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Madeline Johnson Unit VIII Test Corrections 7) For this question, I simply didnt remember what exactly Erasmus

s believed in and wrote about. I was able to narrow the choices down to B and C but chose B, thinking Erasmus defended individual interpretation of the Bible. Now looking back I know that isnt what Erasmus believed in, making C the right answer. I fooled myself into choosing the wrong answer for this question. I knew that Castiglione wrote about the courtly life and originally chose B, the right answer. The last minute of the test I changed by answer to choice D, thinking that B was too obvious. B, in the end, was the right choice because Castiglione wrote Courtier in which he praised the courtly life. The main reason why I got this question wrong was the fact that I didnt focus my studying on much of the first chapter which included notes on Sigmund Freud. When I saw this question I immediately gravitated to choice C, remembering that Freud studied the subconscious. Now, after looking at the textbook and then, again, at the question I realize that his most significant contribution would be choice B. For this question I chose choice D, Alimony and child support in cases of divorce because I remember reading about women fighting for divorce rights in this unit. After reading through the chapter once I got my test back I noticed there were many mentions of women earning control of their own property, making A the correct choice. This question also was about Sigmund Freud whom I didnt really study much. When I saw choice B I thought that was the right answer because I didnt recall reading anything about sublimation and Freud. Once I went back and read the Sigmund Freud section over again I realized that collective unconscious, choice C, was the only concept that wasnt included in Freuds theories, making it the right choice. For this question I confused it with a similar review question about why Lenin wanted to sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, where one of the answers was because he wasnt interested on the other territories, but it wasnt the correct answer. Instead of really looking at all of the choices I jumped to the first choice, A, not noticing that choice D, in fact, was the correct answer. I choose choice C for this question because I didnt remember reading anything about parks, museums, or libraries being built by the government in the 1870s. After looking back at this question I realize that there were some parks being developed making choice C i ncorrect, and, that it wasnt until later that medical insurance would be provided by the government, making choice E the correct answer. This question is similar to the others that I got wrong due to the fact that while studying, I focused more on the wars and less on the new scientists or theories, including Albert Einstein. I was able to eliminate choices A, C and E, leaving B and D to choose between. I took a guess with choice B and immediately looked through my notes after the test to find that the right answer was actually choice D. The main reason I got this question wrong was because I didnt remember while taking the test that van Gogh, Cezanne, and Gaugin were actually Post-Impressionist artists, meaning that they were not the most famous artists of just Impressionist art. Knowing this makes it pretty clear that choice E, is the correct answer for this question. While answering this question I just assumed that the Central Powers a surplus of raw materials, and therefor chose choice B as my answer. Now after rereading the question I have made the connection that one of the reasons that the Central Powers lost World War I was because their economies were failing and their industries couldnt produce materials sufficiently. Realizing this I now know that choice A is the correct answer for this question.










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