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PRODUCTS DESIGN Steps 1. . %. '. +. ,. .. /. Identify the requirements of the product Dr!" up ! short #ist of m!teri!

#s to $e used S&etch the sh!pe !nd identify cruci!# dimensions !nd fe!tures Desi(n the sh!pe usin( d!te chosen to ref#ect the effects of time) temper!ture !n en*ironment !ppropri!te to the !pp#ic!tion Identify possi$#e production methods $e!rin( in mind the num$ers required !nd the proposed sh!pe of the p!rt -!&e ! test prototype -odify the sh!pe or m!teri!#s se#ection !s required 0in!#i1e desi(n for production

I. Requirements Shou#d not f!i# in function of !esthetics durin( prescri$ed ser*ice #ife Shou#d not f!i# $y rupture "ithin #ife time Other functional requirements 2$r!sion resist!nce En*ironment!# stress cr!c&in( 3!rdness 2m$ient temper!ture !nd temper!ture ch!n(es Effect of shoc& #o!ds etc

II. 4!sed on this ! short #ist of m!teri!#s m!y then $e dr!"n5 There !re t"o "!ys to do this5 0rom person!# e6perience 7 from st!nd!rd d!t!

Person!# e6perience of the s!me or simi#!r m!teri!#s) mou#din( process) !#tern!te possi$#e methods) desin( fe!tures) discussion "ith mou#d m!&ers !nd m!teri!# supp#iers etc

Str!nd!rd d!t! from P#!stics !d*isory ser*ice !nd Ru$$er !nd P#!stics Rese!rch 2ssoci!tion !t Sh!"$ury St!nd!rd d!t! 8 tested on indi*idu!# p#!stics prim!ri#y for qu!#ity contro# usin( st!nd!rd tests conditions ) not on products. It t!&es no !ttempts or it does not ref#ect the time or temper!ture dependence of properties. 2pp#ic!tion of t!$#e is for prim!ry se#ection on#y. 2## requirements "i## not $e met $y one s!mp#e. Compromise is necess!ry. In !ddition to m!teri!# property the fo##o"in( !re !#so some times critic!#5 2*!i#!$i#ity) cost) process!$i#ity) m!nuf!cturin( method !nd !*!i#!$i#ity. -!teri!# Property 2 thorou(h &no"#ed(e of the m!teri!#s property !nd its re#!tion to the structure si import!nt for proper se#ection of the r!" m!teri!#. Sh!pe !nd num$er of !rtic#es5 These decide the processin( method5 Prototype5 3e#ps to !sses 17 perform!nce) 7 2ppe!r!nce) %7 -!r&et !ppe!# etc Processin( methods other th!n the se#ected one c!n $e used to m!&e prototype9 $ut difficu#t to simu#!te !## properties e(. 4#o" mou#ded !s in:ection mou#ded prototype !re cost#ier. Other method m!y $e che!per. It is !d*is!$#e to do the prototype $y the s!me method !s intended for commerci!# production Desi(n D!t! for P#!stics Stren(th !nd stiffness !re r!te dependent. Creep cur*es !re con*enient to represent time dependency. Tensi#e creep f#e6ur!# creep or torsion!# creep !re !*!i#!$#e from the m!teri!# m!nuf!cturer. Structure ; Property Re#!tionship

Stren(th) Stiffness) 3!rdness) Dyn!mic) Set) Creep) E#ectric!#) Optic!#) Therm!#) So#*ent Resist!nce) <e!ther Resist!nce etc

PROCESSING =I-IT2TIONS ON PRODUCT DESIGN Processin( methods used c!uses #imit!tions on the product th!t c!n $e m!de. The #imit!tions m!y $e due to5 Physic!# si1e Sh!pe of the product Ie. !## methods c!n not $e used to produce !## types of products. E(. In:ection mou#din( of spheres) compression mou#din( "ith inserts etc

-2IN 0E2TURES O0 GOOD DESIGN 0OR IN>ECTION -OU=DED GOODS 1. . %. '. +. ,. T!per Undercuts <!## thic&ness ? Corner r!dii G!tin( Shrin&!(e 2nne!#in(

1. T!per ID !nd OD must $e pro*ided "ith t!per in the direction of mou#d c!*ity openin( @.+ ; %.@ for po#yo#efins !nd !cet!#s. 1.+ for PS) 2cry#ic type of ri(id m!teri!#s St!nd!rd ch!rts !*!i#!$#e

3i(her t!per is not recommended for it incre!ses in:ection pressure. -inimum t!per needed for e!sy e:ection . Undercuts This m!&es e:ection difficu#t. <hene*er possi$#e undercuts !re to $e !*oided. E:ection requires sp#it mou#ds !nd mo*in( cores etc

Conisity, K Height, h

%. <!## thic&ness? corner r!dii Stren(th depends on "!## thic&ness. Aery thic& sections !re to $e !*oided $ec!use9 It s#o"s do"n the production r!te It c!uses *oids !nd sin& m!r&s

Sh!rp corners ; stress concentr!tion ; #i&e#y f!i#ure !re!s . in:ection mou#din( inside r!dius B "!## thic&ness Outside 1 B "!## thic&ness


<!## thic&ness must $e uniform !s f!r !s possi$#e. This is true for #u(s !nd $osses '. G!tin( Ch!nne#s throu(h "hich the p#!stic me#t enters the mou#d c!*ity. The princip!# requirements !re5 C!use #itt#e stress concentr!tion in the mou#din( En!$#e e!sy de(!tin( !fter e:ection from the mou#d =e!*e #itt#e or no "itness m!r on the mou#din( G!tes9 Side or Ed(e (!te) pin (!te) fi#m or f#!sh (!te) su$m!rine ? tunne# (!te Prec!utions5

G!te shou#d not $e &ept in the !re! of stress concentr!tion durin( ser*ice. G!te is positioned so !s to !*oid "e#d #ines. If it c!n not $e he#ped (!te position is se#ected such th!t the "e#d #ine does not occur !t the critic!# sections of the mou#din(

>ettin( shou#d $e !*oided +. Shrin&!(e It is! in the r!n(e @ to +C in po#ymers. -ore pronounced in semi cryst!##ine th!n in !morphous m!teri!#s Shrin&!(e is due to =iquid8so#id tr!nsform!tion C#oser mo#ecu#!r p!c&in( Re#!6!tion of stretched mo#ecu#es In:ection pressure (r!dient "ith respect to dist!nce from the d!te c!use une%*en shri&!(t% in different p!rt of the mou#din(. So (!te #oc!tion !nd stiffenin( ri$s !re str!te(ic. 0i##ers reduce shrin&!(e ,. 2nne!#in( 2nne!#in( is done to reduce the fro1en in stress to !*oid #on( term *!ri!tions in si1e !nd sh!pe. Extrusion 4!sic desi(n fe!tures5 Uniform "!## thic&ness. Comp#ic!ted "!## thic&ness confi(ur!tions require intensi*e !d:ustment of too# !nd me#t th!t e6hi$it hi(h de(ree of me#t stiffness.

The to#er!nce o$t!ined "ith one di! for ! p!rticu#!r product "i## not $e fe!si$#e "ith different compound or ! different formu#!tions of the s!me compound or ! in ! different e6truder. Cert!in sh!pes !re difficu#t to e6trude Due to shrin&!(e !nd f#o" p!tterns. Die s"e## to $e t!&en into !ccount. Stretchin( or de"in( ; c!n #e!d to equ!# or sm!##er th!n the die openin(. Blow moulding <!## thic&ness *!ries Use thic&er "!## !nd "ide to#er!nce 2*oid sh!rp ch!n(es in direction in ! p!rt Surf!ce confi(ur!tion shou#d $e simp#e R!dii !t $ends The re(ion of remo*!# of p!rison t!i# is (ener!##y "e!&. In comp#e6 sh!pes its position shou#d $e !d:usted so !s not to interfere "ith the function. Thermoformin( Sh!rp corners to $e !*oided) no inserts) no *ery deep dr!"in(s. PSEUDOELASTIC DESIGN APPROACH C#!ssic!# equ!tion !*!i#!$#e is for desi(n of sprin(s) $e!ms) p#!tes) cy#inders etc !re $!sed on5 Str!in is sm!## -odu#us is const!nt Str!in is independent of #o!din( r!te or history !nd !re immedi!te#y re*ersi$#e -!teri!# is isotropic -!teri!# $eh!*es in the s!me "!y in tension !nd in compression

E#!stomers do not conform to these. 2##o"!nces shou#d $e (i*en D=!p#!ce tr!nsforms or numeric!# methods etc7 2nother method5 Pseudo e#!stic desi(n method8 *!#ues of time dependent *!ri!$#es !re se#ected !nd su$stituted in the c#!ssic!# equ!tions ; (i*es re!son!$#y (ood !ppro6im!tion CREEP CURAES Consider ! p#!stic c!nti#e*er $e!m is to $e desi(ned out of PP "hich is +@ mm #on(. The $e!m "idth is fi6ed !t 1 mm !nd its depth is to $e !ssi(ned so th!t the free end of the $e!m "i## not def#ect more th!n ' mm "hen ! ste!dy #o!d of 1@ N is !pp#ied to it for ! period of 1 ye!r. Def#ection <=% ? D%EI7. I E "idth 6 depth% ?1 4e!m "idth ? R!dius of cur*!ture of the $ent $e!m Recommended #imitin( str!in E 1C F1@ 6 1 +@@ ? D1 6 %,@7 G1?% E ,., mm

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