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Portillo 1

Jennifer Portillo ENC1102 Proff. Ludovici 3/26/10

Where I lived all m life! I "a# al"a # #urroundin$ % ille$al immi$rant# and their familie#. I #a" them #tru$$lin$ and #endin$ the little mone the made! "or&in$ a lo" 'a in$ (o%! to their familie#. When I #a" thi#! I "ondered "h do the even "ant to live here! if either "a # the have to %e hidin$ from the $overnment to not %e de'orted %ac& to their countr . )herefore! "hen I "a# a#&ed if I "a# for or a$ain#t ille$al immi$rant# receivin$ #ocial #ervice# %enefit# I am a$ain#t it for variou# rea#on#. *ne of the rea#on# "h I am a$ain#t ille$al immi$rant# receivin$ #ocial #ervice# #uch a# food #tam'#! "elfare! medical care! or financial aid for #chool! i# %ecau#e I don+t thin& it i# fair. It i# not fair that ta, 'a er# #hould have to 'a for ille$al immi$rant# "ho are %ra&in$ the la" to %e$in "ith. )he #houldn+t receive the #ame %enefit# a# u# "ho "ent throu$h the 'roce## of %ecomin$ a re#ident or citi-en of the .nited /tate#. 0nother 'oint! i# that % havin$ the ille$al immi$rant# receivin$ %enefit# "ould co#t the econom over 10 %illion dollar# a ear12it-$erald3. 0nd of cour#e! thi# mone come# from the ta, 'a er#. )hi# mone cover# $overnment #ervice# #uch a# 4medicaid! medical treatment for the unin#ured! food a##i#tance 'ro$ram#! and federal 'ri#on! court # #tem#! and federal aid at #chool#4 12it-$erald3. )he la#t rea#on I "ould li&e to 'oint out i# that althou$h the ille$al immi$rant# "or&! it doe# not contri%ute to our econom 12it-$erald3. )here i# tal& that ille$al

Portillo 2

immi$rant# are drainin$ #ocial #ervice#! "hile #ome 'eo'le thin& that thi# i#n+t true. 1Lin3. 5ut li&e I mentioned %efore over 10 %illion dollar# are #'ent on ille$al immi$rant# each ear and if the are $ranted amne#t it "ould tri'le. 0nd e#'eciall ! ho" thin$# are no" and our econom "e are not at our %e#t to %e 'a in$ for ille$al immi$rant# %enefit#. In conclu#ion! I am a$ain# ille$al immi$rant# for man rea#on# li&e I mentioned a%ove. /ome mi$ht feel a# it %ein$ har#h %ecau#e the are human. 5ut! the truth i# that "e have to fir#t and foremo#t ma&e #ure the re#ident# and citi-en# o thi# countr are "ell ta&en care of %efore "e ta&e care of 'eo'le from other countrie#. I thin& that the da that there are no homele## in our #treet#! and ever one livin$ here le$all have food on their ta%le and a roof over their head#! i# "hen "e #hould con#ider hel'in$ 'eo'le from out#ide.

Portillo 3

Wor&# Cited
Fitzgerald, Mary. "Illegal Immigrants' Cost to Government Studied (washingtonpost. om!." "a#hin$ton' 6 nation! "orld! technolo$ and Wa#hin$ton area ne"# and headline#. ".p., n.d. #e$. %& Mar. %'('. )http*++www.washingtonpost. om+wp,dyn+arti les+-../0.,%''1-ug%2.html3. 4I", 5678. "I9 immigration is su h a drain on so ial servi es, why do we never hear pla es li:e "8 omplain a$out it; ." 7rain /ervice#. ".p., n.d. #e$. %& Mar. %'('. )http*++www.drain,servi es. om+i9,immigration,is,su h,a,drain,on,so ial,servi es, why,do,we,never,hear,pla es,li:e,ny, omplain,a$out,it+3.

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