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Title: Activate The Energy Of The Universe For You Word Count: 667 Summary: There is no such thing

like people with a lot of energy and other ones without e nergy. The difference is that energetic people know how to activate this always available energy. And the low energy people, they block this energy, which is al though always available for them too! Keywords: energy, universe, intuition, guts, dream, action, mystery Article Body: Did you know that you can not create energy yourself? You can just activate the universal energy, which exists always and will always exist. This Energy gave you life. It s always there, at every moment, for everyone. There is no such thing like people with a lot of energy and other ones without e nergy. The difference is that energetic people know how to activate this always availab le energy. And the low energy people, they block this energy, which is although always avai lable for them too! Energy does not decide something like : Hey I like this one so I will send her ene rgy, and the other one over there I don t like so he won t get any of my energy . This is nonsense! The same counts for diseases. A disease does not choose a body to attack. How woul d it do it? Can you imagine a cancer saying : I don t like the way he cuts his hair , so I will attack his liver? or I can t stand the way she talks so I will attack he r breast? There is no such thing. It would be absurd. We have much more to say to our body and our life than we can understand for now or than we will want to admit for o urselves. Because to understand this is to take responsibility. Once we know tha t we ask for disease - by thinking of it all the time, by running from one doctor to another, by reading all articles about diseases in magazines, by telling our friends and family about all our pains and troubles - than we have to change ou r behavior and start to behave like a healthy person, who tries to understand wh y he got ill, and tries to see how he can change his way of thinking and handlin g to stay healthy. It s much the same for energy. Energy is always there. It never goes away, it neve r slows down, otherwise our whole galaxy would fall apart. The same energy which holds the stars at place in the sky, which makes grass grow and turn the earth on his own axis, is available for us. Can you imagine? It s tremendous and there f or us! You can activate this energy for you by thinking the right thoughts, that is tho ughts which stimulate you instead of turning you down, thoughts which bring you health instead of disease, thoughts which make you feel loved instead of fearing loneliness, thoughts which bring you wealth instead of poverty.

Is thinking about all this nice stuff enough to bring it into your life? No! Oth erwise it would be so easy just to lean back and think about everything you want and floops .it s there! We all would be fairies and make the world whatever we want without doing anything. Luckily it doesn t work like that! It would be dangerous! We need something else t o make our thoughts create what we want : it is action. The combination of both will give us what we want : dreaming about what we want and putting ourselves in to action, that is taking steps in the direction of our thoughts. At each step we take, the universe also takes a step toward us. By our thoughts and our actions we activate this enormous universal energy to work for us. We m ake it move in the direction of realizing our dreams. So the formula is pretty simple : first you dream, than you take action in the d irection of your dream. This will generate energy to help you take the next step . The energy generated by this step will help you take the next step. And so on . How do you know which action to take? Follow your guts, follow your intution. It s the best guide you can find! Stop worrying. Instead dream, think of what you want and get yourself moving in the direction of your dream. That s it. Watch what s happening. Let the mystery unfo ld itself.

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