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The Plan

It todays technology-ridden world, it is vitally important that board games and other non-electronic games stay competitive. Twister rapidly gained popularity in the 1960s and 1970s after it aired on the Johnny Carson Show in a game between Johnny Carson and Eva Gabor. Despite changes in packaging over the years, the branding style of Twister has stayed relatively the same. Since the products debut the Twister logo has only been changed from yellow to red, and changed the T to have a twist in it. The slogan for the game has stayed the same as well; The Game that Ties You Up in Knots. Twister is a great game. It appeals to people of all genders, races, and ages 6 and up, and can easily target most demographics. The core of the game does not need to be changed in order to be competitive. In a time where so much of the average persons life is spent sitting down, it is easy to market a game that encourages people to get up and move. There is also a social undercurrent of how individuals do not spend enough time having face-to-face interaction with others. With Twister, participants get more than just face-to-face interaction. The social attitudes towards gaming, the importance of fitness, and social interaction combined with a new look for the game Twister will increase sales and popularity of the game. A new logo design as well as colorful, modern box design will be used to target a younger demographic. Parents who grew up with the game know and love it, but if their kids see it as old-fashioned then they will be less likely to play. Since the game can so easily be targeted to different demographics, Twister needs to pose itself as an all-inclusive party game for any group of people. The new packaging design will be a reflection of this concept and culture. There is also potential for some technological integration for the game. For example, a Twister spinner app could be produced to allow users to spin, or it could be automated to tell users when to place which body part etc. This app could be further integrated with music apps like Spotify, Pandora, iTunes, IHeartRadio etc. to play music in between directions. Additional automated instructions could be added to tell participants to switch body parts on a particular color.

Bodoni MT

I have chosen to re-design the packaging for the popular game Twister. I am using Nirmala UI at size 11 for the copy, and Bodoni MT at size 60 for the titles. I chose these two fonts because they contrast each other, but combined they create a more modern feel. To emphasize that modern feel the rest of my design will incorporate a lot of white space and simple bright shapes. The circles are also an homage to the Twister game mat.

Twister Red #ed1c24 485 C 220 41 30 0 100 100 0

Twister Yellow #fff200 Process Yellow C 251 226 0 0 0 100 0

Twister Blue #2e3192 2746 C 46 49 146 100 100 0 0

Twister Green #00a651 Hexacrhome Green C 0 175 77 100 0 100 0

Package Design Logos

The new logo for Twister looks great in color as well as black and white. It is adabtaple and can be changed to match the various theme colors of the game. The new packaging will incorporate patterns using the colored circles from the game board. This will be quite busy, so the black and white logo will be used the most. Other color iterations can be used for contests, promotions, and other branding purposes where a bit more color may be needed. The logo on the packaging will be large to draw attention to the new branding, but should not be more than 5 lengthwise.

Product Photography

Print Advertisement

Magazine readers would read this advertisement and have the ability to scan the QR code with their phones. Once the QR code is scanned it would take the reader to an interactive website with a spinner. The print ad itself can then be used as a mat to play Finger Twister.

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