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Key CouisesN !"#$%&## (%)&**$+&%,&- ./01/02)& 3$%2%,& 4/0 51&,$2* 61&02)$/%#- (%)&0%2)$/%2* 5)02)&+$, 7,,/"%)$%+
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Key CouisesN ;%)&010$#& 3$%2%,& IJ?8EKEL M ?02>&A 7 - 5"11*9 .:2$% N 61&02)$/%# IJ?8 EOFL M ?02>&A 7P- @0/Q&,) J2%2+&R&%) IJ?8
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uiaue: 11u11u cum Lauue
Neiit Scolaiship in 2u1u gianteu to the best 99 stuuents of the 0niveisity anu 6 best stuuents of the Nanagement School.
Key couises: !"#$%&## @*2%, !"#$%&## 5)02)&+9- 7,,/"%)$%+- ./#) 7%2*9#$#
Bisseitation: "8:& 5)20)"1 &,/#9#)&R $% ()2*9"

R*A*$+S= 0;%%*A* -&,;E*#$ @&="$*== 9'O;;% T;$:;$ C -,#=7&= P,;A,#7 9*E+*7F*, GHII J .*'*7F*, GHII
Couises taken anu passeu with highest giaues: J2%2+&R&%) 7,,/"%)$%+- W"R2% S&#/"0,& J2%2+&R&%)- @0$%,$1*&# /4 3$%2%,$2*
J2%2+&R&%)- (##"&# $% ./01/02)& 3$%2%,&- !"#$%&## ;%+*$#: 4/0 ;X,:2%+& 5)">&%)#
Nembei of the Basketball team
P#": @&="$*== .*<*%;E7*$+ 3$+*,$=O"E - !"# %&' ((), 9#$ L;=VW 01W /91
Responsible foi the 0S Naiket 0ppoitunity Assessment foi a Fashion Tech
softwaie company that wants to expanu in the 0S maiket thiough NS1 0SA, a
Silicon valley-baseu business acceleiatoi foi tech staitups
Responsible foi paiticipating at events anu ueveloping piospect contacts in
the Fashion anu Tech 0S inuustiy.
2*#7 8*7F*, J *+,-./)0/12 W @;%;A$#W 3+#%>

.*'*7F*, GHIQ C 8#,'O GHIM

9*E+*7F*, GHIGJX*F,&#,> GHIQ
Pait of the Staitup team
Responsible foi the piesentation anu the pitch at Innovitalia Competition. Pioject selecteu among the best S staitups.
Responsible foi the piesentation at Emilia-Romagna Spinnei 2u12 competition. Pioject ieceiveu an honoiable mention
as one of the most piomising iueas.
Responsible foi the website of the staitup anu public ielations at events anu piesentations.
P#": 3$+*,$=O"EJ !/' )+34,.5637 9,%W @;%;A$#W 3+#%> L&$* GHIG C L&%> GHIG
Consulting pioject foi a luxuiy hotel chain foi an acquisition pioject
Responsible foi the analysis of the luxuiy hotel inuustiy in Euiope
Woikeu on the analysis of the financial statements of the hotel chains involveu
Belpeu piepaie the final piesentation foi the client
P#": 3$+*,$=O"EJ !/' )+34,.5637 &8. W @;%;A$#W 3+#%> L&$* GHII C 9*E+*7F*, GHII
Consulting pioject foi Teime ui Poiietta SpA
Responsible foi the maiket analysis foi the theimal sectoi in Italy
Responsible foi the ieclassification anu analysis of financial statements foi buugeting
Belpeu piepaie the final piesentation foi the client
9Y3TT9 15. 1..323451T 35X4R812345

Languages: Italian (Native), English (Pioficient), Fiench (Auvanceu), Spanish (Auvanceu)
Computei skills: Niciosoft 0ffice Poweipoint, Woiu, Excel anu 0utlook (excellent), Winuows 0S (excellent), Nac 0S (excellent),
Woiupiess (inteimeuiate), vBA foi Excel (goou), Auobe Photoshop (basic), BTNL (basic).
Websites anu Social Neuia management foi small businesses. Cieateu anu manageu two (2) websites foi local Italian businesses.
Piivate teachei foi high school stuuents anu Italian tutoi foi English-native stuuents.
Excellent communication skills anu piesentation skills gaineu at the univeisity anu in my job expeiience.
Excellent leaueiship, oiganizational anu teamwoik skills impioveu uuiing my stuuies anu my job expeiience.

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