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From what source does Schindler secure the funds necessary to buy the enamelware factory? a. From the Deutschbank b. From Nazi Party members in Poland c. From Jewish Investors

What is Itzhak Sterns original occupation? a. Accountant b. Banker c. Encyclopedia Salesman

Why does Oskar originally want to hire Jews, rather than Poles, to work in his factory? a. They are more skilled b. They are cheaper to hire c. He wants to help them

What designation is given to the Jews who work in Oskars factory? a. Enamel workers b. Essential workers c. Full-time workers

What does Regina Perlman want Oskar to do? a. Give her money to help her escape the Nazis b. Help her get into the Plaszow labor camp c. Save her parents by hiring them to work in his factory

Who originally uses Schindlers factory to help the Jews? a. Itzhak Stern b. Amon Goeth c. Poldek Pfefferberg

On whom does Oskar focus as he watches the evacuation of the Krackow ghetto? a. His friend Poldek b. Amon Goeth c. A little girl in a red coat

Who is the commander of the Plaszow labor camp? a. Amon Goeth b. Rudolph Hess c. General Schindler

With what is the road through the Plaszow labor camp paved? a. Bricks b. Jewish gravestones c. Gravel

Who are the previous owners of the Krackow apartment that the Nazis give to Schindler? a. The Perlmans b. The Nussbaums c. The Dresners

Whom does Stern bring to Schindlers office to thank Schindler for being a savior, early in the film? a. The Rabbi b. A small boy c. The one-armed man

What does Goeth do to the woman engineer in the labor camp who is concerned with the structure of the barracks in the Jews are building? a. He ignores her b. He laughs at her c. He has her shot

What event in the labor camp signifies the triumph of the human spirit? a. The birth of a baby b. A wedding c. A bar mitzvah

How does Schindler get Goeth to agree to let him buy Helen Hirsch? a. A game of blackjack b. A bet on a horse race c. He pays Goeth

Why is Schindler thrown in jail after his birthday party? a. For accepting a gift from Jews b. For kissing a Jewish girl c. For beating up a Nazi

Why is Goeth conflicted about his feelings of affection for Helen Hirsch? a. She is not pretty b. She is his maid c. She is Jewish

What does Schindler use to buy back the women who are mistakenly diverted to Auschwitz on the way to the new factory? a. Money b. Diamonds c. Gold

Why must Oskar flee at the end of the war? a. He has no money b. He is a member of the Nazi Party c. He wants to go to America What is inscribed on the ring that Schindlers workers give to him at the end of the film a. Do a good deed and save a life b. You are a special person who helped us a lot c. Whoever saves one life saves the entire world

Why is Schindler so upset as he says good-bye to his workers? a. He will miss them b. He feels he could have saved more c. He has lost all his money

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