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UNIVERSITY OF PUTHISASTRA Faculty of Arts and Languages Department of Languages Year 3, Semester 1 Academic Year: 2013-2014 Lecturer: Kang

Rithisal LITERATURE STUDIES 3.1 THE VILLAGE BY THE SEA Chapter 9 TRUE FALSE STATEMENT 1. Hari got paid 14 rupees per week, and he was deeply grateful for it. 2. Working with Jagu, Hari could eat his meals with there are no customers at the restaurant. At night, he could sleep on the bench or even on the dusty black floor. 3. Hari was earning money every day, and he was happy and proud of it. He did not have to spend for anything except his daily food. 4. Coming to sleep in the park gave Hari a better life. He could feel the luxury of stretching out and putting his feet up after a tiring day at the restaurant. He was approached by a policeman, however, and he had to be watchful, not letting the policeman sees him when he slept in the park. 5. Another job that Hari got in this chapter was the apprentice watchmender. 6. At his arrival, Sayyid Ali Sahib made no grand, impressive entrance as he travelled by bus, walked down the path, and carried his own bag. 7. Mr. de Silva promised Lila that he would drop by to see her mother and give his father some money. 8. The girls were puzzled about what Sayyid Ali was studying every day. Observing his weird behavior, they thought he was studying the birds. SPEAKER IDENTIFICATION 1. Cant sleep in there, eh? Must be terribly hot and stufy. This is a bad month May before the monsoon comes. My room is as bad as the shop its on the top floor, you see in one of those buildings that overlook Grant Road station. 2. Tell you what, why dont you go and sleep in the park, eh? 3. Get up, boy, go home. This is no place to sleep. Get up quick or Ill take you off to the police station you can sleep as long as you like there. 4. Why bully a poor harmless boy, Mr Mighty Policeman? There are enough bad characters in this city thugs, murderers, thieves, gamblers, drunkards why not go after them instead? Why not start with those drunkards playing cards in that corner over there? 5. Yes. Maybe Ill make you smile at last or even laugh, eh? 6. The doctor thinks he can send her home at Diwali will that be alright? 7. Be sure to see he eats his meals its the sort of thing he forgets to do, so you will have to remember.

8. For sweets. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 1. He had only been away for one season, just the few months between winter and summer, but it seemed like a lifetime. Who does he refer to?

2. What was Haris problem working and living at the eating house?

3. Why couldnt the watchmaker come to sleep in the park?

4. What was Haris reaction when he saw an old woman feeding the ants?

5. Why does the author describe Mr Panwallah the kindest and most helpful of all for Hari?

6. Sayyid Ali spent his all his time studying and staring at everything, except what? What was he studying in Thul? How did the girls find out he was studying?

7. How often did Lila go to visit her mother in Alibagh? What did she usually do when she went there?

8. What do you think about the profession as watchmender in Thul? Will it be lucrative?

Answer: True/False Statement 1. False 2. True Speaker Identification 1. Mr. Panwallah 2. Mr. Panwallah 4. An old gentleman Comprehension Questions 1. Hary 2. Grow hotter and hotter and never cool down; he was confined to it day and night, he worked in kitchen, washed and bathed under tap at the back, ate his meal when there were no customers, and slept on bench or dusty floor. 3. Because he thought about his cat which would be lonely if he had gone. 4. He wondered why that old woman used her money to waste on that birds, if it was him, he would save all the money and send to his family. 5. Teach Hary to repair watch, give him money and tell him to sleep outside the working house. 6. Except people, bird; they looked the direction of Sayyids eyes and saw nothing but bird, and then they dried his book and saw picture about birds, and they knew that he studied about birds 7. Every week; Lila took some of rice, sugar and tea to her father. 8. Two possible answers If the factory wasnt built, it would be not so good for Hary because people still use the sun to tell what time or when it is in his village. If the factory was built, it would be good because the worker used the watch to time themselves when they are employed by the factory owners, they have working time.

3. False 4. False

5. True 6. True

7. True 8. True

3. Mr. Mighty Policeman

5. Mr. Panwallah 6. Mr. de Silva

7. Mrs. de Silva 8. Sayyid Ali

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