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EC Team Leauei Neeting

Febiuaiy 27, 2u14


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Ni. Allen openeu the meeting by iecognizing those EC peisons who ieceiveu A+
awaius this school yeai.

Bonna Bowling-Ciitchei:
If a stuuent leaves foi homebounupiivate we must complete a Bomebounu
Woiksheet S seivice plan unuei the NCBPI foims locateu on the uCS website anu
the seivices aie only speech seivices. If they aie tiansfeiieu

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P"> Q1-7.
Request foi testing
Bas the stuuent evei been testeu (must know if the testing was in uCS)
Fax iefeiial back even if iefeiial has stoppeu.
New CECAS sheet (give the actual name of the peison that is iesponsible foi
ienueiing seivices to that stuuent). Example: (Sonya Y. Thomas) uo not state
EC peison on this foim.
REAB 18u is consiueieu as Reauing not content suppoit because we aie
giving a giaue.
When stuuents exit the piogiam please use the (NEW) CECAS anu inuicate
the appiopiiate infoimation it is locateu at the bottom of the foim.

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The enu uate of the IEP must be S6S uays minus one uay of the meeting uate.
Foi example if the meeting is helu on Naich S the enu uate is Naich 2nu.

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Intensive Functional Behavioi Assessment
If we aie going to uo a FBA it is consiueieu a ie-evaluation
Nust have two obseivations othei than someone who is uiiectly woiking
with that stuuent.
Theie is an inteiview foim foi the teachei anu paients.
The ABC logs anu scatteiplot aie being useu wiuely now as eviuence.
The intensity of a behavioi (language level changes)
Being uisiespectful is an opinion not a behavioi.
Theie is a new BIP foim anu we must wiite a goal foi behavioi.
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Know what woiks foi the stuuent's behavioi anu what uoes not woik.

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What is acauemic stiength anu acauemic neeus, social skills ueficits
Age appiopiiate skills (Why aie they behaving as such is it to gain attention
fiom peeis oi teachei.)

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uet input anyway possible (ovei the phone, in peison)
Bo not incluue in the IEP that the behavioi team will see the stuuent 2 times
pei week; because a stuuent that is PRC-29 will be seiveu fiist.
Be able to iuentify the places, ioutines oi subjects wheie behavioi is likely to
When you uo a manifestation; CIL is consiueieu 0SS; ISS is only when the
stuuent iemains in the school.
New BIP foims (Tiiggeis, Looks like, Plan anu Consequences) incluue the
ieview uate ___________.
Consiuei othei options besiues senuing stuuents to CIL.
The BIP must be ievieweu eveiy Su-4S calenuai uays (foims must incluue
BEC S anu minutes) If meeting is conuucteu by phone incluue a contact log
locateu in EASYIEP.
P1#"Z/ Anytime a contact is maue oi attempteu note the contact in the
contact log.

W*."-K(#$1% H"[3".# Q1-7, MQ1- Y$%( #1 W*."-K"N
Nust have piincipal's signatuie befoie being sent to uina. (The piincipal
must be awaie of obseivation)
If youi piincipal senus foims foi a non-EC stuuent the EC stuuents aie
obseiveu fiist.
Foims must be sent in the couiiei oi emaileu to uina. Foim cannot be faxeu.
When foiwaiuing the foims to uina inuicate "School Woiks" on the envelop

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If a stuuent is assigneu to CIL long-teim anu the stuuent's annual ieview is
uue within 4S uays we aie iesponsible foi the meeting; anu if a stuuent is
coming fiom CIL; CIL is iesponsible foi file if it is uue within 4S uays.
New Foim: CIL Re-assignment Foim -EC only
This foim is uue if a stuuent goes to CIL peiiou; it uoes not mattei about the
length of time they aie assigneu.

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Each school is iesponsible foi tianspoitation to the uianville County Expo
anu Convention Centei.
Piogiam Aieas anu uoals (Bonna Bowling-Ciitchei)
Foi example if a stuuent is ieceiving oiganizational

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6-($%$%& is still on tiack foi those that aie scheuuleu to attenu.

If you have any questions about the minutes please feel fiee to ask me I will uo my best at answeiing
them oi seek the answei fiom someone who can.

S. Thomas

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