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Global Citizenship

The state of the world nowadays seemed to be the total opposite of the world we once had

during early age. At this era, you can never see children playing outdoor games, enjoying

sunlight, having many friends, and childhood memories, instead, they are addictely playing

mobile games or computer games, losing physical contact with other children and lack of

socialization that lead them to feel isolated and loss connection to the real world. Sending mails

through mailman seemed to be old school and forgotten because of the advanced technology

and gadgets which is fastest and convenient. We all focus on high-tech gadgets and forget that

socialising with others are more important than your rank in mobile legend. We forgot to care

for others and for the environment and ecosystem and we sometimes disregard humanity

because of our way of living in today's world.

The world is inevitably evolving and changing. No one can stop it. And we, people of the world,

needed to learn on how to actively understand interconnectedness or simply how to become a

global citizen. And it becomes the greater need than ever before. But what do global citizen

mean? Does it mean to have knowledge about the world? Or to be just a skilled and active

participant of the society? If that's what you think, then you are wrong! Global citizen have a

deeper meaning and needs deeper understanding in order for you to learn and understand it.

According to many sources, UNICEF defines global citizen as someone who understand

interconnectedness, someone who knows how to respect and value diversity, someone who has

the ability to challenge injustices and someone who take action in personally meaningful ways.

But how can we become a global citizen? According to many researchers they say that in order
for the people to become a global citizen he/she should have to be creative, flexible, dedicated,

and proactive. Global citizens take an active part in the emerging world community, and are

committed to helping build this community’s values and practices.This will mean developing

skills related to problem-solving, decision-making, critical thinking, communication, and

collaboration. These skills are becoming more and more essential to success in the workplace,

as well as life in general, and cannot be developed without active, self-directed learning.

Although there are many researchers who try to explain and give several ways or steps in order

to become a global citizen. They're commonalities is that they all want us to practice Global


Global citizenship is all about encouraging young people to develop the knowledge, skills, and

values they need to engage with the world. It is having and acting on an additional feeling of

connectedness that encourages people to think globally and allows them to diversify and

expand their communities. So why do we need to consider global citizenship? Global citizenship

covers a lot of ground. It may be a way of thinking and living that helps us increase cultural

awareness, self awareness, and awareness for others that is very essential in our lives, also it

helps us to have an essential foundation to principled decision-making, and lastly it helps us in

making responsible personal choices in participating in social and political life. Global citizenship

helps young people to: Build their own understanding of world events, think about their values

and what's important to them, take learning into the real world, challenge ignorance and

intolerance, get involved in their local, national and global communities, develop an argument

and voice their opinions, and see that they have power to act and influence the world around
them. But above all, it shows young people that they have a voice to do action to make a better


This concept become very useful and important especially to education in order to educate

young people and attain a better quality of education and produce strong leaders and know the

importance of leadership. Also, internationalization, that may lead into united countries all over

the world, we will benefited by the result of encouraging students to consider their

responsibilities to their communities that leads into more organize nation. Lastly it creates

bridges between work of international and multicultural education.

Considering global citizenship as our way of thinking and living may result in a deeper sense of

cultural empathy. Through this we are able to understand and appreciate other cultures' foods,

dances, musics, religions, languages or dialect, and their different beliefs. Isn't fun to try

something new and discover how other people live their life? With this, we can say that global

citizenship is the most effective way to build bridges and connect each other to attain peace and

unity. Once a person had the pleasure to explore, experience, and learn about other cultures,

he/she can better appreciate and see the richness of each and every group of people all over

the world.

All people live on the same planet, breathing the same air, and benefited by the same

environment and ecosystem. This is another reason why we need to consider the idea of global

citizenship. Knowing the fact that we all live on the same planet - which is the earth- and our

actions affect not only the small communities but also the entire world, it is important that

humans are aware of those potentially deadly effect of our action to the planet we live on, such
as greenhouse gas emissions as a result of transportation, as well as food and energy-use

choices. This is an indication that the daily choices we make can have a lasting effect on the

environment, both locally and globally. If humans continue to pollute the environment and

perpetuate the greenhouse effect, then the world may be faced with extreme heat, disruption

of ecosystems, more unexpected natural disasters, an increase in allergies and other respiratory

diseases, and more.

With the idea of global citizenship, nations have the power to unify to anticipate possible

catastrophes and brainstorm solutions. Since we - people are the one who will suffer with this

phenomenon, we should not sit back and relax and just wait for others to do solutions and

action for this problem. You can do something to save the world and that's what global

citizenship means.

In recent years, the development of new technologies and the growth of social media sites are

rapidly increasing. 21st century is the era where advances in technology greatly affect the

interconnectedness of the world. But this may help the progress of global citizenship movement

if we know how to use these advances properly. Through this, we can raise a generation of

problem solvers, capable of tackling the world’s most pressing issues including environmental

preservation, hunger, poverty, drugs, teenage pregnancy and many more. Students are capable

to critically think about the world's future generations and the world's future.

As a student, teen and the future of the nation, we should be prepare ourselves on becoming a

global citizen by practicing global citizenship and achieve the peaceful, united and successful

world. The world is changing rapidly and simple educating of young people will provide the
ability to think critically and logically about the local and global issues and hold the ability to

apply those skills to every aspects of their lives and produce strong leaders who are capable to

guide every communities, lead them ecologically and socially sound decision-making and inspire

other younger minds to stand up and make difference in their own ways.

This approach that aims at achieving global citizenship has the potential to benefit the entire

world. Since globalization is closely tied to global citizenship, it is essential to be aware and

conscientious of the world we are living in and build happier, and better future along with a

better leaders and citizens.

How to become a global citizen? Simply prepare yourself to thrive in this inevitable and rapid

developing network of interconnected nations. The global community is growing each and

everyday so don't mise out on your opportunity to make a difference that would change the

world for the better.


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