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Philosophical Statement:
“Teaching students is merely not enough; touching their lives is where the heart of
teaching is.” I always live up to this line since I became a teacher by profession. It became my
guiding light as I bring myself everyday in the field, facing the different and unique personalities
of individuals whose future largely lies in our hands.
I believe that when we touch student’s lives, everything else follows. At all cost, we must
reach out to our students in order to make a difference. The respect and the discipline that we
would like to elicit from our learners in order to have smooth delivery of learning will just be at
hand. On top of that, a mark of a lasting legacy will be embedded in the lives of our learners.
To do this, I should play many different roles aside from being a mere teacher. That I should be
their adviser, that gives pieces of advice when they seem confused. A friend, that stands by
their side when everything else fails. A mother who guides them as they journey through life.
A Lawmaker, so they can distinguish right from wrong. A provider, so they can equip themselves
in facing the reality outside the four corners of the classroom, and a manager to keep
everything in place inside the classroom.

Rules and Procedures:

Turning a classroom conducive for learning does not only pertains to its physical aspects,
its atmosphere or the feelings you created inside the classroom is equally important. Thus, I
believe teachers should be very careful in handling learners when it comes to disciplining them
through rules and policies we have in the classroom. Courtesy, Respect and Cleanliness are the
basics I usually ask from my learners, not only towards their teachers but to their
classmates/schoolmates as well. The policies/house rules I have in my classroom are made
through suggestions and agreement of the entire class in the beginning of the school year.
Consistency and sustainability of this policies (which are composed of rewards and
punishments) are vital in the formation of values of the learners. Since the house rules are made
by all, it should be observed at all times. By this, accountability and responsibility will be
practiced by the learners.
Classroom Arrangement:
Aside from what is prescribed by the department of what should be present (data)
inside the classroom and what should be posted on walls, nothing more/extra should be
observed in the classroom. I consider myself as minimalist on this aspect, for I believe it is
unnecessary to put more things inside the classroom as they tend to just caught learners’
attention and may hinder their concentration towards learning. Especially that they are high
school students, what they need is a wider space to learn and engage in learning (Cooperative
learning: needs more space). More than the colourful decorations, what students need are
strategies that will surely catch their attention.
As for students’ placement, they don’t have permanent seat plan. I always want to have
flexible area for my students so they will feel comfortable not only with their seats but also with
the people around them. Also, I tend to change seat plans so everybody gets a chance to get to
know all their classmates. And from time to time provides learner’s space for them to explore
as they learn.

Misbehavior Intervention
Sustainability and consistency with the house rules/ policies should be imposed so
misbehaviour can be minimized. If at times, it won’t work, then a one on one conference might
be helpful in order to attend such misbehaviour. Warnings and pre-cautions should be given to
learners as frequent as possible, so things may run smoothly in the classroom. Should there’ll
be untoward incidence as the result of misbehaviour then it would be addressed with due
process with the cooperation of the learner/s involve, teacher, guidance councillor/principal (if
needed) and with the parents/ guardians of course. It should be noted that everything or every
incident shall be put into records for follow up and monitoring.

Classroom Safety:
The classroom should have a child-friendly environment free from hazards and
violence, where every learners are given fair share of opportunities. Another thing, it should be
a classroom free from bullying and discrimination in any form. To do this, frequent reminders
should be given to students and should be integrated in my lessons. Everybody should feel
secure and welcome in the classroom regardless of their culture and status in life. Hence, I
should build a positive relationship towards my learners.
Further, students should be always ready to any emergency situations that may arise.
Drills maybe of great help for learners be at ease during these times. Usage of gadgets should
be regulated and harmful objects (that may cause physical pain) should be restricted in the
classroom. Thus, teacher should be alert and will do constant check-up to his/her learners.
Student Celebration
For a student, there would be no more meaningful than a praise and a reward for a job
well done in the classroom. It surely boosts their confidence and will motivate them to strive
for more. A special recognition by mentioning their names and their great works will surely
inspire them to perform better. Also, It will make them feel special and empowered if they
earned prized they deserved. Rewards may come in different forms such as Basic School
Supplies (Ballpen, pencil, paper, notebook, post-it, etc.), exemptions and extra points. These
will surely fuel the learners to do well in school.

Prepared by: Reviewed/Approved by:


Learner School Head

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