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1. Education for social stratification and social mobility.

Education significantly influences social stratification and social mobility in a

community group. Education is an activity that that has existed since early human

existence. Education is one of the biggest means of determining one's social

environment. That is, education can elevate one’s social status. The higher a person's

education, then he will be respected in the community. This phenomenon creates a

layer of society, which is a differentiator in a person's position in a vertically different

position. Distinguishing one’s position in society is called social stratification. Education

is one of the factors that cause social start-up in society. Stratification is the

differentiation of individuals into classes in a hierarchical manner.

According to Soekanto, the coating system in the community is closed and open.

Closed system means limiting the movement of a person from one layer to another,

both up and down. While the open system provides opportunities to the community to

try to rise to the social layer. Then the possibility of social mobility is very large. In a

society with an open system, education is very important as a means of going up to

class at the social level. The higher the level of education of a person, the greater the

expectation to increase status at the social level.

Education can be reinforced by socialization in society. Education serves to

prepare students to adapt in a social context, and this generation will lead to

stratification and social mobility in society. Education is an important channel for

individuals or social groups to carry out social mobility. With education an individual can

improve his social status. Through education, someone who cannot read so can read

the same book, can think of the same social, cultural, political, religious and

economic problems. Through human education not only can it adapt but can intervene.

2. Democracy and Education.

It is an admitted fact that there is a significant relationship between democracy

and education. In a democracy, education is given importance, for it is pre-requisite for

the survival and success of the former. Similarly, education fosters a democratic temper

in the minds of people. Democratic values like liberty, equality, fraternity justice, dignity

of individual, co-operation, sharing of responsibility etc. are applied to education to

make it more effective, meaningful, relevant and useful.

Democracy in order to be a reality and a way of life has to be introduced from the

very beginning of education and its values need to be practiced in educational

institutions. Before a thorough discussion on the inalienable relationship between the

two-democracy and education, it is essential to unfold the meaning of democracy.

Democracy is a form of government in which there prevails the rule of majority. It

is government of the people, by the people and for the people. This is a political

connotation of the term democracy. Economically, it is a system where no one is

exploited, where everybody is assured a fair standard of living, where there is equal

opportunity for work according to abilities and capacities, where economic organization

is based on collective or co-operative basis and where economic projects are geared for

the benefit of the community at large but not for any private bodies.

Education is an important part in sustaining a Democracy. Without an educated

citizenry we would fall apart as a free nation. All aspects of our political and economic

system rely on a literate and able group to carry out the necessary processes and

duties of our country. In sustaining itself our nation has imparted itself on creating and

sustaining systems that maintain Democracy. One of the biggest systems that must be

devised is one that transfers knowledge across generations, therefore it comes to no

surprise that we have an established public-school system whose intent is to educate


every child without extra price, even going so far as to cover transportation and food for

those who're unable to cover it.

3. Women Education and Gender Equity.

Education is very essential for everyone because it is only through it that we can

differentiate human beings from animals. Education tells us that we can we live in a

society. That is why education is important for everyone, for both men and women.

Education is globally acknowledged as the most powerful means of empowering

girls and women and protecting them from the violation of their human rights. Investing

in girls’ and women’s education can transform, and even save, lives—the lives of girls

and women, and the lives of their families and communities. It is one of the most

effective ways to achieve positive, sustainable change in the world, for everyone.

Gender equity refers to promoting fairness in education, as well as confronting

stereotypes and biases that have historically limited a student's potential. Gender equity

in terms of education is about the socialization of men and women and the results of

this process on the life outcomes of the two genders (Husen & Postlethwaite, 1994). In

our country, the education system is required to treat males and females equally. Over

the years, many provisions have been made with the goal of equalizing the treatment of

girls and boys in public education.

Gender Equality is very important. Women have to deserve an equal thing as

same as the men. Such as, Education, Rights, and many more. Guaranteeing the rights

of women and giving them opportunities to reach their full potential is critical not only for

attaining gender equality, but also for meeting a wide range of international

development goals. Empowered women and girls contribute to the health and

productivity of their families, communities, and countries, creating a ripple effect that

benefits everyone

4. Globalization: Concept and its Relevance in Contemporary Situation.

Globalization is about the interconnectedness of people and businesses across

the world that eventually leads to global cultural, political and economic integration. It is

the ability to move and communicate easily with others all over the world in order to

conduct business internationally. Globalization is the process of growing, developing

and expanding the business, services or technologies all through the world.

In the last few decades, globalization has taken the form of technological

advancement which resulted in easier travel, communication, and other businesses on

international level for the people. On one hand, where globalization has made easy

access of technologies to the people, it has also decreased the opportunity of success

by increasing competition.

Globalization has been in the air. It is being projected as the common objective of

the whole humankind. The aim of globalization is to secure socio- economic integration

and development of all the people of the world through a free flow of goods, services,

information, knowledge and people across all boundaries. Globalization is associated

with rapid and significant human changes. The movements of people from rural to

urban areas has accelerated, and the growth of cities in the developing world especially

is linked to substandard living for many. There is also a significant movement of people

from one country to another for trade and work As far as its impact is concerned,

discussion of globalization tends to consider simultaneously its effects on economic

growth, employment and income distribution - often without distinguishing between-

countries and within-country inequalities – and other social impacts such as

opportunities for poverty alleviation.


5.Human Rights and Education with Special reference to Rights of Children

Education is intrinsically valuable as humankind’s most effective tool for

personal empowerment. Education takes on the status of a human right because it is

integral to and enhances human dignity through its fruits of knowledge, wisdom and

understanding every children practice different rights.

The right of education is a basic human right that everyone should have.

The right of education is fundamental human right but many children and adults

deprived of educational rights which result of poverty. The United Nations Convention

on the Rights of the Child states that all children have the right to receive education,

build the foundation of the rest of their lives, maximize their abilities and respect them.

Children's rights education (or human rights education for children) is the

education and practice of children's rights in schools and educational institutions and is

based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. After full-scale

implementation, the child's rights education program includes both a curriculum for

educating children about human rights and a framework for managing schools to

respect the rights of children.

Children's human rights education is the education and educational practice of

schools and educational institutions conforming to the UN Convention on the Rights of

the Child. This is a form of education that children are the persons responsible for

human rights, the children themselves are citizens themselves, and schools and

educational institutions are learning the value and practice of the children's learning


Education is crucial to one’s life as it enables the individual to realize his real

potential and use it effectively for the growth of a nation. Therefore, it is important to

realize the strength of education and make it compulsory for everyone so that each

citizen can avail the benefits of being educated.

6. Consumer Rights and Right to Education

A consumer is defined as someone who buys goods and services for directly

using them rather than reselling them or using them or some other indirect use.

Consumer protection or consumer right is the right to have clarity of information

regarding a product’s quality, quantity, potency, price and purity. These rights are

curated to protect consumers from unfair trade.

Consumer rights are predetermined declarations which are established by law.

Consumer organizations are also made which help these consumers to exercise their

right if and when treated unfairly. Consumer rights are a very special set of rules which

prevent huge frauds committed by huge business corporations.

It is the right of every citizen to have an education regarding consumer

protection. The education makes sure that the consumer has all the knowledge and

information required regarding their rights and claims. Consumer rights are generally a

reference to a body of law that pertains to things the producers of goods must do to

protect customers from harm. These laws have come into existence.

As consumers, we need to be educated as consumer education is the

preparation of an individual to be capable of making informed decisions when it comes

to purchasing products in a consumer culture. It generally covers various consumer

goods and services, prices, what the consumer can expect, standard trade practices,

etc. While consumer education can help consumers to make more informed decisions,

some researchers have found that its effects can drop off over time, suggesting the

need for continual education. New dimensions of consumer education are also

beginning to emerge as people become more aware of the need for ethical

consumerism and sustainable consumer behaviour in our increasingly globalized


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