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Lessons Learned Report

Version: 1-00 DRAFT

Document Security: Confidential Presented by Mr. Joe Bloggs

Table Of Contents

Presented to IBID Communications Date: 2 Marc! 2"#$

Table Of Contents


Document Control

%age no.

Ba !"ro#n$ E&e #'i(e S#))ar* Mana"e)en' an$ ,#a-i'* Pro esses

&!at &ent Badly &!at &ere 'ac(ing &!at &ent &ell

% + .

A/nor)a- E(en's Te 1ni a- Me'1o$s an$ Too-s

&!at &ent Badly &!at &as 'ac(ing &!at &ent &ell

0 2
) ) )

Pro3e ' Iss#es Re o))en$a'ions Meas#re)en's S'a'is'i s

10 11 14 15

Document Control

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Document title: .ut!or: 'ast *%dated: 'ast Sa1ed by: 2#)"))))$.doc Created on ##/"0/2"#$ " :#0:"" .M

2ersion Control 'og

Version A#'1or Des ri6'ion o7 C1an"es Da'e

Document Circulation
Or"anisa'ion De6'8 Person Ti'-e

Co%yrig!t 3 'egal 4e5am%le6

T!is re%ort7 %re%ared s%ecifically for OnPro3e '8ne'9 is t!e intellectual %ro%erty of IBID Communications. It is %rotected by co%yrig!t and it is %resented in circumstances of com%lete confidentiality. It must not be gi1en7 re%roduced7 or disseminated7 to any %erson7 %ublic aut!ority7 institution or organisation 8it!out t!e e5%ress consent of IBID Communications in 8riting. In no e1ent s!all IBID Communications be liable to anyone for s%ecial7 incidental7 collateral7 or conse9uential damages arising out of t!e use of t!is information. Many designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguis! t!eir %roducts are claimed as trademar(s or ot!er %ro%rietary rig!ts. &!ere designations a%%ear7 and 8!en t!e editorial staff 8ere a8are of a claim7 t!e designations !a1e been s!o8n. Ot!er trademar(s7 registered trademar(s7 and ser1ice mar(s are t!e %ro%erty of t!eir res%ecti1e o8ners. Co%yrig!t 4c6 2"" IBID Communications. .ll rig!ts reser1ed. Originated in .ustralia.

Sout!ern Cross Infrastructure Programme

Ba !"ro#n$

Brief outline of any bac(ground to t!e Pro:ect / 4business / %olitical6 conte5t. Include brief outline of rationale7 8!o commissioned by7 dri1ers etc. &!ere does t!e %ro:ect fit 8it!in 8ider %icture;
Con'e&' S'a!e1o-$er In'erna- En(iron)en'

International Political 'egal/-egulatory +conomic Tec!nological Socio<cultural

Com%etitors Customers Su%%liers Strategic .llies -egulators

O8ners +m%loyees

Board of Directors Culture

Sout!ern Cross Infrastructure Programme

Ibid communications

E&e #'i(e S#))ar*

Pro1ide a brief #<2 %age summary of t!e lessons learnt. Ma(e t!is section count as some busy e5ecuti1es 8ill not get to t!e rest of t!e document. In addition to t!is %ro1ide a table summary of recommendations identifying 8!o is t!e o8ner.
Re7 >-<""# Ti'-e -educe $ 8ee( :ob ad1ertising float time to 2 8ee(s O:ner >- Director Priori'* #

Sout!ern Cross Infrastructure Programme

Ibid communications

Mana"e)en' an$ ,#a-i'* Pro esses

&>.T &+,T B.D'@

&!en com%leting t!is section7 you s!ould dig dee%er t!an :ust describe 8!at 8ent badly. .s( 4and ans8er6 all t!e (ey 9uestions: Process ,ame 4t!at 8ent badly6

&!at e5actly 8ent 8rong 4%ro1ide a detailed narrati1e6 &!y did it go 8rong 4your analysis6 Is it 8ort! fi5ing; Cost/benefit analysis. If so7 !o8 do 8e fi5 it; >o8 do 8e sto% it from !a%%ening again;

&>.T &+-+ '.CAI,B

Identify 8!at %rocesses 8ere lac(ing. Process ,ame 4t!at 8as lac(ing6

&!at e5actly 8as lac(ing; &!y is it lac(ing; If missing7 refer to standard or %re1ious e5%erience to :ustify its inclusion >o8 do 8e %ut it in %lace;

&>.T &+,T &+''

@ou may !a1e notices IC1e s8itc!ed t!e order of t!ese t!ree sections to %ut D8!at 8ent 8ellE at t!e end. Ty%ically I find managers 8ant to (no8 t!e bad ne8s first < 8!at 8ent 8rong7 8!at could !urt t!em7 or 8!o t!ey s!ould be !urting. Plus its al8ays nice to end on a %ositi1e

Sout!ern Cross Infrastructure Programme

Ibid communications

A/nor)a- E(en's

>ere is your c!ance to document t!e e1ents t!at !ad a direct and tangible im%act on your %ro:ect %lan7 budget and timeline resulting in a de1iation from your initial agreed %lan. T!e e1ents are as 1aried as t!ey are random. Some e5am%les could be unseasonal 8eat!er7 C+O s!oc( retirement7 mar(et cras!7 %o8er failure7 1irus attac( or e1en somet!ing as sim%le as a stoc( recall. &!ile listing your abnormal e1ents7 donCt forget to address t!e follo8ing considerations.

>o8 did it im%act your %ro:ect; Time7 cost7 9uality. &!y 8asnCt it considered as a ris( and mitigated; >o8 can it be a1oided ne5t time;

Sout!ern Cross Infrastructure Programme

Ibid communications

Te 1ni a- Me'1o$s an$ Too-s

Part of a lessons learned is to assess your tec!nical met!ods and tools. .gain7 using t!e same a%%roac! as t!e Dmanagement and 9uality %rocessesE loo( at your met!ods and tools.

&>.T &+,T B.D'@

&>.T &.S '.CAI,B

&>.T &+,T &+''

Sout!ern Cross Infrastructure Programme

Ibid communications

Pro3e ' Iss#es

T!ere are many 8ays to analyse %ro:ect issues7 !ere are some suggested 8ays:

&!at 8ere t!e to% #" issues faced by t!e %ro:ect; &!at 8as t!eir im%act; .bility of t!e %ro:ect to identify issues .bility of t!e %ro:ect to close issues &!at areas of t!e %ro:ect suffered t!e most/least issues; &!y; &!at areas of t!e %ro:ect suffered t!e most !ig! %riority issues; &!y; &!at issues remain o%en; &!y;

Sout!ern Cross Infrastructure Programme


Ibid communications

Re o))en$a'ions

>ere is your c!ance to document your recommendations for c!ange. In your descri%tion7 (ee% your language clear7 concise and to t!e %oint. Identify a clear o8ner and estimate to t!e best of your ability a %riority. .t t!e t!e end of eac! narrati1e7 %lace your recommendation 48it! reference6. Gor e5am%le: Paragra%! describing %rocess/met!od/tool being recommendation for c!ange and 8!at t!e recommendation is. Paragra%! describing %rocess/met!od/tool being recommendation for c!ange and 8!at t!e recommendation is. Re o))en$a'ion: Reduce 4 week job advertising float time to 2 weeks [HR-001] Ginally7 summarise your findings in a table and %lace a co%y in t!e e5ecuti1e summary section at t!e start of t!is document.

Sout!ern Cross Infrastructure Programme


Ibid communications


Meaningful measurements 8it! meaningful analysis is t!e (ey !ere. 'oo( at duration and effort ta(en to com%lete 8or( %ac(ages and %roducts. Benc!mar( %erformance against %re1ious %ro:ects if t!e information is a1ailable.

Sout!ern Cross Infrastructure Programme


Ibid communications

S'a'is'i s

.gain loo( at your %ro:ects ability to ensure 9uality. &!at re1ie8s 8ere conducted; >o8 many and of 8!at se1erity 8ere t!e errors found;

Sout!ern Cross Infrastructure Programme


ibid communications Sout!ern Cross Infrastructure Programme Hea$ O77i e IBID Communications # Bond Street Sydney ,S& 2""" .ustralia

To -earn )ore (isi' :::8$o)ain8 o)

Gor more information on t!is document %lease contact t!e follo8ing Person.
Girst ,ame Surname Pro:ect Manager H?# 555 555 555

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