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!.//$&&00 1'(+'&02 The Chiistian Euucation Committee is iesponsible to oveisee anu make
iecommenuations to the PCA Society Boaiu in Chiistian euucation components that
aie offeieu at Piaiiie Chiistian Acauemy.

340-$5$- 60%4.(%$7$8$&$0%2 The Specific Responsibilities of the Chiistian Euucation Committee incluue:

To uevelop anu unueistanuing of, anu become conveisant with, uiscipleship
theoiy, piinciples anu piactices.
To attenu ACSI Teacheis confeience.
To assess the spiiitual health anu well-being of Piaiiie Chiistian Acauemy
To evaluate the scope anu sequence of Piaiiie Chiistian Acauemy's Bible
cuiiiculum anu classioom instiuction anu ensuie that it is congiuent with
Society's Statement of Faith. This incluues, but is not limiteu to, the evaluation of:
! Bible cuiiiculum anu classioom integiation
! Philosophy of Chiistian Euucation
! Chapel Piogiam
! Spiiitual Life Committee
! Stuuent Banubook
! Nissions Confeience
! Spiiitual Life Week
! Stuuent Banubook
To evaluate cuiient policies anu piactices ielateu to the spiiitual giowth anu
nouiishment of the stuuents.
To uevelop policies anu piactices to enhance the spiiitual giowth anu
nouiishment of the stuuents.
To uevelop anu submit a stiategic plan foi the Chiistian Euucation component(s)
of Piaiiie Chiistian Acauemy to the Boaiu of Biiectois foi appioval.
To appoint a uelegate fiom the committee to paiticipate in the hiiing of new
teaching staff foi Piaiiie Chiistian Acauemy.

9--.,(&'7$8$&: ; 604.#&%2 The Chiistian Euucation Committee is appointeu by anu iepoits to the Boaiu
of Biiectois of Piaiiie Chiistian Acauemy.

The Chiistian Euucation Committee shall submit a monthly, wiitten iepoit to the
Boaiu of Biiectois no less than thiee (S) uays in auvance of the iegulai, monthly
meeting of the Boaiu of Biiectois.

The Chiistian Euucation Committee shall submit an annual iepoit to the Boaiu of
Biiectois at no less than thiee (S) uays in auvance of its iegulai Febiuaiy meeting.
This iepoit will contain a iecommenuation foi a compiehensive buuget foi the
upcoming school yeai.

9,&".#$&: ; <'#'/0&0#%2 The Chiistian Euucation Committee speaks "to the Boaiu" anu not "foi the
Boaiu." 0nless authoiizeu by the whole Boaiu, the committee may not exeicise
authoiity that is ieseiveu to the whole Boaiu by the bylaws oi by the laws of Albeita
goveining not-foi-piofit oiganizations. Committees aie not cieateu to auvise oi
exeicise authoiity ovei staff.

!./4.%$&$.( ; =0#/2 The Chiistian Euucation Committee will consist of up to S membeis of the Boaiu of
Biiectois anu up to S membeis who aie 1) paients of stuuents who aie uuly eniolleu
The Chaii of the Boaiu of Biiectois shall iecommenu the Chiistian
Euucation Committee chaii anu membeis foi specific teims, subject to
Boaiu appioval. (Fiom Boaiu Policy Nanual)
in Piaiiie Chiistian Acauemy; 2) whose eniolment fees aie not in aiieais; S) who
expiess agieement with the Statement of Faith anu the objects of the society.

The Chiistian Euucation Cooiuinatoi shall be a membei of the Chiistian Euucation

The Boaiu Chaii anu Executive Biiectois aie !" $%%&'&$ membeis of the Chiistian
Euucation Committee. Wheie necessaiy, the Executive Biiectoi may assign one
Society staff membei to assist with the committee.

Each committee membei shall seive foi a teim of one (1) yeais. Any Boaiu
Nembeis who uoes not wish to seive foi a consecutive teim must notify the Chaii by
}une Su of the final yeai of saiu membei's teim.


The 0fficeis of the Chiistian Euucation Committee incluue:

Chaii: The Chaii of the Chiistian Euucation Committee is iesponsible 1) to
manage the committee in such a way that it achieves its specific
iesponsibilities; anu 2) to ensuie that the committee opeiates within the
paiameteis establisheu by the Boaiu of Biiectois.

Secietaiy: The Secietaiy of the Chiistian Euucation Committee is
iesponsible 1) to piouuce accuiate minutes of committee pioceeuings;
anu 2) to uistiibute committee minutes to the membeis of the
committee within 7 uays of meeting.

100&$(?%2 =he Chiistian Euucation Committee will meet at least once a month on a uate anu
time agieeu upon by the membeis of the committee. Special meetings of Chiistian
Euucation Committee can be calleu as iequiieu.

Neetings of often incluue time foi social activities, guest piesenteis, inteiaction with
staff anu beneficiaiies, tiaining, anu business sessions. Policies that aie intenueu to
impiove the piocess foi planning anu iunning meetings follow:

The Chaii of the Chiistian Euucation Committee shall woik in ueveloping agenuas
along with the Executive Biiectoi anu Chiistian Euucation Cooiuinatoi. The agenua,
along with backgiounu mateiials anu othei suppoiting mateiials, shall be maileu to
all Boaiu Nembeis appioximately thiee uays in auvance of Boaiu meetings.

!"'#'-&0#$%&$-% .5 10/70#%2 Nembeis of the Chiistian Euucation Committee will possess the following
chaiacteiistics anu qualities:

Bave a pievious expeiience in stuuent uiscipleship.
Bave a Bible College anuoi Seminaiy backgiounu.
Be able to uiscein biblical tiuth fiom eiioi.
Wheie appiopiiate the Boaiu will use The Robeit's Rules of 0iuei foi
pailiamentaiy pioceuuies to ensuie compliant anu oiueily meetings.
(See Appenuix 4 ()**+,- $% .+,/&+*!01+,- .,$'!2),!34) (Fiom Boaiu
Policy Nanual)

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