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Lugubrious: mournful, dismal.

[everyone was lugubrious after the death of their grandpa] Insidious: treacherous, having a gradual and cumulative effect (subtle), harmful but enticing. emiss: careless, negligent. [ she was remiss with giving medications] !peculative: theoretical rather than practical. "ar#ed by $uestioning curiosity% $uestionable& curious. !ynergy: when two elements added together create a total energy larger than the sum of both. 'ooperation. (ascent: developing. )ormidable: intimidating. *pprehensive: fearful about something that might happen. $uic# to learn. perceptive Lament: to feel or e+press sorrow or regret. to mourn. [ we all lamented over grandpa,s passing] -emise: death. .ermination of e+istence. /nprecedented: 0ithout previous instance. 0ithout arrangements. [that event was unprecedented.] Irreconcible: incompatible. )action: group or cli$ue within a larger group. Indignant: feeling or showing of strong displeasure due to something un1ust or offensive. [she was indignant towards her bestfriend] 'anon: )undamental standard or principle. !ecular: wordly things that are not religious or spiritual. Leisurely: casual and unhurried. !uffice: be ade$uate or enough. Be sufficient. [ I hope those supplies will suffice for your camping trip] !upererogatory: 2reater than that re$uired% !uperfluous. 3+cessive. !uperfluous: unnecessary. 3+tra. Irrespective: regardless of. [Irrespective of his values, he still cheated on her] 'onglomerate: clustered from different parts. 4egemony hi51em5uh5nee: domination. 6reclude: ma#es it impossible for. 'lose. -ebar: to e+clude. .o prohibit. [she was debarred from entering the club]. *mbiance: mood, character, $uality, atmosphere of an environment or milieu (surroundings especially of a social or cultural nature). 3nvironment (pertaining to atmosphere). 7uintessence: the most typical e+ample or representative. the essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form 2umption: aggressiveness, initiative. !pun#& courage. 'ommon sense.

-efunct: no longer e+isting or living. )rigid: intensely cold. *bnormal averse to se+ual intercourse. Insipid(tasteless% lac#ing $ualitites that stimulate, challenge, interest) 0ane: to decrease in strength 6ortent: something that foreshadows a coming event. 8men&sign. 3difice: large si9ed building. 'omple+, large organi9ation !urreptitious: clandestine% stealthy. 'landestine [#lan5des5tin]: held in or conducted by secrecy% secretive. [ he had a clandestine affair with his secretary] 6eril: danger (especially in terms of lost, in1ury, destroyed)%ris#. 8rnery: vile. :ad tempered. [ he was an ornery man] 'antan#erous: difficult or irritating to deal with. 8bstinate: !tubborn. (ot easily removable& remedied. [ he had an obstinate fever] *pathetic: showing no emotions. Indifferent. !piritless. ;eracity: truthfulness, accuracy. 6remise: land. * statement followed by reason. .repidation: apprehension. [ I could sense her trepidation when we approached the mountain] Implore: beg. )ervent: glowing. !howing great warmth and high spirit. <ealous. [a fervent speech about women,s right] <eal: eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something. 3pitome: a typical or ideal e+ample. a brief presentation or statement of something "ollify: soften% appease. *pace: at a $uic# pace. *breast. [ the growth of technology continues apace] -ubious: doubtful. Lucid: translucent, luminous. !ane. 'onvalesce: to heal and recover strength from an illness. 7uell: to $uiet. .o suppress. *dmonish: encourage. .o indicate duties or obligations. .o e+press warning in a gentle manner. [my doctor is always admonishing me to $uit smo#ing.] -eprecate: belittle. :al#: hindrance. Intrepid: dauntless% fearless. esolute: mar#ed by firm determination. [I am resolute in my response] 4as to have =in> not about.

2uffaw: loud and boisterous laugh. [he bro#e out into a guffaw] *berration: an act deviating from the normal or ordinary. -isorder of the mind. [ having low mar#s was an aberration.] Ludicrous: to cause laughter due to its foolish or absurd nature. Indulgent: allowing oneself or other to do whatever they want. .he act of doing something that you en1oy but is thought of as unhealthy. !omething en1oyed as a special pleasure. "enial: a person doing menial wor# (specifically a domestic servant). !ubmissive. *mend: improve. *lter. .o put right. 3+asperate: aggravate. 3nrage. Incredulous: !#eptical. Insinuate: introduce subtly, artfully (an idea or oneself). Imply. [it too# him years to insinuate himself into the gang] [ are you insinuating that I cheated on the e+am?] /bi$uitous: widespread. 3+isting everywhere& omnipresent. 8bse$uious uhb5see5#wee5uhs: obedient (through admiration). 'ompliant. [she,s constantly followed by obse$uious assistants who will do anything she tells them to do] 6erpetuate: continuing or enduring forever. 'ontend: compete. *rgue. 0ayward: disobedient. /npredictable. ;oracious: e+cessively eager. 4aving a huge appetite. avenous. avenous: greedy for food, satisfaction, or gratification. Ine+orable: relentless. 6olemics noun: an aggressive attac# on or a refutation of the opinions. [they managed to sort out their problems without resorting to polemics] elent verb: to become less harsh. 2ive in. [although my proposal was initially refused I pressured the city to eventually relent and issue the permit] 3lusive ad1: hard to comprehend. hard to isolate or identify. .ending to evade grasp . [you might find the test $uestion elusive] *sinine as5uh5nahyn ad1: stupid. eticent ad1: reserved. eluctant. [her husband has a reticent nature]

*ccolades noun: award. 3+pression of praise. [there is no higher accolade than an honors with distinction at this school] Laudatory ad1: containing or e+pressing praise% encouraging. [the play received mostly laudatory reviews] 8bliterate verb: to remove all traces of. !todgy ad1: heavy, dull, boring. moving in a slow plodding way especially as a result of physical bul#iness. [ community became a stodgy show once they fired their main writer]

6rovision verb and noun: preparation. a stoc# of needed materials or supplies% especially : a stoc# of food. 6rovided for a tas# [ we brought enough provisions to last us the whole trip] 6laintiff noun: someone who starts the lawsuit 3+orbitant ad1: e+ceeding the appropriate limits. [we were charged e+orbitant rates for phone calls] 3luded verb: evade (to avoid adroitly). 8r to escape the understanding or appreciation. "eander verb: to wander. enege ri5nig verb: go bac# on one,s words. [he promised to go through with the lesson after payment but reneged once the payment went through.] Impudence: bra9en. !hamless. )inesse fi5ness: e+treme delicacy. !#il in handling a highly sensitive situation. 3+tricate: to liberate. .o free from entanglement. 6osthumously pos5chuh5muh s: arising or continuing after one,s death. 6ublished after the death of an author. :orn after the death of a father. [she received a posthumous award for her discovery] 'osmopolitan: free from local, provincial or national ideas or pre1udice. :elonging to the world. not 1ust one part of the world. everence: great respect tinged with awe. * gesture indicative of deep respect (bow). [his poems were treated with reverence by other poets] everent: [It was a reverent greeting] ;enerate: to regard to treat with great reverence. *bdicate: to give up throne or right of power. 'onvene: to come together for a public purpose. 8ratory: s#ill in public spea#ing. 'aricatures: image or pictures that e+aggerates defects of the person. 3manate: to flow out. .o emit. 8ccident: 3urope and *merica. (the west) ;alor: bravery. :oldness in facing great danger -enude: to ma#e bare or na#ed. 3+uberant: abounding in vitality. 3+tremely 1oyous and vigorous. 6etulant: sudden movement of impatience or annoyance. Impatient irritation. *butt: to be ad1acent. /ndermine: to in1ure or destroy by insidious activity :eguile bih5gahyl: to influence with tric#ery. "islead. 6rosaically: dull, matter5of5fact. /nimaginative. 'ursory: going over rapidly, 6aying no attention to detail. !uperficial.

Irresolution: lac# of resolution or decision. 'onflate: merge. -elude: to mislead the 1udgement of. -eceive. )rivolous: lac# of seriousness. !elf indulgingly carefree. 'onsecrates: to ma#e or declare sacred. .o devote or dedicate to some purpose. 4apha9ard: lac# of order or planning. andomness. "ere chance.

3vocative: to call up or produce. .o elicit or draw forth. *bsolve: to free from guilt or blame. *verse: have a strong feeling of opposition against. -espot: any tyrant or oppressor. !ub1ugate: to bring under complete control. -esiccation: to dry up. .opreserve food by drying up. !essile: permanent attached. (ot freely moving. 4eretofore: before this time% until now. 4einous: hateful, odious 8dious: deserving or causing hatred. Ire: intense anger. 0rath 3poch: a particular period of time mar#ed by distinctive features or events. :enighted: 8ver ta#en by dar#ness or night. !ocially, morally, intellectually dar#. 'hagrin: disappointment. ;acillate: to waver in mind or opinion. :e indecisive. hapsodic: e+travagantly enthusiastic. .enable: capable of being held& maintained& defended. "ilieu:environment% especially of cultural or social nature. 3ncumbrances: burden. *droit: s#illfull, esourceful.

8rdinance: law or rule !crupulous s#roo5pyuh5luh s: having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right% principled. 8r e+act, careful and precise. *lbeit: although. 3ven if. -regs: the most undesirable part. (adir ney5der:low& lowest point.

*bysmal: immeasurably deep or great. !edition: rebellion or discontentment against a government. *lumni: graduated or former student to a school. 8ft: often !ubvert: to overthrow% corrupt. /ne$uivocal:clear. 4aving only one meaning. 6artiality: a special li#ing or fondness& a favorable bias or pre1udice( favoritism) elin$uish: to give up& release. .o give over possession&control of. 'ondemn: widely declare as evil&wrong. .o 1udge as unfit for use. 'onvict& sentence. "yriad mir5ee5uhd: a great number Laden:load 3+tol: glorify. 6roffer: offer% suggest. 6ersevere: to continue steadfastly. (aissance: organi9ation, idea, movement, birth 3clectic: selected from several sources% heterogenous. 3namor: to fill with love. 'harm& captivate. "icrocosm: a little world. )ief: territory held as a fee. ealm: royal domain% #ingdom. .he special field of something (physics& etc) *scribe: to e+plain as being the result of something else. [ascribed their military victory to good intelligence from the cia] 6alatable: acceptable. 8r agreeable to the taste, mind, or feeling. 4ence: therefore. )or this reason. )rom now. atify:approve. [*braham Lincoln ratified the abolition of slavery act] 'ontest: to fight for. 'ollude: engage in a secret plan to accomplish evil or harm. 3lide: omit. !tri#e out (written words). -ouse: drench. 3+tinguish. .ransgress: to violate (a law, command or moral code.) sin. 'omplicit: involved in illegal or $uestionable acts. ;ernacular: plain,everyday, ordinary language. (ative or indigenous.

6osit: to suggest& to set firmly. )orebode: predict. )oretell. 'ollo$uial: characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing% informal. *menable: open to (persuasion). !ubmissive. *meliorate: ma#e better. "ore bearable. elegate: transfer to an inferior position. :anish. -elegate ( to send someone or something for appropriate action). "ercantile mer5#un5teel: commercial. .rade related. .ariffs: any duty or rate of duty in such a list or schedule. :ill& cost, any table of charges( bus fines) evenue: income of a gov,t from ta+ation. the return or yield from any #ind of property, patent, service, etc.% income. /surp: to sei9e and hold by force without legal rights. 'oncert: agreement of two or more individuals in a plan. .entative: unsure, hesitant. "ade or done as a trial or e+periment. amify: to divide or spread out into branches. 3+tend into subdivisions. 3uphemism: the substitution of a mild, indirect or vague e+pression for one thought to be harsh or offensive or blunt. 3soteric: understood and meant only by a selected few who have special #nowledge or interest. 6rivate& secret& confidential. )ruition: en1oyment. eali9ation.

!ubstantiate: to affirm as having substance. 2ive body to. !trengthen. ;erify. :ullish: obstinate or stupid. 4opeful or optimistic. 6rocure: obtain. bring out. 6erennial: Lasting or continuing throughout the years. 6eristant. 3nduring. 'onstant. -iscord: disagreement& strife. Lac# of concord or harmony% dissonance. "odicum: limited $uantity. [ she gave a modicum of coo#ies to her husband] Lambast: beat& whip. .o reprimand or berate harshly. [the coach lambasted his team about their failure] !tringent: strict. igorously binding or e+tracting. !talwart: strongly and stoutly built. !turdy and robust. !trong and brave. )irm, steadfast, uncompromising. (eg.the media was #nown for its stalwart critic of the government.) 3+propriate: to dispossess (a person) of ownership "oreover: in addition to. 6astoral: country life. ural.

6roletariat: poorest class. [ he had no choice but to 1oin the proleteriate] .enure: the holding or possessing of anything. 4olding of property. [ his tenure of the ranch was at ris# of being removed] -iatribe: a long speech orscolding. [ never start a diatribe about the government.] eplete: abundantly filled or provided. *bundantly fed. 'omplete. 'onviction: fi+ed or firm belief. .he acting of convicting (declaring someone guilty) 4arbinger: precursor. anything that foreshadows a future event% omen% sign. @u+taposition: state of being close together% side by side. 3+alt: glorify, intensify, elevate. Intuition: independent of any reasoning% #een and $uic# insight. 7uality of having such direct perception or $uic# insight. -ire: desperate. 8ppressive. -ismal. Indicating trouble or misfortune (troublesome). *wash: flooded. @urisdiction: power. .he right power to administer 1ustice. 6anoply: impressive array of display. * full suit of armor or ceremonial attire. 'ordial: friendly. 3+hibiting sincere interest. [4e cordially in$uired about his mother,s health.] !ubstantial: ample. 'onsiderable amount. !olid character or $uality% firm% strong. 0ealthy or influential. 'lement: Lenient. (ot too high or low pertaining to weather. [ she was a clement mother.] 'hauvinist: a person who believes one gender is superior to the other. a person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic, especially one devoted to military glory. -erision: ridicule to show contempt. an ob1ect of ridicule. [ the students laughed in derision at my errors.] -erisive: causing laughter (negatively) ;ehement:ardent. 'haracteri9ed by anger. "ar#ed by great energy. enunciation:the act of giving up something once en1oyed or desired. [ 4er renunciation to apply to medical school was done for her daughter,s best interest.] "ultifaceted: having many phases or aspects. -ebun#: to e+pose or e+coriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) as being pretentious, false, or e+aggerated. !alubrious: healthful. )avorable to or promoting health. 'ommensalism: peaceful coe+istence among individuals or groups having independent or different values or customs. 'oalition: union. 'ombination (political). * temporary alliance between persons, affiliations, states. *malgam: mi+ture or combination. 8f different elements. 3+ude: oo9e out. .o radiate.

)oe: opponent& 4ac#neyed: banal (devoid of freshenss or originality) 3ccentric: irregular% odd% deviating from the norm. In1udicious: unwise% showing lac# of 1udgment 6rudent: wise in practical affairs. 6rovident !alable: suitable for sale. 6roselyte: a person who has changed from one opinion, religious belief, sect, or the li#e, to another% convert. Infamy: e+tremely bad reputation, public reproach, or strong condemnation as the result of a shameful. 'ommendable: worthy of praise. 'onciliate: to win over. *ppease. 6roponents:a person who puts forward a proposition. *n advocate. -ebacle: sudden downfall. 'omplete collapse or failure causing great destruction. 3+penditure: to pay out something, especially funds. 6oignant: pungently pervasive. affecting or moving the emotions especially sympathy. .ouching. 6leasantly stimulating. !hortcoming: a failure, defect, or deficiency in conduct, condition, thought, ability. 3+plicit: clearly and fully e+pressed. 4aving se+ual acts or nudity clearly depicted. 'ommemorate: to serve as a memorial or reminder of. -ecimate: destroy a great number of. 4itherto: up to this time% until now 4enceforward: from now on. 'acophony #uh5#of5uh5nee: a discordant and meaningless mi+ture of sounds. [there was a cacophony of sea animals] )orthcoming: about to come forth. :revity: :riefness (in terms of e+pression) /ndue: e+cessive. Improper. (ot currently payable. 'ondone: accept. *pprove. Insurgent: rebel. Interim in5ter5uhm: brea# in continuity. "arginal: minimal for re$uirement. Located at&near a border. (ot of importance (insiginificant) Inception: commencement. *ct of instilling ideas into someone,s mind. 3ndemic: restricted or peculiar to a locality or region% native or specifically native. *scertain: ma#e certain.

Launder: to wash clothes in water. .o transfer illegal money through an outside party to conceal the truth. (e+us: connection&lin#. :emoan: e+press great grief or distress over. .o regard with displeasure, disapproval or regret. Illicit: unlawful (not necessarily illegal.) ogue:scroundrel (dishonest person), scamp (a mischevious person) *ttribute: something that sets apart an individual from others of the same #ind an ob1ect closely associated with or belonging to a specific person, thing, or office 8mniscient: having infinite awareness, understanding and insight. 6ossessed of universal or complete #nowledge. )iat: an order publicly issued by an authority. Ine+orable: relentless. Impart: disclose 2lean: to gather bit by bit. [she gleaned her #nowledge from various sources] 6redicate: :ase (usually followed by). *ttest: to affirm to be genuine. 'onnoisseur: e+pert (in relation to art). /ndulate: having a wavy surface Inundate: overwhelm. )lood. [he was inundated with letters of protest] "utinous: rebellious, !trife: fight& struggle. Incapacitate: disable. 0raith: ghost. !hadow. 6urgatory: a place or state of temporary suffering. *dversary: enemy. In$uisition: an investigation conducted with little regard for individual rights. !evere $uestioning [e+amination]. !olicitous: apprehensive. 3ager. [she was solicitous about going to wor#.] [ she,s a solicitous learner] [I appreciated his solicitous in$uiry about my health] !olicitude: concern 'ongeal: immobile. 'oagulate. Li$uid to solid state [the gravy began to congeal in the pan] [the pond congealed under winter temperature] ;ice:prostitution,wic#edness, defect. [the city is full of filth and vice.] [eating too much is my vice] *breast: up to a particular standard or level especially of #nowledge of recent developments [as a lawyer you need to #eep abreast of the news]

apture: state of overhwleming pleasure. 3+pression of passion. [we listened with rapture at the 'oldplay concert] 6resumptuous: overstepping due bounds. showing a lac# of proper social reserve or modesty% bold [it,s presumptuous for you to thin# that I am your bestfriend] Inane: pointless. 6recipice: brin#. Aismet: fate 6redicament: an embarrassing or complicated situation. -elipidate: brought into decay& or partial ruin. ;erdict: opinion. @udgement. !ordid: vile, dirty, wretched. 6remonition: forewarning. *pologist: one who spea#s or writes in defense of someone or something !urmise: a thought or idea based on scanty evidence% assume(based on lil evidence) ;enerable: the deserved honor and respsect due to age. (eg. .he venerable tradition of helping others have been maintained for centuries) Litigate: to fight a law. [she chose to litigate her par#ing tic#et] 'rude: raw or unprepared state. /ndeveloped& rudimentary. Lac#ing culture. (crude behavior). :lunt. 'orollary: something that naturally follows% results. 'ontention: idea that is put forth during a debate. Lecherous: lustful. ueful: pitiable. "ournful. -eplorable: very bad. Lamentable. !ully: tarnish. "ar the purity. 3mpirical: depending on e+periement. 8bservation and e+perience alone, no scientific methods. "artial: warli#e. 6ertaining to army life. ift: fissure "araud: raid with robbery intent. 6erverse: 'orrupt. Incorrect. 'ontrary. cantan#erous -eprave: evil& corrupt *cclimate: adapt to a new environment or climate. /nremitting: constant. 6loy: a clever often underhanded means to achieve an end. [mike asked me out on a date as a ploy to
make his girlfriend jealous]

Bode: be a sign [prediction]. [this could bode disaster for Emily] Haughty: snobbish. Decrepit: orn out by long use or old age. [he!s a decrepit old man]

"dversaries: opponent. #omport: conduct. $robable: having more evidence for than against. %pheld: defend.

'ovet: eagerly wish for. .o desire wrongfully without regard for others. Incarcerate: imprison. culminate: reach the highest point. (the tower culminates at the BCth floor) disfranchise: to deprive a person of the right to vote or citi9enship. (they disenfranchised the blac#s by ma#ing it an re$uirement for them to sit at the bac# of the bus) pivotal: critically important e+pedite: to e+ecute promptly. !peed up. -ispatch. -ispatch: to send off or a ay
ith (uick efficiency. )*escue guard ith one bullet+. *etribution: punishment. Homage: respect )often used $lethora: abundance. Burles(ue: a literary or dramatic wor# that see#s to ridicule by means of grotes$ue e+aggeration or comic ith pay before+ )he anted to pay homage to his mentor+. ith promptness or speed& especially :to send off on official business. 'o kill orkers ere immediately dispatched to the area.+ )he dispatched the

imitation. moc#ery usually by caricature "ar: spoil& destroy. 'ountenance: demeanour& e+pression& loo#. 6olemic: an aggressive attac# on or refutation of the opinions or principles of another 3pistemology: the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of #nowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity. 6rovisional: temporary. :arring: e+cepting (e+cluding by e+ception)[(o one, barring the magician himself, #nows how the tric# is done.] 6hytoplan#ton: plan#tonic plant life. 6agan: * person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions *gnostic: a person who holds that the e+istence of the ultimate cause, as 2od, and the essential nature of things are un#nown and un#nowable, or that human #nowledge is limited to e+perience. a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study. a person who holds neither of two opposing positions on a topic.

)idelity: loyalty. Implicit: implied. Indispensable: absolutely necessary. 6erspicacious: not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretation
$erspicacity: keenness. #oncede: admit

:lithe:cheerful -our: sorrowful% stern. uthless: cruel& merciless. 'ontrive: manage& devise. Laconic: concise(use of a few words that e+press so much). :elligerent: aggressive Incipient: beginning to e,ist or appear& in an initial stage [ an incipient fever]
-uptial: marriage. marriage ceremony. [ the couple #ontrition: sincere penitence or remorse. [ as still da/ed from their nuptial bliss]

ere her tears a true sign of contrition0]

$enitence: the state of regretting one!s Defection: lack. Desertion from loyalty. 1nchoate )in5#oh5it): rudimentary )not inchoate thoughts to confuse you]


ell developed+& incipient. [2#"' is designed to take your

#onfer: besto . 'o consult together [ the judge and la yer conferred about the ruling] Deity: the rank of god. " god or goddess. [the king $reponderant: superior in misconception] $rimordial: first formed. E,uberant:e,tremely joyful. $lentiful. 1mperceptible: subtle. 3acetiously: humorous. -ot meant to be taken seriously. #ontrite: sho ing sincere remorse. [she percolate: filter. permeate. "c(uiesce a#5wee5es: to comply silently or the business plan.] #onflate: merge. ithout protest. [He ac(uiesced half heartedly ith as surprised he actually looked contrite] as attained deity after his death]

eight.force. influence and etc. & prevailing. [that!s a preponderant

*evel: to take great pleasure. [he reveled in lu,ury] 4iable: capable of living& stimulating to the imagination. [that math section has never been viable for the students] $erfunctory: performed merely as a routine duty% hasty and superficial [ when he gave her a hug goodbye she couldn,t help but feel that it was perfunctory.] Impudent: shameless& immodest& rude& uncivil. Impetuous: violent. Impulsive. [the impetuous wind] 2regarious: sociable ecuperate: regain from health. .o recover from financial loss. [!he wanted to recuperate at her house] -iscordant: incongruous [there was an incongruous opinion]. harsh (disagreeable to ear). 6revaricate: to spea# falsely. Lie. [he prevaricated about his affair] 'atharsis: relieves emotional tension through certain #inds of art% emotional reliever [painting is a catharsis to me] 6urge: to purify. .o rid of. [she purged her party of promiscuous girls] .erse: short, brus$ue, polished. [he gave me terse instructions]. !ubsist: continue. :e. [her right to vote will subsist until further notice] !anctimonious: ma#ing hypocritical show of religious devotion. [they resented his sanctimonious comments about christianity] )acsimile: e+act copy of a boo#, manuscript. )a+. .epid: lu#ewarm, moderately warm. Lac# of enthusiasm. [the fol#s tepid response to the display was disheartening] 'onvivial #uhn5viv5ee5uhl: friendly, agreeable. ;iscerally: crude !olicitous: an+ious& concerned. 'areful. 'aveat: warning. Ine+plicable: une+plainable. *ccoutrement uh5#oo5ter5muhnt: personal accessories. /nstinted: a large number. 'iti9ens: not 1ust ppl leaving the country but also inhabitatns of a town or a city. Industrious: hard wor#ing. 6remeditate: to plan before hand. [ to premeditate a scam]. 8ratory: elo$uence in spea#ing. [the priest was able to move everyone with his oratory] 7uotidian: everyday& casual& daily [$uotidian needs] ;erisimilitudes: the appearance or semblance of truth% li#elihood% probability. [the play lac#ed verisimilitude]

.angible: capable of being touched.


@ingoism: e+cessive favorism of one,s own country. [his loud mouthed 1ingoism about the /.A is so irritating] !hrewd: having practical 1udgement and cleverness. [he,s a shrewd car dealer] ;igilance: the state of being constantly attentive and responsive to signs of opportunity, activity, or danger. [price of ruling is eternal vigilance] .rite: boring, unoriginal. 3minent: prominent (standing above the norm], high in ran#, conspicuous [many eminent surgeons are on that list] 6osterity: all future generations. [6osterity will remember as a woman of great honor] 6reamble: introduction. -erivative: secondary. .acit: implied&indicated. 3+pressed without words or speech. 'annot be obtained from boo#s. [1ust wal#ing away from her would have been a tacit gesture of disapproval] )ledgling: immature. !tentorian: a very loud and powerful sound. [she has a stentorian voice] -eleterious: harmful. [cocaine is a deleterious substance] 3ngender: to give rise to. [ to engender violence] to come into e+istence [conditions of poverty were engendering south east asia] 3rudite: #nowledgeable or scholarly comment. [that is an erudite comment]. 6re5empt: prevent. to replace with something of greater value (ta#e precedence over) [the contract pre5empts lawsuits by the company,s clients] 'ultivate: encourage. )lagrant: noticeably bad. [it,s a flagrant crime you commited] /nassailable: not liable to doubt, or attac#. [the need for human right is unassailable.] !ublime: outstanding. 'omplete. [that was a sublime dinner]. [he is sublimely stupid] /ncanny: beyond the ordinary% e+traordinary. [he had uncanny accuracy in algebra] ;agabond: nomad. wandering from place to place without any settled home. [he was a vagabond.] ;olition: will. evel: to ta#e great pleasure in%. [he reveled camping] 6rescient: foresight. [he predicted their fate with e+traordinary prescient] 6recognition: #nowledge of a future event through e+trasensory means. wistful: musingly sad. Incendiary: agitator, arsonist. 3lucidate: clarify.

Impervious: incapable to be influenced. Impenetrable. )allow: inactive. /ncultivated. ife: prevalent (widespread). 'ommon. !avants !cintillating 6ervert ;aliant: boldly courageous. !ally:outburst of passion. 3+cursion. witty remar#. 6aradigm:pattern. 'ircumvent: entrap. 8r avoid. Incorrigible: firmly fi+ed. /ncontrollable. :ad beyond correction. [ he,s an incorrigible liar] Immutability: unchangeable. 2loss: to give a falsely good appearance: [he glossed over the scratches with paint] 'o5opt: win over a large established group. 6re5empt( to ac$uire before someone else). [the labor party was coopted by the socialist party] -epose: to remove from throne. -eposit.[a military 1unta deposed the dictator after he had ban#rupted the country] Incur: to become liable & sub1ect to. [what did he do to incur such wrath?] )oregone: past. -ecried: to e+press strong disapproval of. 'orporal: relating to the body [corporal punishment.] 'avalier: #night. * man acting as a woman,s dance partner. In1unction: order. 3rroneous: incorrect. (characteri9ed by error). Dou made so many erroneous comments about the homose+ual community. /ndisputed: to fight about. .o argue about. !ubpoena5 legal doc to turn over info. a5la5carte5 according to the menu. !emantic5 meaning behind sentence !ynta+5 grammar. "isogynist: hatred ofwomen. !umptuous: e+tremely costly, rich or lu+urious. 2arner: earn.

'ovetous: craving for possession& out of control desire for wealth& possession. [covetous of power] 4ear#en: listen. .riumvirate: group of three. (egate: to be invalid. .o deny truth of. 'ountervailing: both good and bad. -ouble edged sword. (oun. !taunch [ad1ective]: firm & steadfast in loyalty, principle. !trong. 0atertight.[he,s a staunch boyfriend] .enet: opinion, dogma, principle (especially a true one held by members of a profession, group). [ enessaince men held the tenet that women were inferior to them] 3ffusive: overflowing. Lac#ing reserve. [he,s an effusive person] ;irtuous: morally e+cellent. 'haste. [a virtuous young woman] 6artisan: an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, especially a person who shows a biased,

emotional allegiance. [its a non-partisan group] Inculcate: teach persistently and earnestly. [to inculcate virtue in the young] ilt: earthly matter.
*scetic: /nerring: faultless. 'o$uetry: flirtatious acts. 6erdition: 4ell (eternal damnation). 3lectorate: body of people entitled to vote. -ebauchery: e+treme indulgence in sensuality. [4e later regretted the debauchery of his youth.] 3nfeeble: wea#en !arcophagus: a stone coffin. !entient: aware 'ovenant: contract 6light: an unfavorable condition& situation. [to find onself in a plight] 'overt: secret 2uise: costume. "anner. !emblance( e+ternal appearance). 'ustomary way of spea#ing or behaving. [my new neighbor sought for my company under the guise of a friendship, but he truly wanted was romance] /nderhanded: sly. [the ussians were so underhanded that they used the female gender to distract the /.! spies] !inister: evil& unfavorable. Left. 8minous( something foreboding evil). [ that was a sinister remar#] emorse: compassion. [please show some remorse to your aunt] Impending: imminent (about to happen).

!erendipitous: found by accident.

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