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In math class, we are currently working on the topic of rate. Our task was to find calories from fat.

First, we did one page with are math teacher. After, we had done one with her we tried it on our own. When I calculated the calories from fat 20 calories, and 5% fat. Then we had a homework page for that night. On our study link, we were supposed to pick out four foods and one beverage for breakfast. We added up all of the total calories of our choses, and we did the same to the calories from fat. Then make them into a fraction, and divide them. My percent of calories from fat was 8%. I learned from this task how to get the percent of fat. It was surprisingly easy. I really enjoyed doing this. One thing that I still have a question on is when you divided the fraction how to round up to the fraction. I can use this task anywhere. Now I can find the percent of fat everywhere. That could really help you with your health. In conclusion, I thought that I understood rate well in math.

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