occa,ion (th\ch hp vXi# Nuit v. cp vXi, ,uitably adv., ( L@R ^osp#taBs .to chwc tV th#Sn" to chwc cw3 t%8 Admit /d'mit/ v., to permit to enter (hha Ac, nh+n Ac, c^ 3 ch cho Admittance n., admi,,ion n., AuthoriMation /,:rai'Mein/ n., the act of ,anctioning (,. cho -uy1n, ,. cho phmp# 5e,ignate /'deMignit/ v., to indicate or ,pecify (chO r8, 6nh r8# 5e,ignation n., de,ignator n., 9,cort /e,!:! i,'!:t/ n., a per,on accompanying another to guide or protect (ngAYi b*o vK0 ngAYi dVn AYng0 ngAYi i theo# gdentify /ai'dentifai/ v., to a,certain the name or belonging, of ( ng nhUt ho&, coi nhA nhau# gdentifiable ad$., identification n., ji,,ing n., an inner calling to pur,ue an activity or perform a ,ervice (the mi,,ing (-uEn ,.# nhZng ngAYi mUt t\ch# Iermit /'p:mit/ v., to allow (cho phmp# Iermi,,ible ad$., permi,,ion n., Iertinent /'p:tinnt/ ad$., having relevance to the matter at hand (th\ch hp, th\ch &ng, Png ch0 i thng v'o (vUn 1...## Irocedure /procedure/ n., a ,erie, of ,tep, ta!en to accompli,h an end (th3 tac# Le,ult /ri'Mlt/n., an outcome (!Rt -u*# Ntatement /',teitmnt/ n., an accounting ,howing an amount due0 a bill (,. b'y t4, ,. trknh b'y, ,. ph&t bi_u# ,ual /'$u: u l/ ad$., ordinary, e7pected (thAYng, th@ng thAYng, thAYng lK, thAYng d`ng, d`ng -uen# LC0 Hhar?ac) .'D i?;s#8 I&c khoa 2on,ult /!n',lt/ v., to ,ee! advice or information of (h4i % !iRn, tham !h*o# 2on,ultation n., con,ultative ad$., 2ontrol /!n'troul/ v., to e7erci,e authoritative or dominating influence (!i_m tra, !i_m ,o&t, th} lTi# 2onvenient /!n'vi:n$nt/ ad$., ,uited or favorable to onev, purpo,e0 ea,y to reach (tiKn li, thu+n li0 th\ch hp# 2onvenience n., conveniently adv., 5etect /di'te!t/ v., to di,cover or a,certain (d) ra, tkm ra, !h&m ph& ra, ph&t hiKn ra# 26
5etection n., detectable ad$., factor /'fC!t/n., a contribution to an accompli,hment, a re,ult, or a proce,, (nhEn tW# gnteraction /,intr'C!n/ n., an influence0 a mutual activity (t&c ong -ua lTi# timit n., the point beyond which ,omething cannot proceed (giXi hTn, hTn o# jonitor v., to !eep trac! of (gi&m ,&t# Iotential /p'tenl/ ad$., capable of being but not ye in e7i,tence0 po,,ible (ti1m nGng# Nample /',:mpl/ n., a portion, piece, or ,egment that i, repre,entative of a whole (mVu, mVu h'ng# Nen,e /,en,/n., a $udgment0 an intellectual interpretation (!h* nGng ph&n o&n# qolunteer /,vln'ti/n., one who perform, a ,ervice without pay0 v., to perform a, a volunteer (ngAYi tknh nguyKn, ngAYi 7ung phong# qolunteeri,m n., voluntary ad$.,


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