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Secondary Lesson |an 1emp|ate

Name of c|ass:
Lngllsh 11 Crade
Length of c|ass:
120 mlnuLes
LLAkNING GCALS Lo be addressed ln Lhls lesson (WhaL sLandards or umbrella learnlng
goals wlll l address?):
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.7 Analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem
(e.g., recorded or live production of a play or recorded novel or poetry), evaluating how each
version interprets the source text. (Include at least one play by Shakespeare and one play by
an American dramatist.)

In th|s |esson students w||| have a|ready read the p|ay "A ka|s|n |n the Sun". 1he day's
|esson w||| focus on the|r v|ew|ng of the actors]d|rectors |nterpretat|on of the p|ay. 1he
goa| |s to |earn d|fferent ways to ana|yze d|fferent forms of story te|||ng. I||m adaptat|ons
are an eas||y access|b|e med|um to exam|ne d|fferent aspects of text |nterpretat|on.
nowever, [ust ||ke students need to be taught too|s to ana|yze ||terature mater|a|s, they
a|so need to |earn d|fferent too|s to ana|yze med|ums ||ke p|ays or f||m. 1he goa| of th|s
|esson |s to teach o|der students these too|s.

LLAkNING C8ILC1IVLS (ln A8Cu formaL uslng verbs from 8loom's 1axonomy):
Students w||| recogn|ze the key e|ements of m|se en scene |n f||m by ||st|ng d|fferent examp|es of
techn|ques on the|r graph|c organ|zers.

Students w||| ana|yze e|ements of m|se en scene |n the set of "A ka|s|n |n the Sun" by |dent|fy|ng
three scen|c |tems and putt|ng them |n the|r graph|c organ|zer.

Students w||| wr|te a br|ef paper defend|ng the scen|c |tems they chose from the|r graph|c
organ|zer by wr|t|ng a paragraph for each e|ement they chose.

kLSCUkCLS]MA1LkIALS NLLDLD (WhaL maLerlals and resources wlll l use?):

Lach student w||| have a copy of "A ka|s|n |n the Sun" by Lorra|ne nansberry
DVD copy of "A ka|s|n |n the Sun" (1961)
"A ka|s|n |n the Sun" Graph|c organ|zer

ASSLSSMLN1 (Pow wlll l know lf sLudenLs achleve Lhe learnlng goals/ob[ecLlves?):

1he assessmenL wlll be Lhe flnal summarlzlng paper.

LLAkNING LAN (Pow wlll you organlze sLudenL learnlng? WhaL lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles
wlll you use? Pow wlll you scaffold for sLudenL learnlng?):

1. 1he c|ass w||| beg|n w|th a br|ef owero|nt s||de ||st|ng the seven key |tems of
m|se en scene. Lvery student w||| ||st these seven |tems on the|r graph|c organ|zer.
2. 1he organ|zer starts w|th a "prewatch" act|v|ty where the teacher w||| show the
f|rst f|ve m|nutes of the mov|e. 1he teacher w||| show the f|rst scene once through
w|thout stopp|ng. 1h|s way, students can see the scene co||ect|ve|y together.
(Students w||| a|ready be fam|||ar w|th the p|ot of the p|ay because they have
prev|ous|y read the p|ay.)

3. 1hen the teacher w||| rep|ay the same scene paus|ng to h|gh||ght key examp|es of
m|se en scene: actors, ||ght|ng, compos|t|on, sett|ng, costumes, props, and sound
(not d|a|ogue). 1h|s w||| mode| for the students how to recogn|ze e|ements of m|se
en scene w|th|n the f||m they are about to watch.
4. 1he teacher then w||| p|ay the next scene and |nstruct the students to take notes
of examp|es they saw |n the scene.

5. Students w||| then turn to a partner and share what they wrote down |n a vers|on
of 1IS. Students w||| then share what they wrote down w|th the ent|re c|ass.
6. 1he teacher w||| then p|ay the rest of the mov|e paus|ng approx|mate|y every 20
m|nutes to have the students 1IS aga|n to make sure that they are |nterpret|ng
the story (quas|-|ecture).

7. After the mov|e students w||| h|gh||ght three of the|r favor|te examp|es of m|se en
scene to wr|te a br|ef paper on. 1he paper |s on|y three paragraphs. Cne
paragraph for every scen|c e|ement chosen.


mise en scne-
the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play

Direction: List the 7 examples of mise en scene from the movie
Direction: Take notes about different elements of mise en scene from the second scene

After the 2
Direction: Pair up with your neighbor and share some elements of mise en scene that you

After the Movie
Direction: Pick three elements from above to you want to analyze
For Thursday October 10

Direction: Type a 3 paragraph paper analyzing three aspects of mise en scne from the
movie adaptation of A Raisin in the Sun. Each paragraph should begin by explaining
what aspect of mise en scne you are choosing to examine. Then explain your analysis of
the element in the scene.

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