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The text of THE MAGNA CARTA The Magna Carta (The Great Charter): Preamble: John, by the grace

of Go , !"ng of Englan , lor of #relan , $!e of Norman y an A%$"ta"ne, an co$nt of An&o$, to the archb"'ho(, b"'ho(', abbot', earl', baron', &$'t"c"ar"e', fore'ter', 'her"ff', 'te)ar ', 'er*ant', an to all h"' ba"l"ff' an l"ege '$b&ect', greet"ng'+ ,no) that, ha*"ng regar to Go an for the 'al*at"on of o$r 'o$l, an tho'e of all o$r ance'tor' an he"r', an $nto the honor of Go an the a *ancement of h"' holy Ch$rch an for the rect"fy"ng of o$r realm, )e ha*e grante a' $n er)r"tten by a *"ce of o$r *enerable father', -te(hen, archb"'ho( of Canterb$ry, (r"mate of all Englan an car "nal of the holy Roman Ch$rch, Henry, archb"'ho( of .$bl"n, /"ll"am of 0on on, Peter of /"nche'ter, Jocelyn of 1ath an Gla'tonb$ry, H$gh of 0"ncoln, /alter of /orce'ter, /"ll"am of Co*entry, 1ene "ct of Roche'ter, b"'ho('2 of Ma'ter Pan $lf, '$b eacon an member of the ho$'ehol of o$r lor the Po(e, of brother Aymer"c (ma'ter of the ,n"ght' of the Tem(le "n Englan ), an of the "ll$'tr"o$' men /"ll"am Mar'hal, earl of Pembro!e, /"ll"am, earl of -al"'b$ry, /"ll"am, earl of /arenne, /"ll"am, earl of Ar$n el, Alan of Gallo)ay (con'table of -cotlan ), /aren 3"t4 Gerol , Peter 3"t4 Herbert, H$bert .e 1$rgh ('ene'chal of Po"to$), H$gh e Ne*"lle, Matthe) 3"t4 Herbert, Thoma' 1a''et, Alan 1a''et, Ph"l"( 5A$b"gny, Robert of Ro((e'ley, John Mar'hal, John 3"t4 H$gh, an other', o$r l"egemen+ 6+ #n the f"r't (lace )e ha*e grante to Go , an by th"' o$r (re'ent charter conf"rme for $' an o$r he"r' fore*er that the Engl"'h Ch$rch 'hall be free, an 'hall ha*e her r"ght' ent"re, an her l"bert"e' "n*"olate2 an )e )"ll that "t be th$' ob'er*e 2 )h"ch "' a((arent from th"' that the free om of elect"on', )h"ch "' rec!one mo't "m(ortant an *ery e''ent"al to the Engl"'h Ch$rch, )e, of o$r ($re an $ncon'tra"ne )"ll, " grant, an " by o$r charter conf"rm an " obta"n the rat"f"cat"on of the 'ame from o$r lor , Po(e #nnocent ###, before the %$arrel aro'e bet)een $' an o$r baron': an th"' )e )"ll ob'er*e, an o$r )"ll "' that "t be ob'er*e "n goo fa"th by o$r he"r' fore*er+ /e ha*e al'o grante to all freemen of o$r !"ng om, for $' an o$r he"r' fore*er, all the $n er)r"tten l"bert"e', to be ha an hel by them an the"r he"r', of $' an o$r he"r' fore*er+ 7+ #f any of o$r earl' or baron', or other' hol "ng of $' "n ch"ef by m"l"tary 'er*"ce 'hall ha*e "e , an at the t"me of h"' eath h"' he"r 'hall be f$ll of age an o)e 8rel"ef8, he 'hall ha*e h"' "nher"tance by the ol rel"ef, to )"t, the he"r or he"r' of an earl, for the )hole baroncy of an earl by 06992 the he"r or he"r' of a baron, 0699 for a )hole barony2 the he"r or he"r' of a !n"ght, 699', at mo't, an )hoe*er o)e' le'' let h"m g"*e le'', accor "ng to the anc"ent c$'tom of fee'+ :+ #f, ho)e*er, the he"r of any one of the afore'a" ha' been $n er age an "n )ar 'h"(, let h"m ha*e h"' "nher"tance )"tho$t rel"ef an )"tho$t f"ne )hen he come' of age+ ;+ The g$ar "an of the lan of an he"r )ho "' th$' $n er age, 'hall ta!e from the lan of the he"r noth"ng b$t rea'onable (ro $ce, rea'onable c$'tom', an rea'onable 'er*"ce', an that )"tho$t e'tr$ct"on or )a'te of men or goo '2 an "f )e ha*e comm"tte the )ar 'h"( of the

lan ' of any '$ch m"nor to the 'her"ff, or to any other )ho "' re'(on'"ble to $' for "t' "''$e', an he ha' ma e e'tr$ct"on or )a'ter of )hat he hol ' "n )ar 'h"(, )e )"ll ta!e of h"m amen ', an the lan 'hall be comm"tte to t)o la)f$l an "'creet men of that fee, )ho 'hall be re'(on'"ble for the "''$e' to $' or to h"m to )hom )e 'hall a''"gn them2 an "f )e ha*e g"*en or 'ol the )ar 'h"( of any '$ch lan to anyone an he ha' there"n ma e e'tr$ct"on or )a'te, he 'hall lo'e that )ar 'h"(, an "t 'hall be tran'ferre to t)o la)f$l an "'creet men of that f"ef, )ho 'hall be re'(on'"ble to $' "n l"!e manner a' afore'a" + <+ The g$ar "an, moreo*er, 'o long a' he ha' the )ar 'h"( of the lan , 'hall !ee( $( the ho$'e', (ar!', f"'h(on ', 'tan!', m"ll', an other th"ng' (erta"n"ng to the lan , o$t of the "''$e' of the 'ame lan 2 an he 'hall re'tore to the he"r, )hen he ha' come to f$ll age, all h"' lan , 'toc!e )"th (lo$gh' an )a"nage, accor "ng a' the 'ea'on of h$'ban ry 'hall re%$"re, an the "''$e' of the lan can rea'onable bear+ =+ He"r' 'hall be marr"e )"tho$t "'(aragement, yet 'o that before the marr"age ta!e' (lace the neare't "n bloo to that he"r 'hall ha*e not"ce+ >+ A )" o), after the eath of her h$'ban , 'hall forth)"th an )"tho$t "ff"c$lty ha*e her marr"age (ort"on an "nher"tance2 nor 'hall 'he g"*e anyth"ng for her o)er, or for her marr"age (ort"on, or for the "nher"tance )h"ch her h$'ban an 'he hel on the ay of the eath of that h$'ban 2 an 'he may rema"n "n the ho$'e of her h$'ban for forty ay' after h"' eath, )"th"n )h"ch t"me her o)er 'hall be a''"gne to her+ ?+ No )" o) 'hall be com(elle to marry, 'o long a' 'he (refer' to l"*e )"tho$t a h$'ban 2 (ro*" e al)ay' that 'he g"*e' 'ec$r"ty not to marry )"tho$t o$r con'ent, "f 'he hol ' of $', or )"tho$t the con'ent of the lor of )hom 'he hol ', "f 'he hol ' of another+ @+ Ne"ther )e nor o$r ba"l"ff' )"ll 'e"4e any lan or rent for any ebt, a' long a' the chattel' of the ebtor are '$ff"c"ent to re(ay the ebt2 nor 'hall the '$ret"e' of the ebtor be "'tra"ne 'o long a' the (r"nc"(al ebtor "' able to 'at"'fy the ebt2 an "f the (r"nc"(al ebtor 'hall fa"l to (ay the ebt, ha*"ng noth"ng )here)"th to (ay "t, then the '$ret"e' 'hall an')er for the ebt2 an let them ha*e the lan ' an rent' of the ebtor, "f they e'"re them, $nt"l they are "n emn"f"e for the ebt )h"ch they ha*e (a" for h"m, $nle'' the (r"nc"(al ebtor can 'ho) (roof that he "' "'charge thereof a' aga"n't the 'a" '$ret"e'+ 69+ #f one )ho ha' borro)e from the Je)' any '$m, great or 'mall, "e before that loan be re(a" , the ebt 'hall not bear "ntere't )h"le the he"r "' $n er age, of )hom'oe*er he may hol 2 an "f the ebt fall "nto o$r han ', )e )"ll not ta!e anyth"ng exce(t the (r"nc"(al '$m conta"ne "n the bon + 66+ An "f anyone "e "n ebte to the Je)', h"' )"fe 'hall ha*e her o)er an (ay noth"ng of that ebt2 an "f any ch"l ren of the ecea'e are left $n er age, nece''ar"e' 'hall be (ro*" e for them "n !ee("ng )"th the hol "ng of the ecea'e 2 an o$t of the re'" $e the ebt 'hall be (a" , re'er*"ng, ho)e*er, 'er*"ce $e to fe$ al lor '2 "n l"!e manner let "t be one to$ch"ng ebt' $e to other' than Je)'+

67+ No 'c$tage not a" 'hall be "m(o'e on o$r !"ng om, $nle'' by common co$n'el of o$r !"ng om, exce(t for ran'om"ng o$r (er'on, for ma!"ng o$r el e't 'on a !n"ght, an for once marry"ng o$r el e't a$ghter2 an for the'e there 'hall not be le*"e more than a rea'onable a" + #n l"!e manner "t 'hall be one concern"ng a" ' from the c"ty of 0on on+ 6:+ An the c"ty of 0on on 'hall ha*e all "t anc"ent l"bert"e' an free c$'tom', a' )ell by lan a' by )ater2 f$rthermore, )e ecree an grant that all other c"t"e', boro$gh', to)n', an (ort' 'hall ha*e all the"r l"bert"e' an free c$'tom'+ 6;+ An for obta"n"ng the common co$n'el of the !"ng om anent the a''e''"ng of an a" (exce(t "n the three ca'e' afore'a" ) or of a 'c$tage, )e )"ll ca$'e to be '$mmone the archb"'ho(', b"'ho(', abbot', earl', an greater baron', 'e*erally by o$r letter'2 an )e )"ll mo*eo*er ca$'e to be '$mmone generally, thro$gh o$r 'her"ff' an ba"l"ff', an other' )ho hol of $' "n ch"ef, for a f"xe ate, namely, after the ex("ry of at lea't forty ay', an at a f"xe (lace2 an "n all letter' of '$ch '$mmon' )e )"ll '(ec"fy the rea'on of the '$mmon'+ An )hen the '$mmon' ha' th$' been ma e, the b$'"ne'' 'hall (rocee on the ay a((o"nte , accor "ng to the co$n'el of '$ch a' are (re'ent, altho$gh not all )ho )ere '$mmone ha*e come+ 6<+ /e )"ll not for the f$t$re grant to anyone l"cen'e to ta!e an a" from h"' o)n free tenant', exce(t to ran'om h"' (er'on, to ma!e h"' el e't 'on a !n"ght, an once to marry h"' el e't a$ghter2 an on each of the'e occa'"on' there 'hall be le*"e only a rea'onable a" + 6=+ No one 'hall be "'tra"ne for (erformance of greater 'er*"ce fora !n"ght5' fee, or for any other free tenement, than "' $e therefrom+ 6>+ Common (lea' 'hall not follo) o$r co$rt, b$t 'hall be hel "n 'ome f"xe (lace+ 6?+ #n%$e't' of no*el "''e"'"n, of mort 5ance'tor, an of arre"n (re'entment 'hall not be hel el'e)here than "n the"r o)n co$nty co$rt', an that "n manner follo)"ng2 /e, or, "f )e 'ho$l be o$t of the realm, o$r ch"ef &$'t"c"ar, )"ll 'en t)o &$'t"c"ar"e' thro$gh e*ery co$nty fo$r t"me' a year, )ho 'hall alone )"th fo$r !n"ght' of the co$nty cho'en by the co$nty, hol the 'a" a''"4e' "n the co$nty co$rt, on the ay an "n the (lace of meet"ng of that co$rt+ 6@+ An "f any of the 'a" a''"4e' cannot be ta!en on the ay of the co$nty co$rt, let there rema"n of the !n"ght' an freehol er', )ho )ere (re'ent at the co$nty co$rt on that ay, a' many a' may be re%$"re for the eff"c"ent ma!"ng of &$ gment', accor "ng a' the b$'"ne'' be more or le''+ 79+ A freeman 'hall not be amerce for a 'l"ght offen'e, exce(t "n accor ance )"th the egree of the offen'e2 an for a gra*e offen'e he 'hall be amerce "n accor ance )"th the gra*"ty of the offen'e, yet 'a*"ng al)ay' h"' 8contentment82 an a merchant "n the 'ame )ay, 'a*"ng h"' 8merchan "'e82 an a *"lle"n 'hall be amerce "n the 'ame )ay, 'a*"ng h"' 8)a"nage8 "f they ha*e fallen "nto o$r mercy: an none of the afore'a" amercement' 'hall be "m(o'e exce(t by the oath of hone't men of the ne"ghborhoo +

76+ Earl' an baron' 'hall not be amerce accor ance )"th the egree of the offen'e+

exce(t thro$gh the"r (eer', an

only "n

77+ A cler! 'hall not be amerce "n re'(ect of h"' lay hol "ng exce(t after the manner of the other' afore'a" 2 f$rther, he 'hall not be amerce "n accor ance )"th the extent of h"' eccle'"a't"cal benef"ce+ 7:+ No *"llage or "n "*" $al 'hall be com(elle to ma!e br" ge' at r"*er ban!', exce(t tho'e )ho from of ol )ere legally bo$n to o 'o+ 7;+ No 'her"ff, con'table, coroner', or other' of o$r ba"l"ff', 'hall hol (lea' of o$r Cro)n+ 7<+ All co$nt"e', h$n re , )a(enta!e', an tr"th"ng' (exce(t o$r rema"n at the ol rent', an )"tho$t any a "t"onal (ayment+ eme'ne manor') 'hall

7=+ #f anyone hol "ng of $' a lay f"ef 'hall "e, an o$r 'her"ff or ba"l"ff 'hall exh"b"t o$r letter' (atent of '$mmon' for a ebt )h"ch the ecea'e o)e $', "t 'hall be la)f$l for o$r 'her"ff or ba"l"ff to attach an enroll the chattel' of the ecea'e , fo$n $(on the lay f"ef, to the *al$e of that ebt, at the '"ght of la) )orthy men, (ro*" e al)ay' that noth"ng )hate*er be thence remo*e $nt"l the ebt )h"ch "' e*" ent 'hall be f$lly (a" to $'2 an the re'" $e 'hall be left to the exec$tor' to f$lf"ll the )"ll of the ecea'e 2 an "f there be noth"ng $e from h"m to $', all the chattel' 'hall go to the ecea'e , 'a*"ng to h"' )"fe an ch"l ren the"r rea'onable 'hare'+ 7>+ #f any freeman 'hall "e "nte'tate, h"' chattel' 'hall be "'tr"b$te by the han ' of h"' neare't !"n'fol! an fr"en ', $n er '$(er*"'"on of the Ch$rch, 'a*"ng to e*ery one the ebt' )h"ch the ecea'e o)e to h"m+ 7?+ No con'table or other ba"l"ff of o$r' 'hall ta!e corn or other (ro*"'"on' from anyone )"tho$t "mme "ately ten er"ng money therefor, $nle'' he can ha*e (o't(onement thereof by (erm"''"on of the 'eller+ 7@+ No con'table 'hall com(el any !n"ght to g"*e money "n l"e$ of ca'tleAg$ar , )hen he "' )"ll"ng to (erform "t "n h"' o)n (er'on, or ("f he h"m'elf cannot o "t from any rea'onable ca$'e) then by another re'(on'"ble man+ 3$rther, "f )e ha*e le or 'ent h"m $(on m"l"tary 'er*"ce, he 'hall be rel"e*e from g$ar "n (ro(ort"on to the t"me $r"ng )h"ch he ha' been on 'er*"ce beca$'e of $'+ :9+ No 'her"ff or ba"l"ff of o$r', or other (er'on, 'hall ta!e the hor'e' or cart' of any freeman for tran'(ort $ty, aga"n't the )"ll of the 'a" freeman+ :6+ Ne"ther )e nor o$r ba"l"ff' 'hall ta!e, for o$r ca'tle' or for any other )or! of o$r', )oo )h"ch "' not o$r', aga"n't the )"ll of the o)ner of that )oo + :7+ /e )"ll not reta"n beyon one year an one ay, the lan ' tho'e )ho ha*e been con*"cte of felony, an the lan ' 'hall thereafter be han e o*er to the lor ' of the f"ef'+

::+ All !y ell' for the f$t$re 'hall be remo*e altogether from Thame' an thro$gho$t all Englan , exce(t $(on the 'ea'hore+

Me )ay, an

:;+ The )r"t )h"ch "' calle (raec"(e 'hall not for the f$t$re be "''$e to anyone, regar "ng any tenement )hereby a freeman may lo'e h"' co$rt+ :<+ 0et there be one mea'$re of )"ne thro$gho$t o$r )hole realm2 an one mea'$re of ale2 an one mea'$re of corn, to )"t, 8the 0on on %$arter82 an one )" th of cloth ()hether ye , or r$''et, or 8halberget8), to )"t, t)o ell' )"th"n the 'el*e ge'2 of )e"ght' al'o let "t be a' of mea'$re'+ :=+ Noth"ng "n f$t$re 'hall be g"*en or ta!en for a )r"t of "n%$"'"t"on of l"fe or l"mb', b$t freely "t 'hall be grante , an ne*er en"e + :>+ #f anyone hol ' of $' by feeAfarm, e"ther by 'ocage or by b$rage, or of any other lan by !n"ght5' 'er*"ce, )e )"ll not (by rea'on of that feeAfarm, 'ocage, or b$rgage), ha*e the )ar 'h"( of the he"r, or of '$ch lan of h"' a' "f of the f"ef of that other2 nor 'hall )e ha*e )ar 'h"( of that feeAfarm, 'ocage, or b$rgage, $nle'' '$ch feeAfarm o)e' !n"ght5' 'er*"ce+ /e )"ll not by rea'on of any 'mall 'er&eancy )h"ch anyone may hol of $' by the 'er*"ce of ren er"ng to $' !n"*e', arro)', or the l"!e, ha*e )ar 'h"( of h"' he"r or of the lan )h"ch he hol ' of another lor by !n"ght5' 'er*"ce+ :?+ No ba"l"ff for the f$t$re 'hall, $(on h"' o)n $n'$((orte 8la)8, )"tho$t cre "ble )"tne''e' bro$ght for th"' ($r(o'e'+ com(la"nt, ($t anyone to h"'

:@+ No freemen 'hall be ta!en or "m(r"'one or "''e"'e or ex"le or "n any )ay e'troye , nor )"ll )e go $(on h"m nor 'en $(on h"m, exce(t by the la)f$l &$ gment of h"' (eer' or by the la) of the lan + ;9+ To no one )"ll )e 'ell, to no one )"ll )e ref$'e or elay, r"ght or &$'t"ce+ ;6+ All merchant' 'hall ha*e 'afe an 'ec$re ex"t from Englan , an entry to Englan , )"th the r"ght to tarry there an to mo*e abo$t a' )ell by lan a' by )ater, for b$y"ng an 'ell"ng by the anc"ent an r"ght c$'tom', %$"t from all e*"l toll', exce(t ("n t"me of )ar) '$ch merchant' a' are of the lan at )ar )"th $'+ An "f '$ch are fo$n "n o$r lan at the beg"nn"ng of the )ar, they 'hall be eta"ne , )"tho$t "n&$ry to the"r bo "e' or goo ', $nt"l "nformat"on be rece"*e by $', or by o$r ch"ef &$'t"c"ar, ho) the merchant' of o$r lan fo$n "n the lan at )ar )"th $' are treate 2 an "f o$r men are 'afe there, the other' 'hall be 'afe "n o$r lan + ;7+ #t 'hall be la)f$l "n f$t$re for anyone (exce(t"ng al)ay' tho'e "m(r"'one or o$tla)e "n accor ance )"th the la) of the !"ng om, an nat"*e' of any co$ntry at )ar )"th $', an merchant', )ho 'hall be treate a' "f abo*e (ro*" e ) to lea*e o$r !"ng om an to ret$rn, 'afe an 'ec$re by lan an )ater, exce(t for a 'hort (er"o "n t"me of )ar, on gro$n ' of ($bl"c (ol"cyA re'er*"ng al)ay' the alleg"ance $e

to $'+ ;:+ #f anyone hol "ng of 'ome e'cheat ('$ch a' the honor of /all"ngfor , Nott"ngham, 1o$logne, 0anca'ter, or of other e'cheat' )h"ch are "n o$r han ' an are baron"e') 'hall "e, h"' he"r 'hall g"*e no other rel"ef, an (erform no other 'er*"ce to $' than he )o$l ha*e one to the baron "f that barony ha been "n the baron5' han 2 an )e 'hall hol "t "n the 'ame manner "n )h"ch the baron hel "t+ ;;+ Men )ho )ell )"tho$t the fore't nee not henceforth come before o$r &$'t"c"ar"e' of the fore't $(on a general '$mmon', $nle'' they are "n (lea, or '$ret"e' of one or more, )ho are attache for the fore't+ ;<+ /e )"ll a((o"nt a' &$'t"ce', con'table', 'her"ff', or ba"l"ff' only '$ch a' !no) the la) of the realm an mean to ob'er*e "t )ell+ ;=+ All baron' )ho ha*e fo$n e abbey', concern"ng )h"ch they hol charter' from the !"ng' of Englan , or of )h"ch they ha*e long cont"n$e (o''e''"on, 'hall ha*e the )ar 'h"( of them, )hen *acant, a' they o$ght to ha*e+ ;>+ All fore't' that ha*e been ma e '$ch "n o$r t"me 'hall forth)"th be "'affor'te 2 an a '"m"lar co$r'e 'hall be follo)e )"th regar to r"*er ban!' that ha*e been (lace 8"n efen'e8 by $' "n o$r t"me+ ;?+ All e*"l c$'tom' connecte )"th fore't' an )arren', fore'ter' an )arrener', 'her"ff' an the"r off"cer', r"*er ban!' an the"r )ar en', 'hall "mme "ately by "n%$"re "nto "n each co$nty by t)el*e ')orn !n"ght' of the 'ame co$nty cho'en by the hone't men of the 'ame co$nty, an 'hall, )"th"n forty ay' of the 'a" "n%$e't, be $tterly abol"'he , 'o a' ne*er to be re'tore , (ro*" e al)ay' that )e (re*"o$'ly ha*e "nt"mat"on thereof, or o$r &$'t"c"ar, "f )e 'ho$l not be "n Englan + ;@+ /e )"ll "mme "ately re'tore all ho'tage' an charter' el"*ere to $' by Engl"'hmen, a' '$ret"e' of the (eace of fa"thf$l 'er*"ce+ <9+ /e )"ll ent"rely remo*e from the"r ba"l")"c!', the relat"on' of Gerar of Athee ('o that "n f$t$re they 'hall ha*e no ba"l")"c! "n Englan )2 namely, Engelar of C"gogne, Peter, G$y, an An re) of Chancea$x, G$y of C"gogne, Geoffrey of Mart"gny )"th h"' brother', Ph"l"( Mar! )"th h"' brother' an h"' ne(he) Geoffrey, an the )hole broo of the 'ame+ <6+ A' 'oon a' (eace "' re'tore , )e )"ll ban"'h from the !"ng om all fore"gn born !n"ght', cro''bo)men, 'er&eant', an mercenary 'ol "er' )ho ha*e come )"th hor'e' an arm' to the !"ng om5' h$rt+ <7+ #f anyone ha' been "'(o''e''e or remo*e by $', )"tho$t the

legal &$ gment of h"' (eer', from h"' lan ', ca'tle', franch"'e', or from h"' r"ght, )e )"ll "mme "ately re'tore them to h"m2 an "f a "'($te ar"'e o*er th"', then let "t be ec" e by the f"*e an t)enty baron' of )hom ment"on "' ma e belo) "n the cla$'e for 'ec$r"ng the (eace+ Moreo*er, for all tho'e (o''e''"on', from )h"ch anyone ha', )"tho$t the la)f$l &$ gment of h"' (eer', been "''e"'e or remo*e , by o$r father, ,"ng Henry, or by o$r brother, ,"ng R"char , an )h"ch )e reta"n "n o$r han (or )h"ch a' (o''e''e by other', to )hom )e are bo$n to )arrant them) )e 'hall ha*e re'("te $nt"l the $'$al term of cr$'a er'2 exce(t"ng tho'e th"ng' abo$t )h"ch a (lea ha' been ra"'e , or an "n%$e't ma e by o$r or er, before o$r ta!"ng of the cro''2 b$t a' 'oon a' )e ret$rn from the ex(e "t"on, )e )"ll "mme "ately grant f$ll &$'t"ce there"n+ <:+ /e 'hall ha*e, moreo*er, the 'ame re'("te an "n the 'ame manner "n ren er"ng &$'t"ce concern"ng the "'affore'tat"on or retent"on of tho'e fore't' )h"ch Henry o$r father an R"char o$r brother affore'te , an concern"ng the )ar 'h"( of lan ' )h"ch are of the f"ef of another (namely, '$ch )ar 'h"(' a' )e ha*e h"therto ha by rea'on of a f"ef )h"ch anyone hel of $' by !n"ght5' 'er*"ce), an concern"ng abbey' fo$n e on other f"ef' than o$r o)n, "n )h"ch the lor of the fee cla"m' to ha*e r"ght2 an )hen )e ha*e ret$rne , or "f )e e'"'t from o$r ex(e "t"on, )e )"ll "mme "ately grant f$ll &$'t"ce to all )ho com(la"n of '$ch th"ng'+ <;+ No one 'hall be arre'te or "m(r"'one $(on the a((eal of a )oman, for the eath of any other than her h$'ban + <<+ All f"ne' ma e )"th $' $n&$'tly an aga"n't the la) of the lan , an all amercement', "m(o'e $n&$'tly an aga"n't the la) of the lan , 'hall be ent"rely rem"tte , or el'e "t 'hall be one concern"ng them accor "ng to the ec"'"on of the f"*e an t)enty baron' )hom ment"on "' ma e belo) "n the cla$'e for 'ec$r"ng the (ea'e, or accor "ng to the &$ gment of the ma&or"ty of the 'ame, along )"th the afore'a" -te(hen, archb"'ho( of Canterb$ry, "f he can be (re'ent, an '$ch other' a' he may )"'h to br"ng )"th h"m for th"' ($r(o'e, an "f he cannot be (re'ent the b$'"ne'' 'hall ne*erthele'' (rocee )"tho$t h"m, (ro*" e al)ay' that "f any one or more of the afore'a" f"*e an t)enty baron' are "n a '"m"lar '$"t, they 'hall be remo*e a' far a' concern' th"' (art"c$lar &$ gment, other' be"ng '$b't"t$te "n the"r (lace' after ha*"ng been 'electe by the re't of the 'ame f"*e an t)enty for th"' ($r(o'e only, an after ha*"ng been ')orn+ <=+ #f )e ha*e "''e"'e or remo*e /el'hmen from lan ' or l"bert"e', or other th"ng', )"tho$t the legal &$ gment of the"r (eer' "n Englan or "n /ale', they 'hall be "mme "ately re'tore to them2 an "f a "'($te ar"'e o*er th"', then let "t be ec" e "n the marche' by the &$ gment of the"r (eer'2 for the tenement' "n Englan accor "ng to the la) of Englan , for tenement' "n /ale' accor "ng to the la) of /ale',

an for tenement' "n the marche' accor "ng to the la) of the marche'+ /el'hmen 'hall o the 'ame to $' an o$r'+ <>+ 3$rther, for all tho'e (o''e''"on' from )h"ch any /el'hman ha', )"tho$t the la)f$l &$ gment of h"' (eer', been "''e"'e or remo*e by ,"ng Henry o$r father, or ,"ng R"char o$r brother, an )h"ch )e reta"n "n o$r han (or )h"ch are (o''e''e by other', an )h"ch )e o$ght to )arrant), )e )"ll ha*e re'("te $nt"l the $'$al term of cr$'a er'2 exce(t"ng tho'e th"ng' abo$t )h"ch a (lea ha' been ra"'e or an "n%$e't ma e by o$r or er before )e too! the cro''2 b$t a' 'oon a' )e ret$rn (or "f (erchance )e e'"'t from o$r ex(e "t"on), )e )"ll "mme "ately grant f$ll &$'t"ce "n accor ance )"th the la)' of the /el'h an "n relat"on to the fore'a" reg"on'+ <?+ /e )"ll "mme "ately g"*e $( the 'on of 0ly)elyn an all the ho'tage' of /ale', an the charter' el"*ere to $' a' 'ec$r"ty for the (eace+ <@+ /e )"ll o to)ar ' Alexan er, !"ng of -cot', concern"ng the ret$rn of h"' '"'ter' an h"' ho'tage', an concern"ng h"' franch"'e', an h"' r"ght, "n the 'ame manner a' )e 'hall o to)ar ' o$r other baron' of Englan , $nle'' "t o$ght to be other)"'e accor "ng to the charter' )h"ch )e hol from /"ll"am h"' father, formerly !"ng of -cot'2 an th"' 'hall be accor "ng to the &$ gment of h"' (eer' "n o$r co$rt+ =9+ Moreo*er, all the'e afore'a" c$'tom' an l"bert"e', the ob'er*ance' of )h"ch )e ha*e grante "n o$r !"ng om a' far a' (erta"n' to $' to)ar ' o$r men, 'hall be ob'er*e b all of o$r !"ng om, a' )ell clergy a' laymen, a' far a' (erta"n' to them to)ar ' the"r men+ =6+ -"nce, mo*eo*er, for Go an the amen ment of o$r !"ng om an for the better allay"ng of the %$arrel that ha' ar"'en bet)een $' an o$r baron', )e ha*e grante all the'e conce''"on', e'"ro$' that they 'ho$l en&oy them "n com(lete an f"rm en $rance fore*er, )e g"*e an grant to them the $n er)r"tten 'ec$r"ty, namely, that the baron' choo'e f"*e an t)enty baron' of the !"ng om, )hom'oe*er they )"ll, )ho 'hall be bo$n )"th all the"r m"ght, to ob'er*e an hol , an ca$'e to be ob'er*e , the (eace an l"bert"e' )e ha*e grante an conf"rme to them by th"' o$r (re'ent Charter, 'o that "f )e, or o$r &$'t"c"ar, or o$r ba"l"ff' or any one of o$r off"cer', 'hall "n anyth"ng be at fa$lt to)ar ' anyone, or 'hall ha*e bro!en any one of the art"cle' of th"' (eace or of th"' 'ec$r"ty, an the offen'e be not"f"e to fo$r baron' of the fore'a" f"*e an t)enty, the 'a" fo$r baron' 'hall re(a"r to $' (or o$r &$'t"c"ar, "f )e are o$t of the realm) an , lay"ng the tran'gre''"on before $', (et"t"on to ha*e that tran'gre''"on re re''e )"tho$t elay+ An "f )e 'hall not ha*e correcte the tran'gre''"on (or, "n the e*ent of o$r be"ng o$t of the realm, "f o$r &$'t"c"ar 'hall not ha*e correcte "t) )"th"n forty ay', rec!on"ng from the t"me "t ha' been "nt"mate to $' (or to o$r

&$'t"c"ar, "f )e 'ho$l be o$t of the realm), the fo$r baron' afore'a" 'hall refer that matter to the re't of the f"*e an t)enty baron', an tho'e f"*e an t)enty baron' 'hall, together )"th the comm$n"ty of the )hole realm, "'tra"n an "'tre'' $' "n all (o''"ble )ay', namely, by 'e"4"ng o$r ca'tle', lan ', (o''e''"on', an "n any other )ay they can, $nt"l re re'' ha' been obta"ne a' they eem f"t, 'a*"ng harmle'' o$r o)n (er'on, an the (er'on' of o$r %$een an ch"l ren2 an )hen re re'' ha' been obta"ne , they 'hall re'$me the"r ol relat"on' to)ar ' $'+ An let )hoe*er "n the co$ntry e'"re' "t, ')ear to obey the or er' of the 'a" f"*e an t)enty baron' for the exec$t"on of all the afore'a" matter', an along )"th them, to mole't $' to the $tmo't of h"' (o)er2 an )e ($bl"cly an freely grant lea*e to e*eryone )ho )"'he' to ')ear, an )e 'hall ne*er forb" anyone to ')ear+ All tho'e, mo*eo*er, "n the lan )ho of them'el*e' an of the"r o)n accor are $n)"ll"ng to ')ear to the t)enty f"*e to hel( them "n con'tra"n"ng an mole't"ng $', )e 'hall by o$r comman com(el the 'ame to ')ear to the effect fore'a" + An "f any one of the f"*e an t)enty baron' 'hall ha*e "e or e(arte from the lan , or be "nca(ac"tate "n any other manner )h"ch )o$l (re*ent the fore'a" (ro*"'"on' be"ng carr"e o$t, tho'e of the 'a" t)enty f"*e baron' )ho are left 'hall choo'e another "n h"' (lace accor "ng to the"r o)n &$ gment, an he 'hall be ')orn "n the 'ame )ay a' the other'+ 3$rther, "n all matter', the exec$t"on of )h"ch "' entr$'te ,to the'e t)enty f"*e baron', "f (erchance the'e t)enty f"*e are (re'ent an "'agree abo$t anyth"ng, or "f 'ome of them, after be"ng '$mmone , are $n)"ll"ng or $nable to be (re'ent, that )h"ch the ma&or"ty of tho'e (re'ent or a"n or comman 'hall be hel a' f"xe an e'tabl"'he , exactly a' "f the )hole t)enty f"*e ha conc$rre "n th"'2 an the 'a" t)enty f"*e 'hall ')ear that they )"ll fa"thf$lly ob'er*e all that "' afore'a" , an ca$'e "t to be ob'er*e )"th all the"r m"ght+ An )e 'hall (roc$re noth"ng from anyone, "rectly or "n "rectly, )hereby any (art of the'e conce''"on' an l"bert"e' m"ght be re*o!e or "m"n"'he 2 an "f any '$ch th"ng' ha' been (roc$re , let "t be *o" an n$ll, an )e 'hall ne*er $'e "t (er'onally or by another+ =7+ An all the )"ll, hatre ', an b"tterne'' that ha*e ar"'en bet)een $' an o$r men, clergy an lay, from the ate of the %$arrel, )e ha*e com(letely rem"tte an (ar one to e*eryone+ Moreo*er, all tre'(a''e' occa'"one by the 'a" %$arrel, from Ea'ter "n the '"xteenth year of o$r re"gn t"ll the re'torat"on of (eace, )e ha*e f$lly rem"tte to all, both clergy an laymen, an com(letely forg"*en, a' far a' (erta"n' to $'+ An on th"' hea , )e ha*e ca$'e to be ma e for them letter' te't"mon"al (atent of the lor -te(hen, archb"'ho( of Canterb$ry, of the lor Henry, archb"'ho( of .$bl"n, of the b"'ho(' afore'a" , an of Ma'ter Pan $lf a' to$ch"ng th"' 'ec$r"ty an the conce''"on' afore'a" +

=:+ /herefore )e )"ll an f"rmly or er that the Engl"'h Ch$rch be free, an that the men "n o$r !"ng om ha*e an hol all the afore'a" l"bert"e', r"ght', an conce''"on', )ell an (eaceably, freely an %$"etly, f$lly an )holly, for them'el*e' an the"r he"r', of $' an o$r he"r', "n all re'(ect' an "n all (lace' fore*er, a' "' afore'a" + An oath, moreo*er, ha' been ta!en, a' )ell on o$r (art a' on the (art of the baron', that all the'e con "t"on' afore'a" 'hall be !e(t "n goo fa"th an )"tho$t e*"l "ntent+ G"*en $n er o$r han A the abo*e name an many other' be"ng )"tne''e' A "n the mea o) )h"ch "' calle R$nnyme e, bet)een /"n 'or an -ta"ne', on the f"fteenth ay of J$ne, "n the 'e*enteenth year of o$r re"gn+ BBB En of *er'"on 9+6 of Pro&ect G$tenberg5' e1oo! of The Magna Carta

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