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1.What is your philosophy in teaching ang learning?

“Teaching is not just merely imparting knowledge and wisdom, more so, it is

touching and making a difference in the lives of our learners.”

For almost a decade in the teaching profession, I would like to believe that, the

most rewarding or heartwarming feeling a teacher can have is the gratitude of the learners

towards us teachers, knowing that we were a part in the making of their “dream-come-true

story”. More than the learnings that we have filled their minds with, the positive attitude

and the drive that we need to gear up in each of our learners are instrumental for them to

be successful in life.

To borrow a quote, “Words can either make or break a person”. My version would

be, teachers can either make or break his/her student”. It seemed to be an exaggeration,

but yes, that reality exists. I got a first-hand experience of that way back in my elementary

years, where my teacher threw right in my face, in front of the whole class, a criticism, a

line that changes my life forever. It seemed to me the most degrading and humiliating

words to receive and it is too heavy for a 12-year-old to carry. I did not take it against my

teacher, rather, it became a turning point for me to decide to become a teacher when I

grow up. Reason? Simply because, I don’t like students to experience what I have had. On

the contrary, I want my learners to feel that school is home for them to grow, to learn and

an avenue to build their dreams. Learning is fun and easy when the atmosphere built in

the teaching-learning process is positive with equal opportunities and somewhat personal.

What I mean is, teacher should try to build connection to their learners beyond the four

walls of the classroom.

For me to do that, I need to equip myself as a teacher. Keeping up with what is the

trend is a must in order for me to keep pace with and understand the learners in this

generation. We must give what is due to our learners, they truly deserve it. After all, it is

our primary task as teachers.


2. Teaching Experience.

Just like any other, my being- a- teacher- story can fill the entire pages of a book.

There could not be more interesting life story other than that of a teacher. I, myself, has

hundreds to say when it comes to my teaching experience. One thing is for sure, It made

me who I have become today.

A decade ago, I was just another applicant standing in the middle of that long line of

strangers waiting for my turn for a demo teaching where principals were my students. The

class was a set of intelligent students who answered my questions right away and who

asked me questions I have barely answered. Funny, but I would like to think that I was able

to impress them. Thus, I was hired.

Then I had my first day as a secondary school teacher. My world suddenly turned

upside down. My students were a hodgepodge of extreme personalities coming from

different family background and with different beliefs and disposition in life. That is the

reality! But never a sad reality. Being immersed in that kind of environment is an

opportunity not everyone can avail. It is a chance for me to grow to a strong person, to be

resilient and to be flexible to adjust and to adopt in order for me to become an effective

teacher. There were times were tears came running down my face because I can’t seem

to solve simple learners’ indifferences added with a multitude to paper works that need to

be submitted on time. However, all the negative feelings I experienced were all worth it

every time a former student came to express gratitude of how I became a part of their

success. The feeling was just surreal and so overwhelming knowing you have touched

one’s life. All the hard work, negative emotions, and overtimes and tears wasted were all

paid off.

It’s a roller coaster ride I must say, but the adventure it brings is very much

worthwhile. The pressure, the multi- tasking being asked from us, and the every-now-and-

then updates we need to keep pace with is a package included in the teaching profession.

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