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A View from the Backline

One Tech s Perspective of Life in the Music Industry

By Ron Schreiner
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This entire document is Copyright 2014 Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved
This book is dedicated to my mother, Jean, and my wife, Victoria.
Both love, have taught, and inspired me.
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First Publishing, First Edition
Copyright 2014 Ron Schreiner - ll Rights Reser!ed "orld#ide
Published by $r%gic $ree Press
"ritten by Ron Schreiner
uthor Cont%ct& rezphrea!hotmail"com
Copyright# $egal %otice and &isclaimer
$his public%tion is protected under the 'S Copyright ct o( 1)*+ %nd %ll other %pplic%ble
intern%tion%l, (eder%l, st%te %nd loc%l l%#s, %nd %ll rights %re reser!ed, including res%le rights& you
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Ple%se note th%t /uch o( this public%tion is b%sed on person%l e0perience %nd %necdot%l
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$he publisher h%s used its best e((orts in prep%ring this boo,, %nd the in(or/%tion pro!ided
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Page 4
Fin%lly, use your he%d- 8othing in this e-boo, is intended to repl%ce co//on sense, leg%l,
/edic%l or other pro(ession%l %d!ice, %nd is /e%nt to in(or/ %nd entert%in the re%der- So h%!e
(un #ith the in(or/%tion cont%ined here #ithin %nd get your stu(( done-
Copyright 2014 Ron Schreiner - ll Rights Reser!ed "orld#ide
Page 9
Chapter 1, -eginnings
Chapter 2, A .ie+ *rom The -acline 2004
n%to/y o( % Concert : P%rt 6
n%to/y o( % Concert : P%rt 66 - Rigging
n%to/y o( % Concert : P%rt 666 : Sound ; <ighting
n%to/y o( % Concert : P%rt 6= - >%c,line
n%to/y o( % Concert : P%rt = : Production ?((ice
n%to/y o( % Concert : P%rt =6 : Sho# ; <o%d-?ut
$uning : P%rt 6
$uning : P%rt 66
>%ss Rigs
Sur!i!ing $he $our
$he Future ?( $he @usic 6ndustry
Chapter /, A .ie+ *rom The -acline 0 2001
$ube !s- Solid St%te /pli(iers : "hich is betterA
<oc%l >%nds ; @8
"est @e/phis $hree
Betting Signed
$o $our or 8ot
Chapter 4, A .ie+ *rom The -acline 0 2002
>%nd @g/t ; >oo,ing
Buit%r $echnici%ns
$our @%n%ge/ent
$he Future ?( $he @usic 6ndustry 66
?ur >%nd Ceser!es @ore @oneyDDDD
@%r,ing .our $erritory
"i-Fi ?n $he Eigh#%y
@usic& 6s it rt or >usinessA
Page +
$he @usic 6ndustry - Perspecti!e ?( Possible Future
Chapter 1, A .ie+ *rom The -acline 0 2003
R-6- : 4 .e%rs <%ter
Chapter 2, 4iscellaneous Articles
Support $he <oc%l @usic Scene : 8ot Gust H.ourI >%nd
"h%tJs the Ce%lA - Buide to Record Contr%cts
Eo# to >eco/e Ro%die
HBet HRe%lI Gob
Chapter 3, Re'lections
>e%tle2s /p
Eric Cl%pton2s 1)9K Bibson E0plorer
$he @issouri Cep%rt/ent o( $r%nsport%tion
G%c, Russell %nd the 2002 HFor .ouI Solo $our
4Spider4 Gohn Loerner2s Buit%r
Co#nside ?( $ruth
n 6ncident o( S%(ety
A'ter Thoughts
Page *
"h%t (ollo#s on these p%ges isnJt % co/plete synopsis o( /y li(e or /y entire c%reer in the /usic
industry1 r%ther itJs %n o!er!ie# o( %nd co//ent%ry on the /usic industry (ro/ /y perspecti!e
#ritten in % series o( %rticles (ro/ /y no#-de(unct in-print-%t-the-ti/e colu/n 4 =ie# Fro/
$he >%c,line4, in % loc%l /usic ne#sp%per, 8ite$i/es @%g%7ine M#hich itsel( h%s no# %lso /et
its o#n de/ise-N
$his loose p%tch#or, o( ti/es %nd e!ents is /ost cert%inly not %ny#here ne%r % co/plete record
o( /y history, %s th%t in itsel( #ould be % boo, i( 6 #ere to co!er %ll th%t 6 did, #ho (or, #here %t
%nd #hen, but itJs % decent represent%tion o( /y /usic c%reer %nd %lso pretty good (or the go%ls
o( this boo,- 6n the %rticles o( this boo,, 6Jll pro!ide /ore det%ils, so/e stories %nd e0periences
%s #e /o!e on do#n the ro%d together through the p%ges, but 6 #%nted to pro!ide the
(r%/e#or,, %n o!er!ie# o( ho# 6 got st%rted, #here 6 ended up %nd #hy- "e2ll co!er th%t in
Ch%pter 1& >eginnings-
s you re%d this boo,, 6Jll re!e%l so/e o( /y person%l stories, (those that can be printed
anyway), %s #ell %s /%ny o( /y e0periences %nd ,no#ledge #hile co!ering % sp%n o( /y
3ourneyJs /%ny /iles %nd /%ny ye%rs- 6tJs % sorted t%le #ith /%ny cur!es %nd ch%nges, but %ll
%long it is /y go%l to not only entert%in you, but to %lso gi!e you % re%l loo, inside o( the /usic
industry (ro/ so/eone #ho #or,ed in it on /%ny di((erent le!els, doing /%ny di((erent 3obs,
%nd #ith % !%riety o( interesting people o!er the ye%rs-
nyone #ho h%s e!er #or,ed in the /usic industry #ill tell you the industry h%s ch%nged % lot
o!er the ye%rs, especi%lly the l%st 10 or so due to the po#er o( the 6nternet- Curing /y ti/e in the
/usic industry, 6 #%s (ortun%te enough to #rite % /onthly colu/n (or % loc%l /usic ne#sp%per in
/y ho/e st%te o( @innesot% (ro/ 2004-200*1 %nd itJs th%t colu/n, Mentitled H =ie# Fro/ $he
>%c,lineIN, th%t is the b%sis (or this boo,- 62!e %lso %dded so/e co//ents %nd upd%tes %s #ell
since things h%!e continued to ch%nge #ithin the industry these %rticles #ere origin%lly published
% (e# ye%rs %go-
$hese l%st (e# ye%rs 6 h%!enJt toured or #or,ed %ny sho#s, h%!ing retired (ro/ 4$he >i74 in
200+-200*, but 6J!e still ,ept /y eye on the industry bec%use it still holds /y interest enough to
st%y tuned into it-
Re/e/ber, itJs not the destin%tion th%t counts, itJs the 3ourney- $his boo, is % sn%pshot portr%it
p%rt o( /ine- En3oyDDD
Ron Schreiner
Page K
Chapter 1 0 -eginnings
$his boo, is %n eclectic /i0 o( ti/es, d%tes, e!ents, stories %nd /y person%l history- 6tJs sc%ttered
%nd inco/plete, but it st%nds on its o#n /erit %s % good o!er!ie# o( the %spect o( /y li(e in the
/usic industry- <i,e e!ery story, li,e e!ery seg/ent o( li(e, this too h%s % beginning, %nd this
one is /ine-
?n Septe/ber *
, 1)K9, 6 purch%sed /y (irst b%ss guit%r- 6 #%nted to bre%, into the /usic #orld
li,e so /%ny people- 6 h%d dre%/s o( H/%,ing it bigI, going (or the gold, /%,ing % li!ing (ro/
the industry, #h%te!er you #ish to c%ll it- Cid 6 e!er H/%,e it bigIA 6 donJt ,no#- 6t depends on
your perspecti!e- Cid 6 /%,e % li!ing (ro/ the /usic industryA .es, 6 did- Cid 6 en3oy itA .es, 6
en3oyed #h%t 6 did, but 6 cert%inly didnJt get rich (ro/ it in ter/s o( the /%teri%l #orld1 but 6 did
end up !ery #e%lthy #ith % #orld o( e0periences- So #%s it #orth itA resounding 4.ESDD4 it
#%s #orth it to /e- 6( it is (or you, 6 le%!e th%t up to you to decide (or yoursel(, should you #ish
to #%l, th%t p%th- 62/ getting %he%d o( /ysel( though, so let2s get b%c, on-tr%c,, sh%ll #eA
(ter purch%sing /y b%ss, 6 ended up le%rning good techni5ue (or pl%ying, ho# to pl%y by e%r,
%nd %lso ho# to re%d t%bs %nd /usic- (ter t%,ing so/e /usic lessons (ro/ % gre%t b%ssist n%/ed
>ruce (or % ye%r or so, 6 (elt th%t 62d h%d % !ery b%sic (ound%tion (ro/ #hich to st%rt beco/ing %
/usici%n- $o be honest, 6 #%snJt e!er % gre%t b%ssist, but 6 did le%rn discipline, good techni5ue,
#rote so/e origin%l /usic, pl%yed so/e co!ers, 3oined % (e# b%nds th%t ne!er gigged out, spend
% ton o( /oney on ge%r %nd so (orth- 6 continued to do this (or % (e# ye%rs, but the #hole
/usici%n side o( /y li(e re%lly too, % b%c, se%t in 1)K* bec%use 6 h%d hoo,ed up #ith % loc%l
b%nd th%t h%ppened to h%!e % lot o( ge%r : but no cre#- E!erything prior to this #%s re%lly %
le%rning e0perience in beco/ing % /usici%n, %lbeit %n unsuccess(ul one- 6n the ne0t ph%se o( /y
/usic%l li(e, 6 ended up #or,ing (or the loc%l b%nd th%t didn2t p%y /e in /oney, but did in
e0perience %nd ,no#ledge- 6t, li,e the ph%se be(ore it, #%s %n in!%lu%ble le%rning e0perience-
6 le%rned % lot o( things, %ll the #hile %dding to /y pre!ious ,no#ledge, %dding in e0perience,
/%,ing loc%l cont%cts during the l%te 1)K02s in % !ibr%nt @id#estern /usic scene to the degree
#here 6 did se!er%l hundred sho#s %t loc%l b%rs, (esti!%ls, %nd e!en st%rted up % production
co/p%ny #ith the b%nd so #e could out on our o#n sho#s %nd (esti!%ls- "e ended up renting
out loc%l %r/ories, bringing in our sound %nd lights, %nd then #eJd boo, loc%l b%nds %nd put on
%ll-%ge sho#s- For the /ost p%rt, 6 belie!e these #ere pretty success(ul on % person%l %nd
co//unity le!el1 but they #erenJt big /oney /%,ers- >eing % neophyte to the /usic industry,
there #ere % lot o( things th%t 6 should h%!e ,no#n %bout, but didnJt- Such is li(e- 6tJs % le%rning
e0perience- 6 thin, th%t2s #hy 6 bec%/e disillusioned #ith the /usic industry %nd %(ter % (e#
ye%rs, le(t it (or the (irst ti/e in 1))4, % /ere * ye%rs %(ter getting into in 1)K*-
6 h%d ne!er toured, only did sho#s out o( st%te th%t #ere b%rely o!er the border, ne!er re%lly
going #here 6 #%nted to #ithin the /usic #orld- 6t #%s only l%ter on th%t 6 (ound out /%ny o( the
re%sons #hy, #hich h%d to do #ith cert%in b%nd /e/bers not #%nting to tour or progress to
%nother le!el, e!en though the opportunities #ere there- 6 donJt bl%/e the/, %s the (%ult #%s
/ine (or not recogni7ing %ny o( this- $he /usic industry is unli,e %ny other 6 h%!e e!er #or,ed
Page )
in1 %nd i( you2!e e!er #or,ed in it yoursel(, you ,no# #h%t 6 /e%n- 6t2s th%t %spect o( the
business th%t2s re%lly di((icult to con!ey, %s it2s so/ething th%t si/ply /ust be e0perienced to be
truly understood- <i,e %ny industry, you don2t re%lly underst%nd it until you2re in it1 but unli,e
4nor/%l4 industries #hich /%,e sense, /uch %bout the /usic business de(ies %ll sensible logic-
s 62!e /entioned be(ore, 6 le%rned %nd e0perienced % lot o( things in /y brie( period o( * ye%rs
#ithin the /usic industry, but no# it #%s ti/e to /o!e on---- Enter ph%se 3 o( /y li(e---
6n this ph%se, #hich l%sted (ro/ 1))4-1))), % short 9 ye%rs, 6 #or,ed %t % nu/ber o( 3obs, #ent
to college, %nd #%ndered this #orld trying to (ind /y o#n #%y in it- Curing this ti/e 6 st%rting
#or,ing (or % loc%l 6nternet Ser!ice Pro!ider in 1))+, #here in 1))*, 6 /et % then-ne# e/ployee
#ho not only no# #or,ed %t this 6SP, but %lso in the /usic industry %s #ell- EeJd %l#%ys bring
in his p%sses %long #ith stories o( ho# heJd #or,ed this sho# %t such %nd such %ren%, or #ith
such %nd such %rtist or (esti!%l, %ll n%tion%l le!el gigs, but #or,ing the/ loc%lly- Ee re%lly got /e
thin,ing %bout going b%c, into the /usic business- (henever ! tell this part of the story, it
reminds me of the scene in the "odfather series where they talk about how #Just when ! thought
! was out... they pull me back in#)
@y o#n person%l c%!e%t #hich %lso g%!e /e gre%t p%use (or 2 ye%rs to thin, %bout going b%c,
into /usic1 #%s th%t i( 6 did go b%c, into the /usic industry, 6 #%s going to do it right th%t ti/e
%round- Fro/ 1))*-1))), 6 #or,ed %t /y d%y 3ob %nd listened, 6 thought, 6 considered, until in
@%rch o( 1))), 6 /%de the le%p- 6 5uit /y d%y 3ob #ith bene(its to go /%,e the le%p into the
/usic business (ull-ti/e #or,ing (or % region%l b%nd- 6 (igured th%t since 6 #ouldnJt be %round
to#n /uch %ny#%y, 6 cut /y e0penses %nd /o!ed in #ith rel%ti!es #ho supported /y choice to
pursue /y dre%/s-
"hen the region%l %ct #%sn2t on the ro%d, 6 (illed in the g%ps by #or,ing !%rious loc%l sho#s (or
n%tion%l %cts !i% the loc%l st%geh%nd union, %s #ell %s non-union #or, (or loc%l b%nds, pro/oters,
(esti!%ls, %nd !enues- 6 belie!e th%t % lot o( /y success h%ppened bec%use 6 #%s in the right pl%ce
%t the right ti/e doing the right thing- $h%t ti/e period Ml%te )0sN #%s still !ery !i%ble (or the
/usic industry %nd 6 /ost cert%inly #ouldnJt #%nt to try %nd Hbre%, into itI tod%y- @%ny o( the
!enues, the tours, the b%nds, the people loc%lly, region%lly %nd n%tion%lly, h%!e ch%nged, 3ust %s
the ti/es h%!e ch%nged- Eo#e!er b%c, then, things #or,ed out o, (or /e- $rue, it #%snJt the
gilded %ge o( the *0Js %nd the e0cessi!e K0Js, but the /usic industry #%s pretty strong still b%c,
then- $he R6 h%snJt gone on its suing r%/p%ge %nd people #erenJt do#nlo%ding /o!ies %nd
/usic le(t %nd right #ithout % thought or % c%re in the "orld- 6t #%s still % !ery !i%ble industry,
(%r /ore so th%n it is tod%y in the e%rly 21st century-
6 continued #or,ing nu/erous gigs, e!entu%lly ending up on % /%3or su//er tour in 2000 %s %
guit%r tech- (ter th%t tour ended, 6 continued #or,ing on %ll le!els, loc%lly, region%lly, %nd
n%tion%lly, #here!er the ro%d too, /e-
6n @%rch 2001, %s spring %nd su//er #ere (%st %ppro%ching, 6 #%s di%gnosed #ith % b%d (or/ o(
c%ncer- M8odul%r @%lign%nt @el%no/% : St%ge 66 > #ith % Cl%r,Js <e!el 9 %nd % >reslo# <e!el
4 /e%sure/ents o( % )// tu/or on the le(t l%ter%l side o( /y sc%lpN, to be e0%ct- $o 5uote the
Page 10
doctor #ho stepped out o( surgery to c%ll /e #ith the ne#s o( the di%gnosis, H.ou h%!e
@%lign%nt @el%no/%, St%ge 2- 6J/ sorry, but the prognosis isnJt !ery good- 6 h%!e to get b%c, to
surgery- 6 %/ sorry-I
"ell, th%t #%s % d%y #rec,er to s%y the le%st-
.e%rs l%ter in 2011, through /y o#n rese%rch, 6 disco!ered th%t 62d h%d %bout % 40O sur!i!%l r%te
%nd the odds #ere not in /y (%!or b%c, in 2001-
6 (ir/ly belie!e th%t /y conscious choice to either get on li!ing or get on dying on the d%y 6 #%s
told 6 h%d C%ncer #%s the st%rting point o( /y reco!ery- ttitude is e!erything- .es, the surgic%l
procedure %nd the doctor th%t per(or/ed it to re/o!e the c%ncer cert%inly helped too, but no
%/ount o( /edic%l tre%t/ents c%n (i0 %n %ttitude- $h%t is %ll up to the indi!idu%l, %nd th%t
indi!idu%l in this c%se #%s /e- 8eedless to s%y, 6 too, so/e ti/e o(( %nd %(ter %#hile 6 #ent
b%c, to #or, in the /usic industry doing loc%l, region%l %nd n%tion%l sho#s %nd tours li,e 6 did
be(ore th%t slight bu/p in the ro%d1 e0cept no# 6 b%thed in sun bloc, SPF 90 #hene!er 6 #ent
outside- (! still do use that even all these years later.)
6n 2002, 6 ended up #or,ing (or G%c, Russell (ro/ Bre%t "hite on his solo tour (or his 2002 solo
%lbu/ rele%se, HFor .ouI %s his $our @%n%ger- $his #%s the tour right be(ore Bre%t "hite
re(or/ed %nd the no#-in(%/ous St%tion 8ightclub Fire h%ppened on Febru%ry 20
, 2003- $y
<ongely h%s been % guit%rist on the solo tour, %s h%d the b%ssist %nd dru//er1 the Bre%t "hite
$@, C%n >iechele, 6Jd /et once %nd he see/ed li,e % nice guy- @y he%rt %nd /y p%ssion (or
being in the /usic industry died th%t night- (ter the solo tour ended in 2002, 6 #or,ed %nd
continued on %s be(ore1 but once th%t night in 2003 h%ppened, th%t #%s re%lly the end (or /e in
this business- 6 #%s 3ust going through the /otions %nd (ul(illing co//it/ents %t th%t point- 6t
too, /e %nother good 3 to 4 ye%rs to (ully esc%pe it %nd 5uit once %nd (or %ll in 200+-200*-
?( course li,e so /%ny people in the /usic business, itJs li,e $he E%glesJ song HEotel
C%li(orni%I #ith the in(%/ous line o( H.ou c%n chec, out, but you c%n ne!er le%!e-I 6t cert%inly
(eels li,e th%t (or /e so/eti/es e!en no# th%t 6 h%!e been out o( the /usic industry since then-
?nce in % blue /oon, 62ll go #or, % loc%l sho#, 3ust (or (un- 6 still ,eep in cont%ct #ith /%ny o(
/y (riends in 4$he >i74, but 62ll ne!er tour %g%in or pursue it %s % c%reer- 62ll ne!er (orget the
e0periences 62!e h%d, both good %nd b%d- So/eti/es 6 (eel % longing o( d%ys %nd people gone
p%st, (or % ti/e th%t c%nnot be re!isited e0cept in the recesses o( /y o#n /ind %nd /e/ories or
#ith those people 6 still %ssoci%te #ith th%t #ere there during th%t ti/e in /y li(e-
62!e le%d %n interesting li(e so (%r, %nd there2s so /uch /ore to co/e, %ll o( #hich 62/ loo,ing
(or#%rd to-
ny#%y, stepping b%c, to 2002 (or % bit, here #e goP-
(ter G%c,2s solo tour ended in 2002, 6 st%rting #or,ing (or % di((erent region%l %ct %s their
Buit%rF>%ss $echFCri!er %nd %t the s%/e ti/e 6 #%s continuing to do %ll o( /y other sho#s, plus
6 st%rted #or,ing #ith % loc%l %ct c%lled Co#nside o( $ruth, #hich th%t b%nd l%sted (ro/ 2002-
Page 11
$he region%l %ct 6 #%s #or,ing (or since 2002, #ent though so/e /%3or line-up ch%nges in 200+
%nd it re%lly ch%nged the dyn%/ics o( the b%nd, their needs ch%nged %s they sli//ed do#n their
sho#- Since both the b%nd %nd 6 ch%nged, #e p%rted co/p%ny under gre%t ter/s in /id-200+-
6t #%s in G%nu%ry o( 2002 th%t 6 %lso st%rted #riting the /onthly /usic colu/n H =ie# Fro/
$he >%c,lineI in % loc%l /usic p%per, 8ite$i/es @%g%7ine- H =ie# Fro/ $he >%c,lineI #%s
the n%/e 6 c%/e up #ith since it #%s % colu/n o( co//ent%ries %nd perspecti!es #ritten by %
b%c,line tech- $he title /%de per(ect sense to /e, so 6 r%n #ith it until 6 retired the colu/n in
@%rch o( 200*- "hen 6 put th%t colu/n to bed, /y /usic c%reer #ent #ith it-
6 no# #or, in /%instre%/ /eric%, 62/ o#ned by 2 c%ts %nd /%rried to % lo!ely person, =ic,i,
/y #i(e- <i(e is good-
---%nd no# %s the s%ying goes, 4$he sho# /ust go on----4 <et2s begin, sh%ll #eA
Chapter 2 A .ie+ *rom The -acline 0 520046
>elo# is the (irst %rticle (ro/ the H =ie# Fro/ $he >%c,lineI /onthly colu/n, #hich debuted
in 8ite$i/es @%g%7ine in G%nu%ry 2004- 6tJs the (irst o( % + p%rt series th%t co!ered /%ny, but
not %ll, o( the %spects o( the production o( % li!e touring %ctJs concert e!ent- 6 thought this #ould
be % gre%t pl%ce to st%rt, ,ind o( gi!ing %n o!er!ie# o( ho# it %ll #or,s b%c,st%ge- ?,, not 5uite
ho# e!erything #or,s in the liter%l sense o( things, but trying to hit th%t /iddle ground o(
underst%nding (or e!eryone- Since the colu/n #%s in % /onthly /%g%7ine, it g%!e /e % good +
/onths to de!elop % re%dership b%se #hile introducing people to the industry %nd setting up %
(ound%tion (or both- 6t #%s purely by design th%t this #%s i/ple/ented, but there #%s %lso the
ris, th%t st%rting out th%t #%y could b%c,(ire too- M6t didnJt-N
?!er%ll, the colu/n #%s ge%red to#%rds those #ho %reF#ere in the /usic industry %s #ell %s
those #ho #ere not- 6 tried to #%l, % (ine line #ith /y #riting th%t #ould entert%in both groups
o( people, yet bore neither or be o!er either oneJs underst%nding- 6 #ould co/p%re it to spe%,ing
or #riting %bout co/puters in % #%y, i( you Hspe%, gee,I, then the l%y person doesnJt underst%nd
you- 6( you spe%, using non-technic%l ter/s, Min other #ords, C?8J$ use the Hgee, spe%,IN, then
the technic%lly-%dept get i/p%tient %nd thin, th%t Hyou donJt get it-I 6tJs h%rd to so/eti/es #%l,
th%t line to be in the /iddle o( t#o !ery distinctly di((erent groups o( people %nd /%,e your
#riting interesting %nd underst%nd%ble to both groups- 6 hope you (ind these %rticles not only
en3oy%ble, but %lso %s e%sy to re%d %nd underst%nd %s 6 intended the/ to be #hen 6 #rote the/-
Anatomy of a Concert Part 1
"elco/e to H=ie# Fro/ $he >%c,lineI, % regul%r series o( %rticles %ppe%ring e0clusi!ely in
8ite$i/es @%g%7ine st%rting #ith this issue- "eJll co!er %ll the di((erent %re%s o( concert
production, touring, tips %nd tric,s o( the tr%de, b%sic%lly e!erything th%t goes on behind the
scenes o( % concert or Hsho#I-
Page 12
6n this %rticle, 6J/ going to si/ply outline %ll o( the !%rious %spects o( % concertJs production
(ro/ the lo%d-in to the lo%d-out- 6n (uture %rticles, #eJll co!er e%ch o( the %re%s belo# in gre%ter
det%il- Bet e!ery %rticle bec%use youJll #%nt the entire collection- So be sure to pic, up your
issue o( 8ite$i/es so %s to not /iss %nythingDDD
>e%r in /ind th%t this is % !ery gener%li7ed ti/e-line %nd #h%t goes up #hen etc !%ries (ro/
%rtist to %rtist %nd tour to tour- MSo/eti/es e!en sho# to sho#N
*&00%/ Riggers /%r, the pointsJ loc%tion in ch%l, on the %ren% (loor-
K&00%/ Riggers %re rigging the points (ro/ the grid in the %ren%Js ceiling-
K&00%/ <oc%l st%geh%nds begin lo%d-in o( sound %nd lights-
K&00%/-10&00%/ Production ?((ice %nd "%rdrobe %re%s lo%ded in %nd setup-
K&00%/-11&00%/ Cressing Roo/s %nd C%tering setup
K&00%/-2&30p/ Runner t%,es touring cre#, truc, ; bus dri!ers to ; (ro/ hotels-
)&30%/-12&30p/ Sound ; <ights %re setup %nd (lo#n (ro/ the points in the grid-
10&30%/-11&30%/ =ideo Gu/botrons %nd St%ging lo%ded into %ren%-
11&00-1&00p/ Gu/botrons st%rt being setup ; st%ge is setup %t (%r end o( %ren%-
11&00%/-12&30p/ @erch%ndising %re% lo%ded in %nd beginning to be setup-
1&00p/-1&30p/ 'nion Ste#%rd lets so/e h%nds go (or lunch #hile others #or,-
1&30p/-2&00p/ St%geh%nds return (ro/ lunch %nd 2
b%tch o( the/ go to lunch-
1&30p/-1&49p/ St%ge rolled (ro/ (%r end o( %ren% into pl%ce by loc%l st%geh%nds-
1&30p/-2&00p/ >%c,line lo%ded in ; onto st%ge !i% (or,li(t %ndFor r%/ps-
2&00p/ 2
b%tch o( st%geh%nds return (ro/ lunch-
2&00p/ 1
HcutI o( loc%l st%geh%nds- Reduced nu/ber-
2&00p/-4&00p/ >%c,line setup, lighting (ocus, P- -chec,, tidying up, etc-
2&00p/-4&00p/ Production ?((ice rele%ses uncl%i/ed tic,ets-
2&00p/-+&00p/ Production ?((ice rele%ses =6P tic,ets ; P%sses to H"ill C%llI-
3&00p/-3&30p/ >%nd or b%nds %re pic,ed up %t hotel by runnerMsN (or sound chec,-
4&00p/ 2
HcutI o( loc%l st%geh%nds- Reduced nu/ber once %g%in-
4&00p/-9&30p/ Sound Chec,
9&30p/-+&30p/ Cinner (or b%ndMsN %nd $ouring Cre#MsN
+&30p/ Coors ?pen ; runner t%,es he%dliner %rtist to hotel-
*&19p/-K&00p/ 1
rtist on-st%ge
K&00p/-K&30p/ 30 @inute HCh%nge ?!erI period (or ne0t %rtistJs per(or/%nce-
K&30p/-)&30p/ 2
rtist on-st%ge
K&30p/ Runner pic,s up he%dliner %rtist (ro/ hotel-
)&30p/-10&00p/ 30 @inute HCh%nge ?!erI period (or ne0t %rtistJs per(or/%nce-
10&00p/-11&19p/ 3
rtist MEe%dlinerN on-st%ge
10&30p/ <oc%l st%geh%nds report b%c,st%ge be(ore this ti/e re%dy (or #or,-
10&30p/ Runner gets truc, %nd bus dri!ers (ro/ hotel-
11&30p/ <oc%l st%geh%nds begin #or,ing in their design%ted %re%s-
11&30p/-2&30%/ <oc%l st%geh%nds stri,e the sho#, p%c, it up, ; lo%d it in to truc,s-
11&49%/-12&19%/ @eet ; Breet by Ee%dliner (or (ter Sho# Buests M6( @;BN
11&49%/-12&30%/ 6( no @;B, b%nd sho#ers, ch%nges, runner t%,es the/ to hotel-
2&30%/-3&30%/ $ouring Cre#s sho#er %t !enue, go the bus, their bun,s %nd le%!e-
Page 13
8e0t d%y is usu%lly % tr%!el d%y o( it is % sho# d%y, is rel%ti!ely close by, li,e Chic%go, Ces
@oines, ?/%h%, <incoln, etc-
g%in, this is not %n e0%ct ti/e line, but itJs % pretty close %ppro0i/%tion (or tod%yJs %ren%
concerts- So no# letJs t%,e it % step (urther %nd bre%, it do#n into seg/ents-
%e7t month, Rigging
d!ice o( the /onth& @r- @urphy %nd his <%# h%!e %n Hll ccessI p%ss ; %re %t e!ery sho#-
>e prep%red (or the une0pected %t %ll ti/es-
Anatomy of a Concert Part 2 - Rigging
"ell, here #e %re once %g%in in our continuing series %bout the bre%,do#n o( #h%t e0%ctly
h%ppens in %ren% concert production- <%st /onth, M%nd hope(ully you didnJt /iss itDDN #e co!ered
the b%sic outline o( #h%t tod%yJs concerts %re li,e- 6n th%t %rticle, #e ti/ed lined e!erything out
b%sed on your e!eryd%y %!er%ge %ren% si7ed concert- $he (irst step in th%t ti/e line is rigging,
#hich brings up to tod%yJs %rticle on th%t !ery sub3ect-
Riggers %re the tr%ined pro(ession%ls #ho /%,e sure th%t e!erything (lo#n in the %ir
, st%ys there-
6tJs % huge responsibility in both property %nd li!es bec%use you donJt #%nt to h%!e so/ething
co/e cr%shing do#n onto the st%ge : especi%lly i( there %re people on it-
'p Riggers %re the guys %nd g%ls responsible (or being up in the grid
in the %ren%Js ceiling %re%
securing the points
%nd /%,ing sure e!erything they put up there st%ys there-
Co#n Riggers %re the guys %nd g%ls responsible (or being on the ground %nd securing the ite/s
to be (lo#n into the %ir by the 'p Riggers-
8o# itJs ti/e (or the Hho# it %ll #or,sI seg/ent o( the %rticleP-
'su%lly the touring %rtist h%s % nu/ber o( riggers tr%!eling #ith the/ #hose 3ob it is to #or,
#ith the loc%l st%geh%nd unionJs riggers- $he touring riggers #rite % series o( cryptic circles %nd
lines #ith nu/bers on the %ren%Js (loor in ch%l,, thus telling other riggers #here to rig the points
(ro/ in the grid- "or,ing o(( o( these /%r,ings is the only #%y the sho# c%n #or, the s%/e #%y
in e!ery %ren%-
nything th%t needs to be (lo#n is done !i% ch%in /otors, #hich %re secured (ro/ !%rious points
in the grid by the 'p Riggers- $he 'p Riggers use % 100-(oot rope, lo#er it do#n to the Bround
Riggers, #ho in turn %tt%ch one end o( the ch%in to the rope- ?nce secured, they sign%l the 'p
Riggers to pull it up to the grid #here it #ill then be secured to the %ppropri%te point b%sed on the
ch%l, /%r,ings on the ground- $his process is done o!er %nd o!er until %ll the points %re rigged
%nd secured-
?nce %ll o( the ch%in /otorJs ch%ins h%!e been li(ted into the %ir %nd secured to the points
Page 14
in the grid, the Bround Riggers %tt%ch the ch%in /otors to the ite/MsN to be (lo#n- 'su%lly these
%re things such %s lighting truss, sound c%binets M%,% P-- : Public ddressN, %nd !ideo screens,
etc- ?nce these ite/s h%!e been secured by the Bround Riggers, itJs re%dy to be li(ted into the %ir
by the ch%in /otors M%,% H(lo#nIN- $hings such %s lighting truss %nd sound c%binets usu%lly h%!e
/ultiple ch%in /otors %tt%ched to the/ so not only it be li(ted %nd lo#ered, but pi!oted (or#%rd
%nd b%c,#%rd %s #ell- E%ch ch%in /otor c%n be controlled sep%r%tely (or %d3ust/ents bec%use
e!erything (lo#n h%s to be % cert%in height in order (or the sho# to #or, properly- $his is
bec%use o( ho# the light sho# is #ritten, %lso to /%,e sure the lighting truss doesnJt co!er up
%ny p%rt o( the !ideo screenMsN, etc- $hus t%pe /e%sures %re %tt%ched to !%rious loc%tions o( the
ite/MsN being (lo#n- E%ch /otor is controlled sep%r%tely until they %re %ll He!enI in height- ?nce
they %re %ll e!ened out li,e th%t, then the ch%in /otors %re %ll r%n %t once until they re%ch %
H"or,ing EeightI M'su%lly chest le!el i( you %re to st%nd in (ront o( % lighting trussN- ?nce %t
this #or,ing height (or lighting truss, lights %re %dded, re/o!ed, ch%nged, lights %re #ired, etc-
@ore on th%t in %nother %rticle l%ter on- $he sound c%binets %re %dded one ro# %t % ti/e %nd then
li(ted up 1 c%binet height, %(ter #hich %nother ro# is %dded underne%th, repe%t the process until
done- ?nce %ll o( the sound %nd lights %re done being de%lt #ith %t % H"or,ing EeightI, then itJs
ti/e to r%ise the/ up to HSho# EeightI- ?nce th%t height is re%ched %nd !eri(ied to be correct,
the t%pe /e%sures %re re/o!ed %nd the sho# is HdoneI %s (%r %s the rigging is concerned-
Ple%se ,eep in /ind th%t this is % gener%li7ed o!er !ie# o( the entire rigging process-
uthor2s 8ote& <%st /onth 6 /entioned 4b%c,line4 in /y %rticle %nd it #%s brought to /y
%ttention th%t 6 should e0pl%in the ter/inology used in these %rticles bec%use /%ny people %re
un(%/ili%r #ith the/- So, % huge shout-out %nd th%n,s (or the %d!ice to <u,e (ro/ the >re%,-
#%y >%r ; Brill in Robbinsd%le, @innesot%-
St%rting in this issue2s %rticle, you2ll notice r%ised nu/bers behind so/e ter/inology #ords li,e
: %nd #hen you see th%t, loo, (or the corresponding nu/ber #ith the e0pl%n%tion %t the
botto/ o( the %rticle- nother good source o( ter/inology is http&FF###-ro%die-net
1 HFlyI /e%ns to put so/ething in the %ir, such %s lighting truss-
2 H$he BridI is %n %re% used to secure the points (ro/ in the %ren%Js ceiling-
3 HPointsI %re spots in the grid #here ch%ins (ro/ the ch%in /otors %re secured-
4 $his is only % s%/ple, i( it #%s % re%l e0pl%n%tionP-
8e0t /onth& Sound ; <ights
Shout ?uts& >ob Sh%#, 4Liller4 M@%r,N, Eoolig%n M$onyN %nd the rest o( the st%geh%nd union
6--$-S-E- <oc%l 13 riggers- 6 %ppreci%te the good #or, %nd (or not dropping sh%c,les on /y
he%d Pe%ceDD
d!ice o( the /onth& 'se B%(( $%pe inste%d o( Cuct $%pe- 6tJs stronger %nd holds things 3ust %s
#ell #ithout le%!ing behind th%t gooey residue on things #hen you re/o!e it- 6( you need to get
duct t%pe residue o(( o( things, try Boo Bone-
Page 19
Anatomy of a Concert Part 3 - Sound & Lighting
"elco/e to the 3
inst%ll/ent in %n ongoing series %bout %ren% concerts %nd ho# they #or,
(ro/ the lo%d-in through the sho# %ll they to the end o( the lo%d-out- "eJ!e co!ered the outline
in our 1
%rticle, Rigging in l%st /onthJs issue, %nd this /onth, #e %re going to re!ie# Sound ;
First letJs re!ie# % section (ro/ l%st /onthJs %rticle reg%rding rigging the sound %nd lights %nd
then #e #ill continue #ith this /onthJs %rticle (ro/ th%t point on#%rd&
H"or,ing EeightI M'su%lly chest le!el i( you %re to st%nd in (ront o( % lighting trussN- ?nce %t
this #or,ing height (or lighting truss, lights %re %dded, re/o!ed, ch%nged, lights %re #ired, etc-
$he sound c%binets %re %dded one ro# %t % ti/e %nd then li(ted up 1 c%binet height, %(ter #hich
%nother ro# is %dded underne%th, repe%t the process until done- ?nce %ll o( the sound %nd lights
%re done being de%lt #ith %t H"or,ing EeightI, then itJs ti/e to r%ise the/ up to HSho# EeightI-
?nce th%t height is re%ched %nd !eri(ied to be correct, the t%pe /e%sures %re re/o!ed %nd the
sho# is HdoneI %s (%r %s the rigging is concerned-I
"e %re going to concentr%te % good p%rt o( this %rticle reg%rding the& H?nce %ll o( the sound %nd
lights %re done being de%lt #ith %t % H"or,ing EeightI %re%-
s the c%binets %re put into pl%ce %nd li(ted M%s /entioned %bo!eN they %re %lso #ired %t the s%/e
ti/e- 'su%lly they %re #ired (ro/ the c%binet %bo!e to the one directly belo# it- $his is done
(ro/ e%ch c%binet in the ro# %bo!e to the one in the ro# belo# %ll the #%y do#n the line until
they %re %ll done- So/e#here in the /i0 is %n end #iring %ll o( the/ together so they %ll #or,
together- s e%ch c%binet is #ired, usu%lly % s%(ety
is %tt%ched to e%ch c%binet to the c%binet
%bo!e it- $his pre!ents the c%binet (ro/ (%lling i( the pri/%ry holding de!ice (%ils- Sound
c%binets %re usu%lly pinned %ndFor sh%c,led
together- ll o( this is done (or e%ch side o( the
/%in P-- Syste/ %nd %ny other (lo#n st%c,s o( spe%,ers %s #ell- 'su%lly %(ter the (ront end o(
the P-- is done, the F?E
%re% is setup- ll the e((ects r%c,s, sound consoles, ch%irs, etc %re
setup in this %re%- 6tJs here th%t the lighting console %nd itJs re5uired e5uip/ent %re %lso setup-
'su%lly lighting %nd sound %re done %t %l/ost the s%/e ti/e in !irtu%lly e!ery %spect o( setting
up the sho#-
<ighting is in %nd being setup e!en be(ore the sound is by %bout 30-+0 /inutes %nd usu%lly t%,es
/uch longer to de%l #ith- <oc%l st%geh%nds #or,ing on lighting %re c%lled HelectricsI- "hen the
!%rious lighting trusses %re %t #or,ing height M%,% chest le!elN, itJs then th%t the re%l #or, begins-
<ights stored inside the trusses %re lo#ered do#n, Studio Color, Studio Spots, @%c, %nd other
lights %re %dded in predeter/ined t%ped %nd nu/bers spots %long !%rious points on the truss-
'sing % crescent #rench or HCI "rench %s the st%geh%nds c%ll the/, the lights %re secured !i%
cl%/p- t the s%/e ti/e, s%(ety c%bles %re %tt%ched to e%ch light, 3ust in c%se-
?nce %ll o( this is co/pleted, then the /ulti c%ble
is r%n %nd connected to e%ch light on the truss-
Page 1+
$he end o( the /ulti is %tt%ched to % di//er p%c,, #hich in turn is connected to the buildingJs
po#er- $he dinner p%c, is %lso connected !i% c%bling to the lighting console out in the F?E %re%-
$he lighting director or H<CI, using % co/puter, tells #hich lights to /o!e #hen %nd #here,
#hen to be on, ho# bright, etc- !i% the di//er p%c, to the lights the/sel!es- <ighting %t its /ost
b%sic le!el is si/ply HonI or Ho((I- <ighting scenes %re #ritten in % co/puter %s % Hp%geI- "hen
th%t p%ge is run, the lights do #h%t they %re told to do in #h%t order to do it in- series o( p%ges
r%n together c%n /%,e % sho#- $he lighting director decides #hen to run % p%ge, %nd usu%lly %d-
libs in so/e other stu(( %s #ell- <ighting is % gre%t %re% to be cre%ti!e in-
6( you #%nt % 5uic, de%th, this is the pl%ce to scre# up %t- R%# po#er is run directly to the
touring %ctJs po#er e5uip/ent- ll o( the b%c,line, sound, lights, pyro, etc is run e0clusi!ely o((
o( th%t e5uip/ent to %ssure Hcle%nI, secure, %nd ste%dy po#er- <ighting, Sound, >%c,line, %nd
Pyro %ll #or, on their o#n sep%r%te circuits so %s to not c%use %ny issues #ith e%ch other- 6nside
the 'S borders the st%nd%rd is 220 !olts- $he lighting di//er p%c,s %nd e!erything else
%tt%ched to the touring %cts po#er e5uip/ent is %tt%ched !i% c%/ loc, connectors- $hese %re
long, rubberi7ed colored connectors th%t you pl%ce in the properly color-coded end on the
e5uip/ent you %re plugging into- ?nce in, you t#ist the c%/ connector to loc, it in pl%ce-
$he color sche/e (or the c%/ loc, connectors is usu%lly one li,e this&
Red Q Po#er F >lue Q Po#er F >l%c, Q Po#er F "hite Q 8eutr%l F Breen Q Bround
"hen you plug in po#er or %ny e5uip/ent to po#er, the order /%tters- First in is Breen (or the
Bround- 8e0t is "hite (or 8eutr%l, l%stly, the 3 po#er c%bles, Red, >lue, %nd >l%c,- t the
<o%d-?ut, once po#er is o((, you re/o!e the 3 po#er c%bles (irst, then the "hite 8eutr%l, %nd
l%stly, Breen (or the Bround Co it other#ise %t your o#n stupidity-
6 c%nnot stress enough the d%ngers in de%ling #ith %ny %nd %ll %spects o( li!e concert production,
but none so /ore th%n po#er- Respect it or else- 6t doesnJt t%,e /uch- $rust /e- S%(ety (irst- .ou
donJt #%nt to get hurt, but /ore i/port%ntly, you donJt #%nt to hurt %nyone else- Leep your
brothers %nd sisters in the business #ith you s%(e-
$h%tJs it (or this /onth ,ids, See you ne0t /onth #hen #eJll co!er yet %nother %re% in the
n%to/y o( % Concert-
1 HS%(etyI is % steel c%ble #ith % loop %t e%ch end th%t % sh%c,le is bolted through-
2 HSh%c,leI is % ' sh%ped steel piece th%t h%s % bolt #ith thre%ds %t one end-
3 F?E Q Front ?( Eouse %,% #here the sound tech %nd the sound bo%rd Mor ConsoleN sits-
4 propriet%ry cl%/p by Cheesebourough th%t holds lighting pipes together-
9 @ulti C%ble or @ulti Core is % c%ble #ith % huge connected %t one end #ith % series o( pins
inside o( it- $his end is then pl%ced into %nother end %nd then scre#ed together- $hese c%bles %re
usu%lly %ll grouped together #ith other /ulti c%bles %nd then g%(( t%ped together to (or/ one big
c%ble (or % speci(ic truss %nd lights-
8e0t /onth& >%c,line
Page 1*
d!ice o( the /onth& >e#%re o( the r%/p r%ts-
Anatomy of a Concert Part - Bac!"ine
6( youJ!e been re%ding /y colu/n the l%st (e# /onths, then you ,no# #h%tJs going on, so letJs
get this /onthJs inst%ll/ent in the series st%rtedP-
is the ge%r th%t %llo#s the b%nd to cre%te itJs sound- >e(ore b%nds h%d huge P-
syste/s, lighting, pyro, or other things, there #%s b%c,line- .ou c%n h%!e %ll the sound, lights,
%nd pyro you #%nt, but #ithout b%c,line, there #onJt be %ny /usic-
>%c,line is % !%st topic #ith /%ny di((erent (%cets to it- So #ith th%t in /ind, #e %renJt going to
get o!erly speci(ic %nd (ull o( det%ils %bout ge%r, but r%ther #e %re going to (ocus on the 3ob o( %
b%c,line technici%n- For the det%iled stu(( li,e the tips %nd tric,s o( the tr%de, 6 #ill get into those
%rticles l%ter in /idFl%te 2004 %nd beyond-
>eing % b%c,line tech c%n be % re%l p%in or ple%sure depending on #ho/ you %re #or,ing (or %nd
ho# they tre%t their ge%r M%nd youN- First %nd (ore/ost, being % good b%c,line tech is %bout 29O
technic%l s,ills %nd *9O people s,ills- $hereJs % lot o( pressure #or,ing so close to the
Hp%ychec,I M%,% the %rtistN- 'su%lly cre# people %!oid the %rtist, #here %s $our @%n%gers %nd
>%c,line $echs %re right by the/ % good p%rt o( their d%y-
8o /%tter ho# good you %re #ith your technic%l s,ills, i( youJre %n %RRhole, you #onJt l%st !ery
long in this business, %nd e!en less ti/e %s th%t o( % b%c,line tech- $oler%nce (or %ttitudes %nd
/ist%,es is !ery, !ery lo# to s%y the le%st- E!en i( the %rtist h%s %n %ttitude, .?' c%nJt %((ord to
h%!e one- Munless you donJt #%nt to ,eep your 3ob !ery longN
8o# %s (or the p%rt reg%rding technic%l s,ills, letJs co!er th%t-
?n % tour, there c%n be %s little %s one b%c,line tech %ll the #%y to one tech per /usici%n- 6t %ll
depends on the b%ndJs needs %nd budget- $he usu%l lineup is 2 guit%r techs M1 t%,es c%re o( the
b%ssist %s #ellN, 1 dru/ tech, %nd i( there %re ,eybo%rds, % tech (or th%t- 8o /%tter #h%t ge%r you
%re t%,ing c%re o(, the 3ob is pretty /uch the s%/e- Leep it in #or,ing order, repl%ce or (i0 p%rts
#hen needed, ,eep it s%(e, secure, cle%n, tune it, ch%nge strings i( need be on % regul%r b%sis, etc-
6t sounds % lot e%sier th%n it is-
nother p%rt o( being % good tech is to /%,e sure e!erything is setup the #%y they #%nt it- 6(
there %re supposed to be * guit%r pic,s t%ped to the right side o( the /icrophone st%nd on st%ge
right e!ery sho#, then it h%d better be th%t #%y e!ery sho#- $o ch%nge so/ething suddenly
could thro# the /usici%n o(( %nd ruin % per(or/%nce- 6( it is the e0%ct s%/e e!ery ti/e, then the
/usici%n doesnJt need to thin,, only per(or/- good b%c,line tech /otto is H8e!er let the
/usici%n thin,I- 8o# thin, %bout th%t
'ntil ne0t /onthP-
Page 1K
1 >%c,line

is the %/pli(iers, instru/ents, c%bles %nd st%nds used by the b%nd to pl%y-
%e7t month, The Production 8''ice
d!ice o( the /onth& Chec,out http&FF###-ro%die-net (or %ll sorts o( inside /usic in(o-
Anatomy of a Concert Part # $he Production %ffice
$he Production ?((ice is the (oc%l point o( %ny business rel%ted c%lls, /%il, ship/ents, or
%nything else th%t h%s to do #ith th%t nightJs concert %ndFor the entire tour- Bener%lly spe%,ing,
!ery (e# people need to be in the production o((ice, %nd e!en (e#er still need to be in there %ll
the ti/e- $he $our @%n%ger, Production ssist%ntMsN
, RunnerMsN
, Concert Pro/oterMsN, %nd
%nyone else #ho de%ls #ith the business end o( the tour #ill be in the o((ice %t %ny gi!en point in
t so/e point during the lo%d-in
, ro%d c%ses #ith the production o((iceJs e5uip/ent %nd
supplies #ill be sent to the roo/ th%t #ill beco/e the production o((ice- ?nce there, the $@
their st%(( #ill begin to set e!erything up- 'su%lly the e5uip/ent in!ol!ed is l%ptop PCs, Printers,
F%0 @%chines, Photo Copier, C%lcul%tors #ith receipt rolls, %nd e!erything else th%tJs needed (or
c%bles %nd rel%ted supplies- ?nce the o((ice is setup, the d%ily oper%tions c%n begin- 6n no cert%in
order here, so/e o( the things th%t %re d%ily t%s,s include, but %re not li/ited to, %d!%ncing the
ne0t (e# sho# d%tes %nd going o!er contr%cts ; riders
, guest lists #ith tic,ets, b%c,st%ge p%sses
(or loc%l cre#, =6Ps, @;Bs
, etc-, h%ndling FedE0F'PS ship/ents, distributing supplies
purch%sed by the d%yJs runners, troubleshooting %ny business rel%ted proble/s #ith the d%yJs or
(uture sho#s, de%ling #ith the %rtistJs /%n%ge/ent, business %gents, %ccount%nts, etc- 6( itJs %
s/%ller tour #ith no %ccount%nts on the tour, 6E& Club tour, the%ter tour, etc, then the production
o((ice #ill t%,e on those t%s,s %s #ell- MSuch %s p%yrollN $he $@ %lso de%ls #ith e!eryoneJs Per
%,% P-C
, tr%!el, %cco//od%tions, etc-
.ou c%n get the ide% (ro/ this short list o( things th%t % lot M/ore th%n listed hereN goes on in the
production o((ice on %ny gi!en d%y on %ny gi!en tour- ?b!iously, the l%rger the tour, the /ore
people, e5uip/ent, proble/s %nd logistics o( h%ndling it %ll go right %long #ith it %ll- Reg%rdless
o( the tourJs si7e, being in the production o((ice %nd especi%lly being the $@ #ho is responsible
(or e!erything %nd e!eryone, is 5uite % big 3ob- $he b%nd /%y /%,e the sho# roc,, but the
production o((ice %nd the ro%d cre# /%,e it roll-
6 #ish 6 could get into /ore det%il on #h%t goes on in the production o((ice, but 6Jd end up
#riting % boo, 3ust on th%t topic %lone, %nd %l%s sp%ce is li/ited- 6( you #%nt to ,no# /ore, (eel
(ree to e/%il /e #ith so/e 5uestions %nd 6Jll %ns#er the/ %-s-%-p-
1 Production ssist%nts %re people #ho %ssist the Production ?((ice st%(( #ith their #or,-
2 Runners t%,e people toF(ro/ pl%ces, shop (or the b%ndFcre#, run outside err%nds, etc-
3 <o%d-6n is #hen c%ses %re t%,en o(( o( the truc,s %nd brought into the !enue-
4 $@ Q $our @%n%ger
Page 1)
9 Re(ers to % HRiderI Contr%ct 6E& de%ls #ith cert%in things li,e c%tering, hotels, etc-
+ @;B Q @eet ; Breet %,% H(ter Sho#I p%sses
* Per Cie/ F P-C-- <%tin (or HPer C%yI : @onies gi!en to b%ndFcre# (or d%ily e0penses
%e7t month, The Sho+ 9 The $oad08ut
d!ice o( the /onth& ?ne o( the (irst things you le%rn, %nnoying cell phone rings h%s to go- 6t
only t%,es one ti/e to irrit%te e!eryone on the bus- 6/%gine 12 phones %ll pl%ying (un,y tunes,
%rghDD Set the ringer to % nor/%l ring, set it lo# or on !ibr%te, %nd %l#%ys turn it o(( %t night on
the bus %nd especi%lly during the sho#-
Anatomy of a Concert Part & $he Show & $he Load-%ut
$his is the l%st %rticle in the Hn%to/y o( % ConcertI series, but itsJ only one o( /%ny %rticles to
be in this regul%r colu/n concerning %ll o( the di((erent %spects %nd %re%s o( the /usic ;
entert%in/ent industry- So/e o( these %rticles #here 6 touched on cert%in topics #ill be loo,ed
into %g%in, only in gre%ter det%il- <etJs get st%rtedP-
$he sho# is the H#hyI e!erything co/es together the #%y it does- $he b%nd /%y /%,e /usic on
st%ge (or % little bit, but the production st%(( h%s been /%,ing /usic o( sorts %ll d%y long-
sho#Js technic%l %spects %re orchestr%ted %s #ell %s %ny sy/phony #ith e!eryone pl%ying his or
her p%rts %t the right pl%ce %nd ti/e in con3unction #ith e!eryone else- $his sy/phony st%rts
#hen the (irst ro%d c%se is lo%ded o(( the truc, until %t the end o( the d%y the l%st ro%d c%se is
lo%ded onto the (in%l truc,-
Curing the sho# e!erything continues to #or, together, sound, lights, pyrotechnics, e!erything
%nd e!eryone- lthough they donJt re%li7e it, the cro#dJs %ppl%use is (or the cre# too- 6( % b%nd
loo,s or sounds b%nd, it re(lects on the cre#- <i,e#ise is true i( they sound %nd loo, good- ?ur
H/usicI, %lthough technic%l in n%ture is e!ery /uch %s p%rt o( the sho# %s the b%ndJs /usic is-
(ter the sho#, the stri,ing
o( the ge%r begins- $he (irst go to is the b%c,line ge%r- ?nce the
st%ge is cle%red o( the b%c,line, %ny on st%ge %udio ge%r such %s /onitors, /ics %nd their st%nds,
c%bles, etc %re re/o!ed- ny lighting on st%ge is %lso re/o!ed- 8e0t, the P-- syste/Js spe%,ers
%re t%,en do#n, %s is /onitor #orld
%nd the F?E
8e0t the st%ge is rolled out (ro/ underne%th the entire truss lightning to the other end o( the
!enue- 6tJs there th%t cre#s st%rt t%,ing the st%ge %nd %ny sets %p%rt- 6n the %re% #here the st%ge
#%s once %t, lighting is lo#ered in one truss or section %t % ti/e- <ighting, c%bles, etc %re
re/o!ed %nd c%sed %#%y- $russes %re unbolted into /ore /%n%ge%ble /o!%ble sections, st%c,ed,
str%pped, etc- Ci//er p%c,s, c%bles, e!erything is co/ing do#n %nd p%c,ed %#%y in % gi%nt
org%ni7ed sy/phonic song- Curing the s%/e ti/e, dressing roo/s, #%rdrobe, the production
o((ice, %ll o( th%t is stuc, (%irly close to e%ch other in %nother p%rt o( the !enue-
?n %n %ren% tour, the lo%d-out c%ll (or the loc%l union st%geh%nds is usu%lly %round 10&30 or
11&00p/ #ith the %ctu%l #or, beginning 30 /inutes l%ter- ?nce the #or, begins, it usu%lly t%,es
Page 20
3 hours to lo%d out %n %ren% sho#- 8ot only the does loc%l cre# get so/e nice p%y, but usu%lly %
(ree t-shirt %s #ell- .e%hDD
1 Stri,e F Stri,ing : $o te%r do#n %nd put %#%y-
2 @onitor #orld is the %re% o(( o( st%ge le(t #here the /onitor console, ge%r, ; tech is %t-
3 F?E is Front ?( Eouse1 the %re% #here the sound ; lights %re r%n (ro/-
%e7t month, Tuning
d!ice o( the /onth& Sleep (eet (irst M(%cing the dri!erN in your bus bun,- $h%t #%y i( the dri!er
stops (%st, youJre (eet t%,e the blo# %nd not your he%d thus sn%pping your nec,-
$uning Part 1
Eello %llDD $his /onth #eJre going to (ocus on so/e tips ; tric,s reg%rding tuning-
>e(ore 6 begin, 6 #%nt to st%te th%t these %rticles %re #ritten to be in-bet#een o!erly gener%l %nd
o!erly technic%l- 6J/ shooting (or the /iddle ground, so i( 6 le(t out so/e det%il you thin, should
be in there, you c%n let /e ,no#- Gust re%li7e th%t 6 c%nJt be %s det%iled on the sub3ects 6 #rite
%bout due to sp%ce li/it%tions- 6( 6 #rote e!erything, itJd be % boo,, not %n %rticle-
$he (irst p%rt o( tuning is /%,ing sure the guit%r or b%ss is properly setup- "hen 6 (irst get %n
instru/ent, 6 loo, %t it o!er%ll to see ho# itJs currently set- "h%t little things /%y be proble/s or
need to be (i0ed, repl%ced, cle%ned, etc- 6( the instru/ent is pl%y%ble %nd the /usici%n is h%ppy
#ith the #%y it is, #onJt be ch%nging string g%uges or tunings, then itJs b%sic%lly % /%tter o(
t%,ing o(( the strings, cle%ning it up, (i0ing #h%t needs to be (i0ed, re-stringing it, %nd l%stly,
inton%ting it- s % guit%r tech, 6 #%nt to gi!e the /usici%n the ide%l setup (or the/-
A 'ro'er (etu' can ma!e an in(trument '"aya)"e* )ut an idea" (etu' wi"" ma!e it '"ay+
proper setup, in p%rt, in!ol!es the g%uge o( strings you #%nt to use %nd %t the tuning you #%nt-
6( you ch%nge string g%uges, youJll need to re-setup the instru/ent bec%use #hen you ch%nge
g%uges, you ch%nge the dist%nce (ro/ the strings to the (retbo%rd %nd thus %((ect the H%ctionI-
$he s%/e thing goes (or tuning- 6( you nor/%lly tune to s%y CS BS CS FS S CS %nd then
ch%nge it, you ch%nge the tension %nd length o( the string, thus %((ecting inton%tion
- Gust bec%use
you tune to % ,ey or pitch doesnJt /e%n you %re in tune i( your inton%tion is o((-
8e0t, you #%nt to per(or/ % b%l%ncing %ct bet#een the nut, nec, %nd bridge- d3usting one o(
the/ is not the %ns#er, #or,ing #ith %ll 3 is- First o((, loo, %t the nut- 6s it #orn, bro,en, %re the
groo!es do#n too (%rA 6( so, repl%ce it yoursel( i( you ,no# ho#, or (ind % guit%r tech or <uther
to the 3ob (or you- .ouJll ,no# i( it is o, by loo,ing %t it- 8e0t up, loo, %t the nec, %nd itJs
relie(Pdoes it h%!e %n under bo# %,% Hrelie(I
Mso/e is good, too /uch is notN or is it b%c,
M!ery b%dN-
Co 8?$ 3ust go %d3usting the truss rod
right %#%y- 6tJs true th%t it does need to be done (ro/
ti/e to ti/e, but not ne%rly %s o(ten %s people see/ to do it- $he e0ception to this rule is i( itJs
Page 21
ob!iously b%c, bo#ed- 6( th%tJs the c%se, letJs hope the instru/ent h%s % bi-(le0
truss rod in it- 6(
your nec, is b%c, bo#ed %nd you donJt h%!e % bi-(le0 truss rod thereJs nothing you c%n do to (i0
the nec, th%t isnJt % !ery costly choice- M6E& repl%cing the nec,N @o!ing onP letJs chec, the
nec, (irst- Eolding the guit%r li,e % ri(le #ith the body ne%r your (%ce, no# put your chin on the
body li,e % !iolin %nd %i/ the guit%r nec, do#n#%rd- <oo,ing str%ight do#n the nec,, does the
sh%do# under the strings de!i%teA 6n th%t s%/e position, %ngle the guit%r to the le(t or the right %t
%bout % 49-degree %ngle %nd loo, do#n the side o( the nec,- 6s it b%c, bo#ed
, too /uch relie(,
t#isted M#%rpedN, etcA "ell, th%tJs good (or st%rters %nd gi!es you %n ide%, but letJs double chec,
it to be sure be(ore %d3usting it-
Find the (irst (ret on the nec, #here the nec, 3oins the body- Pl%ce the 3
(inger o( your right
h%nd on this (ret, press do#n %nd hold it there- 8o# #ith the le(t h%nd, (ret on th%t s%/e string
on the 1
, 2
, or 3
(ret- 8o# #ith the right h%nd still holding th%t (ret do#n #ith the 3
t%,e the thu/b o( the right h%nd %nd pluc, the string- Cid the string HringI %nd /%,e % tone1 or
did it go Hplun,I- 6( it r%ng out, cool, repe%t the process on the ne0t string until done- 6( it #ent
Hplun,I, then you ,no# the nec, needs %n %d3ust/ent-
:t;s at this point : have to state# do %8T proceed +ith ad<usting the truss rod unless you
are 100= sure o' +hat you are doing- :' you over0tighten the truss rod and snap it or
completely loosen it and unscre+ it# it can (e a very# very# costly repair" :n some cases# it;d
<ust (e cheaper to (uy a ne+ guitar i' that happens"
"hen %d3usting the truss rod, do so in !ery s/%ll incre/ents Musu%lly no /ore th%n % 5u%rter turn
tot%l is re5uiredN %nd do so #ith the strings %t the proper tension %nd tuning- Curing the process,
const%ntly chec, %nd re-chec, your #or,- (ter %d3usting the nec, %nd getting it #here you #%nt
it, youJll need to let it sit % d%y %nd see ho# the nec, HsetsI- s 6 st%ted be(ore, this #hole de%l is
% (ine %rt o( % b%l%ncing %ct bet#een the nut, nec, %nd bridge- >e%r in /ind th%t youJll prob%bly
be %d3usting the s%ddles be(ore you /ess #ith the nec, %nd truss rod- 6 loo, %t the nut (irst, %nd
then the s%ddles %nd nec, relie(, then l%stly 6 %d3ust the s%ddles to % close enough guessti/%ted
point o( #here 6 thin, they should be %t- 6( the /usici%n li,es it th%t #%y, then 6 proceed to (ine-
tune it (ro/ there- 6n /ost c%ses, you need ne!er %d3ust the truss rod- 6( % /usici%n ch%nges
string g%uges %ndFor tunings, 6 c%n gener%lly t#e%, out the %ctionJs settings !i% the bridge
s%ddles- s % gener%l rule, 6 re%lly try to 8?$ h%!e to %d3ust the truss rod F nec, relie(-
"hile #e %re loo,ing %t the bridge itsel( %nd the s%ddles on it, %s, yoursel( Hre they ob!iously
out o( #h%c,AI .ou c%n guessti/%te #here you #%nt the/ to be %t, but until you get the strings
on the guit%r %t the proper tension %nd tuning you #%nt to pl%y %t, you c%nJt %d3ust it precisely- t
this point, itJs % guessing g%/e to st%rt #ith- Gust get it close enough (or no#- ?nce the ne#
strings %re on, stretched out, %nd %t tension in the proper tuning, then %d3ust the s%ddles (ro/ th%t
point on#%rd- 6( you or the /usici%n you %re #or,ing (or li,es it th%t #%y, then go %he%d %nd
inton%te it %t th%t point- ?ther#ise %d3ust it until they li,e it %nd then proceed (ro/ there-
"eJll continue #ith the second p%rt o( this topic ne0t /onth-
Page 22
1 6nton%tion is the /e%sure/ent o( the string dist%nce bet#een the nut %nd the 12
(ret %nd (ro/
the 12
(ret to the bridge- 6nton%tion is set by %d3usting the bridge s%ddles b%c, %nd (orth !i% %n
llen #rench o( scre#dri!er-
2 Relie( is the dist%nce bet#een the strings %nd the (retbo%rd- $he cur!%ture o( the nec,-
3 >i-Fle0 $russ Rod- truss rob is % long /et%l b%r under the (retbo%rd used to %d3ust the relie(
o( the nec,- nor/%l truss rod c%n /%,e the nec, co/pletely (l%t %nd str%ight Mnot good to doN
or %s it nor/%lly h%s, %n under bo# F relie(- >i-Fle0 truss rod does this %nd %lso %llo#s you to
re/o!e % b%c, bo# %s #ell-
4 >%c, >o#ed #hen the nec, is %rcedFbo#ed up#%rd inste%d o( its nor/%l do#n#%rd %rcFbo#
%,% Hrelie(I-
%e7t month, Tuning Part ::
d!ice o( the /onth& 20 in #inter, 10 in Su//er, use le/on oil on rose#ood or other d%r, #ood
(ret bo%rds to ,eep the /oisture in the/- tellt%le sign this needs to be done is #hite lines- $he
ide%l ti/e to do this is #hen you h%!e the strings o(( %nd %re ch%nging the/- ConJt le/on oil
ebony, gr%phite, or /%ple (ret bo%rds-
$uning Part 2
Eello %g%in e!eryone- Eope(ully you re%d l%st /onthJs %rticle on tuning- $his /onth #e continue
th%t topic, so letJs begin-
"hile /uch o( #h%t #e co!er in these %rticles de%ls #ith the settings o( the guit%r or b%ss, %
good p%rt o( %n ide%l setup is H(eelI- So/eti/es #e de%l in incre/ents so s/%ll #hen it co/es to
setting up %n instru/ent1 th%t %ctu%l /e%sure/ents %re only used %s % st%rting point- "hen %
/usici%n h%s % guit%r tech th%tJs so ,no#ledge%ble %bout the /usici%nJs pl%ying style %nd ge%r,
then %ll the /usici%n h%s to do is (ocus on their per(or/%nce r%ther th%n the technic%l side o(
things- $his is #h%t 6 /e%n #hen 6 s%y, H8e!er let the /usici%n thin,I-
"e co!ered so/e o( the nut, bridge, %nd nec, dep%rt/ents thus (%r, but 6 #%nt to go into th%t
topic % bit /ore reg%rding setup %nd %d3ust/ents o( the/- First o((, letJs co!er the bridge %nd the
s%ddles- 6 li,e to h%!e the s%ddles %t % nice %rc to #here the botto/s o( the strings %re %l/ost
e5u%l dist%nce (ro/ the botto/ o( the string to the (ret bo%rd- Bener%lly spe%,ing, the EC
strings 6 setup %t either 4F32 %nd the B>E %t 3F32 or 6 go #ith EC %t 3F32 %nd >CE %t 2F32- $he
best #%y to /e%sure the string dist%nces (ro/ the (ret bo%rd is %t the *
(ret #ith the (eeler g%uge-
M (eeler g%uge /%y be purch%sed (ro/ %ny h%rd#%re store (or % (e# buc,s- 6 suggest ce
?n the topic o( tools, so/e o( the ones youJll need %re !%rious si7es o( s/%ll llen #renches,
scre#dri!ers MSt%nd%rd ; PhillipsN, % pencil, 3-in-1 Se#ing @%chine ?il, <e/on ?il, Buit%r
Polish, clothes (or the 2 oils %nd polish, % (eeler g%uge, so/e steel #ool, perh%ps % cert%in truss
rod #rench MG%c,son guit%rs use 2 di((erent types 3ust (or the/ %s %n e0%/pleN .ou /%y #%nt
Page 23
so/e (ret polish too- 6( they %re e0ception%lly dirty, th%tJs #here the steel #ool co/es into pl%y-
$his isnJt % co/plete list o( course, but itJs % good st%rting point- .ouJll (ind th%t you or /%y not
need e!ery tool e!ery ti/e- Gust li,e % proper setup, youJll h%!e to deter/ine (or yoursel( #h%t
tools youJll need or not e!ery ti/e-
g%in #hile 6 re%li7e these 2 %rticles on tuning %nd setups %renJt o!erly gener%li7ed or o!erly
technic%l %nd det%iled, 6 belie!e the/ to be % good /iddle ground- n ide%l spot (or % st%rting
point, 6 thin,- 6( you #%nt to le%rn /ore %bout ho# to do your o#n setups M%l#%ys % good ide% to
,no# ho# to do it e!en i( you donJt #%nt to do it yoursel(N there %re se!er%l good boo,s out there
th%t co!er the b%sics to e0tre/ely %d!%nced /%teri%l- $he Buit%r Rep%ir Buide by Buit%r Pl%yer
@%g%7ine costs %round T29-30 %nd 6 highly reco//end it-
?ne o( the best #%ys to le%rn is on your o#n instru/ent- Gust be !ery c%re(ul #ith the truss rod
%s 6 /entioned be(ore- 6( you #%nt, buy % second h%nd %nd in so/e#h%t good sh%pe guit%r or
b%ss to pr%ctice on (irst- ?nce youJ!e per(ected your ide%l setup, then go %he%d on your /%in
guit%rMsN- Lno#ledge on ho# to #or, on %nd rep%ir your o#n ge%r is ne!er % b%d thing- 6(
ho#e!er doing your o#n setups 3ust isnJt (or you, there %re se!er%l pl%ces %round to#n th%tJd be
h%ppy to do the/ (or you Mincluding /ysel( #ho does the/N- Prices r%nge (ro/ %round T20-30
(or % setup Mnot including the cost o( % set o( stringsN-
%e7t month, -ass Rigs
d!ice o( the /onth& 6( you %re going to use % distortion ped%lFe((ect on % b%ss rig, /%,e sure
you h%!e % second b%ss rig (or e0clusi!ely th%t purpose bec%use you #ill lose the botto/ end
(re5uencies on it1 so youJll #%nt t#o b%ss rigs- ?ne (or the cle%n, nor/%l tone, %nd one (or the
distorted tone- .ouJll %lso #%nt to use 2 Cirect >o0es %nd 2 ch%nnels on the /i0ing console to
blend it in both the F?E /i0 %nd perh%ps in the /onitor /i0 %s #ell-
(unny story rel%ted to tuningP- >%c, #hen 6 #or,ed (or th%t (irst loc%l b%nd b%c, in the /id-
K0s, 6 #%s 3ust le%rning ho# to #or, on guit%rs %nd b%sses- 6n (%ct, 6 #%s 3ust le%rning %bout
%ltern%ti!e tunings %s #ell, hec,, e!erything re%lly- ny#%y, 6 #%s used to tuning to 440 pitch
%nd the b%nd %(ter their (irst gig, decided they #ere going to drop do#n to 430 so itJd be e%sier
on the !oc%lists #hile not ch%nging the chording %t %ll- So there #e %re %t /y second-e!er gig
%nd 6 h%d tuned the b%ss to 440 #hile the guit%rists #ho h%d tuned their o#n instru/ents due to
be in % rush, #ere tuned to 430- $he poor b%ssist couldnJt (igure out #h%t the hec, #%s #rong,
%nd 6 #%s too ne# M%nd ner!ousN to (igure out #h%t 6 h%d in%d!ertently did- Ee pl%yed the #hole
sho# li,e th%tDD (ter th%t, 6 ne!er did it %g%in (or %nyone 6 #or,ed (or-
Ba(( Rig(
$his /onth #eJll (ocus on b%ss rigs
1 #hich %lso h%ppens to be one o( /y (%!orite topics since 6
%lso pl%y b%ss- ?ne o( the /ost i/port%nt p%rts o( % b%ss pl%yerJs rig is the strings- 6 donJt c%re
#h%t ,ind o( b%ss, e((ects, %/pli(ier, etc you use1 i( the strings %re de%d, your sound #ill suc, %ll
the #%y do#n the line- >%ss pl%yers, ch%nge your strings /ore o(tenDD $rust /e, it helps- .ou
c%nJt %d3ust your settings %nd t%ilor your sound #ith de%d strings-
Page 24
6n order to he%r the true sound o( your b%ss %nd %/p rig, youJll need to h%!e ne# strings- 6Jll
%ctu%lly co!er the topic o( strings ne0t /onth, but itJs #orth /entioning in this /onthJs %rticle
bec%use o( its i/port%nce to the o!er%ll sound- U8u(( s%id (or no#-
6J!e #or,ed #ith %n %ssort/ent o( di((erent %/pli(iers %nd c%binets o!er the ye%rs, but it %l#%ys
co/es b%c, to /peg- 6n /y e0perience o( #or,ing in !%rious le!els o( the /usic business, M%nd
/y o#n person%l pre(erencesN /peg is the #%y to go h%nds do#n e!ery ti/e- .ou si/ply c%nJt
be%t %n /peg S=$ 66 Pro Mor 6= ProN %/pli(ier- $hey %re reli%ble, dur%ble, %nd pro!en the
"orld o!er ti/e %nd ti/e %g%in- 6 %lso highly reco//end putting % Fur/%n P<-K or P<-K Plus
Po#er Conditioner %nd the %/pli(ier in % ro%d c%se #ith r%c, /ounts built into it- >y using %
ro%d c%se, you not only protect your %/pli(ier, but it %lso gi!es you % pl%ce to ,eep your spe%,er
c%bles %nd po#er cord %s #ell- M8ot to /ention the (%ct, itJs the HProI #%y to do itN
6( the /peg S=$ 66 or 6= Pro %/pli(iers %re out o( your price r%nge, then chec, out the /peg
>R-9- 6J!e be%ten the hec, out o( one o( those %nd ne!er /%de it distort #hile solely using the
cle%n ch%nnel- $hey c%n t%,e 5uite the %buse %nd %lso co/e #ith % built in distortion %nd oct%!e
e((ectMsN, #hich c%n be blended #ith the cle%n ch%nnel or used sep%r%tely- 'nli,e the S=$ 66 or
6= Pro, they #eigh less %nd t%,e up /uch less roo/ in % ro%d c%se, #hich /%y be % plus (or
so/e peopleJs needs-
s (or c%binets, 6 reco//end the /peg K010 HRe(riger%torI c%binet or % 4010 c%binet on top o(
% 1019 c%binet- dd on so/e t#ist loc, Spe%,-?n spe%,er c%ble %nd youJre %ll set to /o!e so/e
serious po#er through th%t rig- 6( you #%nt to %dd /ore c%binets do#n the ro%d, you c%n %dd
po#er %/ps %nd s%!e so/e c%sh !erses buying /ore S=$ 66 or 6= Pro %/pli(iers to po#er
/ultiple c%binets Munless youJre rich, %nd i( so, then c%ll /eN-
nother thing th%tJs #orth /entioning is to ,eep your !olu/e %nd tone ,nobMsN on your b%ssMesN
%ll the #%y up- $his #ill %llo# the /ost sign%l to get out o( the b%ss into the %/pli(ier- 'se the
gr%phic e5u%li7er, ,nobs, %nd other (e%tures on the %/pli(ier to set your !olu/e %nd on-st%ge
tone, not your b%ss- $urning the !olu/e %nd tone ,nobs do#n on your b%ss 3ust ,ills your sound
bec%use it reduces the output (ro/ your pic,ups- 6( you co/bine th%t #ith de%d strings, youJll
h%!e true /ud- $he only #%y to /%,e it #orse #ould be to toss in so/e /id-r%nge (re5uency
settings on the %/pli(ier- 'ghDD
s (or ho# to di%l in the settings on your b%ss rig so it best con!eys Hyour soundI, th%tJs %ll %
/%tter o( person%l pre(erence %nd technic%l ,no#ledge o( #h%t gener%lly #or,s %nd sounds good
%nd #h%t doesnJt- 8o# %g%in gener%lly spe%,ing here, /id r%nge Q /ud r%nge1 so 6 try to set the
b%ss le!els high but not too high, cut the /id-r%nge (re5uencies, boost the trebleFhighs- Since the
(ret on % b%ss is e5u%l to the open string on % guit%r, 6 tend to H=I /y gr%phic e5u%li7ers on
the %/pli(ier MitJs %ctu%lly /ore li,e % Hchec, /%r,I sh%pe on the e5u%li7erJs settingsN %nd then 6
let the guit%rs (ill in the /id-r%nge (re5uencies- 6( the b%ss rig h%s lots o( /id-r%nge (re5uencies
going on, then it 3ust o!erpo#ers the guit%rs %nd cre%tes /ud- 6n /y opinion, this helps reduce
the H/ud (%ctorI th%t is so o(ten he%rd (ro/ b%ss pl%yerJs rigs by h%!ing too /uch /id-r%nge set-, e!en #ith ne# strings you c%n h%!e /ud i( the /id-r%nge is set too highN
Page 29
nother Htric, o( the tr%deI is to plug the b%ss guit%r directly into % Cirect 6nput bo0 (irst, then
co/e out o( the C6 bo0 into the input 3%c, on the (ront o( the %/pli(ier by using short VI to VI
c%bles- 6de%lly youJll #%nt to use %n %cti!e C6 #ith % s#itch (or the ground li(t- s % h%bit, 6
donJt use the built-in HCirect ?utI W<R 3%c, th%t %re o(ten %!%il%ble on the b%c, o( so/e /%,es
%nd /odels o( b%ss %/pli(iers- @y re%soning (or ne!er using the/ is th%t o(ten ti/es, (or !%rious
re%sons, they c%n h%!e % terrible bu77 to the/- "hy #ould you #%nt to ris, de%ling #ith th%t
he%d%che #hen itJs so e%sily %!oid%bleA nother bene(it o( doing it this #%y is th%t you send 3ust
the b%ss guit%rJs sound Mnot the %/pli(ierJs soundN out to the sound engineer- Re/e/ber, #h%t
sounds good on st%ge (or sound /%y not sound good out (ront- 6tJs di((erent c%binets, e5u%li7ers,
etc- E!ery sho# h%s 3 o!er%ll /i0esF!olu/es : the b%c,line, the /onitors, %nd the /%ins-
(e# l%st (in%l tips, i( you h%!e E@Bs in your b%ss, they %re best suited (or %/pli(iers th%t c%n
truly t%ilor the sound- E@Bs by their !ery design %re % (l%t response pic,up %nd best per(or/
#ith gre%t b%ss rigs- 6( you h%!e %ny /%,e or /odel o( %cti!e pic,upMsN, be sure to chec, %nd
repl%ce your )!olt b%ttery %s o(ten %s needed- s (or e((ects, i( your %/pli(ier h%s %n e((ects send
%nd return on it, plug your e((ects ped%ls into the e((ects send inste%d- 8?$E& ?nly use e((ects
ped%ls in %n e((ects loop th%t do 8?$ depend on g%in- E0%/ples th%t %re s%(e to use this #%y %re
Chorus, Fl%nger, Cel%y, etc- Cistortion, ?!erdri!es, etc %re not % good ide% (or %n e((ects loop-
6 hope th%t this in(o gi!es you % st%rting point on ho# to con(igure your present rig or /oti!%tes
you to get % better one- 6n either c%se, the ide%l go%l o( this %rticle is to help you #or, on
i/pro!ing Hyour soundI- 'ntil ne0t ti/eP-
1 Rig

: Sl%ng (or %/pli(ier %nd e((ects syste/-
2 C6 Q Cirect 6nput Q % bo0 used to connect %/ps %nd so/e instru/ents to the P--
3 W<R Q type o( plug co//only used on /icrophone c%bles-
%e7t month, Strings
d!ice o( the /onth& Bi!e % copy o( your b%ndJs CC to the sound /%n %t e!ery !enue you
per(or/ %t %nd %s, the/ to gi!e it % spin o!er the P-- (ro/ ti/e to ti/e- Free PRDD
6 thin, th%t in reg%rds to the %rticle %bo!e reg%rding b%ss %/ps, one thing to consider %dding to
your rig is % S%ns /p, #hich is % gre%t pre-%/pF%cti!e C6 unit, etc- 6J!e see b%ss rigs go do#n
%t sho#s #here loc%l b%nds donJt h%!e %ny b%c,up ge%r %nd then the b%ssist only h%s the option
o( plugging their b%ss directly into % C6 #ith only using the /onitors to he%r the/sel!es- Bi!en
the choice bet#een doing this #ith % nor/%l C6 unit or doing it #ith % S%ns /p, the S%ns /p
is the better route to go o( the t#o choices, in /y opinion-
Page 2+
<%st /onth during /y %rticle %bout b%ss rigs, 6 touched on the topic o( strings- s pro/ised, 6J/
going to t%l, %bout the/ this /onth- Strings %re (%r (ro/ being % boring topic1 %s theyJre one o(
the /ost under-%ppreci%ted M%lthough o(ten discussedN p%rts o( % guit%r or b%ss- ?(ten neglected
Mespeci%lly by b%ssistsN strings %re %n integr%l p%rt o( %ny /usici%nJs sound- $hey re5uire /inor
up,eep %nd regul%r repl%ce/ent /ore th%n %ny other piece o( ge%r- M#ith the e0ception o( guit%r
>esides the /usici%n the/sel!es, the (irst thing th%t cre%tes the sound is the strings- Sure using
pic,s or (ingers %((ects the sound, but itJs the strings (irst %nd (ore/ost, (ollo#ed by the pic,ups-
For the s%,e o( not #riting % boo, %nd ,eeping this %s %n %rticle, 6Jll only co!er the topic o(
Reg%rdless o( #h%t br%nd %nd /odel o( strings you use, they %ll re5uire so/e co//on things& to
be ,ept in good sh%pe by #iping the/ do#n %(ter e%ch use, to be stretched, tuned, %nd e!entu%lly
repl%ced- So/e people #ill use 3ust %bout %ny br%nd, /odel, %nd g%uge o( strings #hile others
h%!e their pre(erences on #h%t #or,s best (or the/ %nd only use those- 8o one br%nd or /odel
o( strings suites e!eryoneJs li,es or needs- Ci!ersity is % good thing, isnJt itA 6( youJre h%ppy
#ith #h%t you use, roc, onDD Eope(ully 6Jll h%!e so/e tips in this %rticle to help you get the /ost
out o( the/- 6( you %re interested in so/ething ne#, re%d on %s #ell- 8ot only %re there so/e tips
%nd tric,s, but so/e reco//end%tions (or cert%in br%nds o( strings %s #ell-
First, 6Jll st%rt #ith the tips %nd tric,s, %nd then (ollo# it up #ith /y reco//end%tions (or br%nds
o( strings- So (or the (irst tip, ho# o(ten you ch%nge your strings depends on % (e# (%ctors such
%s ho# o(ten %nd h%rd you pl%y, ho# /uch your s#e%t, ho# %cidic your s,in is, etc- So/e people
%re so %cidic th%t %ny set o( strings #ill h%rdly l%st %t %ll, #hile others c%n pl%y on the/ % lot
longer th%n /ost people do- $here is no per(ect schedule (or ch%nging strings, 3ust do #h%t #or,s
best (or you %nd your sound- "hile you c%nJt ch%nge your s,inJs %cidic n%ture, you c%n #ipe the
strings do#n %(ter e%ch pr%ctice or per(or/%nce by using % so(t cotton cloth- 8o /%tter #h%t, this
is %l#%ys % good h%bit to do %(ter e!ery ti/e you pl%y-
nother tip, #hile so/e people pre(er it, 6 highly %d!ise %g%inst it& F%st Fret
6 3ust donJt see ho# goo-ing up your strings is good (or the/- Me!en i( it /%,es it e%sier to slide
your (ingersN- Ce!elop c%lluses through pr%ctice %nd stop che%tingDD ?( course there is the old
tric, o( t%,ing the strings o(( to boil the dirt %nd gri/e o(( o( the/- "hile this does #or, to so/e
li/ited degree, 6J!e ne!er been % big (%n o( it- 6Jd r%ther 3ust buy ne# strings- For /y 2 (in%l tips,
i( you do#n tune, use less #r%ps in your strings %s theyJll slip less- 1-2 #r%ps %re %ll youJll need-
6( you tune to nor/%l pitch, use 3 #r%ps or /ore- <%stly, i( you pl%y b%ss Mor tech (or % b%ssistN,
tune #ith #h%te!er the b%ssist uses to pl%y- 6( they use % pic,, tune #ith % pic,- 6( they use
(ingers, tune #ith (ingers- 6( they pl%y #ith % pic, %nd you tune #ith (ingers, the b%ss #ill be
tuned (l%t- <i,e#ise, i( they pl%y #ith (ingers %nd you tune #ith % pic,, theyJll be slightly sh%rp-
$h%tJs the tips p%rt, so no# letJs /o!e on-
s 6J!e s%id, e!eryone h%s his or her string pre(erences, %nd these %re /ine- So t%,e it into
consider%tion th%t this is % /%tter o( opinion- 6 highly reco//end >l%c, Ci%/ond Strings
http&FF###-bl%c,di%/ondstrings-co/ %s they %re si/ply the best strings 6 h%!e e!er used on %
guit%r or b%ss- 'nli,e /ost strings th%t %re t%,en o(( %nd put on the #inding /%chine %(ter e%ch
Page 2*
p%ssing o( the #r%p, >l%c, Ci%/ond Strings %re put on the #inding /%chines only once,
stretched to 29 lbs psi, gi!en % 3 p%ss #r%p, %nd then gi!en % propriet%ry l%c5uer th%t #ill ne!er
co/e o((- $he /ost 6J!e h%d to stretch % set o( strings (ro/ the ti/e they c%/e out o( the
p%c,%ge until they st%yed in tune on the instru/ent, #%s 4 ti/es- Mth%t goes (or guit%r or b%ss
strings by the #%yN So unli,e other strings, these %re pre-stretched %s they %re #r%pped %nd l%st
/uch longer Min /y opinionN th%n other strings do-
6 #%s #or,ing (or % client o( /ine %nd he bro,e % HCI string on his guit%r during % sho# #hile
using the >l%c, Ci%/ond Strings- 6t h%ppens #ith %ny string, they %ll bre%, %t ti/es, but #h%t
i/pressed /e /ost #%s the (%ct th%t he #%s using % (lo%ting Floyd Rose tre/olo bridge th%t #%s
8?$ loc,ed do#n %nd the guit%r st%yed in tune to the point #here he could h%!e (inished the
song- "hen 6 chec,ed the guit%rJs tuning %g%inst the tuner, the guit%r #%s out by may(e 1 cent
M1 lineN belo# Mto the le(tN o( de%d on Hin tuneI- 6 h%!e 8E=ER seen % guit%r or set o( strings do
th%t be(ore- For the record, >EF?RE #e s#itched o!er to the >l%c, Ci%/ond Strings, i( he
bro,e % string, the #hole guit%r #ent out o( tune- $he only di((erence #%s the strings, bec%use
itJs the s%/e guit%r #ith the s%/e e0%ct setup to it-
6( not >l%c, Ci%/ond Strings, then /y second choice is CR, %nd %nything %(ter th%t 6J/ not %
huge (%n o(- 6J!e used % lot o( the/ though, Cid%rrio, BES, Eli0ers, >lue Steel, Ce%n
@%r,leys, etc- 6J/ 3ust % re%lly de/%nding c%t #hen it co/es to strings %nd >l%c, Ci%/ond
Strings %re si/ply the best 6J!e (ound since 6 got into the /usic business is 1)K9-
%e7t month, Surviving the Tour
d!ice o( the /onth& Custo/ Buit%r Pic,s& http&FF###-intunegp-co/ - Bre%t co/p%ny th%t
tre%ts e!eryone #ell- E0cellent ser!ice %nd prices- Chec, Ue/ out-
Sur,i,ing $he $our
"hen % b%nd is on the ro%d1 #hether in % !%n or on % bus, doing clubs or %ren%s, on % big tour or
s/%ll, one (%ct re/%ins the s%/e& 6tJs %ll %bout the /oney %nd the botto/ line %t the end o( e%ch
d%y- E0penses %nd s%l%ries /ust be p%id1 (unds /ust be s%!ed (or e/ergencies %nd t%0es, etc-, so
i( you donJt /eet the go%l o( /%,ing % pro(it, youJll %t le%st #%nt to bre%,-e!en %nd #rite-o((
so/e things on your t%0es- MChec, #ith % good CP th%t speci%li7es in the /usic %nd
entert%in/ent business (or the best resultsN
8o one e!er s%id touring #%s che%p by %ny /e%ns or stretch o( the i/%gin%tion- $ouring in % !%n,
let %lone % single tour bus, is costly in both ti/e %nd /oney- "here /oney is concerned, the only
re%l di((erence bet#een % l%rge or s/%ll tour is the nu/ber o( 7eros behind it %ll- $he nu/bers
/%y be l%rger, but the budgeting %nd %ccounting is %ll the s%/e : %nd it %ll h%s to %dd up %t the
end o( the d%y-
Since /ost people re%ding this %re going to tour in !%ns %nd truc,s, unless they %re success(ul
enough to tour in buses %nd se/is, 6J/ going to t%,e it (ro/ the H!%n ; tr%ilerI point o( !ie# (or
the s%,e o( this %rticle-
Page 2K
>e%r in /ind th%t %ll sorts o( things c%n be #ritten o(( %s business e0penses, such %s g%s /ile%ge1
under the right circu/st%nces- .ouJll #%nt % receiptMsN (or e!ery business rel%ted tr%ns%ction
bec%use e%ch d%yJs c%sh, receipts %nd e0penses %re %ll b%l%nced d%ily- 6( the b%nd h%d T400 %nd
T200 #%s spent th%t d%y %nd h%s the receipts to sho# (or it, then they h%!e T200 le(t in c%sh- $he
T200 in receipts th%t go in th%t d%yJs petty c%sh en!elope %nd the T200 th%tJs le(t o!er in c%sh is
the H(lo%tI /oney th%t b%nd #ill roll o!er into the ne0t d%y- 6( the b%nd does % sho# th%t d%y %nd
gets T300 c%sh, %dd in th%t T200 in c%sh they h%!e (ro/ the pre!ious d%y1 %nd they no# h%!e
T900- $he #hole process repe%ts itsel( d%y %(ter d%y- E!entu%lly, youJll h%!e too /uch c%sh to be
c%rrying %round #ith you on the ro%d, so #hen th%t h%ppens, this e0cess /oney is sent b%c, to
the business %gent !i% % c%shierJs chec,, b%n, deposit, or #ire tr%ns(er- ?ut o( the /oney th%t
#%s sent b%c,, s%l%ries %re p%id to the b%nd %nd cre#, the record l%bel Mi( there is oneN, b%nd
/%n%ger, etc /%y reco!er other e0penses Mc%lled Hrecoup%ble e0pensesIN (ro/ it %s #ell-
$hereJs % (ine %rt o( budgeting c%sh on the ro%d- .ou h%!e to /%,e sure th%t you h%!e enough to
co!er the d%ily e0penses, hope(ully c%rry enough (or e/ergencies %s #ell, %nd not c%rry too
/uch so th%t you %re % #%l,ing HFort Lno0I- Eo# /uch th%t ide%l %/ount is !%ries (ro/ b%nd to
b%nd %nd tour to tour- $here %re #%y too /%ny !%ri%bles (or /e to 3ust s%y H$his is the de%l
%/ount to c%rry in c%shI-
"hether you %re using % boo,ing %gent or doing it %ll yoursel(, so/e things youJll #%nt to ,eep
in /ind %nd try to get p%id (orFpro!ided by the pro/oterF!enue (or you %re things li,e& (ood,
drin,s, Mlunch, dinner, %(ter sho# /e%ls : #hiche!er you c%n getN, hotelF/otel roo/s, M%!oid
H>%nd EousesI : n%styN, etc- @%ny ti/es the b%rs you %re pl%ying ser!e (ood %nd you c%n get it
discounted i( not (ree outright- ?ne option is % H(ood buy outI #here the pro/oterF!enue, or
#hoe!er is p%ying the b%nd, gi!es the b%nd so/e /oney (or purch%sing their o#n (ood- 'su%lly
itJs T10Fper person (or lunch %nd T19 (or dinner, but this c%n so/eti/es be h%rder to get (or %
loc%lFs/%ller region%l b%nd- 6( you c%n get the/ to splurge (or one /e%l, th%tJs usu%lly %ll you
get %t th%t le!el o( success- ?b!iously, %nything th%t #onJt spoil, t%,e #ith you i( they pro!ide it
(or you- 'se those (oodFdrin, ite/s (or your tr%!el d%ys F d%ys o(( o( sho#s- ?ne thing th%t /ost
loc%l b%nds do, si/ply bec%use they l%c, (unds #hen st%rting out to tr%!el on the ro%d, is they e%t
%t (%st (ood pl%ces, 3un, (ood, sn%c,s, etc- 8ot only %re these things % #%ste o( /oney, but %lso
they e!entu%lly c%tch up #ith you- .ou need to t%,e good c%re o( yoursel( %s best you c%n- $ry
%nd e%t %s he%lthy %s possible- @%,e (riends #ith those #ho c%n coo, Eey, 6 ne!er once s%id
this #ould be e%sy, no# did 6A
$hey ,ey to sur!i!%l is budgeting- "hether youJre on the ro%d or %t ho/e, itJs %ll the s%/e
botto/ line1 %nd the nu/bers h%!e to %dd up %t the end o( e%ch d%y- Eo# you do th%t is %ll up to
%e7t month, The *uture o' the 4usic :ndustry
d!ice o( the /onth& 6n!esting in /%teri%l ite/s /%y /%,e you rich, in!esting in ,no#ledge
/%,es you #e%lthy, but in!esting in both #isely, th%tJs the re%l tric,-
Page 2)
$uthor%s &ote' The article below was written in (ecember )**+, which was a good , to + years
before the "reat -ecession with its volatility of the housing and stock markets. !t%s now )*..,
almost / years later and the economy is certainly worse off now than it was in )**+. The 0usic
!ndustry, like most others, have certainly slumped during these economic times as well. 1very
industry across the board is hurting right now, unemployment is up, production is down, and we
all live in an unstable political and economic environment that is now far less predictable than
in generations past.
hile these are not music or technology2specific issues, politics and the economy do play a
ma3or role in the music industry like any other. !n regards to the technology part of the topic,
portable mp, players are less costly now, faster, hold more music, 3ust as computer prices have
fallen as the 45s themselves have become faster, cheaper, and no longer cost thousands of
dollars. Those things ! do see affecting the music and video industries in both positive and
negative ways. hich things are positive, which things are negative, what has happened, what
affects what, that in itself could be several articles if not a complete book, so !%ll keep it more
basic and less detailed by saying that the overall situation sales, profits and the music industry,
indeed the entire economy as a whole, is worse off today in )*.. than it was in )**+.
The economy will change eventually and things will hopefully get better, even if it%s not like it
was before, !%m still the eternal optimist when it comes to the whole. ! don%t know if ! can say
that about the music and video industries themselves6 because ! don%t think that the genie can be
put back in that bottle. (5an you see it7 89k Bill, pull the switch and shutdown the !nternet.
"ame 9ver.:) ;eah<. &ot going to happen.
! think the key now is to adapt in various ways in all aspects of our personal and business live6
across all socio2political and economic boundaries. $cross every race, creed, religion, and
anything else which may serve to separate versus unite us as a species.
$he Future of the -u(ic .ndu(try
$his is %n opinion piece %bout the (uture o( the entire /usic industry %nd the direction 6 see it
he%ding right no#-
6n ye%rs p%st, the record co/p%nies #ere the only ones #ith %ny re%l control o( the /usic- $hey
recorded, pressed, p%c,%ged, %nd rele%sed the /usic to stores %nd r%dio st%tions !i% !inyl %lbu/s,
c%ssette t%pes, %nd co/p%ct discs MCCsN- $hey controlled it %ll- Sure, so/e people /%y copy %
!inyl %lbu/, c%ssette t%pe, or e!en % CC to % t%pe, but th%t #%s usu%lly in s/%ll nu/bers %nd
pir%cy #%snJt the proble/ b%c, then th%t it is tod%y- 6n ye%rs p%st, only % h%nd(ul o( people could
duplic%te /usic in high-5u%lity %nd in !%st 5u%ntities on !inyl or t%pe- CCs #ould h%!e 3ust been
#%y too e0pensi!e (or the %!er%ge person to produce #hen they (irst c%/e out onto the /%r,et-
"ho else e0cept the recording industry could %((ord the e5uip/ent (or CC duplic%tion %nd
production #hen the technology #%s th%t ne#A ny /onies lost b%c, then (ro/ illeg%l copies
#erenJt th%t big o( %n issue co/p%red to #h%t it is tod%y #here /usic is copied %nd distributed
electronic%lly online %nd o((line !i% burned CCs- CCFC=C >urners, >l%n, CCsFC=Cs, Peer-to-
Peer So(t#%re, "ebsites, or co/puters #ith the %bility (or %ny o( those things %re %ll still pretty
Page 30
recent in!entions in rel%tion to ho# long the @usic 6ndustry h%s been %round1 %s #ell %s !inyl
%nd t%pe in its !%rious (or/%ts-
6 donJt e!en thin, the recording industry i/%gined the (uture close to #h%t it is no#- 6( they
could h%!e i/%gined it, #ould they h%!e been better prep%red (or it tod%y th%n #h%t they %reA
@%ybe- @%ybe not- Corpor%tions %nd 6ndustries %s % #hole %re not ,no#n (or their %bility to turn
on % di/e %nd re-engineer their technologies %ndFor business /odels to ,eep up in %n e!er-
ch%nging %nd (%st-p%ced #orld, especi%lly in the e%rly 21
<etJs dig % little deeper into the topic o( technology (or % brie( /o/entP-
?nce CCs #ere in!ented %nd used by people (ro/ the e%rly-/id 1)K0Js continuing until present
d%y M%s o( this #ritingN, things st%rted to ch%nge- $he "orld "ide "eb M""" or H$he "ebIN
#%s in!ented in 1))0- "hen i/%ges #ere %ble to be put on #ebsites %round 2 ye%rs l%ter, Mthus
ch%nging it (ro/ % te0t only b%sed /ediu/ to % te0t %nd gr%phic%l one,N the "orld "ide "eb
e0ploded into /%ss popul%rity- MSo popul%r is the #eb th%t e!en tod%y /ost people /ist%,enly
c%ll it H$he 6nternetI #hen in (%ct the #eb is only one p%rt o( the 6nternet-N ?nce the "eb
e0ploded, so did other technologies to go %long #ith it- $here #%s Fl%sh, Shoc,#%!e, CE$@<,
G%!%, stre%/ing !ideo %nd %udio, %nd the list o( technologies %nd uses (or the 6nternet is still
gro#ing tod%y- So #hile the 6nternet #%s de!eloping by le%ps %nd bounds on %l/ost % d%ily
b%sis, person%l co/puter CC >urning %nd /p3s didnJt e0ist %nd didnJt re%lly co/e %bout until
only % (e# ye%rs %go #hen the co/puting technology c%ught up to the/- ?nce th%t h%ppened,
then co/puters could not only re%d %nd #rite CCs, but they #ere %lso %ble to copy /usic (ro/
CCs, MHrippingIN %nd con!ert the/ into /p3 %nd other /usic rel%ted (ile (or/%ts- 8o# %dd onto
this technology the %bility to distribute /usic (iles %nd e!en entire CC i/%ges %cross the 6nternet
%long #ith high-speed b%nd#idth Mbro%db%ndN connections li,e CS< %nd C%ble into the /i0,
%nd you h%!e % (or/ul% (or % hotbed o( potenti%l destruction M%s (%r %s the recording industry sees
it-N ?( course 6 %lso see this %s % huge opportunity (or cre%tion o( /usic %nd !ideo by the gener%l
popul%tion so they /%y be he%rd outside o( the nor/%l /edi% ch%nnels #hich /ost c%nnot %((ord
to purch%se ti/e %nd %ds (or- Po#er to the peopleDD
8o#, letJs re-!isit the p%rt o( the %rticle #here 6 s%id the record l%bels h%d controlP-
"eJ!e %lre%dy est%blished th%t the l%bels controlled the recording, pressing, distribution,
p%c,%ging, etc (or %n %rtistJs /usic, but 6 #%nt to e0p%nd on this % bit /ore- E!en though the
record l%bels didnJt usu%lly #rite the songs, in /%ny c%ses, the l%bels leg%lly o#ned so/e or %ll
o( the rights- 6t #%s M%s it still is tod%yN !ery co//on (or % record l%bel to o#n /%ny o( the
inco/e gener%ting %spects o( % b%ndJs c%reer (ro/ the /usic %nd /erch%ndise, etc- $he l%bels
(ront the /oney to the b%nds (or recording, pro/otion%l, %nd other rel%ted e0penses %nd then
recoup it l%ter (ro/ CC %nd @erch%ndises s%les, etc- @%ny % b%nd h%s no# or h%s h%d in the
p%st1 % b%d record contr%ct #hich le(t the/ #ith little to no rights or /oney- $he /usici%ns #ere
t%,en %d!%nt%ge o( by the record l%bels th%t h%!e been doing business th%t #%y (or ye%rs bec%use
the %rtists couldnJt %((ord or didnJt ,no# %ny better to get % good independent /usic %ttorney
#or,ing (or the/, not the l%bel- 6t /%y not be /or%lly or ethic%lly right, but then th%tJs business-
"ho leg%lly o#ns %nd controls H#h%tI, is- 6( CCs donJt sell, the l%bels donJt recoup /oney (ro/
the/- $he l%bels #%nt their in!ested /oney b%c, plus pro(its, li,e %ny business does- $his is in
Page 31
p%rt, #hy the record l%bels h%!e turned to doing H3+0 Ce%lsI, /e%ning they get % cut o( the
/onies (ro/ e!ery piece o( the pie no#1 #here%s be(ore, they didnJt- Since s%les %re do#n on
recorded /usic, those /onies /ust be recouped else#here by the record l%bels- 6 cert%inly donJt
thin, th%t there is 8? /oney in CC s%les, but there cert%inly is not %s @'CE /oney no# %s
there #%s in the p%st- $he point is, no one #%nts to /%,e less /oney : e!er- $he l%bels, li,e %ny
business, %re only trying to protect their interests %nd in!est/ents- 6tJs business- 6 ne!er s%id it
#%s right or (%ir- 6 3ust s%id it #%s business-
"h%t the l%bels /ust do is (ind % #%y to sell so/ething th%t c%nnot be duplic%ted-
Re%d th%t line %bo!e %g%in- 6tJs short, but !ery i/port%nt- 6( you h%!e % product th%t c%nnot be
duplic%ted by %nyone e0cept you Mor th%t #hich you control the cre%tion o(N, %nd c%n only be
obt%ined (ro/ you, then %nyone th%t #%nts th%t product /ust co/e to you to get it- $he l%bels
h%d th%t in one (or/%t Mrecorded /usicN %nd lost it- 8o#, they /ust reg%in it, in % di((erent #%y
MtouringN- .es, li!e concerts c%n be recorded %nd distributed !i% C=C, but once recorded, they
%re no longer li!e- .ou c%n h%!e the %bsolutely best the%ter %nd sound syste/ in the #orld %nd it
#onJt be %ble to replic%te the energy in the !enue (elt %t % li!e concert- $hereJs your product th%t
c%nJt be duplic%ted or replic%ted by %nyone but you-
So 6 /entioned th%t the @usic 6ndustry %s % #hole M/%n%ge/ent, record l%bels, /usici%ns, cre#,
%gents, e!eryoneN %re going to h%!e to %d%pt to sur!i!e- $he recording industry M#hich is p%rt o(
the /uch l%rger @usic 6ndustryN, is going to h%!e to ch%nge its (ocus (ro/ the old school ide% o(
Hyou tour to support the CCI to the ne# ide% o( Hyou record the CC to support the tourI- @y
prediction is th%t the /usic industry is going to do % H(lip (lopI- "here%s recordingFCC s%les #%s
nu/ber (ocus %nd touring #%s there to support the record1 the t%bles #ill be turned- .ou c%n
do#nlo%d % CC, C=C, /p3, etc, but you c%n 8?$ do#nlo%d the e0perience o( being %t %
concert %nd seeing % b%nd li!e, /%ybe e!en getting to /eet the/ or purch%se /erch%ndise
%!%il%ble only %t the concert- Mt so/e concerts, you c%n e!en buy the sho# you #ere 3ust %t on
CC 19 /inutes %(ter itJs o!er-N $he one c%!e%t F proble/ #ith li!e concerts %nd touring being the
/%in (ocus is the %!%il%bility o( tic,ets %nd their bo0 o((ice prices, let %lone the sc%lper prices
#hen tic,ets %re no longer %!%il%ble !i% /%instre%/ outlets-
$he l%bels prob%bly !ie# the 6nternet %nd do#nlo%ding li,e % P%ndor%Js bo0 th%t #%s opened due
to technology- $he record l%bels %long #ith e!eryone else didnJt underst%nd #h%t #%s let out into
the "orld- 8o# the l%bels %nd recording industry %re trying to stop % g%ping #ound #ith % b%nd-
%id- $hey see it %s % pro(it dr%ining proble/ r%ther th%n %n opportunity to ch%nge their business
(or/%t %nd rel%ted str%tegies- $hey %re too #orried %bout losing /oney r%ther th%n (ocusing on
ch%nging their outd%ted business /odel %nd st%ying in business- Cert%inly the best #%y to re%ch
the /ost people is through recorded /usic, it still is- Eo#e!er, (or the l%bels, /%,ing tons o(
/oney (ro/ recorded /usic, th%tJs the p%st- >usiness str%tegies h%!e to ch%nge bec%use the
business itsel( h%s ch%nged due to technology %nd the /%r,etpl%ce- Gust the li,e the dinos%urs
#ho couldnJt or #ouldnJt %d%pt, the l%bels too #ill die unless they %d%pt %nd ch%nge- $hey /ust
re%li7e /%ny o( the points 6J!e /%de #ithin this %rticle i( they %re going to sur!i!e- $o %d%pt,
they /ust ch%nge their %ttitude, go%ls, %nd the #%y they do business- @usic /%y not be %s
pro(it%ble %s it once #%s (or %nyone- MBSPDDN
Page 32
E!eryone #ill h%!e to run le%ner, tighter, on less pro(its, %nd #ith % s/%ller pro(it /%rgin- $he
old d%ys %re long gone- d%pt or die- Either #%y, % big ch%nge #ithin the /usic industry %s %
#hole, is i//inent-
$he only re%l sn%g 6 c%n (oresee in !ersion o( the (uture %s 6 see it, is the (%ct th%t tic,et s%les %re
l%c,ing due to se!er%l re%sons& g%s prices, the o!er%ll econo/y, l%c, o( (unds, %nd (in%lly %ll the
%ssoci%ted !enue (ees %nd other tic,et (ees th%t continu%lly 3%c, up tic,et prices- $he tic,et prices
/ust co/e do#n i( (oth the recording %nd the touring industry, Mb%sic%lly the entire /usic
industryN, is to sur!i!e %t %ny decent le!el- >%nds /%y not be %ble to go out on tour #ith %s /uch
stu((, %s /%ny truc,s, buses, toys, etc %s be(ore, but #e too in the touring side o( the industry
/ust %lso le%rn to %d%pt to the consu/er %nd the econo/y- $he touring side o( the business,
#hile there #ill be /ore tours, #ill %lso be le%ner %nd /e%ner th%n be(ore- 6tJs %l#%ys been th%t
#%y, but no# it #ill be e!en /ore so th%n in the p%st-
$he /usic industry %s % #hole needs % (uture th%tJs better (or the/ %s #ell %s (or the consu/er-
$he recording industry is going to h%!e to %d%pt %nd le%rn to de%l #ith the ne# technologies,
h%!ing less pro(its %nd less control- Since the b%nds c%n no# record, rele%se, distribute, %nd e!en
get on r%dio %ll on the 6nternet, the l%bels donJt h%!e %s /%ny /ore re%l b%rg%ining chips- 8o
business #%nts to lose ground, lose control, lose (%ce, but you c%nJt close your eyes, stic, your
pin,y in the d%/, shut your eyes, %nd go Hl% l% l% l%I to dro#n out the noise, #hen the #%ter is
cr%shing %ll %round you %nd the d%/ #%s busted %p%rt 9 ye%rs %go- $h%tJs ins%ne- $h%tJs the
current st%te o( the recording industry %nd their thought processes b%sed on #h%t #eJ!e %ll seen
!i% the R6 l%#suits- 6t 3ust doesnJt /%,e %ny sense to /e- Coes it to youA
6n this post-)-11 #orld #here so /uch is unst%ble, especi%lly the econo/y, #e %ll h%!e to le%rn
to %d%pt %nd li!e % bit le%ner 3ust so #e c%n %ll st%y in business doing #h%t #e lo!e to do, #hich
is being in the /usic business-
%e7t month, 8ne
d!ice o( the /onth& S%!e this %rticle- Put it %#%y (or one ye%r- Pull it out %g%in %t th%t ti/e %nd
re-re%d it- "h%t /y predictions e0%ctly on the /oney or 3ust close- "h%t things do you see
h%ppening no#, 1 ye%r %(ter 6 #rote this %rticleA E/%il /e %nd let /e ,no#-
Chapter / A .ie+ *rom The -acline 0 520016
6J!e h%d the distinct ple%sure o( #or,ing #ith P%nter% be(ore % (e# ti/es, %nd the org%ni7%tion
#%s % good one, 3ust li,e the b%nd- $his #%s truly h%rd (or /e to #rite %bout, %nd it still is 5uite
the loss-
"ell, this /onthJs %rticle #%s going to be % perspecti!e piece %bout /y (irst ye%r o( #riting this
colu/n %nd on the /usic business in 2004- M$hus H?neI (or % titleN 6 le(t it c%lled H?neI bec%use
Page 33
6 still thin, it (its ho# /%ny o( us (eel right no# since #ords c%nJt see/ to e0pl%in the (eelings
#e %ll sh%re o!er the tr%gic e!ents o( Cece/ber K
, 2004-
So/eti/es li(e h%s its o#n #%y o( ch%nging your perspecti!e on so/e things %t the l%st possible
/o/ent- "hen th%t h%ppens, youJre ne!er prep%red %nd you 3ust h%!e to roll #ith it- "ell, 3ust
#hen 6 thought 6 h%d 2004 %l/ost l%id to rest, li(e decided to not 3ust toss the entire /et%l
co//unity %nd /usic business one little le/on1 inste%d, li(e decided to t%,e the entire tree %nd
put it P-#ell, you ,no# #here-
R%rely h%!e 6 seen li(e end so suddenly %nd cre%te such % huge !%cuu/ in so /%ny he%rts %t one
ti/e- Gi/i Eendri0, Gohn >onh%/, R%ndy Rhodes, Cli(( >urton, Lurt Cob%in, %nd Gohn <ennon,
(who was also murdered by gunshot )+ years earlier on the same date, (ecember =
, .>=*) to
n%/e % (e#- S%dly, there %re /ore 6 did not list, %nd s%dder still, #e /ust %dd yet %nother n%/e
to th%t long list1 bec%use on Cece/ber K
, 2004 % st%r died %nd le(t us %ll #ith % hole in our
he%rts, %nd th%t ch%nges so/e peopleJs perspecti!es- 6t cert%inly ch%nged /ine-
?ur he%rts #ere once % pl%ce #here th%t be%uti(ul st%r n%/ed HCi/eb%gI C%rrell bbott used to
shine so brightly, but no# %ll #e see/ to see %nd (eel is this hole- "hile the st%r %nd the /%n %re
both gone, theyJre not (orgotten bec%use both %re still lo!ed %nd re/e/bered by /illions o(
people %round the "orld- Ci/eb%g C%rrell through his /usic %nd person%lity in(luenced not
only the entire /usic business, but %lso the better p%rt o( % still young gener%tion %s #ell- "hile
his /usic %nd legend #ill continue his leg%cy, #e /ust %ll p%y the price o( the (%ct th%t #e #ill
ne!er ,no# #h%t could h%!e been-
C%rrell #%s still % young st%r, but he didnJt burn out (ro/ shining too brightly, inste%d he #%s
s#%llo#ed up by % bl%c, hole /%de o( h%tred %nd neg%ti!ity th%t c%/e (ro/ the sic,ness o( the
/ind %nd soul o( % !ery disturbed person-
So /uch h%s been #ritten %bout this tr%gedy %lre%dy, the e!ents th%t night, the loss, etc- 6 #%nted
to %!oid #riting %bout the s%/e things e!eryone else h%s- 6nste%d, 6 #%nted to (ocus on so/e
%spects people /%y not h%!e thought %bout such %s the e/otion%l st%te #e %re in, ho# it %((ects
e%ch o( us %nd %s % co//unity, lo!e, h%te, he%ling, etc- 6 donJt thin, %nyone h%s #ritten %bout
those things yet, %t le%st (ro/ #h%t 6J!e seen- 6 thin, th%t #e need to (ill the holes in our he%rts
#ith lo!e %nd good /e/ories, bec%use itJs too e%sy to (ill the/ #ith h%tred %nd neg%ti!ity
inste%d- ?( course, ti/e #ill p%ss, but th%t doesnJt /e%n #e he%l- "e %s indi!idu%l people, %s
p%rt o( % /usic%l co//unity, %nd in (%ct, %s p%rt o( the "orld, /ust le%rn ho# to properly he%l
our souls the right #%y thought lo!e, %nd not h%te- 6( #e donJt, then 6J/ %(r%id th%t #e %s %
"orld society #ill only see the p%st repe%ted %g%in %nd %g%in %ndP-
%e7t month, Tu(e or Solid State Ampli'iers )hich is (etter>
d!ice o( the /onth& <o!e- 6tJs the %ns#er-
$u)e ,(+ So"id State Am'"ifier( /hich i( Better0
Page 34
Eello e!eryone- $his /onth #eJll be loo,ing %t so/e o( the di((erences bet#een solid-st%te %nd
tube %/pli(iers1 %long #ith re%sons #hy e%ch is good %nd b%d in their o#n #%y-
.ou could #rite % boo, %bout this !ery topic M%nd 6J/ sure so/eone prob%bly %lre%dy h%sN in
gre%t det%il (ull o( speci(ic%tions %nd di%gr%/s ho# %nd #hy both types o( %/pli(iers #or, li,e
they do- <i,e % (e# other sub3ects 6J!e #ritten %bout in the p%st, this %rticle #ill be %n o!er!ie#
r%ther th%n % super det%iled boo, on this sub3ect due to sp%ce %nd s%nity li/it%tions- 6( you do
need /ore det%il, ple%se e/%il /e %t ronX%440gr%phics-co/ - $h%n,s-
Tu(e Ampli'iers
$ube %/pli(ic%tion #ill gi!e you % /uch #%r/er sound th%n solid st%te, but the cost o( th%t
#%r/th is t%llied in tubes, repl%ce/ent o( the/, %nd the 3ob o( (inding th%t Hs#eet spotI in the
%/p- .ouJll /%,e t#e%,ing the settings o( the %/p %ll %n %rt (or/ in itsel(1 3ust so you c%n get
the /ost #%r/th %nd tone possible- .ouJll e0peri/ent %nd (ind th%t di((erent tubes Mbr%nd %nd
/odelN #ill produce di((erent tones, so/e /ore h%rsh, so/e /ore /ello#, it %ll depends on
#hich ones you inst%ll in your rig %nd ho# you use the %/p- $he h%rder you dri!e the tubes, the
less they l%st, but then you #onJt get the de%l sound you #%nt either- $ubes #ere /e%nt to be
dri!en h%rd %nd (%st li,e % Ferr%ri- Bet the engine hot Un scre%/inJ- $h%tJs 3ust /y opinion
ll o( this see/s to be % lot o( #or, 3ust (or the ide%l settings %nd tone, but then isnJt th%t #h%t
o#ning cert%in ge%r is %ll %boutA 6snJt getting the /ost out o( your ge%r %nd getting e0%ctly #h%t
you #%nt %t the s%/e ti/e the go%lA $he point is, i( you ,no# ho# to get it, you CA% get it #ith
% tube %/pli(ier- .ou c%nJt get close to #h%t you re%lly #%nt (or %n ide%l sound1 or h%!e the s%/e
o( le!el o( control #ith % solid-st%te %/pli(ier li,e you c%n #ith % tube %/pli(ier- $he re%soning
(or this is bec%use the tubes %re % !%ri%ble unto the/sel!es- $ubes %re not %n e0%ct science- .ou
c%nJt gu%r%ntee th%t %/pli(ier th%t is supposed to be 100 #%tts isnJt %ctu%lly c%p%ble o( 110 #%tts-
'sing % tube %/p gi!es you the %bility to do #h%t you #%nt to get your sound, but it doesnJt
/e%n th%t youJll ,no# ho# to get it- $his is #here t%ste, ti/e, tri%l %nd e((ort error, etc %ll co/es
into pl%y- .ou c%nJt 3ust di%l in % sound1 you h%!e to le%rn it %s you go-
$ubes %/ps, in /y o#n person%l opinion, #hile they %re /ore e0pensi!e %nd high /%inten%nce
%ll the #%y %round1 they %re #ell #orth it in e!ery sense %nd in e!ery cent-
6 ,no# 6J!e (ocused on /ore the positi!e %spects o( tube %/pli(iers !erses the neg%ti!e1 but 6
#ill (%irly do the s%/e (or /y solid-st%te %/pli(ier section o( this %rticle %s #ell-
$he b%d p%rt o( tube %/pli(iers is th%t they %re noisier, louder, cost /ore to purch%se, cost /ore
to /%int%in, cost /ore ti/e to setup %nd #or, #ith th%n the solid-st%te %/pli(iers do- 6( you c%nJt
/%int%in % tube %/p M%nd those tubes %renJt che%pN %nd %((ord the cost o( tubes #hen they need
to be repl%ced1 M/ore o(ten th%n /ost /usici%ns do the/ %tN, then % tube %/pli(ier is not % good
ide% (or you to purch%se %t th%t ti/e- .ou /%y be better o(( going #ith % solid-st%te %t th%t point-
b%dly /%int%ined tube %/pli(ier suc,s-
Page 39
Solid State
Solid st%te is the opposite o( tube, so to spe%,- $hey cost less, but %re e%sier to /%int%in th%n
e0pensi!e tube %/pli(iers %re- "hile the tube %/p %nd sound you #%nt /%y be out o( price r%nge
%t the /o/ent, you /%y be %ble to try %nd e/ul%te it Hgood enough (or no#I using % solid-st%te
%/p- @%ybe this is %ll you #%nt period, i( not 3ust (or no#-
Solid-st%te %/ps %re pretty dur%ble, ro%d #orthy pieces o( ge%r- @%ny people li,e to use the/1
#hile % (e# others e!en lo!e their solid-st%tes (or !%rious re%sons- So/e people 3ust /%y not
#%nt, li,e, or need e!erything % tube %/pli(ier o((ers or re5uires- For those situ%tions, solid-st%te
%/pli(iers %re the only #%y to go (or so/e people-
6J!e used both types o( %/pli(iers b%c, #hen 6 h%d se!er%l b%ss rigs1 %nd 6 %d/it it, 6J/ % tube
(%n%tic (ro/ b%c, then- Eell, e!en /ore so no# th%t 6 h%!e #or,ed on it (ro/ % technic%l !erses
% per(or/er side o( things-
'lti/%tely, you h%!e to do #h%tJs right (or your sound- 6tJs not science- 6tJs /usic- .ou /%y (ind
yoursel( st%rting out one #%y1 only to s#itch ge%rs /id-shi(t- For e0%/ple, you /%y st%rt out
using tube %/ps only to s#itch to solid-st%te l%ter on- Mor !ice !ers%N- "h%te!er you do, no
/%tter #hich you use or #hy, itJs %ll % le%rning e0perience #e /ust go through in order to (ind
Hour soundI-
%e7t month, 4erchandising
d!ice o( the /onth& Rest in pe%ce to $y <ongley ; the )) others #ho died (ro/ the St%tion
8ightclub Fire on Feb 20
, 2003, 2 ye%rs %go this /onth- Re/e/ber the/-
$his /onth #eJre going to loo, %t /erch%ndising your products %t sho#s- $his %rticle is ge%red
to#%rds those loc%l b%nds th%t not only h%!e /erch%ndise1 but %lso #%nt to /%,e /oney %t
selling it %s #ell-
The 'irst order o' (usiness is to organize monies"
-oney you ma!e for 1u(t '"aying the (how (hou"d )e !e't in one en,e"o'e+
$hese (unds %re used to p%y (or %ny sho# e0penses, p%y the b%nd /e/bers, cre#, rei/burse (uel
e0penses, etc- ll receipts %nd sho# e0penses %re ,ept %nd org%ni7ed in % petty c%sh en!elope on
% per sho# b%sis- ne# sho# /e%ns ne# petty c%sh en!elope- 6( the b%nd /%de T200 %nd h%d
T100 in e0penses (or th%t sho#, then th%t #ill be re(lected on the petty c%sh en!elope %nd in
receipts (or s%id e0penses- $he ne0t sho#Js en!elope #ill st%rt #ith T100 th%t #%s le(t o!er (ro/
the pre!ious sho#- "hen th%t sho#Js p%y o( T200 co/es in, then the b%nd #ill h%!e T300- 6(
they h%!e T100 in e0penses, then T200 is le(t o!er, th%t rolls into the ne0t sho#Js petty c%sh
en!elope- So on %nd so on-
Page 3+
-oney you ma!e on C2 (a"e( (hou"d )e !e't in another en,e"o'e-
$his is (or %ny e0penses rel%ted to %ny debts rel%ted to the CC being sold- 6( your CC s%les h%!e
gener%ted enough /oney to p%y b%c, %ll CC rel%ted debts %nd %ll s%les %re no# pro(its, then
these /onies %re still ,ept sep%r%te bec%use they %re initi%l in!est/ent %s #ell %s pro(its (ro/
s%les o( the CC- $hey %re thus ,ept sep%r%te (or (uture use to p%y (or /ore CCs Meither reprints or
to cre%te % ne# CCN- Eope(ully youJll be %ble to order /ore CCs ne0t ti/e %nd continue the
process o!er %g%in- $hese CC s%les %re ,ept %nd org%ni7ed in % on % per sho# b%sis !i% % (or/-
.ou /%y do#nlo%d this (or/ %s % @icroso(t "ord te/pl%te to be /odi(ied (or your o#n use by
editing in your /erch%ndise list- Co#nlo%d this (or/ %t
-oney you ma!e on merchandi(e (a"e( 3(hirt(* hoodie(* hat(* etc4 (hou"d )e !e't in another
$hese /onies %re used to recoup the initi%l in!est/ent o( purch%sing the /erch%ndise %nd %ll
pro(its %re %lso ,ept (or (uture use to purch%se e!en /ore /erch%ndise the ne0t ti/e the b%nd
needs to buy so/e- 6n other #ords, i( you bought 100 shirts the (irst ti/e, sold the/ %ll, /%de %ll
the initi%l in!est/ent /oney b%c, plus enough pro(its to buy not only the ne0t 100 shirts li,e you
did l%st ti/e1 but to %ble to %lso purch%se %n %ddition%l 90 %s #ell, then you order 190 shirts the
ne0t ti/e %round- Repe%t the process %s /%ny ti/es %s possible- 100 beco/es 190, #hich
beco/es 200 #hich beco/esP-you get the ide%-
.ou rein!est the initi%l in!est/ent you recouped plus %ll /erch%ndise rel%ted pro(its- Repe%t this
process until you /%,e so /uch c%sh th%t you c%n %((ord to t%,e so/e o( the pro(its (or yoursel(-
>y th%t ti/e thought, you should be ordering %nd selling hundreds i( not thous%nds o( shirts- So
itJs going to be %#hile be(ore you see %ny pro(its (ro/ /erch s%les go into your o#n h%nds %nd
not get rein!ested b%c, into /erch%ndise- $hese /erch s%les %re ,ept %nd org%ni7ed in % on % per
sho# b%sis !i% % (or/- .ou /%y do#nlo%d this (or/ %s % @icroso(t "ord te/pl%te to be
/odi(ied (or your o#n use by editing in your /erch%ndise list- Co#nlo%d this (or/ %t
$his #hole ide% o( ,eeping %ll the !%rious /onies Msho#, CC, /erch s%lesN %ll sep%r%te, is to help
ensure th%t e%ch o( these 3 di((erent %re%s is sel( sust%ining %nd thus no /onies need to co/e out
o( your o#n person%l poc,etboo,s- $he other %d!%nt%ge is youJll be %ble to h%!e % petty c%sh
en!elope (or %ll sho# rel%ted e0penses th%t #ere t%,en (ro/ sho# p%y /onies, % (or/ (or CC
s%les %nd itJs /onies %nd /erch s%les !i% itJs (or/ %nd itJs /onies- E%ch sho# #ill h%!e 3 things
th%t /%,e up co/plete records (or th%t p%rticul%r sho#- $he 6RS li,es this-
?ne o( the biggest proble/s /%ny loc%l b%nds (%ce beyond 3ust getting /erch%ndise Musu%lly by
p%ying (or it out o( their o#n poc,etboo,sN is ,eeping proper tr%c, o( it once they h%!e it- 6( you
buy /erch%ndise, $-Shirts letJs s%y, but you donJt ,eep tr%c, o( it, ho# do you ,no# ho# /%ny
o( cert%in ite/ #%s sold, lost, or stolenA Eo# do you ,no# #h%t your pro(it /%rgin per ite/
%ndFor tot%l (or % cert%in type o( ite/A .ou h%!enJt % clue %s to #h%t you /%de (or % pro(it or
#h%t sells best, #orst, o,, etc- .ou h%!e to ,eep tr%c, o( these things %nd yes, there is % syste/
#ith % docu/ented (or/ (or this !ery t%s,- 6Jll pro!ide /ore in(o on th%t l%ter in the %rticle- $o
not tr%c, /erch%ndise in!entory %nd s%les properly is (oolish- $o r%id those pro(its %nd put the/
Page 3*
in your o#n poc,etboo,s inste%d o( b%c, into /erch%ndise1 th%tJs 3ust cutting yoursel( o(( %t the
,nees bec%use you hinder the (unds #ith #hich you need to gro# the %/ount o( /erch%ndise you
h%!e on h%nd- $hus, you %((ect (uture pro(its %nd the %bility to gener%te the/-
$he other thing /%ny loc%l b%nds usu%lly do #hen they get /erch%ndise is to t%,e so/e (or
the/sel!es %ndFor gi!e%#%y %ny Hco/psI- >oth o( these things %re #rong to do- E!en though
you the b%nd p%id (or the /erch%ndise, you p%id (or it %t cost- ll b%nd /e/bers #ho #%nt
/erch%ndise should p%y (or it %t the ret%il price, not the #holes%le one- 6n other #ords, i( % shirt
costs your b%nd T+-00 %nd you sell it (or T12-00, the b%nd /e/ber should buy it %t the T12-00
price not the T+-00 one- 6( the b%nd (eels % r%dio st%tion CG or so/eone else deser!es %
(reeFco/pli/ent%ry piece o( /erch%ndise li,e % t-shirt, then the b%nd should buy the shirt %t
ret%il price %nd then gi!e it %#%y- So i( the shirt ret%ils %t T12-00 %nd the b%nd is % 4 piece, then
e%ch b%nd /e/ber should p%y T3-00- MT3 0 4 b%nd /e/bers Q T12N- Eo#e!er it co/es out, the
end result /ust be ret%il price p%id in c%sh in h%nd (or the ite/ sold or gi!en %#%y- $he b%nd, its
/e/bers, cre#, no one should Ho#eI the /oney- 6tJs 1009 c%sh up(ront or no /erch%ndise-
Period- 8o E0ceptions-
bsolutely no one should e!er get % shirt (ree- So/eone, % b%nd /e/ber, % (%n, the b%nd
/e/bers %s % b%nd, so/eone /ust p%y the ret%il price in c%sh 100O up(ront (or e%ch %nd e!ery
ite/ th%t is sold or Hgi!en %#%yI- >%sic%lly, so/eone /ust purch%se the H(reeI shirt Mor other
/erch%ndise ite/ being gi!en %#%yN %t the ret%il price- Coing it this #%y ensures pro(its %nd the
%bility to purch%se /ore /erch%ndise th%n you Mthe b%ndN did l%st ti/e %round-
?nce you h%!e your /erch%ndise in h%nd, youJll need to count it into in!entory %nd thus /%,e
sure itJs %ll %ccounted (or- .ouJll count e%ch shirt, in e%ch si7e, %nd %ccount (or th%t %ccordingly
on % H@erch%ndise Count SheetI- .ouJll Hcount outI e!ery ite/ be(ore e!ery sho# %nd Hcount
inI e!ery ite/ %(ter e!ery sho#- So (or e0%/ple, be(ore the sho# #hen you Hcount outI, youJll
count e%ch ite/ b%sed on its si7e, design, etc <i,e#ise %(ter the sho#, youJll Hcount inI #h%tJs
le(t- $he di((erence bet#een the %/ounts o( %n ite/ on the Hcount outI !erses the Hcount inI is
the %/ount o( /oney you should h%!e (or th%t %/ount o( th%t type o( ite/ sold- So i( you
Hcounted outI 100 W< shirts th%t h%!e short slee!es %nd Cesign HWI on the/, on the Hcount inI
letJs s%y you counted in )0, then you either need to co/e up #ith those /issing 10 shirts or the
/oney Mret%il priceN in !%lue o( those 10 shirts- So i( 10 shirts sell (or T120 MT12 % shirtN, on the
Hcount inI youJll either need those 10 shirts or T120-00 c%sh-
"hen you do the Hcount outI be(ore e!ery sho#1 you do it #hen you get to the !enue %nd youJll
do the Hcount inI %(ter e!ery sho# be(ore you le%!e the !enue- 6( % bo0 o( 144 shirts, si7e W< is
unopened, you count th%t %s H1 bo0 X 144I- .ou ne!er open % bo0 up until %ll re/%ining p%rti%l
bo0es o( th%t ite/ in th%t si7e %re sold out- 6tJs (%r e%sier to count 1 p%rti%l bo0 %nd 9 (ull ones
M(%ctory se%ledN th%n it is to count + p%rti%l bo0es- ?nce % bo0 h%s been opened, e%ch ite/
RR4?STRR be counted outFin e!ery ti/e- $hus, ne!er open % bo0 unless you %bsolutely h%!e to-
Coing it this #%y, youJll be %ble to tr%c, %ll o( the things 6 /entioned pre!iously in this %rticle-
E!entu%lly %(ter % good %/ount o( ti/e h%s p%ssed Mdepending upon the nu/ber o( sho#s you do
per /onthN youJll be %ble to co/pile d%t% th%t sho#s #h%t ite/MsN sold best, #orst, #here %t,
#hen %t, ho# %t, etc- "hen you h%!e this d%t%, then you c%n re(ine #h%t /erch%ndise to buy %nd
Page 3K
in #h%t 5u%ntities- @%ybe your b%nd sells lots o( b%by tees, WW< %nd W<, but !ery little <, no @,
%nd 2-3 S- "ell, on the ne0t order, buy less o( #h%t doesnJt sell %nd /ore o( #h%t does- $his #ill
/%,e %ny /onies used (or /erch%ndise purch%ses to be the /ost e((ecti!e it c%n
%e7t month, $ocal -ands
d!ice o( the /onth& Pro/ote your product %nd /erch%ndise Myour /usic, clothing, recordings,
sho#s, etcN, but /%r,et your b%nd-
$uthor%s &ote' 0any of the bands and venues listed in the article below are now2defunct. !%ve
left this article in as it was part of the monthly column ! wrote6 and as a memorial to bands,
people, places and times gone past. ?o in remembrance then, let%s continue<.
Loca" Band( & $he -inne(ota -u(ic Scene
"hen #e loo, %t the loc%l /usic scene o( %ny city, M%nd in this c%se, /y ho/eto#n o( the $#in
Cities %nd its surrounding %re%s,N #e see % !%riety o( b%nds %nd thri!ing /usic%l styles bec%use
o( the !enues %nd (%ns th%t support the/- So/e o( the /%ny b%rs %nd nightclubs #e h%!e %round
to#n include such pl%ces %s St%r Centr%l, $he Roc,, >og%rtJs, @%in E!ent, St%tion 4, 'rb%n
"ildli(e Club, @onteJs %nd tons o( others %s #ell-
6 belie!e th%t #e h%!e one o( the better entert%in/ent /%r,ets in the 'S bec%use o( our strong
e/ph%sis on sports %nd entert%in/ent- <%st ti/e 6 chec,ed, @innesot% h%d the *
econo/y in the entire 'S, not b%d i( you %s, /e-
$he sheer choice o( #hich !enue or b%nd to go to %ndFor #hich style o( /usic to see c%n be
o!er#hel/ing %t ti/es bec%use o( %ll the !%rious opportunities #e h%!e %ll %round us on %ny
gi!en night- Co/p%re th%t to /%ny other cities %nd youJll see ho# good #e re%lly do h%!e it
here- Sure, #e %renJt <%s =eg%s, one o( the /%3or entert%in/ent centers o( the "orld, but #e do
%lright here-
"e see b%nds li,e >oogie "onderl%nd, 'ncle Chun,, >r%t P%c, R%dio, B> <eighton, Gesse
<%ng, "ildSide %nd tons o( other %cts th%t do e!erything (ro/ co!ers, to being % tribute %ct, %ll
the #%y to %ll origin%l %cts, #hich by the #%y %re the other p%rt o( this %rticle %bout the loc%l
/usic scene- So, ti/e to s#itch ge%rs (or % bitP-
"hile not the only genre %round, @et%l is one genre th%t is %li!e %nd #ell in the $#in Cities
these d%ys- 'su%lly the b%nds #rite %nd per(or/ their o#n /usic %nd do not per(or/ /%ny Mi(
%nyN co!ers- So/e people /%y try %nd c%tegori7e these b%nds %nd their /usic into sub-genres
such %s 8u @et%l, Ce%th @et%l, but #h%te!er,P- >ec%use %t itJs !ery core is the (%ct th%t itJs %ll
3ust /usic- <etJs 3ust c%ll it H@et%lI, le%!e it %t th%t %nd en3oy it (or #h%t it is-
@%ny o( the loc%l b%nds %round the to#n do not get ne%rly the credit or the press in the /edi%
they so 3ustly deser!e- .es, these b%nds 6J/ %bout to /ention in % little bit /%y not be your
roo/-(illing top %cts in to#n, but they %re cert%inly so/e o( the /ost t%lented %nd h%rdest
Page 3)
#or,ing people out there tod%y- $hese people h%!e % true he%rt %nd %n e!en truer lo!e (or #h%t
they do, %nd 6 respect %nd underst%nd th%t-
Since there %re so/e !ery t%lented b%nds %nd /usici%ns %round this to#n1 6J/ going to spotlight
% (e# o( the/ to not only gi!e the/ due credit %nd press1 but %lso to help open the eyes o( people
so they c%n see #h%t % gre%t thing #e h%!e going here-
So #ith no (urther %dieuP-
Lyle %nd Gere/y o( Re!elence - 6 s%# Lyle (ill in on % b%ss gig once #ith %nother b%nd, it #%s %s
good %s his guit%r pl%ying- Ee is % consistent /usici%n %nd per(or/er- >%nehinge MGon, G%son, l,
Ch%d ; ChrisN, MRe/e/ber @%rcus, 6DDN Pl%net C+ MLool%idN, * @onths ?( 8othing MG%red,
GoshN, <i(e ?( Sin MLerryN, R-E!olution MFr%n, ; C%rlN Cold Colours M>ri%nN, >D, Co#n ;
bo!e, 'nder Eden, Eu/%n -C MSte!e ; Ge((N-, Epicure%n #hich (e%tures Gohn @%3ors on
guit%r %nd Gohn Bens/er on dru/s, these t#o guys %re so/e o( the (inest /usici%ns %round
6 %lso need to /ention =%in M@i,e, @%rtinN <i,#id >lu M?ne o( the /ost i/pro!ed b%nds 6 h%!e
seen in % long ti/e- Godi, Gustin, =inceN Co#nside ?( $ruth MChris South, "inter, Robert Ges,e,
%nd @%tt G%/esN, $houghtcloud M<e% : 90 ye%rs old %nd still sings #ith /ore soul th%n people
h%l( her %ge, @i,e, Breg, >rett %nd >r%ndonN, Filthy Ci!ine, Fi!e ?unces, M>y the #%y, these
l%st 3 b%nds %re %ll (e/%le (ronted %ctsN, <ess $h%n 8othing Mone o( the best %t being ,ings o(
pro/otion - GustinN, berr%nce MG%cobN, >%ll%ds For $he Ce%(, F%stest $urbo Fire Engine, St%i3%,
S,y#ynd, Binger3%,e, C%y Yero, Ri!,it, es/% C%e!%, Co/ple0 Yero, C#n nn#n
Mpronounced coon-%-noonN %nd tons o( /ore b%nds %nd /usici%ns 6 %/ (orgetting- Ple%se (orgi!e
/e i( you %re not in this %rticle, but bec%use o( %rticle length %nd sp%ce %long #ith /y /e/ory, 6
si/ply c%nJt list e!eryone-
<%stly, 6 #%nt to /ention Con Cec,er, E%rl Root, Cole .oung, >ill >erry, Goe Sp%nnb%uer,
Sh%nnon >retle, S%ndy @%r,s, C%!id Sl%/ %nd /%ny other people #ho #or, h%rd in the %ll-
origin%l loc%l /usic scene right %longside the b%nds in the trenches-
$hese b%nds %nd people 6 /entioned donJt e!en begin to scr%tch the sur(%ce reg%rding the
nu/ber o( t%lented b%nds %nd /usici%ns in the $#in Cities /usic scene- MP-%nd 6 3ust co!ered
the roc,F/et%l side : so/e#h%t- Gust i/%gine the sheer nu/ber o( people 6 didnJt /ention in this
style o( /usic, let %lone %ll the other people out there #ho %re t%lented in other styles o( /usic-N
%e7t month, Tone
$one isnJt so /uch #h%t you h%!e (or ge%r, but r%ther ho# you b%l%nce it-
$he %bo!e sentence is 3ust one p%rt o( the e5u%tion to (iguring out ho# to get your tone- M$he
other p%rt, 6Jll e0pl%in % little l%ter on-N
Page 40
Cert%in ge%r #or,s better together (or % /ultitude o( di((erent re%sons, but they should %ll #or,
together %nd gi!e you the %bility to (ine-tune your sound to % so/eti/es %l/ost in(inite degree-
$herein lies the secret o( b%l%nce- .ou h%!e to (ind out #hich ge%r #or,s best #ith #h%t ge%r
M%nd getting th%t do#n is % science in itsel(N %nd then ,no# ho# to con(igure e%ch piece o( ge%r
to #or, in h%r/ony #ith the others in the /ost ide%l con(igur%tion possible- Mnother %rt (or/ in
itsel(N- .ou h%!e to stop thin,ing %bout e%ch piece o( ge%r sep%r%tely %nd inste%d thin, o( e%ch
piece o( ge%r %s one p%rt o( the #hole-
?nce you h%!e the ge%r, then itJs % /%tter o( con(iguring it %nd beginning the ne!er-ending
b%l%ncing %ct o( cre%ting tone- ll th%t being s%id, 6Jd li,e to /ention % rel%ted sub-topic %bout %
co//only /%de /ist%,e /%ny /usici%ns /%,e, #hich is thin,ing one piece o( ge%r sol!es their
proble/s %ndFor gi!es the/ H% good toneI-
@%ny /usici%ns thin, th%t buying % good piece o( br%nd n%/e ge%r #ill get the/ #h%t they
need- "ell, th%tJs not so- @%inly bec%use itJs the #rong ge%r (or the/ %ndFor not ,no#ing ho#
to (ully utili7e it- 6J!e seen /%ny gre%t %/ps sound li,e cr%p bec%use the /usici%n didnJt ,no#
ho# to con(igure it %ndFor th%t piece o( ge%r didnJt (it their pl%ying style or /usic- $hey thin,
th%t by buying th%t ne# HWI %/p, e((ect, etc, it #ill i/pro!e things, #hen in (%ct, it could
%ctu%lly /%,e it sound #orse- .ou c%nJt 3ust go buy % n%/e br%nd %/pli(ier or other piece o(
ge%r %nd e0pect th%t %lone to /%,e your desired tone (or you- $o bre%, it do#n e!en /ore,
HtoneI doesnJt e0ist in %ny single or collecti!e pieceMsN o( ge%r li,e so/e setting- .ou h%!e to
cre%te tone (ro/ scr%tch- Re%lly H$oneI only re%lly e0ists in your he%d until you (igure out ho#
to di%l it in using #h%te!er ge%r %nd settings you re5uire to cre%te %nd %tt%in th%t tone- @%ybe
your current ge%r #ill #or, to get you the tone you #%nt %nd /%ybe it #onJt- 6t %ll depends-
6( you buy lesser 5u%lity ge%r, it usu%lly /e%ns less %bility to control %nd sh%pe your sound %nd
get % good tone bec%use o( cert%in (e%tures %ndFor control options th%t /%y be not there li,e they
#ould be on other cert%in pieces o( ge%r- .ouJll still h%!e tone #ith lesser ge%r, 3ust not the tone
th%t you #%nt or li,e-
$he idea here i(n5t 1u(t to get tone* )ut to get good tone through !nowing how to dia" it in+
8o# 6Jd li,e to t%l, %bout the 2
p%rt rel%ted to /y st%te/ent o( @$one isnJt so /uch #h%t you
h%!e (or ge%r, but r%ther ho# you b%l%nce it- $he %bo!e sentence is 3ust one p%rt o( the e5u%tion
to (iguring out ho# to get your tone, %s 6 s%id %lre%dy %t the beginning o( this %rticle, but no# (or
the 2
$he 2
p%rt o( the e5u%tion (or tone is H.ouI- .es, .ou- .ou /%,e up the source o( the tone-
$hin, %bout it once- 6 %s,ed Len R%rdin o( Solidbodyguit%r-co/ to o((er up so/e %d!ice (or this
%rticle reg%rding tone- Ee co!ers this !ery p%rt %bout you being the source o( the tone, so hereJs
#h%t Len h%d to s%y %bout toneP-
HFirst o( %ll /%,e no /ist%,e %bout it tone co/es (ro/ the h%nds- $his c%n e%sily be pro!ed by
h%!ing 3 or 4 guit%rists pl%y the s%/e open C chord #ith the s%/e pic, through the s%/e ge%r
%nd %llo#ing only 1 do#n stro,e o( the pic,- ll the pl%yers #ill sound !ery di((erent %nd th%t2s
Page 41
3ust 1 chord- $his h%s been de/onstr%ted /%ny ti/es- Leeping this in /ind % true st%te/ent
#ould be,I 6t is not #h%t the ge%r sounds li,e it is #h%t sound 6 get (ro/ the ge%r-I
6 h%!e seen /%ny pl%yers getting sounds out o( their ge%r th%t see/ed i/possible to /e but there
it #%s i-e- Ste!ie R%y through % <es P%ul, etc- ?ne indic%tor o( % good piece o( ge%r is ho#
4responsi!e4 it is, th%t is ho# it 4he%rs4 #h%t you %re doing- note pic,ed h%rd %nd % note
pic,ed so(t should not only produce /ore !olu/e, but % di((erent tone-
@%ny /odern %/ps especi%lly the ones #ith /%ster !olu/es M#hich is /ost o( the/N %re
designed to be %ble to cr%n, up the g%in %nd turn do#n the !olu/e but this t%,es %#%y dyn%/ics
bec%use /%ny ti/es the /%ster is not turned up enough to (eed proper sign%l to the po#er section
o( the %/p hence no de(inition- Cr%n, the %/p %s loud %s you d%re %nd use sound b%((les to ,eep
do#n the o(( st%ge le!els, or use % lo#er #%tt%ge %/p %nd cr%n, it, %nd you #ill de(initely co/e
through the /i0 % lot better-
6J/ sure /%ny o( you %re %#%re th%t so/e big %cts h%!e ro#s o( du//y c%binets %nd he%ds (or
the sho# but h%!e % single %/p so/e#here going into % c%binet under the st%ge or to %n isol%tion
bo0 so they c%n (eed % ,iller tone to the (ront o( house th%t is consistent %ny#here they pl%y- $his
tric, c%n #or, #ell in clubs %lso- ?( course these things #or, /uch better i( your b%nd h%s %
regul%r sound /%n th%t ,no#s #h%t you %re doing %nd c%n underst%nd %nd #or, #ith it-I
Len /%,es /%ny !%lid points %nd could #rite % boo, %bout this sub3ect #ithout %ny proble/-
EeJs been %round % !ery long ti/e %nd h%s seen the inception o( 3ust %bout e!ery e((ect e!er
/%de- Len speci%li7es in /odi(ic%tions o( %/pli(iers, e((ects, %nd builds r%c, guit%r rigs, %nd
tons /ore- 6( you #%nt to le%rn %bout tone, this is the guy to t%l, to- Si/ply go to
http&FF###-solidbodyguit%r-co/ %nd cont%ct hi/ through th%t-
6 hope this %rticle h%s been o( help to so/e people- 6t /%y be % pri/er (or so/e, % re(resher
course (or others, but itJs 3ust the !ery tip o( the iceberg on the topic o( tone %nd the ne!er-ending
5uest (or it-
%e7t month, The )est 4emphis Three
d!ice o( the /onth& Re/e/ber li(e is short %nd sudden- $onight M4F20F09N %s 6 #rite this %rticle,
6 /ourn the loss o( % brother in the /usic business, %nd so/eone 6 once #or,ed #ith, >ry%n
?ttoson o( /eric%n Ee%d Ch%rge %nd >l%c, Flood Ciesel- R-6-P-
$uthor%s &ote' The est 0emphis Three have been physically freed from prison as of )*..6
however that does mean that their legal issues are now over. They have some legal limitations
held over their heads and while a ma3or battle has been won culminating in their release from
prison, the work is far from over.
@ike many people, ! did what ! could to assist them in obtaining their freedom because ! believe
that a grave in3ustice was committed against them. ! was involved in a benefit to help raise both
money and awareness, of which this article below was a part of that mission.
Page 42
$he /e(t -em'hi( $hree Awarene(( 2ay 266#
$his /onth 6J/ turning the colu/n o!er to % !ery good c%use, helping to (ree the "est @e/phis
$hree- $he "@3 %re 3 /en #rong(ully con!icted o( % cri/e they did not co//it- $heir
con!iction is b%sed on so/e !ery #rong things, #hich youJll re%d %bout belo#- First, 6 #%nt to
st%te th%t 6, li,e /%ny others, #ere tot%lly un%#%re o( these /enJsJ plight %nd i/prison/ent (or
the l%st 11 ye%rs- $he /edi% h%s re%lly done % good 3ob o( ignoring %nd co!ering up this huge
tr%!esty o( 3ustice- 6 /%y be % !ery s/%ll p%rt o( the /edi%, but 6 %/ p%rt o( it nonetheless %nd 6
#%nt to help set this in3ustice right-
6Jd li,e to th%n, Cebbie Cl%r, (or bringing this to /y %ttention %nd (or org%ni7ing the Guly 23

(und r%iser sho# %t St%tion 4- Cet%ils on the sho# %re l%ter on in this %rticle- 6 3ust #%nted to gi!e
her th%n,s %nd %s, th%t e!eryone #ho re%ds this %rticle, ple%se go support the "@3 by going to
this sho#- Ple%se p%ss this %rticle %ndFor the "@3 F sho# in(o onto your (%/ily %nd (riends-
$hey Mthe "@3N re%lly need your support- Ple%se help us help the/-
8o# (or the /e%t o( the /%tterP-prep%re to get re%lly upsetP--6 got th%t #%y %(ter
re%dingFhe%ring %bout their story-
6n the spring o( 1))4 in "est @e/phis, r,%ns%s, three little boys #ere horribly /urdered-
$hree young /en #ere #rongly con!icted- $he ine0perienced police dep%rt/ent /ish%ndled the
entire c%se- "ithout e!idence, the prosecution relied on s%t%nic p%nic- $hey #ere con!inced the
cri/e h%d to be cult rel%ted-
$he police 5uestioned Gessie @iss,elley, % /ent%lly h%ndic%pped 1* yr- old, #ithout leg%l
counsel or p%rent%l consent, coercing % con(ession out o( hi/- Gessie rec%nted #h%t he h%d s%id
l%ter th%t s%/e d%y- $he police %rrested C%/ien Echols %nd G%son >%ld#in, %nd then ch%rged %ll
three o( the/ #ith the cri/e-
$he /edi% h%d % (ield d%y #ith %ll the in(or/%tion the police dep%rt/ent le%,ed to the/,
including GessieJs con(ession, h%rdly %n %t/osphere (or % (%ir %nd i/p%rti%l tri%l- $he prosecution
used lyrics (ro/ the /usic the de(end%nts h%d listened to, held up bl%c, t-shirts %nd boo,s
#ritten by Stephen Ling %nd nn Rice %s proo( th%t these young /en #ere % s%t%nic cult-
$od%y C%/ien is sitting on Ce%th Ro# %#%iting e0ecution (or % cri/e he did not co//it- Gessie
@iss,elley is ser!ing li(e Z 40 ye%rs, G%son >%ld#in ser!ing % li(e sentence (or % cri/e they did
not co//it-
$he "est @e/phis $hree #%reness C%y is %bout c%lling %ttention to this c%se-
Raising 'unds desperately needed to pay 'or &%A testing to set these men 'ree" Across the
+orld people are having (ene'its# 30 cities and / counties# on the same day Auly 2/# 2001"
[=enue %nd Sho# in(or/%tion red%cted (ro/ the origin%l %rticle %s the ti/e h%s no# p%st\
ll proceeds #ill be don%ted to the "est @e/phis $hree Ce(ense Fund-
Page 43
6( ru/ors %nd lies c%n spre%d li,e #ild (ire, #hy c%n2t the truthA For /ore in(or/%tion, ple%se
!isit $he "est @e/phis $hree ?((ici%l "ebsite %t http,BB+++"+m/"com
%e7t month, Attitude
d!ice o( the /onth& Re/e/ber, #e do not h%!e %n /eric%n Gustice Syste/, #e h%!e %n
/eric%n <eg%l Syste/, %nd there 6S % di((erence-
ttitude is such % bro%d sub3ect #ith so /%ny di((erent sub3ecti!e p%rts to it, th%t there h%!e been
boo,s upon boo,s #ritten %bout the sub3ect o( %ttitude- 6 donJt pl%n on re-in!enting the #heel by
repe%ting #h%t others h%!e s%id, 6 si/ply intend to e0pl%in /y point o( !ie# on #hy h%!ing %
good %ttitude directly rel%tes to your ch%nces o( success Mor (%ilureN in not only the /usic
business1 but in % /uch l%rger picture, in li(e itsel(- Cert%inly the %d!ice 6 o((er is not the only
#%y, but it is /y #%y, %nd itJs #or,ed #ell (or /e so (%r-
8o# 6Jd li,e to e0p%nd upon th%t ide% % little (urtherP-
Cour attitude a''ects every aspect o' your li'e" $h%tJs re%lly the secret right there, %nd th%t
si/ple truth c%nJt be s%id enough- .ou should be the !ery best you c%n be in %ll %re%s, especi%lly
%ttitude- .our %ttitude not only %((ects you person%lly on the inside, but %lso %((ects e!erything
%nd e!eryone %round you both directly %nd indirectly, re%li7ed or unre%li7ed, %ll %((ects %ll-
6de%lly, you need to re%lly be %s co/plete % p%c,%ge %s possible- 6 /e%n th%t in the sense o( being
/usici%n, %s p%rt o( % b%nd, %nd /ost i/port%nt o( %ll, %s % hu/%n being- .ou o#e it to yoursel(
M%nd to those %round youN to be the !ery best person you c%n be in %ll %re%s o( your li(e- "hile
itJs true th%t #e c%nJt be per(ect %nd %tt%in th%t lo(ty go%l o( per(ection1 the point is to not to
%tt%in per(ection, but r%ther to %c,no#ledge th%t the (%ct th%t #e %renJt per(ect %nd ne!er #ill be,
%ll the #hile stri!ing to be our !ery o#n person%l best HusI th%t #e c%n be- $hrough honest %nd
introspecti!e sel(-%ssess/ent #e re%li7e %nd %d/it to oursel!es our o#n strengths %nd
#e%,nesses on our p%th o( sel(-disco!ery-
E!ery thought %nd choice you /%,e is re(lected in your %ttitude #hether you re%li7e it or not-
.ou /%y be /%,ing so/e choices on % sub-conscious le!el th%t you /%y not re%lly li,e, i( you
#ere to sit do#n %nd re%lly thin, %bout it- 6 ne!er s%id sel(-%ssess/ent #ould be e%sy, but it
re%lly should be the (irst step you do once you decide to #or, on yoursel(- 6( you decide to
ch%nge things #hich you percei!e to be neg%ti!e things %bout yoursel( or i( you choose to boost
the positi!e strengths you %lre%dy h%!e, th%tJs entirely up to you %nd your %ttitude-
8o one c%n ch%nge you but yoursel(, but you h%!e to "8$ to do it (or you %nd no one or
nothing else-, itJs true %nd ironic th%t you need the right %ttitude to re%li7e th%t you need
#or, on your %ttitude-N So/e people th%t #ill re%d this %rticle %renJt in the right pl%ce %ttitude-
#ise to re%li7e %nd %bsorb this /ess%ge, #hile others %re- Perh%ps so/e people #ill ne!er be
re%dy to he%r this /ess%ge, or %t le%st not (ro/ /e- @%ny /essengers tell the s%/e /ess%ge1
Page 44
though so/eti/es itJs ho# th%t /ess%ge is con!eyed #hich is the one di((erence needed (or the
other person to get it- Eope(ully 6J/ connecting #ith you, but i( not, no #orries- Gust be open %nd
recepti!e to the /ess%ge %nd #hiche!er c%rrier presents it to you- ?(ten ti/es, itJs presented in
di((erent #%ys by !%rious people %nd e!ents- Gust be open to it is %ll 6J/ s%ying-
s /entioned %bo!e, %ttitude %nd sel(-%ssess/ent is the ,ey- $he go%l o( #hich is (or you to to
(ind out #ho you re%lly %re1 the process o( #hich includes disco!ering #h%t your strengths %nd
#e%,ness %re, %c,no#ledging %nd honoring the/, #hile i/pro!ing oneJs sel(- 6tJs (oolish to
choose to ignore our sh%do# sel( #ith the !%rious %spects inside o( us bec%use they #ill %((ect
your %ttitude, (or better or (or #orse- .ouJll #%nt to be %#%re o( #hy you thin,, s%y, %nd do the
things you do in li(e- 'nderst%nding this %bout yoursel( %nd #hy you s%y, thin,, %nd do cert%in
things, #ill only help you /%,e better choices %nd decisions in li(e- Gust li,e in the g%/e o(
chess, e!ery /o!e you /%,e, e!ery thought you h%!e, should h%!e % logic%l re%son behind it
th%tJs p%rt o( the o!er%ll l%rger picture %nd pl%n (or your li(e- $hin, %nd (ocus-
?n th%t note o( #hich #eJ!e co!ered ttitude in <i(e, no# letJs /o!e o!er to the ne0t p%rt o(
this %rticle #hich is h%!ing % pl%n %nd b%c,ing it #ith the proper %ctions in reg%rds to the @usic
6ndustry %nd your p%rticip%tion in it- For so/e people, being in the @usic 6ndustry is 3ust (un
only1 %nd itJs nothing they t%,e seriously %t %ll- For so/e other people, itJs % li(e-long dre%/ to
h%!e % c%reer in it doing #h%t they lo!e : pl%ying /usic %nd entert%ining people- .ou /%y be %t
one end o( the spectru/ or (%ll so/e#here in the /iddle1 itJs your %ttitude #hich brought you
there %nd #ill %((ect #here youJll go to-
.ou /%y not be %ble to 5uit your d%y 3ob to li!e /usic 24F* right no#, M%nd you /%y not #%nt to
eitherPN, but you c%n choose to /%,e e!ery %ction you do ge%red to#%rds th%t go%l, i( th%tJs
so/ething you #%nt in your li(e- 6( you h%!e % pl%n b%c,ed by the proper %ttitude %nd %ction,
youJre (urther %he%d th%n /%ny people in li(e- 6tJs h%!ing the right %ttitude %nd st%ying (ocused
on #h%t you #%nt %nd donJt #%nt out o( li(e- @%ny people #ould spend T20 #ithout % second
thought %nd #hy they %re #here they %re in li(e- 8ot bec%use o( the lousy T20, but bec%use o( the
l%c, o( direction %nd thought bec%use itJs the %ttitude behind it #hich /%,es the di((erence, not
the /oney itsel(- .ou c%n %l#%ys get %nother T20, th%tJs che%p- 6tJs h%!ing the #rong %ttitude
th%tJs truly e0pensi!e- b%d %ttitude costs (%r /ore th%n people re%li7e-
.ou donJt h%!e to dedic%te your li(e to /usic to succeed in it, but there %re !%rying le!els %nd
%re%s o( success %nd (%ilure- $hese %re sub3ect %t best, so 6 le%!e it to e%ch person to de(ine #h%t
th%t /e%ns (or the/sel!es- "h%t is consistent in li(e is th%t the /ore you gi!e, the /ore you get
b%c,- "h%t you put into so/ething is #h%t you get out o( it- 6tJs %ttitude, persistence,
perse!er%nce, %nd deter/in%tion th%t sep%r%te the successes (ro/ the (%ilures in li(e-
6n /y o#n c%se, 6J!e dedic%ted /y li(e to /usic %nd the pursuit o( /y dre%/s #ithin this
business1 %nd 6J!e p%id so/e he(ty prices (or th%t, but 6J!e been honest #ith /ysel( %nd li!ed li(e
on /y o#n ter/s- 6 ne!er s%id it #%s e%sy, 3ust #orth it- M(or /eN--
nother thing reg%rding e!erything 6J!e s%id since the beginning o( this %rticle, you h%!e to be
#illing to %ctu%lly pursue your dre%/s- @%ny people #onJt pursue their dre%/s due to sel(-
doubt, sel(-estee/ issues, or due to the !ery high Hopportunity costI %ssoci%ted #ith pursing it-
Page 49
6tJs truly s%d th%t such things sc%re /%ny people %#%y (ro/ %ctu%lly doing #h%t they desire /ost
in their he%rt- MP-%nd this too (%lls b%c, onto ttitudeN- People o(ten s%y they #%nt so/ething,
but #hen push co/es to sho!e, they re%lly %renJt #illing to /%,e the s%cri(ices need to %tt%in
their dre%/s- "ords %re gre%t, but loo, %t their %ctions #hich spe%, !olu/es o!er %ny #ords
e!er s%id or not s%id- 6 thin, this is l%rgely due to the (%ct th%t you h%!e to (i0 yoursel( (irst in
order to %chie!e so/e dre%/s- Fi0ing yoursel( /e%ns e0tending your co/(ort 7one by loo,ing
#ithin you %nd doing % sel(-%ssess/ent1 %nd people %re gener%lly not !ery good %t %d/itting their
(l%#s, e!en to the/sel!es- 6tJs pushing th%t person%l 7one %nd bre%,ing out o( oneJs o#n sel(
4$he /ost co//on sort o( lie is the one uttered to one2s sel(-4 -- 8iet7sche
$hose th%t #ould gi!e up their dre%/s donJt deser!e the/ %ny#%y- Since they %renJt 100O truly
honest #ith the/sel!es, they 3ust #%l, %round in their only little uni!erse % co/plete se% o( sel(-
con(usion %nd sel(-deni%l #ondering 3ust #h%t the hec, #ent #rong #ith their li(e %ll the #hile
ne!er ,no#ing #h%tJs #rong or ho# to (i0 it- $his is #hy #e %re so/eti/es our o#n #orst
ene/y : bec%use #e choose to be-
H.ou %re in control o( your li(e- Con2t e!er (orget th%t- .ou %re #h%t you %re bec%use o( the
conscious %nd subconscious choices you h%!e /%deI- -- >%rb%r% E%ll
4"e ,no# #h%t #e %re, but ,no# not #h%t #e /%y beco/e-4 -- "illi%/ Sh%,espe%re
4"e %re #h%t #e repe%tedly do- E0cellence, then, is not %n %ct, but % h%bit-4 -- ristotle
$his is #hy sel(-%ssess/ent is so i/port%nt1 %nd #hy 6 ,eep h%rping on th%t !ery s%/e point o!er
%nd o!er %nd o!er %nd o!er in this %rticleP bec%use .ESDD 6t 6S th%t i/port%nt-
6n order to truly succeed on /%ny di((erent le!els, you h%!e to ,no# #h%t it is you do %nd do not
#%nt- .ou should be const%ntly !igil%nt o( e!erything you s%y %nd do, #ith thought gi!en to
possible outco/es b%sed upon your %ctions Mor l%c, thereo(N- $he only #%y 6 ,no# ho# to
%chie!e your dre%/s is to decide #h%t you #%nt %nd #here you #%nt to be, /%p out % pl%n to get
there, %nd then to (in%lly set the pl%n in /otion by t%,ing one step %t % ti/e to#%rds the ne0t go%l
in line- $oss in so/e good %ttitude %nd perse!er%nce b%c,ed by the proper %ctions, %nd th%tJs %
good gener%l (or/ul% (or success- M$h%t %nd le%rning (ro/ your M%nd other peopleJsN /ist%,es-N
ll th%t being s%id, the (%ct re/%ins, % pl%n /ust be in pl%ce bec%use you h%!e to ,no# #here
currently you %re, #here you #%nt to go, %nd ho# youJre going to get there- 6( you donJt h%!e %
pl%n, youJre going to get lost in both li(e %nd business- .ou should %lso re%li7e th%t the pl%n
doesnJt h%!e to be per(ect or (ollo#ed to % H$I bec%use it #ill ch%nge or be ch%nged o!er ti/e
%long the #%y (or % !%riety o( di((erent re%sons, so %d%pt%bility is %lso % ,ey- .our go%l /%y not
ch%nge, but your route to it /ight- $hin, o( it li,e thisP i( % ro%d #%s under construction %nd it
#%s closed o((, #ould you c%ncel your ro%d trip or 3ust loo, %t the /%p %nd pl%n to go % di((erent
route to get to the (in%l destin%tionA M%,% your go%lN
Page 4+
?ne o( these re%sons could be so/ething li,e your go%ls h%!e ch%nged in so/e #%y o!er ti/e-
"h%t you #%nted in the beginning /%y be % !ery di((erent go%l (ro/ #h%t you #%nt or need to
%chie!e- "h%t #e #%nt isnJt %l#%ys #h%t #e need %nd #h%t #e need isnJt %l#%ys #h%t #e #%nt
either- <i,e $he Stones s%id, H.ou c%nJt %l#%ys get #h%t you #%nt, but you get #h%t you needI-
.ou /%y st%rt out #%nting one thing, only to (ind th%t your desires %nd go%ls h%!e ch%nged-
$h%tJs li(e- 6J!e (ound th%t the pursuit o( % go%l, %,% the 3ourney, is o(ten ti/es (%r /ore (ul(illing
th%t %tt%ining the go%l could e!er be- lthough 6 %d/it th%t hitting /y o#n person%l /ilestones is
%lso (ul(illing, 6 still #ouldnJt tr%de %chie!ing the/ only i( not (or the 3ourney in getting there-
6tJs the 3ourney #hich /%,es %ny %chie!e/ent #orth the e((ort-
6n /y opinion, you re%lly should h%!e the right %ttitude, dri!e, deter/in%tion, go%ls, dre%/s, %
!i%ble %nd re%listic pl%n #ith %tt%in%ble go%ls i( you #%nt to /%,e % go o( this business %nd
li(estyle- 6 do #ish e!eryone the best o( luc, %nd 6 ,no# this %rticle isnJt e!en 1F100000000
the in(or/%tion you need 6 li(e both person%l %nd business, but /%ybe itJs the one th%t #ill c%use
th%t sp%r, you need to get going- >est #ishes to e!eryone in (inding his or her o#n p%th-
%e7t month, Detting Signed
d!ice o( the /onth& ?ur o#n intern%l (orces h%!e /ore to do #ith our li(e %nd its direction th%n
e0tern%l (orces do- ?ur /inds %llo# us to be both our o#n /%ster %nd our o#n sl%!e, but our
choices deter/ine #hich o( those #e choose to %llo# to do/in%te our li(e- Re/e/ber to en3oy
the 3ourney-
7etting Signed
Eello e!eryone- #hile %go 6 #rote %n %rticle reg%rding recording contr%cts, but r%ther th%n re-
!isit /%ny o( those s%/e points 6J!e %lre%dy st%ted, 6 #ish to continue on#%rd (ro/ th%t point-
Consider this %n uno((ici%l HP%rt 66I to th%t %rticle-
Gust li,e l%st /onthJs %rticle on HttitudeI, this /onthJs %rticle is re%lly tied into th%t %s #ell-
@%ny /usici%ns h%!e this ide% th%t i( they H3ust get signedI things #ill be better- M"h%te!er th%t
/e%nsN- Endless 5uestions begged to be %s,ed reg%rding the record l%bel, the de%l, (unding,
leg%lities, %nd countless other rel%ted %re%s in order to s%y th%t getting signed is % good thing or
not- So/eti/es getting signed c%n be the #orst thing (or % b%nd, reg%rdless o( #ho or ho# big
the l%bel is- $here %re (%r, (%r too /%ny !%ri%bles in the e5u%tion (or /e to co!er the/ %ll in this
?ne thing /%ny b%nds donJt see/ to truly re%li7e %nd underst%nd is the po#er you gi!e so/eone
#hen you go in debt to the/- $his is e0%ctly #h%t % b%nd does #hen it signs #ith % record l%bel,
it goes in debt to th%t l%bel bec%use %ll the /onies gi!en by the l%bel to the b%nd %s Hd!%nce
@oneyI is the source o( %ll HRecoup%ble 6nco/eI- 6n other #ords, #eJll lend it to you, but you
%ll it b%c, %nd then so/e too- "h%tJs le(to!er, th%tJs yours : F$ER the 6RS gets it piece (irst-
M6( youJre not c%re(ul youJll h%!e to gi!e %id to (%r/ers to p%y the 6RS b%c, li,e so/e people
h%!e h%d to do- R#in,N
Page 4*
.ou %re the record l%belJs He/ployeeI %t th%t point-
?nce % b%nd is signed, then itJs % #hole di((erent le!el %nd /indset bec%use no# they no#
control you %nd your c%reer !i% contr%ctu%l %nd (in%nci%l oblig%tions- .ou %ndFor your b%nd got
signed, but no# you h%!e to S$. signed, #hich is o(ten ti/es /uch h%rder to do- 6tJs 3ust li,e
%ny other 3ob, once you get the 3ob, you need to ,eep the 3ob to ,eep th%t /oney rolling in-
$h%tJs the re%l tric, these d%ys- .ou see, ye%rs %go things #ere di((erent Mbut then %renJt they
%l#%ysAN .e%rs %go i( % b%nd h%d % b%d %lbu/ out, the l%bel #ould be /ore (orgi!ing th%n they
%re these no#- >%c, then theyJd be o, #ith 1-2 b%d %lbu/s, but no#%d%ys it see/s li,e e!ery
tr%c, on e!ery CC h%d better be % top ten hit or else- M?,, 6 ,no# itJs not re%lly th%t #%y, but it
sure see/s li,e th%tJs ho# the l%bels #%nt it to be %nd #h%t they %re %l#%ys pushing (or : the
6 truly thin, th%t the d%ys o( needing % /%3or l%bel to /%,e % !ery pro(it%ble c%reer in the /usic
industry #ill one d%y co/e to %n end- $he /%3or l%bels %re % sunset industry unless they ch%nge
business /odels li,e 6J!e st%ted be(ore- ?ther#ise, they truly %re doo/ed %nd itJs their o#n
doing i( th%t h%ppens- 6( it does h%ppen, 6 belie!e it #ill be bec%use o( g- c- %nd l- Myou (igure out
#h%t it /e%nsN by the /%3or l%bels %nd their l%#yers to the %rtists, public %nd e!eryone else in the
"orld (or ye%rs-
6( you b%nd #ishes to pursue % /%3or l%bel de%l, then truly pursue it- 6( you %ctu%lly %tt%in it, go
into it ,no#ing e!erything th%t you c%n %bout e!erything, e!ery#here, %nd e!eryone in your
business %s best th%t you c%n- Gust go into it ,no#ing e!erything you c%n #ith your eyes #ide
open, th%tJs %ll-
6( you #ish to go the H6ndieI route %nd pursue % independent record l%bel, or e!en (or your o#n,
then pursue th%t #ith % /%3or !enge%nce %nd desire li,e no other : %nd you /%y %tt%in so/e re%l
(in%nci%l success #ith it-
"h%te!er you choose to do, 3ust do it #ith he%rt- ll out or nothing %t %ll- 6 /%y or /%y not %gree
#ith #h%t so/eone is doing, but i( they do it #ith p%ssion, th%t 6 c%n respect- So be p%ssion%te
%bout your /usic %nd the business surrounding it-
For the record, Mpun intendedN, 6 do see so/e good side to the /%3or l%bels- $hey %renJt %ll b%d,
but they do h%!e % neg%ti!e side th%t is o(ten ignored or /isunderstood co/pletely- $he s%/e
could be s%id (or the independent l%bels, but to % /uch s/%ller degree-
Gust loo, out %nd be e!er #%tch(ul-
'ntil ne0t /onthP
%e7t month, Sa'ety
d!ice o( the /onth& $hose th%t #ould gi!e up their dre%/s donJt deser!e the/ %ny#%y-
Page 4K
6tJs ironic th%t %s 6 #rite this %rticle, 6J/ + d%ys p%st /y nor/%l de%dline o( the 20
on the /onth
be(ore this %rticle gets printed- MSo ugust 20
#%s /y de%dline (or the Sept 1
issue o(
8ite$i/es @%g%7ine-N Eere 6 %/ %l/ost too l%te, %nd %t the de%dlineJs end (or the (irst ti/e in
the %l/ost 2 ye%rs th%t 6J!e #ritten this colu/n, - %ll bec%use o( the topic o( this /onthJs colu/n,
s%(ety- 6 #%s in %n %uto %ccident ugust 13
%nd both c%rs got tot%led- So, 6 (ind it ironic th%t this
/onthJs colu/n is %bout s%(ety- 6 h%!enJt tot%led % c%r in %bout 19 ye%rs, or th%t /%tter been in
%ny /%3or %ccident since 1))+ #hen 6 #%s % p%ssenger %nd in3ured through no (%ult o( /y o#n
doing other th%n being in the #rong pl%ce %t the #rong ti/e- M6 long %go (ully reco!ered (ro/
th%t %ccident in 1))+-N
S%(ety on the ro%d is 3ust %s i/port%nt %s s%(ety on the st%ge- Mor %ny#here %round it, including
%bo!e it %s #ell-N EereJs H$he RulesI reg%rding the topic o( s%(ety %s 6 see the/
1N Sa'ety is num(er one in this (usiness" First %nd (ore/ost, #e should ne,er do things th%t %re
uns%(e %nd /ight c%use h%r/ such %s bodily in3ury to %nyone- $his includes but is not li/ited to
%nyone th%t is %ttending % sho#, % (ello# /usici%n or cre# /e/ber, !enue st%((, or %nyone else
#ith % one /ile r%dius o( the !enue or %nyone %ssoci%ted #ith it-
3A( a rea" "ife e8am'"e of thi( ru"e and what ha''en( when you ignore or di(o)ey it* don5t
o,erdo the 'yrotechnic( or mi(hand"e9u(e them and de(troy the ,enue+ %nce (uch (ad ca(e of
thi( ha''ened in a Fe)ruary 26
* 2663 nightc"u) fire where 166 'eo'"e died due to ignoring
thi( ru"e+4
2N 8one o( our brothers %nd sisters #or,ing in this business should ever #or, in %n uns%(e
/%nner or en!iron/ent- .es, #e %re %ll hu/%n %nd h%!e % tendency to #%nt to shortcut things,
but #e /ust (ight th%t instinct #ith the proper ,no#ledge %nd #isdo/ to te/per such uns%(e
3N "e /ust #ithout %ny doubt E%8) #h%t things c%n %nd c%nnot be done #ith shortcuts- So/e
o( these %re Htric,s o( the tr%deI, little things to /%,e li(e e%sier %nd h%!e % !ery lo# ris, o(
d%/%ging repercussions- For e0%/ple, /%,ing it so things loo, ne%t by doing cert%in things
#hich %re not %t the e0pense o( s%(ety- $h%t is % ,ey ele/ent : H8?$ %t the e0pense o( s%(ety-I 6(
% shortcut bre%,s th%t rule, then itJs not % shortcut, itJs d%ngerous- ConJt do it- $h%tJs ho# you
tell the di((erence-
6( you /%,e the #rong decision, people c%n get hurt, or #orse, %s #eJ!e seen in recent history,
li,e in /y e0%/ple %bo!e, die- So/e things c%n be shortcut to s%!e ti/e, /oney, l%bor, e0pense,
etc, %nd so/e things c%nnot- .ou /ust h%!e the ,no#ledge, e0perience, %nd #isdo/ to ,no# the
di((erence o( #hich things c%n %nd c%nnot be shortcut-
4N "e /ust ,no#, obey, %nd underst%nd the need to h%!e %n e!er-!igil%nt %ttitude reg%rding
s%(ety %nd out %ttention to it %t %ll ti/es-
Page 4)
9N 6( so/eone does not ,no# or underst%nd the need to desire the proper %ttitude to#%rds s%(ety
%nd the need to be e!er !igil%nt o( it, they %re not only % d%nger to the/sel!es, but #orse, to
others %s #ell- 6t is our 3ob, those #ho ,no#, to educ%te the/ (or not only our s%,e, but (or theirs
%s #ell- "e o#e it to the/ %nd to oursel!es to be s%(e %t %ll ti/es- "e need to /%,e the/ ,no#,
obey %nd underst%nd this rule-
+N "e /ust be e!er !igil%nt in our %ttitude to#%rds s%(ety in e!erything #e thin,, s%y, %nd
especi%lly do-
$houghts precede Choice-
Choice precedes 6/proper ction-
6/proper ction precedes %n E!entR
E!ent precedes Regret-
$here(ore %l#%ys /%,e #ise choices reg%rding s%(ety- 6( you /ust (%ult, then do so by (%ulting
on the side o( s%(ety r%ther th%n on the side o( error-
6 h%!e h%d (riends die bec%use other people h%!e disobeyed these rules-
6 h%!e been in3ured bec%use other people h%!e disobeyed these rules-
6 h%!e %l/ost been ,illed bec%use other people h%!e disobeyed these rules-
6 h%!e le%rned #h%t not to do bec%use other people h%!e disobeyed these rules-
<ong %go, #hen 6 #%s ne# %nd didnJt ,no# %nything, 6 only (ollo#ed co//on sense, but e!en 6
disobeyed the rules, but 6 le%rned- <uc,ily, no one e!er got seriously hurt bec%use 6 de!eloped
this strong %ttitude reg%rding s%(ety e%rly on- 6 c%nJt though th%t 6 didnJt c%use so/e /inor h%r/
to people li,e s/%shed (ingers %nd #h%tnot- Mor th%t 6 h%!enJt been on the recei!ing end o( the
s%/e (ro/ others-N
6 h%!e seen so/e pretty horri(ic things- ?ne in p%rticul%r 6 #ill not print here, but %s, /e %bout
the #orst thing 6J!e e!er seen %t % concert so/eti/e- 6Jll tell you, but be prep%red-
ll o( this tr%gedy #%s c%used bec%use other people h%!e disobeyed these rules- $hese rules %re
not /ine %lone1 they %re e!eryoneJs rules- $hey %re the H'n#ritten <%#I th%t #e %ll /ust %dhere
to %nd (ollo# to the letter- $hey %re the !ery re%son (or our sur!i!%l %nd i( not (ollo#ed, could be
the !ery re%son (or our de/ise- S%dly, /%ny ti/es innocent li!es %re lost %s #ell bec%use o( one
or /ore b%d decisions /%de by one or /ore person-
"e %s %n industry cl%i/ to hold oursel!es to % !ery high st%nd%rd o( s%(ety, %s #e should- 6 thin,
th%t #e need to be e!er !igil%nt %nd incre%se the de/%nds on oursel!es (or e0cellence in s%(ety
e!en /ore- 6tJs never Hgood enoughI or Hs%(e enough-I $here is al+ays the need (or /ore
s%(ety, %l#%ys the need (or /ore %ttitude reg%rding s%(ety, %l#%ys the need (or /ore responsible
%ctions reg%rding s%(ety, %nd (in%lly, %l#%ys /ore #e c%n do bec%use o( the s%nctity o( %ll li(e,
especi%lly hu/%n-
Page 90
6( you thin, 6 %/ !ery p%ssion%te %bout the topic o( s%(ety, you %re correct- S%(ety /e%ns /ore to
/e th%n /oney- 6n (%ct, s%(ety /e%ns /ore to /e th%n %nything else in this business- 6t is /y
nu/ber one concern (irst %nd (ore/ost in e!erything 6 thin,, s%y, %nd especi%lly, do- S%(ety is /y
concern- 6t should be yours %s #ell-
?n th%t note, th%t brings /e into % rel%ted topic o( S%(ety, th%t o( Security- So, ne0t /onth, #eJll
t%l, %bout Security %nd ho# to should be- Eo# Security %nd S%(ety go h%nd in h%nd %nd
e!eryone should be HS%(e %nd SecureI- M?,-- 6 h%d to lighten it up % bit #ith the b%d 3o,e- Sorry-N
R Q n HE!entI /e%ning so/ething such %s %n in3ury o( % person, people, de%th, or d%/%ge to
%e7t month, Security
d!ice o( the /onth& ttitude is e!erything- Re/e/ber /y p%st colu/n %bout itA $his /onth is
%n e0%/ple o( th%t- So is ne0t /onthJs colu/n- Eec,, << o( the/ re%lly- E!ery d%ng /onth 6
#rite these things, %ttitude is behind the/ %ll- .ou /ust h%!e % pro %ttitude i( you #%nt to truly
succeed in this business %nd in li(e-
"hereJs your l%/in%teA "ho the TXRD re .?'AADD
6( only HSecurityI& /e%nt chec,ing peopleJs credenti%ls to get b%c,st%ge- Security goes /uch
(%rther th%n th%t- Re%d onP-
<%st /onth #e co!ered HS%(etyI1 %nd this /onthJs %rticleFtopic is re%lly 3ust %n e0tension o( th%t-
Security is %n %ttitude b%c,ed #ith proper %nd s%(e %ctions %t %n e!ent- 6t doesnJt /%tter #hether
th%t e!ent is rel%ted to sports, politics, entert%in/ent, or #h%te!er the re%son is (or % l%rger
g%thering o( people- Security h%s %n o!er%ll go%l %nd (unction th%tJs co//on to e!ery e!ent, %nd
th%t go%l %nd (unction is to ,eep e!eryone %nd e!erything s%(e %nd secure- s such, th%t includes
e!eryone (ro/ the /usici%ns, cre#, %udience /e/bers, %nd !enue st%((, to e!erything %nd
e!eryone else-
6J!e seen security personnel in the %udience, behind b%rric%des, gu%rding entr%nces to the se%ting
%re% %s #ell %s to the b%c,st%ge %re%s- 6J!e seen the/ gu%rd doors, h%ll#%ys, r%/ps, doc,s,
outside peri/eters o( % building, (or/ % p%th#%y %nd guide people to pre-sho#F%(ter sho# /eet
; greets, %nd e!en gu%rding the guit%r #orld %re% right there on the st%ge (or eros/ith- Security
personnel should Mide%llyN be %ny#here %nd e!ery#here %t once #hen needed, %nd Hin!isibleI
#hen not needed- $hey need to st%nd out %t cert%in ti/es, #hile blending in during others- $hey
need to be /%sters o( disguise #ho #%tch %nd spring into proper %ction #hen need be, %ll
%ccording to e%ch uni5ue situ%tion-
.ou c%n h%!e %ll the security personnel th%t you need, %s /%ny %s you #%nt or /ore, %nd %ll o(
the/ in the right loc%tions (or the e!ent too, but i( they %re not %ll o( the s%/e /indset,
Page 91
pro(iciency, %nd si/il%rly c%p%ble s,ill le!el, things %nd c%n M%nd prob%bly #illN get ugly %t
so/e point in ti/e during the e!ent- M@%n #h%t % long sentence th%t #%s-N "h%te!er h%ppens to
go #rong %t %n e!ent /%y not be % /%3or c%t%strophe, but the potenti%l (or % /%3or c%t%strophe is
there i( the security personnel do not /eet these re5uire/ents in order to be %ble to do their 3ob
%nd not let the situ%tion get out o( h%nd-
6 underst%nd th%t so/e security personnel %re /ore s,illed or better suited to cert%in 3obs, li,e
gu%rding the %rtist or the b%c,st%ge %re% itsel(, but itJs the security chie(Js 3ob to ,no# his or her
cre# %nd their %bilities- Ee Mor sheN must ,no# #ho #ould #or, best #here, #hen, #hy %nd
ho#- $his te%/ o( security personnel /ust %lso be %ble to co//unic%te #ith e%ch other on %n
%l/ost inst%nt b%sis !i% r%dio, h%nd sign%ls, %nd other non-!erb%l, yet co//unic%ti!e, body
/o!e/ents- Security personnel %re M%nd ide%lly should beN %ny#here %nd e!ery#here %t once
#hen needed, %nd Hin!isibleI #hen not needed- $hey need to st%nd out %nd blend in- (;es, !
know ! repeated that last part. ! did it on purpose because it bears worth repeating.)
Eo# the e!ent is /%de secure, #ell th%t !%ries #ith e!ery type o( e!ent, e!en in the s%/e !enue-
E%ch e!ent is uni5ue- .ou could t%,e it so (%r %s to s%y th%t cert%in %re%s o( the e!ent should be
di((erently th%n so/e other %re%s %re, %nd youJd be right, bec%use security is % /ulti-l%yered
thing on /%ny di((erent le!els- ccess points to !%rious %re%s in %nd %round the !enue, %ttitude,
decisions, choices, %ll h%!e their proper pl%ce %nd ti/e-
Security is % /ulti-l%yered thing li,e 6 s%id- Reg%rding the co//ent %bout %ccessing !%rious
pl%ces in %nd %round the !enue, 6J!e %lre%dy listed /%ny o( the %re%s #here security personnel
%re co//only loc%ted %t e!ery e!ent, but 6 /ention it %g%in to /%,e the point th%t you /ust
usu%lly go through e%ch l%yer o( security to get to the ne0t one- $his is #hy there is not 3ust one
%re% being gu%rded- 6tJs %lso #hy b%c,st%ge p%sses M%,% credenti%lsN h%!e di((erent %ccess le!els
on the/- $his is #hy cert%in %ttitudes e0ist- $his is #hy % lot o( things, 3ust %re the #%y they %re
reg%rding security %nd the re%sons %nd %ctions behind it- So no, you c%nJt go b%c,st%ge #ithout
th%t p%ss 1N p((((((tDD
6( security personnel do their 3ob correctly, theyJll h%rdly be noticed by the /%sses- $hings #ill
3ust run s/oothly- "hen security personnel get in the /iddle o( things %nd they get out o( h%nd,
or %re other#ise /ish%ndled, then e!eryone notices the situ%tion-
6 re%li7e th%t 6 (ocused % lot on the security personnel in this %rticle, but there is %n underlying
/ess%ge th%t you /ust re%d bet#een the lines to underst%nd- $he underlying /ess%ge is one o(
%ttitude %nd b%sed on e0%/ples- >y #riting this %rticle the #%y 6 did, 6 g%!e e0%/ples o( the
%ttitude #ith #hich the people responsible (or %ddressing security concerns /ust h%!e- 8%tur%lly
the people directly responsible (or %ddressing %ny security concerns %t %ny e!ent %re the security
personnel the/sel!es- $his is only logic%l %nd /%,es per(ect sense, since they de%l #ith it
(irsth%nd- >y /e #riting this %rticle the #%y 6 did, 6 thin, itJs /uch e%sier to underst%nd %nd
rel%te to th%n i( 6 #ere to list #hy this spot or th%t spot %t %ny gi!en !enue is gu%rded-
%e7t month, To Tour or %ot That is the Fuestion
d!ice o( the /onth&
Page 92
Co not c%ll the <C % HBobo Bee,I-
$o $our or not $hat i( the :ue(tion
Recently % (riend o( /ine %s,ed /e i( it #%s #orth it to go out (or 9 d%ys %nd do 3 sho#s on the
ro%d #ith % cert%in loc%l b%nd %s their $our @%n%gerF>%bysitter1 so %(ter getting %ll o( the (%cts
he h%d th%t the ti/e, #e h%d % con!ers%tion %bout #eighing %ll o( the !%rious re%sons,
e0pect%tions, %nd options (or the /ini-tour in 5uestion- $h%t topic %nd con!ers%tion bec%/e the
(ound%tion o( this /onthJs %rticle on #hether % loc%l b%nd should tour or not- $o be honest, 6 see
both sides o( the coin- 6( you tour, it costs this, i( you donJt, it costs th%t- 6 /e%n HcostI in #%ys
o( /ore th%n 3ust /oneyF/onet%ry !%lue1 6 /e%n it in opportunity cost, ti/e cost, rel%tionship
cost, 3ob cost, lots o( HcostsI, %nd (in%lly yes, o( course the /onet%ry cost both person%l %nd
business- Leep in /ind th%t %s 6J!e /entioned in pre!ious %rticles %bout the @usic 6ndustry th%t
the business is ch%nging to one #here touring is ch%nging, beco/ing /ore i/port%nt in #%ys %nd
(or re%sons it h%snJt been be(ore- 6 gi!e p%use (or thought on both sides o( the coin both (or %nd
%g%inst touring1 %nd this %rticle, li,e %ll o( the/, %re not /e%nt to be %ll-inclusi!e- "ho could
#rite such #or,s %ny#%yA So dr%# your o#n conclusions (or your o#n re%sons,1 but (or no#,
re%d on#%rdP-
So/eti/es itJs #orth touring or doing % cert%in !enueFsho# bec%use there is so/e opportunity to
/%,e it #orth#hile, e!en i( you lose /oney doing it- HEey /%n, re/e/ber those 3 record l%bels
#e t%l,ed to in Chic%goA "ell, #e h%ppen to be doing % sho# there, letJs see i( #e c%n get the/
to co/e do#n-I ?( course youJd better be %#eso/e th%t night #ith % gre%t dr%# i( they do go to
your sho#, M% r%re c%seFe0%/ple #ith l%bels these d%ysN but you see /y point 6J/ getting %t-
?ther ti/es, itJs 3ust % gig %nd you %re out to build % (%n b%se- M>%sic%lly, Hp%ying your dues-I
lot o( #or, (or little to no p%y-N "h%te!er the c%se /%y be, you should #eigh %ll the !%ri%bles
#hen you do % sho#, especi%lly one out o( to#n- .ou ide%lly #%nt to be the /ost e((ecti!e in
building % (%n b%se in the le%st %/ount o( sho#s bec%use this #ill be the le%st e0pensi!e to you,
the loc%l, unsigned b%nd #ithout % (in%nci%l b%c,er- 8o#, %g%in this is the ide%listic !ie#, not the
re%listic one #here you do % lot o( sho#s to e!en get % s/%ll (%n b%se-
8o# #e %ll ,no# itJs % c%tch 22 situ%tion #ith touring, bec%use you h%!e to in!est % lot o( ti/e,
energy, %nd /oney (or %#hile be(ore you see %ny return on the in!est/ent, i( %t %ll- 6 s%y Hi( %t
%llI reg%rding /%ny, i( not /ost, loc%lFunsigned b%nds- 6J/ /%inly re(erring to the
loc%lFunsigned b%nds doing 49-/inute sets o( %ll-origin%l /usic1 usu%lly on % 3 or 4 b%nd bill- 6(
% loc%l b%nd c%n /%,e % pro(it, th%tJs the ide%l situ%tion o( course, but un(ortun%tely (or /ost
loc%l b%nds, itJs r%rely %tt%ined e!en loc%lly, let %lone on %n out o( to#n sho# %ndFor % sel(-
(unded s/%ll /ini-tour- 6( % loc%l b%nd c%n bre%, e!en, th%t %lone puts the/ (%r %he%d o( the
g%/e !erses /ost loc%l b%nds- @%ny loc%l b%nds, i( not /ost, #ill prob%bly end up going out o(
to#n %t one point in ti/e %nd usu%lly /ore th%n once to e!ery#here they c%n- $herein lies %
dile//% since bre%,ing e!en or /%,ing % pro(it %ny#here is h%rd (or % loc%l b%nd, they /ust
decide i( doing %n out o( to#n sho# is #orth the g%/ble be(ore they in!est ti/e, /oney %nd
e((ort- $hey #ill prob%bly lose /oney %nd not bre%, e!en in to#n or out o( to#n li,e 6 s%id1 the
di((erence being th%t going out o( to#n is consider%bly /ore costly-
Page 93
So #h%tJs the solutionA re loc%l b%nds ne!er supposed to go out o( to#n, pl%y loc%lly, or do
s/%ll /ini-toursA 8o- $hey re%lly should do those things, o( course- .es, itJd be nice to %ll h%!e
% gu%r%ntee %nd % contr%ct #ith riders /%,ing enough /oney to bre%, e!en or pro(it (or % loc%l
b%nd, but %g%in, not re%listic- SoP 6 thin, the %ns#er is to pl%y out #isely- ConJt t%,e %nd do
e!ery possible sho# #ithout #eighing i( itJs #orth it- "ill #e /%,e /oney %nd pro(it, or %t le%st
bre%, e!enA 6( #e do, or donJt, #h%t other bene(its %re there (or usA 6s it to build % (%n b%se in %
college to#nA "ill /edi% Mpress, r%dio, so/e i/port%nt =6P, etc be thereA "ill this open doors
to us (or other opportunitiesA .ou get the ide%- .up, especi%lly %t (irst << o( your sho#s #ill
be to 3ust build % (%n b%se %nd youJll lose /oney h%nd o!er (ist- "elco/e to the g%/e-
6 thin, th%t %nother %spect %bout b%nds, pro/oters, the /usic business in gener%l, is th%t it is b%r
(%r not % Uget rich 5uic, sche/eI- @ost o( us #ho do this business (or % li!ing, do it (or the long
h%ul- $hrough thic, %nd thin, good ti/es %nd b%d, good sho#s %nd b%d- .ou donJt loo, %t 1
sho# %s % success or % (%ilure to the e0tent th%t you loo, %t % s%y 9 ye%r period o( sho#s- Co you
/%,e /ore th%n you lose o!er the l%st 9 ye%rsA 6( youJre %he%d, R6BE$ ?8DD 6( not, #h%t %re
you doing #rongA "h%t opportunities h%!e you /issedA "h%t business s,ills or (unds do you
l%c,A $here is no e%sy step 1-2-3 or %ny e%sy %ns#ers to these 5uestions F topic, so su((ice it to
s%y, 6 donJt ,no# %ll the %ns#ers either, but 6 do thin, 6J/ on the right p%th %nd th%t this %rticle
/%y help you (ind your o#n #%y, your o#n p%th, to /%,e you %ndFor your b%nd success(ul o!er
the long h%ul, should you decide to stic, #ith it-
%e7t month, -acstage# The Dlory o' Roc Gn Roll# 9 All That Schtu'' ,6
d!ice o( the /onth& C%ll @o/ %nd s%y HEiI i( you still c%n %nd i( you h%!enJt l%tely- @y o#n
/other is b%ttling lung c%ncer th%t /et%st%si7ed into bone c%ncer th%t h%s progressed to the point
beyond hope o( sur!i!%l- $i/e is % precious thing, li(e e!en /ore precious-
$uthor%s &ote' 0y mother passed in $ugust )**A)
Bac!(tage* $he 7"ory of Roc! ;n Ro""* & A"" $hat Schtuff <4
"ell, here #e %re once %g%in &N ?!er the l%st %l/ost 2 ye%rs 6J!e #ritten this colu/n 6J!e
co!ered /%ny %re%s, topics, %nd %ll o( the/ in the /iddle ground bet#een b%sic %nd co/ple0-
Eope(ully 6 #rite in such % #%y so %s to not bore the inter/edi%teF%d!%nced person, yet 6 donJt
t%l, o!er the he%d o( the l%y/%nFbeginner- $h%tJs the go%l 6J/ shooting (or #hen 6 #rite-
ny#%y 6 /ention %ll th%t bec%use this /onthJs topic prob%bly (%lls on the !ery b%sic side o(
things (or once r%ther th%n in the /iddle li,e 6 nor/%lly shoot (or- Re%son being, the people th%t
#ill /ost bene(it (ro/ this /onthJs %rticle %re those #ho #onder 3ust #h%t the hec, gener%lly
goes on b%c,st%ge %t % concert-
Eo# o(ten h%!e those o( us in the business he%rd those in(%/ous #ordsF5uestion o( =Can you
get me )ac!(tage0> "h%t they re%lly /e%n is =Can . meet the )and0> .ou see /%ny people
h%!e this huge /isconception %bout #h%t b%c,st%ge is or is not- $hey h%!e no clue %s to #h%t
re%lly goes on b%c, there to begin #ith, yet, it see/s e!eryone h%s their o#n ide% o( #h%t
b%c,st%ge is li,e- For so/e people, itJs li,e so/e 5uest they #%nt to /%,e, yet they h%!e no ide%
Page 94
3ust #here the hec, they %re going- So 6J/ going to clue e!eryone in #h%t goes on b%c,st%ge %t
%n %ren% concert- Re%dy (or the big secretA Eere it isP--
>%c,st%ge %t the %ren%s is #onder(ul- $hereJs n%,ed #o/en running %round e!ery#here, tons o(
boo7e, se0, drugs, the roc, st%rs ch%se e%ch other %round in gol( c%rts #hile drin,ing Crist%l %nd
8%poleon >r%ndy- 6tJs nothing but % gi%nt p%rty th%t you %re /issing out on #here %ll sorts o(
/odels, strippers, roc, st%rs %nd drug de%lers h%ng out- .EEDD
?,, nice dre%/- 8ice lie- 8o# (or % re%lity chec,-
>%c,st%ge is the %re% directly behind the st%ge #hich is usu%lly (ull o( se/i truc,s, tour buses,
loc%l %nd touring cre#s doing % !%riety o( di((erent 3obs (ro/ riggers, b%c,line techs, tour
/%n%gers, st%geh%nds, %udio %nd lighting cre#, b%nd /e/bers, % ton o( ro%d c%ses %nd /iles o(
c%bling- 6n % nutshell, % bunch i( tired, s#e%ty, but nice, pro(ession%l people %re b%c, there
#or,ing their butts o(( so you c%n en3oy % sho# (or % (e# hours- @ost o( the/ %re on-site %ll d%y
e!en i( they %renJt #or,ing %ll the ti/e- 6t %ll depends on the gig, #ho (or, #h%t your 3ob is, etc-
: usu%lly the loc%ls #or, /uch h%rder %nd longer th%n so/e Mnot %llN o( the touring cre#-
>%c,st%ge is % #or, %re%, #hich is nothing e0citing unless you %re into concert production in
so/e %spect- @ost people 3ust #%nt to /eet the b%nd, so they donJt need to re%lly go Hb%c,st%geI
in the #or, %re%1 but inste%d #%nt to go to the H@eet ; BreetI roo/s th%t %re usu%lly (%r %#%y
(ro/ the st%ge itsel(, %nd thus %renJt truly Hb%c,st%geI- For e0%/ple, the @;B roo/s %t the
$%rget Center %re closer to the %udience %re% %nd so/e outside doors th%n they %re b%c,st%ge- t
the Wcel Energy Center the @;B roo/s %re sort o( in the /iddle bet#een the b%c,st%ge #or,ing
%re%s %nd C%tering- M///// (ree (oodDDN
6 ,no# this %rticle /%y see/ o!erly b%sic to /%ny o( people, but 6 (elt th%t such %n %rticle needed
to be #ritten- 6 #ill s%y th%t the (irst ti/e 6 #%s e!er b%c,st%ge to #or, #%s (%r di((erent %n
e0perience th%n /y (irst ti/e going to % @;B roo/ to /eet the b%nd %s % (%n- 6t is truly #h%t 6
li,e to c%ll H?rg%ni7ed Ch%osI %nd it truly is % #onder to see %ll the se/is %nd !ehicles roll in,
unlo%d, setup, the sho# itsel(, stri,e it %ll, p%c, %nd lo%d it, then (in%lly send it %nd e!eryone on
their #%y %(ter % long, long, long d%y-
6 guess 6 should l%stly touch on #hy so /%ny o( us do #h%t #e do %nd #hy b%c,st%ge M%side
(ro/ being 3ust % #or, %re%N does h%!e so/e /ysti5ue to it- P%rt o( the /ysti5ue is th%t /ost
people donJt ,no# #h%t goes on b%c, there, li,e ho# % /%gici%n does his tric,s- So once you do
,no#, you ne!er see % concert the s%/e #%y %g%in- "hen 6 got to sho#s, 6 see the sho#, sureP-
>ut 6 %lso see ho# this #%s hung %nd rigged, ho# this is done one #%y !erses %nother, e!en i(
6J/ 3ust in the %udience- So in th%t respect, i( you %re % (%n, so/eti/es is best to 8?$ ,no# %ll
the tric,s o( the tr%de- $he other p%rt o( the /ysti5ue o( b%c,st%ge is the c%/%r%derie %nd
,no#ing th%t you %re #or,ing #ith li,e-/inded people #ho lo!e #h%t they do- Sure, %t the
pro(ession%l le!el, it is % lot %bout the /oney #e /%,e1 but then %g%in, i( it #%s R3ustR %bout the
/oney, there %re (%r e%sier %nd better #%ys to /%,e % li!ing th%n in the /usic business- 8o
/%tter #h%t %nyone else s%ys, donJt let the/ bullshRt you into thin,ing itJs solely %bout 3ust the
/oney1 bec%use itJs not- 6tJs % l%bor o( lo!e (irst %nd (ore/ost1 other#ise #e #ouldnJt be there
bec%use the he%d%ches you do get %renJt #orth it i( you didnJt lo!e #h%t you do- $h%tJs #h%t
,eeps us going- t le%st th%tJs ho# 6 see it-
Page 99
$o /e, the Hglory o( roc, %nd rollI is ,no#ing th%t #hen 6 go to bed %t night %(ter % sho#, 6
/%de so/e people h%ppy- 6 helped the/ li(e %#%y their c%res (ro/ their shoulders, e!en i( but
(or % (e# hours- Sure, 6 didnJt pl%y % single note, but 6 /%de it so the b%nd could- >%c,st%ge is
%bout #or, %nd your pride in it- 6tJs %bout % cohesi!e en!iron/ent #ith people #or,ing to#%rds
co//on go%l- Sorry i( 6 sh%ttered the illusion (or #h%t b%c,st%ge is %ll %bout- Cert%inly this
%rticle is /y o#n person%l !ie# %nd opinion o( it %ll, so t%,e it #ith % gr%in o( s%lt- s, others
%nd youJll prob%bly get % si/il%r Mor !ery di((erentN opinion depending on #ho you %s,-
E!eryone h%s their o#n perspecti!e, but #e #ill %ll %re% th%t it is % #or, %re% #here /%gic
h%ppens behind the st%ge (irst so th%t /%gic c%n h%ppen on the st%ge l%ter th%t night-
ll you need do is sit b%c, %nd en3oy the sho#- -- So until ne0t ti/eP-
%e7t month, A Challenge
d!ice o( the /onth& 8o /usic %d!ice, but inste%d % re5uest- 6n the holid%y spirit, #hen youJre
out shopping (or gi(ts buying things (or people, pic, up so/e c%nned (ood, toys, bl%n,ets, 3%c,ets
or other ite/s (or the ho/eless ; poor- n W >o0 (or so/eone #ith % #%r/ roo( o!er their he%d
is nice, but % 3%c,et ; bl%n,et (or so/eone #ho h%snJt shelter is % (%r better gi(t- 6( you gi!e in
th%t #%y, your soul #ill get % gi(t (%r better th%n %ny th%t #ould (it under % tree-
$uthor%s &ote' 4ose the Buestions below to yourself if you%d like, but there%s no need to email
me the answers. ! kept this article in here for the sake of consistency and for thoughtfulness.
Chapter 4 A .ie+ *rom The -acline 0 520026
A Cha""enge
E%ppy nni!ers%ryDDD G%n 2004 #%s /y (irst /onth o( regul%r colu/ns %nd here #e %re no# 2
ye%rs l%ter-
"ell, this /onth #%s supposed to be H$he "orld ccording $o St%geh%ndsI, but none o( the
st%geh%nds 6 e/%iled got b%c, to /e- $hey /ust h%!e %ll been n%pping behind the st%ge or sitting
in c%tering- >%d St%geh%nds : 8o ConutsDD ConJt s%y 6 ne!er g%!e you guys %nd g%ls the
opportunity to be he%rd- >l%hDD
So no# 6J!e decided to gi!e .?' % ch%nce- So 6 #ill %s, you % (e# 5uestions (or you to thin,
on, %nd then e/%il /e your %ns#er to e%ch 5uestionP- 6n @%rchJs colu/n 6 hope to h%!e these
5uestions re-printed here #ith !%rious %ns#ers (or people- 6J/ not going to 3ust pic, one person
or one %ns#er to e%ch 5uestionP- 6nste%d, 6Jll h%!e the 5uestions listed #ith %ns#ers (ro/
di((erent people- 4-9 to e%ch 5uestion- .ou c%n h%!e your re%l n%/e used, initi%ls, % (%,e n%/e
M3ust nothing n%ughtyN, #h%te!er you li,e-
So, %ns#er these %nd e/%il b%c, both 5uestion %nd %ns#er to /e %t [old e/%il %ddress red%cted\
%lrightA Cool-
Page 9+
16 )hat di''erence has music made in your li'e and +hy>
26 )ho +as the most in'luential musicianB(and to you and +hy>
/6 )hat drives your passion and desire to play 5or listen to6 music>
46 Have you ever inspired anyone or made a di''erence in the +orld in some +ay>
16 Cou choice" As and ans+er your o+n Fuestion here" Some +ill (e printed# some +on;t"
So mae it a good one
%e7t month, -and 4anagement and -ooing
d!ice o( the /onth& !oid the dr%(tDD Mno, not that oneN : !oid %ir ducts, door#%ys or other
%re%s #here te/per%ture di((erences #ill h%ppen %nd thus %((ect tuned guit%rs- $his includes
t%,ing the/ out o( the b%c,roo/ onto the st%ge right be(ore you pl%y- Store the/ on the side o(
the st%ge %nd chec, the tuning right be(ore you go on-
d!ice o( the /onth& 220F221, #h%te!er it t%,es-
Band -anagement and Boo!ing
?ne d%y % good (riend o( /ine, @i,e H$inyI Rogers o( $R-Entert%in/ent, /%de % suggestion
%bout doing %n %rticle on >%nd @%n%ge/ent %nd >oo,ings- 6J/ sure 6 #ould h%!e hit the topic
e!entu%lly, but it see/s li,e % good ide%, especi%lly doing the t#o sub3ects together, so here #e
%re- $h%n,s $iny &N : Bood c%ll-
@%ny loc%l b%nds #%nt /%n%gers %nd boo,ing %gents to #or, (or the/ bec%use they thin, it #ill
gi!e the/ %n %d!%nt%ge, #hich so/eti/es it does, but usu%lly th%t only h%ppens #hen itJs
bene(ici%l to %ll p%rties in!ol!ed- 6n order (or % b%nd to h%!e the %d!%nt%ge %nd po#er o( %
boo,ing %gentF%gencyF/%n%ger, it usu%lly /e%ns, the %gentF%gency, /%n%ger, !enue, %nd
pro/oter /ust %ll bene(it (ro/ % b%nd being on % sho# or h%ndled by the/- 6n other #ords, the
ti/e %nd e((ort in!ested by these people h%s to be #orth the return in /onet%ry bene(its %,%
/oney- ?,eryone want( to ma!e the mo(t amount of money in the "ea(t amount of time and
with a( "itt"e (tre(( and effort a( 'o((i)"e+ $h%tJs the go%l, bec%use the /ore o( th%t you c%n do,
the /ore e((icient %nd /ore e((ecti!e M%nd /ore rich /oney-#iseN you #ill beco/e- 6( your %ll-
origin%l b%nd c%n p%c, in the !enues on % regul%r b%sis %nd cre%te the inco/e needed by %ll
p%rties in!ol!ed, you #onJt h%!e to (ind %n %gent or /%n%ger1 bec%use they #ill (ind you- 6 h%te
to s%y this, but itJs trueP3ust li,e % sh%r, th%t c%n s/ell blood (ro/ 19 /iles %#%y, so c%n % good
%gent #ith /oney- $h%tJs their 3ob- $hey /ust ,no# #hich b%nds dr%#, #hen, #hy, %nd #here,
so they c%n o((er the best /oney /%,ing opportunities to their buyers, pro/oters, %nd in!estors-
"ould you #%nt to buy % high-ris, lo# yield stoc,A 8o- ?( course not- "ell, no one #%nts to
buy th%t s%/e thing in % b%nd either-
Page 9*
good boo,ing %gent or /%n%ger #ill (ollo# the scent o( /oney i( itJs strong enough- M8o, %ll
%gents %renJt sh%r,s in the #%y you %re thin,ing %nd th%t 6 did not i/ply, but since you %re
thin,ing it, 6 #ill no# /ention itP- .es, %bsolutely- So/e %gents c%n be sh%r,-li,e #hen it
co/es to business, but th%t doesnJt /e%n th%t they %ll %re th%t #%y- Gust be sure to #%tch out %nd
,no# #ho you %re de%ling #ith %nd #hy- Re/e/ber, itJs /usic >'S68ESS, not /usic
nother point 6Jd li,e to /%,e reg%rding the !enues, pro/oters, b%r o#ners, %nd t%lent buyers,
etc- "hy #ould they #%nt to de%l #ith )00 people, e%ch #ith % di((erent b%nd %nd business de%l,
#hen you c%n 3ust de%l #ith one or % (e# boo,ing %gentsF%gencies inste%dA 6tJs 3ust /ore
e((ecti!e %nd e((icient doing business th%t #%y bec%use the boo,ing %gentsF%gencies c%n boo, up
%n entire /onth or ye%rJs #orth o( d%tes (or % !enue or b%nd, put together gre%t sho# lineups,
secure the /%3or su//er (esti!%ls %nd entert%in/ent holid%ys such %s 8e# .e%rJs E!e,
$h%n,sgi!ing, %nd S%int P%tric,Js C%y, etc- Since these %gents %nd %gencies h%ndle nu/erous
b%nds %nd !enues, they c%n pretty e%sily (ill % bill #ithout % proble/, so/eti/es e!en on !ery
short notice, #hich is i/port%nt to e!eryone in!ol!ed- (ter %ll, the sho# /ust go on, rightA
long #ith h%!ing %ccess to di((erent !enues %nd the b%nds on their roster, /%ny boo,ing %gents
%nd %gencies go out o( st%te to !%rious (%ir buying con!entions #here they /%r,et their %rtists to
prospecti!e pro/oters, t%lent buyers, %nd other people- 8et#or,ing is cert%inly one o( the /%3or
ingredients to %nyoneJs success in the /usic business, %nd especi%lly so in the %re%s o( boo,ing
%nd /%n%ge/ent- Si/ply put, there isnJt enough /%n-hours in % d%y (or % single person to do
#h%t %ll needs to be done1 so itJs truly i/port%nt to h%!e % good te%/ together in order (or
%nything e((ecti!e to h%ppen- $h%t t%,es ti/e, e((ort %nd /oney- So th%t /e%ns th%t /%n%ge/ent,
boo,ing, %ccounting, /%r,etingFpublic rel%tions, %nd the %rtist the/sel!es, /ust %ll be on the
s%/e p%ge %nd #or,ing together- 6t %lso /e%ns %ll o( those seg/ents o( the o!er%ll te%/ /ust be
/%,ing /oney to not only st%y on the (%st tr%c, to (in%nci%l success, but to sur!i!e %s #ell- 6tJs
re%lly % te%/ e((ort, %lthough /%ny /usici%nsFb%nds donJt li,e to truly %d/it %ndFor underst%nd
th%t to the degree they need to-
nother thing /%ny /usici%ns %nd b%nds (%il to underst%nd is th%t itJs h%rd (or these te%/s %nd
people to get e0cited %bout /%,ing so little /oney- $he %!er%ge de%l on b%nd /%n%ge/ent is
10O- $he %!er%ge boo,ing de%l is 10O %s #ell- So i( the s%/e person th%t /%n%ges you %lso
boo,s you, they get 19-20O, depending upon your %gree/ent #ith the/ %nd the contr%cts you
signed- So letJs s%y >%nd W gets p%id T100-00 %nd (or the s%,e o( %rgu/ent, %nd letJs s%y itJs one
person Mnot p%rt o( % boo,ing %gencyN th%tJs doing both 3obs Mboo,ing %nd /%n%ge/entN- 8o#
letJs s%y th%t they %re getting the 20O co//ission r%te (or doing both 3obs %t the s%/e ti/eP-
?ut o( th%t T100-00 the b%nd /%,es, th%t person gets 20O on e!ery sho# they boo,, #hich
tr%nsl%tes into doll%rs %nd cents in the %/ount o( T20-00- 6( they 3ust /%n%ge %nd donJt boo, %
cert%in sho# Mor sho#sN they #ould get 10O or T10-00 in th%t c%se- .ou could /%,e /ore
/oney #or,ing %t % (%st (ood 3oint th%n you c%n by boo,ing %ndFor /%n%ging these T100 loc%l
b%nds- 6tJs too /uch #or, (or too little p%yo((P-but #%it, it gets #orse-
8o# /ost boo,ing %gents, b%nd /%n%gers, /usici%ns, etc %re %ll sel(-e/ployed %s H6ndependent
Contr%ctorsI, #hich /e%ns th%t they get % For/ 10)) %t the end o( the ye%r (or e%ch 3obFperson
they #or,ed th%t p%id the/ o!er % cert%in %/ount o( /oney (or th%t ye%r- M6 belie!e the nu/ber
Page 9K
is T+00-00N- 6n so/e c%ses the b%nds #ould 10)) the %gent, other ti/es the boo,ing %gency
#ould- g%in, it %ll depends on ho# business is conducted- Since they %re gi!en % For/ 10)) in
either c%se, th%t /e%ns they donJt 3ust p%y the *-9O F6C MSoci%l SecurityN li,e %n e/ployee %t %
nor/%l d%y 3ob #ould1 inste%d they p%y th%t *-9O li,e %n e/ployee #ould1 and they a"(o 'ay the
other *-9O F6C th%t %n e/ployer #ould p%y %s #ell- $hey p%y both bec%use they %re #or,ing
%s %n 6ndependent Contr%ctor %nd %re thus considered both HE/ployerI %nd HE/ployeeI1 %nd
thus they %re sub3ect to both t%0es- So right there is 19O in t%0es !erses the nor/%l *-9O %s %n
e/ployee only- dd onto th%t the (eder%l %nd st%te, %nd youJre going to p%y MroughlyN 30OZ in
o!er%ll t%0es- M"hen 6 #%s %n e/ployee only %t % d%y 3ob, 6 p%id 23O t%0 tot%l-N So no# on th%t
T20-00, t%,e out s%y 30O or T+-00 tot%l (or o!er%ll t%0es, %nd youJre le(t #ith % /e%sly T14-00-
M?( course you c%n #rite-o(( business e0penses, #hich does help % bit-N
T14-00 (or % T100-00 b%nd- P%r-t%yDDDD .es, 6 3ust donJt get it #hy boo,ing %gents %renJt %ll o!er
these b%nds th%t /%,e T100-00 i( th%t- ?,, 6J/ being s%rc%stic- 6 didnJt e!en /ention the (%ct th%t
i( the boo,ing %gent is %lso #or,ing %t % boo,ing %gency, the %gency %nd the %gent usu%lly h%!e
so/e sort o( % split de%l- So letJs s%y itJs 90F90- 6n the c%se o( the T20-00, the %gency #ould get
T10 %nd the %gent #ould get T10- 6( you t%,e the 30O o(( o( the T10-00, th%tJs T3-00, so no# the
%gent h%s T*-00 on % T100-00 b%nd- Eo# /%ny T100-00 b%nds do you h%!e to boo, %t th%t r%te in
order to /%,e T100-00 (or yoursel( th%t d%yA lot- 6tJs #%y too /uch #or, (or too little p%y-
Pl%in %nd si/ple, itJs not #orth the ti/e, energy or the e((ort in!ol!ed li,e 6 s%id be(ore- 8o#
you underst%nd % little better #hy these boo,ing %gencies %nd %gents %renJt be%ting do#n the
door to h%ndle your T100 loc%l b%nd-
6( %n %gent c%n boo, % T1,000Z b%nd, they st%nd to /%,e /uch better /oney ob!iously, but itJs
still not % lot- T1,000 : 20O Q T200-00- 6( the %gent is solo, T200 : 30OFT+0QT140-00 Mbe(ore
e0pensesF#rite-o((s o( courseN- 6( there is % 90F90 split #ith %n %gency, then itJs T*0-00- ll o(
th%t (or % T1,000 %ct- .ou c%n /%,e /ore #or,ing %t % nor/%l d%y 3ob #ith (%r less stress- .ou
c%n either boo, % lot o( d%tes #ith lesser p%ying b%nds li,e the T1,000 ones, or i( you %re doing
(e#er d%tes, but #ith /ore e0pensi!e %cts li,e T10,000Z b%nds- Either #%y, it %ll boils do#n to
#or,, stress, /oney %nd return on in!est/ent- >%sic%llyP H6s it #orth it or not to bother
boo,ing this b%ndAI
'nless you %re % b%nd th%t c%n consistently dr%# good nu/bers o( people %nd gener%te % decent
inco/e (or the !enue o#nerFpro/oter, ch%nces %re th%t %ny b%nd /%n%ger or boo,ing
%gencyF%gent #ho does this (or % li!ing, is not going to bother #or,ing #ith you- So ho# do you
get to the point #here you %re /%,ing the nu/bers you need in order (or the/ to #or, #ith youA
"ell, th%tJs c%lled Hp%ying your duesI- .ou #or, %t de!eloping % (ollo#ing %nd /%,ing the
!enue o#nerFpro/oter %s /uch /oney %s possible e!ery ti/e you pl%y, or %t le%st %s o(ten th%t
you c%n- 6( so/eone li,e %n %gent, %gency, !enue, or pro/oter gi!es you % shot %t % sho# in %n
e/ergency situ%tion, /%,e it count- Co the !ery best th%t you c%n to /%,e the sho# % success-
E!en i( itJs not % huge success(ul sho#, i( it does (%irly #ell Mespeci%lly on short noticeN the
person #ho g%!e you the shot #ill underst%nd th%t %nd respect the e((ort you put (orth- $rust /e-
$hey #ill be #%tching ho# /%ny people you bring in %nd ho# /uch those people spend on #h%t
%nd #here- 6( things go #ell, th%t #ould /%,e the/ #%nt to #or, #ith you in the (uture- 6n other
#ords, you #ould get %nother ch%nce, %nother opportunity to pro!e yoursel(- So yes, %t this
Page 9)
point, so/e luc, is in!ol!ed, but itJs re%lly 3ust % lot o( h%rd #or, %t pro/oting the sho#-
8othing is gu%r%nteed- "elco/e to the /usic business- En3oy the ride- &N
6t /%y be (%r e%sier (or you to (ind % b%nd /%n%ger o( so/e ,ind th%t is #illing to #or, #ith you1
then it #ill be (or you to (ind % boo,ing %gent- @%ny o( the b%nd /%n%gers th%t #or, #ith loc%l,
non-est%blished b%nds or those b%nds #ithout decent tr%c, records, %re other /usici%ns, (%/ily,
(riends, etc- ?(ten ti/es they %re % (or/er /usici%n or so/eone #ho #%nts to e0p%nd out into
%nother %spect o( the /usic business such %s /%n%ging or boo,ing- $hey o(ten /e%n #ell, but
so/eti/es l%c, the business ,no#ledge %nd connections needed in order to re%lly do the 3ob-
Eo#e!er, the upside o( this is th%t the b%nd they %re #or,ing (or is usu%lly un%ble to pro!ide the
inco/e needed in order to get the ,ind o( /%n%ger th%t c%n re%lly open doors (or the/, so itJs %ll
% re%l ugly c%tch 22, but itJs % good st%rting pl%ce (or both non-est%blished b%nd /%n%gers,
%spiring %gents, %nd b%nds %li,e- E!erybody h%s to st%rt so/e#here- Gust be re%listic %nd honest
in your e0pect%tions #ith e%ch other- ConJt e0pect your b%nd to pl%y %n %ren%, %nd donJt e0pect
your b%nd /%n%gerF%gent to get you there- >oth o( you need to get est%blished (irst %nd do % lot
o( #or, be(ore e!en the re/otest ch%nce o( th%t e!er h%ppening c%n beco/e % possibility- 6F (or
so/e odd ch%nce o( (%te it e!er did h%ppen, ch%nces %re th%t neither o( you Mb%nd or
/%n%gerF%gentN #ould be properly prep%red (or such %n e!ent #ithout % lot o( pre!ious business
e0perience- Ch%nces %re, 'ncle >ob #ill not get your b%nd on ?77(est or %nything else e!en
th%t si7e- @y suggestion is to (ind so/eone th%t #%s r%ised %round /usici%ns %nd b%nds-
Ch%nces %re they /%y ,no# so/e things th%t c%nJt be t%ught in %ny school other th%n the one o(
e0perience- Choose #isely-
8o# %s (or #h%t e0%ctly % b%nd /%n%ger does, th%t !%ries #ith the b%nd %nd situ%tion- So/e do
/uch /ore th%n others- So/e %ct %s b%bysitter, counselor, business %gent, %ccount%nt, (in%ncier,
%nd % #hole lot /ore- >oo, %gents pretty /uch 3ust de%l #ith the boo,ing %spect o( things-
Routing the sho#s, tours, pic,ing up one-o(( d%tes on % touring %ctJs itiner%ry, de%ling #ith b%nd
/%n%ge/ent co/p%nies, other pro/oters, boo,ing %gencies, etc- g%in, there %re e0ceptions to
the rule, %s so/e %gencies %lso /%n%ge %s #ell- 8o 3ob in the /usic business M6 thin,N is e!er
100O cut %nd dry-
Since % boo,ing %gent g%!e /e the ide% to /i0 these 2 sub3ects into one %rticle, 6 %s,ed other
%gents, pro/oters, %nd the li,e %round to#n (or so/e ide%s, concepts, co//ents, suggestions,
ide%s, etc, %nd this is #h%t they h%d to s%yP-
#"ive them back their bong.# 2 true one, wonCt say who or where or why.: D "ene Eollister,
-ose 4resents
6 donJt ,no# #ho s%id th%t, but the person 5uoting th%t to /e, Bene Eollister o( Rose Presents, is
% #ell-,no#n %nd est%blished pro/oter o( e!ents in the region%l %re%- Bene #ent on to s%y #h%t
6 thin, is % !ery true %nd i/port%nt st%te/ent& 8! donCt think there is a particularly poignant one2
line statement that would steer anyone in the right direction. !f there was, we would be there.:
?n th%t gre%t point o( BeneJs, 6 #ould li,e to %dd so/ething& "e %ll 3ust h%!e ide%s- So/e %re
good- So/e %re not- So/e #or,, but only (or the/- So/e donJt #or, %t %ll, no /%tter #ho does
the/- So/e #or, i( %nyone does the/- $he #ise person ,no#s the di((erence- 6t %ll depends on %
ton o( !%ri%bles, but there is % ton o( co//on ground, #hich is #h%t 6J/ trying to co!er in this
Page +0
%rticle- $his isnJt to s%y there isnJt so/e good %d!ice 6J/ gi!ing here, but t%,e #h%t you thin,
you need %nd le%!e #h%t you donJt- Gust be sure you le%rn- 6( so/ething isnJt #or,ing (or you,
try so/ething else or /odi(y it so/eho#- 6tJs %ll 3ust % gi%nt b%l%ncing %ct %ny#%y-
So b%c, to BenePHFrankly, if ! had to share some ideas, itCs this. For booking (for band
members), be persistent and not a pest. "et a package to the talent buyer and ask when you
should check back in. !f they say a week, donCt call in a month, donCt call in a day, call in a week.
Try to meet the talent buyer at the club and deliver the package to them. Bribe them with donuts,
coffee, money, or other contraband, offer to distribute flyers for shows even if you are not on the
show (and really do it) but, donCt be a pest. Be prepared to play for free or very little money (or
booGe or food or other compensation eHcept the possibility of future gigs). !tCs not our fault you
decided to make the band a doGen people and travel in a school bus.:
"ell, th%tJs %ll (or this /onthJs %rticle- 6 hope 6J!e gi!en you (ood (or thought- g%in, itJs li,e %
bu((et, e%t #h%t you #%nt, disc%rd or ignore #h%t you donJt- $he choice is yours- Gust /%,e sure
you %l#%ys /%,e the best choices (or yoursel(, so /%,e sure you underst%nd #h%t %ll the choices
%re M%t le%st the best th%t you c%n-N >e %#%re-
6Jd li,e to th%n, the (ollo#ing people (or their contributions (or this /onthJs %rticle, st%rting #ith
@i,e H$inyI Rogers o( $R Entert%in/ent (or the ide% %nd Bene Eollister o( Rose Presents (or
the 5uotes-
%e7t month, Ch%llenge ns#ered Mhope(ully- ?ther#ise, itJll be so/ething elseN
d!ice o( the /onth& Gust % 3o,e this /onth inste%dP
]& Eo# do you /%,e % s/%ll (ortune in the /usic businessA
& St%rt #ith % l%rge one (irst-
7uitar $echnician(
$his /onth #e %re loo,ing %t once o( /y person%l (%!orite %re%s o( #or, #ithin the /usic
business& Buit%r $echnici%ns- R%ther th%n r%/ble on %bout /y e0periences %s % Buit%r $ech or
3ust co/pile % list o( tips %nd tric,s, 6 (igured 6Jd t%l, %bout things th%t %re still p%rt o( the 3ob, but
r%rely t%l,ed %bout1 such %s people s,ills, ,no#ledge o( the loc%l %re%Fcont%cts, %nd /uch /ore-
6Jll get to th%t in % bit, but (irst letJs !ery 5uic,ly co!er the ob!ious b%sicsPP
$here is % ton o( #%ys to be %nd do the guit%r tech gig- 6t c%n be %nything %s si/ple %s 3ust b%sic
/%inten%nce o( the ge%r, %ll the #%y to being %ble to build %n %/p (ro/ scr%tch- 6t %ll re%lly
depends upon #ho/ you %re #or,ing (or %nd #h%t they re5uire- 6de%lly, you should be %ble to
do %nything, but re%listic%lly, not e!eryone h%s the s%/e s,ill sets, or to the degree th%t others
/%y h%!e the/- $h%tJs one o( /%ny re%sons #hy cert%in techs #or, cert%in gigs- So yes,
technic%l s,ills %re needed, but to #h%t degree %nd #hich s,ills, th%t %ll depends- So /uch (or the
!ery b%sics o( #h%t % Buit%r $echs gig is %nd #h%t heFshe does reg%rding the technic%l %spects-
Page +1
$his is o( course the /ost popul%r %re% o( discussion #hen people t%l, %bout this line o( #or,,
but in re%lity, itJs only % !ery s/%ll p%rt o( it-
$he l%rger, less t%l,ed %bout p%rt o( being % good Buit%r $ech is (%r beyond 3ust ,no#ing ho# to
h%ndle the ge%r- 6tJs ,no#ing ho# to h%ndle the %rtist the/sel!es- >eing % good tech, or re%lly
%ny 3ob on the ro%d or in the /usic business, re5uires good, M%nd in /%ny c%ses HBre%tIN people
s,ills- .ou need to H(eelI the /ood o( the person you %re #or,ing (or in order to ,no# ho# to
h%ndle the/ th%t d%y- @ost Mi( not %llN /usici%ns h%!e te/pers, egos, %nd other issues-
So/eti/es itJs 3ust % b%d d%y, so/eti/es itJs % good d%y- 'nli,e /%ny gigs on the ro%d, Mli,e s%y
% Sound $ech #ho #or,s (or % co/p%nyN, % Buit%r $ech #or,s directly (or the %rtist the/sel!es-
$h%t /e%ns (%ce ti/e #ith H$he >ossI M8o, not >ruce Springsteen : unless you %re HCh%ins%#I
>ruceJs techN- ?ne o( the HRules ?( $he Ro%dI is to ne!er t%l, to the %rtist unless %bsolutely
necess%ry- $hey %re bothered enough by people, so the less the better- Bigs #ith %rtist (%ce ti/e
include %ll the !%rious b%c,line
Mguit%r, b%ss, dru/s, etcN $our @%n%gers, Production
@%n%gers, St%ge @%n%gers, Production ssist%nts, %nd so (orth- Since %rtists c%n be
te/per%/ent%l1 people #ho h%!e gigs li,e Buit%r $echs th%t h%!e % lot o( (%ce ti/e #ith the
%rtist, @'S$ h%ndle the/ #ith c%re : or else (ind the/sel!es on the (irst (light ho/e-
nother rule o( thu/b1 %t le%st itJs /ine, is to ne!er let the /usici%n thin,- 6( heFshe needs +
guit%r pic,s on the right h%nd side o( the /ic st%nd 4 inches (ro/ the topP-then they h%d better
be there e!ery sho#, e!ery ti/e, %nd in the right pl%ce- 6 ,no# it sounds stupid, but try this
e0ercise so/eti/e %nd youJll better underst%nd /y point- 6( you h%!e your guit%r rig setup #ith
s%y % #%h ped%l on the right side o( the /ic st%nd in your pr%ctice roo/ %nd itJs been th%t #%y
(or so/e ti/eP-try 3ust /o!ing it to the le(t o( the /ic st%nd once- "hen youJre pl%ying, youJll
instincti!ely go to the right side o( the st%nd #here itJs S'PP?SEC to be bec%use th%tJs #here
youJre used to it- 8o# you h%d to thin, Hoh ye%h itJs on the le(tI %nd you h%d to %d3ust- .ou h%d
to thin,- $h%t %((ected your pl%ying- 6( things %re setup the s%/e #%y e!ery ti/e, in the s%/e
pl%ce, then you c%n 3ust go on %n H%uto/%tic /odeI so to spe%, %nd not h%!e to thin,P3ust pl%y-
ll o( th%t ties into ,no#ing your %rtist, people s,ills, %nd not getting (ired-
"hen 6 #or,ed % S%li!% sho# %t St%r Centr%l l%st Su//er, the St%ge Right Buit%r $ech h%d this
porcel%in s,ull #ith % top h%t on it th%t s%t on the %/p rig- Ee #%nted to h%ndle it bec%use the
(irst one #%s bro,en %nd this #%s % repl%ce/ent one- ccording to hi/, i( th%t one got bro,e too,
he #%s (ired- 6 ,no# it sounds ins%ne, but there is % lot o( th%t going on in the #orld o( Buit%r
$echs- 6( H(lu((y the Foo Foo >e%rI isnJt on @r- Roc, st%rs @EB-)000 Rig, .ouJre (ired- Eis
#i(e g%!e hi/ th%t, or #h%te!er the re%soning being is, doesnJt /%tter- "h%t /%tters is th%t d%ng
be%r is there e!ery sho#P%s #ell %s the pic,s, the #%h ped%l in the right spot, %ll o( it- Sounds
li,e % re%l P-6-$-
doesnJt itA "ell, it c%n be, depending on #ho you %re #or,ing (or %nd i( they
h%!e such % thing to de%l #ith- ?( course the %d!%nt%ge o( % good #or,ing rel%tionship #ith %n
%rtist %s their tech1 is the (%ct th%t #hen there is no tour, ch%nces %re th%t you %re still #or,ing (or
the %rtist-
.ou /%y be (riendly #ith the/ %nd #or, (or the/ 5uite % long ti/e, but ne!er (orget th%t you
%re ne!er truly (riends- "hen you thin, th%t, the rel%tionship t%,es on % #hole ne# di/ension
%nd c%n #rec, % good thing- Ch%nces %re th%t only one person (eels th%t #%y %nd not the other-
<oy%lty in this business goes % long #%y, but it h%s its li/its %s #ell- ConJt get con(used-
Page +2
nother p%rt o( the 3ob is ,no#ing M%s best th%t you c%nN #h%t pl%ces in to#n /%y be o( interest
to the %rtist- Br%nted, it shouldnJt be, but /%ny ti/es it usu%lly is the guit%r techJs 3ob to ,no#
%bout %ny (%!orite guit%r stores, supply stores, etc in to#n th%t the %rtist /%y li,e to go to or
purch%se ite/s (ro/- S%y (or inst%nce the %rtist #%s % !int%ge guit%r collector %nd there is such %
pl%ce in to#n on th%t stop o( the tour, heJd #%nt to ,no# %bout it : e!en i( he ne!er #ent there-
So p%rt o( the Buit%r $echJs gig is being %n in(or/%tion center %s #ell in /%ny c%ses- nother
%spect is /%,ing sure th%t supplies %re stoc,ed (or the %rtist such %s custo/ pic,s, c%bles, strings,
guit%rs, etc- the tour #ill p%y (or s%id ite/s i( needed by the %rtist1 but itJs up to the tech to order
the/ %nd co-ordin%te the deli!ery #ith the $our @%n%gerFProduction ?((ice in order to %rr%nge
(or % deli!ery o( the/- 6( you order strings (ro/ >l%c, Ci%/ond #hen you %re in $uls%,
?,l%ho/%, youJd better %rr%nge to h%!e the/ shipped to your 8%sh!ille, $ennessee stop 2 #ee,s
l%ter- MP-%nd you thought %ll % Buit%r $ech did #%s (i0 ge%rDD ?,- 8ot .?', but so/e o( you
re%ding this %rticle did- ConJt lie-N
$here is % lot o( good %nd b%d to %ny 3ob, including being % Buit%r $ech- 6t c%n %lso be one o( the
/ost re#%rding c%reers, but %lso one o( the h%rdest to get into- 6tJs not li,e you c%n #or, (or
so/e co/p%ny %nd l%nd % gig doing it- 6tJs #ord o( /outh, e0perience, %nd % #hole sle# o( other
things %s #ell- $rue- $here is no Hone #%y to get the gigI (or %nything in the /usic business, but
#or,ing %s % Buit%r $ech, $our @%n%ger or %nyone else #ho de%ls directly #ith the %rtists, is %
(%r cry (ro/ %n entry-le!el gig- Me!en i( you did 3ust gr%du%te (ro/ so/e /usic production
school or #h%tnot-N E!er gig in this business is di((erent- 8o t#o techs do the s%/e e0%ct thing-
$he gig is de(ined by the tour, the %rtist youJre #or,ing (or, the ge%r, e!erything- ?ne thing is
co//on though bet#een %ll b%c,line techs& $he gig is not (or the shy or (%int o( he%rt- 6( you
h%!e st%ge (right %nd c%nJt #%l, out on %n %ren% st%ge in (ront o( 20,000 people, then this gig
prob%bly isnJt (or you- 6( you c%nJt de%l #ith the people s,ills, HFlu((y >e%rsI or egos, (orget it %s
#ell- .ou h%!e to be le!el he%ded, c%l, cool, collected, %nd %ble to /%,e decisions so/eti/es %t
% /o/entJs notice to s%!e % song, % sho#, etc- Eec,, you /%y e!en h%!e to pl%yDD M-emember
when James Eetfield got burned by the pyrotechnics in 5anada years ago7 !t Iwas John
0arshall, his tech who took over playing for him while James 3ust sang.)
$here %re so/e Buit%r $ech gigs th%t %re e%sier th%n others, but none %re e%sy in %nd o(
the/sel!es- Eec,, the /ere (%ct th%t in e!ery to#n you get %s,ed HEey /%nPc%n 6 get so/e
pic,sAI (ro/ e!ery st%geh%ndPis %lone enough to dri!e so/eone /%d-, 6J!e %s,ed Buit%r
$echs (or pic,s %nd been %s,ed by the/ %nd (%ns %s #ell-N 6tJs 3ust p%r (or the course-
6Jll le%!e this %rticle #ith one being o( so/e#h%t technic%l %d!ice bec%use 6 see it h%ppening %ll
too o(ten in the clubs %round to#n #ith !%rious loc%l b%ndsP-
1N Pl%y in tune- 8o /%tter ho# good you %re, i( you %re out o( tune- .ou suc,- Cre%/ $he%ter
could be out o( tune %nd guess #h%tA $heyJd suc, : e!en though they %re %ll gre%t /usici%ns-, 6 lo!e the b%ndJs /usic, so no, not h%c,ing on the/- Gust /%,ing % point th%t e!en the best
/usici%nsJ sound li,e doo doo #hen they %re out o( tune-N
2N 6n order (or S1 to h%ppen, do not ,eep your guit%rs in %nother roo/ o(( st%ge %nd the/ bring
the/ on right be(ore you pl%y- Store the/ on the st%ge itsel(- Leep the/ %#%y (ro/ %ny open
Page +3
door#%ys, %ir ducts, or other dr%(ty %re%s- $he te/per%ture di((erenti%l c%uses the #ood to
e0p%nd %nd shrin,, %lbeit e!er so slightly, itJs i/possible to tune % guit%r #ith the #ood in (lu0-
3N E%!e % guit%r properly setup by % <uthier or Buit%r $ech #ill cert%inly help #ith S1, but not
#ith S2-
lrightPno# 6 h%!e to go restring so/e guit%rs- $h%tJs %ll (or this /onth-
1 >%c,line : $he Hge%rI such %s guit%rs, b%sses, %/ps, e((ect ped%ls, #ires etc-
2 $echs : $echnici%ns- $hose #hop #or, on the b%c,line ge%r-
3 P-6-$- Q P%in 6n $he hhhhh you (igure out the HI
%e7t month, -a(ysitting 8ops# : mean Tour 4anagement
d!ice o( the /onth& 6( you %re pl%ying outdoors, sh%ring /icrophones, etc %nd you #%nt to
%!oid /oisture Mor beer bre%theN on your !oc%l /ic, pl%ce % !ery thin pl%in condo/ o!er it- @%,e
sure there %renJt %ny che/ic%ls or %nything in it (irst- Could %lso be used o!er guit%r /ics in %n
outdoor situ%tion %s #ell-
Ba)y(itting %o'(* . mean $our -anagement
<%st /onth 6 co!ered Buit%r $echnici%ns %nd ho# it %ll rel%tes into people s,ills, not letting the
/usici%n thin,, etc, %nd %ll o( th%t %pplies to the $our @%n%ge/ent 3ob %s #ell- Eope(ully you
re%d l%st /onthJs colu/n since 6 #onJt be repe%ting those p%rts in this one- 6 h%!e to /%,e sure
youJre p%ying %ttention %(ter %ll, rightA 1N
>eing % $our @%n%ger in!ol!es /%ny di((erent person%l ; business s,ills (ro/ %ccounting,
in!entory, gener%l o((ice, /edi%tor, %nd b%sic%lly being the b%bysitter o( e!erything %nd
e!eryone %ll the ti/e %nd %ll %t once- MSounds li,e (un being %t the top o( the touring pyr%/id
doesnJt itAN .ou %re responsible (or e!erything %nd e!eryone %ll the ti/e, reg%rdless o( #ho
/essed up1 it %ll e!entu%lly le%ds b%c, to you %s the $@ %nd itJs %ll entirely your (%ult %t the end
o( the d%y-
s % $@, you #e%r /%ny h%ts %nd o(ten ti/es %ll %t once1 there(ore % person doing the $@ gig
h%s to not only h%!e ,no#ledge o( /%ny di((erent %re%s o( the /usic business %nd s,ills
the/sel!es1 but he or she should %lso %#%re o( the s,ills his or her cre# people h%!e- Gust li,e the
Buit%r $ech %rticle o( l%st /onth, the $@Js gig %lso !%ries (ro/ %rtist to %rtist %nd tour to tour-
>y no# you should underst%nd th%t the stress %nd responsibility o( being % $@ c%n be
%strono/ic%l co/p%red to /%ny other 3obs in the /usic business1 but it c%n %lso be one o( the
/ost re#%rding %s #ell- So #hile 6 c%nJt gi!e you e%ch %nd e!erything % $@ doesP- (remember,
it all depends on the artist andJor tour you are working for6 and that all varies every time, so<) 6
c%n pro!ide % good gener%li7ed outline o( so/e o( only % (e# things th%t % $@ does due to ti/e
%nd sp%ce constr%ints- M6tJs %n %rticle, not % boo, on the sub3ect-N Cert%inly e%ch o( these %re%s
could be %n %rticle Mor ch%pter o( % boo,N the/sel!es-
Page +4
Advancing The Sho+
"hen % sho# is boo,ed !i% % boo,ing %gentF%gency, they #ill go o!er the ter/s %nd conditions
o( the boo,ing contr%ct M%nd %tt%ched rider contr%cts #hich co!er !%rious %re%s li,e technic%l,
c%tering, tr%!el, hotel %cco//od%tions, security, etcN #ith the pro/oterFbuyer o( the e!ent %t th%t
ti/e- Since this is o(ten ti/es done /onths in %d!%nce, the $@ #ill (ollo# up #ith the
pro/oterFbuyer o( the e!ent 2-* d%ys be(ore the sho#Js %ctu%l d%te to /%,e sure e!erything is in
order by going o!er e!erything once /ore %t th%t ti/e $he ter/ (or this is H%d!%ncing the sho#I-
?(ten ti/es things #ill ch%nge bet#een the ti/e the sho# #%s boo,ed %nd #h%t h%ppens on the
%ctu%l d%y o( the sho# itsel(- So/e things such %s lo%d-in ti/es c%nJt be pl%nned (or /onths in
%d!%nce #hen the sho# #%s boo,ed- ?(ten ti/es things li,e th%t need to be %d!%nced closer to
the sho#Js d%te by the people #ho %re going to be there, li,e the $@-
-us and &river
$he $@ is the person #ho /ust p%y the dri!er his d%y r%te, plus %ny o!er-dri!es Mti/e spent
dri!ing o!er % cert%in %/ount o( hoursF/ilesN- $he $@ /ust %lso p%y the dri!er % #ee,ly (ee to
cle%n the bus e%ch #ee, %s o(ten %s need be M1-20 usu%lly : including #%shing beddingN et
Sho+ Pay and Per &iem 5as +ell as receipts6
6tJs the $@ once %g%in #ho /ust /%,e sure the /oney (or the sho# is collected be(ore the b%nd
goes on-st%ge $he $@ /ust %lso /%,e sure th%t e%ch person on the tour Mb%nd %nd cre#N gets his
or her #ee,ly per die/ M<%tin (or HPer C%yIN /oney %s #ell- 'su%lly the HPCI is %n %/ount th%t
is on top o( %nd not included in the s%l%ry p%y e%ch person gets %s #ell- ?( course there %re
e0penses on the ro%d, %nd these /ust be h%ndled on % d%ily b%sis- $he $@ Munless itJs % huge
tour th%t h%s %ccount%nts on the ro%d #ith the/N b%l%nces the inco/e !erses e0penses MreceiptsN-
$he $@ then t%,es %ny le(t o!er /oney %nd %dds it to the ne0t d%yJs /onies- So i( on d%y 1 the
b%nd /%,es T9,000 %nd there is T2,000 in e0penses, T3,000 is le(t o!er- C%y 2 %nother T9,000
co/es in, %dd the pre!ious d%ys T3,000 (or % tot%l o( TK,000- 8o# %dd in C%y 2Js e0pensesP-
etc .ou get the ide%- ?b!iously this is % !ery gener%l outline %nd 6 c%nJt %((ord to go into gre%t
det%il in this %rticle, but perh%ps in the (uture-
?( course you c%nJt be rolling %round #ith tons o( c%sh, so it /ust be #ired b%c, to the record
l%bel or business %gentJs o((iceFb%n, %ccount- M"h%te!er the (in%nci%l institution the business
uses-N, b%nds %re % businessP-%t le%st %t th%t le!el they de(initely %re-N
Promoters# Runners# Production 8''ice
$he $@ %nd the Production ?((ice is the center o( the #orld #hen it co/es to % tour Me!en %t the
club le!el, not 3ust %ren%s-N 6tJs here th%t business is h%ndled by the $@ %nd his or her st%(( on %
d%ily b%sis- 6( so/eone needs so/ething, they c%n usu%lly put it on % list M%nd i( itJs % person%l
ite/ not (or the tour, pro!ide /oney (or itN, %nd the $@FProduction ?((ice #ill send % runner out
to get it %long #ith % list o( other things %s #ell- P%c,%ge c%/e inA 8eed one going outA 8eed to
get tic,ets %nd @eet ; Breet P%ssesA 8eed b%tteriesA ll o( this %nd /ore goes through the
$@FProduction ?((ice-
Page +9
Cou;re H:RI& 5or *:RI&JJ6
6( you thin, Con%ld $ru/p h%s (ired % ton o( people, you need to t%l, to % $@- Re/e/ber the
#hole Hresponsible (or e!erythingI st%te/entA $he $@ is %lso Mgener%lly, but not %l#%ysN
responsible (or the hiring %nd (iring o( cre# /e/bers such %s b%c,line techs, Ps MPerson%l
ssist%ntsN, heFshe c%n send ho/e soundFlightning cre#, %nd pretty /uch e!eryone else e0cept
(or the b%nd /e/bers the/sel!es-
6( it see/s li,e % lot o( o((ice #or,, de%ling #ith nu/bers, /oney, supplies %nd people, youJre
right- 6t is- $h%tJs 3ust % re%lly rough description o( the 3ob li,e 6 s%id, bec%use there is so /uch
%bout the $@ gig th%t is so di((erent (ro/ % Hnor/%l o((ice 3obI th%t itJs not e!en (unny- "h%t i(
the le%d singer le(t so/ething o( i/port%nce in %nother cityA E!en i( itJs % luc,y h%t or so/ething
li,e th%t, you need to %rr%nge to get it b%c, i( it c%nJt be repl%ced- 6/%gine the cr%7iest thing you
c%n, %nd in so/e %spect, it prob%bly h%ppened #ith so/e b%nd so/e#here, to so/e degree- 6J/
sure th%t so/e#here out there, so/e $@ h%d to %rr%nge (or so/e b%nd /e/berJs property o(
so/e sot to be returned by so/e groupie be(ore his #i(e (ound it #%s gone- @%ybe the $@ h%d
to help the b%nd /e/ber (ind so/e H/edicineI 1N or t%,e phone c%lls to s%y th%t HEeJs in sound
chec,I #hen in (%ct the guit%rist is #ith % H(riendI (or % bit in the b%c, o( the bus-
>eing the $@ c%n be !ery re#%rding not only (in%nci%lly, but %lso M%nd /ore i/port%ntlyN on %
person%l le!el %s #ell- 6( you e!er #%nted to be the c%pt%in o( the roc, %nd roll ship, this is the
3ob to h%!e- 6tJs cert%inly not one o( the e%siest to do or get, but it is one o( the best to h%!e, in
/y opinion-
%e7t month, Promoters and -uyers
d!ice o( the /onth& <onge!ity b%c,ed #ith the proper %ction %nd sound business decisions is
one o( the secrets to this business-
$he Future %f $he -u(ic .ndu(try ..
Eello %ll- 6J!e decided to ch%nge it this /onth- 6 #%s going to #rite %bout HPro/oters %nd
>uyersI1 but inste%d decided to /%,e it H$he Future ?( $he @usic 6ndustry 66I, %s %n upd%te to
the origin%l H$he Future ?( $he @usic 6ndustryI %rticle th%t %ppe%red in 8ite$i/es @%g%7ine in
Cece/ber 2004-
6Jd li,e to %ddress so/e o( the things 6 s%id in the Cece/ber 2004 %rticle %nd rec%p the/ #ith %n
upd%ted !ie#point, thus continuing the thought progression 6 h%!e on this sub3ect o( the (uture o(
the /usic business- Forgi!e /e (or 5uoting /ysel(1 %nd o( course this entire piece is strictly /y
opinion %nd !ie#point on the topic- .ours /%y di((er-
=/hat the "a)e"( mu(t do i( find a way to (e"" (omething that cannot )e du'"icated+
Page ++
Re%d th%t line %bo!e %g%in- 6tJs short, but !ery i/port%nt- 6( you h%!e % product th%t c%nnot be
duplic%ted %nd c%n only be obt%ined (ro/ you, then %nyone th%t #%nts th%t product /ust co/e to
you to get it- $he l%bels h%d th%t in one (or/%t& Mrecorded /usicN %nd lost it- 8o#, they /ust
reg%in it, in % di((erent #%y MtouringN-I
6tJs 1 ye%r %nd 9 /onths, %l/ost % ye%r %nd % h%l( l%ter, since 6 #rote those #ords- $he /usic
industry h%s S$6<< not (ound the %ns#er1 or (or th%t /%tter e!en /%de one step to#%rds (inding
% #%y to stop /usic pir%cy- 6nste%d, the old business /odel is still trying to be %pplied1 %long
#ith %sinine l%#suits by % cert%in /usic entity th%t is suing people (or do#nlo%ding cert%in types
o( (iles- MEey 6 donJt #%nt to get sued (or sl%//ing the/ or %nything-N <i,e 6 s%id then, 6Jll s%y it
%g%in no#, the s%/e technology th%t is % blessing is %lso % curse to the /usic business-
6t used to be th%t you toured to support the recording, but no# 6 belie!e th%t you /ust /%,e the
recording support the tour- $ouring h%s to beco/e the /%inst%y o( the /usic business %nd the
/%3or inco/e gener%tor since s%les o( recorded /usic %renJt cre%ting the inco/e M%nd pro(itsN
li,e it used to- $he proble/ #ith this is th%t %ll o( the (ees %nd #h%tnot on tic,et prices /%,e it
h%rd (or people to go to % sho#, or /%ny sho#s- 6J!e he%rd th%t so/e record contr%cts no# t%,e %
piece o( the pie on tic,et s%les %nd /erch%ndise to /%,e up (or the lost s%les inco/e %nd pro(its
(ro/ recordings- $his o( course cre%tes higher tic,et prices %nd (orces %n %lre%dy s,y-high tic,et
price to shoot up e!en (urther- 6tJs re%lly r%ther sel(-de(e%ting- Perh%ps %rtists #ill h%!e to pl%y
s/%ller !enues (or less /oney /ore o(ten th%n l%rger !enues #ith tons o( toys- So/ething /ust
be done to /%,e e!erything b%l%nce out- g%in, these thoughts %re %ll 3ust /y o#n opinion- 6
cert%inly donJt cl%i/ to ,no# or h%!e the %ns#ers- 6 3ust %s, the 5uestions bec%use /%ybe
together, #e c%n so/eho# (ind it together-
Eere is so/e /ore o( #h%t 6 s%id in th%t %rticle&
8The labels probably view the !nternet and downloading like a 4andora%s boH that was opened
due to technology. The record labels along with everyone else didn%t understand what was let
out into the orld. &ow the labels and recording industry are trying to stop a gaping wound
with a band2aid. They see it as a profit draining problem rather than an opportunity to change
their business format and related strategies.:
@%ybe they #ill (igure out th%t technology isnJt going %#%y %ny ti/e soon, i( %t %ll- Running %
business #ith your he%d in the s%nd li,e %n ostrich isnJt % sound decision-
>%nds %t %ll le!els %re e/br%cing technology (ull (orce- So #hy %renJt the l%belsA 6nste%d o(
(ighting do#nlo%ding, perh%ps they should thin, outside the bo0- (9k, they will never get those
lost profits and monies back from lost revenue due to downloading6 and yes, there are also all
sorts of copyright infringement and royalties issues going on as well.) $here %re /%ny proble/s
#ith do#nlo%ding, e!en %s si/ple %s tr%c,ing ho# popul%r % song, CC or %rtist is- Since there
%renJt s%les, th%t in(o c%nJt be tr%c,ed %s e%sily, i( %t %ll %ccur%tely-
6 (or one do not do#nlo%d /usic %nd !ideos illeg%lly bec%use o( the leg%l issues in!ol!ed-
Eo#e!er, 6 lo!e the (%ct th%t due to the 6nternet #e /%y no# he%r /usic th%t #e /%y h%!e ne!er
e!er other#ise he%rd- $he /usic industry needs to see ho# /p3s, @ySp%ce, (ile sh%ring,
Page +*
/ess%ge bo%rds %nd so (orth c%n be used to %n %d!%nt%ge- (;es, ! know many businesses within
the music industry use technology6 but how many of them really embrace it and see its potential7
Eow many of them have the depth of vision and clarity of mine, combined with focus to see what
could possibly be a very bright and diverse future in music7)
6 donJt thin, th%t the l%bels #ill /%,e %s /uch /oney Mor (or th%t /%tter /%ny peopleFco/p%nies
in this businessN %s they used to- $he /usic business #ill sur!i!e, but %t % s/%ller, le%ner %nd
/e%ner le!el th%n be(ore- t le%st th%tJs ho# 6 see it- 6 could be co/plete right, #rong, or
so/e#here in the /iddle- "ho ,no#s- 6tJs %n interesting sub3ect %nd so/ething 6 try to #%tch-
@%ybe 6 3ust thin, too /uch- .ou thin,A 6Jll h%!e to ponder th%t one-
8They are too worried about losing money rather than focusing on changing their outdated
business model and staying in business.:
$his is 5uite %pp%rent no# %s it #%s then- ]uite (r%n,ly, 6 see the proble/ o( do#nlo%ding %nd
technology is % losing b%ttle (or the industry, li,e 6 s%id- "h%t they try to secure #ill only be
de(e%ted %nd it #ill end up %n ongoing endless b%ttle o( t#o di((erent sidesP those #ho #%nt to
secure /usic %nd those #ho #%nt to (ree it- 6tJs strictly % business to /%ny people- Pure %nd
si/ple- @usic is the product %nd the s%le o( it /%,es the industry %ble to e0ist- @oney is the oil
o( the /usic /%,ing %nd selling /%chine- "ithout it, the ge%rs ce%se to turn %nd e!erything
co/es to % cr%shing stop-
=5ertainly the best way to reach the most people is through recorded music, it still is. Eowever,
for the labels, making tons of money from recorded music, that%s the past. Business strategies
have to change because the business itself has changed due to technology and the marketplace.
Just the like the dinosaurs that couldn%t or wouldn%t adapt, the labels too will die unless they
adapt and change. They must realiGe many of the points !%ve made within this article if they are
going to survive. To adapt, they must change their attitude, goals, and the way they do business.
0usic may not be as profitable as it once was for anyone. ("$?4KK)>
"ell, in /y /ind, those #ords %re still %s true tod%y %s they #ere #hen 6 #rote the/, i( not /ore
so- Eere #e %re %ll this ti/e l%ter, %nd still nothing h%s re%lly ch%nged- 6n the 1)K0Js #e h%d the
#hole HE%ir @et%lI thing going on, (ollo#ed by IBrungeI in the e%rly 1))0Js1 #hich in turn #%s
succeeded by the #hole 8u @et%l thing- $o /e, the #hole 8u @et%l genre ne!er re%lly too, o((
5uite to the degree the other t#o genres did- 8either h%s there re%lly been % huge #%!e o(
Hso/ething ne#I in the /usic scene since the #hole HBrungeI thing too, o(( #%y b%c, #hen-
@usic to /e h%s re%lly st%gn%ted in the sense th%t there h%snJt been Hthe ne0t big thingI since
Brunge- $here h%snJt been %nything /%3or Min /y /indN li,e th%t %t %ll- Eo#e!er, there h%s been
% ton /ore di!ersity o( ne# %nd di((erent types o( %cts %nd /usic th%t #ould h%!e ne!er been
he%rd, but no# c%n be bec%use o( technology li,e /p3s %nd the 6nternet- 6n th%t #%y, /usic is (%r
/ore di!erse th%n 6 h%!e e!er seen it- 6n th%t #%y, /usic is the l%rgest it h%s e!er been- ?nly
s%les %re do#n- ?dd isnJt itA @ore di!ersity but less pro(its-
$he 5uestion is, ho# do #e c%pit%li7e on th%t di!ersity in such % !ol%tile %nd unpredict%ble
/%r,etpl%ce %s /usicA Eo# do #e %s %n industry /%,e the double-edged s#ord o( technology
#or, (or us inste%d o( %g%inst usA $h%t is #h%t #e %s %n industry /ust (igure out-
Page +K
6 cert%inly do not %d!oc%te so/e o( the things th%t h%!e gone on li,e %rtists h%!ing to gi!e up
p%rt o( their tic,et s%les %ndFor /erch%ndising to the record l%bels bec%use their contr%cts- 6( the
l%bels re(use to shrin, #ith the rest o( the industry %nd de/%nd their s%/e nu/bers no# li,e the
ones they h%d ye%rs %go, %long #ith trying to ensure those nu/bers by /il,ing /oney (ro/ %ny
%re% they c%n to co/pens%te (or the lost record s%lesP-- e!entu%lly things #ill i/plode- "hen
the l%bels c%nJt s5uee7e %nother penny (ro/ %ny#here, they #ill si/ply s%y H?h #ell- "e got
#h%t #e could- <etJs (ile b%n,ruptcy %nd b%il out-I $hen #h%t h%ppens to %ll o( those %rtists
#hen the industry i/plodes on itsel(A E%sy- 6t gets s/%ller, /e%ner, le%ner, %nd things #ill sh%,e
out1 but in #h%t #%y th%t #ill be, 6J/ not sure o(-
6 ,no# th%t so/e people thin, %nd s%y th%t the /%3or l%bels %renJt needed %ny/ore or %renJt %s
i/port%nt %s they once #ere, %nd th%t you c%n do it yoursel( MC-6-.-N, but re%lly, i( it #%s th%t
e%sy to do %nd be success(ul %t, #ouldnJt /ore independent unsigned %rtists be doing itA "h%t
/%ny people (%il to underst%nd is th%t the /%3or l%bels %lso help (und the s/%ller subsidi%ry
l%bels- lso the (%ct th%t cert%in genres li,e Roc,F@et%l, Eip EopFR;>, Country, $op 40 %nd the
>lues help (in%nce other s/%ller genres o( /usic th%t donJt sell %s /%ny CCs-
6tJs /y hope th%t people %spire to be truly di((erent %nd set trends, not (ollo# the/- Record
l%bels %re %(r%id to e0p%nd their /ind %nd business /odel to thin, %nd #or, outside con!ention%l
thin,ing- So/eone /ust set % ne# trend %nd (orge % ne# p%th (or the industry to (ollo#- "ho
th%t #ill be, #hen %nd ho#, th%t 6 donJt ,no#- 6 do ,no# th%t itJs !ery (rustr%ting (or /e to sit
here %nd h%!e %n opinion on #h%t 6 thin, should be done, #h%t /ust be done, but not h%!e the
slightest ide% on ho# to do it- $he l%st ti/e 6 h%d th%t proble/ #%s in 1)K1 #hen 6 #%s in high
school thin,ing %bout co/puters s%ying to /ysel( Hi( they could 3ust be e%sier to use %nd t%l, to
e%ch other, this thing #ould be hugeI 6 ,ne# #h%t needed to be done, yet l%c,ed the ,no#ledge
on ho# to do it- 6t #%s 3ust %s (rustr%ting then #ith th%t situ%tion %nd co/puters %s it is (or /e
no# #ith the /usic business %nd #h%t direction it /ust t%,e ne0t- $hen, %s no#, 6 h%d the depth
o( !ision, but in both ti/es, 6 l%c,ed the cl%rity o( !ision to see #here to go %nd ho# to get there-
'nless so/ething dr%stic%lly ch%nges, things #ill 3ust st%y the s%/e %s they h%!e been (or % long
ti/e- <i,e e!eryone else, 6 3ust #ish 6 ,ne# #h%t to do to i/pro!e the industry (or e!eryone in it-
6 %lso #ish th%t /ore people #ould %s, these 5uestions %nd ponder this topic- @%ybe so/e do,
but 6 thin, /%ny people donJt consider such things Mor consider the/ deeplyN 6( so/eone out
there h%s (igure it out, ple%se %ct on it %nd sh%re it #ith the rest o( us-
%e7t month, 8ur -and &eserves 4ore 4oneyJJJJ
d!ice o( the /onth& ConJt cup the /icrophone %nd donJt bend do#n ne%r the /onitor #edge-
S%d, but 6J!e seen both done #%y too o(ten- Monce is too /uch-N
%ur Band 2e(er,e( -ore -oney@@@@
Page +)
Such % si/ple 5uestion to % st%te/ent e!ery b%nd or /usici%n /%,es %t one ti/e or %nother1 %nd
yet ho# /%ny b%ndsF/usici%ns c%n honestly %ns#er th%t 5uestion #ith the (%cts %nd proo( to
b%c, it up %s to "E. they %re #orth /ore /oney th%n the ne0t b%nd isA 8o# (ro/ % strictly
%rtistic point-o(-!ie#, #h%t % b%nd is #orth /usic%lly, #hether they %re good or not %s
/usici%ns, song#riters, or % b%nd, th%tJs %ll sub3ecti!e %nd due to oneJs o#n person%l opinion-
>%nd HI isnJt %ny better th%n >%nd H>I in th%t line o( thought1 yet itJs in this %re% th%t ))O o(
%ll %rgu/ents occur #hen discussing #hich b%nd, song, /usici%n, etc is better th%n %nother- 6tJs
re%lly pointless to %rgue o!er such % sub3ecti!e thing %s li,esFdisli,es1 %s they %re %ll 3ust person%l
pre(erence %nd opinion-
Eo#e!er, #h%t % b%nd is #orth #hen it co/es to the botto/ line o( inco/e %nd pro(it, th%t is %
purely ob3ecti!e %re% th%t is b%sed on cold h%rd c%sh %nd the (%cts thereo(- $here is no roo/ (or
deb%ting #hich b%nd is better th%n %nother (ro/ % purely (in%nci%l point-o(-!ie# #hen you
co/p%re the botto/ line o( e%ch one- 6 ,no# it sounds cold, but re/e/ber, itJs /usic
>'S68ESS, not /usic FR6E8CS-
$o (urther /y point !i% e0%/ple, 6( you loo, %t it (ro/ strictly % businessF(in%nci%l point o( !ie#,
i( you h%!e 2 (rogs on-st%ge %nd they gener%te /ore inco/e (or the b%r o#ner th%n your (%!orite
%rtist did, then %ccording to the botto/ line, the 2 (rogs %re % better b%nd e!en though not % single
note #%s pl%yed- lso guess #hich one #ill get hired b%c, %g%inA $he 2 (rogs, o( course-
Ch%nces %re th%t i( the 2 (rogs continue to gener%te % lot o( /oney (or the b%r o#nerFpro/oter
!erses other %cts, then the 2 (rogs #ill be %ble to %s, M%nd getN /ore /oney, /ore per,s, etc th%n
the others #ill- C%n you s%y ribbit ribbitA 1N
<i,e %ny 3ob, you %re only %s !%lued %s the %/ount o( pro(it th%t you gener%te (or the e/ployer-
6n this c%se, e0ch%nge the #ords He/ployeeI (or Hb%ndI %nd He/ployerI (or Hb%r o#nerI or
Hpro/oterI1 %nd itJs the s%/e e0%ct concept o( /oney %nd pro(it- 6( youJre one o( the top pro(it
/%,ing b%nds (or % !enue, there is pretty /uch nothing you c%nJt %s, (or th%t you #onJt get- Mll
o( this is #ithin re%son o( course- HRe%sonI being rel%ti!e to 3ust ho# /uch /oney %nd pro(it #e
%re t%l,ing %bout too-N
6( your b%nd c%nJt e!en gener%te the %/ount o( /oney (or the !enue to bre%, e!en th%t night,
then #hy should they p%y youA Gust (or the honor o( h%!ing your b%nd th%t c%nJt dr%# pl%ying
their !enueA 6 donJt thin, so- "e %ll h%!e to e%rn our ,eep in this business- >re%,ing e!en is nice
(or the b%r, %nd itJs cert%inly better th%n losing /oney, but letJs be re%listic, they hired your b%nd
bec%use they #%nt to not only incre%se the dr%# to their !enue, but %lso their botto/ line %s #ell-
.ou %nd your b%nd /%y not be Hin it (or the /oneyI bec%use you %re H%rtistsI, bl%h- "h%te!er-
Re%lity Chec, $i/e& $he b%r o#ner hired you to incre%se dr%# %nd inco/e (or hi/ %nd his
business, not bec%use he li,es you, your b%nd, your /usic, or %nything else %bout you : other
th%n ho# /uch you c%n /%,e his till ring out %t the end o( the night- $he re%l ,ic,er is #hen
so/e loc%l b%nds #%nt HBu%r%nteesI %nd HContr%ctsI- .ou #%nt those thingsA E%rn the/ li,e
e!eryone else does- "h%t c%n your b%nd gu%r%ntee the b%r o#nerA C%n your b%nd gu%r%ntee to
gener%te enough inco/e to co!er the e0pense o( the gu%r%ntee you #%nt to get p%idA
Page *0
?,- 6J!e be%t the de%d horse enough %nd hope(ully e!eryone gets #h%t 6J/ s%ying here- So th%t
brings /e to the ne0t p%rt %nd 5uestion o( HEo# does /y b%nd get to be %s good %s these 2
pro!erbi%l (rogs o( #hich you spe%,A Eo# do #e do this %nd /%,e this #or, (or usAI
First %nd (ore/ost, %nd this rel%tes b%c, to one o( /y e%rlier %rticles reg%rding %ttitude& Ch%nge
yours- 6nste%d o( thin,ing H"e got W %/ount o( people in the door %nd sold W %/ount o( CCs,
shirts, etc, so #eJre gre%t stu(( no#-I 6nste%d, letJs loo, %t it this #%y& HEo# /uch /oney c%n 6
/%,e the b%r o#nerFpro/oter %nd #h%t %re the best #%ys possible to not only incre%se the dr%#,
but /ore i/port%ntly the s%les o( (ood, li5uor %nd o( course our o#n /erch%ndise %s #ellAI <i,e
%ny business, your b%nd too /ust not only bre%,e!en but %lso /%,e % pro(it- ttitude is re%lly the
(irst step o( %nything, %nd h%!ing the right one /%tters /ost- ?ne you h%!e th%t, youJll hope(ully
/%,e the right decisions %nd %ppropri%te %ctions in line #ith s%id %ttitude-
6( your b%nd c%n incre%se not only the nu/ber o( people through the door Mgood (or st%rtersN, but
you c%n %lso incre%se (ood %nd li5uor s%les M#here the b%r re%lly /%,es its /oney %tN 8C you
c%n pro!e th%t, then th%t is one step in your b%nd /%,ing /ore /oney- Betting people through
the door helps, but the b%r re%lly doesnJt /%,e the ,ind o( /oney it needs 3ust (ro/ th%t %lone-
<i,e#ise #ith /erch%ndise s%les, th%tJs good (or your b%nd, but unli,e n%tion%l %cts, the house
M!enueFpro/oterN doesnJt usu%lly get % cut b%sed on % percent%ge o( those tot%l s%les1 so (ood %nd
li5uor s%les %re the /ost i/port%nt (or the b%r- Since no b%r o#ner is going to tell you e0%ct s%les
o( the night (or beerFli5uor ; (ood, you should h%!e so/eone you c%n trust to #%tch ho# /uch
%nd #h%t people %re purch%sing- ?nce you h%!e th%t in(o Mthey should #rite it do#n into
c%tegories o( >eer-$%p, >eer->r%nd, <i5uor-Shots, <i5uor-@i0ed, Food, etcN then you c%n st%rt
to h%!e so/e sort o( indic%tor o( your !%lue to the b%r-
?b!iously h%!ing e0%ct nu/bers (or %ll o( these things right (ro/ the b%r o#ner #ould be nice,
but they %renJt going to gi!e those up, so this is the ne0t best thing- 6( the b%r o#ner re%li7es you
%re tr%c,ing such things, especi%lly i( you %re re%lly close to the nu/bers e%ch ti/e you pl%y the
!enue, %t the !ery le%st it #ill tell hi/ youJre % re%l pl%yer in the g%/e o( business, %nd not 3ust %
hobbyist- "hen people cross their H$JsI %nd dot their 6Js&, other people %re less li,ely to scre#
#ith the/ or their /oney- So to begin this process, %s, yoursel( 5uestions li,e these& re they
drin,ing beerA "h%t ,indA $%psA E0pensi!e stu(( or the s#illA re they drin,ing r%il drin,s or
the top shel( stu((A @i0ed or str%ightA Eo# /uch %re they spending per person %nd #h%t ,ind o(
drin,s o!er%ll does your cro#d doA re they /%inly beer or li5uor drin,ersA re they /ostly
/en or #o/en in the %udienceA "h%t %ge group does your %udience /ostly co/prise o(A ll o(
these things %re good pieces o( in(or/%tion to ,no# %nd loo, (or- 6t #ill help you de(ine your
t%rget /%r,et, your %udienceFclient b%se- Lno#ing these things #ill not only help you /%r,et
yoursel( to the ,ind o( b%rsF!enues th%t your t%rget /%r,et #ill go to1 but it #ill sep%r%te the
serious b%nds (ro/ the hobbyists- "hen you re%d %ll o( this did you go H$h%tJs % good ide%DDI or
did you thin,, H$h%tJs too /uch #or,- 8ot necess%ryI etcA 6( you thin, itJs too /uch #or, %nd
isnJt #orth it, 6 %s, you this& 6s #h%t you %re doing no# e((ecti!e in incre%sing or decre%sing the
o!er%ll success o( your b%nd on % (in%nci%l le!elA
6( you %re % hobbyist %nd donJt c%re #hether you or the person hiring you /%,es /oney or not,
donJt be surprised i( you (ind yoursel( pl%ying to 10 people on % @ond%y or $uesd%y night %t
so/e hole in the #%ll club- "hen you use up the !%lu%ble re%l est%te o( % st%ge %nd % night in %
Page *1
!enue, you %re on so/eone elseJs di/e- "hy should the b%r o#nerFpro/oter p%y (or your o#n
little pri!%te p%rtyA $h%t sound, light, electricity, he%t, %nd FC %ll costs /oney out o( the b%r
o#ners poc,etboo,- Ee Mr%ther his businessN is p%ying (or it, not you- g%in, itJs %ttitude th%t
re%lly is the (ound%tion o( e!erything- 6( 6 #%s % b%r o#ner %nd % b%nd didnJt dr%# %(ter so /%ny
ti/es, 6 #ouldnJt hire the/ b%c,- 6tJs % business, not % ch%rity-
For the record, it is h%rd to co/pete #ith technology to get people o(( their couch %nd into the
b%rs to see % b%nd- 6Jll concede th%t it is /uch h%rder tod%y th%n 20 ye%rs %go, but it c%n still be
done- .ou 3ust h%!e to gi!e the/ % re%son to go see your b%nd %nd %t th%t !enue- For this re%son,
6 %lso s%y th%t the b%rs /ust %lso #or, %t h%!ing % co/petiti!e /indset these d%ys % lot th%n they
did in the p%st dec%des- Eigh Speed 6nternet connections %t ho/e, B%/e St%tions, C%ble $=,
S%tellite $=, %ll contribute to the cocooning o( /eric%- dd on top o( this, incre%sed C'6
en(orce/ent %nd pen%lties, %nd you c%n cert%inly underst%nd ho# things %re tougher (or b%nds
%nd b%rs %li,e- 6t c%n be done though- >urns!ille h%s one o( the best !enues %round #ith gre%t
drin, speci%ls to the point #here the pl%ce is % regul%r hot spot (or b%nds %nd (%ns %li,e,
Pri/e$i/e- ($uthor%s &ote' 4rimeTime, a local venue, is now defunct.) $he b%nds they h%!e %re
est%blished loc%l %nd n%tion%l %cts1 %nd co/bine th%t #ith the speci%ls, itJs % good /i0- 6( you
h%!e % gre%t b%nd in % b%d !enue, or % gre%t !enue #ith % b%d b%nd, itJs not so gre%t- lot o( the
b%nds %nd /usici%ns 6 %/ trying to re%ch #ith this %rticle %re those in the %ll-origin%l scene1
#hich %s #e %ll ,no# is % h%rder g%/e to pl%y in th%n the co!er one is- $here(ore, co/petition is
e!en /ore (ierce1 but only % (e# b%nds do it #ell, (in%nci%lly spe%,ing- M6tJs ob!ious #ho h%s
their g%/e (%ce on %nd #ho doesnJtN-
6 ,no# 6 could list % ton o( ide%s on ho# to /%r,et your b%nd better, ide%s to dr%# people in, etc,
but this is %n %rticle M%nd % !ery long one %t th%t-N so i( 6 continued on#%rd, it #ould turn into %
boo,- 6tJs %lso not % good ide% (or /e to gi!e %#%y #h%t 6 /ight be %ble to /%r,et or sell /ysel(,
so i( %nyone #ishes to co//unic%te (urther, (eel (ree to cont%ct /e-
%e7t month, 4aring Cour Territory
d!ice o( the /onth& 6( you do#n tune, use less #r%ps on the strings %round the tuning peg- 1-2
/%0- 6t #ill help it st%y in tune better th%t #%y- Myes, there %re other things th%t help in
con3unction #ith this %s #ell-N
-ar!ing Aour $erritory
M 6 didnJt /e%n it li,e th%tDD N
>elo# is % /%p o( the st%ge direction %s it is #idely ,no#n %nd used in the !%rious %re%s o( the
per(or/ing %rts- "hether it is /usic, the%ter, b%llet, d%nce, oper%, or %nything else, the st%ge
directions %re the s%/e- Lno#ing %nd using this in(or/%tion c%n %nd #ill not only /%,e your
o#n sho#s run s/oother %nd /ore org%ni7ed, it #ill %lso ,eep you (ro/ loo,ing li,e %n
ine0perienced /usici%n Mor cre# /e/berN i( %nd #hen you open (or % n%tion%l %ct %nd their
St%ge @%n%ger s%ys H.ou h%!e to set th%t o((-st%ge upst%ge le(tI MP-%nd yes, Ho((st%geI is not
Page *2
the s%/e %s Ho(( o' the st%geI- $here is % di((erence- ?((st%ge /e%ns to#%rds the outer edge o(
the st%ge, but not o(( o( it-N

$rying into %ll o( this is the (%ct th%t /ost loc%l b%nds setup ge%r the/sel!es, h%!e (%/ily,
(riends, or ine0perienced cre# o( so/e sort help the/ out- 6tJs e%sier (or e!eryone i( the ge%r
M%/p he%ds, c%binets, c%ses, bo0es, etcN %re %ll /%r,ed #ith their st%ge design%tions so they c%n
get to #here they %re going in % /uch (%ster %nd org%ni7ed /%nner- E!en i( e%ch /usici%n in the
b%nd sets up their o#n ge%r %nd ,no#s it inside %nd out, other people /%y help /o!e it (ro/
ti/e to ti/e, or in c%se o( % rushed lo%d-in or lo%d-out- 6t cert%inly ne!er hurts to h%!e things
/%r,ed, does itA
'sing "hite g%(( t%pe, you c%n /%r, e%ch c%se #ith its design%tion on the st%ge, such %s H'S<I
HS<I H'SRI etc- .ou /%y %lso choose to %dd % nu/ber to it, such %s i( you h%!e /ore th%n one
guit%r c%binet (or the St%ge <e(t side or i( you #%nted to tr%c, the nu/ber o( tot%l pieces o( ge%r
your b%nd c%rries #ith it to % sho#- 6( you re%lly #%nted to get (%ncy, you could %lso /%r, e%ch
c%binet #ith %n %ddition%l piece o( colored piece o( g%(( t%pe %s #ell, ll HBreenI is SR
Buit%rist, ll H>lueI is SR >%ssist, %ll HPurpleI is S< guit%rist- .ou could e!en t%,e it % step
(urther %nd use colored electric%l t%pe to /%r, the c%bles %s such %s #ell- So % c%ble #ith % piece
o( Breen E-t%pe Melectric%l t%peN %round it, /ust belong to the S< guit%rist- For the (in%l touch,
you c%n nu/ber %ndFor letter things so th%t %nyone could #ire the guit%r rig, b%ss rig, etc i( need
be- $he green cord /%r,ed HI plugs into the guit%r he%d %t the spot /%r,ed HI- H>I to H>I
%nd HCI to HCI, etc- .ou could use nu/bers inste%d, H1I to H1I, H2I to H2I, etc- So/eti/es you
/%y #%nt to co/bine things, H1I to H1I %nd H2 to H2I etc- $here is % (e# #%ys to org%ni7e
%nd /%r, things (or e%sy setup-
Page *3
$here %re % nu/ber o( pl%ces to get B%((erJs $%pe Musu%lly itJs 3ust c%lled HB%((I t%pe-N $his t%pe
rips e%sier %nd is better th%n Cuct $%pe in se!er%l #%ys- For one, itJs /ost co//only (ound in
the >l%c, color, #hich cert%inly loo,s better th%n so/e cheesy gr%y on % st%ge or ge%r- 6t %lso
doesnJt get %ll gooey %nd le%!e residue behind li,e duct t%pe does #hen it gets #%r/ (ro/ hot
c%bles- .es, it does cost /ore, but itJs #orth it-
$o /%ny people in the /usic business, using g%(( t%pe 3ust scre%/s H@$'ERI in loud
!olu/es- =ery (e# people #ill e!er %d/it #h%t /ost people %re thin,ing #hen it co/es to
seeing so/eone use duct t%pe inste%d o( g%(( t%pe- 6 donJt e!er let %nyone ne%r %ny o( /y ge%r or
c%bles #ith th%t stu((-
ny#%y, not /uch to this /onthJs %rticle beyond #h%t 6J!e s%id- 6tJs up to you to (igure out ho#
%nd #h%t is the best #%y to /%r, your ge%r1 %ll 6 ,no# is th%t itJs % nice %d!%nt%ge (or the b%nd
th%t does it !erses % b%nd th%t does not-
%e7t month, )i0*i on The High+ay
d!ice o( the /onth& http&FF###-ro%die-net
$uthor%s &ote' (ude to the changing technology since this article below about wireless
technology was originally written, ! have directly modified and updated the article itself from the
published original. !%ve done this on this particular article due to the technical nature of it, and
to also avoid confusion between the original article and any updates to it. !n this case, it 3ust
made more sense to me to merge updates into the original article. Lpdating original articles
such as this one are the eHception in this book, and not the rule.
/i-Fi %n $he Bighway
?ne o( the /ost co//on %nd e%rliest 5uestions % $@
#ill %s, upon %rri!ing %t the !enue #ill be
%bout the phone %nd (%0 lines in the Production ?((ice- MEo# /%ny lines, nu/bers, etcN 'su%lly
right %(ter th%t co/es the no# st%nd%rd HCo you h%!e "ireless %ccess hereAI
6( so, then %ll the $@ h%s to do is setup their l%ptop #ith %cti!e "i-Fi c%p%bilities %nd theyJre on-
line i( the net#or, is open Mor con(igure so/e things, li,e % ne# "PF"P2 Ley, i( itJs not-
8?$E& 8e!er use "EP %s itJs not secure %t %ll-N Eope(ully, the !enue #ill %8T h%!e %n open
net#or,1 %s those %re e0tre/ely insecure %nd usu%lly so slo# M%nd in /%ny c%ses unus%bleN
bec%use o( so/e (reelo%ding userMsN piggyb%c,ing on the connection %nd bogging it do#n- Mn
Hopen net#or,I /e%n th%t %nyone #ith % #ireless c%rd %nd % de(%ult Mor noN p%ss#ord c%n get on,
%nd so c%n their !iruses, $ro3%n horses, #or/s, spy#%re, %nd other so(t#%re th%t could c%use
issues #ith your PCs on the s%/e net#or,-N ll o( those things, plus %n incre%sed nu/ber o(
people, #ill c%use things to co/e to % cr%#l i( not % de%d stop- ?ne o( the best M%nd e%siestN #%ys
to ,eep % net#or, % little bit /ore secure is si/ply to ch%nge the #ireless p%ssphr%seF,ey o(ten-
"ithout the right ,ey, you %renJt going to get on the net#or,- ll the $@ need do is post the
!enueJs p%ssphr%seF,ey in the Production ?((ice so users c%n enter it in their PC %nd connect to
the net#or,-
Page *4
6n /%ny c%ses, people #ith cert%in "i-Fi h%rd#%re c%n boost the "i-Fi sign%l (or others by
%cting %s % "i-Fi EubFB%te#%y Point (or other users, thus boosting the sign%l (or the entire %re%-
$his too is % re%son (or security bec%use o( the #ider r%nge %nd !%rious %ccess points- 6 re%li7e
th%t % loc%l b%nd th%t t%,es % l%ptop out on the ro%d #ith the/ /%y not h%!e to de%l #ith %cting
%s % point (or other users, but the security proble/s, %nd the bene(its o( h%!ing on-the-go
co/puting %nd #ireless 6nternet %ccess, %re the s%/e- 8o /%tter #h%t le!el Mloc%l, region%l or
n%tion%lN or #h%t ,ind Mco!er, origin%l, tributeN or #h%t genre Mblues, /et%l, pun,, 3%77, etcN o(
b%nd you %re in, e!eryone %t so/e point in ti/e #ould bene(it (ro/ h%!ing %ccess to the 6nternet
%t % sho#- 8othing is 100O secure, you c%n t%,e p%r%noi% %bout Security to the e0tre/e, %nd
there %re things you c%n do to /%,e your 6nternet us%ge s%(er th%n not1 ho#e!er these /%y
so/eti/es co/e %t the e0pense o( us%bility, there(ore b%l%nce is i/port%nt bet#een us%ble %nd
unus%ble, secure %nd not secure- ll net#or,s %re prone to %tt%c,s1 ho#e!er #ireless net#or,s
%re /uch /ore so prone to %tt%c,s th%n #ired net#or,s %re- $hereJs % /ultitude o( re%sons such
%s @%n 6n $he @iddle M@6$@N %tt%c, /ethodologies, #hich it itsel( co/prises o( %n %ssort/ent
o( issues- 6 re%li7e 6J/ being !%gue here, but i( 6 #ere to del!e into these %re%s reg%rding #ireless
security in /ore det%il, it %lone could be % boo, on th%t !ery sub3ect-
?ne such thing is to ne!er do %ny (in%nci%l or critic%lly-i/port%nt #or,, tr%ns%ctions, etc o!er %
#ireless net#or, #ithout going through % =P8 (irst- "hile this is not % 100O /%gic-bullet-o(-
security, it #ill /ost cert%inly help o( your bro#sing session %nd %ll critic%l tr%((ic is tunneled
through % =P8 connection be(ore you do %nything o( % sensiti!e n%ture online- M8o- SS< %lone is
not good enough to be trusted %s secure-N
.ou c%n e/%il, sur( the #eb, ,eep % cont%cts d%t%b%se, h%!ing both (or/s %nd te/pl%tes setup in
cert%in so(t#%re progr%/s Mset lists, petty c%sh, e0pense sheets, spre%dsheets, etcN %ll %!%il%ble on
your l%ptop on the ro%d, 3ust li,e you c%n %t ho/e on your des,top PC- >ring % printer, % couple
o( c%bles, % po#er strip, % l%ptop, % "i-Fi C%rd, %nd p%c, it %ll into % c%rrying c%se or t#o %nd
youJre %ll set to go #ith % ro%/ing Production ?((ice- $his is not only % !ery con!enient thing to
h%!e, but %lso % !ery pro(ession%l tool %s #ell #hen utili7ed properly by % b%nd %ndFor their
cre#- nother %d!%nt%ge o( co/puting on the ro%d #ith your l%ptop, is th%t i( you #%nt to #or,
#ith (iles %t ho/e on your PC there, you c%n Mi( you h%!e %nd do % (e# things (irst, #hich 6Jll
co!er in % bit-N $his %lso /%,es things !ery e%sy %s #ell- ?( course, /%,e sure be(ore going on
%ny net#or, %nd especi%lly be(ore logging into your ho/e PC (ro/ the ro%d th%t you %re on %
secured net#or, %nd not %n open one- 6 c%nJt stress this point enough- $he e0tr% c%ution %nd
so/eti/es e0tr% /e%sures %re #orth the h%ssles #hen you re%li7e the bene(its o( h%!ing % l%ptop
%nd 6nternet %ccess on the ro%d #ith you-
6J/ going to gi!e % b%sic o!er!ie# r%ther th%n % step-by-step process o( s%(ely connecting your
l%ptop on the ro%d to your ho/e PC- 6( you need help setting this up, there %re ,no#ledge%ble
people out there #ho /%y help you (or (ree or % (ee-
1- Ces,top PC #ith % 86C
(or >ro%db%nd connection MC%ble usu%lly #or,s (ine-N
2- Router Myou c%n get ones #ith 4 ports Z #ireless c%p%bility- $ry % <in,SysN
Page *9
3- Po#er strips, C$9e c%bles, etc-
4- "indo#s * or l%ter or the l%test !ersion o( % popul%r <inu0 distribution-
6 do not reco//end using e%rlier !ersions o( "indo#s due to ,no#n security issues %nd l%c, o(
support- 6de%lly, 6 reco//end using <inu0 inste%d o( "indo#s %s by the !ery n%ture o( <inu0, it
is % /uch /ore secur%ble, robust, %nd st%ble oper%ting syste/-
9- For "indo#s, so/e properly inst%lled %nd con(igured so(t#%re such %s %n %nti-!irus progr%/
M=BN, % (ire#%ll Mco/es in "indo#sN, i( <inu0, ipt%bles (or the (ire#%ll %nd no %nti-!irus
+- .ouJll %lso Mide%llyN need % St%tic 6P ddress M% st%tic 6P ne!er ch%nges, ie& 123-49+-*K)-111N
or % #%y to be %#%re o( your current Cyn%/ic 6P ddress %t ho/e #hile youJre on the ro%d-
Cyn%/ic 6P ddress He0piresI e!ery 30-)0 d%ys %nd then Hrene#sI #ith % ne# 6P ddress, thus
it is ch%nging e!ery so o(ten-
Since /%ny c%ble co/p%nies only %llo# Cyn%/ic 6P ddresses (or pri!%te indi!idu%ls %nd only
St%tic 6P ddresses (or business %ccounts, youJll need to (ind % #or,%round (or the proble/- ?ne
gre%t #%y is CynC8S #hich is % (ree ser!ice th%t lets you h%!e % pri!%te %ddress li,e
bl%h-is-%-gee,-org %nd then %uto upd%tes the 6P #hen needed %nd c%n e!en e/%il th%t to your
phone !i% % te0t /ess%ge i( you li,e- ll 6 need to do is run % ser!er so(t#%re Mli,e =8C or PC
ny#hereN on /y ho/e PC1 %nd then #hile on the ro%d #ith /y l%ptop, 6 c%n connect to it !i%
the client so(t#%re side o( =8C or PC ny#here- ?nce 6J!e connected, it loo,s li,e /y nor/%l
des,top does #hile 6J/ %t ho/e-
.ou c%n setup % =P8 M=irtu%l Pri!%te 8et#or,N Ser!er %nd 8et#or, using %n intern%l 6P
ddresses li,e 1)2-1+K-R %nd % =P8-c%p%ble router so you c%n use the 6nternet in % /ore secure
(%shion, %s #ell %s e!en print %t ho/e (ro/ your l%ptop on the ro%d-
$here %re countless gee,s such %s /ysel(, #ebsites, boo,s, cl%sses, etc th%t #ould be #illing to
help you out Mso/e (ree, so/e (or % (eeN1 but the in(or/%tion is out there %nd the le%rning cur!e
isnJt too rough- 6tJs re%lly 5uite #orth it once you h%!e this setup-
8o# (or #h%t you need M%nd this is % b%sic list, %s 6 didnJt #%nt to get o!erly det%iled-N
1- <%ptop
2- PC@C6 K02-11g "ireless C%rd or built-in #ireless or 'S> #ireless %d%pter
3- "ireless 8et#or, you c%n connect to-
4- Printer
9- "indo#s * or l%ter or the l%test !ersion o( % popul%r <inu0 distribution-
Page *+
?nce /ore, 6 do not reco//end using e%rlier !ersions o( "indo#s due to ,no#n security issues
%nd l%c, o( support- 6de%lly, 6 reco//end using <inu0 inste%d o( "indo#s %s by the !ery n%ture
o( <inu0, it is % /uch /ore secur%ble, robust, %nd st%ble oper%ting syste/-
g%in, this is the !ery b%sics- 6J/ sure so/e net#or, gee,s out there #ill s%y H.e%h but you
(orgotP-I >l%h- $his is enough in(o to get so/eone going in the right direction- @%ybe %ll you
need is % l%ptop %nd % #ireless connection to chec, e/%ils on the ro%d, %nd th%t #or,s too- $here
%re % /ultitude o( di((erent options %nd things you c%n do these d%ys #ith co/puters1 %nd you
c%nJt go to % concert in %n %ren% #ithout % co/puter Mor se!er%l co/putersN being used in !%rious
c%p%cities- "hy c%nJt Mor shouldnJtN loc%l %nd region%l b%nds use the s%/e technology to their
o#n %d!%nt%ge li,e the n%tion%l %cts doA
For Cyn%/ic 6P ddresses http&FF###-dyndns-org
For =8C http&FF###-re%l!nc-co/
For PC ny#here http&FF###-sy/%ntec-co/
For =B http&FF(ree-griso(t-co/
For d-#%re http&FF###-l%!%so(tus%-co/
For % #eb bro#ser http&FF###-get(ire(o0-co/
1 $@ Q $our @%n%ger
2 86C Q 8et#or, 6nter(%ce C%rd
%e7t month, +++"roadie"net
d!ice o( the /onth& Chec,out the site %bo!e-
>%c, in 1))K, /%ny, /%ny /oons %go, 6 (ound this cool little #ebsite c%lled HRo%die-8etI- $his
old ro%die, L%rl HSpeci%l LI Luenning, h%d his entire boo,, HRo%die& $rue Story M%t le%st the
p%rts 6 re/e/berNI %nd 6 spent 4 d%ys re%ding e!ery #ord o( it- (ter %ll, 6 #%s stuc, in % de%d
end d%y 3ob to begin #ith, so #h%t the hec, ehA
<%ter on he e!entu%lly published it, %nd 6 h%!e % copy M!ery nicely done tooN, but be(ore %ll o(
th%t, his little site gre# in popul%rity- s o( no#, itJs /ost recent inc%rn%tion, =ersion 2-0, h%s
o!er 12,000 /e/bers strong %nd gro#ing- $our @%n%gers, St%ge @%n%gers, Production
@%n%gers, Buit%r $echs, >%ss $echs, Cru/ $echs, C%tering St%((, <oc%l St%geh%nds M'nion %nd
8on-'nionN, e!en so/e !ery (%/ous rtists the/sel!es, re%d %nd %re /e/bers o( th%t #ebsite-
6tJs truly $EE S1 site on the entire 6nternet (or net#or,ing %nd the /usic business behind-the-
scenes- $hereJs the Photo o( the @onth, Big <istings, <ost ; Found, $ons o( rticles, Min (%ct, 6
post %ll /y old %rticles on ro%die-net under H =ie# Fro/ $he >%c,lineI in /y o#n (oru/ on-
lineDDN ?!er%ll, itJs % gre%t, gre%t resource th%t is only getting better %ll o( the ti/e-
6( you %re ne# %nd #%nt to ,no# ho# to bre%, into the bi7, or %re % little bit /ore se%soned %nd
need so/e tips, tric,s or %d!ice, or e!en 3ust % good l%ugh, this is the pl%ce to go to- So/e guy on
Page **
@ySp%ce h%s the >obby >lot7er H6n!%sion ?( .our Pri!%cyI touring dru/ ,it, but heJs /issing %
(e# ,ey pieces o( it- 6 sent hi/ to the site #ith the hopes %nd possibility th%t so/eone there /%y
h%!e % le%d or e!en the ge%r he see,s- 6( he c%nJt get % tip or the ge%r there, 6 doubt heJll st%nd %
ch%nce %ny#here else on-line Mor /%ybe e!en o((-line %s #ellN-
6 highly reco//end going to the #ebsite %nd loo,ing %round- >etter yet, get in!ol!ed %nd %cti!e
on the site to re%lly bene(it (ro/ it %nd use its potenti%l-
6 guess there re%lly isnJt /uch to s%y %bout it th%t c%nJt be (ound on the site itsel(, so 3ust go
%he%d, enter th%t 'R<, you ,no# you #%nt to--
%e7t month, 4usic, :s it Art or -usiness>
d!ice o( the /onth& =isit the site-
-u(ic< .( it Art or Bu(ine((0
6 s%y itJs both-
@usic is %n rt (or/ bec%use the lyrics, /usic %nd songs %re the byproducts o( the process o(
cre%tion1 %nd cre%tion is the true %rt itsel(- 8o record contr%cts, no %udience, no one is needed
other th%n you to do th%t-
@usic is % >usiness bec%use the /%r,eting %nd the s%le o( th%t %rt (or/ ,no#n %s H@usicI %llo#s
/%ny people to he%r it through /%instre%/ /ediu/s o( co//erci%lly !i%ble co//unic%tion-
6 #ish /usic #%s /ore %bout the %rt th%n the business, but the (%ct M%nd re%lity re/%insN th%t i( it
c%n be /%r,eted %nd sold, it #ill be- $h%tJs business- 8e!er /ind i( % single note is pl%yed or not
on the CC, bec%use i( it c%n be bought %nd sold, it #ill be- 6tJs the s%/e (or li!e sho#s %s #ell- 6t
doesnJt re%lly /%tter ho# good the b%nd is, e0cept %s to ho# it tr%nsl%tes into HEo# /uch does
/y till ring out %t the end o( the nightAI (or the b%r o#ner, pro/oter, record l%bel, in!estors, etc-
$h%tJs re%lly the botto/ line %nd re%lity o( it %ll (or the !ie#point o( % business perspecti!e- 6tJs
/ore %bout the 5u%ntity o( units sold !s- 5u%lity o( units sold, #here%s #ith %rt, its (ocus is /ore
sub3ecti!e, but #ith business, its (ocus is /ore ob3ecti!e- >usiness is /ore botto/-line dri!en
th%n %rt is- 6 c%n see both sides o( the coin, %rt !s- business, %nd ho# they c%n be %t e0tre/e odds
#ith e%ch other- Co/pro/ise %nd b%l%nce %re de(initely needed in order (or both %rt %nd business
to be tre%ted (%irly by e%ch other, %nd th%t b%l%nce is co/pletely sub3ecti!e to the perception o(
the beholder- Eere, #e c%n co!er the gener%l o!er!ie#s, but (or speci(ics, 6 le%!e th%t to e%ch
person to decide (or the/sel!es-
6 li,e %rt !s- business to this e0%/pleP-- <etJs s%y you cre%te % p%inting, th%tJs rt-
6( you h%ng th%t p%inting on % #%ll #ithin your o#n ho/e, then youJre (ooting the cost (or %ll
e0penses rel%ting to th%t %ct o( h%nging the p%inting on the #%ll o( your ho/e-
Page *K
6( you h%ng your p%inting on % #%ll #ithin %n %rt g%llery, then they %rt g%llery is (ooting the cost
(or %ll e0penses rel%ting to th%t %ct o( h%nging your p%inting on the #%ll o( their %rt g%llery- $hey
do this in the hopes th%t your %rt #ill incre%se the dr%# to M%nd the inco/e o(N their %rt g%llery-
6n Cost ccounting, you t%,e the s5u%re (oot%ge o( %n %re% (be it a home or more likely, a
business%s brick and mortar space, utility, labor, inventory and other associated costs), %nd
di!ide th%t by %ll e0penses rel%ted to ,eeping th%t ho/e or business in oper%tion- 6n doing so,
youJll (ind th%t e%ch s5u%re (oot h%s % portion o( the tot%l cost %ssoci%ted #ith it- 6( your p%inting
is 3 (eet by 3 (eet, you c%n then (igure out e0%ctly ho# /uch /oney it costs to h%ng th%t p%inting
on your #%ll- <i,e#ise, the %rt g%llery could M%nd hope(ully doesN do the s%/e Cost ccounting
8o# you c%n e%sily ch%nging the concept (ro/ Hp%intingI to H/usicI %nd H%rt g%lleryI to
H!enueI %nd H#%llI to Hst%geI %nd the s%/e still e%sily %pplies- nyone #ho hires %nyone does
so to incre%se the (irst personJs botto/ line- $his is business 101 %nd econo/ics 101, %nd yet
such b%sic principles esc%pe /%ny people- 8o one #%nts to lose /oney, to get p%id less, to /%,e
less, so this is #hy businesses o( %ll stripes %re c%re(ul o( the products they sell on their shel!es,
in their %rt g%lleries, %nd on their st%ges- 6tJs 3ust co//on sense-
6( %rt tru/ps business, itJs % hobby /ore th%n % business- 6( business tru/ps %rt, then %rt loses its
soul, itsJ p%ssion, %nd %rt beco/es 3ust %nother #idget sold- @usic c%n be % be%uti(ul thing %s %n
%rt (or/, or it 3ust % #%y to /%,e % buc,- 6tJs %ll depends on your outloo, on things %nd your
6t is /y hope th%t %ll /usici%ns %nd b%nds beco/e or %lre%dy %re business s%!!y so they c%n ,eep
the bul, o( the c%sh %nd not so/eone else- (ter %ll, they cre%ted the %rt, #hy shouldnJt they
bene(it the /ost (ro/ itA $his is #here the business p%rt co/es in1 #hich includes the (in%nci%l
b%c,ing, connections, distribution, boo,ing, tour support, r%dio pro/otion %nd %irpl%y, !ideos,
%nd % /ultitude o( things /usici%ns %nd b%nds the/sel!es l%c,-
ren%s, /ulti-/illion doll%r recording contr%cts %re %ll (ine %nd d%ndy lo(ty go%ls (or so/e
people, #hile others 3ust #%nt to pl%y in the b%rs, but #h%tJs right (or us, #e e%ch need to decide
(or oursel!es- "here do #e stri,e th%t b%l%nce #ithin oursel!es %nd #ithin %rt !s- businessA Eo#
do reconcile this #ithin oursel!esA E!en i( % loc%l b%nd does not %spire to the n%tion%l le!el %nd
they 3ust #%nt to (und the production o( % CC (or loc%l s%les, i( they donJt (und it entirely
the/sel!es, the second so/eone else puts % di/e o( their o#n /oney into it, they, not the b%nd,
#ill in #hole or %t le%st in p%rt, h%!e so/e s%y in c%lling the shots- nyti/e so/eone else (oots
the bill other th%n you, they h%!e the right to deter/ine things rel%ting to th%t /oney in!ested
bec%use they #%nt their /oney b%c, plus % pro(it, other#ise, #hy in!est itA 6( they don%te it
#ithout leg%l strings, th%tJs %nother story-
Fro/ % strictly (in%nci%l point-o(-!ie#, % b%nd could be (%r better o(( /%,ing % less /oney per
ye%r, but being %ble to ,eep /ore o( it bec%use they #onJt h%!e %ll the recoup%ble e0penses
brought on by % record l%bel de%l %nd the %ssoci%ted e0penses #ith it, etc- n unsigned b%nd th%t
is pl%ying corpor%te gigs, (%irs %nd (esti!%ls c%n do pretty #ell (or the/sel!es in ter/s o( sho#
p%y %nd /erch%ndise s%les, i( itJs h%ndled correctly %nd especi%lly i( they (und things the/sel!es-
Page *)
6 person%lly #ould r%ther /%,e less /oney #ith /ore pro(it th%n /ore /oney #ith less pro(it1
but th%tJs 3ust /e %nd 6 c%nJt spe%, (or e!eryone else- For so/e people, the /oney doesnJt /%tter
%nd theyJd be o, being bro,e, but pl%ying %ren%s #hile in debt up to their eyeb%lls-
s %n %rt (or/, 6 thin, /usic is % #onder(ul physic%l %nd spiritu%l /%ni(est%tion o( the
e0pression o( the soul #ithin the cre%tor #ho cre%tes it- t its best1 /usic is pure, un%dulter%ted,
%nd r%#, yet it c%n %lso be polished %t the s%/e ti/e %nd not lose itsJ speci%lty- @usic is the
l%ngu%ge o( the soul- 6ts !ibr%tions c%n con!ey e/otions on the #ings o( % song- 8o #ords /%y
be spo,en bet#een peoples o( di((erent cultures %nd l%ngu%ges, yet %ll spe%, the l%ngu%ge o(
e/otion th%t so /%ny songs spe%, %nd the listener he%rs-
P-%nd 6 thin, th%t #e c%n %ll underst%nd-
%e7t month, The 4usic :ndustry A Perspective 8' A Possi(le *uture
d!ice o( the /onth& E!e %/ong %ll o( /y seriousness in these %rticles, ne!er (orget to h%!e (un-
"hen you no longer h%!e (un, itJs ti/e to get out-
$he -u(ic .ndu(try A Per('ecti,e %f A Po((i)"e Future
Since #riting this colu/n, 6 h%!e #ritten t#o %rticles speci(ic%lly de%ling #ith #h%t 6 (oresee %s
the o!er%ll gener%l direction %nd possible (uture o( the /usic business- 8o one ,no#s #here the
business is he%ded (or cert%in1 %nd th%tJs the one %nd only thing %bout this business th%t 6 %/
cert%in o( -- the uncert%inty o( it %ll-
>%sed on #h%t h%s h%ppened in the /usic business o!er the l%st dec%de, cert%in things le%d /e to
(or/ul%te /y o#n hypothesis %nd theories on #hich to b%se /y opinions1 %nd thus (or/ul%te /y
perspecti!e %nd opinion o( one possible (uture (or the /usic #orld- $his %rticle is cert%inly /ore
th%n 3ust %n upd%te to t#o o( /y pre!ious %rticles, $he Future ?( $he @usic >usiness : P%rt 6
%nd P%rt 66, %nd thus 6 %/ not /%,ing this % HP%rt 3I- 6nste%d, 6 %/ /%,ing this one %n %ll-
inclusi!e %rticle th%t not only su//%ri7es, but %lso upd%tes the 2 pre!ious %rticles-
ny#%y, th%tJs enough e0pl%n%tion on the #riting style o( this %rticle- 6 3ust #%nted e!eryone to
be on the s%/e p%ge #here 6J/ co/ing (ro/- $h%tJs %ll- <etJs get to the /e%t o( the /%tter
%lre%dy, sh%ll #eA @o!ing on-
6 belie!e the /usic business h%s he%ded do#n % p%th th%t #ill (ore!er ch%nge it bec%use o( %
!%riety o( di((erent re%sons1 %nd these include, but %re not e0clusi!ely li/ited to /y !%rious
points belo#, #hich #e #ill get to in % bit- 6 see these %s so/e Mbut not %llN o( the c%uses (or the
o!er%ll decline o( the /usic industry- 6tJs /y go%l in this %rticle to su//%ri7e #h%t 6 currently
see %s the c%uses, e((ects, %nd one possible outco/e (or the /usic industry bec%use o( the/- 6
/%y be right in p%rt or in #hole, or #rong in p%rt or #hole, but this is /y hypothesis, /y
theories %nd /y %rticle b%sed on the/- ?nly ti/e #ill tell ho# right or #rong 6 %/-
Page K0
6 see the /usic industry getting s/%ller, le%ner %nd /e%ner in /%ny #%ys, %nd this %((ects the
business o!er%ll in e!ery genre, in e!ery %re% %nd %t e!ery le!el- $he /usic industry is not going
to go %#%y, th%tJs (or sure, but it is going s/%ller !erses l%rger-
$hese include but %re not li/ited to Min /y opinionN&
%N Record l%bels /%,ing less /oney %nd possibly pulling /ore /onies (ro/ %rtists to /%,e
up (or pro(it loss %ndFor cutting %rtists (%ster (ro/ their l%bel roster to li/it loss- M6t used
to be ye%rs %go #here %n %rtist /%y not hit until their 2
or 3
%lbu/, no# it see/s i(
they donJt do /%,e %n i/pression on the public %nd s%les by their (irst 3 songs, they %re
pretty /uch done-N
bN Record l%bels rele%sing H>est ?(I sets, re-/i0edFre-/%stered or ne#ly disco!ered HlostI
recordings due to lo#er production costsFlo#er o!erhe%d to co/pens%te (or loss o(
inco/e in other %re%sF%rtists- MEolly#ood h%s done this #ith the re/%,e o( cl%ssic /o!ies
%ll the ti/e : go #ith the %l/ost-sure bet-N
cN rtists #ill tour s/%ller !enues such %s the%ters, %uditoriu/s %nd nightclubs !erses
%ren%s %nd outdoor (esti!%ls- M?rpheu/, St%te, 8orthrup uditoriu/, $he ]uest, First
!enue, $he @yth, etc-N $hose %rtists touring %ren%s #ill be the big tic,et sellers M'2,
>illy Goel, Elton Gohn, @%donn%, $he Rolling Stones, P%ul @cC%rtney, etcN th%t c%n
de/%nd l%rge tic,et prices needed to o((set production costs-
dN >%nds touring s/%ller !enues #ill do so #ith less ge%r %nd cre# th%n they #ould (or
co/p%r%ble tours in the p%st (or the s%/e si7ed !enues- 6J!e seen th%t trend (or so/e ti/e
no# %nd itJs only going to incre%se in (re5uency 6 belie!e-
eN E!eryone (ro/ b%nd %nd cre# to e!eryone else #or,ing behind-the-scenes /%,ing (%r
less th%n they h%!e in the p%st-
(N <%c, o( %rtist de!elop/ent- 6n this H6 #%nt it no#I ti/e stressed, o!er-sti/ul%ted CEC
#orld #e li!e in, they #%nt it 2 d%ys %go yesterd%y- 8?"DD is not soon enough (or the/-
"ho c%res %bout the b%ndP#h%tJs their hit songA
gN "hen the hit songMsN (%des, so does the %rtistJs c%reer- "hen tod%yJs big b%nds %re no
longer the Hin thingI, %nd no one re/e/bers their (e# songs, #hen they %re the Holdie
%ctI, 6 #ould !enture to bet th%t they #ill not be %ble to dr%# % cro#d h%rdly %t %ll
bec%use o( the l%c, o( %rtist %nd (%n b%se de!elop/ent- "hen the hot %rtists o( tod%y %re
the then Hnot-so-hot-oldie-%ctI o( to/orro#1 co/p%re the/ to the older %cts o( the *0Js
%nd K0Js th%t c%n %nd do still dr%# right no#- 6 ,no# things #ill be di((erent in 20 ye%rs
(ro/ no#, but %rtist de!elop/ent %nd est%blishing % li(elong (%n b%se ne!er hurt %ny %rtist
%nd their c%reer-
hN $he (esti!%ls th%t de%l #ith older Hnot the in thingI %rtists #ill beco/e % thing o( the p%st
#ithin the ne0t 10-20 ye%rs M%nd /%ybe e!en lessN %s the pool o( older %cts touring
d#indles %nd the tod%yJs %cts th%t #ill beco/e the then-older %cts c%nJt dr%# %s #ell-
Page K1
$od%yJs older %cts h%d %rtist de!elop/ent #hich is #hy they c%n still dr%# li,e they do
/%ny ye%rs %(ter their spot in the li/elight h%s p%ssed %s 6 st%ted %bo!e, but these
(esti!%ls not doing %s #ell %nd dis%ppe%ring #ill be % byproduct o( the l%c, o( %rtistF(%n
b%se de!elop/ent-
iN People do not #%nt to le%!e their ho/es due to incre%sed costs o( (uel, Mwhich the current
trend as of the writing of this article on *>J.MJ*A, the pump price and crude oil cost is in
decline due to recent gulf 5oast oil discoveries.) 6ncre%sed C'6 en(orce/ent, (ines, or
people 3ust pl%in h%!e other priorities (or their ti/e %nd /oney- <ong gone %re the d%ys
o( huge nu/bers %t the clubs to see li!e /usic li,e they #ere b%c, in the *0Js, K0Js %nd
e%rly )0Js- <i!e /usic #ill ne!er die, but itJs de(initely #ounded-
3N $echnology h%s /%de it so people h%!e (%r /ore options (or entert%in/ent %nd decre%sed
the need to le%!e ho/e (or it- Eigh Speed 6nternet, C%ble $=, B%/e Consoles such %s W-
>o0 3+0, Pl%y St%tions, B%/e Cube, 8intendo+4, etc- $hey c%n inter%ct #ith people on-
line re%l-ti/e !i% 6nst%nt @ess%ging, udio, =ideo, E-@%il, Ch%t roo/s, @ess%ge
>o%rds, etc- "e c%n %lre%dy see the HCocooning o( /eric%I %s it h%s been n%/ed, ho#
people inter%ct #ith others, on #h%t le!el, #ith #hich /ethod they choose to use %nd
#hen- @%ny people choose not to inter%ct si/ply by stu((ing %n iPod or % cell phone in
their e%rs #hene!er they le%!e ho/e-
,N $he /usic business is using %n outd%ted business /odel- 6t h%s lost so/ething it h%s yet
(ound % #%y to repl%ce : the /usic business lost its %bility to h%!e so/ething th%t c%nnot
be duplic%ted- Sure, the pir%cy o( recorded /usic h%s %l#%ys been %round, but not to the
degree li,e it is tod%y- Sure, li!e sho#s h%!e been %round %#hile %s #ell- $he (eeling o(
being there %t % li!e concert per(or/%nce c%nJt be duplic%ted 100O e!en #ith the best
ho/e the%ter syste/, still, the co/petition (ro/ technology %ndFor other sources o(
entert%in/ent co/pete not only (or the consu/erJs doll%r, but (or their ti/e %s #ell- $i/e
is in(initely /ore i/port%nt th%n /oney in tod%yJs #orld- $he industry needs to ch%nge
itJs business /odel %nd gi!e the consu/er #h%t they #%nt, #hen they #%nt it, in the
/ethod they #%nt itP%ll %t % (%ir cost to the consu/er %nd % (%ir pro(it (or the industry-
$he industry needs to thin, outside o( its dusty old bo0 %nd le%rn to %d%pt in #%ys it
ne!er h%s needed to be(ore-
lN ?!er s%tur%tion o( the /%r,etpl%ce- Re/e/ber $=s ye%rs %goA .ou could choose bl%c,
%nd #hite or color- 8o# there %re in(inite options on e!ery /%,e, /odel, etc- 6t t%,es %
scientist to select one these d%ys %l/ost- si/il%r thing is h%ppening #ith /usic-- So
/%ny b%nds h%!e %n /p3 out on the net on their o#n #ebsite %ndFor on % @ySp%ce p%ge,
reg%rdless o( the 5u%lity o( the #riting or recording o( the /%teri%l- 6tJs si/ply % se% o(
/usic %nd e!er e0p%nding e!eryd%y #ith no end in sight- ?!er s%tur%tion o( %ny /%r,et is
ne!er % good thing-
ll o( these %nd /%ny /ore %re the c%use o( the current st%te o( the /usic industry %nd #ill
continue to %((ect its st%te- 8o# #hether th%t is (or the better or (or the #orse, th%t %ll depends on
the perspecti!e o( #ho/ you %re spe%,ing #ith- 6t %lso depends on #h%t #e %s %n industry do
(ro/ e!ery second o( e!ery d%y (or#%rd- $here %re so/e re%lly b%ss %c,#%rds things going on in
Page K2
/usic right no#P- li,e the suing o( (%ns (or do#nlo%ding songs- MEello R6DDN "hile people
shouldnJt bre%, the copyright l%#s %nd not be pen%li7ed (or doing so, 6 thin, suing e!eryone is
3ust % b%nd-%id sc%re t%cticFthre%t o( leg%l %ction used to stop /%ny people (ro/ do#nlo%ding-
Cle%rly /%ny people %renJt sc%red either- So/e do get c%ught %nd sued- $he industry needs to
F6W the proble/, not 3ust hide behind l%#suits- $here %re /ore people th%n l%#suits out there, so
cle%rly the people %re #inning this #%r- $his is 3ust one e0%/ple o( the tunnel !ision b%sed
stupidity going on #ithin the industry tod%y - % re(us%l %ndFor in%bilityFl%c, o( desire to %d%pt (or
#h%te!er re%son- business /odel th%t is st%tic #ill cru/ble under its o#n #eight, but %
business /odel th%t is dyn%/ic #ill e0p%nd %nd be %ble to hold on through /uch /ore stress due
to itsJ (le0ibility- (! think one good area the music business is seeing growth in is the sales of
ring tones for cell phones. !t%s not going to single handedly save the music business, but it%s a
start in the right direction.)
$he %rtist or record l%bel th%t (igures out #h%t the ne0t step is %nd sets the trend #ill be %
tr%ilbl%7er th%t #ill sh%pe the rest o( the /usic business (or ye%rs to co/e- rtists %re usu%lly not
good business people, but (or one th%t is, the ch%nce to e0cel is no# /ore in your h%nds th%n it
e!er h%s been be(ore- Record l%bels %re inno!%ti!e to % point, but cle%rly l%c,ing enough
inno!%tion to set the /uch needed trend to bring the industry b%c, to #here it needs to be %t to
prosper- .es, the /%r,et is o!er s%tur%ted- .es, co/petition is h%rder 3ust due to sheer nu/bers-
.es, it is one hec, o( % b%ttle, but (or those %rtists th%t #%nt to truly HC6.I MCo 6t .oursel(N, itJs
ti/e to step up to the pl%te %nd le%d the #%y-
6 donJt h%!e the %ns#ers, %nd 5uite (r%n,ly, 6 donJt thin, %ny one person in the industry does- 6
sure %s hec, ,no# 6 didnJt co!er e!erything th%t is %((ecting the industry M#ho could do th%tAAN
but 6 g%!e it % hec, o( % good shot- Right no# 6 see the industry in % huge period o( ch%nge th%t
/%y t%,e se!er%l ye%rs (or things sh%,e out %nd to st%rt to co/e together1 %nd #hen it does, 6
hope so/eone #hether they %re %n %rtist, producer, co/p%ny, or #hoe!er they %re, is #ise
enough to see #hen th%t is %nd h%!e the per(ect ti/ing to le%d the #%y- "e %ll need it-
%e7t month, Promotions
d!ice o( the /onth& 8o %d!ice this /onth- 6J/ t%,ing % bre%,- M#hich so/eti/es is not % b%d
ide%, %nd could be considered good %d!ice : to rel%0-N
Promote or Peri(h
<%st /onth 6 co!ered #h%t 6 (elt is one possibility (or the (uture o( the /usic business1 %ll sorts
o( things th%t %re (%ctors in ho# %nd #hy the business is in the current st%te th%t itJs in %nd #here
it /%y be going in the (utureP 6tJs % #hole ne# g%/e in the /usic business (or /%ny o( the
re%sons 6 cited in l%st /onthJs colu/n, (if you did not read it, it is now on2line at
http' along with the last few year%s worth of articles in the forum called 8$
View From The Backline:) %nd itJs only going to continue to ch%nge in dr%/%tic #%ys until the
/usic business %nd technology c%n /eet %nd %gree on so/e things-
Page K3
"hile itJs true th%t the business h%s %l#%ys been e!er e!ol!ing, this is %n e0tre/ely critic%l ti/e
in the /usic industry bec%use o( the technology %nd outd%ted business /odel cert%in co/p%nies
#ithin the /usic industry %re using- (again, see last month%s column for references) Ch%nge is
huge right no# %nd %s %n industry- "e /ust inno!%te %nd gro# in so /%ny di((erent #%ys %nd in
so /%ny di((erent %re%s, th%t #e c%nnot %((ord to st%y #ith the old /ethods o( oper%tion- 6( #e do
th%t, then #eJll st%gn%te %nd die %s %n industry- ?ne o( these %re%s th%t #e /ust #or, on th%t %re
r%pidly ch%nging is pro/otions %nd /%r,eting, #hich h%ppens to be the sub3ect o( this /onthJs
colu/n %nd #hy the title o( it is HPro/ote or PerishI- R%ther th%n pro!ide % co/plete HStep 1-2-
3 BuideI o( sorts, /y go%l is to %d!ise, inspire, /oti!%te %nd hope(ully educ%te on the sub3ect o(
pro/otions %nd /%r,eting #ithin the /usic industry-
$he o!er-s%tur%tion o( /usic %nd b%nds is e!ery#here on-line, #ith @ySp%ce being one o( the
biggest net#or,ing sites in the "orld, %s #ell %s one o( the o!er%ll top #ebsites !isited-
($uthor%s &ote' $t the time of this article, facebook was not the popular social networking site it
is in )*.., but the same thing still applies regarding the stated message as relating to
oversaturation of the marketplace by bands, use of social networking, etc.)
"h%t sep%r%tes your b%nd %nd your /usic (ro/ the ne0t oneA 6( 6 bro#se 100 Mor e!en 10N b%ndJs
#ebsites M#hether they %re on @ySp%ce or notN, #ill 6 re/e/ber %ny o( the b%nds or their /usicA
"ill 6 re/e/ber %nything %bout the/ %t %ll periodA "ill it 3ust be % huge 3u/bled se% o( /usic
spl%shing %bout inside /y he%d #ith nothing re%lly stic,ing outA Sure, you need hoo,s %nd
/elody in /usic, lyrics people c%n sing to i( your go%l is to be r%dio-(riendlyFco//erci%lly
!i%ble, etc1 %s %ll o( th%t is the subst%nce th%tJs needed to ,eep people interested, but #h%t #ill
get the/ interested in you in the (irst pl%ceA 6tJd be nice M%nd ide%listicN to thin, %nd s%y th%t
your /usic #ill st%nd %lone on its o#n %nd 3ust bec%use itJs so d%ng good %nd origin%l, people
#ill (loc, to see you, buy your CCs, %dorn you #ith #h%te!er you desire, etc, but th%tJs not
re%lity 6J/ %(r%id- 6( th%t #ere the c%se, there %re tons o( b%nds %nd /usici%ns out there th%t %re
producing so/e !ery good /usic th%t should /%,e the/ %ll pl%tinu/ selling %rtists (illing huge
%ren%s #ith (%ns, but no one h%s e!er re%lly he%rd o( the/-
$%,e (or e0%/ple one o( the /ost inno!%ti!e loc%l b%nds 6J!e e!er seen, %nd one o( /y person%l
(%!orites, Mso yes, /y opinion is % bit bi%sed in this %ssess/ent o( the/,N but these guys hit
pro/otion %nd /%r,eting #ith % /ulti-pronged %ppro%ch, %nd 6Jd bet /%ny o( you S$6<<
h%!enJt he%rd o( the/ outside o( the loc%l %re%- $hey use @ySp%ce e((ecti!ely Mh%rd to do
bec%use itJs o!er-s%tur%ted by so /%ny b%ndsN, they e/%il, they h%nd out (lyers, they #or, on
bene(it sho#s, they %re !ery in!ol!ed #ith the loc%l scene in /%ny #%ys, they /%,e phone c%lls
the d%y o( the sho# %nd be(oreh%nd %s do /%ny b%nds, they do so /uch %nd /uch /ore th%n
/%ny b%nds 6J!e ,no#n do, yet, itJs still not enough- 6 #ish 6 could pro!ide (or you % HStep 1-2-
3I inst%-success to pro/otions %nd /%r,eting pl%n, but 6 thin, the b%nd 6 %/ #riting %bout %bo!e
is % good e0%/ple o( % /ultiple %ppro%ch %tt%c,1 %nd 6J/ sure they %renJt the only one doing
such things either1 but %g%in, this is in p%rt due to the o!ers%tur%tion #hich le%ds to % c%cophony
o( noise (ro/ e!eryone trying to get %ttention (or the/sel!es in % se% o( people, b%nds, %nd
businesses- 6 thin, they %re e((ecti!ely /%r,eting the/sel!es, but 3ust li,e %ny org%ni7%tion1
there is %l#%ys roo/ (or i/pro!e/ent-
Page K4
$he b%nd e!en sells %ds (or % !ery re%son%ble r%te on one side o( their (ull color h%ndbills to
o((set the production cost M#hich helps the/ out #ith cost- 6t %lso helps #hoe!er buys the %d
bec%use itJs not !ery e0pensi!e %d!ertisingN- 8ot % ne# concept by %ny /e%ns, but e!erything
helps #hich c%n %nd does gener%te inco/e- ?n top o( th%t, the b%ndJs street te%/ h%nds out these
(lyers, so itJs li,e the street ter/ st%((ers %re #or,ing (or the %d buyers %t no %ddition%l cost- 8o#
th%tJs not groundbre%,ing inno!%tion, but %s (%r %s % loc%l %ct goes, they %re the only ones in
to#n doing th%t %s (%r %s 6 ,no#- @y point o( %ll this %nd the e0%/ple 6 used %bo!e #ith this
loc%l b%nd, is th%t %s %n industry, #hether #e %re % solo /usici%n, b%nd, record l%bel, boo,ing
%gent, #h%te!er #e do or #ho #e %re, #e /ust (ind #%ys to /%r,et our product %nd oursel!es-
Mby the #%y, the b%nd is 8iobiu/ : pronounced 8ye-oh-be-u/N-
($uthor%s &ote' &iobium started in )**+ and disbanded A years later in mid2)*.*.)
6 donJt belie!e th%t one single /ethod o( %d!ertising your product is the be-%ll-end-%ll #%y to do
it- So/e /ethods %nd %!enues %re /ore e((ecti!e th%n others- So/eti/es one techni5ue you use
#ill (%il /iser%bly (or you, but #or, gre%t (or so/eone else- @%ybe itJs not the techni5ue, the
%!enue, ho# you %re doing it, /%ybe th%t is %ll Hthe right #%yI, but your %udience 3ust isnJt
recepti!e to th%t %d!ertisingF/ethod- So, in th%t c%se, #elco/e to the Htri%l %nd errorI g%/e o(
(inding out not 3ust #or,s, but #h%t #or,s (or .?' %nd .?'R product #ith .?'R consu/ers
M%,% (%nsN- MEey, i( this #ere e%sy e!eryone #ould be doing it success(ully, rightAN
$here %re countless boo,s on br%nding, /%r,eting %nd pro/otions (or not only the /usic
business, but business in gener%l- Br%b % bunch o( the/, sort out the good (ro/ the b%d, use th%t
in(or/%tion %s % (ound%tion, but donJt let it sti(le your cre%ti!ity in ho# to best pro/ote %nd
/%r,et yoursel( %nd your product- (ter %ll, your cre%ti!e /%r,eting is one thing th%t #ill set you
%p%rt (ro/ the rest o( the p%c,-
6 belie!e th%t people do re%li7e th%t business is %ll % nu/bers g%/e1 but the proble/ is /%,ing
the/ %ll %dd up in e!ery %re%- $he HK0F20 RuleI %pplies here #hich st%tes th%t 20O o( your
custo/ers #ill be responsible (or K0O o( your business- $h%t /e%ns % lot o( /%r,eting,
pro/otion, %nd o!er %ll 3ust pl%in h%rd #or,-
rule (or business /%r,eting is th%t you #%nt to /o!e people %#%y (ro/ p%in %ndFor to#%rd
ple%sure- E%!e % he%d%cheA $%,e this pillD M%#%y (ro/ p%inN "%nt to h%!e st%tusA Cri!e this ,ind
o( c%rD Mto#%rd ple%sureN : 6J/ sure you c%n (ind tons o( e0%/ples yoursel( 3ust li,e this-
<oo, %t the !%rious colors too, ho# %re they used, #here, #hen, etcA .ou c%n t%,e the s%/e %d,
ch%nge colors %round, %nd /%,e it /ore Mor lessN e((ecti!e- "h%t #%y #or,s bestA "h%t le%ds
the eyeA g%in, this is #here boo,s %ndFor cl%sses on pro/otions %nd /%r,eting #ould help- 6
#ish 6 could go into so /uch /ore det%il M%s 6 %l#%ys #%nt to doN, but then this #ould be % boo,
on th%t sub3ect %lone, %nd not %n %rticle- ll o( this o( course rel%tes b%c, to pre!ious things 6J!e
#ritten %bout st%ting th%t you should ,no# your /%r,et, itJs de/ogr%phics, g%thering in(o such
%s %ge group, interests, inco/e le!el, #h%te!er in(or/%tion you c%n g%ther, it #ill help- $he /ore
you ,no# %bout your consu/ers M(%nsN, the /ore you c%n e((ecti!ely /%r,et yoursel( %nd your
productMsN to the/- 6 ,no# this isnJt the #hole gl%/orous roc, st%r li(estyle i/%ge %nd /ent%lity
people o(ten thin, o(, but this is re%lity-
Page K9
?( course 6J/ /%,ing % huge %ssu/ption th%t you, the re%der, #%nt to /%,e % c%reer out o(
/usic either in p%rt or in #hole1 %nd 6 %/ %#%re th%t too /%ny b%nds, this ,ind o( stu(( 3ust
doesnJt /%tter to the/- $h%tJs (ine- 6tJs %ll in #h%t you #%nt- Eo#e!er, 6 donJt ,no# o( % single
/usici%n th%t en3oys pl%ying to only % (e# people, the sound cre# %nd the b%r st%((- $his isnJt
HField ?( Cre%/sI #here H6( you pl%y it, they #ill co/eI- Mo,, 6 e0ch%nged HbuildI (or Hpl%yI,
but you get the ide%N-
s 6 /entioned l%st /onth, #e h%!e % lot o( co/petition (or both ti/e %nd /oney these d%ys
#ith %ll o( the %/enities th%t technology %((ords us- W >o0 3+0, Pl%y St%tion 2 %nd 3, B%/e
Cube, 8+4, Eigh Speed 6nternet, Stre%/ing o( sho#s %nd /o!ies on-de/%nd, hundreds o( c%ble
st%tions, W@ R%dio, etc- "ho needs to le%!e ho/eAA dd onto th%t incre%sed C'6 en(orce/ent,
tr%((ic, p%r,ing, cost o( p%r,ing, g%s, etc, %nd itJs % lot o( both ti/e %nd /oney in!ested (or
so/eone to go see % sho#- "h%t /%,es it #orth it (or the/ to goA "h%t /%,es it #orth it to
the/ to go to .?'R sho# !erses the other b%ndJs gigA s % custo/er, 6 %s, /ysel( H"ho %re
you %nd #hy %re you #orth /e spending /y ti/e, energy, /oney %nd e((ort onA "h%t is your
!%lue to /e (or /y entert%in/ent ti/e %nd /oneyAI
@%,ing sure the !enue you %re pl%ying h%s good p%r,ing, drin, speci%ls, decent co!er ch%rge
price, speci%l b%r pro/otions, etc, c%n %ll %ttribute to % sho#Js success : 6F : both you %nd the
!enue /%r,et %nd pro/ote it %s %n HE!entI, not 3ust %nother b%r gig My%#nN- ?( course it /ust
truly >E %n e!ent, not 3ust c%lled th%t- .ou /ust /%,e people #%nt to co/e out %nd see you- $o
spend their ti/e, /oney, energy to do so, it /ust be #orth it to the/- "h%tJs in it (or the/ %s the
custo/erA So/e things your b%nd does #ill lose /oney %nd /%y cost you % bit, but in the end, i(
done correctly, they c%n %nd hope(ully #ill, /%,e you /oney in the long run- $hen %g%in /%ybe
not, but th%tJs the ris, you t%,e- ?ne e0%/ple o( this c%n be (ound in ret%il1 they use #h%tJs
c%lled % Hloss le%derI, #hich is #here the store loses /oney on one product to get you into the
pl%ce in the hopes th%t youJll spend /oney on other /ore pro(it%ble things- >%nd Q business Q
not /uch di((erent re%lly- "h%t %re your Hloss le%dersIA C%n you buy so/ething %t % #holes%le
price to use %s %n e((ecti!e tool to bring people inA Coes %nyone in your b%nd, (%/ily, circle o(
(riends, etc o#n % business th%t they could help you out #ith products %nd ser!ices !i% so/e de%l
you #or, outA re there co/p%nies you c%n net#or, #ith, such %s % s/%ll business th%t /%y
pro!ide you #ith % product or ser!ice th%t you could use to bring people into your sho#sA 6J/
%(r%id you #onJt get things (or (ree Musu%llyN, so yes, this #ill cost you so/e ti/e, /oney e((ort
to /%,e things h%ppen, but th%tJs 3ust the cost o( doing business-
6 ,no# this %rticle is % (%r cry (ro/ being %s in depth or %s co/plete %s 6 ,no# 6 could #rite, but 6
3ust #%nted to ignite the /ent%l ,indling %nd get so/e people thin,ing1 itJs up to you to /%,e it
into % ro%ring (ire- 'ntil ne0t ti/eP-
%e7t month, :"A"T"S"I"
d!ice o( the /onth& [de(unct #ebsite lin, (ro/ the origin%l %rticle re/o!ed\
Chapter 1 A .ie+ *rom The -acline 0 520036
Page K+
$he .nternationa" A""iance of $heatrica" and Stage ?m'"oyee(
Eello one %nd %ll,
$his /onth /%r,s the 3rd %nni!ers%ry o( this colu/n1 %nd since good things co/e in 3s, 6J/
going to do % good thing by gi!ing so/e credit to the people th%t #or, the /%gic behind the
scenes %t /%ny !enues %round to#n : n%/ely, /y brothers %nd sisters o( the 6ntern%tion%l
lli%nce o( $he%tric%l %nd St%ge E/ployees M%-,-% H$he 6--I or H$he 'nionIN <oc%l S13-
For the l%y/%nJs e0pl%n%tion o( #h%t the 6-- is e0%ctly1 the 6--$-S-E is % union (or those #ho
#or, in the per(or/ing %rts %nd entert%in/ent business doing !%rious 3obs rel%ted to the
production %spects o( !%rious e!ents such %s d%nce, oper%, b%llet, concerts, con!entions %nd
/ore- $he 3obs th%t %re %!%il%ble %nd the s,ill sets re5uired to #or, in those %re%s %re %s !%ried %s
the people #or,ing the/- M6 ,no# /%ny o( the people #or,ing behind the scenes pre(er
%nony/ity, so (e%r not, no n%/es #ill be /entioned-N
EereJs % !ery b%sic list %nd brie( Mre%d HroughIN description o( !%rious 3obs th%t % St%geh%nd /%y
do %t %n e!ent-
'p Riggers : Rig the points in the grid in the !enueJs ceiling %nd secure the suspension syste/s
Musu%lly !i% /otors %nd ch%insN th%t support the lighting truss %nd %nything else th%t h%ngs in %
!enue- l#%ys #or,ing up in the c%t#%l,s o( the !enues, these %re the people #ho /%,e sure
nothing co/es cr%shing do#n on %nyone- $hereJs % lot o( trust %nd responsibility th%t co/es #ith
the 3ob %nd it t%,es % speci%l breed o( st%geh%nd to do th%t line o( #or,- 6 pre(er to c%ll it Hins%ne
%nd % hell o( % lot o( pressureI- 6 h%!e E'BE respect (or the guys %nd g%ls doing th%t gig-
Co#n Mor BroundN Riggers : ?nce the 'p Riggers lo#er the ropes do#n, the Co#nFBround
Riggers secure the ch%ins to be li(ted up to the points in the grid th%t the 'p riggers secure-
nything th%t gets li(ted in the %ir is (irst secured by % Bround Rigger- $hese guysFg%ls %re the
Hother h%l(I %nd 3ust %s i/port%nt to the o!er%ll e((ort li,e the 'p Riggers %re-
<o%ders : So/e gigs %re e%sier (or these guys, %nd so/e %re % re%l be%r to de%l #ith- So/eti/es
itJs 4 truc,s, other ti/es is 40 truc,s, but no /%tter #h%t, the people #or,ing the inside o( the
tr%ilers %l#%ys #or, together %s % te%/ #ith e0tre/e e((iciency- Gust li,e the Riggers, <o%ders
h%!e their o#n !ibe, their o#n cli5ue o( sorts, #hich isnJt % b%d thing since they #or, so closely
together itJs %n %d!%nt%ge bec%use it %ppe%rs li,e they ,no# their co-#or,ers so #ell th%t o(ten
ti/es no #ords need be s%id to co//unic%te- $hey 3ust (lo# together into one cohesi!e #or,ing
For,li(t Cri!ers : 8ot %l#%ys used, but the ones 6J!e #or,ed #ith %re solid- 6J!e ne!er seen one
/ess up yet- 'su%lly % (or,li(t dri!er is % higher up st%geh%nd in the 'nion th%t h%s been %round
(or 5uite so/e ti/e %nd h%s % ton o( e0perience- 6t /ight see/ li,e % gr%!y 3ob, but itJs not- 6tJs
%lso one #here you /ust t%,e gre%t c%re to not d%/%ge neither ge%r, c%ses or %nyone in the
!icinity in #hich youJre #or,ing- $hey /%,e it see/ e%sy, but trust /e, itJs not-
Page K*
St%geh%nd : 8o /%tter #h%t gig so/eone h%s, For,li(t Cri!er, Rigger, Ste#%rd, Cec,h%nd,
Spotlight ?per%tor, etc, (irst %nd (ore/ost, they %re St%geh%nds- $hey %re 3ust St%geh%nds th%t
h%!e been doing it % !ery long ti/e, de!eloped !%rious s,ills sets th%t %llo# the/ to #or, in
!%rious positions #hen the need %rises-
@%ny St%geh%nds %re strictly 3ust th%t : St%geh%nds- $hey /%y not rig, dri!e % (or,, but they
h%!e %ll #or,ed in e!ery dep%rt/ent Msound, lighting, st%ging, set, etcN %nd those gener%l
St%geh%nds /%,e up the !%st /%3ority o( the l%bor pool- $hey %re 3ust %s i/port%nt %s %ny other
3ob on the c%ll, %nd th%tJs #here those doing % speci(ic 3ob /ost o( the ti/e, got their st%rt- 8o
one st%rts out %s % Rigger, For,li(t Cri!er, Ste#%rd, etc %nd in (%ct, /%ny St%geh%nds pre(er to
#or, in cert%in %re%s such %s Sound or <ighting- E!en (urther still, so/e St%geh%nds pre(er to
#or, in the%ter !erses concerts-, the !ibe is di((erent in the%ter th%n it is (or concerts %nd
so/e h%nds pre(er one !erses the other-N 8eedless to s%y, so/e o( these St%geh%nds %re 3ust %s
e!ery bit s,illed %s %nyone else is in their respecti!e %re%MsN o( e0pertise-
Cec,h%nd : $hese %re the St%geh%nds #ho #or, during the sho# #ith ch%ngeo!er bet#een sets
%nd %re re%dy during the sho# (or %nything the touring cre# /%y need the/ (or- Ce(initely one
o( the s#eetest gigs to h%!e-
Spotlight ?per%tor : Pretty sel(-e0pl%n%tory, but these St%geh%nds #or, closely #ith the <C
M<ighting CirectorN o( the tour %nd t%,e their cue c%lls (ro/ hi/- E0%/ple o( % cue c%ll #ould be
- <C& HSpots 1 %nd 3, #eJll go to S4 %(ter he (inishes the Buit%r solo-I R#%itsR H6n 3P-2P-1P
Eouse <ights : $he St%geh%nd to is responsible to turning onFo(( house lights Mthe !enueJs lightsN
be(ore %nd %(ter the sho# signi(ying the st%rt %nd end o( the e!ent-
Ste#%rd : $he 'nionJs Cre# Chie( o( %ll o( the loc%l st%geh%nds, including riggers Mup %nd
do#nN, (or,li(t dri!ers, gener%l st%geh%nds, spotlight oper%tors, %nd e!eryone #or,ing the c%ll (or
the 6-- ?b!iously there %re !ery, !ery (e# Ste#%rds in co/p%rison to the other 3obs out there-
@%ny ti/es itJs #or,ing #ith % !ery s/%ll cre#, other ti/es itJs % huge cre# c%ll #ith 100
st%geh%nds or /ore- P%per#or,, h%nding out credenti%ls to loc%l cre# #or,ing st%(( %s #ell %s
the s#%g %t the end o( the lo%d-out Mgott% lo!e the <oc%l Cre# $-Shirts : 3ust #ish they h%d the/
in /y si7eN, #or,ing #ith the sho#Js $our @%n%ger, St%ge @%n%ger, Production @%n%ger,
=enue St%((, /iscell%neous $ouring St%((, <oc%l 6-- St%geh%nds, %nd others is %ll p%rt o( the
Ste#Js gig-
3 .e%rs %go #hen 6 (irst st%rted this colu/n, 6 did % + p%rt series th%t outlined %nd de%lt #ith the
!%rious dep%rt/entsFduties o( the production %spects o( % sho#1 %nd e%ch o( the %bo!e, Riggers,
For,li(t Cri!ers, Ste#%rds, St%geh%nds, Cec,h%nds, etc, #ere in!ol!ed in th%t seriesJ topics-
So/e o( the loc%l cre# %re #or,ing %s e%rly %s *%/, %ll o( the/ #or, in shi(ts %nd /%ny donJt
le%!e until 4%/, long %(ter the e!ent h%s ended %nd the lo%d-out h%s concluded %s #ell- $o see %n
e!ent co/e into %n e/pty %ren%, get setup, t%,e pl%ce, then get re/o!ed %ll #ithin less th%n % 24
hour period, is 5uite % sight %nd deser!es % lot o( respect- $he people o( %ll ch%pters o( the
6--$-S-E %re so/e o( the best people in this business, %nd the ne0t ti/e you go to % sho#, gi!e
the/ their due credit- $hey #ere there long be(ore you %nd #ill be there long %(ter doing #or,
Page KK
th%t not only p%ys the/ #ell, but they do so #ith % sense o( pride, pro(iciency, c%/%r%derie %nd
e((iciency th%t /%ny 3obs %nd people donJt h%!e- $hey truly lo!e #h%t they do %nd it t%,es %
speci%l breed o( indi!idu%l to #or, %s % St%geh%nd-
6J/ proud to c%ll the/ not only /y %ssoci%tes, but /%ny o( the/ 6 c%ll (riend %s #ell- 6J!e not
#or,ed % 'nion sho# since @%rch 200+ since % lot o( /y li(e h%s been going through huge
ch%nges M/o!ing, eng%ged, /other dying o( c%ncer, 3ob, /y businesses, ti/e, #riting 2 boo,s,
etc-N but 6 genuinely /iss the/- 6( %nyone in the loc%l is re%ding this, tell e!eryone 6 s%id
HEelloDDI %nd 6J/ doing 3ust (ine- 6 /iss e!eryone-
%e7t month, Rhode :sland *our Cears $ater
d!ice o( the /onth& 4$he /usic business is % cruel %nd sh%llo# /oney trench- % long pl%stic
h%ll#%y #here thie!es %nd pi/ps run (ree %nd good /en die li,e dogs- $hereJs %lso % neg%ti!e
side-4 - Eunter S- $ho/pson MR-6-P- (ello# brother o( $he Fourth Est%teN
Rhode .("and Four Aear( Later
Cid you (orgetA Cid the %rticle title 3og your /e/oryA 6( not, here it is point bl%n,&
$his /onth is the (our-ye%r %nni!ers%ry o( $he St%tion 8ightclub Fire in "est "%r#ic, Rhode
6sl%nd in #hich 100 people died, e!en /ore #ere in3ured, %nd still to this d%y li!es o( (%/ily %nd
(riends %re still %((ected by this tr%gic historic e!ent-
s G%c, RussellJs (or/er $our @%n%ger, ($uthor%s &ote' ! was on his )**) solo 5(%s 8For
;ou: tour right before (an Biechele did the "reat hite tour), 6 ,no# th%t 6J/ still %((ected %nd
6 %l#%ys #ill be, but co/p%red to those #ho lost sons, d%ughters, brothers, sisters, p%rents %nd
(riends, 6 c%nJt i/%gine #h%t d%ily li(e /ust be li,e (or the/- ?nly through bene(it concerts, (und
r%ising %nd don%tions, h%!e the (%/ilies o( the !icti/s recei!ed the /%3ority o( (in%nci%l %nd
e/otion%l support1 #hich still (%lls short o( re%lly being %ble to help these people li,e it should-
s #%s sho#n on <%rry Ling <i!e % short #hile %(ter the tr%gic e!ent, /%ny o( the sur!i!ors #ill
li!e #ith both physic%l %nd e/otion%l sc%rs (or the rest o( their li!es, yet it is not enough-
"h%t is enoughA
8othing c%n tot%lly e!er be enough- E!er-
6de%lly, i( %ll o( their /edic%l bills #ere co!ered (or p%st, present %nd ongoing c%re, th%t #ould
t%,e c%re o( the physic%l needs, but no %/ount o( /oney c%n repl%ce % lo!ed one or (i0 e/otion%l
sc%rring- $hose %re things th%t the (%/ilies %nd (riends #ill h%!e to li!e #ith (or the rest o( their
li!es %nd de%l #ith e!ery second o( e!ery d%y- <i,e %ll tr%gedies, so/e %re #orse th%n others, but
%ll o( the/ see/ to 5uic,ly be (orgotten once they le%!e the /%instre%/ /edi%Js spotlight %nd
%ttention- Eo# 5uic,ly the public (orgets-
Page K)
$he purpose o( this /onthJs %rticle is to bring %#%reness o( this gre%t loss o( li(e to the (ore(ront
o( the publicJs /ind once %g%in1 %s /%ny people %re still struggling #ith the %(ter e((ects o( this
e!ent e!ery second o( e!ery d%y (or the rest o( their li!es- 6 %/ using this colu/n in the best #%y
6 ,no# ho#1 to help e!eryone %((ected by $he St%tion 8ightclub Fire-
6( you %re #%nt % outline o( the story, st%rt here-
Eere %re so/e in(or/%tion to pro!ide help i( you c%n %long #ith so/e other in(or/%tion lin,s-
Ple%se do #h%te!er you c%n (or the sur!i!ors %nd the !icti/Js (%/ilies-
St%tion F%/ily Fund
P-?- >o0 +203
Pro!idence, R6 02)40
($uthor%s &ote' L4($T1 from the ?tation Family Fund website in the form of this official
statement below'
The ?tation Family Fund, which was founded in 0ay of )**, by survivors and family members
affected by The ?tation &ightclub fire, was formed to meet the immediate needs of those most
affected by this tragedy. e are proud to announce that our goal of filling the immediate needs
of those impacted by the fire have been met. $s of 0ay )*.. the ?FF will officially be closing.)
6n(or/%tion (or Sur!i!ors %nd (%/ilies-
8on Pro(it ?rg%ni7%tions&
%e7t month, *are+ell
d!ice o( the li(eti/e& <o!e-
"o#DD "ouldnJt it be cool to Mdo this or beco/e th%tNA
6t doesnJt /%tter i( itJs being % Che/ic%l Engineer or % Pro(ession%l @usici%n-
6t doesnJt /%tter #h%t the 3ob e0%/ple /%y be, so 3ust pic, one- ny one #ill do-
6t doesnJt /%tter i( doing Hso/ethingI, M#h%te!er th%t Hso/ethingI /%y beN, #hether itJs going
to Cisney "orld or touring the "orld- Gust pic, %ny e0%/ple you #%nt-
"h%t do these things h%!e in co//onA $he %ns#er is this& "h%t re%lly /%tters lies #ithin you
%nd it /%,es up #ho you %re- 6t is not #h%t you do (or #or,, ho# /uch /oney you /%,e, ho#
Page )0
/%ny ti/es youJ!e tr%!eled the #orld, #ho you ,no# or %nything else th%t youJ!e e!er seen or
done, unless it (ul(ills your soul- 6( it e!er stops being so, th%t is #hen it is ti/e (or you to stop
doing it, #h%te!er HitI is, %nd re-%ssess, %nd then /%,e the %ppropri%te ch%nges in your li(e-
@usic %nd the pl%ying o( it be M%nd o(ten isN (ul(illing, but (or /%ny people, it stops being so- t
% cert%in point, M%nd not (or e!eryone, but (or /%ny #ithin the /usic industryN, it beco/es % 3ob
3ust li,e %ny other- 6t /%y not be )-to-9 o((ice 3ob li,e /%ny people h%!e, but it still sh%res /%ny
o( the s%/e 3oys %nd sorro#s- 6n the /usic industry F /usic business, you h%!e proble/s, co-
#or,ers, e/ployee issues, t%0es, hiring %nd (iring %long #ith % /ultitude o( issues (ound in %ny
business or industry1 but %t % cert%in point, (or /%ny people /usic 3ust beco/es % 3ob- $he
5uestion is, do you still lo!e itA Coes it (ul(ill youA
6n the p%st 6J!e #ritten %bout ho# it re%lly is b%c,st%ge, ho# 6 percei!e the (uture o( the /usic
business, #h%t goes on #ith the !%rious %re%s %nd dep%rt/ents o( % concert, ho# to run it li,e %
business or h%!e it %s % hobby1 6J!e co!ered /%ny %re%s in this colu/n since G%nu%ry 2004, %nd
this colu/n h%s been % l%bor o( lo!e- "riting (ul(ills /e, but touring %nd #or,ing in the /usic
business does not- t one ti/e it did, %nd 6J!e ser!ed others #hile /%,ing /y li!ing in /usic1
but no# it is /y hope to help others through being % #riter- 6J!e re%lly st%rted th%t process by
#riting this colu/n, these %rticles, but no# the ti/e h%s co/e (or /e to le%!e the /usic #orld
behind %nd (or /e to /o!e on to #rite %bout other things so 6 /%y ser!e others in those %re%s-
6 recei!e person%l s%tis(%ction %nd (ul(ill/ent (or ser!ing %nd helping others1 but /ore
i/port%ntly, 6 hope to /%,e the #orld % better pl%ce (or /e h%!ing been in it- For /e, itJs %bout
the gi!ing o( oneJs sel( th%t /%tters, not the in the recei!ing- 6t is #ho 6 %/, h%!e %l#%ys been,
%nd %l#%ys #ill be- 6( 6 ne!er #ere published %nd ne!er sold %ny o( /y #ords, 6 #ould still #rite
bec%use 6 donJt #%nt /y thoughts %nd #ords to perish inside o( /e-
6 #ish to th%n, 8ite$i/es @%g%7ine, Gohnny Lline %nd %ll o( the st%(( (or gi!ing /e the
opportunities 6J!e h%d these l%st (e# ye%rs1 %nd especi%lly (or /e to be %ble to !oice /y opinions
%nd e0perience #ithout e0tre/e editori%l control- 6J!e h%d % !ery (ree reign, #hich is r%re (or %
colu/nist %nd #riter in gener%l1 %nd 6 #ish to gi!e /y ne!er-ending th%n,s (or it-
d!ice o( the /onth& <o!e- l#%ys-
$h%n, you, %nd good night-
Ron Schreiner
Chapter 2 4iscellaneous Articles
Support The $ocal 4usic Scene %ot Aust @CourK -and
H6J/ here to support 4C b%ndI- "e /%y not s%y those #ords or e!en consciously thin, the/,
but our %ctions sho# it by so /%ny people going to loc%l sho#s %nd st%ying until HtheirI b%nd
Page )1
pl%ys1 only to le%!e shortly %(ter#%rds- 6( you le%!e be(ore the entire sho# is o!er, you h%!e only
p%rti%lly supported HCourI b%nd %nd hereJs #hyP-
Pro/oters ; =enues Mthe people #ho boo, ; hold the sho#sN loo, %t the entire night to
deter/ine % sho#Js success, not 3ust ho# one b%nd does during their o#n set- $he b%r o#ner
couldnJt c%re less %bout your /erch%ndise %nd CC s%les e0cept (or t#o re%sons&
1N 6( the house Mpro/oter, !enueN gets % percent%ge o( your CC s%les-
2N 6( people spend /oney on your /erch%ndise they h%!e less /oney to spend on the !enueJs
(ood %nd drin,s
$hey loo, %t it (ro/ % business perspecti!e rel%ti!e to the/sel!es1 %nd since they hired your
b%nd, M%nd your b%nd did not hire t he !enueN, they %re the e/ployer- 6tJs your 3ob to help /%,e
the/ /oney- 6( you sell out o( CCs %nd $-Shirts, goodDD : 'nless you %re t%,ing %#%y th%t
potenti%l inco/e (ro/ your e/ployer, the !enue- Eope(ully your custo/ers M%,% (%nsN #ill h%!e
enough dispos%ble inco/e (or both businesses Mthe b%nd %nd the !enueFpro/oterN to both bene(it-
Fro/ the st%ge, pro/ote the !enueJs speci%ls, their (ood, drin,, tipping o( the #%it st%((, %nd
(ro/ behind the b%r %nd in the %udience, h%!e th%t s%/e st%(( #e%ring your $-Shirts, hoodies,
h%ts, %nd pro/oting your stu(( too-
Re/e/ber th%t the de!il is in the det%ilsP--M(or both youFyour b%nd %nd (or the !enueFpro/oterN
Eo# /%ny tic,ets did #e sell or people c%/e through the doorA
Eo# /%ny st%yed %nd (or ho# longA
Eo# /uch M(ood, li5uor, beer, etcN did #e sell by the end o( the nightA
6( HyourI b%nd sold lots o( tic,ets %nd brought people in the door to the sho#, th%tJs gre%t, %nd
6J/ sure the !enue F pro/oter got % cut o( th%t, but itJs only goes so (%r- ?nce in the door, the
custo/er needs to ,eep spending so the !enue /%,es /oney- $he theory is th%t the /ore the
!enue F pro/oter /%,es, the /ore !%lu%ble %n %sset you %nd your b%nd %re to the/1 thus the
/ore b%rg%ining po#er you h%!e in negoti%ting p%y (or %ny (uture sho#s %t th%t !enue- s %n
e0%/ple, i( >%nd HI gener%tes T2,900-3,000 gross s%les (or the b%r in % night %nd >%nd H>I
gener%tes T4,000-9,0001 to the b%r o#ner, guess #hich b%nd is HbetterI %nd #hich one #ill be
%ble to %s, (or /ore /oney i( they c%n do th%t on % regul%r b%sisA >%nd H>I o( course-
$he botto/ line (or the pro/oterFb%r o#nerF!enue is& Eo# /uch did the till ring out %t tonight
Mgross inco/e (or the entire nightN %nd then /inus e0penses, #h%t is tonightJs pro(itA lbeit only
te/por%ry, you %re %n e/ployee M6ndependent Contr%ctorN o( the !enue F pro/oter (or the night-
6tJs % pretty b%sic business principle o( inco/e e0ceeding outgo Me0pensesN- $he /ore people
st%y %nd spend, the better %nd /ore pro(it%ble night it is- 6t /%,es the sho# Hbigger %nd betterI in
the eyes o( the people #ho loo, %t th%t nightJs botto/ line- $h%tJs business, li,e it or not-
Page )2
.ou %nd your b%nd %re still % business though, %nd %s such, this inco/e !s- e0pense de%l %pplies
to you too1 but e!en i( you donJt tre%t it %s % business %nd do this only (or % hobby, the
!enueFpro/oter does not- $hey %re in business to /%,e /oney %nd #ill use #h%te!er b%nds or
entert%in/ent c%n gener%te the /ost inco/e %nd pro(it%bility (or the/ on % regul%r b%sis-
$he /ore people st%y %nd spend, the /ore e!eryone bene(its, e!en i( indirectly- 6( the pro/oters
%nd !enues /%,e /oney, th%t #ill gi!e the/ the (in%nces they need to hold /ore sho#s, bring in
n%tion%l %cts th%t HyourI b%nd /%y get the ch%nce to open up (or, etc- $he loc%l b%nds #ill %lso
get on better M%s #ell %s /oreN loc%l sho#s, Mthus %llo#ing the/ /ore e0posureN %nd /%ybe e!en
helping the/ to /%,e /ore /oney (ro/ pl%ying1 %s #ell %s in /ore /erch%ndise s%les-
So (%r #eJ!e only re%lly loo,ed %t this (ro/ the point o( one b%nd, your b%nd, but #h%t %bout on
/ulti-b%nd sho#s #here you h%!e 2 or /ore b%nds pl%ying th%t night on the s%/e st%ge in their
o#n ti/e slotA .ou c%n /ultiply this e((ect by e%ch b%nd pro/oting the !enueJs sho#, speci%ls
on (ood %nd drin,s, etc- Perh%ps only your b%nd #ill do these things, i( th%tJs the c%se, /%,e sure
you c%n docu/ent %nd pro!e to the !enueFpro/oter M#hoe!er is p%ying your b%nd th%t nightN th%t
people spent /ore /oney during your set ti/e th%n during the other b%nds #hich pl%yed on th%t
nightJs sho#-
$he pro/oters, !enues, b%nds, %nd %ll o( the other people in the /usic business in %ny to#n c%n
only do so /uch- 6( the people donJt sho# up %nd spend the /oney, thereJs re%lly nothing the
rest o( us c%n do- 'lti/%tely, the (%ns %nd their spending choices /%,e or bre%, % cityJs /usic
nightli(e- Follo#ing b%sic business principles #ill only ser!e you %nd your b%nd, thus gi!ing you
%n edge o!er those #ho do not-
($uthor%s &ote .' This is an article below on recording contracts was written in late )**,Jearly
)**+ that was originally published in &iteTimes 0agaGine. 9ne thing !%d like to amend to this
article is the fact that the ,+.M cents per mile number has changed to ,A.M since this article was
$fter this article was written in )**+, during that same year, the touring industry went into a
huge slump, something it was not in when this article was written. ! still believe that in the long
run, my opinions may predict the long2term future of this industry.
$uthor%s $ddendum )' ?ince writing the $ddendum ., those numbers have changed once again
in regards to the mileage, and !%m sure they will continue to as time rolls on. &ow /2= years
later, in )*.., we%ve seen the music and entertainment industry, (and many other industries as
well), also suffer an overall decline on many different levels due to the current economic
conditions of not only this country, but the orld, at the time of this book%s writing.)
)hat;s The &eal> A Duide to Record Contracts
Eo# /%ny ti/es h%!e you he%rd % /usici%n s%y, H6( #e 3ust get % recording contr%ctP-IA
'su%lly theyJll list so/e b%ndMsN #ho /%y Mor /%y notN be doing #ell, %nd then youJll usu%lly
counter #ith the n%/es o( se!er%l /usici%ns %nd b%nds th%t h%!e been scre#ed, %re in /%3or
Page )3
debt, %ndFor donJt e!en h%!e % recording contr%ct %ny/ore- Gust li,e %ny other business, so/e
people /%,e /oney %nd so/e donJt- lot o( it %ll depends on you %nd ho# you h%ndle yoursel(
business-#ise- So/e o( the luc,y (e# th%t /%,e l%rge %/ounts o( /oney c%nJt see/ to ,eep it no
/%tter ho# /uch they /%,e, but #eJll t%l, /ore on th%t topic l%ter-
8o /%tter #h%t h%ppens though, the record l%bels %l#%ys #inP-%nd they #in big- $he recording
industry is still /%,ing so/e /oney e!en in these h%rd econo/ic ti/es, but th%tJs 5uic,ly
ch%nging due to the 6nternet %nd /p3 do#nlo%ding-
6J/ going to touch % bit on the /p3 topic %nd ho# it rel%tes to this %rticleJs topic o( recording
contr%cts, but 6J/ not going into the H/p3 - do#nlo%d the/ or notI deb%te-
$he R6 %nd record l%bels /%y not li,e the (%ct th%t the /usic industry is ch%nging due to the
6nternet %nd /p3s, but theyJll h%!e to %d%pt %nd ch%nge #ith the technologic%l ti/es or ce%se to
e0ist %s their pro(its ste%dily decline into nothingness- "h%te!er they choose to do, their
decisions #ill set the precedence (or ti/es to co/e in the /usic %nd entert%in/ent industry- 6tJs
/y opinion th%t the record l%bels ; R6 c%n either try to secure the /usic only to h%!e people
byp%ss it, thus running %round in circles, or they c%n choose to shi(t their pro(it /%,ing (ro/ CC
s%les to touring %nd /erch%ndise s%les- Right no# itJs /y opinion th%t the record l%bels ; R6
%re doing the (or/er !erses the l%tter- ?nly ti/e #ill tell their decisions %nd e!entu%l (%te-
?b!iously the re%son (or resist%nce to ch%nge is the record l%bels ; R6 %re %lso going to h%!e
to le%rn ho# to %d%pt to not h%!ing 5uite %s l%rge o( % pro(it /%rgin %s be(ore, so/ething no
business e!er #%nts to do- So no# #ith th%t %ll s%id, 6Jd li,e to (urther %dd to /y opinion th%t
%udio /usic, #hether itJs on CC or /p3, #ill be shi(ting o!er to /ore o( % pro/otion%l %re% th%n
% pro(it /%,ing one- 6tJs /y belie( th%t the (uture #ill bring bigger %nd better tours, l%rger sho#s,
/ore /erch%ndising, %nd th%t is #here the l%bels %nd %rtists #ill /%,e their /oney (ro/- $he
/usic #ill si/ply be used to get people to the sho#s to purch%se b%nd rel%ted /erch%ndise, etc-
So #hy do you still need % recording contr%ct ; ho# does this %ll rel%te to itA
Si/ply put, you need %ll the di((erent %re%s %nd e0perienced people #or,ing (or you th%t h%!ing
% record contr%ct brings- .ou donJt h%!e enough hours in the d%y Mor the connectionsN to do your
o#n public rel%tions, distribution, s%les, /%r,eting, boo,ing, printing, deli!ery o( products, etc-
>y not h%!ing % recording contr%ct %nd the people behind it pushing your b%nd #ith pro/otion,
you #onJt get the r%dio %irpl%y or boo,ed %t the right gigs opening (or the right b%nds, etc- So
yes, % recording contr%ct #ith % /%3or l%bel is still % necessity these d%ys i( you #%nt to pl%y in
the big le%gues-
6( you only re/e/ber one thing (ro/ this entire %rticle, let it be this line&
*irst and 'oremost# never 'orget that this is a (usiness" Treat it lie one"
6( youJre #riting %nd recording /%teri%l (or yoursel(, then #hy do you #%nt % record contr%ctA
$hin, %bout it- $he ide% here is to sell %nd /%,e /oney- 6( R%y Lroc only /%de #h%t he li,ed,
@cCon%ldJs #ouldnJt be %s success(ul %s they %re tod%y- Bet the ide%A 6 ,no# /ost /usici%ns
Page )4
%re ide%listic %nd %rtistic, #%nting to belie!e th%t their /%teri%l is /%r,et%ble, #hen in (%ct, it
/%y not be- /usici%n %ndFor b%nd /ust be business s%!!y enough to re%li7e this %nd %d3ust
#h%te!er needs to be %d3usted in order to pursue % success(ul %nd pro(it%ble /usic business
c%reer- 6( you c%n ple%se your o#n %rtistic n%ture #hile selling your /usic %nd /erch%ndise to
the /%sses %s #ell, gre%t, th%tJs good (or you- 6( not, then you /%y #%nt to decide to ch%nge
so/e things i( you #%nt to ple%se the /%sses or decide to do it %s % hobby to ple%se yoursel( %nd
% select nu/ber o( (%ns-
6J/ sure 6J/ not #inning o!er % gre%t nu/ber o( people sounding so cold, but li,e 6 s%id %nd #ill
%l#%ys s%y HFirst %nd (ore/ost, ne!er (orget th%t this is % business- $re%t it li,e one-I Sorry to
sound so h%rsh, but this is business (or /%ny people, %nd #hile it is (un, itJs not %ll (un %nd
6( you loo, %round %t the people #ho h%!e longe!ity in this business %nd not only /%,e /oney,
but /%n%ge to ,eep it %s #ell, youJll (ind th%t they %ll sh%re one co//on thre%d : they %re
business people- (e# h%!e been (ro/ the beginning #hile others h%!e le%rned the h%rd #%y
%nd sur!i!ed- People li,e Sh%ron ?sbourne, $in% $urner, Cher, Elton Gohn, @%donn%,
eros/ith, %nd >illy Goel, 3ust to n%/e % (e#- 6J/ not s%ying they didnJt h%!e proble/s or /%,e
b%d decisions, so/e did, but they le%rned (ro/ the/- Eope(ully you #onJt h%!e to le%rn so/e
lessons the h%rd #%y li,e % (e# o( the/ did-
record contr%ct is not the go%l, only % stepping-stone in % c%reer o( % /usici%n-
$he (irst stone in the p%th is /%n%ge/ent o( (unds, property, people %round you, etc- $his is
#here good people s,ills co/e into pl%y- M$h%tJs %nother %rticle in itsel(N $o see ho# this rel%tes
to % record contr%ct, letJs loo, %t one p%rt o( /%n%ge/ent& budgeting o( (unds-
E!en i( you #or, % d%y 3ob, %s % /usici%n, you %re %n H6ndependent Contr%ctorI %nd thus %re
entitled to cert%in t%0 #rite o((s- $hese include but %re not li/ited to, /ile%ge (ro/ ho/e to
pl%ces #or, rel%ted %nd b%c, %g%in, e5uip/ent li,e %/ps, guit%rs, dru/s, dru/ he%ds, strings,
pic,s, etc, %nd 5uite % bit /ore- 6( you dri!e 10 /iles one #%y to b%nd pr%ctices 3 ti/es % #ee,,
th%tJs 10 /iles e%ch #%y (or one pr%ctice M20 /iles round tripN 0 3 ti/es % #ee,, e5u%ls +0 /iles
% #ee,- 8o# t%,e +0 %nd /ultiply th%t by 34-9 cents % /ile the 6RS letJs you #rite o(( %nd th%tJs
T20-*0 % #ee,, TK2-K0 % /onth, or (in%lly, T1,0*+-40 % ye%r- @y point being, th%t i( you donJt
#orry %nd budget 34-9 cents 8?", you #onJt #orry %bout l%rger nu/bers no# or in the (uture-
Bood (in%nces %re % li(eti/e h%bit #hether itJs T1 or T1,000,000- $he only di((erence is the 7eros
behind it- So /%,e sure you ,no# #h%t youJre doing %nd %lso h%!e % good t%0 %ccount%nt #ho
speci%li7es in the entert%in/ent business, but %lso /%,e good business M%nd person%lN decisions
in li(e %nd #ith your (in%nces- Protect your inco/es stre%/s %nd your %ssets-
"hen you %re %ppro%ched #ith % record contr%ct, sign 8?$E68B %nd donJt %gree to 8.E68B
!erb%lly or in #ritten (or/ #ithout (irst h%!ing %n independent l%#yer th%t speci%li7es in /usic
l%# (irst- >y HindependentI, 6 /e%n one not e/ployed or contr%cted by the l%bel Mor %nyone elseN
to #hich you /%y or /%y not sign %n %gree/ent- $rust /e1 you c%nJt %((ord to not h%!e % good
/usic l%#yer be on your side %t %ll ti/es- <%#yers %renJt che%p, but they %re less costly th%n %
b%d record contr%ct-
Page )9
6J/ not going to get into e0%ct nu/bers %nd speci(ics o( recording contr%cts (or t#o re%sons& %N
>ec%use 6J/ not % l%#yer %nd donJt ,no# %ll the Hins %nd outsI %nd 2N e!ery contr%ct is di((erent-
"ill you still get burned by % contr%ct %(ter re%ding this %rticleA @%ybe- @%ybe not- @y go%l
here is to stop the usu%l illusion th%t people h%!e #ith the contr%cts %nd hope(ully 6 c%n lessen the
burn- Pretty /uch e!eryone Mo,, @?S$ peopleN get burned to so/e degree by % record contr%ct-
Eo# b%d you get burned is up to you-
8o# (or the nitty gritty, the H/e%tI o( the %rticle i( you #illP-
EereJs ho# the record contr%ct #or,s, gener%lly spe%,ing- MRe/e/ber, 6J/ not going to get
o!erly technic%l %nd into det%iled speci(ics in this %rticle %s e%ch contr%ct is uni5ue-N
"hen %n %rtist Msolo /usici%n, b%nd, etcN signs % recording contr%ct #ith % record l%bel, %ll the
det%ils %re l%id out %s to percent%ges on #ho gets #h%t p%rt o( s%les on CCs, /erch%ndise, ho#
/uch /oney the l%bel is going to lo%n Mnotice 6 s%id Hlo%nI, 8?$ Hgi!eIN the %rtist to /%,e their
(irst recording, ho# /%ny %lbu/s the contr%ct is (or, etc-
$he #%y the de%l #or,s is, the record l%bel lo%ns Mor %s itJs c%lled Hd!%ncesIN you W %/ount o(
doll%rs to /%,e your (irst CC %nd pro/ote it- $he l%bel (ronts %ll the /onies re5uired to p%y %ll
the bills (or the CC %nd to st%rt you out on tour to pro/ote the CC- 8o# you o#e the l%bel %ll o(
this /oney b%c,, plus % percent%ge bec%use they #%nt to /%,e /oney too, not 3ust bre%,-e!en-
8o# %dd in the /oney the l%bel is going to lo%n you Mplus interestN (or your !ideos, CC rele%se
p%rties, st%rting your tour, etc- So the /oney t%b ,eeps 3ust piling up-
So (or the s%,e o( %rgu/ent, letJs s%y you sell 20 /illion %lbu/s right o(( the b%t- Bre%t- .ouJre
/ost li,ely %he%d o( the g%/e (or no# unless you so/eho# spent /ore th%n you could /%,e
b%c, on th%t !olu/e o( s%les- 6n the old d%ys long gone by, your (irst-e!er record contr%ct is % 3-
%lbu/ de%l since youJre %n unpro!ed %rtist #ith no re%l tr%c, record o( s%les %nd pro(it%bility- 6(
the ne0t 2 %lbu/s donJt do %s #ell, e!en h%l( %s #ell, you could not only end up bro,e, but in
debt to the l%bel, l%#yers, %nd e!eryone else- $hese d%ys, initi%l 3-%lbu/ Mor CCN de%ls %renJt the
nor/%l st%tus 5uo %ny/ore-
So #hy do you #%nt % record de%l so b%dlyA re you cr%7yA 6ns%neA @%ybe- @%ybe not-
<etJs loo, %t the re%l re%son- 6tJs F%/e- "h%te!er you s%y it re%lly it is, %s % per(or/er, it re%lly
%ll boils do#n to (%/e- .ou #%nt to H/%,e the big ti/eI %s it #ere-
$he illusion o( /oney %nd (ortune, "o/en, Free this-n-th%t, see the "orld, touring, %#%rds,
h%!ing your ego stro,ed, etc- Record l%bels %re (%/e de%lers- 6( you #%nt it, they got it %nd #ill
gi!e it to you, (or % price- "hether itJs your poc,etboo, or your soul they #%nt, the price is too
high (or so/e- ?thers donJt c%re %nd #%nt %t-%ll-costs #h%t the l%bels o((er- Forgi!e the
co/p%rison here1 but % record de%l is o(ten ti/es li,e % cr%c, coc%ine h%bit, so/e people #%nt to
h%!e it no /%tter #h%t the cost %nd ho# b%d it /%y be (or the/ in the end- .ou should 3ust ,no#
#h%t youJre getting into #hen you pl%y the g%/e- $he record l%bels h%!e %ll the odds st%c,ed in
their (%!or, 3ust li,e the c%sinos do- <%s =eg%s c%sinos donJt st%y open #ith the lights on bec%use
Page )+
e!eryone is #inning, nor do the record l%bels st%y open bec%use they 3ust gi!e %#%y /oney
Coes this /e%n 6 %/ %g%inst record l%bels or contr%ctsA bsolutely notDD Re/e/ber #h%t 6 s%id
in the beginning o( this %rticle# @*irst and 'oremost# never 'orget that this is a (usiness" Treat
it lie oneK- $he record l%bels %renJt there to be your (riends or to gi!e you % gre%t de%l- $hey %re
there to /%,e /oney- Period- 6( your b%nd c%nJt do it (or the/, %nother one #ill- So be s/%rt %nd
get % good /usic l%#yer %nd /%ybe your initi%l contr%ct #onJt be ne%rly %s b%d %s /ost ne#
b%nds get- ?ne thing is (or sure, it #ill sho# e!eryone %t the l%bel th%t you ,no# %nd /e%n
business- $his should /%,e it /uch e%sier on your M%nd /ore pro(it%ble %s #ellN #hen you re-
negoti%te your ne0t contr%ct #ith your record l%bel-
So to 5uote the co/puter (ro/ the 1)K0Js /o!ie H"%rg%/esI
HSh%ll #e pl%y % g%/eAI
.ou decide-
$uthor%s &ote' $t the time ! originally wrote this article on 8Eow to become a roadie: in )***,
which as of this addendum%s writing, was over a decade ago and prior to >J... !n short, it was a
much different world than it is now. !f ! were to try and 8break into the biG: so to speak, in these
post2>J.. economic times of The "reat -ecession, with all businesses in down times, !%d be
remiss if ! did not consider such actions with careful thought and action.
This is not to say ! am trying to dissuade anyone from following their dreams and to break into
the business, as it can be done still, 3ust know that it%s a much more precarious move now than
in years past. 5ertainly when ! started, it wasn%t the boom times of the past either. !t%s never
been easy, true that, but certainly ! myself would have had a much easier time in my own
breaking into the music businessJindustry in the .>A*s, .>/*s, or even then .>=*s.
!f you must do it, then do it, but with caution ! propose to you. Be smart, be wise, be careful, but
also be bold, be daring, and be yourself.
To steal an often used line attributed to ?teve Jobs, 8?tay hungry. ?tay foolish.:
Ho+ to (ecome a Roadie
First %nd (ore/ost, being % ro%die M%,% H$echI, H$our @%n%gerI or #h%te!er other (%ncy l%bel
you #%nt to useN is /ore th%n 3ust % 3ob1 itJs % #%y o( li(e- 6tJs %n %ttitude th%t you c%rry inside o(
you- .ou sho# your %ttitude through your %ctions, your #or,s, in e!erything you s%y, thin,, %nd
do- $his is #hy the s%ying 4.ou c%n t%,e the ro%die o(( the ro%d, but you c%nJt t%,e the ro%d out
o( the ro%die4, is so !ery true-
Page )*
"hy so/eone #%nts to be % ro%die is h%rd to e0pl%inP 6tJs li,e #%tching the /o!ie 4Spin%l
$%p4, you either 4get it4 or you donJt- 6tJs 3ust th%t si/ple- $#o possible re%sons th%t so/eone
beco/es % ro%die&
1N $hey re%li7e th%t they %renJt the /ost t%lented /usici%n, or #ill /ost li,ely ne!er (ind th%t
4/%gic co/bin%tion4 o( pl%yers to /%,e % b%nd th%t #or,s #ell together, but they lo!e being 4in
the scene4- E!en i( theyJre not the one per(or/ing on-st%ge, they still #%nt to be % 4pl%yer4 in the
/usic business one #%y or %nother- >eing % ro%die %llo#s the/ to per(or/ %nd be % pl%yer
behind the scenes-
2N $hey %re Mor #ere %t one ti/eN % (riend o( % b%nd Mor b%ndsN th%t needed % soundFlightFb%c,line
tech %nd 3ust sort o( 4helped out4- 6t e!entu%lly gre# into so/ething they lo!ed to do (irst, %nd %
c%reer second- $his #%y o( bre%,ing into the business is pretty /uch %ccident%l in n%ture- 6t 3ust
Hso(t o( h%ppensI-
$hose t#o things prob%bly co!er % l%rge percent%ge o( ho# people get into the business %s %
ro%die- 8otice th%t both put the lo!e o( /usic business %nd being in!ol!ed in it be(ore c%reer %nd
/oney- 6( #e %ll st%rted out (or the c%sh %nd c%reer (irst #ith the lo!e o( it second, no one #ould
be in this business %t %ll- 6n the !ery beginning, i( there is %ny /oney, itJs !ery little- .ouJd
better h%!e % lot o( lo!e o( this business to c%rry you though- $his o( course brings /e to so/e
other /%in points 6Jd li,e to discuss& <onge!ity %nd $e%/#or,-
Longe,ity and $eamwor!
.our %ttitude #ill %((ect your %ltitude- Gust ho# long you st%y in this business Mthus longe!ityN
%nd ho# good o( % te%/ pl%yer you %re, is %ll up to you- Monce %g%in %ttitudeN 6 donJt c%re E?"
gre%t o( % M#h%te!er your 3ob isN you %re, i( you %renJt % long-ter/ te%/ pl%yer in (or the dur%tion
#ith good people s,ills, you #onJt l%st- $he people on "orld $ours (or #h%te!er n%tion%l %rtist
they #or, (or, e%rned their #%y there #ith dedic%tion, te%/#or,, longe!ity Mbeing in the
business % long ti/e %s % te%/ pl%yerN %nd %n o!er%ll good %ttitude- E!en i( you ,ne# %ll the
right people to get you % 3ob, your technic%l s,ills, %nd /%inly your %ttitude, #ill %llo# you to
,eep it or not- @%ny % person in this business isnJt the /ost technic%lly s,illed, but they %re !ery
good #ith people- 'nderst%nding ho# people #or, is (%r /ore !%lu%ble %nd r%re th%n le%rning
%ny technic%l s,ill there is- .es, you need to be technic%lly %ble to do the 3ob you %re being p%id
to do, but no one #%nts to li!e %nd #or, #ith so/eone (or the ne0t ye%r th%t they c%nJt st%nd- 6(
you %re s,illed in both people %nd technology, you #ill (ind yoursel( (%r /ore e/ploy%ble M%nd
thus (%r /ore e/ployedN th%n so/eone #ho is only technic%lly s,illed- Enough s%id- 6 thin, 6J!e
/%de /y point-
Chec, your ego %t the st%ge door, the bus door, the b%throo/ door, %nd e!ery#here else you de%l
#ith people- $his /e%ns in person, on the phone, in #riting, e!ery#here %nd e!ery ti/e, no
/%tter #ho it is-
.ou /ust be % te%/ pl%yer- E!en 4St%r4 /usici%ns, #ho pl%y in % b%nd, /ust be %ble to #or, %s
p%rt o( the group %s % #hole- 6( % pl%yer is out o( ti/e or tune, the entire b%nd %nd itJs /usic is
Page )K
%((ected- .ou need to be in ti/e %nd tune #ith the others you #or, #ith behind the scenes %s
#ell %s #ith the per(or/ers the/sel!es-
Ro%dies %re 3ust one p%rt o( the #hole picture- "e %re %ll p%rt o( the te%/ th%t puts on the sho#,
reg%rdless o( #h%t our 3ob title is- 8o one p%rt o( the te%/ is gre%ter or lesser th%n %nother- $he
setup, production, %nd te%r do#n o( the sho# is our 4/usic4- Gust li,e % /usici%n, #e too /ust be
4in ti/e4 (or our song to (lo# %s #ell the b%ndJs does-
s the old s%ying goes, 4 ch%in is only %s strong %s itsJ #e%,est lin,4- @%,e sure you %re not
th%t #e%, lin,- >e there- ?n ti/e, sober, %ble to do your 3ob %nd #h%te!er else you /%y be
needed to do so th%t the te%/ %s % #hole succeeds- $here is no roo/ in this business (or 4Roc,
St%r4 ro%dies Mego he%ded cre# peopleN, in /y opinion- 8o one person or thing is gre%ter th%n the
#hole, in /y opinion- Enough s%id- <etJs /o!e onP-
7etting Started
"ell, #eJ!e co!ered ttitude, <onge!ity %nd $e%/#or,, so no# #e #ill /o!e onto the physic%l
side o( e0%ctly ho# to get into the business o( beco/ing % ro%die-
$here %re 3 le!els o( #or,& <oc%l, Region%l, %nd 8%tion%l&
'su%lly, but not %l#%ys, itJs lo# to no p%y (or this type o( #or,- M%t le%st i( you #or, (or loc%l
b%ndsN $his is #here /ost ro%dies get into the business %t- 6 guess you could c%ll this the 4Entry
<e!el4 (or ro%dies- Ch%nces %re %t this le!el, youJll be #or,ing (or lo# i( %ny /oney, beer, pi77%,
or 3ust (or (un- ?nce you get so/e e0perience, #or, (or so/e o( the loc%l sound ; light
co/p%nies, pro/oters, %nd the loc%l st%geh%nd union, 6--$-S-E %nd /%,e so/e /oney (in%lly-
$hese %re b%ndsFco/p%nies th%t tour % cert%in region, such %s the @id#est, South#est,
8orth#est, E%st, etc- 'su%lly these types o( b%ndsFco/p%nies #%nt /ore e0perienced ro%d cre#,
but they h%!e been ,no#n to t%,e on beginners (ro/ ti/e to ti/e- >%nds %t this le!el usu%lly p%y
sound /en % (e# hundred doll%rs % #ee, MT300-900N %nd % lightFb%c,line ro%die % little less MT90-
100FBigN- !er%ge p%y (or % region%l %ct !%ries-
$he ro%d cre# usu%lly consists o( no /ore th%n 2-3 people %t the /ost- 8eedless to s%y, region%l
/e%ns tr%!eling- Co/p%nies #ill /ost li,ely p%y % bit /ore th%n b%nds #ill- "hether itJs % >%nd
or Sound ; <ight Co/p%ny, $his is % gre%t #%y to cut your 4b%by teeth4 on the ro%d-
8eed 6 s%y /oreA 8%tion%l /e%ns 3ust th%t- $he 4>ig $i/e4- 8%tion%l %nd "orld $ours-
E!eryone %t this le!el is % pro(ession%l #ho h%s p%ssed the test o( ti/e %nd holds so/e degree o(
peopleFtechnic%l s,ills, etc-
Page ))
8o roo/ (or beginners here- .ou @6BE$ be %ble to (orgo #or,ing (or % loc%l b%nd %nd st%rt
#or,ing #ith % region%l right %#%y, but there is <@?S$ no #%y th%t youJd be % ne# ro%die
st%rting out #or,ing (or % n%tion%l %rtist or co/p%ny- ?( course, there %re e0ceptions to e!ery
rule %nd e!erything in this %rticle, but, (or the /ost p%rt, #h%t is #ritten here (%lls #ithin the
Step 1P2P3
6 #ish 6 could 3ust list 4$he 12 Bu%r%nteed Steps to >eco/ing % Ro%die4, but %l%s, there is no
such /ethod- $here %re no steps in %ny cert%in order, only % co//on thre%d- "ith th%t in /ind,
here %re so/e points %long th%t thre%d on ho# to get st%rted&
@eet loc%l b%nds in your school, college, b%rs, c%sinos, (esti!%ls, etc-
"or, in your school or collegeJs the%ter (or the e0perience-
Re%d your loc%l /%g%7ines th%t h%!e /usici%n #%ntedF%!%il%ble %ds- So/eti/es b%nds #ill
%d!ertise (or cre#- MEo# do you thin, 6 got /y 3ob #or,ing (or % region%l %rtistAN
"or, (or the loc%l St%geh%nd 'nion M6--$-S-EN $he 6ntern%tion%l lli%nce o( $he%tric%l St%ge
E/ployees h%s % #ebsite #here you c%n (ind your loc%l ch%pter& http&FF###-i%tse-l/-co/
"or, (or % sound %ndFor light co/p%ny-
$hese 9 things %re prob%bly the /ost co//on /ethods o( 4bre%,ing into the business4 o( being %
ro%die- Cert%inly 6 h%!e not co!ered the/ %ll, but /y purpose %nd go%l is to in(or/, te%ch, %nd
co!er the /ost co//on %nd /ost use(ul /ethods o( beco/ing % ro%die-
lot o( this business is being in the right pl%ce, %t the right ti/e, ,no#ing the right people,
net#or,ing #ith the right people %nd co/p%nies, etcP So yes, there is % bit o( luc, in!ol!ed in
this #hole process, but (ollo#ing these tips, suggestions, %nd other things 6J!e o((ered c%n only
help you %long the #%y-
6 could #rite % ton /ore on %ll sorts o( technic%l things, but r%ther th%n #riting p%ges %nd p%ges
on guit%rs, dru/s, ,eybo%rds, b%ss, etc, 6Jd li,e to s%y th%t you should le%rn %ll th%t you c%n
%bout e!erything- Find #h%t you li,e best %nd le%rn e!en /ore %bout th%t- <e%rn #h%t your
speci%ltyF(orteJ is, %nd be the best th%t you c%n %t it- 8e!er stop le%rning1 reg%rdless o( #ho or
#h%t the source is, % good ide% or tip is 3ust th%t, good- $he /ore you ,no#, the /ore !%lu%ble
you %re- 8ot e!eryone thin,s or does e!erything the s%/e #%y- Leep %n open /ind- $his usu%lly
insures 2 things& 3ob security %nd % higher grossing p%ychec,- .ou #%nt to be the best th%t you
c%n %t #h%t you do, but you still #%nt to be %ble to co!er %ny other b%ses i( e!er needed- M6J/ not
% sound /%n, but 6 c%n run % bo%rd in % pinch i( need beN
E!erything 6 h%!e co!ered up to this point is !%lid %nd use(ul in(or/%tion, but 6 3ust #%nt to t%p
into the #hole longe!ity thing %g%in- 6 #%nt to s%y th%t not e!eryone is going to l%st in this
business, %nd th%tJs o,- 6 underst%nd itJs not (or e!eryone, people get burned out, %nd % #hole
Page 100
sle# o( other re%sons- 6t h%ppens to the best o( us- 6( you %re re%ding this %nd #ere % ro%die, 6
#%nt to s%y 4$h%n, .ou4- .ou %re not, %nd h%!e not been (orgotten by /ysel( %ndFor the others
youJ!e #or,ed #ith in the p%st- 6( you %re not yet % ro%die Mor % ne# ro%dieN, 6 s%y, 4"elco/e to
the 3ourney4- "hether you %re in this business % short ti/e or % li(eti/e, /%,e it l%st, en3oy it (or
%ll it is, gro# in it, le%rn (ro/ it, %nd /ost o( %ll, lo!e it- 8o /%tter #h%t, youJll e0perience so/e
things th%t li(e only h%s to o((er %s % ro%die- .ouJll get the ch%nce to /eet %nd #or, #ith so/e o(
the (inest people in the "orld th%t youJd nor/%lly ne!er see or ,no#- Count your blessings, (or
they %re /%ny-
6( you choose to go the dist%nce o( % li(eti/e, 6 o((er up one /ore bit o( %d!ice concerning
8e!er, %nd 6 /e%n, 8E=ER, e!er, e!er, let %nyone ste%l your dre%/, your lo!e o( this business
%nd ne!er gi!e up Munless you #%nt to, not bec%use o( %ny other re%sonN- ll is possible, i( you let
it be- 6tJs %ll in your he%d Mre/e/ber %ttitudeAN so thin, positi!e- Cre%/ %nd #or, on- @%ny
ro%dies /o!e on to beco/e record l%bel o#ners, boo,ing %gents, pro/oters, %nd other %re%s o(
this business- $he possibilities %re only %s endless %s your i/%gin%tion-
See you b%c,st%ge
$uthor%s &ote' $t the time ! originally wrote this article on getting a 8-1$@: 3ob, ! was knee2
deep in the music business and was in a different place than ! am now. There are pros and cons
to both sides of that coin, a >2to2M 3ob versus being self2employed (regardless of industry in
either case), and !%ve always known that. $t the point in my life ! was at during this article%s
writing, ! was not in a place where ! wanted to work at a >2to2M 3ob, settle down and live on a
schedule with a daily regime of work2home2play6 and there%s nothing wrong with that lifestyle,
but at the time, it 3ust wasn%t for me. &ow, all these years later, it is. !%m in a different place in
my life as !%ve said. 0y path has forked, and !%m ok with that because ! chose it.
There%s something to be said for going to bed and waking up in the same city and state in which
you went to sleep, collecting a steady paycheck with benefits, having family and friends around
versus only co2workers and strangers. There%s also something to be said for traveling and being
responsible only for your 3ob and your duties, tied to no one, bonded to nothing, free from the
same routines in daily life with schedules at home, taking care of a house or an apartment, pets,
and so forth.
herever your path may take you, may you take it well, in happiness and in 3oy6 and if not, may
you be wise enough and brave enough to change your path, lest staying on it out of habit
changes you.
Det A @RealK Ao(
Eo# /%ny ti/es h%!e those o( us in the /usic business he%rd those in(%/ous #ords H"hy donJt
you get % HRE<I 3obAI 6J!e %l#%ys h%ted th%t phr%se since it i/plies th%t #h%t #e do in the
business isnJt Hre%lI or H#or,I %t %ll- 6 usu%lly (ind th%t the people /%,ing such gener%li7ed
Page 101
st%te/ent %re truly /isled %nd /isin(or/ed %bout % sub3ect they cle%rly ,no# !ery little to
nothing %bout- 6( they did, they #ouldnJt /%,e such % (%lse st%te/ent in the (irst pl%ce- nyone
#ho h%s #or,ed in this business (or % long ti/e /%,ing % li!ing %t it doesnJt re%lly h%!e % H3obI1
they %ctu%lly h%!e % c%reer, the s%/e %s %ny doctor, l%#yer or other pro(ession%l does- ?ur #or,
3ust h%s % (le0ible inco/e %nd p%y period since #or, ch%nges %nd c%n be spor%dic, 3ust li,e
construction #or,ers h%!e- 6s construction #or, Mor %ny other independent contr%ctor #or,N Hnot
#or,I or Hnot % Hre%lI 3obIA 6 thin, not-
@%ny o( the (ine people #or,ing in the /usic business tod%y h%!e college educ%tions %long #ith
se!er%l di((erent %re%s o( e0pertise- Lno#ing ho# to do /ore th%n one %re% o( this business (ro/
sound, lights, b%c,line, to tour /%n%ge/ent, etc gi!es you % gre%t %d!%nt%ge %s #ell %s the %bility
to %s, %nd get /ore inco/e- 6tJs nice to be %ble to #e%r /%ny di((erent h%ts M%nd so/eti/es %ll %t
the s%/e ti/eN bec%use this not only /%,es you %nd your s,ills /ore !%lu%ble, but it /%,es (or %
!ery di!erse %nd interesting M%nd e!er ch%ngingN #or,d%y- Sure there is so/e ch%nge (ro/ d%y to
d%y in % Hregul%rI 3ob, but not li,e there is in the /usic business- So/e people, li,e /ysel(,
thri!e on e!ery d%y being co/pletely di((erent %nd % ne# ch%llenge- $o /e, the #orst d%y on
Roc, Un Roll is better th%n the best d%y in %n o((ice-
"hen there %re the Hdo#n ti/esI %nd the /usic business isnJt supporting /e in one %re%, li,e
touring, 6 do co/puter #or, (or /usici%ns %nd b%nds building #ebsites, cre%ting %nd print
gr%phics (or the/ li,e (lyers, b%c,st%ge p%sses, etc- $hey ,ey here is not % H3obI, %s no one needs
% 3ob, they need inco/e- .ou c%n gener%te inco/e (ro/ se!er%l di((erent sources %ll #ithin the
/usic business i( you h%ndle it the right #%y- ?ne %d!%nt%ge o( this is i( one source o( inco/e
dries up te/por%rily or per/%nent, you still other sources o( inco/e to (%ll b%c, on until you c%n
repl%ce the one lost- 8o# #ith % nor/%l d%y 3ob, i( you lose it, youJre scre#ed- 6( %nd #hen you
do get % ne# 3ob, it #ill be 3 or 4 #ee,s be(ore you e!en see % p%ychec,- lso, in the /usic
business, or %s #ith %ny independent contr%ctor c%n %nd does, you c%n #rite o(( business
e0penses li,e /ile%ge %nd #h%tnotP- things % regul%r 3ob e/ployee c%n not #rite o((- $here is
%lso % lot /ore #or,, %nd (reedo/, being your o#n boss, controlling your o#n destiny- side
(ro/ the /oney, the bigger picture is th%t you %re doing #h%t you lo!e, en3oying li(e %s itJs
/e%nt to be li!ed, li!ing it on your o#n ter/s, your o#n #%y, %nd /%,ing % li!ing %t it- 8ot
/%ny people c%n s%y th%t %bout the/sel!es or their line o( #or,- $h%t (eeling %nd ,no#ledge is
so/ething you c%nJt buy no /%tter ho# /uch /oney you h%!e- $h%t (eeling co/es (ro/ #ithin-
'nli,e the H) to 9 "orldI, you c%nJt 3ust (ill out so/e 3ob %pplic%tion %nd %pply (or % position-
?pportunities %nd #or, in gener%l, co/es (ro/ H#ord o( /outhI %nd /ore so "E? you ,no#
th%n "E$ you ,no#- $here(ore, in the beginning, yes, the /oney is little co/p%red to %
regul%r p%ychec, (ro/ % ) to 9 3ob, but i( youJre persistent, deter/ined, h%!e perse!er%nce, %nd
h%!e the people s,ills, you c%n go (%r in this business : %nd /%,e % !ery nice li!ing o(( o( it %s
Chapter 3 0 Re'lections
6J!e decided to dedic%te this ch%pter to 5uite % (e#, M%lthough not %llN, o( /y (%!orite ro%d stories,
e0periences, etc- "h%te!er you #ish to c%ll the/, here they %re- $here isnJt %ny p%rticul%r
Page 102
chronologic%l Mor e!en logic%lN order to these e!ents, only th%t they h%ppened- So/e peoplesJ
n%/es h%!e been ch%nged to protect the pri!%cy o( the indi!idu%ls in!ol!ed-
The -eatles Amp
6 #%s #or,ing % sho# (or % client o( /ine %s his guit%r tech, but no# be%r in /ind th%t #hile 6
%/ Mor #%sN % good guit%r tech, the person 6 #%s #or,ing (or in this c%se h%d been #or,ing #ith
guit%rs %nd e((ects (or so/e 40-90-odd ye%rs- Ee prob%bly (orgot /ore ,no#ledge th%n 6 e!er
,ne#- $he guy is % pure genius #ith e((ects, building guit%r rigs, %nd he #%s % decent tech #hen
it c%/e to guit%rs, %lthough #hile th%t #%snJt his strongest %re% o( e0pertise, he #%s still pretty
good %t it too- "hene!er 6 #or,ed (or hi/, letJs (%ce it, 6 #%s % glori(ied b%bysitter o( ge%r
#hene!er 6 #or,ed (or hi/- 6t #%s de(initely one o( /y e%sier gigs since he #%s pretty good %t
/%int%ining his o#n ge%r, ne!er re%lly h%d stu(( bre%, do#n during % sho#, %l#%ys h%d b%c,ups
: 3ust in c%se, %long #ith tons o( p%rts, tools, etc- 6 #%s there though #ith /y s,ills, li,e#ise, 3ust
in c%se-
So #e h%d 3ust % short little 2-d%te run, one d%te #%s in Colu/bi% Eeights, @8 %nd the other #%s
in Br%nd For,s, 8orth C%,ot%- >oth sho#s #ent #ell, #hich #%s % nice de%l since they #ere (or
% (ello# /usici%n th%t the guit%rist used to be in % b%nd #ith, %nd no# the singer #%s trying to
/%,e % go o( it #ith his o#n ne# pro3ect, hiring the guit%rist on %s % hired-gun, so to spe%,- (ter
#e 6 setup the ge%r (or the second d%te, the sho# in Br%nd For,s, the guit%rist tells /e, H.ou see
th%t %/p o!er thereAI %s he points %t the %/p 6Jd 3ust set up, to #hich 6 reply Ee then tells
/e the story o( ho# he isnJt sure #hich one used it, Gohn or Beorge, but it #%s (or sure one o(
the t#o %/ps th%t #%s used by $he >e%tles during their 1)+4 concert in "%shington C-C-
So here 6 %/ thin,ing %s %(ter he tells /e %ll o( this, th%t 6 h%!e #or,ed #ith % lot o( gre%t ge%r,
including the 1)9) <es P%ul Boldtop str%pped %round /y nec, th%t is #orth se!er%l hundred
thous%nd doll%rs, but ne!er in /y li(e until then, h%!e 6 #or,ed #ith ge%r o( th%t /%gnitude- 6
/e%n, 6 h%!e 3ust setup %n %/p th%t #%s used by the (irst b%nd, %t the (irst sho#, %t the st%rt o( the
entire >ritish 6n!%sion- $he %/p should h%!e been in the S/ithsoni%n 6nstitute since it #%s such
% /%3or piece o( history, but 6J/ gl%d it #%snJt- $h%t %/p, th%t be%uti(ul little %/p #ith itJs %/p
he%d %nd c%binet, #ith itsJ one po#er c%ble %nd one spe%,er c%ble, th%t little %/p sound so d%/n
gre%tDD 6 not only touches history, but 6 he%rd p%rt o( it too- $he "ho, $he Rolling Stones, <ed
Yeppelin, %nd so /%ny other b%nds, %ll ste//ed (ro/ th%t (irst b%nd, $he >e%tles, %nd th%t (irst
sho# o( the >ritish 6n!%sion- $o /e, th%t #%s huge-
Eo# do 6 ,no# this to be trueA "ell, 6 #onJt re!e%l the guit%ristJs n%/e, but he #or,ed %t % !ery
e0clusi!e guit%r shop #here they not only h%d collectible instru/ents %nd %/ps, but they h%d the
best ones they could get their h%nds on- $hey didnJt 3ust h%!e % cert%in /odel %nd ye%r o( guit%r1
Mor %/pli(ierN, they h%d the best one o( it they could (ind- $hey h%!e the third @%rsh%ll %/pli(ier
e!er /%de, (or e0%/ple- nother ti/e they h%d % 1)9* <es P%ul Boldtop th%t h%d only been
pl%yed (or 9 /inutes- 6t #%s %ll origin%l in both guit%r %nd c%se- ?nly the strings h%d been
ch%nged- 6n (%ct, the guit%r still h%d the origin%l t%g h%nging o(( o( one o( the tuning ,eys- So this
store h%d th%t le!el o( e5uip/ent, %nd %nother piece o( e5uip/ent they o#n, is th%t %/pli(ier-
.es, they do sell % lot o( !int%ge ge%r, but not %ll o( it is (or s%le- So/e things, li,e th%t %/p, they
Page 103
,eep %nd use- Should %nyone recogni7e the person or store in this story, 6 %s, th%t you ple%se do
%s 6 do here %nd respect their pri!%cy-
Iric Clapton;s 1L1M Di(son I7plorer
nother piece o( #onder(ul history th%t the store (ro/ H$he >e%tles /pI story o#ns, is Eric
Cl%ptonJs 1)9K Bibson E0plorer M8%tur%lN th%t #%s used during 1)K3 R@S $our %t the <ondon
R@S Concert on 21 Septe/ber 1)K3- $he store o#ner %c5uired this guit%r M<ot S)2N on Gune
, 1))) #hen ChristieJs uction Eouse in 8e# .or, City conducted % s%le o( 100 o( Eric
Cl%ptonJs guit%rs %nd other ite/s %s #ell- 6 #%s gi!en the ch%nge to pl%y the guit%r, #hich 6 did,
%nd 6 c%n tell you th%t it is one he%!y instru/ent, h%!ing been /%de out o( Lorin% #ood, there is
so/e serious #eight to the instru/ent- $he o#ner o( the instru/ent h%s on occ%sion t%,en the
instru/ent out to be used li!e %t sho#s, %lthough this is %d/ittedly % !ery, !ery r%re occurrence,
%nd #ith good re%son- 6 consider it %n honor th%t he trusts /e enough to pl%y such % !%lu%ble
guit%r, #hich /e%ns /ore to /e th%n pl%ying the guit%r itsel( does-
Should %nyone recogni7e the person or store in this story, 6 %s, th%t you ple%se do %s 6 do here
%nd respect their pri!%cy-
The 4issouri &epartment o' Transportation
6 #%s contr%cted to run so/e st%ging do#n (ro/ @inne%polis to L%ns%s City in % rented truc, (or
the purpose o( tr%ding the st%ging (or so/e br%nd ne# custo/-/%de ro%d c%ses-
$he pl%n #%s th%t upon %rri!%l in % hotel p%r,ing lot, 6 #ould /eet up #ith %nother truc, th%t #%s
h%uling so/e br%nd ne# custo/ /%de ro%d c%ses #hile 6 #%s h%uling st%ging, %nd #eJd s#itch
lo%ds, st%y in the hotel %nd then he%d our respecti!e #%ys in the /orning- 6 #%s told th%t there
#ould be helpers on-site to %ssist #ith the lo%ding %nd unlo%ding o( both truc,s %nd th%t it should
go pretty e%sy, no big de%l-
(ter /%,ing the K hour dri!e do#n to L%ns%s City to do the s#%p out o( ge%r %nd /%,e the
tr%de, #e both %rri!e %nd (ind th%t there %renJt %ny lo%ds, only the t#o o( usP%nd #e both 3ust
dro!e % long, long, long #%y, so #eJre both tired- $ired %nd /o!ing he%!y things isnJt % good
/i0, to s%y the le%st- $o /%,e /%tters #orse, the truc,s didnJt line up correctly #hen you b%c,ed
the/ up to e%ch other, so there goes the ide% o( 3ust #%l,ing (ro/ one truc, right into the ne0t-
$he ne0t ide% o( using r%/ps to go (ro/ one truc, directly into the other #%s pretty /uch out o(
the 5uestion %s #ell, so th%t /e%nt t%,ing e!erything do#n out o( e%ch truc, (irst, %nd then 6 #e
h%d to lo%d the st%ging onto his truc, %nd then the ro%d c%ses onto /ine-
Page 104
6 thin, #e both %rri!ed %round )p/ th%t night %nd #e (in%lly (inished #or, %t 1%/- 6( the truc,s
h%d lined up, it #ould h%!e #or,ed better %nd e%sier, 3ust %s i( #eJd h%d helpers to lo%d %nd
unlo%d, things #ould h%!e been e%sier %s #ell, e!en i( the truc,s C6C8J$ line up- ll in %ll, it
#%s % re%l /ess, but #e /%de it #or, %nd got the 3ob done- $hin,ing b%c, on %ll o( this, 6 thin,
#e #ere both se!er%lly under-p%id (or the %/ount o( #or, th%t #e did- So #e (in%lly get to go to
our roo/s %t the hotel, #e get so/e 5u%lity sleep ti/e, get up %nd h%!e bre%,(%st the ne0t
/orning, then p%rt our sep%r%te #%ys- 6 he%d out %t 10%/, thin,ing 6Jll be ho/e %round )p/ th%t
night M%llo#ing ti/e to rest, e%t, b%throo/ bre%,s, etcN %nd %bout 10 /iles out o( to#n, 6 hit %
#eigh st%tion, not % big de%l- 6 h%d to stop %t the st%tion bec%use the ro%d sign %bout % 5u%rter
/ile be(ore the #eigh st%tion s%id Hll $ruc,s ?!er ),000lbs @ust "eighI- 6J!e dri!en rent%l
truc,s through #eigh st%tions %ll the ti/e, not % big de%l- 6 h%!e /y log boo,s, 6 h%!e /y
/edic%l e0%/in%tion c%rd (ro/ the St%te o( @innesot% Cep%rt/ent o( $r%nsport%tion, 6J/ not
dri!ing o!er the #eight li/it /y Cl%ss C license %llo#s (or, etc- 6 should be %ll good rightA
8ope- Buess %g%in- s it turns out, 6 (orgot to (ill out /y log boo, be(ore 6 le(t %nd bec%use o(
th%t, the @issouri Cep%rt/ent o( $r%nsport%tion could h%!e /%de /e #%it 12 hours be(ore
dri!ing %g%in, but luc,ily they didnJt do th%t to /e- (ter thoroughly chec,ing out %ll o( /y
p%per#or,, it turns out th%t the rent%l truc,Js registr%tion #%s % photocopy %nd not %n origin%l
li,e it is re5uired to be, so 6 person%lly get % T1K)-00 tic,et %nd %/ sent on /y #%y #ith %
#%rning %bout (illing out /y log boo,, #hich 6 did right be(ore 6 #%s sent on /y #%y (ro/ the
C-?-$- #eigh st%tion-
(ter %rri!ing b%c, in @innesot%, 6 cont%cted the rent%l co/p%ny th%t pro!ided the truc, #ith the
i/proper p%per#or, %nd 6 tell the/ th%t they %re going to p%y the tic,et, #hich they do %nd 6 get
proo( o(, so %ll is #ell- 6 %lso h%!e % #ord #ith the person #ho hired /e (or this e%sy gig th%t
turned into % re%l (i%sco %nd he told /e 6 shouldnJt h%!e stopped %t the #eigh st%tion, th%t other
people donJt stop, etc etc etc- 6 then e0pl%ined to hi/ th%t the sign s%id Hll $ruc,s o!er ),000lbs
/ust #eighI %nd not Hll truc,s o!er ),000lbs /ust #eigh : but only i( the dri!er re%lly #%nts to
stop, other#ise 3ust ,eep rolling on do#n the ro%d %nd h%!e % nice d%y-I 6 %s,ed hi/ #h%t p%rt o(
Hll truc,s o!er ),000lbs /ust #eighI does he not underst%ndA 8eedless to s%y, 6 ne!er #or,ed
(or hi/ %g%in bec%use 6 re(use to #or, #ith so/eone so unethic%l- 6( 6 h%dnJt stopped %nd the
@issouri C-?-$ #ould h%!e #ent %(ter /e, guess #ho #ould h%!e been in e!en bigger trouble
%nd recei!ed % tic,et 6 couldnJt h%!e %!oidedA $h%tJs right- @e- 8ot hi/ or %nyone else- Gust /e-
6 #ould be the one getting % collection o( tic,ets %ndFor going to 3%il, so 6 #%snJt go to ris, /y
person%l (reedo/s %s #ell %s /y person%l poc,etboo, /oney, (or hi/ or %nyone else- h #ell,
th%tJs li(e 6 guess- 6 got through th%t #hole e!ent rel%ti!ely unsc%thed, but li,e 6 s%id %bo!e, 6
ne!er #or,ed (or hi/ e!er %g%in- Bood ridd%nce-
Aac Russell and the 2002 @*or CouK Solo Tour
s 6J!e %lre%dy #ritten % (e# %rticles %nd % (e# 6nternet !ideos %bout to $he St%tion 8ightclub
Fire, the loss o( li(e, /y thoughts %nd opinions on the #hole e!ent %nd those in!ol!ed #ith it, 6
#ill re(r%in (ro/ doing so %g%in in this story-
Page 109
G%c, Russell h%d % solo tour in l%te 2002 to support his solo CC, entitled HFor .ouI, (or #hich 6
#%s the $our @%n%ger- S%les on the %lbu/ #ere pretty dis/%l, %nd /uch to the %udience #ho
re%lly #%nted to he%r the Bre%t "hite /%teri%l, so/e o( those songs #ere per(or/ed e!ery night-
For % (e# re%sons 6 #onJt get into here, the tour ended up being c%nceled %nd then % !ery short
ti/e l%ter, Bre%t "hite #%s re-(or/ed %nd the rest %s they s%y, is history-
Curing G%c,Js solo tour ho#e!er, #e h%d % bl%st touring %round the 'S in % big 3et bl%c, Pre!ost
E3-49 tour bus- $here %re tons o( stories 6 could sh%re, but one o( /y (%!orites is the one 6 c%ll
H$he Cell Phone 6ncidentI- 8o# be(ore 6 c%n tell you th%t story, 6 h%!e to pre(%ce th%t story #ith
% story th%t le%d up to H$he Cell Phone 6ncidentI h%ppening1 %nd th%t is $he >%d C%t >%nnerI
So it st%rted out li,e thisPP
$he Bad Cat Banner
?ne night #e #ere doing % sho# %t E%rpos M#hich is % club in CetroitN, %nd i( youJ!e e!er been
there, you ,no# th%t isnJt in % good p%rt o( to#n. (! stopped in to a fast2food restaurant to use
the bathroom and they had a .2foot thick bulletproof glass barrier they served the food through.
;ikesKK) So/eti/e during the sho# or %(ter it th%t night, % b%nner (or >%d C%t /pli(iers #%s
stolen- $here #%snJt %ny#here else to h%ng it up but in (ront on top o( the P syste/- (Bad 5at
$mplifiers were sponsor for Ty @ongley, may he rest in peace.) So unbe,no#n to /e, the entire
b%nd %nd cre# decide to Hget /eI (or this by pl%ying % tric, th%t l%sted (or se!er%l d%ys- First #e
loo,ed %ll o!er the !enue (or the b%nner, #hich #%s indeed stolen, so th%t #%s %ll to no %!%il-
St%rting the ne0t d%y %nd there #ere MsupposedN Hphone c%llsI bet#een % represent%ti!e %t >%d
C%t /pli(iers %nd $y <ongley in reg%rds to the b%nner situ%tion- ccording to the g%g they
#ere trying to run on /e, the rep %t >%d C%t /pli(iers #%s 3ust li!id, re%lly pissed o(( th%t the
b%nner #%snJt there, %nd so /uch in (%ct th%t they /ight pull the endorse/ent de%l %nd t%,e the
%/p b%c, unless #e c%n (ind the b%nner- 8o# 6 %d/it they h%d /e scr%tching /y br%in on this
one (or % bit on ho# 6 c%n (i0 the situ%tion, but it did see/ % bit e0tre/e to /e, but hey, itJs the
/usic business- "eird stu(( li,e th%t h%ppens %ll the ti/e- People get bent out o( sh%pe (or re%lly
odd things, so 6 thought to /ysel( - H/%ybeI- So o!er the ne0t (e# d%ys %nd these Hphone c%llsI,
they #ere re%lly trying to get /e to bite into the g%g %nd t%,e the b%it- ?n the (irst d%y, 6 c%lled
their blu(( by %s,ing $y H"ell, let /e spe%, to Mthe >%d C%t /pli(ierN rep-I %s #ell %s H<et /e
see the phone logs-I Since #e #ere %ll on cell phones, th%t #ould be in there, rightA "ell, Hthe
repI didnJt #%nt to spe%, to /e, nor #ould $y let /e see his phoneJs c%ll logs, so 6 ,ne#
so/ething #%s up right then %nd there, but they still tried (or 3 d%ys to get /e to t%,e the b%it,
#hich 6 ne!er did-
So then they pulled out the big guns to re%lly try %nd /ess #ith /e-
"e rolled into Fort "%yne, 6ndi%n% %round 8oon on S%turd%y (or % sho# on Sund%y %t % little
pl%ce c%lled HSne%,y PeteJsI- "e roll in the ge%r, get e!erything setup on S%turd%y %(ternoon so
itJs %ll set to go (or the sho# the ne0t night, #hich /%de e!eryoneJs li(e e%sier to s%y the le%st-
(ter setting up, #e he%d b%c, to the hotel %nd rel%0- Since #e #ere %ll setup in the club %lre%dy
%nd #e only needed to re%lly sound chec, be(ore the sho# on Sund%y, #e could get to the club
Page 10+
l%ter in the d%y right (ro/ the hotel- 8o need to rush- "e %rri!e %t the club on Sund%y to do the
sound chec, %t 3p/, %nd $yJs %/p is H/issingI- 6tJs 3ust gone- $he %/p, the #iring, the c%binet,
the rose c%se, %ll o( it 3ust pl%in gone-
?,- 8?" 6 %/ % bit ner!ous- Eere 6 %/ in Fort "%yne on % Sund%y %(ternoon #ithout % guit%r
%/p in % 1-guit%r pl%yer b%nd- $he storyline o( the g%g #ent th%t the >%d C%t /pli(ier
represent%ti!e #%s so /%d %bout the b%nner th%t heJd been to the club e%rlier th%t d%y MSund%yN
%nd too, the %/p b%c,- 8o# 6J/ thin,ing to /ysel( th%t is pretty e0tre/e, %nd reput%tion is
e!erything in the /usic industry, so to le%!e % b%nd high %nd dry li,e th%t is pretty r%re, but still
the (%ct re/%ins, #e donJt h%!e % guit%r %/p rig to use (or the sho# th%t night- So 6J/ thin,ing to
/ysel( on ho# 6 c%n (i0 the situ%tion %nd 6 /%,e the suggestion to $y th%t #e c%n perh%ps run his
ped%ls %nd #h%tnot through the P %nd /onitor syste/, but he s%id th%t the %/p #%s Hhis soundI
%nd H6 8EEC th%t %/p-I "ell, h//// o,- 6 then st%rted to loo, to see i( there is /usic store or
b%c,line rent%l co/p%ny %round th%t #ould h%!e % >%d C%t /pli(ier in stoc, th%t #e could use-
t the !ery le%st, % guit%r %/p o( 8. sort is better th%n nothing, but pre(er%bly the s%/e %/p i(
#e c%n (ind one- So 6J/ re%lly trying to /%,e this #or, bec%use 6 ne!er bought into the g%g they
#ere trying to run on /e, but #e still donJt h%!e %n %/p %nd 6 re%lly didnJt h%!e ti/e to /ess
%round #h%t #ith the sho# being only + hours %#%y %nd on % Sund%y nonetheless-
s 6J/ se%rching in the phone boo, %nd /%,ing so/e c%lls, they s%y Ho,, bring the %/p b%c,
outI %nd the g%g is up- 6 c%n rel%0- 8o# itJs their ti/e to s#e%t- 6 st%rt thin,ing %bout ho# 6 c%n
get the/ b%c,, especi%lly $y- 6 thin, to /ysel(, Hh #ell, right no# thereJs % sho# to do, so 6Jll
#orry %bout th%t l%ter-I
$he Ce"" Phone .ncident
(ter the sho# th%t night in Fort "%yne 6ndi%n%, #e need to do % de%dhe%d 12Z hour dri!e to
Portl%nd @%ine (or % sho#- 1,200 /iles %nd no ti/e to get there- "e %re in % rush te%ring do#n,
p%c,ing up %nd /o!ing ge%r-
?pportunity presets itsel( in the /ost #onder(ul #%ys so/eti/es-
>eholdD "h%t is this be(ore /e 3ust lying so lonely on the st%geA 6tJs $yJs cell phone- 6 thin,
H@68EDDI %s 6 5uic,ly gr%b it %nd turn it o((, in c%se so/eone tries to c%ll it, poc,eting it in less
th%n 10 seconds (ro/ /y sighting it on the st%ge- s #e hurry our lo%d-out o( the ge%r, $y st%rts
to loo, (or his cell phone, but 6 e0pl%in to hi/ th%t #e need to go- "e c%n loo, (or it #hile #e
lo%d out- Ee re%lly st%rts #orrying %bout it, ho# he #ill c%ll people, recei!e c%lls #hile o n the
ro%d, etc, bec%use out there, cell phones %re $EE #%y to st%y connected to people- $y #%s
s#e%ting bullets %bout losing %ll o( his nu/bers, etc- 6 ,ept e0pl%ining to hi/ th%t H#e re%lly
need to go %nd #e h%!e to hurry upI, but heJs (r%ntic%lly se%rching (or his phone- E!entu%lly 6
tell hi/ se!er%l ti/es th%t H#e need to go no#- "e %re behind schedule, %nd i( the (ind your
phone, they c%n FedE0 it o!ernight to the ne0t !enue, but #e E=E $? B? 8?"DDDI $yJs 3ust
p%cing li,e /%d no#, he (in%lly gets on the bus, #ith $y being the l%st person right be(ore 6 get
on, since 6 #%s the person #ho did the (in%l chec, to /%,e sure no e5uip/ent or people #ere le(t
behind in the !enue- EeJs p%cing li,e % /%d /%n up %nd do#n the %isle %bout his phone #hile
the #hole b%nd is trying to help hi/ thin, o( #here it /ight be, etc, %nd %(ter %bout 30 /inutes
Page 10*
o( /%,ing hi/ 3ust on the edge, 6 pull out his phone (ro/ /y poc,et, (lipping it open, %nd then 6
%ct li,e 6 %/ on % c%ll 3ust cussing out the >%d C%t /pli(ier rep-
$y 3ust %bout drops o!er %nd st%rts cr%c,ing up, %s does e!eryone else on the bus- 6 h%nd hi/ the
phone b%c, %nd st%te H<oo,s li,e you tried to get /e, but 6 CEF686$E<. got youDI "e l%ughed
%bout it %nd then #ent to sleep (or the long dri!e to @%ine-
Gust %nother d%y in roc, Un roll %nd li(e on the ro%d-
@SpiderK Aohn Eoerner;s Duitar
6n Guly 2003, 6 #%s #or,ing (or % region%l touring %ct th%t per(or/ed % /i0ture o( co!ers %nd
origin%ls %ll o!er the 9-st%te %re% M@8, "6, 6, 8C %nd SCN1 %nd #hile #e #ere doing % loc%l
sho# in our ho/eto#n o( @inne%polis, the b%ssist o( the b%nd told /e he #%s going to buy %
guit%r %nd %n %/pli(ier (ro/ so/eone th%t e!ening, so i( they sho#ed up, to ple%se let hi/ ,no#-
So %round *p/, this scr%#ny guy sho#s up #ith % l%rge guit%r c%se %nd %n %/pli(ier- 6 re%lly
didnJt p%y /uch %ttention to the guy, but in hindsight 6 should h%!e- ny#%y, th%t guy %nd the
b%ssist go so/e#here %nd the de%l goes do#n, selling the guit%r %nd %/p to the b%ssist o( the
b%nd (or % #hopping TK0-00- 6 thought th%t #%s re%lly unusu%l %nd 6 #%rned the b%ssist right
%#%y M%(ter the guy #ho sold it le(tN, th%t ch%nces %re the e5uip/ent #%s prob%bly HhotI since the
de%l %ppe%red too good to be true-
$he b%ssist opens the c%se %nd pulled out the guit%r, #hich #%s % re%lly nice loo,ing %coustic,
e!en though it %ppe%red to be !ery old- 6t de(initely h%d #e%r %nd te%r on it, no doubt %bout th%t1
but it #%s unusu%l bec%use on the he%dstoc,, the #ord HBretschI #%s /isspelled- s (or the
%/pli(ier, the only thing %bout it th%t #%s odd #%s the (%ct th%t the po#er c%ble #%s cut o(( %t the
!ery end #here the plug #ould nor/%lly be- (ter noticing the typogr%phic%l error on the
guit%rJs he%dstoc,, 6 re%lly e0pressed /y concern to the b%ssist %bout th%t being !ery unusu%l,
%nd to sell % guit%r #ith such %n ob!ious /ist%,e li,e th%t (or such % lo# price #ould be cr%7y-
Further/ore, i( it #%s stolen goods, the /ere (%ct th%t the error on the n%/e is so ob!ious,
ch%nces %re heJd get busted (or possessing it- Ee ble# o(( /y concerns e!en though 6 persisted,
but hey, itJs his butt in the sling, not /ine i( he got c%ught- t this point, there isnJt %ny proo(
this guit%r %ndFor %/p #ere stolen1 but 6 h%d % gut (eeling %bout it-
$he !ery ne0t d%y %(ter %ll o( this, 6J/ o!er %t the house o( %n %c5u%int%nce o( /ine %nd no
sooner do 6 #%l, through the door into one o( the roo/s o( his pl%ce, %nd he tosses do#n % loc%l
/usic /%g%7ine %t /e th%tJs opened right to the p%ge #hich sho#s the !ery guit%r %nd %/pli(ier
6 3ust s%# l%st night- @y %c5u%int%nce s%ys HChec, it out- HSpiderI Gohn LoernerJs guit%r #%s
stolen recently-I $o his %/%7e/ent, 6 s%id th%t H6 not only ,no# #here th%t guit%r %nd %/pli(ier
is, but 6 held th%t !ery guit%r in /y h%nds l%st night-I 8o# he thin,s 6J/ telling % t%ll t%le, until 6
st%rted di%ling the phone nu/ber (or HSpiderI Gohn Loerner th%t #%s listed in the p%perJs %rticle
%bout his stolen e5uip/ent- 'n(ortun%tely %ll 6 #%s %ble to re%ch #%s % !oice /%il, but % short
ti/e l%ter, he c%lled /e b%c,- 6 e0pl%ined in det%il the guit%r, the %/pli(ier, etc, but 6 #%nted
so/e re%ssur%nces such %s 6 #onJt get in trouble (or %ny re%son, (call me paranoid, but even
Page 10K
though ! had nothing to do with it being stolen and ! only wanted to recover it for him, ! wanted
to make sure ! was in the clear), %nd th%t the b%ssist gets his TK0-00 b%c, too- Gohn #%s o, #ith
%ll o( th%t, so 6 got % hold o( the b%ssist %nd %rr%nged (or the guit%r to be returned to its right(ul
o#ner, HSpiderI Gohn Loerner- $o be honest, 6 h%d no ide% #ho he #%s, #h%t heJd done in the
/usic #orld, th%t he #%s %n in(luence on >ob Cyl%n, p%rt o( Loerner, R%y %nd Blo!er, etc- Ee
recogni7ed th%t in /e %nd noted so- 6 si/ply replied th%t he #%s 3ust % guy th%t needed to get his
guit%r b%c,, Ee #%s de(initely % nice gentle/%n, % true good soul, %nd 6 #ish hi/ the !ery best in
(ter 6Jd been in % the /usic business % (e# ye%rs #hile #or,ing (or % loc%l b%nd, putting on %ll-
%ges sho#s #ith our o#n production co/p%ny, #e h%d % s%d e!ent occur th%t pretty /uch put the
,ibosh on %ny (urther %ll-%ges sho#s org%ni7ed by us- "hile #e did h%!e our o#n lighting, it
#%s !ery, !ery, !ery /ini/%l, good enough (or so/e b%rs but th%t #%s %bout it- "e didnJt h%!e
the big rig stu(( li,e trusses, po#er distros in r%c,s or the li,e- "e #ere % !ery s/%ll st%rtup th%t
o(ten contr%cted out our lighting %nd e0tr% P #hen needed- $his #%s such %n e!ent th%t
re5uired /ore ge%r th%n #e h%d, so #e contr%cted out (or so/e %ddition%l %udio %nd lighting-
Since 6 #%s still (%irly ne# %t the g%/e, 6 #%snJt up to p%r on e!erything li,e 6 should h%!e been,
but th%t is ho# you le%rn in the /usic businessP you le%rn %s you go : %nd hope(ully neither
you or %nyone else gets hurt %long the #%y- 6t #%s %ll le%rn %nd (ly by the se%t o( your p%nts b%c,
then- $here #erenJt %ny /usic schools to go to th%t 6 ,ne# o(, or could h%!e %((orded to go to
%ny#%y, so 6 le%rned ho# 6 could, #hen 6 could, %nd (ro/ #ho/ 6 could-
t this p%rticul%r e!ent, it turns out th%t so/ething #ent !ery #rong, %nd %lthough 6J/ not sure
#h%t e0%ctly, 6 ,no# so/ething #%snJt right %(ter 6 s%# the (%llout- 6 person%lly thin, it #%s %
co/bin%tion o( things th%t c%used the c%t%strophe, but /ore on th%t l%ter- 6Jll get to the point o(
the story so %s to not get %he%d o( /ysel(-
t this %ll-%ges sho# in the loc%l %r/ory, the 3
or 4
loc%l b%nd on the bill too, the st%ge- $he
loc%l %r/ory didnJt h%!e the best !entil%tion syste/ so the pl%ce #%s %lre%dy hot (ro/ the
%udience %nd the lighting, %nd the b%ssist #%s %lre%dy s#e%ting pro(usely only % (e# songs into
the set, so he too, % bottle o( #%ter, poured it o!er his he%d %nd then #%l,ed up to % li!e
/icrophoneP- %nd then it h%ppened-
E!erything #%s out- 8o po#er- 8o sound- 8o lights- 8o %nything-
6 r%n (ro/ the b%c, o( the %r/ory up on the dec, o( the st%ge %nd gr%bbed the b%ss guit%r o(( o(
hi/ #hile %nother st%(( /e/ber c%used the %/bul%nce- $he b%ssist #%s con!ulsing on st%ge
(ro/ the huge electric%l ch%rge he h%d 3ust t%,en- ?b!iously #e cle%red out the %udience,
stopped the sho# %t th%t point %nd tended to his needs- (ter he #%s t%,en %#%y, the %udience
cle%red out, the ge%r tore do#n, p%c,ed up %nd the %r/ory put b%c, the #%y it #%s, #e le(t- $he
ne0t d%y during % discussion bet#een /ysel( %nd se!er%l people, #e disco!ered th%t the b%ssistJs
Page 10)
p%rticul%r b%ss %/p #%s ,no#n (or c%using shoc,s, being !ery prone to grounding issues, etc-
"e %lso disco!ered th%t the lighting co/p%ny h%dnJt t%,en the proper prec%utions either M%nd
yes, they h%!e been long, long, long out o( businessN, so 6 belie!e % /ultitude o( things c%used
th%t e!ent to h%ppen- s (or the b%ssist, he pl%yed %t %nother !enue the ne0t night, per(ectly (ine-
6 thought the guy #%s de%d #hen 6 s%# hi/ t%,e the hit though- $he po#er (or the lighting
syste/ %t the %r/ory sho# #%s going into % po#er distro th%t #%s t%pped directly into the
buildingJs po#er !i% % RHPo#er $%pI, so no /%tter #h%t, th%tJs % lot o( electricity you %re
de%ling #ith right there-
6J!e %l#%ys h%d % /%3or respect (or electricity, but especi%lly %(ter seeing th%t-
R $ power tap is where you shut the building%s power completely off and then bypass the circuit
breakers, tapping directly into the raw power coming into the building. This is done all the time
at ma3or concerts in arenas and stadiums as well.
$uthor%s &ote' -obert Jeske was a good, fun2loving, kind and gentle person who hid his inner2
demons very well from most people. 4ublicly2outward, but inwardly2private, he was haunted by
some personal tragedies in his own life, loss of close family and friends, and for reasons
unknown by anyone (even those closest to him), in $pril )**>, he took his own life via 8?uicide
by 5op: in ?aint 4aul, 0innesota one evening.
0att James and 5hris inter 3oined other local bands after the disbanding of (ownside of
Truth6 and last !%d heard, 0att was considering moving back to $ustin, TeHas. hether or not
he ever did, ! don%t know. !%ve lost contact with both 5hris and 0att on any kind of a regular
basis. ! spoke to both of them a few years ago here and there, but that%s it.
5hris ?outh moved to various placed around the country pursuing his musical career and he and
! still talk to this day.
&o+nside 8' Truth
?n Septe/ber 11
, 2001, 6 /et Chris South, #ho #%s %t th%t ti/e the ne# singer (or % b%nd
c%lled R%gs, #ho #%s (ro/ S%int <ouis, @issouri- (ter % short stint #ith th%t b%nd %nd then
/o!ing (ro/ S%int <ouis, @issouri to @inne%polis-S%int P%ul, @81 Chris South bec%/e the
dri!ing (orce behind #h%t #ould beco/e ,no#n %s Co#nside ?( $ruth, %n %ll-origin%l /et%l
b%nd, #hich itsel( bec%/e one o( the pri/%ry p%rticip%nts %nd /oti!%tors in the loc%l /usic
scene o( %ll-origin%l /usic (or the $#in Cities (ro/ 2002 through 2009- E%rly on in the b%ndJs
c%reer, they inspired %nother loc%l %ct, <i,#id >lu, to #rite %n origin%l song th%t bec%/e one o(
<i,#id >luJs sign%ture pieces o( /usic- $hrough net#or,ing, the b%nd, %nd especi%lly Chris
South, #%s instru/ent%l in putting together % nu/ber o( sho#s #ith other loc%l %cts, %s #ell %s
helping out other b%nds %nd /usici%ns th%t #ere 3ust getting st%rted- E!en though Co#nside ?(
$ruth disb%nded in 2009, e!en 4 ye%rs l%ter %t the ti/e o( the #riting o( this boo,, their e((ect is
still (elt on the loc%l /usic scene- Curing their too-short o( ti/e together, they pl%yed countless
Page 110
loc%l %nd region%l sho#s, so/eti/es opening up (or /%3or n%tion%l %cts, %s #ell %s cutting t#o o(
their o#n loc%l EP CCs- Co#nside ?( $ruth de(initely /%de itJs /%r, on the "orld-
"hile Chris South helped /%ny /usici%ns %nd b%nds, %s #ell %s le%ding Co#nside ?( $ruth, he
#%snJt the only one to /%,e % not%ble in(luence on the loc%l /usic scene %nd the people #ithin
it, others in Co#nside ?( $ruth did so %s #ell- Robert Ges,e, b%ssist (or the b%nd, #%s % o(ten
sought %(ter /usici%n bec%use o( his pro(ession%lis/ %nd %bility to not only le%rn /%teri%l
5uic,ly, but to %lso /%,e (riends 3ust %s (%st- Ee #%s % gre%t net#or,er, gre%t /usici%n, % gre%t
(riend to /e %nd /%ny others, %s #ell %s % gre%t hu/%n being o!er%ll- nyone th%t ,ne# >ob or
e!en spo,e to hi/ (or % short ti/e, #ould (ind hi/ not only e%sy to li,e, but e!en e%sier to
re/e/ber- S%dly, >ob isnJt #ith us %ny/ore, but he li!es on in the he%rts, /inds %nd souls o(
those people #hose li!es he touched- E!en i( it #%s e!er so brie(ly #hen so/eone /et >ob, he
%l#%ys le(t his i/pression on people- Ee cert%inly le(t one on /e- 6 %/ proud to c%ll >ob /y
(riend- 6 /iss hi/ e!ery d%y, but 6 ,no# he li!es on #ithin e%ch o( us th%t #ere (ortun%te enough
to cross p%ths #ith hi/- Ee is lo!ed %nd he is /issed- Rest in pe%ce /y (riend-
E!en though 6J!e retired (ro/ the /usic business, this is the one b%nd th%t i( it e!er so/eho#
re(or/ed, it /ight 3ust be %ble to get /e to go b%c, to #or, in the business once %g%in-
EereJs %n inter!ie# 6 did #ith the b%nd in 2004 (or the loc%l /usic p%per 6 #rote (or-
Eello e!eryone- .ouJre in (or % speci%l tre%t this /onth : this is the (irst inter!ie# e!er #ith
/e/bers o( the @inne%polisFS%int P%ul b%nd, Co#nside ?( $ruth-
"elco/e Chris South %nd Robert Ges,e-
8ite$i/es& Co#nside ?( $ruth is % (%irly ne# b%nd t%,ing the loc%l %nd region%l /et%l scene by
stor/ #ith their %ll origin%l /usic %nd concerts- EereJs your ch%nce to tell e!eryone % little %bout
yoursel!es, ho# the b%nd c%/e together, #h%t the ne%r (uture brings, %nd % #hole lot /ore- So
#ith th%t s%id, letJs get st%rtedP-
8ite$i/es& Chris %nd Robert, "ould you ple%se gi!e our re%ders %n ide% o( e%ch /usici%nJs
b%c,ground %nd so/e o( the history behind the (or/ing o( Co#nside ?( $ruthA
Chris South& "ell, itJs ,ind o( % /eeting o( the (our corners, so to spe%,- "e %ll c%/e (ro/
di((erent b%nds, not to /ention di((erent %re%s- 6t beg%n #hen 6 le(t /y pre!ious b%nd in St-
<ouis, @?, %nd /o!ed up here on % per/%nent b%sis %bout 2 ye%rs %go- ?nce 6 settled in here, 6
#%s i//edi%tely in se%rch o( the right /usici%ns to cre%te % /uch he%!ier pro3ect %nd get things
rolling- t (irst, 6 didnJt h%!e !ery /uch luc,- >ut, %bout % /onth l%ter, 6 #%s re(erred by %
/utu%l (riend to chec, out @%tt G%/es %nd Ch%d >etsinger %s 6 #%s told they #ere in the /idst
o( so/ething %long th%t line- 6 /et @%tt G%/es %t Ci%/ondJs in R%/sey, #hen he #%s still #ith
his (or/er b%nd, Soul C%ge- Ee g%!e /e % CC #ith t#o songs th%t #ere only /issing lyrics- "e
h%d %greed to /eet 2 #ee,s l%ter, in #hich ti/e 6 h%d the ch%llenge o( #riting the lyrics to the
tunes- "ell, 6 h%d the lyrics done in 2 d%ys, %nd #hen #e (irst 3%//ed together, it #%s li,e
/%gic- ?ur !ery (irst rehe%rs%l together, #e co/pleted those 2 tunes M>urn "ith @e ; Gudg/ent
C%yN %nd #rote %nother one th%t d%y MP%in o( gesN- "e h%d % di((erent b%ss pl%yer %t the ti/e,
Page 111
Gohnny CJShe%, #ho #%s %n e0ception%l b%ssist, but none the less #%snJt in it (or the long h%ul
%s he re%lly #%snJt into the he%!ier genre o( /usic- $h%n,(ully, /y girl(riend disco!ered >ob,
#ho tot%lly co/pleted this b%nd-
Robert Ges,e& 6 #%s % guit%r pl%yer (ore!er, 6 pl%yed in % (e# b%nds /ostly in /y teen ye%rs- 6 got
into % co!er b%nd % (e# ye%rs %go %nd 6 #%s h%!ing % bl%st- (riend o( ChrisJ #%s %t one o( the
sho#s /y co!er b%nd pl%yed %nd told Chris to co/e chec, /e out, so he did- "e st%rted t%l,ing
%nd th%t beg%n % rel%tionship bet#een /usici%ns- Eo#e!er, he #%s loo,ing (or % b%ss pl%yer, %nd
his girl(riend Ceb s%id, H6tJs too b%d you donJt pl%y b%ss-I, %nd 6 s%id, H"ell %ctu%lly 6 do pl%y
b%ss-I So they g%!e /e % de/o %nd 6 lo!ed it %nd told the/ l%ter th%t 6 #ould do %nything to be
in this b%nd, th%t is #hen it %ll beg%n- $he (irst ti/e #e 3%//ed #%s % #eird thing, bec%use there
#%s this (eeling in the roo/ li,e so/ething speci%l #%s %bout to h%ppen, %nd 6 get th%t (eeling
e!ery ti/e the (our o( us %re together-
8ite$i/es& Sounds gre%t guys- 6 got % ch%nce to listen to the 4-song de/o CC, H>leeding 101I
%nd li,ed #h%t 6 he%rd- "h%t c%n you tell us %bout the songs the/sel!es %nd #here c%n people
buy the HC-?-$- T10 S%c,IA
CS& ll o( our songs pretty /uch li!e up to our n%/e %s they %ll tell the HCo#nside o( $ruth-I
For e0%/ple, HGudg/ent C%yI spe%,s o( ongoing persecution in oneJs li(e- nother pri/e
e0%/ple is H'nde(e%tedI #hich portr%ys %nd indi!idu%lJs struggle to re/%in on top o( hisFher
g%/e- $he lyrics re%lly s%y it %ll- .ouJll h%!e to listen (or yoursel(- s (%r %s the C-?-$- T10
S%c, goes, you c%n pic, one up %t %ny one o( our sho#s- $he p%c,%ge includes our $-Shirt, CC,
%nd stic,er-
RG& $hose songs on the CC %re so/e o( /y (%!orites, but there %re others in the list th%t %re 3ust
%s strong, (or e0%/ple, H8egligenceI, #hich is % slo#er song, but po#er(ul- 6 c%nJt #%it to st%rt
#riting %g%in-
8ite$i/es& "here did the concept %nd %rt#or, designs co/e (ro/ (or this CCA
CS& $he (ront co!er 6 did /ysel(- 6tJs title, H><EEC68B 101I, is /e%nt to be % prelude to the
upco/ing (ull-length %lbu/ title, H<ESS?8S $E$ ><EEC-I $he inside #%s put together
nicely by % re%lly good (riend o( /ine n%/ed HRo%die RonI Schreiner- $he b%c, tr%y, on the
other h%nd, is %n %ltered !ersion o( the origin%l %rt#or, titled HSel( CestructionI cre%ted by one
o( the /ost t%lented %rtists 6 ,no#, @%rcus P%ulsen- Eis design is %lso on the b%c,s o( our t-
8ite$i/es& 6 he%rd the song HS%!e .oursel(I on the @%rch 14
Js )3W <oud %nd <oc%l bro%dc%st
be(ore 6 he%rd it on the CC- "%s th%t your (irst ti/e on the r%dio %nd #h%t c%n you tell us %bout
the pril 10
!ideo shoot P%tric, t%l,ed %boutA
CS& .es, th%t #%s our (irst ti/e on the r%dio- 6 gott% gi!e huge ,udos to P%tric, o( )3W- Ee #ent
%bo!e %nd beyond the c%ll o( duty by pu/ping us %nd our upco/ing sho#s %s /uch %s he did- s
(%r %s pril 10
%t $he @%in E!ent goes, itJs going to be % pri/e e0%/ple o( /%yhe/ %t itJs
(inest- "eJre encour%ging %ll o( our (%ns to %ttend this speci%l e!ent %s itJs going to be % li!e
Page 112
!ideo shoot #e pl%n to use (or % C=C rele%se in the ne%r (uture- "eJre hoping to turn out % good
RG& P%tric, is % gre%t guy %nd 6 lo!e the #hole <oud %nd <oc%l sho#- Ee h%s % re%l e%r (or #h%t
is good %nd turns people on to the loc%l b%nds th%t the listeners /ight li,e- $he !ideo shoot is
going to be (un1 #e %re pl%ying #ith so/e b%nds th%t 6 h%!e #%nted to pl%y #ith (or % #hile- 6t
should be % good night-
8ite$i/es& 6tJs re%lly gre%t th%t #e h%!e )3WJs <oud %nd <oc%l sho# to pro/ote the loc%l /usic
scene- 6t sounds li,e so/e good things h%!e co/e your #%y so (%r- 6tJs re%lly 5uite i/pressi!e
(or % b%nd th%t h%snJt e!en celebr%ted its one-ye%r %nni!ers%ry yet-
8ite$i/es& 6 #%nt to step b%c, % bit %nd t%l, %bout one o( your recent sho#s, @%rch 1)
%t $he
Roc, in @%ple#ood, @8- .ou h%d %n opportunity to pl%y on %n industry sho#c%se in (ront o(
so/e (%irly big n%/e people in the /usic business %t the n%tion%l le!el- Eo# did it /%,e you (eel
getting %n opportunity li,e th%t so e%rly in the li(e o( this b%ndA
CS& 6tJs de(initely so/ething th%t c%/e une0pectedly, but nonetheless %n opportunity #e #ould
ne!er p%ss up- lot o( people h%!e %s,ed /e ho# ner!ous #e #ere or #ere #e sc%red, etc- @y
%ns#er to th%t is this& "e do #h%t #e li,e, %nd #e do it #ell- nyone #ho doesnJt li,e it, doesnJt
h%!e to listen to it %nd they c%n roll o!er %nd /%,e roo/ (or the /%ny th%t do-
RG& 6 donJt h%!e ti/e to get ner!ous %ny/ore, bec%use %ll th%t energy co/es out %t the (irst note
o( our (irst song, %nd then itJs 3ust % bl%st- 6 thin, %nyone in %ny b%nd %round here #ill tell you
th%t- 6 /e%n %nyone #ho pl%ys in % b%nd is doing it (or th%t (eeling be(ore %nything else, itJs %ll
%bout you %nd the %udience-
8ite$i/es& Right on-
8ite$i/es& Chris, ho# does the /usic scene in the 'pper @id#est co/p%re to your ho/e st%te
o( @issouri %nd itJs surrounding %re%sA
CS& 6J/ /uch h%ppier #ith the net#or,ing in gener%l up here- St- <ouis h%s so/e gre%t clubs
%nd so/e good b%nds, but the net#or,ing %nd #illingness o( clubs %nd b%nds %li,e to #or, #ith
e%ch other l%c,s 5uite % bit- 6J!e gotten /ore done here in % ye%r th%n 6 e!er could h%!e
%cco/plished in St- <ouis- 6t 3ust see/s li,e the /%3ority o( the people in the /usic scene in St-
<ouis %re out to cut e%ch otherJs thro%ts 3ust to loo, bigger th%n the ne0t guy, %nd theyJre
no#here ne%r % position th%t #%rr%nts th%t ,ind o( co/petition- 6t t%,es t%lent (irst, but b%d
%ttitudes %re th%t see/s to #or, there- Leep in /ind 6 do not spe%, o( the E8$6RE /usic scene
in St- <ouis, 3ust the /%3ority 6 h%!e e0perienced person%lly-
8ite$i/es& .i,esDD "ell #eJre gl%d you /o!ed up here- Spe%,ing o( loc%tions, Ch%d >etsinger
MBuit%ristN li!es %round the <%Crosse, "6 %re%- $he (%ct th%t he li!es so (%r %#%y (ro/ the rest o(
the b%nd /ust present so/e interesting ch%llenges (or sho#s, rehe%rsing %nd recording- Eo#
does the b%nd /%n%ge to /%,e it #or,A
Page 113
CS& Contr%ry to #h%t one /ight %ssu/e, it re%lly h%snJt beco/e % proble/ %t %ll- Br%nted itJs
co/e do#n to /ore tr%!el on his p%rt th%n %nyone elseJs, youJll ne!er he%r hi/ s%y he c%nJt
/%,e % gig i( #e boo, it- $he thing %bout us is #hen #e schedule % rehe%rs%l1 it isnJt 3ust going
o!er the set once or t#ice %nd c%lling it % night- "e h%rdcore it (or %n entire #ee,end, (ro/
Frid%y e!ening to Sund%y /orning- Ch%d co/es up (or the #ee,end, %nd itJs %ll #or, (ro/
there- Plus e!eryone ,eeps up on their p%rts by const%ntly doing their ho/e#or,-
RG& 6 #ill 3ust %dd th%t #e %ll h%!e this unhe%rd o( rel%tionship #ith e%ch other1 6 /e%n #e #ere
inst%nt (riends, brothers i( you #ill, %nd th%t is so/ething 6 person%lly h%!e ne!er h%d in % b%nd-
$h%t HbrotherhoodI h%s gotten nothing but stronger, so itJs e((ortless re%lly-
8ite$i/es& $h%tJs so/e serious dedic%tion on e!eryoneJs p%rt, but then th%tJs #h%t it t%,es to get
so/e#here in this business- 8othing #orth#hile e!er co/es e%sy-
8ite$i/es& ?, since #e %s,ed % 5uestion e%rlier direct %t you Chris, letJs gi!e Robert his turn-
Robert, "h%t ,ind o( b%ss ge%r do you useA Bi!e us the lo# do#n on your rig-
RG& /peg->2R he%d, 4010, .%/%h% 9 string, %nd >l%c, Ci%/ond StringsDDDD >l%c, Ci%/ond
tone /%nP-- c%nnot be%t th%tD
8ite$i/es& "ell guys, %ll sounds re%lly gre%t (or Co#nside ?( $ruth- lot is going on #ith % lot
/ore to (ollo#, 6J/ sure- 6s there %nyone you #%nt to gi!e % shout-out too or %nything else you
#%nt to pro/oteA
RG& 6 3ust #%nt to th%n, our (riend Fr%n, Loshere (or helping us #ith our de/o, %nd i( you li,e
your /usic he%!y, go %nd see Fr%n,Js b%nd R-E!olution- $hey %re /y (%!orite b%nd to see in the
8ite$i/es& Chris, Robert, #eJd li,e to s%y th%n, you (or the opportunity to be the (irst to
inter!ie# you %nd it #%s % bl%st- "e loo, (or#%rd to seeing /ore (ro/ your b%nd, Co#nside ?(
truth- For those interesting in le%rning /ore %bout the b%nd, their sho#s, /erch%ndise, etc- !isit
the/ on-line %t [Ce(unct #ebsite %s o( l%te 2009\
An :ncident o' Sa'ety
6J!e seen /%ny things %nd h%!e h%d /%ny close c%lls o!er the ye%rs in the /usic industry, to s%y
the le%st- $#ice 6J!e h%d ro%d c%ses %l/ost hit /e %s they h%!e rolled o(( o( the b%c, o( the st%ge
%s 6J!e #%l,ed by- nother ti/e 6 h%d b%ss bins %l/ost run /e o!er #hile 6 #%s in the b%c, o( %
truc, p%r,ed on % slight incline #hile 6 #%s unlo%ding it- <uc,ily so/eone #%rned /e %nd 6
(l%ttened %g%inst the other inside #%ll o( the truc, %s they rolled by /e %nd cr%shed onto the
ground- 6J!e h%d % cell phone dropped (ro/ the grid in the ceiling o( % the%ter cr%sh do#n 20 (eet
%#%y (ro/ /e, %nd 6J!e he%rd % bit o( Hch%in r%inI #hich is #here the ch%in rigged to the ceiling
o( %n %ren% gets loose M8?$ % good or s%(e thingN, so 6J!e see %nd h%d /y (%ir sh%re o( (%r too
close %nd (%r too person%l c%lls in this industry- 6 /ention these things so you %re %#%re o( 3ust
ho# d%ngerous it c%n be out there on the ro%d- ll it t%,es is one c%reless /o!e, one /ispl%ced
Page 114
step, one dropped cotton pin, one piece o( colored t%pe not cle%rly /%r,ing % d%nger 7one, or %ny
other nu/ber o( things, to put not only your li(e, but othersJ li!es in peril- S%(ety is %n e!ery-
/o/ent thought- 6t is p%r%/ount e!en o!er the sho# itsel(-
"h%t 6J/ %bout to describe to you, 6 #itnessed (irst-h%nd, %nd 6 #ill ne!er (orget it-
6 #%s #or,ing %t %n %re% sho# %nd the loc%l union #%s on h%nd there- ?ne o( the #%ys ge%r is
/o!ed on %nd o(( the st%ge is by (or,li(t- nother #%y is by using long %lu/inu/ r%/ps #hich
%re 3ust l%rger !ersions o( the ,ind th%t you o(ten see underne%th % rent%l truc,, e0cept the ones
used (or se/i-truc,s %re /uch l%rger %nd #eigh % #hole lot /ore- 8or/%lly one r%/p is set on
the b%c,side o( % st%ge %nd then the r%/p goes do#n to % s/%ller pl%t(or/ %nd then (ro/ th%t
s/%ller pl%t(or/ %nother r%/p goes do#n to the ground- $hey do this bec%use one r%/p #ould
be %t too steep o( %n %ngle %nd it #ouldnJt re%ch the ground (ro/ the st%ge itsel(- $hese t#o
r%/ps %re usu%lly used (or only going one direction, either up to or do#n (ro/ the st%ge- 'su%lly
there is %nother p%ir o( r%/ps th%t is set right ne0t to this (irst p%ir o( r%/ps so th%t you h%!e one
set (or going to the st%ge %nd the other set (or co/ing o(( o( it #ith ro%d c%ses-
>e(ore %ny ge%r c%n be /o!ed in either direction, these r%/ps %nd the pl%t(or/ h%!e to be setup
in pl%ce- $he r%/ps %re set into pl%ce by st%geh%nds th%t c%rry the r%/p li,e % co((in- $hey line
up on the sides o( it, usu%lly 4-9 people per side #or,s best so no one h%s to o!er#or, %nd then
sit it into pl%ce- ?nce the (irst p%ir o( r%/ps h%s been setup, the ne0t p%ir /ust be put into pl%ce-
See the (ollo#ing di%gr%/ (or %n e0%/ple o( ho# this loo,s i( you #ere to ho!er o!er it %nd loo,
do#n %t it-
Page 119
"h%t h%ppened %t this p%rticul%r sho# #%s th%t r%/ps >1 %nd >2 #ere put into pl%ce by the
st%geh%nds- s they surrounded r%/p 1 to put it into pl%ce, the people th%t #ere on the inside
in-bet#een r%/p 1 %nd >1, h%d to duc, do#n %nd #%l, under the r%/p so th%t the st%geh%nds
on the outer edge o( it could then push the 1 r%/p ne0t to the >1 r%/p, %s is sho#n in the
di%gr%/ %bo!e- $he proble/ h%ppened #hen one o( the st%geh%nds on the inside bet#een the
t#o r%/ps duc,ed do#n, but not (%r enough, %nd the st%geh%nds on the outside pushed the r%/ps
together, c%tching her he%d bet#een the/-
6 #%s %t the upst%ge edge by the st%ge #here the r%/ps connect to the st%ge %t, %nd 6 turned
%round 3ust %s this h%ppened, #itnessing the entire e!ent- 6 he%rd the sound co/e out o( % hu/%n
being th%t 6 ne!er, e!er, in %ll /y d%ys, e!er #ish to he%r e!er %g%in- $he st%geh%nd #ent do#n
h%rd %nd (%st- She #%s % young #o/%n in her e%rly 20s th%t 3ust st%rted #or,ing (or the loc%l
union, but 6 only s%# her one or t#o /ore ti/es %(ter th%t, but then 6 ne!er s%# her %g%in- She
#ent %nd recei!ed % C$ sc%n %nd nothing #%s #rong- 8o concussion %nd she #%s !ery, !ery,
!ery luc,y to not only be unhurt, but to be %li!e- "hen 6 s%# %nd he%r it, 6 thought she #%s de%d
(or sure- 6 #ill not describe #h%t !isions r%ced through /y /ind %s 6 #itnessed it1 %nd 6 pre(er
not to rec%ll the/ no# either-
$hese #ere e0perienced, %nd 6 /e%n =ER. e0perienced st%geh%nds th%t did this, #hich
surprised /e- So/e o( the people in!ol!ed h%d been #or,ing in the industry (or ye%rs, #hich 3ust
goes to sho#, th%t you /ust ne!er get co/pl%cent or lose (ocus- S%(ety, no /%tter #here you %re,
#h%t you %re doing, in this industry our out o( it, s%(ety, /ust <".S co/e (irst-
A'ter Thoughts
So /uch h%s ch%nged in the /usic industry, the entert%in/ent industry, %nd on % /uch l%rger
sc%le, the "orld %s % #hole h%s ch%nged since 6 3ourneyed through this seg/ent o( /y li(e- 6 %/
%l#%ys ch%nging, so there(ore /y "orld is %l#%ys ch%nging, %nd /y 3ourney %nd li(e n%tur%lly
e!ol!e %s 6 e!ol!e- 6J/ not sure %bout the "orld or %nything else (ro/ %notherJs perspecti!e,
bec%use #hile 6 c%n conceptu%lly see %nd so/e#h%t underst%nd %notherJs !ie#point1 #e e%ch
h%!e our o#n uni5ue perception o( our o#n "orld, our o#n truths1 our o#n p%ths, %nd
ulti/%tely, no one li!es our li(e %nd e0periences it the s%/e #%y %s #e do-
$his is %ll p%rt o( the 3ourney to %ns#er the 5uestion& H"ho %/ 6AI "ho 6 %/ depends on #hen 6
%/ %s,ing /ysel( th%t 5uestion, #hich 6 belie!e #e should %ll %s, oursel!es it o( oursel!es d%ily-
H"ho %/ 6AI
6 %/ e!er ch%nging, e!er e!ol!ing, e!er gro#ing- 6 %/ /e, but #ho th%t is, ch%nges, gro#s,
e!ol!es- $h%tJs the 3ourney- 6 h%!e ch%nged in so /%ny innu/er%ble #%ys th%t it is beyond
/e%sure- 6 (eel li,e 6J!e li!ed % thous%nd li(eti/es in this li(e %lone- 6 c%n see %ll the di((erent
seg/ents o( /y li(e, the long, #inding ro%d th%t is the su/ o( /y e0istence until this point- $he
ro%ds 6 h%!e chosen h%!e sh%ped /e, %s 6 h%!e sh%ped the/- $he people 6J!e /et, the pl%ces 6J!e
Page 11+
been, the things 6J!e done- So/e o( the things 6J!e done 6 %/ proud o(, others, not so /uch-
$h%tJs li(e- 6J/ i/per(ect, but 6 le%rn- 6 %d%pt, 6 ch%nge, 6 gro#, 6 e!ol!e, 6 %/- @e-
ll o( th%t being s%id %nd n%rro#ing the sub3ect do#n to the /usic industry itsel(, /y
perspecti!e on it h%s /ost cert%inly ch%nged o!er the ye%rs- "hile 6 %/ no longer %cti!e in the
/usic industry %nd 6 obser!e it #ith /ore o( % !oyeuristic curiosity th%n %nything else these
d%ys, it h%s %nd %l#%ys #ill intrigue /e- 6 #%s p%rt o( so/e !ery #onder(ul things, /et so/e
gre%t people, %nd h%d so/e gre%t e0periences- 6 h%!e %lso h%d the e0%ct opposite o( those
e0periences %s #ell, but hey, th%tJs li(e- "elco/e %bo%rd %nd en3oy the ride-
So no# /y 3ourney t%,es /e on ne# %nd di((erent p%ths bec%use 6 /%,e di((erent choices no#
th%n in the p%st- Perh%ps our p%ths #ill cross %g%in- s %l#%ys, 6 #ish you #ell %nd /%y you
en3oy your o#n 3ourney- >e #ell %nd be blessed-
Ron Schreiner
Cont%ct& rezphrea!hotmail"com
Page 11*

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