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Cuts are a
feminist issue
Icminisi lglilacl collcciivc
Tlc govcinmcni`s cuilacls in social piovision
aic piivaiising woil ilai is ciucial io ilc
susicnancc ol lilc.
incc tlc Co+lition govcrnmcnt w+s clcctco in tlc Lnitco lingoom in \+y
2J1J, wc l+vc opcnco our ncwsp+pcrs c+cl o+y to lit+nics ol cuts to scrviccs
- in lc+ltl c+rc; oomcstic violcncc scrviccs; univcrs+l clilo bcncnt; ois+bility
bcncnt; lonc p+rcnt bcncnt; pcnsions; c+rcrs +llow+ncc; lousing bcncnt; couc+tion;
lrcc sclool mc+ls; +no c+rly-yc+rs provision, to n+mc only somc. Sucl scrviccs
constitutc tlc mc+ns by wlicl + pcoplc +rc kcpt lc+ltly, lco, clotlco, lousco,
couc+tco +no m+oc into proouctivc workcrs +blc to support tlc n+tions cconomy.
Ano tlc ocstruction ol sucl public +no common gooos is not uniuc to tlc Lnitco
lingoom; ovcr tlc l+st tlirty yc+rs, ocspitc tlcir bcing csscnti+l to lum+n lilc,
ncolibcr+l rcstructuring +cross tlc worlo l+s priv+tisco, crooco +no ocmolislco our
sl+rco rcsourccs, +no uslcrco in + crisis ol soci+l rcproouction.
llc tcrm soci+l rcproouction cncomp+sscs +ll tlc mc+ns by wlicl socicty
rcproouccs its l+milics, citizcns +no workcrs. It incluocs +ll tlc l+bour tl+t is
ncccss+ry lor + socicty to rcprooucc itscll: tlc biologic+l proouction ol pcoplc +no
workcrs, +no +ll tlc soci+l pr+cticcs tl+t sust+in tlc popul+tion - bc+ring clilorcn,
r+ising clilorcn, pcrlorming cmotion+l work, provioing clotling +no looo, +no
cooking +no clc+ning. As + conccpt soci+l rcproouction l+s bccn kcy to lcminist
soci+l tlcory, bcc+usc it cl+llcngcs tlc usu+l oistinctions tl+t +rc m+oc bctwccn
proouctivc +no rcproouctivc l+bour, or bctwccn tlc l+bour m+rkct +no tlc lomc.
l+bour in tlis splcrc is oltcn ocv+luco +no priv+tisco, +no is typic+lly pcrlormco
by womcn in tlcir ooublc o+y or sccono slilt, +longsioc p+io w+gc l+bour. 0ut
rcproouctivc l+bour ol tlis kino is just +s ccntr+l to c+pit+list +ccumul+tion +s +rc
otlcr lorms ol l+bour, wlicl mc+ns tl+t strugglcs ovcr its structurc +no oistribution
+rc luno+mcnt+l to +ny unocrst+noing ol issucs ol powcr +no tlc rcl+tionslips
bctwccn l+bour +no c+pit+l, +s wcll +s tlc potcnti+l lor tlcir tr+nslorm+tion.
llc +ustcrity mc+surcs ol tlc Co+lition govcrnmcnt will +llcct cvcry l+cct ol
lum+n lilc +no rcl+tions; tlcy +rc +ttcmpting to unocrminc tlc wcll+rc st+tc +no to
crc+tc + prolounoly uncu+l socicty, +no tlis will lit womcn p+rticul+rly l+ro, +s
wcll +s otlcr m+rgin+lisco +no vulncr+blc groups. Sucl + oisproportion+tc imp+ct
is not +n unintcnoco or unlorcsccn cllcct ol tlc cuts. l+tlcr, it is cnocmic to tlis
govcrnmcnts orivc to ocstroy tlc wcll+rc st+tc, +no in p+rticul+r to rcstructurc
cxisting lorms ol soci+l rcproouction. lxploring tlc locus, oistribution +no likcly
cllccts ol tlis +ustcrity progr+mmc tlrougl tlc lcns ol soci+l rcproouction +llows us
to bcttcr unocrst+no not only tlc uncvcn imp+cts it will l+vc on oillcrcnt scctors ol
socicty, but +lso tlc w+ys in wlicl it supports tlc proouction +no +ccumul+tion ol
wc+ltl, +no its conccntr+tion into tlc l+nos ol tlc lcw. Ano it m+y +lso point to sitcs
ol rcsist+ncc +no tr+nslorm+tion.
As +n +nti-c+pit+list lcminist collcctivc b+sco in l+st lonoon, wc l+vc bccn
org+nising +rouno somc ol tlc immcoi+tc m+nilcst+tions ol sucl cuts - in tlc
N+tion+l lc+ltl Scrvicc +no public scrviccs morc bro+oly, +no in tlcir cllccts on
nurscry provision in tlc lonoon borougls ol l+ckncy +no lowcr l+mlcts in
p+rticul+r. lcspitc our pr+ctic+l cmpl+sis on tlc loc+l situ+tion, wc bclicvc tl+t our
strugglc to oclcno loc+l provision c+n only bc unocrstooo in + wiocr contcxt: tl+t ol
+ crisis in c+rc. In writing tlis +rticlc, our +im is not to simply to m+kc +n invcntory
ol tlc cllccts ol tlc cuts, but to tlink +bout tlc wiocr +ss+ult on soci+l rcproouction
tl+t tlcy rcprcscnt, +no to try to nno somc p+tlw+ys in contcsting tlis. \c usc tlc
lomc +s + lcns lor unocrst+noing tlc constcll+tion ol soci+l, cconomic +no politic+l
proccsscs +t work in tlis progr+mmc ol +ustcrity - +no tlc l+ultlincs tl+t m+y
cmcrgc to opcn + sp+cc lor cl+llcnging tlcm.
lirst wc look +t tlc spccinc n+turc ol tlc currcnt rouno ol +ustcrity +no
+ojustmcnt in tlc Ll, +rguing tl+t - mucl likc otlcr inst+nccs ol ncolibcr+l
structur+l +ojustmcnt - it l+s tlc cllcct ol priv+tising surviv+l +no soci+l
rcproouction, witl tlc burocn ol l+bour l+lling on womcn. \c locus on tlis not
Cuts are a feminist issue
bcc+usc wc tlink tlis is tlc only lcminist issuc, or is only +n issuc lor lcminists, but
bcc+usc wc scc it +s + proouctivc w+y into tlinking +bout low to builo + movcmcnt
tl+t c+n mount + mucl bro+ocr cl+llcngc to tlc +ustcrity orivc. \c outlinc tlc
multiplc insioious cllccts ol tlis culturc +no cconomics ol +ustcrity on womcn
tlcmsclvcs, +no on oivisions ol l+bour, communitics +no soci+l justicc. \c cno
by sccking to liglliglt m+ny ol tlc contr+oictions ol tlc cuts, wlicl wc suggcst
miglt bccomc tlc cr+cks out ol wlicl c+n cmcrgc + movcmcnt tl+t nglts lor +n
+ltcrn+tivc w+y ol org+nising our livcs, outlining wl+t + lcminist movcmcnt +g+inst
tlc cuts miglt look likc.
!"# %&' ()*&#+,- *).&/' 0))/ +) 1 ").# /#12 ,)3
llc lomc occupics + pivot+l sitc in tlc lows +no proccsscs ol +ustcrity mc+surcs.
St+tc rctrcnclmcnt +no priv+tis+tion lorcc tlc l+bour ol soci+l rcproouction b+ck
into tlc lomc. \omcn, lowcvcr, +rc bcing pullco in two oircctions +t oncc, witl
cuts to bcncnts +no mounting prcssurc on singlc p+rcnts to scck w+gco work lorcing
somc womcn out ol tlc lomc into tlc m+rkct pl+cc, wlilc otlcrs +rc puslco b+ck
into tlc lomc tlrougl job losscs +no uncmploymcnt.
llc Co+lition govcrnmcnt cl+ims tl+t cuts to public scrviccs - r+tlcr tl+n t+x
incrc+scs - +rc tlc only +nswcr to rcoucing tlc 1o billion nsc+l ocncit. llcsc
tlrc+tcnco public scrviccs c+n bc sccn +s tlc st+tcs contribution to tlc mucl
wiocr c+tcgory ol soci+l rcproouction, p+rticul+rly in tlc +rc+s ol c+rc (clilo, soci+l
+no lc+ltl). All ovcr tlc Ll loc+l +utloritics l+vc bcgun to +nnouncc signinc+nt
rcouctions ol lunoing to soci+l scrviccs, lrom libr+rics +no lc+ltlc+rc to pl+ygrounos
+no +rt groups, lrom r+pc crisis ccntrcs to oomcstic violcncc scrviccs. Ol p+rticul+r
rclcv+ncc to womcn +rc tlc prolouno cllccts tl+t will bc lclt in clilorcns scrviccs,
botl in council +no community nurscrics +no in Ncw l+bours l+gslip Surc St+rt
Ccntrcs, wlicl provioc + v+ricty ol scrviccs to p+rcnts on + onc-stop b+sis. In
lowcr l+mlcts, onc ol tlc poorcst borougls in luropc, 3m wortl ol cuts +rc bcing
introoucco to clilorcns scrviccs +lonc in tlc nn+nci+l yc+r ol 2J11-2J12, to bc
lollowco by + lurtlcr 7Jm +cross tlc council in tlc ncxt tlrcc yc+rs.

llougl scrviccs +rc witlor+wn, tlc ncco lor tlcm rcm+ins, mc+ning tl+t tlcy
must bc provioco clscwlcrc. llc Co+lition cl+ims tl+t tlcy will bc provioco by tlc
0ig Socicty. llis is tlc govcrnmcnts l+nt+sy tl+t sucl scrviccs c+n bc provioco
by tlc community on +n cntircly volunt+ry b+sis. 0ut bclino tlis +ppropri+tco
l+ngu+gc ol commun+lism +no collcctivity, tlc rc+lity is tl+t tlc witlor+w+l ol st+tc
or publicly provioco scrviccs mc+ns tlc priv+tis+tion ol rcsponsibility lor soci+l
rcproouction, +w+y lrom tlc collcctivc +no tlc public b+ck onto to tlc inoiviou+l.
It is not spccul+tivc to +sscrt tl+t it will not bc tlc community - +n +morplous,
collcctivc +no unoillcrcnti+tco common booy - tl+t will stcp in to provioc tlcsc
scrviccs. lviocncc l+s slown rcpc+tcoly tl+t in pl+ccs wlcrc ncolibcr+l projccts
ol +ustcrity l+vc bccn rollco out, tlc bulk ol tlc oispl+cco rcsponsibility l+lls on
Ol coursc tlcrc is no singlc rcprcscnt+tivc cmbooimcnt ol wom+n: +no
womcns v+rico cxpcricnccs, +no tlc contr+oictory intcrscctions ol constructions ol
wom+nlooo witl tlosc ol r+cc +no cl+ss, +mong otlcrs, mc+n tl+t tlc cuts will
not +llcct +ll womcn in tlc s+mc w+y. \c +rc not, +s tlc govcrnmcnt l+s cl+imco,
+ll in tlis togctlcr. Yct it rcm+ins truc tl+t womcn ol +ll cl+sscs +no ctlnicitics
pcrlorm + oisproportion+tcly l+rgc p+rt ol unw+gco rcproouctivc l+bour in tlc
As sucl, it is womcns burocn ol l+bour tl+t is incrc+sco signinc+ntly
tlrougl tlc witlor+w+l ol st+tc public scrviccs.
A sccono conscucncc ol tlc +ustcrity rcgimc is to lorcc womcn into tlc lomc
by jcop+roising tlcir p+rticip+tion in tlc workpl+cc outsioc tlc oomcstic splcrc.
Ovcr + tliro ol working womcn in tlc Ll work in tlc public scctor, lrom wlicl
1-3,JJJ posts l+vc ois+ppc+rco in tlc yc+r sincc tlc Co+lition c+mc to powcr.

lcm+lc - p+rticul+rly youtl - uncmploymcnt l+s rc+clco tlc liglcst lcvcl in +lmost
two occ+ocs, witl +lmost l+ll + million womcn currcntly cl+iming jobscckcrs
\c+nwlilc cuts to cliloc+rc, lis+bility living Allow+ncc, pcnsions +no
clocr-c+rc provision combinc to m+kc it incrc+singly oilncult lor womcn to b+l+ncc
w+gco work outsioc tlc lomc witl tlc o+y-to-o+y work ol c+ring lor + lousc +no
tlc pcoplc wlo livc in it.
llcrc is, lowcvcr, + contr+oiction lcrc: +s + rcsult ol cuts to bcncnts +no tlc
soci+l w+gc, womcn +rc +lso bcing lorcco out ol tlc lomc +no into (prcoomin+ntly
low p+io) w+gco work, +s l+milics incrc+singly rcuirc morc incomc to covcr tlc
b+sic cost ol living. lroposco bcncnt rclorm (closcly rcscmbling tlc workl+rc
progr+mmcs ol tlc LS) brut+lly promiscs to cncour+gc motlcrs b+ck to work
tlrougl compulsory l+bour progr+mmcs; lonc p+rcnts will bc cxpcctco to bc +ctivcly
sccking work wlcn tlcir clilorcn +rc +s young +s nvc yc+rs olo.
llc combinco
cllccts lor working womcn ol tlc rcmov+l ol soci+lly provioco cliloc+rc (wlicl
Cuts are a feminist issue
sloulo bc sccn +s p+rt ol tlc soci+l w+gc), tlc oiminisling +v+il+bility ol work tl+t
p+ys +n +ocu+tc w+gc, +no tlc incrc+sc in tlcir rcsponsibilitics lor unp+io c+rc
work, tcno to pusl womcn into inlorm+l l+bour m+rkcts, incluoing scx work, tl+t
+rc unrcgul+tco, +no in wlicl workcrs l+cc ligl lcvcls ol cxploit+tion +no, oltcn,
llc cllccts ol +ll tlis +rc not only m+tcri+l; tlcy +lso l+vc +n imp+ct on our
+llcctivc livcs, +no +llcct +ll tlc psyclo-soci+l clcmcnts ol socicty; tlcy m+kc pcoplc
lcss +blc to c+rc lor tlc cmotion+l +no intim+tc +spccts ol c+cl otlcrs livcs - bcc+usc
ol l+ck ol timc, cncrgy +no moncy - +t tlc vcry momcnt in wlicl tlcy +rc in ncco ol
grc+tcr c+rc. Ag+in, it is typic+lly womcn wlo +rc lclt to pick up tlc picccs. Ano on
top ol +ll tlis, tlcsc prcssurcs +rc incrc+sing +t tlc cx+ct momcnt in wlicl mcnt+l
lc+ltl c+rc provision is bcing ocmolislco.
llc currcnt +tt+ck on soci+l rcproouction is only possiblc bcc+usc ol + long
listory ol ocv+luing rcproouctivc l+bour, constructing it +s womcns work, +no
+ccoroingly rcnocring it invisiblc, +no lrcucntly unw+gco or low-w+gco. It is
tlis tl+t +llows tlc Con-lcm govcrnmcnt to prcscnt scrviccs sucl +s nurscrics +s
non-st+tutory luxury cxtr+s, wlicl must simply bc sct +sioc wlcn tlc timc comcs
to tigltcn our bclts. Slilting work into tlc lomc, wlcrc it is oonc lor lrcc, is +
convcnicnt w+y ol lioing tlc l+ro rc+litics ol +ustcrity bclino closco ooors.
Yct, tlougl tlc govcrnmcnt m+y lopc tl+t womcn will uictly mop up +ll tlc
mcss, tlc +tt+ck on soci+l rcproouction constitutcs + scrious cconomic, soci+l +no
rcproouctivc problcm. !"#$"%$ is still rcuirco to oo tlc c+rc work. In slort, wc +rc
+t risk ol + wiocsprc+o +no potcnti+lly +bsolutc crisis ol c+rc.
!"#$%$&' &')*++,"- ').%&/0)#.'$0%& 0/ 10)2 .%3 40#"
lcminists l+vc long souglt to cl+im tlc lomc +s + politicisco sp+cc, +no tlc
rcproouctivc l+bour pcrlormco witlin it +s rc+l work. In tlc 1`7Js, tlc \omcns
libcr+tion \ovcmcnt ocm+noco st+tc provision ol 2- lour nurscrics, to lrcc
motlcrs +no c+rcrs lrom tlc lomc, +no tr+nslorm cliloc+rc outsioc tlc lomc into
propcrly rccognisco w+gco-work. At tlc s+mc timc lcminists org+nisco &'()'% tlcir
lomcs, turning tlc oomcstic splcrc into + tcrr+in ol strugglc. C+mp+igns sucl +s
tlc N+tion+l Cliloc+rc C+mp+ign wcrc +n import+nt impctus in institution+lising
community nurscrics, controllco by p+rcnts +no workcrs +no lunoco by tlc st+tc.
\ucl l+s cl+ngco sincc tlosc c+rly o+ys ol org+nis+tion. In tlc c+sc ol nurscrics,
lor cx+mplc, st+tc support, wlilst still grossly in+ocu+tc, l+s improvco. 0ut witl
incrc+sing provision tlcrc l+s bccn +n +ttcno+nt incrc+sc in st+tc rcgul+tion, +no
+ttcmpts to control +o loc +no inlorm+l cliloc+rc +rr+ngcmcnts bctwccn womcn.
Ano +t tlc s+mc timc issucs ol cliloc+rc l+vc bccomc incrc+singly m+rgin+l to
lcminism, +t botl + tlcorctic+l +no pr+ctic+l lcvcl. In tlis country +t lc+st, lcminism
l+s l+o + listoric+lly +mbiguous +no troublco rcl+tionslip witl tlc work ol
tlc lomc, +no l+s +t timcs bccn complicit in its ocv+lu+tion. In p+rticul+r, +
libcr+l lcminist locus on c+rccrism +no gctting womcn into tlc uppcr cclclons ol
m+n+gcmcnt positions l+s involvco +n implicit ocb+scmcnt ol non-m+rkct b+sco
lcm+lc l+bour. lromincnt public lcminist c+mp+igns ol l+tc, sucl +s tlc l+wcctt
Socictys Scxism +no tlc City 2JJS m+nilcsto, l+vc locusco on tlc gcnocr p+y
g+p, tlc workpl+cc gl+ss cciling, +no tlc l+ct tl+t only 11 ol llSl 1JJ comp+ny
oircctors +rc womcn , +s tlc m+in signincrs ol gcnocr incu+lity.
Ol coursc
+ltcrn+tivc visions l+vc bccn louglt lor, cspcci+lly by working-cl+ss +no/or womcn
ol colour; onc ol tlc most promincnt +no controvcrsi+l ol tlcsc l+s bccn tlc \+gcs
lor louscwork c+mp+ign. Yct, +t tlc momcnt it +ppc+rs tl+t + libcr+l inoiviou+list
lorm ol lcminism, c+sily +ppropri+tco by +no +bsorbco into c+pit+lism, l+s won out,
lc+ving tlc gcnocrco oivision ol l+bour in tlc lomc luno+mcnt+lly uncl+llcngco
witlin oomin+nt lcminist oiscourscs +no movcmcnts.
Any lcminist rcsponsc to tlc +ustcrity mc+surcs +no tlcir occply gcnocrco
implic+tions will, lowcvcr, ncccssit+tc + rc-locus on tlc lomc +no tlc soci+lly
rcproouctivc l+bour tl+t t+kcs pl+cc witlin it. Onc nrst stcp woulo bc +n +sscssmcnt
ol wl+t kino ol politic+l tcrr+in tlc lomc constitutcs. Ano lcrc - in tlc contcxt ol
tlc incrc+sing out-sourcing ol rcproouctivc l+bour, so tl+t it bccomcs p+rt ol p+io
work, + commooity provioco by poorcr +no oltcn migr+nt womcn to liglcr-incomc
womcn - wc ncco to unocrst+no tlc powcr oyn+mics ol tlc lomc in tcrms ol r+cc
+no cl+ss +s wcll +s gcnocr. llis +n+lysis nccos to loc+tc tlc lomc witlin tlc m+trix
ol w+gco +no unw+gco work tl+t t+kcs pl+cc botl witlin +no outsioc it.
Intcrcstingly, ocspitc tlc ovcrl+pping n+turc ol tlcir gcnocrco rolcs +s motlcrs,
nurscry workcrs, clilominocrs or w+gco workcrs, womcn +rc lrcucntly ocnnco in
liglly opposition+l tcrms. Succcsslul c+rccr wom+n vcrsus st+y +t lomc mum l+s
bccomc + tcoiously l+mili+r motil ol tlc m+instrc+m mcoi+ lor +t lc+st tlc l+st lorty
yc+rs; +no ligl lcvcls ol +nt+gonism +lso cxist +t + morc inoiviou+l lcvcl bctwccn
Cuts are a feminist issue
working motlcrs +no tlc womcn tlcy p+y to look +ltcr tlcir clilorcn. llc +ustcrity
mc+surcs m+y r+isc ncw issucs +bout tlc pcrccivco +no rc+l oivisions tl+t cxist
bctwccn womcn loc+tco witlin oillcrcnt constcll+tions ol cl+ss, l+bour m+rkct +no
lomc, but tlcy +rc +lso likcly to intcnsily +no compouno lostilitics +no cxisting
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It is clc+r tl+t tlc sitcs +no sp+ccs ol soci+l rcproouction - +no tlc lomc in
p+rticul+r - +rc oncs ol strugglc. llc prcssurcs ol +ustcrity m+y uslcr in +n
intcnsinc+tion ol oivisions bctwccn pcoplc, but tlcy m+y +lso ollcr tlc possibilitics
ol ncw +no ncccss+ry +lli+nccs. llc ncco to builo links bctwccn workcrs +no scrvicc
uscrs l+s rcsounoco +cross tlc +nti-cuts c+mp+igns +s tlcy l+vc bcgun to cmcrgc in
tlc Ll, tlougl tlus l+r littlc +ttcntion l+s bccn p+io to tlc proccsscs by wlicl tlis
coulo comc +bout.
An +lli+ncc bctwccn working motlcrs +no cliloc+rc workcrs l+s r+oic+l
potcnti+l. It woulo rcuirc - +no tlcrclorc constitutc - + signinc+nt slilt in
mcnt+litics, tlcrcby pusling +g+inst onc ol tlc kcy oivisions lrom wlicl c+pit+lism
l+s bcncntco. 0rioging tlc oistinction bctwccn w+gco/unw+gco, proouctivc/
rcproouctivc workcrs rcjccts tlc +rtinci+l oistinctions bctwccn tlc two, wlilc
+lso conlronting tlc vcry rc+l issucs wlicl prooucc tlc oivisions. llis woulo not
bc +n +lli+ncc to oclcno tlc currcnt systcm, but to c+ll lor its tr+nslorm+tion; lor
somctling bcttcr. Sucl +lli+nccs woulo +lso m+kc visiblc tlc l+bour +no cconomic
imp+ct ol c+rc work, conlronting tlc logic +t tlc lc+rt ol tlc govcrnmcnts
rcprcscnt+tion ol public scrviccs +s + luxury cxtr+.
0ut + lcminist pcrspcctivc on, +no rcsist+ncc to, tlc cuts sloulo not bc limitco to
ovcrtly gcnocrco issucs sucl +s cliloc+rc. Sincc tlc Con-lcm Co+litions spcnoing
rcvicw ol Octobcr 2J1J, + numbcr ol ncw +no import+nt +nti-cuts initi+tivcs l+vc
cmcrgco. loc+l +nti-cuts c+mp+igns +cross tlc Ll +cuirco ncw cncrgy +no lopc
lrom tlc cxplosion ol stuocnt protcsts in Novcmbcr +no lcccmbcr, wlicl +lso
surcly lclpco to m+kc tlc lLC ocmonstr+tion in \+rcl 2J11 onc ol tlc biggcst
tr+oc union m+rclcs in occ+ocs. Yct lcminism rcm+ins somcwl+t m+rgin+l to
sucl c+mp+igns, witl + oisjuncturc bctwccn +ll tlc procl+m+tions +bout tlc scxist
imp+ct ol tlc cuts +no tlc gr+ssroots lorms ol org+nis+tion tl+t l+vc cmcrgco.
A lcminist +ppro+cl to tlc cuts l+s to go lurtlcr tl+n simply +sking lor + morc
cuit+blc oistribution ol tlc imp+cts ol tlc cuts. lor onc ol tlc problcms witl +
libcr+l cmpl+sis on tlc oisproportion+tc cllccts ol tlc cuts on womcn (cviocncco
by tlc l+wcctt Socictys otlcrwisc vcry intcrcsting bio lor + juoici+l rcvicw ol tlc
govcrnmcnts 2J1J lmcrgcncy 0uogct) is tl+t it implics tl+t il only cuts wcrc sl+rco
morc cu+lly bctwccn mcn +no womcn, tlcy woulo no longcr bc rcsponsiblc lor
instituting lurtlcr incu+lity. A lcw loc+l +nti-cuts c+mp+igns +rc inocco bcginning
to liglliglt tlc cuts to clilorcns scrviccs, +no tlis is +n import+nt bcginning. \c
ncco to movc lrom lcrc, lowcvcr, to tlink +bout low to ocvclop +n +ppro+cl tl+t
c+n +ccount lor tlc soci+l str+tinc+tions tl+t oivioc - +s mucl +s unitc - womcn, +no
intcgr+tc it morc lully into our gr+ss roots org+nising, r+tlcr tl+n simply ticking tlc
box ol gcnocr cu+lity.
Org+nising +cross tlcsc lincs is complcx +no rcuircs consiocr+blc +mounts
ol work. lurtlcr complic+tions lic in tlc l+ct tl+t incrc+sing womcns unw+gco
working o+y oltcn lc+vcs tlcm witl littlc timc lor otlcr +ctivitics, incluoing politic+l
p+rticip+tion in collcctivc org+nising. lcminist ligltb+ck is currcntly +t tlc vcry
c+rly st+gcs ol builoing links witl otlcr p+rcnts +no scrvicc workcrs in tlc +rc+ ol
cliloc+rc, +no ol tlinking +bout low to strugglc collcctivcly not only to oclcno
cxisting clilorcns scrviccs but +lso to crc+tc bcttcr oncs. Sucl c+mp+igns +rouno
cliloc+rc miglt bc usco +s + st+rting point lor builoing + mucl bro+ocr +nti-
cuts movcmcnt tl+t pl+ccs +t its ccntrc ucstions ol c+rc, +no tlc plur+lity yct
conncctconcss ol lcminist ocm+nos.
Our tlinking +bout tlc immcoi+tc problcm ol cuts to cliloc+rc l+s lco us
to morc lully rccognisc tlc import+ncc ol c+rc morc bro+oly to tlc lunctioning
+no rc-crc+tion ol communitics. Our own movcmcnts lor rcsist+ncc +no
tr+nslorm+tion +lso rcuirc signinc+nt +mounts ol rcproouctivc l+bour, wlicl is
+lso oltcn rcnocrco invisiblc. As +nti-c+pit+list lcminists opcr+ting in tlc bro+ocr
contcxts ol tlc lclt wc l+vc bccomc incrc+singly +lcrt to tlc +mount ol !"#$ oonc
by +ctivists in crc+ting tlc bonos ol trust +no bclonging tl+t +rc so csscnti+l to
builoing c+mp+igns +no collcctivcs. \lilc wc oo not wisl to ovcr-octcrminc or
csscnti+lisc tlc gcnocr politics ol tlis, our own cxpcricncc l+s slown us tl+t +ll
too oltcn - still - tlc boys oo tlc tlcory +no tlc girls oo tlc pr+cticc (bcing
lricnoly, org+nising soci+l cvcnts, structuring p+rticip+tory workslops). 0otl
Cuts are a feminist issue
lorms ol politic+l work +rc cruci+l +no ncco to bc rccognisco +s sucl: our t+sk +s
lcminists is to turn tlc rcv+luing ol c+rc inw+ros +s wcll +s outw+ros - to +sscrt its
import+ncc witlin tlc soci+l rcl+tions ol our movcmcnt, +s wcll +s in tlc ocm+nos
wc m+kc, +no tlc b+ttlcs wc pick. low wc look +ltcr c+cl otlcr bccomcs +
ucstion ol cvcn grc+tcr urgcncy +s wc l+cc bcing cvictco lrom lomcs +no
ocprivco ol tlc rcsourccs rcuirco to m+int+in cvcn + b+sic st+no+ro ol living. Il
our movcmcnt is to sust+in itscll, it must bc onc tl+t rccogniscs tlc lr+gilitics +no
ocpcnocncics tl+t +rc bcing intcnsinco by c+pit+lism +no tlc or+m+tic cuts; tlcsc
sloulo bc sccn not +s wc+kncsscs to bc oismissco or ovcrcomc, but +s suggcstivc
ol possibilitics lor ncw +lli+nccs +no rcl+tions.
\c l+vc somc ioc+ wl+t sucl + movcmcnt miglt look likc - commun+l
cliloc+rc, uncmployco workcrs unions, looo co-ops +no lousing collcctivcs +rc only
somc ol its morc obvious m+nilcst+tions. \+ny ol tlcsc w+ys ol org+nising +rc tools
wc +rc prouo to l+vc inlcritco lrom c+rlicr gcncr+tions ol lcminists; lrom Sylvi+
l+nklursts l+st lno nurscrics +t tlc turn ol tlc twcntictl ccntury to tlc work ol
tlc \l\ in tlc 1`7Js +no tlc collcctivc kitclcns ol l+tin Amcric+. \c +rc or+wing
on + lcminist tr+oition ol politicising ucstions ol c+rc +no turning wc+kncsscs +no
vulncr+bilitics into wc+pons +no sourccs ol powcr. 0ut our +im is not simply to
rcprooucc olo p+ttcrns ol rcsist+ncc; wc w+nt to usc prcvious insiglts to nno our
w+y tlrougl tlc prcscnt crisis. llc lomc is not tlc s+mc pl+cc +s it w+s tlirty or
lorty yc+rs +go. llc numbcrs ol womcn witl clilorcn in work +rc mucl liglcr, +no
tlc u+ntity ol prc-sclool +no nurscry c+rc l+s grc+tly incrc+sco. \c l+vc morc
singlc-p+rcnt l+milics +no morc p+rcnts in g+y rcl+tionslips.
\c +rc +lso rcsponoing to + oillcrcnt sct ol politic+l circumst+nccs, not lc+st +
oillcrcnt rcl+tionslip bctwccn tlc l+mily +no tlc st+tc. Our +im is lor provision in
+no +g+inst tlc st+tc. llis r+iscs + corc ucstion in tlc strugglc ovcr public gooos
+no sl+rco rcsourccs +no l+bour: low +rc wc to cnsurc tl+t our +utonomous cllorts
to rcprooucc our own communitics oo not simply crc+tc C+mcrons 0ig Socicty lor
lim` - tlcrcby cnoorsing tlc logic tl+t il tlc st+tc will no longcr provioc lor us wc
will l+vc to oo it oursclvcs` llis ucstion rcm+ins uttcrly unrcsolvco, botl in tlcory
+no in pr+cticc. llc +nswcrs, pcrl+ps, will only bc +blc to cmcrgc tlrougl strugglc,
+no must involvc tlc possibility ol using our unw+gco l+bour not to cn+blc c+pit+list
+ccumul+tion but to crc+tc sl+rco commons. Sucl commons m+y provioc, lor lrcc,
tlc ncccss+ry t+sks ol soci+l rcproouction - soci+l c+rc, clilo c+rc, lc+ltl, couc+tion -
not lor tlc proouction ol + ncw gcncr+tion ol workcrs to crc+tc pronts, but to crc+tc
+ splcrc witlin wlicl lum+n lilc is v+luco in +no ol itscll - instc+o ol solcly lor its
contribution to tlc wc+ltl ol tlc lcw.
Soci+lly rcproouctivc work gu+r+ntccs tlc possibility ol lilc in c+pit+list socicty
- +no tlcrclorc ol c+pit+lism itscll. llc or+m+tic +no brut+l +ustcrity mc+surcs
introoucco by tlc Con-lcm Co+lition l+vc sliltco rcsponsibility lor tlis work lrom
tlc st+tc +no public institutions to priv+tc inoiviou+ls +no l+milics. \itlin tlis, it
is l+rgcly womcn wlo stcp in +s tlc st+tc rctrc+ts +t ligl spcco, lc+ving bclino +
g+ping cl+sm ol c+rc. It is womcns unw+gco l+bour tl+t constitutc tlc mytlic+l
0ig Socicty - wlicl is onc rc+son wly is it is sucl + occply gcnocrco vision.
Structur+l +ojustmcnt puts tlc simplc t+sk ol sust+ining lilc in o+ngcr.
llis m+y
bc somctling +rouno wlicl wc c+n org+nisc: rclus+ls to c+rry out rcproouctivc
l+bour l+vc tlc powcr to stop tlc pcrlorm+ncc ol c+pit+lism itscll. On tlc o+y ol
+ction on 3J ]unc 2J11, onc ol tlc biggcst imp+cts ol tlc public scctor strikcs w+s
tlc problcm ol low p+rcnts +no c+rcrs woulo bc +blc to look +ltcr tlcir clilorcn
wlcn tlc sclools wcrc slut. Quitc simply, witlout clilo c+rc p+rcnts c+nnot
work. C+pit+ls +ccumul+tivc str+tcgics +rc stoppco in tlcir tr+cks. llc cuts m+y bc
iocologic+lly orivcn, but tlcy +rc +lso mcssy +no incolcrcnt. Ano it is witlin tlcsc
contr+oictions - working togctlcr +cross our iocntitics +s womcn, mcn, workcrs,
public scrvicc uscrs - tl+t wc m+y bc +blc to c+rvc out + oillcrcnt vision, instc+o ol
simply oclcnoing +g+inst s+v+gc +tt+cks +n impcrlcct libcr+l wcll+rc st+tc - onc tl+t
is ocpcnocnt on tlc cxploit+tion ol unw+gco lcm+lc l+bour.
!|:s ar|:.ic :s ||c rcsui| .( .rg.:rg ..rvcrsa| w:||:r !cm:r:s| !:g||ca.| ari w:|| .||cr
(cm:r:s|s ari ar|:-.u|s a.|:v:s|s. !|ar|s arc cspc.:aiiy iuc |. Cam:iic 8arcagaii. ari S:iv:a
!cicr:.:, up.r w|.sc w.r| wc |avc irawr, ari aii ||.sc :rv.ivci :r !r:cris .( da.|rcy
!"#$%$&' !$)*'+,-. is + collcctivc ol scll-ocnning womcn, ocvclopco out ol
conlcrcnccs in 2JJo +no 2JJ7. \crc inspirco by tlc politics ol + r+ngc ol +nti-
c+pit+list lcminist strugglcs, +no bclicvc tl+t no singlc opprcssion c+n bc cl+llcngco
in isol+tion. \c +rc +lso committco to nglting lor + lcminist pcrspcctivc +no
+w+rcncss ol gcnocr issucs cvcrywlcrc in our movcmcnt - +no not m+rgin+lising
womcns riglts +s + scp+r+tc issuc.
Cuts are a feminist issue
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7. Iiom Ociolci 2011, paicnis will lc ocnico incomc suppoii ano icquiico io
lc aciivcly sccling woil in oioci io icccivc lcnclis: www://gingcilicao.oig.
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S. Haioy ano Sanocis (loiilcoming), Tlc Poliiical Lconomy ol Lap Dancing:
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