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I have often wondered what it is that makes me who I am. Is it my

personality, or my character? Is it the way that I dress? Maybe it is my choice of
career? Or, maybe it is a combination of all of these things because I don’t think
that there is one description or label that is capable of defining me completely.

Over the course of my first year teaching in a private school, it was very
ideal, Im teaching in a very prestige and exclusive school. I taught students with
remarkably different abilities with prominent personalities. Not to mention all the
luxuries of a teacher in the instructional materials provided by the school i am
teaching. But after a year i decided to enter public school, my life as a teacher
became frustrated because of so many expectation. Teaching in a public high
school is much more complex than those outside can imagine. I started felt like I
landed a wrong job. I found myself having a hard time figuring out everyone‘s
attitude including co-workers. Why many of the students behave like no respect
left. And in this seminar I fully understand that all things happen with a reason

This whole brain seminar has really made a tremendous difference in my

life. I feel I have obtained a more balanced picture of good or ill and a more
realistic notion of myself. This seminar consistently rich and insightful, and as I
reflecting on the lesson frequent points of connection happens in my life and at the
same time, continue to gently challenge me to greater love, greater service, more
committed teacher . It changes the way I look at life. I saw my own mistakes. It
gave me a much more concrete realization of the human nature this has changed
my life and I want to change others the same way.

Whole brain literacy and self awareness helped to refocus my personal

relationship with God in a much more complete manner. I became less self-
occupied and more aware of others in a shared, God - given world environment.

This seminar has taught me so much. I feel like I have just grown---like I'm
becoming the person I'm supposed to be. One of the biggest differences has been
learning to understand my patterns--my motives. It has made a difference in my
understanding of God's infinite love for me and all his creation. I have the deep
understanding that 'all is gift' - a gift that flows from the hands of a gracious,
loving and merciful God. And even more, that gift is not only meant to be received,
but to be shared. Nothing I do or am is on account of anything I have done or am --
it is all pure gifts, and with that knowledge came a profound sense of gratitude.
God has been so gracious and merciful in His love and forgiveness of me -- I still
don't totally understand it, and probably never will, but I know I will never be able
to say "thank you" enough.

It has helped me further identify areas where I need growth and change in
my actions, or lack of them, and has gifted me with a dedication to see Jesus in
others and/or give Him to others. He has become the true love and focus of my life
in a way that I have not experienced before.

Looking forward to the next Self mastery Seminar. God bless and more power!

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