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Reaction Paper

Title: The Effects of Education Has on Society

Author: Michael Israel
Published: May 1, 2018

Education is important in the creation of any democratic society. It is needed to make a society
geopolitically stable.  It leads to economic prosperity in the global marketplace. It gives people the
knowledge they need to elect capable leaders. It helps promote tolerance in a society and helps reduce
common conflicts between diverse populations in an urban setting. It has the power to help societies, and
the world in general, changes for the better. Education is important because it helps members in a society
learn from the mistakes of the past.  It is the first step a society needs before giving rights to women and
other minority groups. Education also reduces violence and crime in societies in a way of teaching people
to read which has been shown to prevent them to engage in crime. Thus, education creates hope for the

I agree with the author as he emphasized that education itself can pave a way towards a peaceful
society. Well, education promotes healthy goal in making a child a better individual as it guides him/her to
the brighter side of the world. Thus, education is significant as society depends on it.

Society is a big factor in educational aspect so does education greatly contributes to society. As an
African proverb says, “it takes a village to educate a child”, this statement emphasizes that educating a
child alone is useless unless the people around him/her and the environment he/she is living in help
together hand on hand to realize the child’s educational goal. Moreover, education has enormously
contributed to the society, in a way that it creates globally competitive individuals and those individuals help
the world to become a better place to live in. It produces wise people who can decide which to choose, who
to choose and how to choose – smart solutions in which society has its positive benefits. According to
Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
Therefore, education is very important because life without education leads us to the world of chaos and

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