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Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number

Fast S-Parameter TAN Model of n-Port Lumped

C. Cholachue1,2, Student Member, IEEE, and B. Ravelo2, Member, IEEE, A. Simoens1 and A.
Federal-Mogul Systems Protection SAS, Crépy en Valois, France
Normandy University UNIROUEN, ESIGELEC, IRSEEM EA 4353, Technopole du Madrillet, Avenue Galilée, BP 10024, F-76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France
Corresponding author: C. Cholachue (e-mail:
The authors address a grateful thank to Dr. Olivier Maurice from Arian Group for his help and fruitful discussion to develop the TAN model.

ABSTRACT This paper deals with the fast S-parameter modelling of multi-port lumped structures. The
developed model is based on the unfamiliar formalism using the tensorial analysis of networks (TAN). The
modelling methodology is described with general abstract topology and different application cases. The
methodology consists first in elaborating the equivalent graph topology of the considered problem. Then, it
is followed by the TAN mathematical abstraction including successively the branch and mesh space
analyses. The treated problem metric can be written with the tensorial Ohm’s law expressed in function of
the covariant voltage, contravariant current and the twice covariant impedance in the mesh spaces. The
equivalent Z-matrix of the considered multi-port structure is established from an innovative reduction
method of the mesh impedance. Then, the S-parameter model is extracted from the Z-to-S matrix transform.
The effectiveness of the established fast S-parameter TAN modelling is validated with three cases of proof-
of-concept constituted by TT-cell, TTT-cell two-port circuit and four port structure inspired from the 3D
coaxial shielded cable. As expected, an excellent agreement between the S-parameters calculated from
TAN model and simulated from the commercial tools from DC to some hundred’s megahertz is obtained. In
the future, the developed model is outstandingly beneficial for fast and accurate applications notably for the
conduced shielded cable electromagnetic compatibility analysis.

INDEX TERMS Circuit theory, cable shielding, S-parameter modelling, tensorial analysis of networks

I. INTRODUCTION A basic theory of transmission line approach was

With the increase of integration density, the interconnect developed for the analytical investigation of the coaxial cable
connectors and cables are omnipresent and constitute a key shields [10-11]. The transfer impedance is among the central
element of electrical and electronic systems as automotive, parameter for assessing the cable shield performance [12].
aeronautics and spatial engineering’s [1-7]. Test method international standards as IEC 62153 [13] are
The undesired environmental effects as the imposed to measure the transfer impedance. Nevertheless,
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) perturbations must be similarly to most of EMC tests, the transfer impedance
taken into account during the design phase [1,5-6]. measurement techniques as triaxial cell-based tests [4-5,13-
Therefore, behind the technological design progress and the 14] are practically expensive. Therefore, with the PC
increase of the design complexity, the electrical behavior revolutionary progress, popular simulation tools as HFSS®
and EMC prediction become a crucial problem and have an [15], CST MWS® [16] and ADS® [17] allowing to perform
important role for the overall system performance [1,5-7]. connector and cable virtual EMC tests have been
Different measurement and simulation techniques have commercialized and becoming new reference tools for the
been deployed as standard approaches for the EMC electrical, electronic and EMC engineers. But because of the
investigation [4-5]. Relevant analysis method [8] and misunderstanding basic mechanism, pre-processing and
optimized design [9] of shielding effectiveness are required computation time costs, the full wave 3D simulations as the
against the undesirable EMC perturbations. finite element method approach [18] are not enough in

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2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2919384, IEEE Access

electrical engineering. Furthermore, the prediction of the

EMC parameters as the transfer impedance and the shielding II. METHODOLOGY OF THE N-PORT LUMPED
effectiveness remain an open challenge when dealing with a STRUCTURE S-PARAMETER MODEL
particularly wide frequency band. Further research work is The present section introduces the methodology of the
also needed for physical mechanism understanding about the developed TAN model. After the description of the problem,
EMC effects appearing around the tubular structures as the TAN approach is described. Then, the S-parameter model
connectors and cables [6]. is formulated from the impedance matrix.
For this reason, the S-parameter approach [19-25]
constitutes an open gateway for the RF and microwave A. n-Port Structure Problem Formulation
frequency range analyses. The S-matrix approach is assumed Fig. 1 presents a general topology of abstract multiport
by the microwave engineers as a key parameter for the system by assuming P as a strictly positive integer. This
equivalent lumped circuit modelling of discontinuities [20- system is assumed as passive network constituted by R, L
21] and various microwave devices [22-23]. However, the and C lumped elements. By feeding the system with the
analytical calculation and elaboration of the S-parameters access voltage source vector Va={1,2,…,P}, the system must
remain a fastidious task for the electrical, electronic and present access current vector Ia={1,2,…,P}. The determination of
EMC engineers. Generally, the classical analytical processes these two electrical parameters constitute the key unknowns
may require series of impedance, admittance and transfer of our problem which will be going to be solved with the
matrices. TAN method in the next section. They enable to determine
Dealing with this analytical bottleneck, a fast and efficient the S-matrix model equivalent to the multiport system. It can
S-parameter model based on the tensorial analysis of be recalled that according to the circuit theory, the equivalent
networks (TAN) formalism is developed in this paper. In matrix impedance Zmatrix defined by the matrix relation:
state of the art, the TAN was initiated by Kron in 1930s for Va  =  Zmatrix    I b  , (2)
the electrical machine modelling. Then, the TAN was or via the admittance matrix Ymatrix with the relation:
extended by Maurice and his team for analyzing and treating
 I b  = Ymatrix   Va  . (3)
the problem of EMC electronic complex system analysis [27-
30]. Then, based on the TAN formalism, calculation method
of the S-parameters of printed circuit board (PCB) electrical
interconnect was also proposed [31-32]. By proceeding with
the Kron’s method, the S-parameter problem was transposed
as the mesh current determinations. But the S-parameter
analytical formulations introduced in [31-32] are limited to
calculate only one reflection and one transmission
coefficients whatever the system. It means that several
repetitions of analytical calculations are necessary when the
number of ports is increasing.
To overcome this lack of methodologic success, a fast
calculation method enabling to determine directly all the S- FIGURE 1. General topology of P-port system.
parameters of multiport lumped circuit is developed in the
next three sections of the present paper. Section II describes The associated S-parameter is given by:
the general methodology of the proposed fast and direct Smatrix  = (Zmatrix  − Z0  P )  (Zmatrix  + Z0  P )−1 , (4)
calculation of the S-parameter modelling. It acts as a
where Z0 is assumed equal to 50 Ω in the present study. It
modelling of multiport lumped circuits with the unfamiliar
represents the common reference impedance of all access
TAN formalism. Section III develops application cases of
port and  P is the P size identity matrix:
proof-of-concept two-port “TT” and “TTT” circuit
topologies. Section IV presents another illustrative 1 0 0
application by dealing with four-port circuit equivalent to a 0 1 
coaxial cable inspired from triaxial configuration. The  P  =  . (5)
 0
proposed model integrates the coaxial cable transfer  
impedance Zt. For a structure presenting physical length d, 0 0 1
the developed method is dedicated to the transfer impedance This last relation will serve for the S-parameter calculation of
corresponding to the frequency bandwidth from 0 to the the present study.
maximal frequency:
f max = c /  = 10c / d , (1) B. Modelling Methodology of the Proposed Fast S-
Parameter TAN
by denoting λ the associated wavelength. Lastly, Section V is
the conclusion of the paper.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2919384, IEEE Access

As reported in [26-32], the TAN formalism is implemented • The contravariant parameter Ib represented by the
based on the graph topology followed by the problem metric branch current vector:
elaboration with tensorial approach. Fig. 2 indicates the  I1 
fundamental phases of TAN approach for solving electrical  2
problems.  I b  =   , (7)
This analytical process must start with the topological  
 B
analysis by identifying the quintuplet integers: I 
• The network number, Nw, • And the twice covariant metric represented by the
• The branch number, B, branch impedance matrix which is systematically a
• The node number, N, diagonal matrix for the lumped circuit with inter-
• The mesh number, M < B, branch coupling:
• And the port number, P < M.  Z11 0 0 
 0 Z 
 Z bb  =  22 . (8)
0 
 
 0 0 Z BB 
The mesh space analysis is derived from these branch
space variables via the connectivity matrix Cbm  which will
be described in the next paragraph.
The mesh space analysis consists in expressing:
• The mesh voltage is the covariant parameter Um
represented by the vector:
U m  = U1 U 2
 UM 
 , (9)
U m  = Cm   Vb   U m = CmVb
b b

It is worth to point out that the voltage vector
component Um=0 in all meshes without external
• Knowing that Cbm  = Cmb  , the mesh current is
FIGURE 2. Main phases of the TAN method.
the contravariant parameter Jn represented by the
Before the analytical exploration, the main vector vector:
variables in branch and mesh spaces are recalled in the next   J1 
paragraphs. It is worth to recall that in the following section,   2
 J n  =  J 
the Ohm’s law V=ZI rewritten and implemented in tensorial    
notation, must respect the tensor algebra rule:   M
, (10)
  
• the voltage V (noticed with a subscript as Va) is a 
covariant parameter which is represented as a row  J n  = Cbn    I b   J n = Cbn I b

• And the twice covariant metric represented by the
• the current I (noticed with a superscript as Ib) is a
mesh impedance matrix:
contravariant parameter which is represented as a
column vector,   Z11 Z12 Z1M 
 Z
• and the associated impedance Z must be a twice  Z  =  21 Z 22 Z2M 

covariant parameter which is denoted with two  mn
 
 . (11)
subscripts Zab which is represented as a square   
 M1
Z Z Z MM 

1) BRANCH SPACE VARIABLES  Z mn  = Cm    Z bb   Cn   Z mn = Cmb Z bbCnb
b b

The branch space analysis consists in expressing: The fundamental metric of the problem can be formulated by
• The covariant parameter Vb represented by the the compact Einstein relation:
branch source voltages vector:  J n  = Y nm   U m   J n = Y nmU m , (12)
Vb  = V1 V2 VB  , (6)

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2919384, IEEE Access

Y nm  =  Z mn  .
−1 equation (11). According to the circuit and system theory,
the structure under study can be assumed as a P-port
3) METHODOLOGY diagram. This type of system is usually represented by the
Fig. 3 describes the successive steps of the analytical impedance  Z matrix  or admittance:
processes of the proposed fast S-parameter TAN model. This
workflow indicates the overview of the overall routine Ymatrix  =  Zmatrix −1 , (15)
algorithm to be applied in the next two sections. which are assumed as p-size square matrices, linked by the
classical definition:
V1   I1   C11
C 1p   J 1 
       
  =  Z matrix     =  Z matrix      .
V p  I p  C1p
C p   J p 
    
The equivalent impedance matrix relation is given by:
 J1  V1 
 
(  

  =  Z matrix   Cm (1... p,1... p ) 

  .
J p  V p 
   
The key originality of the TAN model concerns the
establishment of the impedance matrix from the mesh
impedance defined in equation (11). For the better
understanding about this impedance matrix extraction, it is
worth to recall the following linear expanded expression of
the mesh voltage depicted in equation (18) which yields
from (12). It means that the mesh impedance can be
expanded in equation (19).
Emphatically, the impedance matrix defined in equation
(16) can be derived by expressing the mesh currents
J(p+1)…M in function of J1…p from equations ( ( p +1)... M ) of
linear system (18). The impedance matrix can be
algebraically derived substituting the matrix relationship
written in global equation (20) into equation (18).
FIGURE 3. Workflow illustrating the proposed fast S-parameter TAN Emphatically, the mesh impedance must be subdivided, as
modelling methodology. illustrated in equation (15), into four sub-matrices denoted:
• [ZA] having size P×P,
The starting point consists in formulating the problem by • [ZB] having size P×(M-P),
defining the initial parameters which can be the physical, • [ZC] having size (M-P)×P,
geometrical or/and electrical variables. The next steps are the • And [ZD] having size (M-P)×(M-P).
classical electrical circuit representation. The medium steps
are the branch and mesh space analyses elaborated in the 1 P P +1 M
previous paragraphs. It is noteworthy that the validity
 
condition depend on the disjoint access meshes formulated
by: Z A  ZB  1 P
 Zmn  =
 J1   I1 
 2  2
 ZC  ZD  P +1 M
 J  =  I   C m (1 P,1 P )  =  . (14)
     b  P
It yields the impedance matrix expressed as:
 P  P
J  I   Zmatrix  =  Z A  −  Z B    Z D −1  ZC  . (23)
The detailed description of the Step 6 analytical Then, the associated S-parameter can be determined from the
calculation will be explained in the next subsection. Z-to-S transform introduced in equation (4).

C. Z-Matrix and S-Parameter Extractions

The main original aspect of the developed fast S-parameter
TAN model lies on the extraction of the impedance matrix
from the mesh impedance matrix [Zmn] expressed in

VOLUME XX, 2017 1

2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2919384, IEEE Access

( 1 ) : U1 = Z11 J 1 + Z12 J 2 + + Z1 p J p + Z1( p +1) J p +1 + + Z1M J M

(  2 ) : U 2 = Z 21 J 1 + Z 22 J 2 + + Z 2 p J p + Z 2( p +1) J p +1 + + Z 2 M J M

 p +1
(  p ) : U p = Z p1 J + Z p 2 J + + Z pp J + Z p ( p +1) J + + Z pM J
1 2 p M
. (18)
 p +1
(  p +1 ) : 0 = Z ( p +1)1 J + Z ( p +1)2 J + + Z ( p +1) p J + Z ( p +1)( p +1) J + + Z ( p +1) M J
1 2 p M

(  M ) : 0 = Z M 1 J 1 + Z M 2 J 2 + + Z Mp J p + Z M ( p +1) J p +1 + + Z MM J M

 Z11 Z12 Z1 p Z1( p +1) Z1M 
 
 Z 21 Z 22 Z2 p Z 2( p +1) Z2M 
 
 
 Z mn  =  Z p1 Z p 2 Z pp Z p ( p +1) Z pM  . (19)
 
 Z ( p +1)1 Z ( p +1)2 Z ( p +1) p Z ( p +1)( p +1) Z ( p +1) M 
 
 
 Z M 1 ZM 2 Z Mp Z M ( p +1) Z MM 

( ( p +1) )   Z ( p +1)1 Z ( p +1) p   J 1   Z ( p +1)( p +1) Z ( p +1) M   J p +1 
        
 −   =   
(M )    ZM1 Z Mp   J p   Z M ( p +1) Z MM   J M 

. (20)
 J p +1   Z ( p +1)( p +1) Z ( p +1) M   Z ( p +1)1 Z ( p +1) p   J 1 
       
   = −    
 JM   Z M ( p +1) Z MM   ZM1 Z Mp   J p 
   
( 1 )   U 1   Z11 Z1 p   J 1   Z1( p +1) Z1M   J p +1 
          
 =  +   . (21)
( p )   p 
 U   Z p1 Z pp   J p   Z p ( p +1)
  
Z pM   J  M

For the further illustration about the feasibility of the

proposed S-parameter TAN model, application cases of two-
port circuit will be discussed in the next section.


To highlight the effectiveness of the developed unfamiliar
model, an application case of two-port circuit based on the
TTT-topology will be explored in the present section.

A. Analytical Theory of TTT-Topology of Lumped

Following the methodology described earlier in Fig. 3, the
next paragraphs will focus on the graph topology, branch and
mesh space TAN.
Fig. 4(a) presents the TTT-topology of the two-port circuit
understudy. FIGURE 4. Two-port (a) classical circuit and (b) equivalent graph

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2919384, IEEE Access

 Z 01 + Z 3 + Z 4 0 −Z4 0 
 0 Z 02 + Z8 + Z 9 0 − Z8 
 Z mn  =  .

−Z4 0 Z 4 + Z5 + Z6 −Z6
 
 0 − Z8 −Z6 Z 6 + Z 7 + Z8 

The excitation voltage sources V1 and V2 are inserted in the [ZC] and [ZD] as formulated in equations (19) and (21). After
access branches referred by Port P1 and Port P2 with internal the calculation of the impedance matrix from relation (23),
impedances Z01 and Z02. The internal branches I3…9 are the S-parameter analytical expression can be obtained from
supposed presenting impedances Z3…9. equation (4).
The TAN equivalent graph of the circuit shown in Fig.
4(a) is drawn in Fig. 4(b). It can be understood from the B. Application Case 1: TT-Circuit
topological analysis that this circuit is defined with the A particular case of the TT-cell is treated in the present
following parameters: Nw=1, B=9, N=5, P=2 and M=4. subsection. The validation is based on the comparison
2) TAN MODELLING between the circuit simulation from the electronic and
The branch space analysis enables to write the branch source RF/microwave circuit simulator ADS® from Keysight
voltage vector, the branch current vector and the branch Technologies®. After the brief description of the proof-of-
impedance matrix given by, respectively: concept, the comparative results will be discussed.
Vb  = V1 V2 0 0 , (24) 1) POC DESCRIPTION
Fig. 5 depicts the proof-of-concept representing the TT-cell
 I1  of the lumped two-port circuit. It is mainly constituted by R
 2
I and C components. In this case, the TAN modelling of
 I  =   ,
  subsection III-A was applied by defining the branch
 9 impedance parameters addressed in Table I.
I 
 Z 01 0 0 0
 0 Z 0 0
 02 
 Z bb  =  0 0 Z 3 . (26)
 
 0
 0 0 Z 9 
The connectivity matrix is expressed as:
1 0 0 0 
0 1 0 0  FIGURE 5. Proof-of-concept of SPICE circuit schematic.
 
1 0 0 0  TABLE I
1 0 −1 0 
Cbm  = 0 0 1 0  . (28)
Parameter Nature Value
  R01=0 Ω
0 0 1 −1
Z01 Resistor
Z02 Resistor R02=0 Ω
0 0 0 1  Z3 Resistor R3=55 Ω
  Z4 Capacitor C4=10 pF
0 1 0 1  Z5 Resistor R5=30 Ω
 0 −1 0 0  Z6 Capacitor C6=5 nF
  Z7 Resistor R7=75 Ω
The mesh voltage derived from equation (9) is transformed Z8 Resistor R8=∞
as: Z9 Resistor R9=0
Um  = V1 −V2 0 0 . (29)
Following equation (10), the mesh impedance is given in 2) VALIDATION RESULTS
equation (27).
3) S-PARAMETER RESULTS As numerical application, the routine algorithm of the
The S-parameter model is derived from the impedance proposed fast S-parameter TAN model inspired from the
matrix which is calculated from mesh sub-matrices [ZA], [ZB], workflow of Fig. 3 was implemented in Matlab program.

VOLUME XX, 2017 1

2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2919384, IEEE Access

The present S-parameter analyses have been performed parallel network. The parameters of the circuit are addressed
from DC to 300 MHz. Fig. 6 plots the obtained results of the in Table II.
reflection and transmission coefficients from the proposed
TAN computations and the ADS® simulations. To highlight
the comparison over the whole frequency band, linear (in
top) and semi-logarithmic (in bottom) plots are presented. It
can be emphasized that the TAN computation and simulation
results are in excellent correlation in the whole considered
frequency band. In this figure, the TAN computed results are
plotted dotted lines and the ADS® simulation results are
plotted in solid lines. Acting as symmetrical passive circuit, FIGURE 7. Proof-of-concept of SPICE circuit schematic with parasitic
the input and output reflection coefficients, S11=S22 and the effects.

forward and backward transmission coefficients S12=S21 are


Parameter Nature Value

Z01 Resistor R01=0 Ω

Z02 Resistor R02=0 Ω
Z3 Resistor R3=55 Ω
Z4 RC-parallel network impedance C4=10 nF
R4=25 Ω
Z5 Resistor R5=25 Ω
Z6 RC-parallel network impedance C6=5 nF
R6=25 Ω
Z7 Resistor R7=30 Ω
Z8 RC-parallel network impedance C8=10 pF
R8=25 Ω
Z9 Resistor R9=40 Ω


Similarly, to the previous application case, the present

computations were performed from DC to 300 MHz. In
addition, parametric analyses have been carried out by
varying the swept values of capacitor C1={1 nF, 10 nF, 100
nF}. Fig. 8 displays the obtained the comparative results
from the TAN model computations (dotted lines) and ADS®
simulations (solid lines). Once again, an excellent correlation
between the proposed computations and commercial tool
simulations have been found.

FIGURE 6. S-parameter comparative results from the circuit shown in

Fig. 5.

Therefore, the application case validates perfectly the

feasibility of the developed S-parameter TAN model.

C. Application Case 2: Parasitic TTT-Circuit with

Parametric Analyses
In difference to the previous application case, the present one
treats another passive circuit. The circuit is essentially
constituted by typically parasitic effects represented by RC-
parallel networks.
Fig. 7 displays the ADS schematic of the TTT-circuit proof-
of-concept. It acts as a two-port circuit composed of RC-

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2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2919384, IEEE Access


For the further understanding about the feasibility of the fast
TAN S-parameter modelling more complex circuit is treated
in the present section. The proof-of-concept is a four-port
passive circuit inspired from the triaxial configuration of
coaxial shielded cylindrical cable. Theoretical and numerical
analyses will be explored based on the S-parameter

A. Theoretical Investigation
After the problem description, the TAN modelling will be
introduced in the present subsection.
As explained in Fig. 9(a), in this case, we have a four-port
structure represented by d-length two cylindrical conductors
separated by an insulating dielectric structure presenting
inner and external diameters Φi and Φe, respectively. The
resistive loads R1 (resp. R2) and R4 (resp. R3) are connected
between ports P1-P4 (resp. P2-P3) and ports P4-GND (resp. P3-
GND). From DC up to hundred megahertz, as reported in
[33-34], the coaxial cable is equivalent to RLC lumped
circuits. Accordingly, we considered the lumped circuit
model shown in Fig. 9(b).
It is noteworthy that the source internal impedances Z1…4
connected at port P1…4 respectively, were considered to start
the TAN modelling.
To start the TAN modelling, the graph topology of Fig. 10
FIGURE 8. S-parameter comparison results from the circuit shown in has been elaborated. This topological analysis reveals that
Fig. 7. this circuit is defined with the parameters: Nw=1, B=14, N=6,
P=4 and M=8.

FIGURE 9. Four-port structure: (a) 3D design and (b) equivalent circuit schematic.

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2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2919384, IEEE Access

FIGURE 10. Equivalent graph of the circuit shown in Fig. 9.

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
The branch space analysis enables to write the branch  0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 
source voltage vector, the branch current vector and the  
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 
branch impedance matrix given by, respectively:  
Vb  = V1 V2 0 0 , (30) 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 
 I1   
 2
I 1 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 
 I b  =   , (31) 1 0 0 −1 0 0 −1 0 
  Cbm  =  . (33)
 14  0 0 0 0 −1 0 1 0 
I  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 
 
0 0 0 0 1 −1 0 0 
 Z1 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −1
0 Z 0 0   
 2  0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 −1
 Z bb  =  0 0 Z 3 , (32)  
   0 −1 0 0 0 1 0 0 
 0  0 −1 1 0 0 0 0 −1
 0 0 0 Z14 
with Z5=Z9=Zi, Z6=R3, Z7=R1, Z8=Z12=Ze, Z10=1/(C1s),
B. Numerical Application with Full Wave Simulated
Z11=1/(C2s), Z13=RL and Z14=R2 by denoting s the Laplace Validation Results
The present subsection is focused on the validation of the
3) TAN MODELLING: MESH SPACE ANALYSIS developed fast TAN S-parameter model with circuit and full
The connectivity matrix related to the branch and mesh wave simulations. After the description of the equivalent
currents of the graph of Fig. 10 is expressed in (33). circuit proof-of-concept, comparisons between the simulated
Following equation (9), the mesh voltage is given by: and computed S-parameters will be performed.
Um  = V1 −V2 V3 −V4 0 0 0 0 , (34) 1) POC DESCRIPTION
and the mesh impedance  Z mn  is calculated from equation Fig. 11(a) depicts the HFSS® 3D design of the coaxial cable.
(11). Then, the mesh sub-matrices [ZA], [ZB], [ZC] and [ZD] Fig. 11(b) shows the hybrid circuit design integrating the full
can be deduced from the previous expression. After the wave simulation results as a black box. Similar to the model
calculation of the impedance matrix from relation (23), the S- suggested in [33-34], the the lumped equivalent model of the
parameter model can be obtained from equation (4). coaxial cable constituted by the R, L and C lumped elements
of the simulated ADS® circuit schematic shown in Fig. 12
was calculated.

VOLUME XX, 2017 1

2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2919384, IEEE Access

For the present validation, the considered numerical

parameters are addressed in Table III. In the first main row,
the physical and geometrical parameters of the cable based
on the standard RG58 are presented. In the other main row,
the electrical parameters calculated from the equivalent
circuit model [33-34] are presented.
Knowing these parameters, TAN Matlab computations,
ADS® and HFSS® simulations have been run. The obtained
results are discussed in the next paragraph.
(a) Fig. 13 and Fig. 14 display the linear and semi-logarithmic
plots of the reflection and transmission parameter
Once again, even with four-port circuits, an excellent
correction is pointed out between TAN and ADS®. It can be
found that a good agreement trend of the S-parameter
behaviors is realized despite the discrepancies beyond
hundred megahertz between TAN and HFSS®.
The present main differences are clearly due to the
considered lumped circuit model which is typically limited to
tens megahertz.

FIGURE 11. HFSS® (a) 3D and (b) mixed structure design of the proof- 0
of-concept structure introduced in Fig. 9.
S11 (dB)

-40 ADS
0 100 200 300

S21 (dB)


FIGURE 12. ADS® schematic of the proof-of-concept four-port circuit.

TABLE III 0 100 200 300
S32 (dB)

Parameter Nature Value

i Diameter of inner conductor 0.94 mm
d Inner Diameter of shield 2.95 mm
e Outer Diameter of shield 3.43 mm
t Thickness of shield 0.24 mm -20
0 100 200 300
L Cable length 10 cm
Frequency (MHz)
 Copper conductivity 17.24 nΩ/m
Zi RL series network impedance Ri=1.687 Ω
Li=24.228 nH FIGURE 13. Linear plot of S-parameter comparisons from HFSS® full
Ze RL series network impedance Re=1.687 Ω wave simulations, ADS® simulations and TAN computations of the
Le=19 nH proof-of-concept circuit shown in Fig. 11.
R1 Resistor 50 Ω
R2 Resistor 50 Ω
R3 Resistor 50 Ω
R4 Resistor 50 Ω
Ci Capacitor 0.96 pF
Ce Capacitor 3.81 pF

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2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2919384, IEEE Access

Operation - Do not - Low and high - Low and high

frequency allow very frequencies up frequencies up to
0 low to several GHz several GHz and
frequency and even more even more
S11 (dB)

TAN - Possibility
ADS to operate up
-40 to several
HFSS gigahertz
0 1 2
10 10 10
A fast TAN S-parameter modelling method is developed and
S21 (dB)

applied to multi-port lumped circuits.

This unfamiliar method was elaborated with:
1) A general configuration of multi-port system. It was
described the methodology of the TAN formalism from
0 1 2 the branch, mesh, impedance matrix and S-parameter
10 10 10
2) The feasibility of the fast TAN S-parameter modelling
was illustrated with two- and four-port proof-of-
S32 (dB)

-10 concept circuits.

3) Satisfactory validation results of reflection and
transmission coefficients have been found by
-20 considering commercial simulation tools. The model is
0 1 2
10 10 10 in excellent agreement with lumped circuit simulations.
Frequency (MHz) 4) The main advantages and drawbacks of the proposed
model are discussed.
FIGURE 14. Semi-logarithmic plot of S-parameter comparisons from
HFSS® full wave simulations, ADS® simulations and TAN computations In the continuation of this study, the TAN S-parameter
of the proof-of-concept circuit shown in Fig. 11. modelling of distributed structures with consideration of
higher frequencies up to several gigahertz based on the
3) DISCUSSION ON THE ADVANTAGES AND Kron-Branin method [31-32] is in progress.
The unfamiliar TAN modelling presents potential of REFERENCES
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