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Education Journal

2014; 3(2): 101-110 Published online March 10, 2014 (http://www sciencepublishin!!roup co"/#/edu) doi: 10 11$4%/# edu 20140302 20

Nature and structure of virtual education: An approach from the fractality

Osbaldo Turpo Gebera1, Ma. Cruz Gomez Snchez2, Beatriz Palacios icario!
1 2

&acultad de 'ducaci(n, )ni*ersidad Peruana +a,etano -eredia, .i"a, Peru &acultad de 'ducaci(n, )ni*ersidad de /ala"anca, /ala"anca, 'spa0a 3 &acultad de 'ducaci(n, Ponti1icia )ni*ersidad de /ala"anca, /ala"anca, 'spa0a

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osbaldo turpo !2upch pe (3 4 5ebera), "csa!o2usal es (M + 5 /6nche7), bpalacios*i2upsa es (8 P 9icario)

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3sbaldo 4urpo 5ebera, Ma +ru7 5o"e7 /6nche7, 8eatri7 Palacios 9icario :ature and /tructure o1 9irtual 'ducation: ;n ;pproach 1ro" the &ractalit, Education Journal. 9ol 3, :o 2, 2014, pp 101-110 doi: 10 11$4%/# edu 20140302 20

$bstract# 4he potential !enerated b, <+4 in education raises re1lect on the underl,in! 1ra"ewor=s <n this sense, the 1ractalit, is an opportunit, to e>plain how it or!ani7es and "ana!es *irtual education 4his approach reco!ni7es that educational d,na"ics are recursi*e and iterati*e processes instituted as pro!ressi*e se?uences, b, wa, o1 1ractals 4his understandin! allows 1or "ediated and articulated successi*e le*els <n each di"ension own acti*ities are e"bodied and in turn, it in*ol*es the recurrence o1 subse?uent le*els as possible sol*in! o1 proble" situations 4hus, the =nowled!e built in response to a collaborati*e action, participation in networ=s, ran!in! 1ro" autono"ous to the cultural le*el or con*ersel, %e&'ords# 9irtualit,, &ractalit,, 9irtual 'ducation, <nteracti*it,, 'ducational &actors

1. (ntroduction
4he present ti"e is "ar=ed b, *erti!inous trans1or"ations !enerated b, <n1or"ation and +o""unication 4echnolo!ies (<+4) that cause a deep i"pact on thin=in! and cultural actions, and abo*e all on ai"s, challen!es and wa,s o1 apprehension <n conse?uence it is indispensable to re*eal the conceptions and practices that underlie it; that is to sa, how the trainin! conditions are structured in the co"puterised societ, <t is also interestin! to reco!nise the use o1 <+4 in the e11ecti*eness o1 educational proposals; since @education consists, 1irst o1 all, in doin! a*ailable the world that is not co*ered b, the e>perience that the sub#ect, on their own, could not obtainA B1C Properl,, the paradi!" o1 9irtual 'ducation (9') o11ers possibilities o1 interconnection and interco""unication 1a*oured b, the abilities o1 <+4 to create networ=s 1ro" the <nternet, especiall, the Dorld Dide Deb B2C 4o opt 1or 9' "eans to reco!nise @that the co""unicati*e relation initiated between teachers and disciples is a relation "ediated 1or in1or"ation and co""unication technolo!ies, which "a=es possible the "eetin! without the necessit, o1 bodies, ti"es and space to "er!eA B3C ;n e>chan!e based on the potentialit, that *irtualit, incarnates; a d,na"ic course that sub*erts the di!ital to represent a "ore realistic possibilit, <n this sense, to re1lect on 9' is i"portant, in order to channel "eans and resources in the socio-technolo!ical "ana!e"ent o1 4eachin! and .earnin! Processes (4.P) ;n in-depth loo= will show the co"ple> connection o1 raised relations and interrelations, the "ultiplicit, o1 le*els that are put to!ether and the *ariet, o1 s,ste"s put into operation in the titanic tas= o1 educatin! 8asicall,, education is co""unication, and in 9' it is characteri7ed b, the "o*e"ent o1 di!ital technolo!ies, which @teaches that co""unication is not onl, to trans"it, but pro*ide 1reedo" o1 connecti*it, and inter*ention o1 the interlocutor +o""unication is onl, "ade b, "eans o1 his or her participationA B4C Multiple dense internal connections are established in the educational tas=, b, wa, o1 1ractals, !eneratin! a "ultiplicit, o1 !roupin!s 4his t,pe o1 spatial or!ani7ation re*eals the presence, a"on! other ele"ents, o1 so"e *erte>es hi!hl, connected that tend to connect with other *erte>es hi!hl, connected and distributed hierarchicall, BEC <n that de*elop"ent, it is possible to concei*e an educational process !rown 1ro" the !rowth in a networ=, with the sa"e characteristics, and whose purpose is to produce "ore prolon!ed networ=s, which can be used as


3sbaldo 4urpo 5ebera et al.:

:ature and /tructure o1 9irtual 'ducation: ;n ;pproach 1ro" the &ractalit,

plat1or"s to de*elop a socio-d,na"ic pheno"enon, as 9', which is produced b, the inde1inite "i>ture o1 di*erse processes (contents, tutorialF) and is showed as o1 the hi!h de!ree o1 recursion that con1i!ures e*er, educational node (student, class, classroo", schoolF) 4o reco!nise the structural co"ple>it, o1 9' re?uires a theoretical approach that assu"es the 1ractalit, as a 1ra"ewor= o1 successi*e support 1or its understandin! <t i"plies consecuti*e appro>i"ations 1ro" connecti*is", inte!ratin! the principles e>plored throu!h theories o1 chaos, networ=s, co"ple>it, and sel1-or!ani7ation B$C, in order to understand decisions that connect the structures o1 9', and to understand how it wor=s the present situation o1 its =nowled!e

2. )&namic o* irtual "ducation# the +ractal Character

'ducation is e>plicitl, and i"plicitl, the practice o1 a t,pe o1 co""unication in the di*erse scenes where =nowled!e is constructed (school, classroo"F) and 1ro" which di*erse co""unicational 1unctions are established (to trans"it, to store, to process in1or"ation) <n *irtual educational en*iron"ents @we will al"ost alwa,s 1ind the ne>t ele"ents: to "a=e re1erence to pre*ious shared e>periences; to obtain in1or"ation; to o11er in1or"ation (that beco"es a shared resource); to #usti1, ideas and proposals; to e*aluate othersG contributions; to repeat and re1or"ulate what others sa,A BHC 4he sta!in! o1 9' represents a co"ple> tas= that co*ers the en*iron"ent, the or!ani7ation o1 space and educational ti"e, the "oti*ation, the cultural contents, the educational "ethod, etc <+4 o11er options 1or the construction o1 =nowled!e as o1 as,nchronous and s,nchronous ti"e and space and the 1acilit, and *ariet, o1 co""unication spaces (1oru", chat, *ideocon1erenceF), in reacti*e en*iron"ents with capacit, o1 electronic response (websites, databaseF) and with options o1 *irtual reconstruction (interacti*e "ulti"ediaF) 4o pro"ote interacti*it, in that wa, "a=es possible connections, causes con*ersations and participations in cooperation, opens scenes o1 co"parin! ideas, and e>presses the de!ree in which co""unication transcends the reaction, 1or"in! a *ariable o1 process that is related to di"ensions where "essa!es 1ollow a se?uence and interrelate each other and with pre*ious "essa!es B%C 'ducational processes in *irtual en*iron"ents are a se?uence o1 connected acts or!ani7ed in se*eral le*els and di"ensions, which !oes be,ond a si"ple interaction between persons in the roles o1 apprentice and teacher 4hese processes represent an interaction between proble"s and the capacit, to deal with proble"s in a particular culture, in the sa"e wa, societ, deals with the world

Figure 1. New information technologies: communication and interaction (adapted from Meneses, 2006).

+onse?uentl,, education is the process that trans"its the pile o1 =nowled!e culturall, acceptable BIC; b, "eans o1 e11ecti*e *irtual educational spaces that !uides three basic aspects o1 <+4: 1) the capacit, o1 wor=in! in a networ= to "a=e possible a !eo!raphicall, di11erent location o1 participants and, at the sa"e ti"e, a s,nchronis" or as,nchronis" o1 trainin! acti*ities; 2) "ulti"edia abilities and h,per"edia o1 hetero!eneous di!ital in1or"ation represented in di11erent 1or"ats (te>t, !raphics, soundF), and 3) a co"plete peda!o!ical intuiti*e si"ple interaction between person and co"puter, which is supported b, inter1aces o1 user that pro"ote the notion o1 usabilit,

'ducation Journal 2014; 3(2): 101-110


instead o1 see=in! spectacular and "o"entar, enchant"ent o1 the user B10C 4he e*olution o1 hu"an cultural hori7on increased the 1ield o1 inter"ediations De went 1ro" a basic tool o1 tribal or!ani7ation to a co"ple> s,ste" o1 e>tre"el, di11erentiated tas=s; that is to sa, 1ro" personal re1lections to har"on, with the cultural conte>t 4his course was constructed throu!h an intricate interconnection o1 webs, which articulate all to!ether di*erse le*els o1 social li1e (indi*idual, 1a"il,, school, co""unit,, culture), con1i!urin! 1a*ourable 1ields to educate, re1lectin! a le*el o1 interaction and susceptible to be "odi1ied b, *irtual space and ti"e <n this a!e o1 di!ital technolo!,, education as a co""unicational act is built on di*erse orders, b, wa, o1 1ractals, that participate as concise structures that are added as le!al 1or"s o1 social relationship and historical nature, re*ealin! a recursi*e process Kecursi*eness shows the repetition o1 a sa"e action endlessl,; perceptible e*ents in education and learnin! , and so"eti"es wor=in! as ele"ents but at the sa"e ti"e as pioneers and !enerators o1 the process 8ut how is it or!ani7ed education as o1 1ractal se?uencesL <n Maths @a 1ractal is a !eo"etric ob#ect whose basic structure is repeated at di11erent scalesF <n "an, cases, 1ractals are sel1-si"ilar patterns and the, can be !enerated b, a recursi*e process independentl, o1 the speci1ic scale &ractals co"bine irre!ularit, and structureA 4o understand it we "ust decipher the @properties applied to e*er, 1ractal: M &ractional di"ension M +o"ple> structure at e*er, scale M <n1inite bi1urcation M /el1-si"ilarit,A B11C .o!icall,, 1ractals are not onl, present in the 1ield o1 "athe"atical structures 4he e>tension o1 the concept "a=e possible to reco!nise ob#ects that can be identi1ied *irtuall, in e*er, part o1 the natural world 4he "ain di11erence is that @non-naturalA 1ractals (created arti1iciall,, as education) are not e>actl, sel1-si"ilar but rando"l,, in a statistical wa, <n addition, in natural 1ractals there are lower and upper li"its 1or the scale ran=, where these ob#ects are reall, 1ractals; while in @non-natural, arti1icial or socialA, the rou!h or s"ooth 1or" (not sel1-si"ilar), in other words, con*entionall, 'uclidean, re*eal a scale onl, appro>i"atel, si"ilar to the one obtained in a di11erent scale <n an, case, all natural or @arti1icialA 1ractals ha*e 1ractional di"ensions, di*isible with each other B12C 8etween 1ractals are also reco!nisable so"e o1 the" =nown as "ulti1ractals, which are !eo"etric spaces where connections between their parts are chan!in! in e*er, repetition; retainin! so"e t,pe o1 sel1-si"ilarit,, a characteristic "ore local than !lobal B13C, educationall,, as the content to co"petence or to educational unit <n d,na"ic s,ste"s N those that chan!e their beha*iour o*er ti"e N, as 9', beco"e unpredictable or chaotic, re?uirin! so"e plan to "a=e possible to chan!e 1ro" order to chaos b, "eans o1 1ractals (attractors or @de1inedA

spaces) 4hese ob#ects are not real ph,sical identities but abstractions that e>ist in the phase space, a space with "an, di"ensions to describe the d,na"ic beha*iour; where e*er, point in the phase space represents a sin!le "easurin! o1 the state o1 a d,na"ic s,ste", at the sa"e ti"e that e*ol*es in the course o1 ti"e Dhen all these points are put to!ether, the, "a=e a tra#ector, that is o*er the sur1ace o1 a stran!e attractor B12C /o"e stran!e attractors (education and learnin! opportunities) ha*e been identi1ied in these cases, su!!estin! the e>istence o1 "an, routes that !o 1ro" order to chaos; that is, 1ro" a di*ersit, o1 educational prescriptions to !et the apparent ac?uisition o1 =nowled!e that, at the sa"e ti"e, it causes a new need to 1ollow with the in*esti!ation in understandin! <n the d,na"ics o1 9', the co"ple> transition o1 peda!o!ical tas= "a=es possible to create renewed 1ractal i"a!es o1 educational co"ple>it,, understandin! that @the new paradi!" will be success1ul while 1acin! "an, proble"s that appear on its wa,, =nowin! that onl, the old paradi!" has 1ailed in so"e casesA B14C <n that tas=, the new created @landscapesA or nodes "a=e supports 1ro" "an, other scenes that contribute in the educational tas= in static or ani"ate 1or" 4he process de"ands certain re1inin! in order to speci1, which t,pes o1 structures are included or not, how are iterati*e processes !enerated and which roles are pla,ed b, e*er, educational sub#ect; with the purpose o1 articulatin! and "a=in! e?ui*alent the educational e>periences, in the interest o1 e?uit, and propriet, B1EC 4o thin= about the co"ple>it, o1 9' 1ro" the 1ractalit, i"plies to concei*e a state o1 interrelations constantl, chan!in! ; constant construction o1 educational pheno"enon characterised b, co"binin! continuit, and inno*ation, order and chaos, with instabilities in supposed balance ; state that allows to understand and to act o*er this 1ra"ewor=, that is, a process o1 (re)construction de1ined b, an i""ense interaction, which is si!ned b, two di11erent constructs, one is *irtualit,, represented b, the potentialit, or pro!ressi*e latenc, o1 real, and the other one is 1ractalit,, 1or its !rowin! co"ple>it, and apparent lac= o1 de1inition; but both o1 the" interact to!ether to con1i!ure stable and consistent structurin! patterns and thus de1inin! a state o1 understandin! o1 realit, 4o assu"e this attitude i"plies to concei*e the *irtualit, and 1ractalit, interaction as an understandin! between sub#ects and ob#ects, because o1 the latenc, and co"ple>it, that e>press the" and do not represent the" and, there1ore, we cannot concei*e one o1 the" without the other one; allowin! it to be speci1ied B1$, 1HC as a connection between culture and persons that are not deter"ined in an, sense (1ro" *irtualit, to 1ractalit, or *ice *ersa) but a scale; that is, both o1 the" are at di11erent scale, e>pression o1 the sa"e d,na"ics B1%C +onsiderin! this, 9' 1ro" the 1ractalit, assu"es a pro!ressi*e se?uence o1 le*els, which e*ol*es #ust as the needs and de"ands o1 the sub#ect in the trainin! d,na"ics


3sbaldo 4urpo 5ebera et al.:

:ature and /tructure o1 9irtual 'ducation: ;n ;pproach 1ro" the &ractalit,

!. irtualization o* "ducation
<n co""on speech, *irtualit, is usuall, e>pressed as the opposite to realit, <n co!niti*e ter"s, this passes be,ond the i"a!inable, @it corresponds to a trans1or"ation o1 the process b, "eans o1 that we can learn, state (note) and e>plain the world; processes that are in har"on, and dependenc, with the le*el o1 de*elop"ent o1 di!ital "edia at the present historic "o"entA B1IC Dhat is *irtualit,L ; detailed tour throu!h the se"antic histor, o1 the ter", understandin! the pheno"enon, notes that in the restricted sense it is not related to 1alseness, unrealit, or i"a!er, but that e>presses a sense o1 potentialit, <n no wa, it is the opposite to tan!ible and real but a wa, o1 bein! producti*e and 1easible, which opens hori7ons, di!s 1ounts 1ull o1 sense under the sur1ace o1 the i""ediate ph,sical presence <n ;ristotelian ter"s, *irtualit, is potential, what can be, but not ,et ;s .e*, e>e"pli1ies B1IC, the tree is *irtuall, in the seed; conse?uentl,, it is not the opposite to what e>ists but a wa, o1 bein! o1 realit,, a "o"ent in the process o1 e>tension that de*elops realit, 4hus, *irtuali7ation is a re*itali7in! pheno"enon o1 realit,, one o1 the *ectors o1 creatin! realit,, which allows @thin=in! that we are able o1 spreadin! our bod, si"pl, si"ulatin! that we do not depend on itA B20C 9irtualit, con#ectures a restructurin! o1 classic coordinates o1 space and ti"e, to a s,ste" where the, do not disappear but are *irtualised, what it does not "ean absence or e>tinction in con1i!uration, on the contrar,, it is the entrance to a di11erent ti"e-space where we "ust access 1or its usu1ruct B21C; or as +astells sa,s B22C, cross-lin=ed and in1or"ationali7ed coordinates, set on spaces o1 1lu>es and ti"eless ti"es '>actl,, in 9' the classic spatial structure @e*aporatesA to enter in a =ind o1 si"ulated and unli"ited classroo", where the space is recreated as a realit, o1 si"ulation: o1 *irtuali7ation, a space where there are i""ense possibilities ;lso, the structure o1 ti"e is bro=en, a course is not tau!ht durin! a ter" or certain schedule 4he stud, and en?uir, are pla,ed down, the sa"e as tutorial or wor= !roups <n *irtual realit,, acti*ities are "ade outside the ti"e1ra"e, within a s,ste" where ti"e and space are *irtual, accordin! to de"ands o1 1le>ibilit, and accessibilit, More con*enientl,, acti*ities ha*e been (re)con*erted to place and e*ent, territor, and "o"ent, introducin! personal and collecti*e re1erences, "ar=s, si!ns, traces o1 action and "o*e"ent, o1 creation and destruction o1 spaces ; ti"e-space whose places allow processes o1 s,"bolisation and si!ni1icance on the basis o1 appropriation, orientation and use o1 the users, 1ro" a te"poral appropriation, e?uall, showin! the rele*ance o1 social ti"e, in the "easurabilit, o1 connections between the past and the 1uture o1 a present B23C <n these en*iron"ents, still with the loss o1 ph,sical contact, there is a "ore acti*e and rewardin! interaction than the one o11ered in a traditional class throu!h the di*erse co""unicational tools; whose @?ualit, o1 the !oal o1 the

action does not e>clusi*el, depend on technolo!ical "ediation but on the situation created b, intentional a!ents within the technical s,ste" where the, con1i!ure their practicesA B24C <n those conditions, 9' as co""unicational tas= or!anised on le*els si"ilar to 1ractal or!anisation will be e11icient and challen!in! i1 held to the #oint resolution o1 proble"s, and it will depend on the wa, in which participants put into practice so"e solid 1oundations o1 co""on understandin! 4his approach considers sharin! indi*idual resources o1 =nowled!e where it is probable that the success o1 a #oint acti*it, depends on well-established collaborati*e basic rules to wor= #ointl,; since the in1or"ation a!e and the interconnected world are "a=in! teachers to pose a!ain their e>periences ; conte>t where it is e*ident that the added *alue o1 the @1uture based on =nowled!eA will be that which pro"otes the abilit, to thin= and to learn on a sel1-su11icient wa, and at the "o"ent; and pro"otes students to be critical and sel1-!uided, "oti*ated and able to re1lection about cooperation; and also to continue learnin! throu!hout li1e B2EC &unda"entall,, to opt 1or *irtualit, answers to its understandin! as rese"blance o1 realit, (but not real), which has been alwa,s present between us 8e1ore, the potentialit, o1 *irtualit, was the possibilit, o1 "a=in! i"a!ination to be real, in ideas, in belie1s; and toda,, the potential o1 technolo!ies "a=es possible a new wa, o1 reconstructin! i"a!ination, o1 "a=in! realit, the *irtualit, o1 our ideas; in a passa!e that is parado>icall, deno"inated @*irtual realit,A 9irtualit, is the do"inant paradi!" in relation to other hu"an e>pressions 4his is transcendental and i"portant 1or educational practice <t represents the co"parison on which to build a conscious practice, establishin! the wa, o1 representin!, or!anisin! and co""unicatin! the product o1 the practice o1 the s,"bolic 1unction that hu"an bein!s "a=e <n contrast to other "eans, *irtual is de1ined as hi!hl, interacti*e, eli"inatin! the passi*it, o1 the spectator that the "edia, as tele*ision, present ,2-. ;nd that 8audrillard understands as a re1erence to a substance, which !enerates "odels o1 so"ethin! real without ori!in or realit,: the h,perreal B2HC <n its peda!o!ical e>tension, *irtualit, !oes be,ond the use o1 new technolo!ies in education <t is not predictable or "echanical <t co"es 1ro" the process, it is d,na"ic and e*ol*es, and it can turn an unpredictable e*ent into a relati*el, tri*ial e*ent BIC <n its course *irtualit, !enerates @spaces that allow people to "o*e, to e>press and to share opinions, 1eelin!s, *alues, to handle and e>chan!e ob#ects, etc , and thus to create pro!ressi*el, !roups, co""unities o1 actionA B2%C <n particular, when we re1er to *irtuali7ation o1 education, we are be1ore a paradi!" that is translated @in a *irtual ca"pus with a !roup o1 *irtual spaces whose 1unctions "ust be interrelated, in the sa"e wa, as the 1unctions o1 =nowled!e "ana!e"ent B1EC 4his adaptation re?uests

'ducation Journal 2014; 3(2): 101-110


proacti*it, and a hi!h rate o1 stable reno*ation o1 =nowled!e <n that wa,, educational *irtuali7ation turns into a 1actor o1 structures and 1unctions trans1or"ation, an instru"ent to increase the co*era!e, to i"pulse the ?ualit,, propriet, and e?uit, o1 access, and a wa, to create a new trainin! sche"e <n order 1or 9' to achie*e "eanin!1ulness and i"plication in hu"an and social de*elop"ent, is ad*isable to prepare the land and to share with the teachers in*ol*ed in the *irtuali7ation o1 classroo"s and with the students the 1ollowin! aspects: a) the wa, in which *irtuali7ation chan!es the own conception o1 the class and the educational process, respondin! how is "odi1ied b, *irtual incorporation; b) the speci1ic location o1 *irtual acti*it, and the "ain uses o1 co"puter in such situations, respondin! to relati*e doubts, to the di"ensions on which learnin! acti*ities "ust been prepared; c) di11erent representations that can ha*e a *irtual classroo", respondin! to which =ind o1 1or"ats are @1airA or can establish a *irtual classroo", and d) speci1ic ele"ents that will de1ine that *irtual classroo", respondin! to what can we 1ind inside a *irtual classroo" B2IC ;nd now we will see how is 9' or!anised and how is it "ade s,ner!istic to achie*e the interaction in an e11ecti*e wa,, which BIC propose in the in1or"ation societ, 4his in*ol*es connectin! students, teachers, =nowled!e and proble"s to sol*e on a networ=, transcendin! the si"ple student-teacher interaction; includin! a series o1 con*er!ent and 1unda"ental aspects increased 1ro" the Oone o1 Pro>i"al Pe*elop"ent (OPP) o1 9,!ots=, as o1 three critical 1actors o1 educational process: M so"eone in the role o1 apprentice, M so"eone in the role o1 instructor; and M so"ethin! that is a proble" that the apprentice is tr,in! to sol*e with the assistance o1 the instructor B30C 8, i"plication, there is a 1ourth 1actor Nthe needed =nowled!e to sol*e the proble" 4i11in and Ka#asin!ha" e>plain @that the interaction o1 these 1our 1actors N apprentice, instructor, =nowled!e and proble" in a particular conte>tN is the 1unda"ental process o1 co""unication that is educationA BIC

potential recipient and the recipient is potential spea=er; the two poles code and decode 3 4o "a=e a*ailable "ultiple articulated networ=s, =nowin! that a closed "essa!e is not proposed; on the contrar,, in1or"ation is o11ered on connection networ=s that !i*e to the recipient a wide 1reedo" o1 or!anisations and si!ni1icances 4 4o !enerate cooperation, =nowin! that co""unication and =nowled!e are constructed between students and teachers as co-creation E 4o cause the e>pression and con1rontation o1 sub#ecti*ities, =nowin! that 1ree and plural speech supposes to 1i!ht with di11erences in tolerance and de"ocrac, constructionA B4C <n the di!ital era, the 1ractal order o1 9' coordinates an or!anic whole, 1ro" a basic structure, where e*er, di"ension is a co"ple> patron o1 interactions whose lin=s shared si"ilarities and are built on in1inite bi1urcations, as o1 its di*ision in di11erent sta!es o1 e>pression

Figure 2. terati!e le!els of fractal organisation of "E.

4.1. Level 1: Monodic Dimension or Dimension of Connection between Individual and Personal Com uter 9irtualit, is a characteristic beco"e 1ro" the creati*e process o1 hu"an bein!s, where education !oes throu!h the li"its o1 space and the restrictions o1 ti"e <n 9' a s,"biotic connection is established between the indi*idual as an apprentice and tele"atics technolo!, 9irtual realit, "a=es possible that the student anal,ses @"odels 1ro" e*er, an!le, 1ro" "acro and "icro-perspecti*e, 1ro" inside and outside, onl, a part or the whole "odelA BIC and, at the sa"e ti"e, it 1a*ours sel1-su11icient learnin!, because the action beco"es interacti*e participation ;pparentl,, this "ental acti*it, is an isolated labour, but not, the !ears o1 in1or"ation that co"es 1ro" 1unda"ental 1actors o1 education, see"s to appear on the networ=s o1 "ind, contributin! to sociali7ation B31C 4he process o1

/. +ractal 0e1els o* irtual "ducation

'ducation is a co""unicational act, constructed and reconstructed in se*eral applications and se?uences, that re?uires @at least 1i*e abilities: 1 4o presuppose the participation-inter*ention o1 the recipient, =nowin! that to participate is "ore than answerin! @,esA or @noA and "uch "ore than choosin! a !i*en option; to participate is to "odi1,, it is to inter1ere with the "essa!e 2 4o !uarantee the bidirectionalit, o1 e"ission and reception, =nowin! that co""unication is a #oint production o1 e"ission and reception; the spea=er is


3sbaldo 4urpo 5ebera et al.:

:ature and /tructure o1 9irtual 'ducation: ;n ;pproach 1ro" the &ractalit,

structure o1 =nowled!e establishes a neural networ= o1 interrelations (an undeter"ined nu"ber 1ro" 10 to 100 billion o1 neural nodes connected b, electro-che"ical s,napses) that cause =nowled!e, "a=in! and bein!, co"in! into contact with =nowled!e, technolo!icall, distributed (*ia co"puter, connected or not to a networ= and/or a net o1 networ=s) and internalised b, the apprentice throu!h a proble"atic situation 4his connection see"s to lac= the 1i!ure o1 the teacher, but not, the role is shared with the apprentice who "a=es as sel1-teacher in the interaction with the co"puter, he is the one who learns and controls the se?uence and d,na"ics o1 learnin!, assu"in! consciousness o1 the proble"s that tries to sol*e, b, "eans o1 a @con*ersationA si"ilar to a teacher-student con*ersation about a proble"; and this is possible i1 we assu"e it as a @"eans to assi"ilate the world, it can approach realit, 1ro" percepti*e perspecti*es un=nown up to nowA B32C <n the @sel1-directed and assisted stud,A e"er!es the i"a!e o1 a hard-wor=er student, who in the interaction with the co"puter will be able to send wor=s or en?uiries b, e"ail, to search 1or in1or"ation in a di!ital librar, or a data base, to interact with the "ulti"edia pro*ided b, a +P Ko" or P9P, a *ideo or sound recordin!, or a so1tware, or a *irtual plat1or" 4hese "entioned aids ha*e intelli!ent instructions assisted b, co"puter, which assu"es @the role o1 auto"ati7ed teacher or bein! a source o1 =nowled!e and proble"sA BHC

and new =nowled!e and does not add anal,tical con1usion to "o*e awa, 1ro" the understandin! (5arcQa, 2002) <n this process the tele"atics technolo!, encoura!es people to use it, because it contains the potential to de*elop an educational en*iron"ent to satis1, co!niti*e re?uire"ents, throu!h an educational desi!n assisted b, co"puter (a !roup o1 instructions, an electronic blac=board, a pro#ection s,ste", sur1in! throu!h h,perte>tF) <n that purpose, the en*iron"ental aspects ha*e a conciliator role; e*er, node o1 the networ= will represent an abilit, that is subsidiar, in the resolution abilit, o1 the proble" or needed re?uire"ent BIC, but it will be the person who started 1ro" the established connection will help with the =nowled!e structure, @based on the use o1 power1ul recourses o1 de"ocratic e>pression between student and teacherA BHC

Figure 4. #$adic dimension (second node).

Figure !. Monodic dimension (first node).

Dhen the connection @with "eA is unsatis1actor,, the ne>t 1ractal le*el o1 education can be *iable as unleashin! o1 1ractals to "a=e propitious the =nowled!e structure 4.2. Level 2: D"adic Dimension or Dimension of Connection between # rentice and Instructor Dhen the student 1inds di11iculties 1or a sel1-su11icient learnin! in 9', when he tries to sol*e a proble" and it beco"es i"possible, he establishes an educational connection with other node that contains the =nowled!e <n this wa,, he as=s 1or help to a class"ate or calls the teacher 4hus, he opens a!ain an educational networ=, but this ti"e he connects with a teachin! node that could be also a source o1 =nowled!e BIC <n this connection a *ariet, o1 a*ailable resources co"bine each other to stud, a speci1ic proble" &re?uentl,, there is so"eone who has so"e =nowled!e on the topic and so"eone who will appear as a teacher in relation to the proble", in the sa"e wa, as a @co""unit,A that helps to understand the reall, speci1ic

4rans"itted abilities b, "eans o1 this educational connection are noted b, each other, as an alternati*e process o1 anal,sin! and s,nthesi7in! abilities, e>pressed at di11erent 1ractal le*els BIC 4hese are represented as a @"ap o1 educationA where we can select the abilit, node desired, recei*in! instructions hierarchicall, structured 4his proposed procedure is not a linear se?uence, but depends on the user to assi!n the "ost appropriated course 1or his needs, "oti*ations and interests ;ll the alternati*es are susceptible o1 di11erent treat"ents that !o 1ro" wor=in! on a proble" and to sol*e it, alone or with assistance; to as= 1or e>planations to so"eone (the teacher, an ad*anced class"ateF) 1or the =nowled!e needed in the presented contrarieties; or to as= 1or a de"onstration o1 how to use the understandin! with the anal,7ed proble"s <n this d,na"ics, despite "an, possibilities o1 1indin! help, it "a, be possible that is not enou!h to pass throu!h a proble"atic situation on our own 4hen, the apprentice can turn to a teacher (or an @arti1icial intelli!entA pro!ra""e) to !et a 1eedbac= about the pro!ress in so"e speci1ic abilit, 4he relation @,ou and hi"/herA results con*enient and appropriate, it is usuall, distorted b, other i"proper 1actors !i*en that education is co""unication and it e>presses in di11erent 1ractals di"ensions <1 this happens, it will be necessar, the search 1or other 1ractal le*el that could "a=e possible student-teacher and =nowled!e-proble" a>is to understand each other and to interact with node connection, that 1a*our interpersonal relationships and acti*ities to "a=e

'ducation Journal 2014; 3(2): 101-110


4.!. Level !: #ulical Dimension or Dimension of Class Connection 4he student is present in all the educational s,ste"s, "a,be "ore *isibl, in the classroo" scene -ere, co""unication should be direct and in*ol*es "ore intensel, *i*id situations throu!h teachin! and learnin! processes <n 9' the users are in constant contact with technolo!, (laptop, "obile phone, pal"topF) 4he teacher is open to the e"er!in! co""unicational culture to "odi1, the learnin! en*iron"ent in the classroo" and to educate 1ollowin! the characteristics o1 this ti"e BHC; the teacher also assu"es, as "uch as he can, desi!n, plannin!, de*elop"ent and e*aluation o1 these con*er!ent technolo!ies, understandin! the classroo" as a networ=, re1lectin! what happens on the societ,-networ=, si"ilar to @social networ=s with a !eo"etr, and *ariable co"positionA B33C <n the en*iron"ent o1 connection o1 the classroo" "an, =nowled!e nodes appear, co"in! 1ro" the e>ternal en*iron"ent or 1ro" 1actors !enerated durin! the interaction in the classroo" <nteractions built on these neural and conte>tual networ=s can pro*ide the possibilit, o1 chan!in! 1ro" a 1ractal le*el to other, when the !roup networ= is not contributed <n1or"ation societ, lea*es open the possibilit, o1 an e>ternal classroo", 1a*ourable en*iron"ent 1or 9', irradiatin! co""unication 1or a d,adic e>chan!e in a star networ=, where student and teacher are conscious o1 the 1ruit1ul !eneratin! con*ersation 9irtual realit, proposes a series o1 tele"atics resources (1oru"s, chatsF) so that the interaction causes an indirect e11ect on the others 4he educational process 1a*ours that the teacher helps the student to use the =nowled!e in the resolution o1 the proble", ta=in! as interacti*it, plat1or" the *irtual classroo", b, "eans o1 a s,nchronic and as,nchronous co""unication 4he "odel presupposes se*eral telecon1erence centres #oint on the networ= 1or an or!anised stud,, with the 1i!ure o1 a "oderator or teacher, or se*eral at the sa"e ti"e, but coordinated '*er, student on his own educational 1ractal =nowled!e will !uide his understandin!, assu"in!, i1 precise, a di11erent part o1 the proble" to s,nthesise then the results, b, chan!in! networ=s, 1ro" a "acro to "icro or *ice *ersa 4hus, the elaborated =nowled!e is a shared product that passes throu!h se*eral 1ractals le*els o1 the networ= in course

Dithin this t,pe o1 classroo"s, classes are "ade 1le>ible and the stud, can be tau!ht in a sel1-su11icient wa,, can be "ade with a *irtual teacher, in pairs or s"all !roups 4eachers can "eet the students on telepresence to teach indi*iduall,, or "eet the !roup in a *irtual classroo" BIC, in order to concrete the pre*iousl, or!anised and established contents <ts accreditation or certi1ication re?uires a hi!her instance, the 1ollowin! le*el o1 con1ir"ation (school, uni*ersit,, educational s,ste") <n this co"bination o1 1acts e*er,thin! is 1it to!ether, the critical 1actors o1 educational process with the 1ractals le*els o1 or!ani7ation o1 education 4he s,ste" !enerates a !reat *ariet, o1 distant or close co""unities and cultures throu!h a @characteristic or t,pical beha*iour (ei!enbeha*iour) o1 ps,cholo!ical and social s,ste"sA B34C 4he "ain dri*in! 1orce is the co""on interest on learnin! how to e"plo, =nowled!e in a speci1ic proble"atic 1ield, 1ro" di11erent perspecti*es and on a le*el o1 !rowin! co"ple>it, 4his de"ands a 1ractal le*el o1 !roupin! that or!anised all this =nowled!e and return it dependin! on the per"itted re?uests 4.4. Level 4: $c%olar Dimension or Dimension of Institutional Connection 4he ter" school, b, e>tension, re1ers to educational institutions (school, secondar, school, uni*ersit,, post!raduate schoolF), where the class or the classroo" is a processin! node o1 the networ= <t is part o1 a wider educational s,ste", re!ional or national, in which di*erse peda!o!ical processes are put to!ether (learnin! courses, "odules, de!rees, structures o1 classroo"sF) 4he educational s,ste" controls the 1unctionin! o1 teachin! and learnin! connections accordin! to social and econo"ic de"ands, deter"inin! the desi!n and plannin! o1 education and re!ulatin! the @scholar transitionA in ti"e and space <n 9' this is o*erco"e, the apprentice decides what he wants to stud,, when and how, and he is the one who searches 1or the learnin! "ore si!ni1icant 1or hi", what "oti*ates hi" to learn BIC 9irtual classes !i*e rise to @*irtual co""unities o1 learnin!A 4hese instances, "ore co"ple>, pro*ide ser*ices, libraries and support ad"inistration to concrete the educational esti"ates <n that pro!ressi*e course di*erse institutional e>periences o1 9' e"er!e, as 9irtual )ni*ersities, 3pen or Pistance (:ational Pistance 'ducation )ni*ersit,, 3pen )ni*ersit, o1 +ataloniaF) or pro!ra"s co"bined with 1ace-to-1ace classes (blended learnin!), not onl, in tertiar, education but at lower le*els (telesecundaria in Me>ico, -uascar6n Pro!ra""e in PerRF)

Figure 4: %lassroom dimension (third node).


3sbaldo 4urpo 5ebera et al.:

:ature and /tructure o1 9irtual 'ducation: ;n ;pproach 1ro" the &ractalit,

Figure &: nstitutional dimension (fourth node).

<nstitutional *ersatilit, will "a=e 1easible to course properl, throu!h this le*el, where 1unda"ental e>ternal supports 1or hu"an bein!s to cause trans1or"ations on "ind are needed &or this reason, ob#ects that are used to or!anise and to replace in1or"ation e>ternall, are considered ps,cholo!ical instru"ents, while allowin! increasin! and e>tendin! intellectual 1unctions o1 hu"an bein!, that is placed closer to the condition o1 @co!niti*e toolA B34C <n relation to didactics, the student interacts with the institution 4he apprentice-user constitutes a node on the networ= o1 *irtual institutions 4hese will also ha*e an internal networ= in which nodes will 1unction as tele-ad"inistration, tele-support ser*ices, tele-librar, and its acade"ic depart"ents '*er, depart"ent, at the sa"e ti"e, has its own hierarch, o1 1ractals le*els ;nd the tele-librar, as a networ= o1 collections, a collection 1or"ed b, a networ= o1 boo=s, a boo= as a networ= o1 chapters, a chapter as a networ= o1 para!raphs and so on BIC 4he 1ractal nature o1 educational or!ani7ation is patented 1ro" now 'ducational institution is a networ= o1 teacher-students interactions in classroo"s; there, the interactions happen durin! classes ; class i"plies a teacher-student interaction ; student can interact with his own person <n all interrelations 1unda"ental 1actors o1 educational process interact: apprentice-teacher-proble"-=nowled!e 4his relationship de1ines a d,na"ics o1 surroundin! co""unication with de1ined proposals 4.&. Level &: Communit" Dimension or Dimension of Cultural Connections 'ducational e>periences are built on @a =ind o1 in1or"ation networ=s at le*els which can *ar, 1ro" the neurolo!ical networ= o1 hu"anGs brain to the teleco""unications networ= o1 !lobal *illa!eA BIC 4he technolo!ical e"er!ence o1 tele"atics 1a*ours that 1rontiers superi"pose each other, creatin! situations o1 !lobali7ation in e*er, order o1 hu"an and social e*ents 'ducation is included in this tas= and it @appropriatesA the do"inant paradi!", in order to contribute to the dere!ulation o1 education, chan!in! its actual 1or", 1ro" 1ace-to-1ace to *irtual +ultural interactions !o be,ond the educational institution, the, wor= within lo!ic o1 !lobal connection,

where =nowled!e is constructed and reconstructed 1ro" personal e>perience that, a"pli1ied with in1or"ation, beco"es understandin! b, "eans o1 =nowled!e structure <ts ac=nowled!e"ent is orientated to an action o1 personal and social i"portance and, to continuous enrich"ent o1 the 1ra"e o1 re1erence where the 1uture e>perience will ta=e place :aturall,, this e>perience o11ers the startin! point o1 a new course, so, 1ro" the perspecti*e o1 the e*olutionar, tra#ector, o1 an indi*idual or a co""unit,, a spiral would be a better "etaphor ;s Dell sa,s, the understandin! seen as a "edia will allow chan!in! as "uch the indi*idual as social en*iron"ent continuousl, and, there1ore, it should be the !oal o1 e*er, educational acti*it, B3EC 4he current s,ste", characterised b, 1easible utopias, places education between the structural 1ra"ewor=s o1 econo"ical politics, in the conception o1 ,ieldin!, dri*en b, "oti*es o1 pro1its, sub#ect to co"petition within an open "ar=et and paid b, a de"andin! user, in opposition to the "i>ture o1 social and cultural politics interested on e?ualit, o1 opportunities and the preser*ation o1 national culture, and the local wa, o1 li1e BIC 8e1ore this dichoto",, education is responsible o1 !eneratin! !loball, co"petiti*e abilities (social, cultural, labourF), not to co"pete with others but to share with the" throu!h the use o1 the networ=: <nternet; to stren!then educabilit,, the sociali7ation with the en*iron"ent and the world, as @an essential "eans o1 co""unication and or!ani7ation in all the areas o1 acti*it,A B33C

2. $s a Conclusion
4o prepare people 1or their per1or"ance in a networ=-societ, is to create an e11ecti*e s,ste" o1 educational co""unication 1ounded on a 1ractal d,na"ics that allows o*erlappin! e*er, le*el si"ultaneousl, at apprenticeGs con*enience, and not re!ulated b, an, re?uest 4hus, education will ha*e achie*ed coherent con*iction, !i*in! sense to the educational acti*it, "ade in the networ=, establishin! the 1ertiliser to !i*e results 4his approach presupposes @an i""ense trans1or"ation in the wa, o1 usin! and e*en thin=in! about "edia, as well as the =nowled!e the, transportA B3$C <n this sense, the 1ractal approach o1 the structure o1 9' see"s to e>plain the operational 1unctionin! around how di*erse connections and peda!o!ical processes are applied, bein! concei*ed as !roups constituted b, an in1init, o1 nodes where e*er, node is sel1-si"ilar to the whole, bein! in1init, nature recursi*e-iterati*e 4he 1ractal or!ani7ation o1 9', on its di"ensional le*els, e>presses the idea o1 !eneratin! e*er, le*el 1ro" the predecessor, respectin! in e*er,thin! but the "easure"ent (the co*ered place) to the pre*ious; and it su!!ests the idea o1 e>istin! reason between the 1irst and the second in relation to their purposes B3HC 4his reason appears as the abilit, to reproduce, "o*e or e>ist in a certain de!ree, independentl, o1 the en*iron"ent that deli"its it, "o*in!

'ducation Journal 2014; 3(2): 101-110


1ro" a sel1-su11icient le*el o1 learnin! to the socio-cultural learnin!, or *ice *ersa -owe*er, it does not "ean that there is a linear continuit, but, on the contrar,, within disorder the abilit, o1 peda!o!ical adaptation is susceptible, dependin! on the possibilities o1 =nowled!e apprehension; "a=in! *iable the e*olution o1 the 1irst in1or"ation and co""unication en*iron"ents that could be thou!ht as pre-e>istin! #ust on the 1irst le*el, with respect to the nature o1 the @arte1actA that supports it, the co"puter; to trainin! en*iron"ents o1 hi!her recursion, as the concei*ed on the 1i1th le*el <n that understandin!, the spatial or!ani7ations @reconstructedA as @inhabitedA *irtual en*iron"ents displa, socialit, 4o 1a*our interacti*it, "a=es possible the coe>istence and co"bination o1 actions and situations o1 di11erent t,pes o1 educational a!ents and sub#ects, 1ro" di11erent ori!in and in1luence le*el, without re?uirin! spatial or te"poral conti!uities; that does not "ean to den, the e>istence o1 space-ti"e co"ponents and 1ra"ewor= B21C; clearl, represented on the 1ractal nature o1 9', as recursi*e processes e?uall, accessible without "a#or li"itations <n this point, in a latent wa, we lea*e our uncertainties and aspirations in the presence o1 *irtualit, &acin! that, it concerns an intense dialectic re1lection about the 1unctionin! o1 *irtual technolo!ies and i1 the, will help to chan!e the spectru" o1 crisis that education is li*in! DhatGs "ore, i1 the proposed 1ractal approach e>plains what happens in the d,na"ics o1 teachin! and learnin! processes in these scenes, and i1 the clear arte1actual structure e>presses what happens in di*erse educational nodes; or "a,be we are 1acin! other e11ort that sta,s in the public e,e; that is, it does not re*eal the peda!o!ical essence o1 trainin! *irtual en*iron"ents Pretendin! to e>plain 9' as educational polic,, that is, as @a pro!ra""e o1 !o*ern"ental action in a sector o1 societ, or in a !eo!raphical spaceA B3%C, o1 "a=in! *iable so"e principles to concrete possibilities <t is understood that the "ost practicable scenes 1or *irtualit, pass throu!h the -i!her 'ducation and ;dult 'ducation le*els (1or instance, in the +ontinuous 4rainin! o1 teachers) 4o su""arise, the 1ractal consideration o1 9' a11ords an appro>i"ation 1ra"ewor= to sa1e!uard the access and continuit, o1 citi7ensG ri!hts to education, with criteria 1or e?ualit,, respect to di*ersit,, and openin! to "ore opportunities 4his trainin! space does not answer to unilineal lo!ic but chaotic (1ro" conscious order) o1 a conte>t that needs either the e>pansion o1 co*era!e or about all the ?ualit, (o1 1unda"ental and continuous i"pro*e"ent) 9' can contribute in the re*ersion o1 in1or"ation illiterac,, popularisin! the use o1 technolo!ies searchin! 1or re!ular updatin! <n one hand the social, constitutin! an instru"ent to !et inclusion because o1 the di11erential characteristics that it presents 3n the other hand, the peda!o!ical, e>plainin! anal,tical and e>plicati*e approaches about desi!n and e*aluation o1 en*iron"ents,

"aterials, etc +onse?uentl,, it is our tas= as educators to 1ollow the in*esti!ations about how 9' e*ol*es Pro!ressi*el,, this in?uir, "ust "a=e us !et closer to re*eal the intrinsic realit, o1 trainin! act presented on *irtual networ=s

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