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Verizon Cell Tower

ACTIONS A discussion on allowing Verizon to build a cell tower in Palmer Lake.


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tower14 Mar
Nikki McDonald from Palmer Lake

As I have posted before I spoke with Coleen from Verizon and told her we would not allow a 60 foot tower in Palmer Lake. However that does not mean they can not try to put a 30 foot tower somewhere. AT&T has had a 30 foot tower on private property on County Line Rd. for many years. They have asked to go taller and Tara has told them no. I have heard nothing from here since we talked a while ago.
Shared with the Verizon Cell Tower public group in General

You, Dala, Carol thanked Nikki

Carol Roche from Palmer Lake14 Mar Thank you, Nikki. Let's hope that is the end of its possibly being in a residential area. But if it does for some reason move forward again, I would then work on a petition. Thank you for getting back!! Carol Thank Remove


Fire Mitigation4 Mar

Andy Daehn from Palmer Lake

While typically it may be inappropriate to cross post discussions from other groups, the fire mitigation pledge drive needs to get the word out! If you haven't done so, please join the "Fire Dept. Pledge Drive" group as well. Thanks! - Andy
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Jen thanked you

Cell Tower4 Mar

Jen Martin from Palmer Lake

I agree and will adamently oppose any place near the heart of the town, which inlcudes town office, town hall, fd and the school
Shared with the Verizon Cell Tower public group in General

Meredith Kit, Kathy, Cindy and 1 other thanked Jen

Carol Roche from Palmer Lake4 Mar

Jen, Nikki already emailed me back: "Carol no need to go to all that work, we are not allowing it there or at the school. Besides we have a height ordinance that we will not reverse saying only 30 feet. Or I spoke with her and they may attach to the AT&T tower on County Line Rd." HOORAY! Carol Thank Remove Jen and Kathy thanked Carol

Cindy Allen from Palmer Lake4 Mar I agree, Jen....PL doesn't need this. Nikki is on it (thanks, Nik) and I sure hope the County Line site works. We all want a healthy community! I'm so happy we all seem to be working toward that end. Cheers, Cindy Thank Remove Jen thanked Cindy

Cell tower4 Mar

Jen Martin from Palmer Lake

Yay!!! That's great news

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Strongly Against Cell Tower In Residential Area4 Mar

Carol Roche from Palmer Lake

The proposed cell tower behind the Fire Station is next to our lot. We are strongly against this in a residential neighborhood! I plan to draft a petition for gathering signatures in the next few days. Here is a great website that Wendy Kisicki shared: Carol Roche
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Kathy thanked Carol

Carol Roche from Palmer Lake4 Mar Nikki, Is this an absolute definite, Nikki, that it will not be behind the Fire Station?? I am not against a cell tower in PL. In fact, I think there are many advantages for us all. But I am adamantly against it's location being in a residential area. Thank Remove

Nikki McDonald from Palmer Lake4 Mar Totally agree Carol. I guess I should clarify, From the candidates running for trustees I am pretty sure they are in total agreement as am I. I just hope that I get elected again. I trust you know my love for this town and community, and that I try to represent the peoples wishes and concerns. These towers near residential areas are frightening, I know the argument that we get micro waves from cell phones too, but why add to them!!! I will let you know if there is going to be an issue. thanks for caring. Thank Remove Dee thanked Nikki


New Group21 Feb

Andy Daehn from Palmer Lake

Anyone interested in providing information or input regarding Verizon wanting to build a cell tower in Palmer Lake , please post here. Thanks! - Andy
Shared with the Verizon Cell Tower public group in General

Mike thanked you

Kathy Aldworth from Palmer Lake22 Feb This is a good read on the subject. Thanks Thank Remove Trish, Dave, Karen thanked Kathy

Joe Cocklin from Palmer Lake2 Mar I'm for it. Thank Remove

Kathy Aldworth from Palmer Lake2 Mar If the choices for its location are near the elementary school or town hall square, I'm against it. Thank Remove

Karen Stuth from Palmer Lake2 Mar First, I don't understand why Palmer Lake validly considers all the things that Monument has refused -the gun range and the Verizon cell tower, both rejected by Monument. (To clarify, Monument was willing to entertain an enclosed building gun range like at the Bass Pro Shop but required all kinds of safety and

other types of systems to protect their public. Accordingly, the gun shop owners may have felt it was too expensive -- either way, now they are knocking on our door.) Monument also rejected the Verizon cell tower. So we are always considered Monument's discarded projects? What does Monument know that we have not yet figured out? Read more about this: DAS Systems May be The Future It is worth noting that many other technologies exist including one called DAS. Under DAS, instead of having one large cell tower, many smaller antennas are installed on already existing telephone poles. And Federal laws allow this to take place. DAS has worked very well at many US locations and it is proven to work. DAS should be considered in areas where cell towers are not desirable or welcomed. To place a 60 foot cell tower, even "disguised" as a tree in the middle of our lovely town degrades the absolute beauty and quaintness of what is truly the essence of Palmer Lake. For me personally, I would not trade having four bars for ruining the look of our town, and possibly impair the property values of everyone within line sight of it. I would not buy a house that is in view of a cell tower. Why not put it up on the hill? Why not just say no -- they could respond with a DAS system instead? Thank Remove Carol and Kathy thanked Karen

Trish Flake from Palmer Lake3 Mar Excellent point...and what's good in PLake they take...Kids Fishing Derby and the Fireworks...good cops too! Let's be passionate about getting our Lake back so we can host OUR traditions once again!!! Further, our PD goes on more assists to Monument, than calls to our Town, yet our budget pays for this!!! We need to realize our worth is so much more than it is! We may never have the sales tax revenue they have from the 'big box' stores...or could we? We could get pretty darn close with retail MJ!!!!! Thank Remove Karen thanked Trish


***Must read for all group members***27 Feb

Andy Daehn from Palmer Lake

First of all, I am making this post to the groups only, for now. Second, I also apologize as I should have made more of an effort to create standards of discussion earlier.

I am no stranger to hosting and moderating sites for collaboration. I am also no stranger to controversy and emotions getting the better of people. Also, in order to provide the best environment for collaboration I will keep most of my opinions to the Town Hall, and the voting booth. I would not want anyone to feel as if this site sponsors any type of political motivation. The Nextdoor administrative staff can be hesitant when it comes to advice on allowing political discussions on forums run by founder's like myself. I certainly don't have a problem with political discussions, mostly due to the background I have in moderating similar sites. I can also create groups where these discussions can take place, and a member does not have to view a discussion or participate if they don't want to. With that being said, I will absolutely not tolerate certain things: 1. Challenging the intellect and character of another member 2. Foul language 3. The use of all caps to make the impression of yelling As we live in a small community and we all have to see each other around town, I trust that we can have political discussions, and there is nothing wrong with having emotions stirred from time to time. Furthermore, as founder of this site I have a responsibility to uphold the standards of safety and integrity that many people hope I provide. With that being said, I have the power to silence a member for abuse of this site for a time, and I also have the power to remove a person from this site. I will give every chance I can to not have to do this, but that action will not be debatable. Before resorting to those extreme measures I will of course, remove the post, and if necessary, contact the parties involved. I have seen some very thoughtful and considerate posts from many different points of view for the short time this site has been active. I look forward to engaging and intelligent discussions from all points of view as we continue to make this small town the best little secret in Colorado. I will now lock this post.
Shared with the Verizon Cell Tower public group in General Meredith Kit, Carol, Dee and 1 other thanked you Andy Daehn disabled replies on 27 Feb.


Attention Planning Commission...25 Feb

Trish Flake from Palmer Lake

Why show favoritism to Verizon Wireless just because they asked first? There are other companies out there that would want a chance to put a health-hazard here, I am sure. So why not open an RFP if the Planning Commission feels that hosting a cell phone tower is in the best interest of our Town?

Also, has the PC asked Verizon for records of what they are paying other municipalities...if others are even allowing this? And, how much are they paying private landowners? It is in the tens of thousands monthly.
Shared with the Verizon Cell Tower public group in General

Jen thanked Trish View all 11 replies

Trish Flake from Palmer Lake27 Feb Great info, Karen! Thank you! Thank Remove

Nikki McDonald from Palmer Lake27 Feb Wow thanks Karen, I am very concerned about health problems. The reason being I actually have a friend who has a tower in her yard and she has MS. It seems every time I see her she is worse, makes me really concerned. I want to share this with her. Thank Remove

Karen Stuth from Palmer Lake27 Feb Nikki, I also send her my prayers. We are all connected together on this Earth and share our joys and misfortunes. Thank Remove Pat thanked Karen

Cell Tower25 Feb

Jen Martin from Palmer Lake

thanks so much for the clarification nikki!

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$$$25 Feb
Meredith Kit Bromfield from Palmer Lake

If the tower is approved then the town would receive $800 this figure I think is negotiable we may be able to get more.
Shared with the Verizon Cell Tower public group in General

Jen Martin from Palmer Lake25 Feb Wow, that's all. I am not sure it's worth it being there is such a scuttle against it. I am greedy when it comes to the town and was hoping for more money. Thank Remove Kathy thanked Jen

Jen Martin from Palmer Lake25 Feb Unless you meant 800 per month? Thank Remove

Trish Flake from Palmer Lake25 Feb $800 is ridiculous! Private parties pull in tens of thousands a month! Still, the $ does not outweigh the risks to health and humanity. Plus it's no doubt an eyesore! Thank Remove Kathy thanked Trish

Tower23 Feb
Jen Martin from Palmer Lake

Just curious where it's going and how much money does the town get?
Shared with the Verizon Cell Tower public group in General

You thanked Jen

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