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4, JULY 1982 61 7

A Hybrid Moment Method/Finite-Difference Time-Domain Approachto

Electromagnetic Coupling and Aperture Penetration into
Complex Geometries

Absnacr-An approach is presented for the direct modeling of cantly affected by the electromagnetic excitation, it becomes
electromagnetic penetration problems which involves a hybrid difficult toaccount for the physics of theentire coupling
technique combining the frequency-domain method of moments(MM) problem using a single FD-TD model having a constant space
andthefmite-difference time-domain (FD-TD) method. The hy- lattice cell size. In fact, electromagneticcouplingproblems
briding isbased upon a novel use of a fieldequivalence theorem dueto involving the need to account simultaneously for the effects
Schelkunoff, which permits a fieldpenetration problem to be analyzed of both large and small spatialdetails (the “global-local
insteps by treating the relatively simple external region and the
problem”) have been difficult tostructurewithany single
relatively complex internal region separately. The method involves
first, determination of an equivalent short-circuit current excitation analytical or numerical technique.
in the apertureregions of the strncture using M M for a given external This paper presents an alternative approach for the direct
illumination. This equivalent current excitation over the aperture is modeling of electromagnetic penetration problems. This ap-
nextosedtoexcitethe complex loaded interior region, and the proach involves a hybrid technique combining the frequency-
penetrating fields and induced currents are computed by the FD-TD domain method of moments (MM) and the finite-difference
method. A significant advantage of this frequency domainltime time-domain(FD-TD) method. The hybriding is based upon
domain hybriding is that no Green’s function need be calculated for a novel use of a field equivalence theorem due to Schelkunoff
theinteriorregion.This hybrid approach takes advantage of the [ 181 which permits a field penetration problem to be analyzed
ability of MM to solve exteriorproblems using patch models and also in steps by treating the relatively simple external region and
takesadvantage of the ability of FD-TD to modelin great detail
the relatively complex internal region separately. The method
localized space regions containing metal strnctures,dielectrics,
permeable media, anisotropic or nonlinear media, as well as wires. involves first, determinationofan equivalentshort-circuit
current excitation in the aperture regions of the structure of
interest using M M for a given externalillumination.The
I. INTRODUCTION computed equivalent currentexcitation over theaperture

E LECTROMAGNETIC penetration problems are difficult to

treat with many analytical or numerical methods because
of the inability of these methodsto deal simply with the
is next used to excitethe complexloaded interior region,
and the penetrating fields and induced current are computed
by the FD-TD method[19],[20]. This hybridmethod is
effects of structure apertures, curvatures, comers, and internal also applicable when wires or materialbodiesarepresent
contents. Usually only relatively simple geometries and aper- in the interior region andcoupledstrongly to the aperture.
tures are studied in an attempt to gain insight into the key An advantage of this frequency domain/time domain hybrid-
penetration mechanisms and to allow anindirectestimate ing is that no Green’s function need be calculated forthe
of the penetration for morecomplicated problems. interior region. A further advantage of this hybrid approach
Theproblem of the penetration andcoupling of electro- is that it permits the treatment of those structures that are
magnetic energy throughanaperture has beenstudied ex- simultaneously electrically large compared to a wavelength
tensively by manyinvestigators using analyticaland method and penetratedby locally complex cavity-backed apertures
of moments (MM) numericalapproaches [ I ] t o characterize having dimensionscomparable to a wavelength. Such struc-
the behavior of simple aperture shapes in a conducting screen tures requiring resolution of both large and small details at the
[2]-[6] or in a finite scattering body [ 7 ] , [8]. However the same time have not been well-treated byanyone previous
analysis becomes very complicated if there are other scatter- analytical or numerical approach.
ing objects in the vicinity which are coupled to the aperture
[ 9 1-[ 121 wherein the mutual interaction mustbe fully taken 11. THE PURE FD-TD METHOD
intoaccount. One powerful alternateapproach is thepure The FD-TD method is ideal for the interior-field compu-
finitedifferencetimedomain (FD-TD) method [ 131-[ 171 tations as discussed in [ 131-[ 161 since it is capable of in-
which allows computation of the penetrated internal electro- corporating great detail into its model in a simple manner and
magnetic fields by direct modeling of the object of interest, without exhausting the resources of available computers. For
including apertures and internal contents. However the pure example, in recent work the FD-TD method has been shown
FDTD method is best suited for modeling localized regions. capable of accurately solving for hundreds of thousands of
When such a region is part of a larger structure that is signifi- unknown field components within a few minutes of an array-
processing computer (Control Data Cyber 203).
Manuscript received December 16, 1980;revised July 14, 1981. This The FD-TD method is a direct solution of Maxwell’s time-
work was supported by the Rome Air Development Center, GriffisAir dependentcurlequations [ 131. The goal is to model the
Force Base, New York, and IIT Research Institute, Chicago, IL, under
Contracts F30602-77-06-3613and F30602-79-C-0039, propagation of an electromagnetic wave into a volume of space
The authorsarewith the Electronics Division,IIT Research Institute, containing
a orconductingstructure. By time
10 West 35th Street, Chicago,IL 60616. stepping, i.e., repeatedly

0018-926X/82/0700-0617$00.75 0 1982 IEEE


Lattice TruncationPlane
(InvisibleTo All Woves)

L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
y =o
x = 1/26 x=(I+1/2)s
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) Positions of field components about a unit cell of Yee lattice [20]. (b) Ideal FD-TD lattice truncation con-

analog of the curl equations at each cell of the correspond- equal to several wave periods at the desired frequency. The
ing space lattice,theincident wave is tracked as it first second method has twoadditional requirements. First, a
propagates to thestructure and theninteractswith it via short rise time pulse suffers from accumulating waveform
surface currentexcitation,diffusion,penetration,and dif- error due to overshoot and ringing as it propagates through
fraction. Wave tracking is completedwhen the desired late- the space lattice. This leads to a numerical noise component
time or sinusoidalsteady-state behavior is observed at each which should be filtered
before Fouriertransformation.
lattice cell. Time stepping forthe FD-TD method is ac- Second, Fouriertransformation of many lattice-cell field
complished by an explicit finite-difference procedure due to versus time waveforms (eachprobably extending over hun-
Yee [2 11. For a cubic-cell space lattice [ 131,[201, this dreds of time steps) would significantly add tothetotal
procedure involves positioning the components of E‘ and requirements for computer storage and execution time [ 1.51,
about a u$t cell +of thelattice as shown in Fig. l(a) and [MI.
evaluating E and H at alternate half-time steps. The centered 4 ) Total-Field
Versus Scattered-Field
Formulation: A
difference expressions [ 131-[ 161 can be used for both the choice exists in whether to finitedifference only the scattered
spaceand time derivatives to attain second-rder accuracy field instead of the total field (at each lattice cell).,The scat-
inthe spaceand timeincrements [20]. Thestructure of tered-field approach may lead to a relatively superior lattice
interest is mapped into the space lattice by first choosing the truncation condition [22]. However the total-field approach
space increment and then assigning valyes of permittivity and may bemoreusefulin determiningthe fields penetrating
conductivity to each component of E. In thismanner, in- structures having shielding properties, orthe fields in the
homogeneities or fine details of the structure can be modeled shadow regions of scatterers, where the total field can dimin-
withamaximumresolution of oneunit cell. Thin surfaces ish to levels far below the incident. Scattered-field codes have
are modeled as steppededge sheets [20]. The following is a traditionallyruninto numerical“noise” problemsforsuch
brief listing of keypoints on which pure FD-TD is based cases since they achieve interior or shadow-zone field reduc-
1131-[161. tion by the subtraction of nearly equal scattered and incident
I ) Lattice Truncation Conditions: The field components at field quantities. Shielding or shadowing of more than 30 dB
thelatticetruncation planes cannot bedetermineddirectly may be difficult to achieve in this manner because of a residual
from the Maxwell’s equations analog and must be computed “noise”floor inherent inthis computer subtraction process.
using an auxiliary radiation [20] truncation condition. How- A total-field approach does not suffer from the subtraction-
ever care must be exercised because this condition must not noise problem and hence is suitable forcomputing field
cause excessive spurious reflection of waves scattered outward penetration within shielded structures or intoshadow zones.
by the structure modeled. The goal is to formulate truncation Previous work leading t o thispaper described efforts to
planes as close as possible to the structure (to minimize com- solve the first three problems above for the case of a total-
puter storage), andyet achieve virtual invisibility of these field FD-TD program employing a cubic-unit-cell space lattice
planes t o all possible waves within the lattice, Fig. l(b). [ 13 1, [ 161. Simple truncation conditions were developed for
2 ) Plane Wave Source Condition: The simulation of either two- and three-dimensional lattices that reduced the reflection
an incident plane wave pulse or single-frequency plane wave coefficient of closely positioned truncation to the order of 0.1
should not take excessive storage or cause spurious wave for waves of arbitrary incidence. A plane wave source condi-
reflections. Theformer would occur if theincident wave tion was described that allowed generation of anarbitrary
is programmed as an initial condition; the latter would occur pulsed or sinusoidal incident wave without requiring any
if the incident wave is programmed as a fixed field excitation additional storageand without causing spurious wave re-
along a single lattice plane [ 131-[ 161. flections, Fig. l(b).
3) Sinusoidal SteadystateInformation: Such data can
be obtained either bya) directly programming a single-fre- 111. THE HYBRID TECHNIQUES
quencyincident plane wave or b)performinga separate In ordertotreatthepenetrationandaperture coupling
Fourier transformation step on the pulse waveform response. problemsmoreeffectively,a new hybrid MM/FD-TD tech-
Bothmethods require timestepping to amaximum time nique has been developed based on a novel use of a field

equivalence theorem due to Schelkunoff [ 181. This hybrid

technique and its applications, described in this section, is
basically an equivalent aperture excitation method.This allows
analysis of the coupling problem in twosteps.
Step 1: Analysis of the relatively simple exterior problem
using MM to computethe equivalent excitation
currents in theapertures leading to the interior
region. This can be done independent of any
knowledge of the contents of the interiorregion. Fig. 2. Perfectly conducting scatterer with aperture.
Step 2: Use of the FD-TD method to analyze the relatively
complex interior region, assuming as an excitation
the equivalent currents found in Step 1.
In this way, each analysis method is applied in the range of
structure size and complexityfor which itis best suited,
allowing an overall solution that is accurate for large simple
structures penetrated by apertures leading to complex interior
This section will review the following topics relevant to the
use of the hybrid MM/FD-TD method: 1) the basis of the
hybridmethod; 2) limitations of potential hybrid MM/MM
approaches; and 3) case studies of MM/FD-TD analyses.
A . Basis of the Hybrid Analyses Using the Third Schelkunoff
Equivalence Theorem
Fig. 2 illustrates the classical problem of a perfectly con-
ductingscatterer S, with an aperture SA;. E5ternal to the
scatterer in Region 1, an incident field (l?, If) illuminates
theaperture, and part of the energy penetratesintothe
cavity jRe$on 2) through the aperture. To compute the total
field (E2, H z ) in Region 2, many analytical and MM numerical
approachesstudied in the literature have employedintegral-
equation formulations treating Regions 1 and simulta-
neously.Theseapproachescharacterize either SA or S, in
terms of tangential aperture fields or equivalent surface currents Fig. 3. MM/MM hybridtechnique.
[11-[61, [111, [121, [231,[241.
An alternative approach is to employ a field equivalence cavity are sought. This is possible because the hybrid method
theoremdue to Schelkunoff ([ 18, theorem 31) to permit avoids any subtraction of nearly equalimpressed and scattered
sequential treatment of the penetration into Region 2. This fields to compute the total field within Region 2. Thus error
theorem is based upon an equivalent aperture electric current due to residual subtraction noise is eliminated. The hybrid
formulation which connects the exterior and interior regions. approach of Schuman and Warren is illustrated in Fig. 3 and
This formulation expresses the fields in a regon+= the super- is summarized below as a fivestep computation.
position of the so-called short-circuit field (Esc, Hsc) with the
Region I : M M Technique
aperture no; present (shorted) plus theaperture field con-
tribution ( E A , g A )maintaining the required continuity+of a) The aperture region SA is short-circuited,and the
t,he fields across theaperture.The firstpartial field (Esc, straightforward exterior problem is solved via MM
ITsc) is simplyequal to zero in the Region 2. The second [281, [29] to obtain the
induced electric current
partial field (EA, Z A ) is generated by the nonphysical current distribution .?oA inthe short-circuited aperture region
distribution j A flowing throughtheempty space of the Fig. (3(b)).
aperture region where j A = -loA the short-circuit aperture b) The short-circuit current ioA is now placed in the open
current distribution. aperture region with a sign change (Fig. 3(c)) to account
for the continuity of the fields in t,he aperture region
B. MMIMM Hybrid Analysis 181, [181. The electric current -.ToA nonphysically
Recently Schuman and Warren [ 8 ] have applied the Schel- placed intheopenaperture region acts as an equiva-
kunoff equivalenceprinciple to interface the MM technique lent source for the fields in Region 1 and 2.
with M M to analyze the exterior and interior regions of an
Region 2: MM Technique
open-ended cylinder, and a nosecone structure withanose
aperture and a thin circumferential gap aperture [ 8 1 , [ 191, c) Based on the generalized multiport approach [ 1 1, refer-
[20], [28].Boththe cylinder
nose-cone structures ring to the Region 2, an equivalent electric field excita-
were treated as bodies of revolution.Their analysis was re- tion l? existing only in the aperture region (Fig. 3(d))
stricted only to empty interior regions, and their goal was to is +determined which will producethe electric current
improvethe accuracy of field computationfor cases when -.To with the aperture shortcircuitzd.
the aperture coupling is small and/or points deep within the d) The electric current distribution J , is obtained on the


In Fig. 5(a) the shadow side (z = 0 +) slot axial magnetic

current distribution m ( x ) in the presence of the screen and the
wire is plotted for fl = 0. This angle corresponds to the wire
axis being physically perpendicular to the slot axis, which is
the orientation for maximum coupling between the slot and
wire. Both real and imaginary parts of m ( x ) are plotted. Fig.
5(b)shows the corresponding distribution of theinduced
electric current on thewire.
Fig. 4. Geometry of wire scatterer behind narrow slot [ 111. Now, consider the possibility of implementingthe MM/
MM hybridsolution presentedin the previous section. To
apply this techniquetheslotshown in the Fig. 4 is first
interior surface of the conducting body with ? !, as the short circuited by replacing theslotby a perfectly con-
equivalent source ele$tric+field (Fig. 3(d)). ducting materialidentical to the screenitself.Next the
e) p e inte+rior fields (E2, H z ) are now computed based on lower half-space z < 0 is analyzed as a pure boundary value
J , and EA or -4". problem. Theinduced electric current & A on theshorted
C. Limitations of MMIMM Hybrid Analyses region of $$, is determined forthe given plane wave
excitation (E,,', Hx'), as simply
As pointed out by Schuman and Warren [ 81, any loading
within the cavity region (Region-2) changes theaperture i O A =- w,$. (4)
equivalentelectricfield excitation of Step C) above. There-
fore, the generalized multiport approach of Step c) must take Next we go back to the original problem and place in the
into account any loading within the cavity by either metal or openslotted region an equivalent aperture electric current
dielectricobjects. This requirement introduces considerable excitation of
complexity and perhaps explains why the MM approach has
not been more widely used as a means of modeling realistic
problems. This cavity loading effect is now discussed in more
detail. We consider the [ 111, [ 121 problemillustrated in
P = {;
; (5)

Fig. 4. A wire scatterer of length L and radius a is placed at a

The next step in the MM/MM hybrid technique is initiated
distance of zc behinda narrowslot of length I andwidth
by computing an equivalent aperture electric field excitation
w ina conducting screen of infiniteextent.Thecenter of
which w i producethe electric current j O with
l Athe
the wire is located directly above the center of the slot on the
aperture short circuited. When the slot and wire are uncoupled
z axis. Further,theslot is along the x axis and the angle
between the wire and the slot bisector (the y axis) is defined
(p = 90°) Zd
is found by treatingtheslot as a multiport
generalized system [ 11, [ 81 and then inverting the system
as 0. gxcita+tion for thissystem is provided bythe plane
wave (E,', H,') propagating in the lower -half-space ( z < 0)
at normal incidence to the screen. This problem was reported
[ 1 11 with numericalresults derived via adirectcoupled [PI = [ 7-41 [EA] (6 )
integral equation and MM solution. Basically acoupled set
of integro-differential equations [ 1 11, was derived by treat-
ing theaperture electric field and the wire electric current [ FA ] slot generalized admittance matrix.
distribution as unknowns. The coupled equations were solved
by expanding the unknown distributions in terms of standard When the wire is oriented such that fl # 90°, there is coupling
pulse functions and then testing the resulting equations using between the wire and slot. For this case the multiport general-
piecewise triangular functions [ 1 I , [ 1 11. ized system matrix of (6) should be modified [ l ] , [ 81, [ 121
Fig. 5 shows the results of the direct MM solution for a according to Fig. 6 yielding
highly resonant coupled case. The electric field E , in the slot
is characterized in terms of an equivalentmagnetic current [ 3 +] [=Y[ =[ FwAA] ] ] [ E w A ] (7 )
distribution M, in the shadowside:

.;E, = ?M,x i (1) [ TwA] mutual generalized admittance matrix at the slot
due to the presence of the wire (accounts for wire
coupling; also known as the wire admittance load-
"x = m(x)t(Y> (2)
ing matrix or transfer admittance matrix[ 123).
where and
axial distribution of the equivalentmagnetic
current in the slot
[EwA1 slot equivalentelectric field excitationinthe
presence of the wire scatterer.
t(y) transverse distribution of the equivalent magnetic
current in the slot For the slot-wire geometry, the calculation of the [ TwA] is

Fig. 5. Results of direct one-step M M and hybrid MM/” solutions of geometry of Fig.4. (a) Shadow-side slot magnetic
current distribution. (b) Wire electric current distribution.

regions since it involves computingthe Green’s function of

I r n l the loaded cavity interior. Since this Green’s function is also

required for thedirect integral equation and MM solution,
there is little, if any, reduction of computational complexity
when using the hybrid MM/MM approach for general cavities.
If the materialloaded cavity Green’s function is calculable
at all, the main advantages of the hybrid MM/MM approach
over the direct MM approach lie in the enhanced stability and
accuracy of the hybrid computationsfor cases where the
interior fields are well below the incidentfields.
cwrent excitation equivalent E-f ield D. MMIFD-TD Hybrid Analyses
Fig. 6 . Multiportgeneralizednetworkrepresentationforhybriding In Fig. 7 the MM/FD-TD hybrid method is illustrated sche-
M M with MM. matically and is summarized below as afour-step computation.
Region 1: MM Technique
straightforward [ 1] and in fact can be written in a closed form a)Identicaltostepa) of the MM/MM method (Section
for very long wire scatterers [ 12 J . 111-B), Fig. 7(b).
The hybrid matrix equation (7) has beensolved foro= 0’ for b) Identical to step b) of the MM/MM method (Section
the canonical geometry of the Fig. 4,and the computedresults 111-B).
fortheslotdistribution are plottedin Fig. 5(a). Excellent
Region 2: FD-TD Technique
agreement with the direct integral equation solution is seen.
The equivalent aperture electric field excitation radiates in c) We notethatthe MM technique gives the equivalent
the presence of screen, and electric current I (b) is induced on current source distribution -j0” in the
the wire by mutual coupling interaction. In Fig. 5(b), the domain as a spatial distribution of the phasor quantities
computed electric current induced on the wire (based on the having both magnitude (relative to the incident fields)
hybrid formulation) is plotted, Again excellent agreement with and phase (relative to some phasereference, normally
the results is obtained. at the origin of the coordinate system). With the FD-TD
It is concluded that it is valid to apply Schelkunoff‘s third method being a timedomain technique, the phase distri-
equivalence theorem [ 181 for apertures having wires closely bution of -20” is interpreted as a time-delay distribu-
coupled to them. Ithas been demonstratedthatthe result- tion with respect to the original phase references loca-
ing MM/MM hybrid approach is capable of de&g with such tion. The magnitude distribution is taken intact without
loaded apertures if the mutual interaction between the wire interpretation or modification. In this manner the FD-
and the aperture is rigorously taken into account. However TD aperture equivalent current source distribution
it is also clear that any loadingwithin the cavity regi+on assumes sinusoidal steadystatequantitiesstartingat
changes the aperture equivalentelectric field excitation EA. the very beginning of timestepping, with theproper
A generalized multiportapproach similar tothat of Fig. 6 time delay to account for phase shift.
mustbe used totakeintoaccountsuch loadingby either
metal or dielectric objects. This approach can prove extremely
d) Using the FD-TD approach the interior fields
are computed directly b,y using -jb”
as a source term
complex or even impossible to implement for general cavity distribution in theV X H difference equations [ 201.

Axial Incidence Case: 47 El f = 300MHz

E: 3 I v/m


Diagram To 1
Fig. 8. FD-TDmodelgeometryofopen-ended aluminum cylinder,
axial-incidence case as viewed at vertical symmetry plane.

Circular Cylinder
Cross Section
Symmetry Plane

Here, specifying -jOA in the aperture is equivalent to ‘\

specifyinga discontinuityinthe tangentialmagnetic
field across the aperture plane [ 181 .
Note that, unlike the hybrid MM/MM method, the hybrid
MM/FD-TD method does nor require comp_utation of the
*equivalent aperture electric field excitation E A . This is be- IO ,’ Symmetry
cause the interior-region FD-TD solution easily acceptsthe 5 FD-TD Lottice
nonphysical aperture electric currentdistribution -jOAas 0 Cross- Section
theexcitation. Thus there is no need to setup and solve .5 ,/10.5 20.5 24.5 i Y = Constant
forthemutualinteractions of the cavity contents and the Stepped - Surface
Approximatian To
apertures, and no need to compute the loaded cavity Green’s
Cylinder Wall
function. The hybrid MM/FD-TD method easily permits the Fig. 9. Transverse cross section of cylinder model of Fig. 8.
modeling of the cavity interior to as fine an extent as desired
without any additionalnumerical complication.
FD-TD Ax is
E. Case Studies of MMjFD-TD Hybrid Analyses
Two case studies are now reported to permit assessment of
the validity and accuracy of the MM/FD-TD hybrid method:
1) open-ended cylinder, axial incidence; and 2) loaded missile
guidance section, axial incidence. The results indicatethat
this hybrid technique is valid and useful for these and similar
1 ) Open-Ended Cylinder, Axial Incidence: The MM/FD-TD
hybrid model forthe axial-incidence open-endedaluminum
cylinder(19-cmdiameterand 68.5-cm long, as shown in
Figs. 8 and 9) was run for 800 time steps (2.0 cycles of the
incident wave at f = 300 MHz). Theexcitation consisted
of data for the magnitudeand phase of the electric current
distribution over the locus of the short-circuited aperture (as
required by Schelkunoffsthirdtheorem)computed using a
MM body-of-revolution code [ 271, [ 281.
Fig. 10 depicts the coordinatesystem used for the MM/FD-
TD hybrid analysis of the open-ended cylinder. Fig. 11 graphs
the MM modal coefficients for the radial and circumferential
components of J o A . (Forclarity,onlythe magnitude is
shown.) Since only the m = 1 mode is present, the equivalent Ee
aperture currentis given by [ 2 8 ] .

j o A ( t , Q) = ;J,(t) cos Q 4- djJ,(t) sin Q A/m ( 8) Fig. 10. Coordinatesystem

- H+
used forMM/FD;T?hybridanalyses.
Excitationlor method of moments program; f , o-MM program co-
for any point( t , Q) on the aperture. ordinates;/-surface current derived from MM program.

8 ment of threecomputational techniques based upon very

xlo-31 Normalized For
different first principles.
2 ) Loaded Missile Guidance Section,AxialIncidence:
The MM/FD-TD hybrid model for the axial-incidence case
of theloaded guidancesection [20](asshown in Figs. 14
and 15) was run for 1800 time steps(3.0 cycles of the incident
wave at f = 300 MHz). The excitation consisted of data for the
magnitude and phase of the electric current distribution over
the loci of the short-circuited nose aperture and sleeve-fitting
aperture (as requiredbySchelkunoff’s thirdtheorem) com-
puted using a MM body-of-revolution code 1281. The results

were compared to pure FD-TD resultspresented [20] in an
attempt to establish the consistency of the MM/FD-TD model
for thiscase.
Fig. 16 plots the comparison of thehybrid MM/FD-TD
I results forthe H field contours in the vertical symmetry
planewith thepure FD-TD results [ 2 0 ] . It is seen that,
.I .08 .06 .04 .02 0 forbothmethodsstepped to 1800timesteps,there is an
p (Meter) excellent agreement of the 0 dB contours near the wire con-
Fig. 11. M M modal coefficients of equivalent aperture current, axial- necting the cooled detectorunit to the pre-amp can. For
incidence cylinder case [20]. this contourthe maximumspatialshift is onlyabout 016
cm in adirection further out from the wire. Further, there
is observed to be excellent agreement of the k10 dB contour
near the wire connecting the pre-amp can to the metal back-
plane. For this contourthemaximum spatialshift is only
FD-TD Solution A t 800 Time Steps
about 0.1 cm in adirection further out from the wire. This
implies thatthecurrent in these two major wires are pre-
dicted to be almost the same by both the pureFD-TD method
and the hybrid MM/FD-TD method.
Fig. 17 plots the comparison of the hybrid results for the
H , and E, fields along a vertical cut through the centerof the
guidance section at a point 21 cm in back of the nose aperture
(about 2 cm in front of the sleeve fitting, at the point where
the circumferential slot opens into the interior of the nose
cone). The hybrid run results are after 1500 time steps, while
the pure FD-TD results are after 1800 time steps. For this
case a very high level of agreement is observed between the
.OOll two sets of data at all points of comparison. The worst-case
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 difference between the results is only 1 dB, with most results
Distonce From Front Aperture ( c m ) consistent within only fractions of a decibel.
Fig. 12. Comparison ofpure FD-TD and hybrid MM/FD-TD results Comparison of the data sets for the 1800 timestep case
for radial electric fieldalong the axis of the cylinder of Figs. 8 and 9. for each set results in slightly lessened agreement, such that
the worst-case difference is about 1.7 dB. This may result
At all locations of E, and Ez inthe cylinder aperture, from the hybrid program progressing to the sinusoidal steady
Jox and JOz were inserted as field equivalentsources via state at a slightly faster rate than the pure FD-TD program,
the V x H part of the FD-TD algorithm [20]. The FD-TD sinceasinusoidalsteady-stateequivalent aperturecurrent
program was run for this excitation and the results were com- excitation is employed from the very beginning of the hybrid
pared to previous pure FD-TD results for the axial-incidence program, rather than an aperture excitation which must build
open-ended cylinder. to the steady state.
Fig. 12plotsthe comparison of thepure FD-TD results This case study shows that the hybridMM/FD-TD approach
for the radialelectric field along the cylinder axis with the yields results for the missile guidance section wire current and
hybrid MM/FD-TD program. It is seen that the results agree electromagnetic fields which are consistent with the pure FD-
within approximately 2 1 dB upto40 cm back fromthe TD data. The studyimplies that a wire passing very close to an
aperture. Fig. 13 compares thecomputed field contoursin aperture, and strongly coupled to that aperture(as for the case
the cylinder horizontal symmetry plane (as defined by Fig. 9) of the pre-ampcan-to-backplane wire near the sleeve-fitting
within 11 cm of theaperture.The maximum contour dis- aperture), can be consistently modeled using the pure FD-TD
placement is less than 1 cm indicating a very good agreement approach and the hybrid MM/FD-TD approach. In the latter,
of the results. it must be remembered that the MM-derived equivalent aper-
The result of these comparisons is the conclusion that the ture excitation takes into account none of the interior details
MM/FD-TD hybrid approach yields datafor this case (a of the structure. Finally the study implies that complex sub-
0.19-h circular apertureinan elongated cylinder) that are sections of elongated simply-shaped structures are prime
consistent with previous data derived frombothpure MM candidates for detailedmodeling of theinteriorpenetrating
and pure FD-TD methods [ 2 0 ] . This is asignificant agree- fields via the hybrid MM/FD-TD method.
~. . -











- Pure FD-TO RUN

o 0 0 Results Of Hybrid Run.
o 0 o
n = I800
HybridRun.n - 1500

n = 1500
-Results Of Pure FD-TO
Run, n = 1800

l -

0 c _


I -


Distance From Missile Axis (em) Distance From Missile Axis (cm)
(a) @)
Fig. 17. Comparison of pureFD-TDandhybrid MM/FD-TD results,guidancesection case, fields along vertical cut
through the center near sleeve-fitting aperture. (a) H,. (b) E,.

IV.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION procedure for small aperture integral equations,”Interaction Note
212, July 1974.
This paper reviewed the application of the hybrid MM/FD- D. R. Wilton and 0. C. Dunaway, “Electromagnetic penetration
TDmethodto electromagnetic penetration and coupling through apertures of arbitrary shape: Formulation and numerical
problems involving conductingstructures with potentially solution procedure,” Interaction Note 214, July 1974.
complexinteriors. The FD-TD method [ 13 ] -[ 161 gives D. R. Wilton, C. M. Butler, and K. R. Umashankar, “Penetration
of electromagnetic fields through small apertures in .planar
evidence of the capability of solving for more than lo6 un- screens: Selected data,” Interaction Note 213, Sept. 1974.
known field components withina localized spaceregion, C. M. Butler and K.R. Umashankar, “Electromagnetic penetration
with an accuracy level in the order of k1 dB and a k1 lattice through an aperture in an infinite planar screen separating two half
cell. Computer central processor times in theorder offive spaces of different electromagnetic properties,”Radio Sci., vol. 11,
minutesarerequired forsuchsolutions when using avail- no. 7, July 1976.
T. B. A. Senior and G . A. Desjardins, “Field penetration into a
able array processors such as theControl Data Star 100 spherical cavity,” Interaction Note 142, Aug. 1973.
and Cyber 203. H. K. Schumann and D. E. Warren, ‘‘Aperture coupling in bodies
The hybrid MM/FD-TD method, based upon Schelkunoffs of revolution,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-26, no.
aperture electric current equivalence theorem, gives evidence 6 , pp. 778-783, NOV. 1978.
of the capability of sequentially solving complex exterior/ K. R . Umashankar and C . E. Baum, “Transient electromagnetic
characterization of arbitrary conducting bodies through an aper-
interior or globaI/local problems. This hybrid approach can ture-Perforated conducting screen,” Interaction Note 343, Mar.
take advantage of the ability of MM to solve exterior problems 1978.
and easily account for arbitrary wave polanzation and angle C. E. Baum, “EMP simulators for various types of nuclear EMP
of incidence. The hybrid approach can also take advantage environments: An interim categorization,” Sensor and Simulation
Note 151, July 1972.
of the ability of FD-TD tomodelin great detaillocalized C. M. Butler and K.R. Umashankar, “Electromagnetic excitation
space regions containing metal structures, dielectrics, perme- of a wire through an aperture perforated conducting screen,” IEEE
able media, anisotropic or nonlinear media, as well as wires. Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-24, no. 4, pp. 456462, July
Overall, the hybrid MM/FD-TD method shows promise for 1976.
.. . ..
121 K. R. Umashankar and J. R. Wait, “Electromagnetic couplingin an
the analysis of wave interaction with structures that require infinite cable placedbehind a slot perforated screen,” IEEE Trans.
resolution of both large and small details at the same time. Electromugn.Comp., vol. EMC-20, no. 3,pp. 4 0 6 - 4 1 1, Aug.
[I31 A . Taflove and M. E. Brodwin, “Numerical solution of steady-
REFERENCES state electromagnetic scatteringproblems using the time-dependent
[I] R. F. Harrington, FieldComputation by MomentMethods. New maxwell’s equations,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol.
York: MacMillan, 1968. M n - 2 3 , pp. 623-630, Aug. 1975.
[2] C. J . Bouwkamp, “Theoretical and numerical treatment of [I41 -, “Computation of electromagnetic fields and induced tem-
diffraction through acircularaperture,” IEEE Trans.Antennas peratures within a model of the microwave-irradiated human eye,”
Propagat.. AP-18,no. 2, pp. 152-176, Mar. 1970. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.,vol. MTT-23, pp. 888-896,
[3] K. R . Umashankar and C. M.Butler,“A numerical solution Nov.1975.

A.Taflove,“Timedomain solutions for electromagnetic cou- M e n Tatlove (M’75), was born in Chicago, IL,
pling,’’ Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, Rome, NY, on June 14, 1949. He received the B . S . , M.S.,
with IIT Research Institute, Chicago,IL, Final Rep. RADC-TR-78- and Ph.D. degrees from Northwestern Univer-
142, Contract F30602-77-C-0163, June 1978. sity,Evanston,IL, in 1971, 1972, and 1975,
-, “Application of the finite-difference time-domain method to respectively, all in electrical engineering.
sinusoidalsteady-state electromagnetic-penetration problems,” In 1975, he joined the IIT Research Institute
IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. EMC-22, pp. 191-202, (IITRI), Chicago, IL. Currently, heis a Senior
Aug. 1980. Engineer in the EM Technology Section, re-
r171 R. Holland, “Threde: A free-field EMF’ coupling and scattering sponsible for applied electromagnetics research.
code,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. NS-24, pp. 24162421, Dec. His research has been concerned with electro-
1977. magnetic wave penetration and scattering, low-
S . A.Schelkunoff,“Field equivalence theorems,” Comm.Pure frequencycoupling of earth-return transmission-line systems, and the
Appl. Marh., vol. 4, pp. 43-59, June 1951 . development of novel techniques for the recovery of fuels from oil shale
A. Taflove and K. Umashankar, “A hybrid FD-TD/MoM approach and tar sand based upon in situ radio-frequency heating. Hehasbeen
to the electromagneticcoupling and aperture penetration,” in Proc. granted five foreign and two U . S . patents for his in situ fuel recovery
North America Radio Sci. Meeting (URSI), PQ, Canada, p. 94, inventions.
June 2 4 , 1980. Dr. Taflove is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, and
A. Taflove, “Evaluation of time domain electromagnetic coupling the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
techniques,”IIT Research Institute,Chicago,IL, Final Rep.
RADC-TR-80-251 to Rome Air Development Center,Griffiss
AFB, NY, Contract F30602-79-C-0039, 1980.
K. S . Yee, “Numerical solution of initial boundary value problems
involving Maxwell’s equations in isotropic media,” IEEE Trans.
Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-14, pp. 302-307, May 1966.
D. E. Merewether, “Transient currents induced on a metallic body
of revolution by an electromagnetic pulse,” IEEE Trans. Eiec-
tromagn. Compat., vol. EMC-13, pp. 41-44, May 1971. Korada Umashankar (S’69-M’75-SM’8 I), re-
E. K. Miller and A. J. Poggio, “Moment-method techniques in ceived the B.E. degree from Mysore University,
electromagnetics from an application viewpoint,” in Electro- India in 1962, the M.E. degree from Indian
magneticScarrering, P. L. E. Uslenghi, Ed. New York: Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in 1964,
Academic, ch. 9, 1978. and the Ph.D. degree from University of Mis-
1241 C . D. Taylor, D. H.Lam, and T. H. Shumpert, “Electromagnetic sissippi, University, in 1974, all in electrical
pulsescatteringin time-varying inhomogeneous media,” IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-17, pp. 585-589, Sept. 1969. 7, From 1964 to 1969, he was Assistant Professor
J. A.Stratton, ElecrromagneticTheory. NewYork: McGraw- Engineering at College of Engi-
Hill, 1941, pp. 563-573. neering, Karnatak University, Hubli, India.
D. Wilton and A.Glisson, Univ. Mississippi, private communi- During 1974-1975 he was a Post-Doctoral Re-
cation to A. Taflove. search Associate, and during 1975-1977, he was Assistant Professor of
H. K. Schuman and D. E. Warren, “Coupling through rotationally ElectricalEngineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering,
symmetricapertures in cavities of revolution,” Rome Air De- University of Mississippi. From 1977-1979, he was the National Research
velopmentCenter,Griffiss AFB, N Y , Rep. RADC-TR-77-214, Council Visiting Fellow at the Airforce Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland
June 1977. AFB,Albuquerque,NM, involved with the simulator studies and
A. W. Glisson and D. R. Wilton, “Simple and efficient numerical electromagnetictransients.Presently, he is with the electromagnetic
techniquesfor treating bodies of revolution,” Rome Air De- section of the IIT Research Institute, Chicago, IL. His primary research
velopment Center, Griffiss Air Force Base, NY, Rep. RADC-TR- work has been in the development of analytical and mathematical
79-22.Mar. 1979. techniquesinelectromagnetictheory, EMP interaction, and EM simu-
J. R. Mautz and R. F. Harrington, “Radiation and scattering from lation studies.
bodies ofrevolution,” Appl. Sci. Res., no. 20, pp. 405435, 1969. Dr. Umashankar is a member of Sigma XI and Eta Kappa Nu.

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