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5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)-slidepdf.




1. A horizontal cantilever beam, 1 !t lon" i# #$b%ecte& to a loa& o! '(( lb locate& to it# center. The
&imen#ion o! the beam i# ) * + inche# re#ectivel-.  / 1(( lb0!t, !in& it# !le*$lar #tre##.  Answer: A
A. 1'( #i
2. )31) #i
4. +'1( #i
5. ' #i

). A 1) m #iml- #$orte& beam ith ( 6N loa& at the center ha# a ma*im$m &e!lection o!7 8EI /
((( 6N.m)9. Answer: D
A. 1'( mm
2. 1( mm
4. 1:( mm
5. 1;( mm

. A 1( m #iml- #$orte& beam ith )' 6N loa& m !rom the le!t en& ha# a ma*im$m #loe at the
le!t en&7 8EI / ;((( 6n.m)9. Answer: C 
A. (.((' ra&
2. (.(:' ra&
4. (.(1; ra&
5. (.1;) ra&

+. A 1( m #iml- #$orte& beam ha# a $ni!orm loa& o! ) 6N0m e*ten&e& !rom le!t en& to + m an& ha#
a concentrate& loa& o! 1( 6N, ) m !rom the ri"ht en&. Fin& the ma*im$m moment at the 1( 6N
concentrate& loa&. 8EI / 1(,((( 6N.m )9.  Answer: A
A. 13.)( 6N.m
2. ).+ 6N.m
4. ).+' 6N.m
5. 1).+ 6N.m

'. A 1( m #iml- #$orte& beam ith $ni!orm loa& o!  6N0m !rom ri"ht en& to le!t en& ha# a
ma*im$m &e!lection o!7 8EI / 1),((( 6n.m )9. Answer: B
A. +.) mm
2. ).'' mm
4. '+.) mm
5. .+' mm

. A ; m #iml- #$orte& beam ha# a $ni!orm loa& o! ) 6N0m !rom le!t en& to ri"ht en& an&
concentrate& loa& o! 1( 6N at the center ha# a ma*im$m &e!lection o!7 8EI / ',((( 6n.m )9.
 Answer: B
A. 1).+ mm
2. +). mm
4. )1. mm
5. +.+ mm 1/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

:. A 1( m cantilever beam ha# a concentrate& loa& o! 1( 6N0m at the !ree en&. Fin& the ma*im$m
&e!lection o! the beam. 8EI / :,((( 6n.m)9. Answer: A
A. +:.)( mm
2. +).+ mm
4. '++.+ mm
5. :+.++ mm

;. A 1+ m cantilever beam ha# a concentrate& loa& o! )' 6N0m at the mi&<#an. Fin& the ma*im$m
#loe o! the beam. 8EI / 3,((( 6n.m)9. Answer: B
A. (.(()+ ra&
2. (.(; ra&
4. 1.) ra&
5. (.1) ra&

3. A 1( m cantilever beam ha# a $ni!orm loa& o! ).' 6N0m !rom le!t to ri"ht en&. Fin& the ma*im$m
&e!lection o! the beam. 8EI / 11,((( 6n.m)9. Answer: D
A. +).+' mm
2. 13;.) mm
4. ).+' mm
5. );+.1( mm

1(. A 1( m cantilever beam ha# a $ni!orm loa& o! ) 6N0m !rom le!t to ri"ht en& an& ith concentrate&
loa& o! ; 6N at the center. Fin& the ma*im$m #loe o! the beam. 8EI / 1,((( 6n.m )9. Answer: C 
A. (.(11 ra&
2. (.()) ra&
4. (.( ra&
5. (.(++ ra&

11. A 1+ m cantilever beam ha# a loa& o! 1 6N,  m !rom the !i*e& en&. Fin& the ma*im$m #loe o! the
 beam. 8EI / ,((( 6n.m)9. Answer: B
A. (.1; ra&
2. (.(+; ra&
4. (.; ra&
5. (.(+ ra&

1). A 1) m cantilever beam ha# a $ni!orm loa& o! 1.' 6N0m e*ten&e& !rom !i*e& en& $ to + m an& a
concentrate& loa& o! ; 6N at the !ree en&. Fin& the ma*im$m #loe o! the beam. 8EI / ;,((( 6n.m )9.
 Answer: A
A. (.1) ra&
2. (.)+ ra&
4. (.'+ ra&
5. (.+' ra&

1. A 1( m #iml- #$orte& beam ha# a trian"$lar loa& !rom zero at the le!t en& to a ma*im$m o! 1(
6N0m at the ri"ht en&. Fin& the ma*im$m &e!lection o! the beam. 8EI / 1(,((( 6n.m)9. Answer: B
A. '+.)+ mm
2. '.1( mm
4. ;+.: mm
5. :.' mm 2/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

1+. An ; m cantilever beam ha# a trian"$lar loa& !rom le!t en& to a ma*im$m o! 1) 6N0m at the !i*e&
en&. =hat i# the ma*im$m &e!lection o! the beam> 8EI / 1),((( 6n.m )9. Answer: A
A. 1.' mm
2. 1+'.+ mm
4. 1'.+ mm
5. 1'+.+ mm

1'. A 1) m re#traine& beam# ith to en& !i*e& ha# a concentrate& loa& o! 1' 6N at the center. Fin& the
ma*im$m &e!lection o! the beam. 8EI / :,((( 6n.m)9. Answer: C 
A. ;.+' mm
2. +.) mm
4. 13.); mm
5. )+.: mm

1. A 1' m re#traine& beam# ith to en& !i*e& ha# a $ni!orm loa& o!  6N0m, !in& the ma*im$m
&e!lection o! the beam. 8EI / 3,((( 6n.m)9. Answer: D
A. '.+ mm
2. ).' mm
4. +.' mm
5. +.3+ mm

1:. A vertical loa& o! +(( N act# at the en& o! a horizontal rectan"$lar cantilever beam ) m lon" an& )'
mm i&e. I! the alloable ben&in" #tre## i# 1( Ma, !in& the &eth o! the beam.  Answer: B
A. ).+' mm
2. ;.+ mm
4. '.+ mm
5. +'.+ mm

1;. A #iml- #$orte& beam i# '( mm b- )(( mm in cro##<#ection an& + m lon". I! the !le*$lar #tre## i#
not to e*cee& ;. Ma, !in& the ma*im$m mi&<#an concentrate& loa&.  Answer: A
A. ).:: 6N
2. .+ 6N
4. .+' 6N
5. +.+ 6N

13. A #imle oo&en beam, '( mm i&e b- )'( mm &ee an& :.' m lon" ha# a ma*im$m &e!lection o! 
1() mm $n&er a $ni!orm loa& ?@. E / 1),+11 Ma.
A. =hat i# the $ni!orm loa&, . Answer: 2KN/m
2. =hat i# the #loe> Answer: 0.0435 rad 
4. =hat i# the ma*im$m moment> Answer: 14 KN.m
5. =hat i# the ma*im$m #hear> An#er7 7.5 KN 
E. =hat i# the !le*$lar #tre##> Answer: 26.880 Mpa
F. =hat i# the #hearin" #tre##> Answer: 900 Kpa

)(. A #iml- #$orte& beam havin" a #an o!  m carrie# to concentrate& loa&# o! ;( 6N at it# mi&&le
thir&#. 4om$te the &e!lection at the mi&<#an &$e to thi# loa&. Let EI / (,:( * 1( 3
 Answer: B
A. 1; mm
2. )( mm
4. )+ mm
5. ( mm 3/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

)1. A cantilever beam havin" a #an o!  m, carrie# a trian"$lar loa& o! )( 6N0m at it# !i*e& en& to zero
at the !ree en& o! the beam. 5etermine the &e!lection at the !ree en& o! the beam i! EI / '( * 1( 1) Answer: A
A. 1:.); mm
2. 1.+; mm
4. 1'.) mm
5. 1). mm

)). A #iml- #$orte& rectan"$lar beam '( mm i&e b- 1(( mm &ee carrie# a $ni!orm loa& 1)(( N0m
over it# entire len"th. =hat i# the ma*im$m len"th o! the beam i! the !le*$lar #tre## i# limite& to )(
Ma.  Answer: A
A. . m
2. +.)' m
4. '.) m
5. .( m

). A #iml- #$orte& beam havin" a #an o! )( m carrie# a concentrate& loa& o! 1( 6N at a &i#tance
o! ' m !rom the le!t #$ort an& a co$nter cloci#e co$le o! 6N.m actin"  m !rom the ri"ht
#$ort. The ma*im$m moment &$e to thi# loa& i#7  Answer: A
A. 3 6N. m
2. + 6N. m
4.  6N. m
5. +; 6N. m

)+. A cantilever beam havin" a #an o! + m carrie# a concentrate& loa& o! '( 6N at the !ree en&. =hat i#
the !le*$lar ri"i&it- i! the beam &e!lect# )3. mm at i# !ree en&.  Answer: A
A. ,((( 6N. m)
2. +),((( 6N. m)
4. )+,;(( 6N. m)
5. '+,)(( 6N. m)

)'. A re#traine& beam carrie# a trian"$lar loa& hich increa#e# !rom zero to ( 6N0m !rom A to 2
havin" a #an o! + m. 5etermine the moment A. Answer: D
A. 1) 6N. m
2. )+ 6N. m
4. 1; 6N. m
5. 1 6N. m

). A cantilever beam  m lon" carrie# a concentrate& loa& o! ' 6N at it# !ree en&. The material i#
#tr$ct$ral #teel an& the ma*im$m ben&in" #tre## i# not to e*cee& 1)' Ma. 5etermine the reB$ire&
&iameter o! the bar i! it i# circ$lar. Answer: A
A. )(+.' mm
2. 1;;. mm
4. 1+. mm
5. 1:3.) mm 4/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

):. A #teel beam ) m in len"th i# #iml- #$orte& at each en& an& carrie# a concentrate& loa& o! 1((
6N actin" (.' m !rom one o! the #$ort#. 5etermine the ma*im$m ben&in" #tre## #et<$ in the
 beam i! the cro##<#ection i# rectan"$lar, 1(( mm i&e b- 1'( mm &ee. Answer: A
A. 1(( Ma
2. 1)( Ma
4. 3: Ma
5. 1'( Ma

);. A beam ma&e o! titani$m ha# a -iel& oint o! ;'( Ma. The beam ha# )' mm * '( mm rectan"$lar 
cro##<#ection an& ben&# abo$t an a*i# aralle# to the )' mm !ace. I! the ma*im$m ben&in" #tre## i#
'( Ma, !in& the corre#on&in" ben&in" moment. Answer: A
A. .; 6N.m
2. ;.+ 6N.m
4. +.' 6N.m
5. ;.+ 6N.m

)3. A re#traine& beam havin" a #an o!  m carrie# a $ni!orm loa& o! '( N0m thro$"ho$t it# #an. I! E /
)((,((( Ma, I / (;( * 1(  mm+, &etermine the &e!lection at the mi&<#an.  Answer: A
A. (.1+ mm
2. (.)' mm
4. (. mm
5. (.+; mm


1. A car travel# ith an initial velocit- o! 1( m0# or  m0hr. I! it i# &eceleratin" at the rate o!  m0# ),
ho !ar, in meter#, &oe# it travel be!ore #toin"> Answer: A
A. 1:
2. )1
4. 13
5. 1'

). A bloc ei"hin" ' lb# re#t on horizontal #$r!ace. The !orce nee&e& to move alon" the #$r!ace i# )(
lb#. &etermine the coe!!icient o! !riction. Answer: C 
A. (.(
2. (.11)
4. (.
5. (.);

. A ba#eball i# thron #trai"ht $ar& ith a velocit- o! )( m0#. 4om$te !or the time ela#e !or the
 ba#eball to ret$rn. A##$me !or a zero &ra".  Answer: D
A. 1.;+
2. ).)1
4. ).'(
5. ).(+ 5/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

+. A 11+ m0# #ee& i# ro%ecte& verticall- ho lon" ill it tae to "o bac to it# initial o#ition.
 Answer: A
A. .+' hr#
2. 1.) hr#
4. :.) hr#
5. ;.+' hr#

'. An occ$ant move# toar& the center o! a merr- "o aro$n& at  m0#. I! the merr- "o aro$n& rotate#
at  rm, com$te the acceleration comonent o! the occ$ant normal to the ra&i$#.  Answer: D
A. .:3 m0#)
2. ;.)3 m0#)
4. :.'+ m0#)
5. .:: m0#)

. A heel accelerate# !rom re#t ith a / ' ra&0#ec.#ec. 4om$te ho man- revol$tion# are ma&e in +
#econ&#. Answer: B
A. '.:1 rev
2. . rev
4. : rev
5. )( rev

:. =hat minim$m &i#tance can a tr$c #li&e on a horizontal a#halt roa& i! it i# travellin" at )' m0#.
The coe!!icient o! #li&in" !riction beteen a#halt an& r$bber i# at (.. The ei"ht o! the tr$c i#
;'(( ". Answer: C 
A. ++.3
2. ';.'
4. '.)
5. .;

;. A liB$i& !$ll i# to be rotate& in the vertical lane. =hat minim$m an"$lar velocit- in ra&ian#0#ec i#
nee&e& to ee the liB$i& not #illin" i! the rotatin" arm i# 1.) meter#>  Answer: D
A. ).)
2. )'.
4. .1
5. ).;

3. 4om$te the #ee& a #atellite to orbit the earth at an elevation o! 1(( m. EarthC# ra&i$# i# at +((
m. A##$me no chan"e in "ravit- ith the elevation.  Answer: D
A. )( m0#
2. :1)( m0#
4. ;:+( m0#
5. :3;' m0#

1(. An elevator ei"hin" )((( lb# i# movin" verticall- $ar& ith an acceleration o!  !t0#). A man
#tan&in" in #ai& elevator ei"h# 1;( lb#.4om$te the ten#ion in the #$ortin" cable $n&er thi#
con&ition. Answer: D
A. )1;( lb#
2. )131 lb#
4. 1;)( lb#
5. ); lb# 6/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

11. The ca#$le orbit# the earth 1;( m above the #$r!ace. In hat velocit- in m0# nece##ar- !or a
circ$lar orbit to con#i&er the earth ra&i$# at +(( m an& 3.) m0# )> Answer: C 
A. ;;+
2. :(1
4. ::;(
5. ;(';
1). A tr$c #i&# to a #to ( m a!ter the alication o! the brae# hile travellin" at 3( m0hr. =hat i#
it# acceleration in m0#ec )> Answer: A
  A. <'.)1 m0#)
  2. <:.(
  4. .
  5. '.:

1. A &ro hammer o! 1 ton &ea& ei"ht caacit- i# roelle& &onar& b- a 1) in &iameter c-lin&er.
At 1(( #i air re##$re, hat i# the imact velocit- i! the #troe i# ); inche#> Answer: B
A. .) !#
2. 1.
4. 1'.;
5. +:.+

1+. A !l-heel rotate# at 1)( rm or 1).': ra&0#ec #loe& &on to 1() rm or 1(.; ra&0#ec &$rin" the
 $nchin" oeration that reB$ire# D #econ& o! the $nchin" ortion o! the c-cle. 4om$te the an"$lar 
acceleration o! the !l-heel in ra&0#ec ). Answer: A
  A. <).') ra&0#)
  2. <).:' ra&0#)
  4. .1' ra&0#)
  5. ).)) ra&0#)

1'. A )<ton ei"ht i# loere& at a con#tant acceleration o! ) !t0#). =hat i# the cable #tre##>  Answer: C 
A. +++.+ lb
2. '++.' lb
4. :'1.'' lb
5. '.)+ lb

1. The #ee&ometer o! a vehicle chan"e# !rom )( m0hr to ;( m0hr in 1( #econ&#. Fin& the
acceleration !or thi# erio& in m0# ). Answer: A
  2. .+
  4. ).+
  5. ;.+'

1:. A car chan"e# accelerate# it# #ee& !rom )( m0# to '( m0# in 1( #ec. Fin& the &i#tance travelle&
&$rin" the erio& o! acceleration.  Answer: A
A. '( m
2. '(( m
4. +(( m
5. (( m 7/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

1;. A bo* #li&in" on a !loor ha# a !rictional re#i#tance o! 1(( N. I! the coe!!icient o! !riction i# (., !in&
the ei"ht o! the bo*.  Answer: D
A. ))).)) N
2. 111.11 N
4. +++.++ N
5. . N

13. An ob%ect &roe& on a "ravit- travel# (( m a!ter ho man- #econ&#>  Answer: C 
A. '.+ #ec
2. .+ #ec
4. :.;) #ec
5. 1(.) #ec

)(. An ob%ect i# ro%ecte& $ar& at the rate o! +( m0#. Ho hi"h ill the ob%ect ri#e>  Answer: D
A. '+.+ m
2. :.+' m
4. '.+ m
5. ;1.'' m

)1. A #tone i# ro%ecte& $ar& !rom the "ro$n& travel# a ma*im$m hei"ht o! '( m. Fin& the velocit- o! 
#tone hen it ret$rn# to the "ro$n&.  Answer: A
A. 1.) m0#ec
2. '+.+ m0#ec
4. +.) m0#ec
5. ).+' m0#ec

)). An ob%ect i# ro%ecte& $ar& at the rate o! +' m0# at ( ( !rom the horizontal. Fin& the ma*im$m
ran"e o! ro%ectile. Answer: A
A. 1:;.:: m
2. 1'.+ m
4. 1;3.+ m
5. 1(3.+ m

). A ca#$le orbit# the earth at the rate o! ((( m0#. I! the ra&i$# o! earth i# ((( m, !in& the hei"ht o! 
ca#$le !rom the #$r!ace o! the earth.  Answer: B
A. +'. m
2. 3.:) m
4. '+.) m
5. :;'.+' m

)+. A car that travel# 1(( mh re&$ce# it# #ee& '( mh in ( #econ&#. Fin& the &i#tance travelle& b- the
car $ntil it #to#. Answer: A
A. ++().1( m
2. +').+ m
4. '++.' m
5. +'.' m 8/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

)'. A car travellin" at +( m0# in a ra&i$# o! 1((( m ill have a banin" an"le o!7. Answer: C 
A. :.+(
2. 1;.+(
4. 3.(
5. 1).(


1. 5etermine the time in #econ&#, to #a a rectan"$lar ma"ne#i$m bar ' in i&e an& ) in thic i! the
len"th o! c$t i# ' in. The oer hac#a &oe# 1)( #troe#0min an& the !ee&0#troe i# (.1): mm.
 Answer: B
A. 1;3
2. '((
4. 33
5. )(

). In an O*-<Acet-lene man$al el&in" metho&, to el& a   !t lon" #eam in a (.:'@ thic #teel
 late at a con#$mtion rate o! 3 !t 0!t !or o*-"en an& : !t 0!t !or acet-lene. 4om$te !or the total
combine& "a# con#$mtion in !t . Answer: C 
A. 1;3
2. '((
4. 33
5. )(

. 4om$te !or the &rill enetration in in0min hen a &rill t$rn# at 1)(( rm an& the !ee& o! (.(('
in0rev. Material i# #teel.  Answer: D
A. 1.;
2. .
4. 1)
5. 

+. =hat i# the val$e in &e"ree# o! 1 ra&ian> Answer: C 

A. ':.+3(
2. ':.3+(
4. ':.)3(
5. ':.3)(

'. 4om$te the man$al c$ttin" time in min$te#, o! #teel late + !t b- ; !t b- ).' cm thic ith a han&
c$ttin" #ee& o! .; to + mm0#ec, c$ttin" len"thi#e Answer: A
A. 1(
2. 1.;1
4. (.;
5. ;.1

. 4om$te the c$ttin" #ee& in !m o! a oriece ith ) inche# &iameter an& r$nnin" at 1(( rm.
 Answer: A
A. ')
2. )
4. )'
5. ) 9/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

:. 4om$te the c$ttin" #ee& in !m o! a oriece ith ) inche# &iameter an& t$rnin" at 1(( rm.
 Answer: D
A. :)
2. 1()
4. )
5. ')

;. 5etermine the avera"e time to c$t b- a$tomatic o*-acet-lene 8machine9 cro##i#e a + !t * ; !t * + in

thic #teel late.  Answer: B
A. .;'
2. 1;
4. 1(
5. (

3. 4alc$late the rm !or machinin" a ca#t iron oriece  inche# in &iameter. The loe#t c$ttin" #ee&
!or ca#t iron i# '( !m.  Answer: C 
A. '.
2. +.
4. .
5. '.)

1(. =ith the arc el&in" rate o! 1; in0min, ho lon" ill it tae to el&  in thic late b-  !eet lon"
#eam>  Answer: C 
A.  min
2. 1.' min
4. ) min
5. + min

11. Ho lon" ill it tae to mill a D@ b- )@ lon" e-a- in a @ &iameter #ha!tin" ith a )+ tooth c$tter 
t$rnin" at 1(( rm an& a (.(('@ !ee&0tooth>  Answer: B
A. (.1 min
2. (.1 min
4. (.13 min
5. (.1( min

1). Ho lon" ill it tae to #a a rectan"$lar iece o! al$min$m late ; in i&e an& 1  in thic i! the
len"th o! the c$t i# ; in, the oer hac#a mae# 1)( rev0min an& avera"e !ee& er #troe i# (.(((
in> Answer: C 
A. 1.11
2. 1+.(1
4. 11.11
5. 1).(

1. #in" o*-<acet-lene el&in" metho& to el& a  !t lon" #eam in a 0; in thic late at a
con#$mtion rate o! 3 !t 0!t o! el& !or o*-"en an& : !t 0!t !or acet-lene. =hat i# the total combine&
"a# con#$mtion in !t> Answer: C 
A. '1
2. +'
4. +;
5. '' 10/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

1+. A "rin&in" heel rotate# 1:'( rm an& ha# a #$r!ace #ee& o! ))3( !t0min. Fin& the &iameter o! the
heel in inche#. Answer: B
A.  in
2. ' in
4. + in
5.  in

1'. To !acilitate the millin" 8ro$"hin"9 or o! a ca#t #teel material $#in" a 1  inch &iameter c$tter 
choo#e beteen the to available #toc. Fin& the #ee& o! the c$tter in rm. hi"h #ee& #teel c$tter 
ith a c$ttin" #ee& o! '( !m< carbi&e tie& c$tter ith c$ttin" #ee& o! )(( !m..  Answer: B
A. ;3
2. '(3
4. ':)
5. +1)

1. A i#ton recirocate# 1(( time# er min$te 8#in"le #troe9. The len"th o! the #troe i#  in. =hat i#
the avera"e ri#tin velocit- in !t0min> Answer: A
A. '( !t0min
2. 1(( !t0min
4. :' !t0min
5. 1)' !t0min

1:. A oriece t$rnin" at (( rm ha# a tan"ential #ee& o! 1' !t0#. Fin& the &iameter o! the oriece.
 Answer: A
A. 11.+ in
2. 1'.) in
4. 1.) in
5. 1:.+ in

1;. A oriece t$rnin" at )( ra&0#ec ha# &iameter o! + in. Fin& the eriheral #ee& o! oriece.
 Answer: B
A. 1.) !#
2. . !#
4. '.) !#
5. :.+ !#

13. To late# + !t * ; !t late  in thic i# to be %oine& len"thi#e. A el&in" machine to be $#e& ha# a
el&in" rate o! )( in0min. Ho lon" ill it tae to %oin the late#>  Answer: C 
A. :.+ min
2. 1.) min
4. +.;( min
5. .+' min

)(. A 1( !t lon" #eam can be el& in 1( min. the el&in" rate i#7 Answer: B
A. ; in0min
2. 1) in0min
4. 1( in0min
5. 1+ in0min 11/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

)1. A #eam can be el& in  min. I! the el&in" rate i# 1' in0min, !in& the len"th o! the #eam.  Answer:
A. )( in
2. ( in
4. )' in
5. +' in

)). Ho lon" ill it tae to mill ?b- 1.'?lon" e-a- b- mean# o! )' teeth c$tter t$rnin" at 1)( rm
an& (.((;@ !ee&0tooth.  Answer: D
A. 1.) #ec
2. .+ #ec
4. +.) #ec
5. .:' #ec

). A ' in lon" e-a- i# to be mill at the rate o! (.) in0min. Ho lon" ill it tae to mill the e-a->
 Answer: C 
A. )( #ec
2. 1' #ec
4. )' #ec
5. ( #ec

)+. It tae# 1 min to mill a D@ * +@ e-a- o! a h$b b- mean# o! a c$tter havin" ( teeth at 1)( rm.
Fin& the eB$ivalent !ee& er tooth, in0tooth.  Answer: D
A. (.(()))
2. (.((+++
4. (.((
5. (.((111

)'. Ho lon" ill it tae to c$t a rectan"$lar late + !t i&e b- mean# o! a #a that ha# a #ee& o! 1(
rev0min an& an avera"e !ee& er #troe o! (.((3 in>  Answer: B
A. )).)) min
2. . min
4. ''.'' min
5. ++.++ min

). A + !t i&e * ; !t lon" an&  in thic #teel late i# be c$t into + eB$al art# cro##i#e. I! c$ttin" rate
i# (.() in0#troe an& #a #ee& i# 11( rm, ho lon" ill it tae to &o the %ob> Answer: C 
A. '.+' min
2. +.) min
4. '.+' min
5. :.+' min

):. It tae# ' min to c$t a late )( !t lon" b- mean# o! a #a havin" a #ee& o! )'( rm. =hat i# the
avera"e !ee& er #troe o! the #a, in0#troe>  Answer: B
A. (.'+
2. (.13)
4. (.:+'
5. (.+) 12/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

);. An o*-acet-lene c$tter i# $#e to c$t a + !t * ; !t #teel late cro##i#e an& &ivi&e& the hole late into
!ive eB$al art#. I! the c$ttin" rate i# 1( in er min$te, ho lon" ill it tae to c$t late#> Answer: A
A. 13.)( min
2. 1.+' min
4. )1.) min
5. 1:.+ min

)3. #in" o*-acet-lene el&in" metho& to el& a 1( !t lon" #eam in a  in thic late at a con#$mtion
rate o! 1( !t 0!t o*-"en an& ; !t 0!t !or acet-lene. =hat i# the total "a# con#$mtion>  Answer: D
A. 1'( !t
2. 1:( !t
4. 1( !t
5. 1;( !t

(. A )+ !t) lateral #$r!ace !or a c-lin&rical tan i# to be ma&e b- %oinin" ) !t b- ) !t #teel late to !orm 
!t * + !t. The con#$mtion rate !or both o*-"en an& nitro"en i# )( !t 0!t $#in" o*-acet-lene el&in"
metho&. Fin& total "a# con#$mtion nee&e&, !t > Answer: D
A. )'( !t 
2. +:( !t
4. ++( !t
5. );( !t 

1. A 1( !t * )( !t late i# to be &ivi&e& into ; iece# ' !t * ' !t #teel late b- mean# o! an o*-acet-lene
c$tter that ha# a c$ttin" rate o! 1( in er min$te. Ho lon" ill it tae# to &o the %ob>  Answer: C 
A. '( min
2. :( min
4. ( min
5. ;( min

1. To arallel #ha!t# connecte& b- $re rollin" t$rn in the #ame &irection havin" a #ee& o! ).:'. =hat
i# the &i#tance o! the #ha!t# i! the #maller c-lin&er i# ) cm in &iameter>  Answer: D
A. 1.: cm
2. )'.)' cm
4. (.)' cm
5. 13.)' cm
). A line#ha!t r$n# at ( rm. An 1;@ $lle- on the #ha!t i# belt connecte& to a 1)@ $lle- on the
co$nter#ha!t. From a 1'@ $lle- on the co$nter#ha!t, motion i# tran#mitte& to the machine. 4om$te0
chec the reB$ire& &iameter o! the $lle- on the machine to "ive a #in&le #ee& o! ( rm.
 Answer: B
A. 1@
2. 1) 
4. 1( 
5. ; 

. A ' !t &iameter $lle- i# t$rnin" at )(( rm. Fin& the #ee& o! the $lle- mi&<a- o! the center an&
o$ter #$r!ace o! the $lle-. Answer: D
A. )(.+' !t0# 13/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. (.+' !t0#
4. )+.+ !t0#
5. ).1; !t0#

+. A heel i# t$rnin" at ( rm. I! tan"ential #ee& o! the heel i# 1'(.;( !t0#, hat i# the ra&i$# o! the
!l-heel> Answer: C 
A. ; !t
2. ) !t
4. + !t
5. 1( !t

'. To c-lin&er# rollin" in oo#ite &irection ha# a #ee& ratio o! . I! the center &i#tance i# +( in, !in&
the &iameter o! #maller c-lin&er. Answer: A
A. )( in
2. ( in
4. +( in
5. ;( in

. Three c-lin&er# A7274 rollin" in e*ternal contact ha# a #ee& ratio o! +7)71. I! the &iameter o! 
c-lin&er A i# 1( cm, !in& the center &i#tance beteen c-lin&er A an& 4. Answer: C 
A. +( cm
2. ' cm
4. +' cm
5. '( cm

:. Fo$r c-lin&er# A727475 ha# a #ee& ratio o! 7+7)71. I! the center &i#tance beteen c-lin&er A an& 4
i# ( inche#, !in& the center &i#tance A an& 5.  Answer: A
A. ;.': m
2. ;.+' m
4. '.+ m
5. :.+ m


1. A #teel ro& ( mm J ;(( mm lon" ha# an alloance elon"ation not to e*cee& 1.' mm, !in& the
alloable loa& in 6N. Answer: A
A. ):+
2. )+;
4. 1
5. )

). 4om$te the in&$ce&0comre##ive #tre##, in a, o! a #teel #oli& #ha!tin" o! '( mm &iameter an& ;((
mm in len"th that i# #$b%ecte& to an increa#e o! temerat$re b- ;( ( 4. Answer: D
A. 1;1,;1
2. )+),;1
4. )1;,1;)
5. 13,'(

. 4om$te !or the loa& in 6N on a  cm &iameter, 1(( cm lon" #teel ro& i! it# ma*im$m elon"ation
e*cee& (.1) cm. Answer: A
A. 1:; 14/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. 13
4. 1+;
5. );:

+. 4om$te !or the olar #ection mo&$l$# o! a SAE 1(( #ha!tin" havin" a &iameter o!  inche#. #e a
!actor o! #a!et- o! ) an& &e#i"n #tre## at ;(( #i.  Answer: D
A. +.:
2. .1
4. +.)
5. '.

'. 4om$te the alloable loa& in 6N on a )( mm * 1)( cm lon" #teel ro& ith a ma*im$m elon"ation
m$#t not e*cee& 1 mm.  Answer: B
A. '
2. ''
4. 
5. :

. 5etermine the loa& in 6= on a )' mm &iameter * 1)(( mm lon" #teel #ha!t i! it# ma*im$m
elon"ation e*cee&# 1 mm. Answer: A
A. ;
2. 1)'
4. 1(
5. )+

:. The total ei"ht o! #teel late# D@ * C * )(C i#7  Answer: A

A. 1;; lb#
2. 13; lb#
4. : lb#
5. 1;+; lb#

;. =hat re##$re i# reB$ire& !or $nchin" a hole ) inche# in &iameter thr$ a  in #teel late>  Answer:
A. 1( ton#
2. ( ton#
4. )( ton#
5. +( ton#

3. A lin ha# a loa& !actor o! (.;, the #$r!ace i# (.3) an& the en&$rance #tren"th i# );,((( #i. 4om$te
the alternatin" #tre## o! the lin i! it i# #$b%ecte& to a rever#in" loa&. A##$me a !actor o! #a!et- o! .
 Answer: C 
A. ;1'(
2. 1(3)(
4. 3
5. :)(

1(. 5etermine the minim$m mean &iameter o! a taer in !or $#e to !i* a lever to #ha!t, i! it i# tran#mit a
ma*im$m torB$e o! :(( in<lb#. The #ha!t &iameter i# ) inche# an& the material alloable #tre##e# i#
1',((( #i. #e !actor o! #a!et- o! ). Answer: D
A. : mm
2. :.) mm 15/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. '.) mm
5. .) mm

11. Ho man- '01 inch hole# can be $nche& in one motion in a #teel late ma&e o! SAE 1(1( #teel,
:01 inch thic $#in" a !orce o! '' ton#. The $ltimate #tren"th !or #hear i# '( #i an& $#e ) !actor o! 
#a!et-.  Answer: C 
A. '.;
2. .:
4. '

1). The #ha!t ho#e torB$e varie# !rom )((( to ((( in<lb# ha# 1  inche# in &iameter an& (,((( #i
-iel& #tren"th. 4om$te !or the #ha!t mean avera"e #tre##. Answer: A
A. ( #i
2. ;1( #i
4. '1) #i
5. '''( #i

1. A %o$rnal bearin" ith &iameter o! :.) mm i# #$b%ecte& to a loa& o! +3(( N hile rotatin" at )((
rm. I! it# coe!!icient o! !riction i# (.() an& L05 / ).', !in& it# ro%ecte& area in mm ). Answer: D
A. 1)(3(
2. 1('(
4. 1+1'
5. 1+'1

1+. A #teel tie ro& on bri&"e m$#t be ma&e ith#tan& a $ll o! '((( lb#. Fin& the &iameter o! the ro&
a##$min" a !actor o! #a!et- o! ' an& $ltimate #tre## o! +,((( #i.  Answer: C 
A. (.:'
2. (.;+
4. (.:1
5. (.:3

1'. I! the ei"ht o! @ &iameter b- +;@ lon" SAE 1(( #ha!tin" i# 1:+.' ", then hat ill be the ei"ht
o! chromi$m SAE '1+1 o! #ame #ize> Answer: B
A. ('.' lb#
2. ;+. lb#
4. +).+ lb#
5. +'.1 lb#

1. I! the $ltimate #hear #tren"th o! a #teel late# i# +),((( #i, hat !orce i# nece##ar- to $nch a (.:'
inch &iameter hole in a (.)' inch thic late> Answer: B
A. ,((; lb#
2. 1,;(( lb#
4. ;,(;( lb#
5. ,;(( lb#

1:. =hat i# the mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- i! the #tre## i# +,((( #i an& $nit a #train o! (.((1('> Answer: A
A. +1.3(' * 1(
2. +).(( * 1(
4. +1.)() * 1(
5. +.1(1 * 1( 16/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

1;. A ).' in &iameter b- ) in lon" %o$rnal bearin" i# to carr- a ''((<lb loa& at (( rm $#in" SAE +(
l$be oil at )(( (F thro$"h a #in"le hole at )' #i. 4om$te the bearin" re##$re.  Answer: A
A. 11(( #i
2. 1((( #i
4. 3(( #i
5. 3'( #i
13. It i# a roblem o! e*an#ion an& #hrina"e o! #teel material #o that the #li"htl- bi""er #ha!tin" o! )@
&iameter can be in#erte&0!itte& to the #li"htl- #maller hole# o! a #teel b$#hin" o! 1.333@ &iameter ith
the !olloin" roce##0material0&ata to al-7 4oe!!icient o! e*an#ion o! carbon #teel / (.(((((;
?0@(F temerat$re rai#e& b- "a# heatin" / )+.' (F. 4oolin" me&ia to $#e &r- ice ith boilin" oint o! 
<1(3.(F 8<:;.'(49. Shrina"e rate belo boilin" oint i# (.(((: in0in. 5etermine the !inal clearance
 beteen the e*an&e& #teel b$#hin" hole a"ain#t the #hrina"e o! #teel #ha!t. Answer: A
A. (.(((:3@
2. (.(((3@
4. (.(((:'(@
5. (.(((;((@
)(. =hat mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- in ten#ion i# reB$ire& to obtain a $nit &e!ormation o! (.((1(' m0m !rom a
loa& ro&$cin" a $nit ten#ile #tre## o! ++,((( #i>  Answer: D
A. +).(( * 1( #i
2. +.1(1 * 1( #i
4. +1.)() * 1( #i
5. +1.3(' * 1( #i
)1. =hat !orce  i# reB$ire& to $nch a  in hole on a 0; in thic late i! the $ltimate #hear #tren"th o! 
the late i# +),((( #i>  Answer: D
A. )+,3+( lb#
2. )+,3( lb#
4. )+,)( lb#
5. )+,:+( lb#
)). =hat re##$re i# reB$ire& to $nch a hole )@ &iameter thro$"h a @ #teel late>  Answer: D
A. 1( ton#
2. ( ton#
4. )( ton#
5. +( ton#

). 4om$te the orin" #tren"th o! 1@ bolt hich i# #cree& $ ti"htl- in ace& %oint hen the
alloable orin" #tre## i# 1,((( #i.  Answer: B
A. (( lb#
2. 3(( lb#
4. 3'( lb#
5. ;(( lb#

)+. =hat i# the orin" #tren"th o! a )@ bolt hich i# #cree& $ ti"htl- in a ace& %ointl- hen the
alloable orin" #tre## 1),((( #i> Answer: B
A. )(,1)( lb#
2. )(,+(( lb#
4. )(,1(( lb#
5. )(,)(( lb#

)'. 5etermine the e#timate& ei"ht o! an A< #teel late #ize @ * +@ * ;C. Answer: D
A. );( "# 17/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. (1 "#
4. ) "#
5. )3: "#

). 5etermine the e#timate& ei"ht o! an A< #teel late #ize 01@ * C * )(C. Answer: A
A. 313 lb#
2. ;)3 lb#
4. 1(1) lb#
5. :' lb#

):. A 13 mm #t$& bolt# i# $#e& to !a#tene& on a )'( mm &iameter c-lin&er hea& o! &ie#el en"ine. I! there
are 1( #t$& bolt#, &etermine the re##$re in#i&e the c-lin&er i! bolt #tre## i# limite& to '( Ma.
 Answer: A
A. );;.; 6a
2. );;; 6a
4. +) 6a
5. +;); 6a

);. A 13 mm #t$& bolt# i# $#e& to !a#tene& on a )'( mm &iameter c-lin&er hea& o! &ie#el en"ine. I! there
are 1( #t$& bolt#, &etermine the re##$re in#i&e the c-lin&er i! bolt #tre## i# limite& to '( Ma.
 Answer: A
A. );;.; 6a
2. );;; 6a
4. +) 6a
5. +;); 6a

)3. A col$mn #$ort# a comre##ive loa& o! )'( 6N. 5etermine the o$t#i&e &iameter o! col$mn i! 
in#i&e &iameter i# 1;' mm an& comre##ive #tre## o! '( Ma.  Answer: B
A. )((.) mm
2. )(1.+: mm
4. )1.+) mm
5. )(;.+1 mm

(. A #teel hollo t$be i# $#e to carr- a ten#ile loa& o! '(( 6N at a #tre## o! 1+( Ma. I! o$t#i&e
&iameter i# 1( time# the t$be thicne##, !in& the thicne## o! the t$be.  Answer: A
A. 11.)+ mm
2. 1(: mm
4. )(.+ mm
5. )).1 mm

1. A )( mm &iameter rivet i# $#e& to !a#tene& to )' mm thic late. I! the #hearin" #tre## i# ;( Ma.
=hat ten#ile !orce alie& each late to #hear the bolt>. Answer: D
A. ).' 6N
2. );.+) 6N
4. (.+1 6N
5.)'.1 6N

). =hat !orce i# nece##ar- to $nch a ( mm hole in 1).' mm thic late i! $ltimate #hear #tre## i# +1(
Ma> Answer: C 
A. '+ 6N 18/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. +) 6N
4. +; 6N
5. 3; 6N

. To ( mm thic late i# !a#tene& b- to bolt#, )' mm in &iameter. I! the late# i# #$b%ecte& to '(
6N ten#ion, !in& the bearin" #tre## in bolt#.  Answer: A
A. ,. 6a
2. ++++.++ 6a
4. ''''.'' 6a
5. ''',''' 6a

+. A ).' inche# #ha!t i# #$b%ecte& to  6N<m torB$e. Fin& the #tre## &eveloe&. Answer: C 
A. +;.) Ma
2. ').:' Ma
4. '3.; Ma
5. ;.+ Ma

'. A #ha!t hen #$b%ecte& to $re ten#ion &eveloe& a #tre## o! '( Ma. I! the olar moment o! inertia
i# .1'3 * 1(<: m+, &etermine the ma*im$m torB$e the #ha!t co$l& han&le.  Answer: A
A. 1.) 6N
2. 1.; 6N
4. 1.;+ 6N
5. ).+; 6N

. =hat i# the mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- i! the #tre## i# (( Ma an& #train o! (.((1;> Answer: A
A. )1:.3 * 1( Ma
2. )((.1 * 1( Ma
4. ))(.1 Ma
5. )1'.)1 Ma
:. In a ).( m cantilevere& I<beam, a ) Mton ei"ht i# alie& at the !ree en&. I! the alloable #tre## in
 beam i# 11( Ma, &etermine the #ection mo&$l$#. Answer: B
A. 1;.'+ in
2. )1.:: in
4. ).; in
5. )+.); in

;. A ' 6N !orce actin" at the en& o! a  m cantilever beam. I! #ection mo&$l$# o! the beam i# 1( in,
hat i# the #tre## in&$ce&>  Answer: D
A. ;,);' 6a
2. :;,1; 6a
4. )3,;+ 6a
5. 31,'' 6a

3. A  mm #teel ire i# ' m lon" an& #tretche# ; mm $n&er a "iven loa&. I! the mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- i#
)(( Ga, !in& the loa& alie&.  Answer: C 
A. : 6N
2. ; 6N
4. 3 6N
5. 1( 6N 19/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

+(. A #teel ire 1( m lon", han"in" verticall- #$ort# a ten#ile loa& o! ) 6N. Ne"lectin" the ei"ht o! 
ire, &etermine the reB$ire& &iameter i! the #tre## i# not to e*cee& 1+( Ma an& the total elon"ation
i# not to e*cee& ' mm. A##$me E / )(( Ga..  Answer: D
A. ) mm
2.  mm
4. + mm
5. ' mm

+1. An iron ro& + m lon" an& (.' cm) in cro## #ection #tretche# 1 mm hen a ma## o! ))' " i# han" on
it. 4om$te the mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- o! the iron. Answer: A
A. 1:. '; Ga
2. 13.;1 Ga
4. 1(.+1 Ga
5. 1;(.) Ga

+). A )( m ro& i# #tretche# to a #train o! (.((1. 5etermine the &e!lection o! the ro&.  Answer: A
A. )( mm
2. )' mm
4. ( mm
5. ' mm

+. A rail havin" a coe!!icient o! linear e*an#ion o! 11. * 1( < m0m<(4 increa#e# it# len"th hen heate&
!rom :((F to 11(F. 5etermine the #train.  Answer: D
A. ).(+ * 1(<+
2. .(' * 1(<+
4. +.)1 * 1(<+
5. ).:: * 1(<+

++. =hat temerat$re ill the rail# %$#t to$ch i! #teel railroa& i# 1( m lon" are lai& ith clearance o! 
mm at initial temerat$re o! 1' (4> #e  / 11.: * 1(< m0m<(4  Answer: B
A. '.+ (4
2. +(.+ (4
4. +'.+ (4
5. '(.+ (4

+'. For a "iven material, the mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- i# 1(( GN0m) in ten#ion an& +( GN0m ) in #hear. Fin&
the oi##onC# ratio.  Answer: C 
A. (.1(
2. (.'(
4. (.)'
5. (.'

+. A )' mm #ha!t i# e-e& to a (( mm &iameter $lle- an& tran#mit#  6= o! oer. The e-e&
a##embl- rotate# at 1:)' rm. =hat i# the tan"ential !orce at the e->  Answer: A
A. 1. 6N
2. '.) 6N
4. ). 6N
5. ;.+ 6N 20/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

+:. =hat !orce i# nece##ar- to $nch a 1 in hole in a 10; in #teel late i! the $ltimate #hearin" #tre## i#
(,((( #i an& the $ltimate comre##ive #tre## i# ;(,((( #i>  Answer: D
A. +,')(.+ lb#
2. ;,+'.' lb#
4. 1),++.' lb#
5. ),'1.3( lb#

+;. A <bolt #$ort# a loa& o! ((( lb. The cro## #ection o! the bolt ha# a &iameter o!  inch. Ho
m$ch #tre## i# in&$ce& in the #i&e# o! the bolt> Answer: D
A. 1),:+.+' #i
2. 1+,':.) #i
4. 1,+'.' #i
5. 1',):;.1) #i

+3. A 1 inch &iameter #ha!t ha# a ) in &iameter collar re#tin" on a #$ort. The a*ial loa& on the #ha!t i#
1(,((( lb an& the thicne## o! the collar i#  in. Ho m$ch #hearin" #tre## i# in&$ce&> Answer: A
A. .)( #i
2. +)+.' #i
4. ')++.' #i
5. ;+'.+ #i

'(. A hollo rivet ha# an o$t#i&e &iameter o! ' mm an& an in#i&e &iameter o! mm. I! the alloable
#hearin" #tre## i# +(( * 1(  N0m), hat ma*im$m #hearin" !orce can the rivet #$#tain i! #$b%ecte& to
&o$ble #hear>  Answer: A
A. 1( 6N
2. )( 6N
4. 1' 6N
5. )' 6N

'1. A vertical loa& o! +(( Neton# act# at the en& o! a horizontal rectan"$lar cantilever beam ) m lon"
an& )' mm i&e. I! the alloable ben&in" #tre## i# 1( MN0m ), !in& the &eth o! the beam in mm.
 Answer: B
A. ).++ mm
2. ;.+ mm
4. (.) mm
5. +.) mm

'). A #iml- #$orte& timber beam i# '( mm b- )(( mm in cro## #ection an& + m lon". I! the !iber 
#tre## i# not to e*cee& ;. Ma an& the beam ei"ht i# ne"lecte&, !in& the ma*im$m mi&<#an
concentrate& loa& that the beam can #$ort i! the )(( mm &imen#ion i# verticall- oriente&.
 Answer: A
A. ),:.: N
2. ,).+' N
4. ),+'.' N
5. 1,)+.+' N

'. A la %oint con#i#t# o! #teel late )'( mm b- 1; mm in thicne## i# connecte& b- +<)( mm &iameter 
rivet#. 4om$te the bearin" caacit- o! the rivet connection i! the alloable bearin" #tre## i# )1(
Ma.  Answer: A
A. (),+(( N
2. (,)(( N 21/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. +)(,+( N
5. +(,)+( N

'+. A #teel han"er o! ) m len"th i# to carr- an a*ial loa& o! 1; 6N. I! the ten#ile #tre## i# re#tricte& to
1(+ Ma an& the elon"ation ca$#e& b- thi# loa& i# re#tricte& to 1mm, hat i# the minim$m cro##<
#ectional area the member can have> E / )((,((( Ma .  Answer: A
A. 1;( mm)
2. 1: mm)
4. 1+ mm)
5. 13( mm)

''. A #hort hollo #teel c-lin&er ith a all thicne## o! ; mm i# to carr- a comre##ion loa&, alie&
$ni!orml- on the en&, o! :,;(( 6N. I! the alloable orin" #tre## in #teel in comre##ion i# 1;
Ma, then the minim$m o$t#i&e &iameter o! the c-lin&er reB$ire& to #a!el- #$ort the loa& i#7
 Answer: A
A. '1) mm
2. +;) mm
4. 3 mm
5. +( mm

'. A )' mm &iameter #teel bar i# loa&e& in &o$ble #hear $ntil !ail$re, the $ltimate loa& i# !o$n& to be
++ 6N. I! the alloable #tre## i# ba#e& on a !actor o! #a!et- o!  hat m$#t be the &iameter o! a in
&e#i"ne& !or an alloable loa& o! ) 6N in #in"le #hear be>  Answer: A
A. 1+.:3 mm
2. 1'.+ mm
4. 1.)+ mm
5. 1). mm

':. A #teel bar, initiall- !ree o! #tre##, i# hel& beteen ri"i& #$ort#. 5etermine the #tre## in the bar i! 
temerat$re &ro# 1( (F. 6 / .' * 1( < in0(F, E / ( * 1(  #i Answer: A
A. )','( #i
2. ),)+ #i
4. )+,;3 #i
5. ),'+ #i

';. A #teel ro& ith a cro## #ectional area o! 1o mm ) i# to be attache& beteen to !i*e& oint# 1.)' m
aart. I! the ro& i# too #hort b- (.)' mm, !in& the #tre## alie& to $t the ro& bac to !itne##. E /
)((,((( Ma Answer: A
A. +( Ma
2. ( Ma
4. '( Ma
5. ( Ma


1. 4om$te !or the ti#tin" moment in in<lb &eveloe& hen the #ha!t &eliver# )( h at 1)(( rm.
 Answer: C 
A. 11 22/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. 31'
4. 1('(
5. 3+'

). Fin& the tor#ional &e!lection, in &e"ree#, o! a #oli& #teel #ha!t, 11( mm O5 * 1.+ m lon" #$b%ect to
.1 * 1( N<mm torB$e. The tor#ional mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- i# ;(,((( N0mm<mm.  Answer: D
A. (.))1
2. (.13'
4. (.);
5. (.)1

. 4om$te !or the tor#ional &e!lection, in &e"ree#, o! a 11( mm &iameter, 1.+ m lon" #ha!t #$b%ecte& to
a ti#t moment o!  * 1(  The tor#ional mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- i# ;((( N0mm ).  Answer: C 
A. (.):
2. (.1
4. (.)(
5. (.)+

+. Fin& the tor#ional moment 8in Neton<mm9, &eveloe& hen the #ha!t &eliver# )( 6= at )(( rm.
 Answer: B
A. (.:' * 1(
2. 1.( * 1(
4. 1.)( * 1(
5. ).1( * 1(

'. A 1() mm &iameter #ha!t i# &riven at ((( rm b- a (( h rime mover. The #ha!t &rive# a 1)1.3
cm &iameter chain #rocet havin" ;'K o$t$t e!!icienc-. 4om$te the torB$e in in<lb &eveloe& in
the #ha!t.  Answer: D
A. ',((
2. :,1((
4. ;,1'(
5. ,((

. A  in &iameter #hort #ha!t carr-in" $lle-# clo#e to the bearin"# tran#mit ho m$ch hor#eoer i! 
the #ha!t mae# );( rm>  Answer: C 
A. 331 h
2. 313 h
4. 133 h
5. )( h

:. =hat oer o$l& the #in&le '' mm in &iameter tran#mit at +;( rm #tre## alloe& !or #hort #ha!t
i# '3 N0mm)>  Answer: B
A. 3;.; 6=
2. 3.;; 6=
4. ;.3; 6=
5. ;.;3 6= 23/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

;. A hollo #ha!t ha# an inner &iameter o! (.(' m an& an o$ter &iameter o! (.( m. 4om$te the
torB$e i! the #hear #tre## i# not to e*cee& 1)( Ma in N<m.  Answer: C 
A. +,+(( N<m
2. +,(( N<m
4. +,'(( N<m
5. +,)(( N<m

3. =hat oer o$l& a #in&le '' mm in &iameter tran#mit at +;( rm. Stre## alloe& !or #hort #ha!t i#
'3 N0mm). Answer: No orre! answer "n !#e $"%en #o"es.
A. +'.1) 
2. '(.1 
4. +' h
5. 3.)1 h

1(. A #mall co$nter#ha!t i# 1  inch in &iameter an& ha# an alloable #tre## o! ;'(( #i. Fin& the
hor#eoer &elivere& b- the #ha!t at a #ee& o! 1'.: ra&0#.  Answer: C 
A. :.)(
2. 1.+
4. 1.1
5. 1+.:)

11. 5etermine the torB$e receive& b- the motor #ha!t r$nnin" at +)'( rm, tran#mittin" 11 H, thro$"h a
1( in &iameter, )(( invol$te "ear. The #ha!t i# #$orte& b- the ball bearin"# at both en&# an& the
"ear i# !i*e& at the mi&&le o! ; in #ha!t len"th.  Answer: A
A. 1 in<lb
2. 1: in<lb
4. 1) in<lb
5. 1; in<lb
1). A 1 !t line#ha!t ha# no ben&in" action e*cet it# on ei"ht. =hat oer in H can the #ha!t
&eliver at a #ee& o! )(( rm. 4on#i&er that the tor#ional &e!lection ill not e*cee& (.(;0!t len"th..
 Answer: D
A. 1.)
2. 1'.;
4. )+.+
5. 1+.

1. The tor#ional &e!lection o! a SAE 1(+( #teel #ha!t i# (.; ( in a len"th o!  m. The #hear #tre## i# 3
Ma. 4om$te the &iameter o! the #ha!t in millimeter. Steel mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- i# :3,(( Ma or 
 N0mm).  Answer: D
A. '1
2. '(
4. :'
5. )
1+. 4om$te the &iameter o! a #oli& #ha!t tran#mittin" :' H at 1;(( rm. The nat$re o! the loa& an& the
t-e o! #ervice i# #$ch that the alloable SS ba#e& on $re tor#ion i# ((( #i.. Answer: C 
A. 1 :0:@
2. ) 101@
4. 1 '01@
5.  10;@
1'. The #ha!t i# #$b%ecte& to a #tea&- loa& o! ,((( lb# at a #hear #tre## o! 1(,((( #i. 4om$te the
&iameter o! the #ai& #ha!t in inche#. Answer: C 24/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. 1 :0;
2. ) 10+
4. 
5. ) 0+
1. 5etermine the torB$e receive& b- the motor #ha!t r$nnin" at +)'( rm, tran#mittin" 11 H, thro$"h a
1( in &iameter, )(( invol$te "ear. The #ha!t i# #$orte& b- the ball bearin"# at both en&# an& the
"ear i# !i*e& at the #ha!t len"th. Answer: A
A. 1 in<lb
2. 1) in<lb
4. 1: in<lb
5. 1; in<lb

1:. 4om$te the ma*im$m $nit #hear in a  inche# &iameter #teel #ha!tin" that tran#mit# )+,((( in<lb o! 
torB$e at 33 rm.  Answer: A
A. +'( #i
2. ;( #i
4. +)'( #i
5. +3( #i

1;. 4om$te the linear #ha!t &iameter to tran#mit# 1) H at 1;( rm ith tor#ional &e!lection o! (.(;
&e"ree# er !oot len"th.  Answer: B
A.  in
2. ).' in
4. ' cm
5. ) mm

13. 4om$te the nominal #hear #tre## at the #$r!ace in Ma !or a +( mm &iameter #ha!t that tran#mit :'(
6 at 1'(( rm. A*ial an& ben&in" loa&# are a##$me& ne"li"ible. Tor#ional #hearin" #tre## i# );
 N0mm).  Answer: D
A. )1;
2. ))
4. 1)
5. ;(

)(. A hollo #ha!t ha# inner &iameter o! (.(' m an& o$ter &iameter o! (.( m. 4om$te !or the torB$e
i! the #hear #tre## i# not to e*cee& 1)( Ma in N<m.  Answer: A
A. +'((
2. +((
4. +1((
5. +1'(

)1. 5e#i"n the #ize o! #oli& #teel #ha!t to be $#e& !or a '(( H, )'( rm alication i! the alloable
tor#ional &e!lection i# 1( an& the alloable #tre## i# 1(,((( #i an& mo&$l$# o! ri"i&it- i# 1 * 1( 
 #i. Answer: B
A. '@ &ia. 25/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. +<:0;@ &ia.
4. +<'0;@ &ia.
5. +<0+@ &ia.

)). A )<in #oli& #ha!t i# &riven b- a <in, "ear an& tran#mit oer at 1)( rm. I! the alloable #hearin"
#tre## i# 1) #i, hat hor#eoer can be tran#mitte&>  Answer: C 
A. )3.;3
2. ;.;3
4. '.;3
5. +.;3

). A #hort 1 mm &iameter #ha!t tran#mit# 1)( H. 4om$te the linear #ee& o! a $lle- '' cm
&iameter mo$nte& on the #ha!t.  Answer: B
A. 1:3 !m
2. 1;:( !m
4. 1: !m
5. )1( !m

)+. A hollo #ha!t ha# inner &iameter o! (.(' m an& o$ter &iameter o! (.( m. 5etermine the olar 
moment o! inertia o! the hollo #ha!t.  Answer: D
A. 1.'1) * 1(<  m+
2. 1.1') * 1(<  m+
4. 1.)1' * 1(<  m+
5. 1.1)' * 1(<  m+

)'. 4om$te the #ee& o! the "ear mo$nte& on a ').' mm &iameter #ha!t receivin" oer !rom a &rivin"
motor ith )'( H. Answer: B
A. )1;) rm
2. ));) rm
4. )(:1 rm
5. )+1 rm

). A #oli& c-lin&rical #ha!t +;.) cm lon" i# $#e& !or a tran#mi##ion o! mechanical oer at a rate o! :
6= r$nnin" at 1:( rm. The S S i# ;.1 Ma. 4alc$late the &iameter.  Answer: D
A. ( mm
2. +( mm
4. ' mm
5. '( mm

):. A hollo #ha!t ith o$t#i&e &iameter o! 1+ cm an& all thicne## o! (.; cm tran#mit# )(( 6 at +((
rm. =hat m$#t be the an"$lar &e!lection o! the #ha!t i! the len"th i# ' meter#> The material o! the
#ha!t i# 4+1+( #teel.  Answer: B
A. (.;+ &e"
2. 1.1+ &e"
4. 1.; &e"
5. 1.'( &e"

);. A @ &iameter #hort #ha!t carr-in" ) inche# $lle-# clo#e to the bearin"# tran#mit ho m$ch oer i! 
the #ha!t mae# );( rm.  Answer: A
A. 133 H
2. )(( H 26/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. 13; H
5. )1( H

)3. A #te #ha!t ma&e o! SAE 111: #teel ith an $ltimate #tren"th o! 3.: #i. The notch #en#itivit-
!actor i# (.((+' i# the con#tant &een&ent $on the $ltimate #tren"th, chec the ra&i$# #tre## rai#er.
 Answer: C 
A. (.13)
2. (.;
4. (.)'(
5. (.::'

(. A #ha!t i# $#e& to tran#mit )(( 6 at (( rm b- mean# o! a )(( mm &iameter #rocet. 5etermine
the !orce tan"ent to the #rocet.  Answer: D
A. (.++ 6N
2. (. 6N
4. (.;; 6N
5. . 6N

1. Fin& the &iameter o! a #teel #ha!t hich ill be $#e& to oerate a 11( 6 motor rotatin" at ' r# i! 
tor#ional #tre## i# 3( Ma.  Answer: B
A. (.) mm
2. ';. mm
4. ;. mm
5. +.) mm

). =hat i# the #ee& o! .+) mm #ha!t that tran#mit :' 6 i! #tre## i# not to e*cee& ) Ma.  Answer:
A. ''( rm
2. ( rm
4. '( rm
5. '( rm

. A #teel #ha!t tran#mit# '( H at 1+(( rm. I! alloable #tre## i# '(( #i, !in& the #ha!t &iameter.
 Answer: B
A. .'; in
2. ).;+ in
4. 1.' in
5. ).'+ in

+. A hollo #ha!t that ha# a 1(( mm o$t#i&e &iameter an& ;( mm in#i&e &iameter i# $#e& to tran#mit
1(( 6 at (( rm. 5etermine the #ha!t #tre##. Answer: A
A. 1.: Ma
2. 1.;) Ma
4. 13.; Ma
5. 1:.)1 Ma

'. 5etermine the len"th o! the #horte#t ) mm &iameter bronze ire hich can be ti#te& thro$"h to
comlete t$rn# itho$t e*cee&in" a #hearin" #tre## o! :( Ma. G / ',((( Ma.  Answer: A
A. ,); mm
2. ',+;+ mm
4. +,; mm 27/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

5. :,) mm

. A hollo #ha!t &eveloe& a torB$e o! ' 6N<m an& #ha!t #tre## i# +( Ma. I! o$t#i&e &iameter o! #ha!t
i# 1(( mm, &etermine the #ha!t inner &iameter. Answer: D
A. ;.+ mm
2. .); mm
4. ';.; mm
5. ::.+ mm

:. =hat i# the olar moment o! inertia o! a #oli& #ha!t that ha# a torB$e o! 1.' 6N<m an& a #tre## o! )'
Ma> Answer: B
A. ).+ * 1(<  m+
2. ).() * 1(<  m+
4. .+ * 1(<  m+
5. 1.)+ * 1(<  m+

;. A !orce tan"ent to a !oot &iameter $lle- i# ' 6N an& i# mo$nte& on a ) inche# #ha!t. 5etermine the
tor#ional &e!lection i! G / ; * 1( 6a. Answer: A
A. (.;(' (0m
2. (.'+ (0m
4. (.:; (0m
5. (.3; (0m

3. =hat i# the minim$m &iameter o! a #teel #ha!t hich ill be $#e& to oerate a 1+ 6N<m torB$e an&
ill not ti#t more than  ( in a len"th o!  m> 8 G / ; * 1(  6a9 Answer: C 
A. 1((.+ mm
2. 3.;( mm
4. 11;.+' mm
5. 1)(.:) mm

+(. A #oli& #ha!t ' m lon" i# #tre##e& to ( Ma hen ti#te& thro$"h +(. Fin& the #ha!t &iameter i! G /
; Ga. Answer: D
A. 3'.+ mm
2. 3(.+) mm
4. 1(1.) mm
5. 1(.'+ mm

+1. =hat i# the &iameter o! a line #ha!t that tran#mit 1'( 6 at 1' r#> Answer: A
A. ).); in
2. .'+ in
4. 1.) in
5. ).(+ in

+). A main #ha!t ha# '( mm &iameter i# r$nnin" at (( rm. =hat oer that co$l& be &elivere& b- the
#ha!t> Answer: B
A. .+( H
2. );.( H
4. ).'( H
5. 1.+) H 28/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

+. A 1.' in &iameter #hort #ha!t i# $#e& to tran#mit ++.+ H. 5etermine the #ha!t #ee&.  Answer: B
A. '(( r#
2. ;. r#
4. +(( r#
5. +'( r#

++. A  in #oli& #ha!t i# &e#ire& to relace& a hollo #ha!t havin" + in o$t#i&e &iameter. 4on#i&er the
#tren"th to be the #ame, &etermine the in#i&e &iameter o! hollo #ha!t.  Answer: C 
A. ).' in
2. .( in
4. .+; in
5. +.( in

+'. A motor i# $#e& to &rive a centri!$"al $m that &i#char"e# ((( li0min at a hea& o! 1( m. The $m
e!!icienc- i# ;K an& r$nnin" at ''( rm. Fin& the tor#ional #tre## o! #ha!t i! #ha!t &iameter i# '
mm. Answer: D
A. 1.;' Ma
2. 11.;' Ma
4. 1).;' Ma
5.1+.;: Ma

+. A circ$lar #a bla&e ha# a circ$lar #ee& o! )' m0#ec an& '(( mm &iameter i# &riven b- mean# o! 
 belt that ha# an e!!icienc- o! 3'K. Fin& the reB$ire& &iameter o! the &riven #ha!t. I! oer 
tran#mitte& i# '( H. Answer: B
A. 1 in
2. ) in
4.  in
5. + in

+:. An ;(( mm &iameter circ$lar #a bla&e i# &riven b- a 1;(( rm motor ith belt #ee& ratio o! 1.;.
Fin& the eriheral #ee& o! the bla&e.  Answer: A
A. 1:.+ !t0#ec
2. 1+(.' !t0#ec
4. 1).+ !t0#ec
5. 1'.)1 !t0#ec

+;. A machine #ha!t i# #$orte& on bearin"# 1 m aart i# to tran#mit 13( 6 at (( rm hile #$b%ecte&
to ben&in" loa& o! '(( " at the center. I! ma*im$m #hearin" #tre## i# +( Ma, &etermine the #ha!t
&iameter.  Answer: C 
A. 1(( mm
2. 3( mm
4. 3) mm
5. 3; mm

+3. A 1(( mm &iameter #ha!t i# #$b%ecte& to a torB$e o!  6N<m an& a ben&in" moment o! ).' 6N<m.
Fin& the ma*im$m ben&in" #tre## &eveloe&. Answer: A
A. +'.;+ Ma
2. (.)' Ma 29/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. '(.); Ma
5. ''.+ Ma

'(. A ro$n& #teel #ha!t tran#mit#  H at 1;(( rm. The #hear mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- i# 1),(((,((( #i.
The tor#ional &e!lection i# not to e*cee& 1 &e" in a len"th eB$al to )( time# the &iameter. Fin& the
#ha!t &iameter. Answer: B
A. 1.(+ in
2. (.)': in
4. (.;+ in
5. ).(+' in

'1. A line #ha!t i# to tran#mit )(( H at 3(( rm. Fin& the &iameter o! the #ha!t.  Answer: B
A. ) 01 in
2. ) :01 in
4.  1'01 in
5. 1 01 in

'). A centri!$"al $m i# &irectl- co$le& to a motor. The $m ratin" i# ,(( liter# er a min$te
a"ain#t a total hea& o! ; meter# o! ater. $m e!!icienc- i# 'K at a #ee& o! ''( rm. 4alc$late
the tor#ional #tre## in&$ce& on the +( mm &iameter motor #ha!t.  Answer: C 
A. 11,13.+' 6a
2. 1,+:.+ 6a
4. 1(,(1(.;' 6a
5. 1,+'.: 6a

'. A ro$n& #teel #ha!t tran#mit# (.:' 6 at 1;(( rm. The #hear mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- i# ;( Ga. The
tor#ional &e!lection i# not to e*cee& 1 &e"ree in a len"th eB$al to )( &iameter#. Fin& the #ha!t
&iameter.  Answer: A
A. .)1 mm
2. ;.+) mm
4. 1).++ mm
5. 1.+' mm

'+. A ro$n& #teel #ha!t rotate# at )(( rm an& i# #$b%ecte& to a torB$e o! ))' N.m an& a ben&in" moment
o! +( N.m. The alloable #hearin" #tre## i# +( MN0m ), the alloable ten#ile i# '. MN0m ). Fin&
the &imater.  Answer: A
A. .)1 mm
2. ;.+) mm
4. 1).++ mm
5. 1.+' mm

''. A 1 in &iameter #ha!t i# to be relace& ith a hollo #ha!t o! the #ame material, ei"hin" hal! a#
m$ch, b$t eB$all- #tron" in tor#ion. The o$t#i&e &iameter o! the hollo #ha!t i# to be 1  in. Fin& the
in#i&e &iameter. Answer: A
A. 1.)) in
2. ).1) in
4. 1.' in
5. .1) in 30/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

'. A  in &iameter #ha!t i# &e#i"ne& ith a orin" #tre## o! :((( #i in #hear. I! it rotate# at 1:)' rm
an& #hear mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- i# 1),(((,((( #i, hat i# the tor#ional &e!lection in &e"ree# er !oot
o! len"th> Answer: C 
A. .;)(
2. ).'(
4. .)1(
5. +.)(

':. A hollo #ha!t ha# an o$t#i&e &iameter o! + in an& an in#i&e &iameter o!  in. Fin& the &iameter o! a
#oli& #ha!t ith eB$al #tren"th in tor#ion. Answer: D
A. ).1) in
2. .) in
4. +.) in
5. .') in

';. A  in #teel #ha!t tran#mit# ( in<lb o! torB$e. The e!!ective len"th o! the #ha!t i# 1) in the mo&$l$#
o! ela#ticit- in #hear i# 1),(((,((( #i. Fin& the an"$lar &e!lection in &e"ree#. Answer: C 
A. ).)+(
2. 1.)(
4. +.+;(
5. .+(

'3. A 1  in Monel #ha!t i# $#e& in a tor#ional alication. 2a#e& on oeratin" #ee& o! 1(( rm an&
#a!et- !actor o! 1). Ho m$ch hor#eoer can it tran#mit> A##$me the #hearin" #tre## i# D o! the
$ltimate ten#ile #tre## hich i# 1((,((( #i. Answer: A
A. .': h
2. .+' h
4. ).+ h
5. '.) h


1. A :.) mm in &iameter #ha!tin" o! SAE 1(+( "ra&e, col& rolle&, havin" a -iel& oint o! '( #i an&
ith a D * ' inche# e-. 4om$te the minim$m -iel& oint in the e- in or&er to tran#mit the torB$e
o! the #ha!t. The !actor o! #a!et- to $#e i# ) an& S -# / (.'( S-. Answer: D
A. 3.1)( #i
2. +).1( #i
4. ):3.)( #i
5. +:.1)( #i

). A e-e& #rocet &eliver# a torB$e o! ::;.; N.m thr$ the #ha!t o! '+ mm O5. The e- thicne## i#
1.';:' cm an& the i&th i# 1.11 cm. 4om$te the len"th o! the #ame e-. The ermi##ible #tre##
val$e o! ( Ma !or #hear an& 3( Ma !or ten#ion.  Answer: D
A. 3.1) cm
2. +.;) cm
4. ').)) cm
5. +.) cm 31/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

. A :.) mm in &iameter #ha!tin" o! SAE 1(+( "ra&e, col& rolle&, havin" a -iel& oint o! '( #i an&
ith a D * D * ' inche# e-. 4om$te the minim$m -iel& oint in the e- in or&er to tran#mit the
torB$e o! the #ha!t. The !actor o! #a!et- to $#e i# ) an& S -# / (.'( S-. Answer: D
A. +:.') #i
2. +:.)' #i
4. +:.1) #i
5. +:.)1 #i

+. A e-e& "ear# &eliver# a torB$e o! 31).+ N<m thr$ it# #ha!t o! .' mm o$t#i&e &iameter. I! the e-
ha# a thicne## o! 1'.;:' mm an& i&th o! 11.11)', !in& the len"th o! the e-. A##$me the
 ermi##ible #tre## val$e# o! 1.) Ma !or #hear an& ten#ion at 33.; Ma. Answer: C 
A. +:.+) mm
2. 3.:) mm
4. +).)) mm
5. +.3) mm

'. A metric M+ * 1' #B$are e- i# $#e& ith a 1 mm #ha!t. I! the alloable #hearin" #tre## i# '( Ma.
Ho m$ch torB$e can the a##embl- han&le> The rotational #ee& o! the #ha!t i# (( rm.  Answer: C 
A. )( N<m
2. 1) N<m
4. )+ N<m
5. + N<m

. A !lat e- i# to be &e#i"ne& !or :' mm &iameter #ha!t hich ill tran#mit 1'( 6= at +(( rm. I! 
alloable #hearin" #tre## i# )(( Ma an& e- i&th i# '' mm, &etermine the len"th o! e-.  Answer:
A. (.' mm
2. 1.; mm
4. .:' mm
5. ).;' mm

:. A rectan"$lar e- i# $#e& in $lle- to tran#mit 1(( 6 at 1((( rm on '( mm #ha!t &iameter.
5etermine the !orce reB$ire& to remove the #ha!t !rom the h$b i! !riction i# (.+.  Answer: D
A. .)+ 6N
2. .;' 6N
4. );.' 6N
5. (.'' 6N

;. A :01 in hei"ht *  in len"th !lat e- i# e-e& to a ) inche# &iameter #ha!t. 5etermine the torB$e in
the e- i! bearin" #tre## alloable i# )' 6#i. Answer: A
A. 1,+(.)' in<lb
2. 1',)+;.' in<lb
4. 1:.+) in<lb
5. )+.:' in<lb

3. A rectan"$lar e- i# $#e& in $lle- connecte& to a line #ha!t at 1' 6 an& (( rm. I! #hearin" o! 
e- i# )( Ma, &etermine the !orce actin" on e- len"th i! e- i&th one<!o$rth o! #ha!t &iameter 
an& e- len"th i# 1 inch.  Answer: C 32/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. + 6N
2. +; 6N
4. +' 6N
5. + 6N

1(. A #B$are e- i# to be $#e& in +( mm &iameter #ha!t an& that ill &eveloe& a ) 6N<m torB$e. I! 
 bearin" #tre## o! the e- i# +(( Ma, &etermine the cro## #ectional &imen#ion o! #B$are e- to be
$#e& i! e- len"th i# ( mm.  Answer: D
A. )+.;( mm)
2. )+.;( mm)
4. ++.;( mm)
5. )::.:: mm)

11. A 1(( 6N !orce i# actin" on a e- that ha# a len"th o! + time# it# hei"ht. I! bearin" #tre## o! e- i#
+(( Ma, &etermine the hei"ht o! e-.  Answer: B
A. 1(.'+ mm
2. 11.1; mm
4. 1).' mm
5. 1'.)' mm

1). A one meter $lle- i# !a#tene& to a 1(( mm #ha!t b- mean# o! )' mm #B$are e- an& 1'( mm lon".
=hat !orce tan"ent to $lle- rim ill #hear the e- i! #hear #tre## i# )(( Ma>  Answer: C 
A. ' 6N
2. :( 6N
4. :' 6N
5. ;( 6N
1. A 1.) m $lle- i# !a#tene& to a 1)( mm #ha!t b- mean# o! a #B$are e- ith 1+( mm lon". =hat
!orce tan"ent to $lle- rim ill cr$#h the e- i! bearin" #tre## i# +1( Ma. A##$me e- an& #ha!t are
o! the #ame material.  Answer: C 
A. 1(.+) 6N
2. 1'.)' 6N
4. 1;(.+) 6N
5. 1:).)( 6N

1. A !lan"e& bolt co$lin" ha# ten 81(9 #teel )'.+ mm &iameter bolt# evenl- ti"hten aro$n& a +1' mm
 bolt circle. 5etermine the torB$e caacit- o! the connection i! the alloable #hearin" #tre## in the
 bolt i# '( MN0m).  Answer: B
A. '3.3' 6N.m
2. '). 6N.m
4. +.1' 6N.m
5. +.; 6N.m

). A !lan"e& bolt co$lin" con#i#t# o! ei"ht )( mm &iameter #teel bolt# #ace evenl- aro$n& a bolt
circle (( mm in &iameter. I! the co$lin" i# #$b%ecte& to a torB$e o! 1'.1 6N<m, &etermine the
ma*im$m #hearin" #tre## in the bolt#>  Answer: A
A. +( Ma
2. ; Ma
4. :( Ma
5. )3 Ma 33/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

. A !lan"e& co$lin" havin" 1;( mm bolt circle an& 13 mm thic $#e# ; bolt#, 1 mm &iameter to
connect to #ha!t. It i# $#e& to tran#mit ( 6 at 1;( rm. 5etermine the !actor o! #a!et- in bearin"
i! -iel& oint in comre##ion i# ++; Ma.  Answer: C 
A. 1'.
2. 1;.'
4. (.;
5. )'.+

+. A t$rbine connecte& to "enerator b- mean# o! !lan"e& co$lin" that ha# a bolt circle &iameter o! '((
mm. The "enerator o$t$t i# +( M=, (( rm an& 3(K e!!icienc-. I! there are 1 bolt#, &etermine
the !orce actin" on each bolt.  Answer: B
A. ).+1 6N
2. )3.+: 6N
4. '.) 6N
5. ).1 6N

'. A :' mm &iameter #ha!t i# tran#mittin" (( 6 at (( rm. A #oli& co$lin" ha# a  bolt# each 1;
mm in &iameter. Fin& the reB$ire& bolt circle &iameter i! #hearin" #tre## in bolt# i# ):.' Ma..
 Answer: A
A. )):.+( mm
2. ).( mm
4. )'+.'( mm
5. ):).( mm

. The total !orce o! 1)' 6N i# reB$ire& o! !lan"e co$lin" that ha# ' bolt# ha# al#o #hearin" #tre## o! 
( Ma !or bolt. 5etermine the reB$ire& &iameter o! bolt.  Answer: D
A. ).'+ 6N
2. '+.)1 6N
4. +'.) 6N
5. ).': 6N

:. A !lan"e& co$lin" ith bolt circle &iameter o! )'( mm $#e# ; bolt#, )' mm &iameter. The torB$e
tran#mitte& i# 1' 6N<m an& comre##ive #tre## o! bolt i# 1' Ma. 5etermine the reB$ire& !lan"e
thicne##.  Answer: D
A. )' mm
2. ( mm
4. ' mm
5. +( mm


1. Fin& the thicne## o! a metal nee&e& in the #emi<#herical en& o! c-lin&rical ve##el (.:( meter in
&iameter #$b%ecte& to an internal re##$re o! ).: N0mm ). The material i# mil& carbon #teel an& ten#ile
#tre## i# 3 N0mm.  Answer: D
A. '.) mm
2. .() mm
4. :.' mm
5. .;+ mm 34/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

). A c-lin&rical tan ith 1( inche# in#i&e &iameter contain# o*-"en "a# at )'(( #i. 4alc$late the
reB$ire& all thicne## in millimeter $n&er #tre## o! );,((( #i.  Answer: B
A. 1(.'+
2. 11.+
4. 1(.)+
5. 1).++

. 5etermine the b$r#tin" re##$re o! #teel ith &iameter o! 1( inche# an& mae o!  in thic late.
The %oint e!!icienc- i# at :(K an& the ten#ile #tren"th i# ( #i.  Answer: D
A. +,()( #i
2. +,(() #i
4. ),+(( #i
5. +,)(( #i

+. 5etermine the #a!e all thicne## o! a ( inche# #teel ith internal re##$re o! :.;) Ma. The -iel&
#tre## o! material i# at ):'.+; Ma. The !actor o! #a!et- to $#e i# ).(.  Answer: C 
A. D in
2. ).+ cm
4. )1. mm
5. '0; in

'. 5etermine the b$r#tin" #team re##$re o! a #teel #hell ith a &iameter o! 1( inche# an& ma&e o! 
inch thic #teel late. The %oint e!!icienc- i# at :(K an& the ten#ile #tren"th i# ( #i.  Answer: A
A. +,)(( #i
2. 1(.' #i
4. +).; #i
5. ;,'(( #i

. 4om$te the #a!e all thicne## o! a :.) cm &iameter #teel tan. The tan i# #$b%ecte& to :. Ma
 re##$re an& the #teel material ha# -iel& #tre## o! )1'.+ Ma. The !actor o! #a!et- to $#e i# . Answer:
A. 1  in
2. .;3 cm
4. +.(3 cm
5. .3 cm

:. A #teel c-lin&er air receiver ith ' !eet &iameter an& re##$re loa& o! 1;( #i, &e#i"n #tre## o! 3'((
 #i ma*im$m. The re##$re ve##el i# to be rovi&e& ith 1 @ &iameter &rain valve in#talle& at the
 bottom o! the ve##el an& #a!et- re##$re relie! valve in#talle& either at the to mo#t or at the #i&e ith
 ro<o$t ratin" o! )(( #i. A##$me a 1((K el& %oint e!!icienc-. The la el&in" ten#ile #tren"th i#
',((( #i. 5etermine the b$r#tin" re##$re o! thi# air receiver.  Answer: B
A. 11'+ #i
2. 1'+ #i
4. 1+'+ #i
5. 1)'+ #i 35/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

;. 5etermine the thicne## o! a #teel air receiver ith ( inche# &iameter an& re##$re loa& o! 1)( #i,
&e#i"n #tre## o! ;((( #i. Answer: A
A. 10+ in
2. 0; in
4. '0; in
5. 10) in

3. A c-lin&rical tan ith 1(@ in#i&e &iameter contain# o*-"en "a# at )'(( #i. 4alc$late the reB$ire&
all thicne## in 8mm9 $n&er #tre## o! );,((( #i.  Answer: C 
A. 11.++ mm
2. 1(. mm
4. 11.+ mm
5. 1(. mm

1(. 5etermine the internal re##$re o! a c-lin&rical tan '(( mm internal &iameter, )( mm thic an&  m
lon" i! #tre## i# limite& to 1+( Ma.  Answer: C 
A. 1(.( Ma
2. 1(.') Ma
4. 11.)( Ma
5. 1).;; Ma

11. A ater tan 1( m * 1) m i# comletel- !ille& ith ater. 5etermine the minim$m thicne## o! the
 late i! #tre## i# limite& to '( Ma.  Answer: A
A. 11.:: mm
2. 1). mm
4. 1.'' mm
5. 1).++ mm

1). A #herical #hell o! 1.; m o$t#i&e an& 1.:)' m in#i&e &iameter contain# heli$m at a re##$re o! 1(.+
Ma. 4om$te the #tre## in the #hell.. Answer: B
A. 1)+.(; Ma
2. 113.( Ma
4. 3.+; Ma
5. ;;.+ Ma

1. A (( mm &iameter #herical #teel re##$re ve##el ha# a $ni!orm ; mm all thicne## an& an
internal "a"e re##$re o! 1( Ma. I! the $ltimate #tre## o! #teel i# +)( Ma, &etermine the !actor o! 
#a!et- ith re#ect to ten#ile o! !ail$re.  Answer: A
A. ).(
2. 1.;3
4. ).3
5. 1.+;

1+. 5etermine the lar"e#t internal re##$re hich ma-be alie& to a c-lin&rical tan ) m in &iameter 
an& 1' mm all thicne##, i! the $ltimate #tre## o! #teel i# +)( Ma an& a !actor o! #a!et- o! +.'.
 Answer: A
A. 1.+ Ma 36/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. ). Ma
4. 1.; Ma
5. ).) Ma

1'. The c-lin&er o! a h-&ra$lic re## i# ma&e $ o! thic alle& c-lin&er havin" an in#i&e &iameter o! 
(( mm. It i# #$b%ecte& to an internal re##$re o! +( Ma. 5etermine the thicne## o! a c-lin&er 
itho$t e*cee&in" a #hearin" #tre## o! ;( Ma.  Answer: C 
A. ).1 mm
2. ';.1 mm
4. 1(3.;( mm
5. :).+( mm

1. The internal re##$re o! a +(( mm internal &iameter c-lin&rical tan i# 1( Ma an& tan thicne## i#
)' mm. 5etermine the #tre## &eveloe& i! %oint e!!icienc- i# 3'K.  Answer: B
A. ;(.1( Ma
2. ;+.)1 Ma
4. ;.:' Ma
5. :;.+) Ma

1:. A #herical tan 1' mm thic ha# an internal re##$re o! ' Ma. The %oint e!!icienc- i# 3K an&
#tre## i# limite& to +,;:' 6a. Fin& the tan internal ra&i$#. Answer: C 
A. '+( mm
2. )(( mm
4. ):( mm
5. (( mm

1;. A c-lin&rical tan ha# an in#i&e &iameter o! ' in an& i# #$b%ecte& to an internal re##$re o! '(( #i. I! 
ma*im$m #tre## i# 1)(( a#i, &etermine the reB$ire& thicne##.  Answer: C 
A. 1 in
2. 1.) in
4. 1.+ in
5. 1. in
13. A thic all c-lin&er ha# '( mm thic an& internal &iameter o! (( mm. I! #tre## i# limite& to (
Ma, &etermine the ma*im$m internal re##$re.  Answer: D
A. ;.1 Ma
2. ;.) Ma
4. ;. Ma
5. ;.+ Ma

)(. A ro$n& vertical #teel tan ha# in#i&e &iameter o!  m an&  m hei"ht. It contain# "a#oline ith a
&en#it- o! :'( 6"0m. I! the alloable ten#ile #tre## i# )' Ma, !in& the minim$m thicne## reB$ire&.
 Answer: A
A. ).' mm
2. ).;' mm
4. .' mm
5. 1.;) mm

)1. A c-lin&er havin" an internal &iameter o! 1 in an& e*ternal &iameter o! ) inche# i# #$b%ecte& to
1'(( #i e*ternal re##$re an& internal re##$re o! 3,((( #i. 5etermine the hoo #tre## on o$ter 
#$r!ace o! c-lin&er. Answer: B
A. ;,:+).' #i 37/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. :,+).;' #i
4. 3,+((.) #i
5. 3,+:1.+ #i

)). A c-lin&rical tan ha# a mean &iameter o! +( cm an& thicne## o! 1( cm. It i# #$b%ecte& to an
e*ternal re##$re o! 1+( "0cm ). 5etermine the ma*im$m internal tan"ential #tre## i# 3(( "0cm ).
5etermine the ma*im$m internal re##$re o! the tan.  Answer: A
A. )3+:.' "0cm)
2. +).' "0cm)
4. 1)+.' "0cm)
5. 13+). "0cm)

1. 4om$te the orin" #tren"th o! 1 in bolt i# #cree& $ ti"htl- in aca"e& %oint hen the
alloable #tre## i# 1,((( #i.  Answer: D
A. ,(( lb#
2. ,:(( lb#
4. ,;(( lb#
5. ,3(( lb#
). =hat i# the orin" #tren"th o! a )inche# bolt hich i# #cree& $ ti"htl- in a ace& %oint hen the
alloable orin" #tre## i# 1),((( #i.  Answer: A
A. )(.+ lb
2. )).+ lb
4. ).+ lb
5. 1; lb

. An e-ebolt i# li!tin" a bloc ei"hin" '( lb#. The e-ebolt i# o! SAE 4 1(+( material ith S  / :
#i an& S / '' #i, hat i# the #tre## area 8 in inche# #B$are 9 o! the bolt i! it i# $n&er the $ni!ie&
coar#e #erie# threa&>  Answer: B
A. (.1+1
2. (.11+
4. (.(331
5. (.1(+
+. I! the itch o! a #cre i# )03 !in& the threa& er inch.  Answer: B
A. (.+
2. +.'
4. '.+
5. 1:
'. Fin& the hor#eoer lo#t hen a collar i# loa&e& ith 1((( lb rotate# at )' rm, an& ha# a coe!!icient
o! !riction (.1'. The o$t#i&e &iameter o! the collar i# + in an& the in#i&e &iameter i# ) in.  Answer: C 
A. (.(+' h
2. (.;3 h
4. (.(;3 h
5. (.' h

. 4om$te ho man- 0; inch &iameter #et #cre# reB$ire& to tran#mit  H at a #ha!t #ee& o! 1(((
rm. The #ha!t &iameter i# 1 inch.  Answer: B 38/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. 1 10)
2. )
4. 
5. 1

:. =hat i# the !rictional H actin" on a collar loa&e& ith 1(( " ei"ht> The collar ha# an o$t#i&e
&iameter o! 1(( mm am& an internal &iameter o! +( mm. The collar rotate# at 1((( rm an& the
coe!!icient o! !riction beteen the collar an& the ivot #$r!ace i# (.1'.  Answer: A
A. (.; H
2. (. H
4. (.' H
5. 1.) H

;. 5etermine the ermi##ible orin" #tre## o! a N4 bolt# that ha# a #tre## area o! (.( in )  i! 
material $#e& i# carbon #teel.  Answer: A
A. +(''.' #i
2. ')++.' #i
4. +:'.' #i
5. +1;'.' #i

3. The #tre## area o! N4 bolt i# (.: in ), i! material $#e& i# carbon #teel, &etermine the alie& loa& on
the bolt.  Answer: A
A. +(:.1+ #i
2. ')++.' #i
4. +:'.' #i
5. +1;.' #i

1(. A 1) cm * 1 cm air comre##or ha# ' bolt# on c-lin&er hea& ith -iel& #tre## o! ++( Ma. I! the
 bolt #tre## area i# (.1 in), &etermine the ma*im$m re##$re in#i&e the c-lin&er.  Answer: B
A. '+.:1 #i
2. :1.3 #i
4. :+).:; #i
5. ;+(.( #i

11. The c-lin&er hea& o! ammonia comre##or ha# core "a#et area o! ;( cm )  an& !lan"e& re##$re o! 
3( "0cm). 5etermine the torB$e alie& on the bolt i! nominal &iameter o! bolt $#e& i# D inch an&
there ' bolt#. Answer: A
A. +:.); in<lb#
2. ';.); in<lb#
4. 3.); in<lb#
5. .) in<lb#

1). The total torB$e reB$ire& to t$rn the oer #cre i# '( N<m. I! linear #ee& o! #cre i# ; !t0min an&
lea& o! ; mm, &etermine the H in$t o! the oer #cre. Answer: C 
A. ).;) H
2. ).'+ H
4. ).1+ H
5. ).; H 39/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

1. A #in"le #B$are threa& oer #cre ha# a lea& o!  mm an& mean &iameter o! + mm. It i# $#e& to
li!t a loa& o! ) 6N an& coe!!icient o! !riction o! threa& i# (.1', &etermine the torB$e reB$ire& to t$rn
the #cre.  Answer: A
A. 31.3 N<m
2. '.; N<m
4. :). N<m
5. ;.' N<m

1+. An A4ME threa& oer #cre that ha# a mean &iameter o! )' mm an& a itch o! ' mm i# $#e& to li!t
a loa& o! '(( ". I! !riction on threa&# i# (.1, &etermine the torB$e nee&e& to t$rn the #cre.
 Answer: A
A. 1(.( N<m
2. 1). N<m
4. 1.1( N<m
5. 1+.1( N<m

1'. The torB$e reB$ire& to overcome collar !riction o! a 1(( mm mean &iameter collar oer #cre i# '(
 N<m an& collar !riction o! (.1'. 5etermine the ei"ht li!te& b- the #cre.  Answer: D
A. +';.': "
2. +:;.': "
4. +;:.': "
5. :3.': "

1. A &o$ble #B$are threa& oer #cre ha# a mean ra&i$# o! ;( mm an& a itch o! 1( mm i# $#e& to li!t
a loa& o! ;( 6N. I! !riction o! #cre i# (.1 an& collar torB$e i# )(K o! in$t torB$e, &etermine the
in$t torB$e reB$ire&.  Answer: D
A. ;(.: N<m
2. ;'.: N<m
4. 1)+.( N<m
5. 1'.( N<m

1:. The root &iameter o! a &o$ble #B$are threa& oer #cre i# (.'' in. The #cre ha# a itch o! (.).
5etermine the ma%or &iameter. Answer: B
A. (.')+ in
2. (.:'( in
4. (.;+) in
5. (.31 in

1;. A oer #cre con#$me#  H in rai#in" a );(( lb ei"ht at the rate o! ( !t0min. 5etermine the
e!!icienc- o! the #cre. Answer: C 
A. 1).'K
2. 1.;K
4. +).+)K
5. .)K

13. A #B$are threa& oer #cre ha# a itch &iameter o! 1.'@ an& a lea& o! 1@. Ne"lectin" collar !riction,
&etermine the coe!!icient o! !riction !or threa&# i! #cre e!!icienc- i# .)K.  Answer: A 40/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. (.11
2. (.1)1
4. (.1+
5. (.1'1

)(. A #B$are threa& #cre ha# an e!!icienc- o! :(K hen !riction o! threa&# i# (.1( an& collar !riction i#
ne"li"ible. Answer: A
A. 1+.((
2. 1(.:(
4. 1).+(
5. 1.+'(


1. A ca#t iron !l-heel i# rotate& at a #ee& o! 1)(( rm an& havin" a mean ra&i$# o! 1 !oot. I! the
ei"ht o! the rim i# ( lb#, hat i# the centri!$"al !orce> #e !actor 4 / +1.  Answer: D
A. 1+,;(( lb#
2. 1+,;( lb#
4. : mt
5. 1+,:)+ lb#

). A !l-heel !or a $nchin" re## m$#t be caable o! !$rni#hin" +(( N<m o! ener"- &$rin" the )'K
revol$tion hile the hole i# bein" $nche&. The !l-heel ma*im$m #ee& i# )(( rm an& the #ee&
&ecrea#e# ;.:K &$rin" the loa& #troe. The mean ra&i$# o! the rim i# 1(1 mm &iameter an&
contrib$te# 3(K o! the ener"- reB$irement#. Aro*imate total ei"ht o! the !l-heel to be 1.)(
time# that o! the rim. Fin& the ei"ht o! the !l-heel.  Answer: A
A. 3:.' "
2. '.) "
4. 1(.+ "
5. )+.' "

. A re## i# $#e& to $nch 1( hole# er min$te o! ( mm &iameter hole !rom )' mm thic late.
5etermine the oer nee&e& to $nch a hole i! $ltimate #hear #tre## i# +(( Ma.  Answer: B
A. ).; 6
2. 1.3 6
4. .'; 6
5. (.3 6

+. The inetic ener"- nee&e& to $nch a hole i# ' 6. =hat i# the ma*im$m thicne## o! a hole that can
 be $nch i! hole &iameter i# )' mm an& $ltimate #hearin" #tre## o! late i# +)( Ma.  Answer: C 
A. 1).1 mm
2. 1+.; mm
4. 1:.+1 mm
5. 13.) mm 41/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

'. 5$rin" a $nchin" roce## o! '( " !l-heel the #ee& varie# !rom )(( rm to 1;( rm ith 1 m
mean &iameter. 5etermine the inetic ener"- relea#e& b- the !l-heel.  Answer: A
A. .+ 6
2. .); 6
4. +.'1 6
5. '.) 6

. A late )(( mm i&e an& )' mm thic ith #tren"th o! +1( Ma i# to be #hear alon" it# i&th.
5$rin" #hearin" roce## an ;(( mm mean &iameter !l-heel chan"e# it# #ee& !rom )(( rm to 1;(
rm. 5etermine the ei"ht o! !l-heel to be $#e.  Answer: D
A. )'.;+ "
2. +').:1 "
4. ;)1.:) "
5. ;+'.3: "

:. The ener"- reB$ire& to $nch a #B$are hole !rom )( mm thic late i# 1( 6. I! the $ltimate #tren"th
o! late i# +)( Ma, &etermine the ma*im$m #i&e# o! #B$are that can be $nche&.  Answer: B
A. +' mm
2. ( mm
4. ( mm
5. '' mm

;. A 1 mm mean &iameter !l-heel, '(( " ei"ht chan"e# it# #ee& !rom ))( rm to )(( rm &$rin"
#hearin" roce##. =hat avera"e !orce i# nee&e& to #hear a ( mm thic late.  Answer: A
A. ;+ 6N
2. ' 6N
4. )+ 6N
5. 1(;) 6N

3. The ener"- reB$ire& to $nch a hole i#  6 !rom a !l-heel mean &iameter o! ;(( mm that #lo#
&on !rom . r# to  r# &$rin" $nchin". I! ei"ht o! arm an& h$b acco$nt 1(K o! rim ei"ht,
&etermine the rim ei"ht.  Answer: B
A. +)1.(; "
2. +':.+( "
4. +;).; "
5. +1.; "

1(. A !l-heel ha# a total ei"ht o! '(( " an& the ei"ht o! arm an& h$b i# ;K o! total ei"ht. It ha# a
mean &iameter o! 1 m an& i&th o! (( mm. 5etermine the thicne## o! the !l-heel i! &en#it- o! 
material i# :((( "0m. Answer: C 
A. (.' mm
2. '.+; mm
4. 3.:) mm
5. :'.+) mm

11. A !l-heel ha# a rim ei"ht o! +'( " an& mean ra&i$# o! +'( mm. I! the rim i&th i# ' time# the
rim thicne## an& material &en#it- i# :)(( "0m , &etermine the i&th o! !l-heel.  Answer: A 42/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. ).+' mm
2. )+).1 mm
4. );.: mm
5. )3;.:; mm

1). The oer reB$ire& to #hear a late '( mm thic !or 1( #econ&# i# ' 6. I! $ltimate #tren"th o! late
i# +)( Ma. Ho i&e #ho$l& the late be> Answer: D
A. ;(.+) mm
2. ;'.' mm
4. 3(.); mm
5. 3'.) mm

1. A 3(( mm mean &iameter !l-heel ha# a i&th o! '( mm, :' mm thic an& &en#it- o! :1(( "0m.
 Ne"lectin" the ei"ht o! arm an& h$b, !in& the ener"- relea#e& i! it# #ee& chan"e# !rom );( rm to
)'( rm. Answer: B
A. :.;3 6
2. 3.( 6
4. '.+; 6
5. .:1 6

1+. A !l-heel ei"hin" 1((( " ha# a ra&i$# o! "-ration o! 1.' m. The normal oeratin" #ee& i# 1(
rm an& coe!!icient o! !l$ct$ation i# (.(;, &etermine the ener"- relea#e& b- the !l-heel.  Answer:
A. 1.:( 6
2. .:( 6
4. +1.:( 6
5. +.:( 6
1'. A ' !t mean &iameter !l-heel ha# to ab#orb '(( !t<lb o! ener"- an& maintain a coe!!icient o! 
!l$ct$ation o! (.(3. I! mean #ee& i# ;( !t0#ec, !in& the ei"ht o! !l-heel.  Answer: B
A. 13(. lb#
2. 13'. lb#
4. 13;. lb#
5. )((.:: lb#


1. A bo&- ei"hin" 1((( lb# !all# !rom a hei"ht o!  in an& #trie# a )((( lb0in #rin". The &e!ormation
o! the #rin" i#PPPPPPP. Answer: C 
A. )
2. +
4. 
5. '

). 4om$te the &e!lection o! an 1; coil# helical #rin" havin" a loa& o! 1(( ". The mo&$l$# o! 
ela#ticit- in #hear o! #rin" i# 3.) Ga, O5 o! 3.)' cm an& ith ire &iameter o! 3.')' mm. The
#rin" i# #B$are& an& "ro$n& en&#.  Answer: A
A. 3 cm
2. 1(1 cm
4. 11 cm
5. 1+ cm 43/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

. 4om$te the ma*im$m &e!lection o! a )( coil# helical #rin" havin" a loa& o! :' "#. The #rin" i# a
#B$are0"ro$n& en&# ith mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- in #hear o! :3.;+ Ga, o$t#i&e &iameter o! 1(1. mm,
ire &iameter o! 3.')' mm. Answer: D
A. 1+(.: mm
2. 11).: mm
4. 1'.1: mm
5. 1).: mm

+. A three e*ten#ion coil #rin"# are hooe& in #erie# that #$ort a #in"le ei"ht o! 1(( ". The !ir#t
#rin" i# rate& at (.+(( "0mm an& the other ) loer #rin"# i# rate& at (.+ "0mm. 4om$te the
total &e!lection.  Answer: A
A. ' mm
2. ); mm
4. 1' mm
5. )'( mm

'. A hi"h allo- #rin" havin" #B$are& an& "ro$n& en&# an& ha# a total o! 1 coil# an& mo&$l$# o! 
ela#ticit- in #hear o! ;' Ga. 4om$te the =ahl !actor. The #rin" o$t#i&e &iameter i# 3. cm ire
&iameter i# (.' cm.  Answer: C 
A. 1.(';
2. 1.1;'
4. 1.1(
5. 1.)

. A coil #rin" ith ' cm o$t#i&e &iameter i# reB$ire& to or $n&er the loa& o! 13( N. The ire
&iameter i# ' mm, the #rin" i# to have  active coil# an& the en&# are to be clo#e& an& "ro$n&.
5etermine the total n$mber o! coil#. The mo&$l$# o! ri"i&it- i# ;( Ga, an& the mean ra&i$# i# to be
) mm, ith : mm itch o! the #rin".  Answer: B
A. .' coil#
2. ;.' coil#
4. :.' coil#
5. 3.' coil#

:. A helical #rin" havin" #B$are an& "ro$n& en&# a total o! 1; coil# an& it# material ha# mo&$l$# o! 
ela#ticit- in #hear o! :;.31( Ga. I! #rin" ha# an o$t#i&e &iameter o! 1(.+) cm an& ire &iameter o! 
(.)' cm, com$te the ma*im$m &e!lection that can be ro&$ce& in the #rin" &$e to a loa& o! '(
"#.  Answer: B
A. () mm
2. +3( mm
4. +) mm
5. )) mm

;. An e*ten#ion coil #rin" i# to be elon"ate& ' in $n&er a loa& o! '( lb. =hat i# the #rin" rate>
 Answer: B
A. ' lb0min
2. 1( lb0min
4. 1' lb0min
5. )( lb0min 44/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

3. A #rin" ha# a rate o! '( lb ith a #rin" in&e* o! ;. I! #tre## in&$ce& i# 3(,((( #i, &etermine the
ire &iameter. Answer: D
A. (.('; in
2. (.;); in
4. (.+') in
5. (.11': in

1(. 5etermine the ma*im$m #hearin" #tre## o! a helical #rin" como#e& o! )( t$rn# o! )( mm &iameter 
ire on a mean ra&i$# o! ;( mm hen the #rin" i# #$ortin" a loa& o! ) 6N. G / ;,((( Ga.
 Answer: C 
A. 1(;.)( Ma
2. 3;.) Ma
4. 1)(.( Ma
5. ;;.; Ma

11. A helical #rin" i# ma&e b- rain" #teel ire )( mm &iameter aro$n& a !ormin" c-lin&er 1'( mm
in &iameter. 4om$te the elon"ation o! the #rin" itho$t e*cee&in" a #hearin" #tre## o! 1+( Ma i! 
it i# como#e& o! 1; t$rn#.  Answer: C 
A. 3.+) mm
2. 1((. mm
4. 11:.': mm
5. ;3.) mm

1). It i# !o$n& that a loa& o! '( lb# on e*ten#ion coil #rin" &e!lect# ;.' in. =hat loa& ill the #rin"
&e!lect# ).' in> Answer: D
A. 1(.+ lb
2. 1).+; lb
4. 1.+; lb
5. 1+.:( lb

1. A #rin" #$#tain )(( !t<lb o! ener"- ith &e!lection o!  in. A##$me that the coil &iameter i# : time#
the ire &iameter an& alloable #tre## o! 1((,((( #i, &etermine the ire &iameter.  Answer: A
A. (.+1 in
2. (.)1 in
4. (.'; in
5. (.:) in

1+. A ei"ht o! 1(( lb# #trie# a coil !rom a hei"ht o! 1; inche# an& &e!lect# the #rin" o!  inche#. Fin&
the avera"e !orce actin" on the #rin". Answer: C 
A. (( lb
2. :(( lb
4. ;(( lb
5. 3(( lb

1'. Three coil #rin" are hooe& in #erie# an& #$ort a ei"ht o! :( ". One #rin" ha# a #rin" rate o! 
(.)(3 "0min an& the other to have #rin" rate# o! (.+ ".mm. Fin& the &e!lection.  Answer: C 
A. +.:1 mm 45/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. ;3.( mm
4. '').' mm
5. +1.'; mm

1. Fo$r comre##ion coil #rin" in arallel #$ort a loa& o! ( ". Each #rin" ha# a "ra&ient o! 
(.:1: "0mm. Fin& the &e!lection.  Answer: A
A. 1)'.') mm
2. 1).') mm
4. 1;.') mm
5. 1+'.') mm

1:. A !orce o! 1.1 6N i# actin" on a :.' active coil# ith ire &iameter o! 1 mm. The o$t#i&e &iameter 
o! coil i# 11: mm an& G / ;( GN0m). Fin& the coil &e!lection.  Answer: C 
A. ):.( mm
2. )3.;( mm
4. ).'( mm
5. +.( mm

1;. A concentric helical #rin" i# $#e to #$ort a loa& o! 3( 6N. The inner #rin" ha# a rate o! +3'.;
6N0m an& o$t#i&e #rin" i# 1).' 6N0m. I! initiall- the inner #rin" i# )' mm #horter than the o$ter 
#rin", !in& the ercent loa& carrie& b- inner #rin".  Answer: D
A. +.'K
2. ''.;K
4. ;.)'K
5. :.;1K

13. Ho lon" a ire i# nee&e& to mae helical #rin" havin" a mean &iameter o! 1 inch i! there are ;
active coil#> Answer: A
A. )'.1 in
2. ).' in
4. (.)1 in
5. ).+ in

)(. A (.(;@ &iameter #rin" ha# a len"th o! )( in. I! &en#it- o! #rin" i# (.);) lb0in , &etermine the ma##
o! #rin". Answer: B
A. (.(3' lb
2. (.(); lb
4. (.(+;' lb
5. (.(; lb

)1. A #B$are an& "ro$n& en&# #rin" ha# a !ree len"th o! )'( mm. There are 1( active coil# ith ire
&iameter o! 1).' mm. I! the #rin" rate i# 1'( 6N0m an& mean &iameter i# 1(( mm, &etermine the
#oli& #tre##. Answer: A
A. ),1'.'+ Ma
2. :,'+.; Ma
4. :,;+).: Ma
5. ;,+).3 Ma 46/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

)). A #B$are an& "ro$n& en&# #rin" ha# a itch o! )( mm, ire &iameter o! 1).' mm. I! there are 1)
act$al n$mber o! coil#, !in& the &e!lection hen the #rin" i# comre##e& to it# #oli& #tren"th.
 Answer: B
A. :; mm
2. :' mm
4. :: mm
5. :3 mm

). A #rin" ith lain en&# ha# 1' active coil#, &iameter o!  mm an& itch o! 1( mm. I! #rin" rate i#
1(( 6N0m, &etermine the #oli& !orce.  Answer: C 
A. + 6N
2. ' 6N
4.  6N
5. : 6N

)+. A #rin" ha# a #rin" rate o! ( 6N0m. I! ire &iameter i# 1( mm ith mean &iameter o! :( mm,
&etermine the n$mber o! active coil#. G / ;( GN0m ). Answer: D
A. .'+
2. :.;)
4. ;.+)
5. 3.:)

)'. A #rin" ha# a &iameter o! )' mm an& 1) active coil#. I! a loa& o! 1( 6N i# alie& it &e!lect# :'
mm. 5etermine the mean &iameter o! the #rin" i! G / ;( GN0m ).  Answer: C 
A. 1)+.' mm
2. 1)3.' mm
4. 1+.' mm
5. 1+(.' mm


1. 4om$te the tooth thicne## o! 1+  &e". #$r "ear ith &iameter itch o! '.  Answer: A
A. (.+11 in
2. (.11+ in
4. (.+1+1 in
5. (.1+1 in

). A  tooth inion ith a t$rnin" #ee& o! (( rm &rive# 1)( tooth "ear o! 1+  &e"ree# invol$te
!$ll &eth re##$re an"le. =hat o$l& be the #ee& o! the &riven "ear. Answer: C 
A. 1((( rm
2. 1(( rm
4. 3( rm
5. 1+( rm

. A trile threa& orm ha# a itch &iameter o!  inche#. The heel ha# a )' teeth an& a itch &iameter 
o! ' inche#. Material !or both the orm an& the heel i# o! ho#hor bronze. 4om$te the heli*
an"le 8tan Q9. Answer: A
A. (.)(
2. (.(
4. (.+(
5. 1+ 47/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

+. Fin& the tooth thicne## on tooth circle o! a )( &e"ree !$ll &eth invol$te tooth havin" a &iametrical
 itch o! , circ$lar itch o! 1.(+:) an& hole &eth o! tooth at (.(. Answer: B
A. 1(.: mm
2. 1.) mm
4. 1(.1 mm
5. :.3 mm

'. A air o! "ear0inion o! +) tooth an& 1; tooth ith a &iametrical itch o! (.:;:+ teeth0cm an& the
a&&en&$m i# (.;(0 an& the a&&en&$m 10. The "ear re##$re an"le i# )( (. 4om$te the center 
&i#tance o! the air o! "ear# in meter#. Answer: C 
A. (.'() m
2. (.+) m
4. (.;1 m
5. (.+(1 m

. A helical "ear havin" a 1+ 10)( normal re##$re an"le an& tran#ver#e &iametrical itch o! ).)) er 
cm. The heli* an"le i# at +' ( an& ha# ; teeth. 4om$te the tran#ver#e re##$re an"le in &e"ree#.
 Answer: D
A. )).)(
2. 1;.3(
4. 13.(
5. )(.1(

:. To i&ler# o! );T an& )T are intro&$ce& beteen the )+T inion ith a t$rnin" #ee& o! +(( rm
&rivin" a !inal 3T "ear. =hat o$l& be the !inal #ee& o! the &riven "ear an& it# &irection relative to
the &rivin" "ear rotation>  Answer: C 
A. 1)( rm an& oo#ite &irection
2. ;( rm an& #ame &irection
4. 1(( rm an& oo#ite &irection
5. 1(( rm an& #ame &irection

;. A #$r inion rotate# at 1;(( rm an& tran#mit# to a matin" "ear ( H. The itch &iameter i# +@ an&
the re##$re an"le i# 1+ 10). 5etermine the tan"ential loa& in lb#.  Answer: C 
A. +3'
2. ''
4. ')'
5. +:'

3. 4om$te the itch an"le o! a bevel "ear "iven the inionC# n$mber o! teeth o! 1+ an& +) teeth on the
"ear.  Answer: A
A. 1;.+(
2. .+(
4. );.+(
5. ;.+( 48/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

1(. 4om$te the circ$lar itch o! a air o! "ear# havin" a ratio o! + an& a center &i#tance o! 1(.). Each
"ear ha# :) teeth an& inion ha# 1; teeth. Answer: C 
A. (.;(3'
2. (.;('
4. (.:;'+
5. (.;(;'

11. The tooth thicne## o! a "ear i# (.' inch an& it# circ$lar itch i# 1.( inch. 4alc$late the &e&en&$m o! 
the "ear.  Answer: B
A. (.1;
2. (.3:3
4. 1.)'(
5. (.111+

1). An internal "ear i# #et $ ith a ' in &iameter inion an& center &i#tance o! 1; inche#. Fin& the
&iameter o! the internal "ear. Answer: D
A. @
2. )1.'@
4. )@
5. +1@

1. The minim$m hole &eth o! #$r "ear o! 1+<10) &e". invol$te t-e ith &iameter itch o! )+ an&
circ$lar itch o! (.1(3.  Answer: C 
A. (.(3(((
2. (.(;3((
4. (.(;3;:
5. (.(;3:'

1+. The minim$m clearance alloe& !or me#hin" #$r "ear# ith a circ$lar itch o! (.1':1 an&
&iametrical itch o! )(. The #$r "ear have )' teeth.  Answer: A
A. (.((:;''
2. (.((:'';
4. (.((;':;
5. (.((:';'

1'. Fin& the &i#tance beteen center# o! a air o! "ear#, one o! hich ha# 1) teeth an& the other : teeth.
The &iametrical itch i# :.  Answer: B
A.  in
2. .' in
4. + in
5. +.' in

1. 5etermine the itch &iameter o! a "ear ith ); teeth, + &iametrical itch. Answer: A
A. : in
2. ; in
4. 3 in
5. 1( in

1:. To arallel #ha!t# have an an"$lar velocit- ratio o!  to 1 are connecte& b- "ear#, the lar"e#t o! 
hich ha#  teeth. Fin& the n$mber o! teeth o! #maller "ear.  Answer: C 49/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. 1(
2. 11
4. 1)
5. 1

1;. The arallel #ha!t# have a center &i#tance o! 1' in. One o! the #ha!t carrie# a +(<tooth, ) &iametrical
 itch "ear hich &rive# a "ear on the other #ha!t at a #ee& o! 1'( rm. Ho !a#t i# the +(<tooth
t$rnin"> Answer: D
A. (( rm
2. (( rm
4. 1'( rm
5. :' rm

13. A air o! me#hin" "ear# ha# a &iametrical itch o! 1(, a center &i#tance o! ). inche#, an& velocit-
ratio o! 1.. 5etermine the n$mber o! teeth o! #maller "ear.  Answer: B
A. 1(
2. )(
4. (
5. +(

)(. A #$r "ear )( &e"ree# !$ll<&eth invol$te teeth ha# an o$t#i&e &iameter o! 13' mm an& a mo&$le o! 
.'. 5etermine the n$mber o! teeth.  Answer: C 
A. )(
2. )'
4. );
5. +1

)1. =hat i# the itch &iameter o! a +(<tooth "ear havin" a circ$lar itch o! 1.':(; in> Answer: A
A. )( in
2. )' in
4. ( in
5. ' in

)). Ho man- revol$tion# er min$te i# a #$r "ear t$rnin" i! it ha# ); teeth, a circ$lar itch o! (.:;'+
in an& a itch line velocit- o! 1) !t0#ec> Answer: D
A. :;.++ rm
2. +.;) rm
4. 3'+. rm
5. 3).;; rm

). Ho man- revol$tion# er min$te i# a #$r "ear t$rnin" i! it ha# a mo&$le o! ), +( teeth, an& a itch
line velocit- o! )'(( mm0#ec> Answer: A
A. '3.; rm
2. ;.; rm
4. +:.;' rm
5. 1).; rm

)+. The mo&$le o! a "ear havin" a &iametrical itch o! ; i#7  Answer: B

A. '.)+ 50/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. .1:'
4. +.)
5. ).+

)'. The &iametrical itch o! a "ear havin" a mo&$le o! ). i#7 Answer: B

A. 3
2. 11
4. 1(
5. 1)

). A "ear t$rnin" (( rm ha# &iametrical itch o! ;. I! there are +( teeth on the "ear, !in& the itch line
velocit- o! "ear. Answer: A
A. .'+ !#
2. ;.+ !#
4. :.+' !#
5. 3.+' !#

):. To "ear# me#hin" each other have 1; teeth an& ( teeth. I! circ$lar itch i# (.) in. Fin& the center 
&i#tance beteen "ear#. Answer: D
A. '.) in
2. ).+ in
4. .) in
5. 1.: in

);. A "ear ith itch line velocit- o! .1) m0# hen t$rnin" at (( rm. I! mo&$le i# , !in& the n$mber 
o! teeth on the "ear.  Answer: C 
A. (
2. '(
4. '
5. :(

)3. To "ear# me#hin" each other ha# a center &i#tance o! )(( mm. The inion ha# )( teeth an& "ear ha#
( teeth. Fin& the mo&$le o! me#hin" "ear#. Answer: D
A. )
2. +
4. 
5. '

(. A "ear ha# a tooth thicne## o! (.1(; in. Fin& the a&&en&$m o! the "ear at 1+.' ( invol$te. Answer:
A. ).1) mm
2. +.1) mm
4. .1) mm
5. '.1) mm

1. A "ear ha# an a&&en&$m o! (.1( in. =hat i# the &e&en&$m o! the "ear at )( (  re##$re invol$te.
 Answer: B 51/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. (.(: in
2. (.1)' in
4. (.+' in
5. (.)' in

). A "ear i# $#e to tran#mit 1) 6 at +'( rm ith ) teeth. I! the &iameter itch o! the "ear i# 1(, !in&
the !orce tan"ent to the "ear. Answer: C 
A. 1).+ 6N
2. 1+.)+ 6N
4. 1'.+) 6N
5. 1.+' 6N

. A "ear i# $#e to tran#mit )( 6 at (( rm to a &riven "ear. The inion ha# a itch &iameter o! )((
mm. I! re##$re an"le i# 1+.' &e"ree#, !in& the loa& that ten&# to #earate the to "ear#.  Answer: D
A. (.)+ 6N
2. (.'+ 6N
4. (.: 6N
5. (.;) 6N

+. The re##$re an"le o! the 1) in &iameter "ear i# )( &e"ree#. The total loa& o! the "ear i# ' 6N an& i#
t$rnin" at :'( rm. Fin& the oer &elivere& b- the "ear.  Answer: C 
A. +.) 6N
2. +.) 6N
4. '.) 6N
5. +.) 6N

'. Three "ear# me#hin" each other ha# a &rivin" oer o! ( 6 ith 3(( rm. The #ee& ratio i# 177'
an& each me#hin" "ear ha# an e!!icienc- o! 3K. Fin& the torB$e &eveloe& o! the &riven "ear,
6N.m.  Answer: A
A. +.+(
2. :.(
4. '.(
5. ;.)(


1. A 1 inch horizontal #ha!t rotate# at '(( rm in a #leeve<t-e bearin". The coe!!icient o! !riction i#
(.1'. 4alc$late the hor#eoer lo#t in the bearin" i! the reaction beteen the #ha!t an& the bearin" i#
;(( lb. Answer: D
A. (.)+ h
2. 1.)++ h
4. (.(3)' h
5. (.+:'3 h

). A ) in horizontal #ha!t rotate# in a #leeve t-e bearin". The coe!!icient o! !riction i# (.1( an& the
#ha!t alie# a loa& o! '(( lb. Fin& the !rictional re#i#tance.  Answer: D
A. )( lb#
2. +( lb#
4. ( lb# 52/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

5. '( lb#

. A bearin" #$#tain# a loa& o! ++'( N. The #ha!t &iameter i# 1(( mm, the coe!!icient o! #li&in" !riction
i# (.(1, an& the #ha!t #ee& i# +(( rm. Fin& the hor#eoer lo#t in the bearin".  Answer: A
A. 3.)( att#
2. :.+ att#
4. ;.+' att#
5. +'.) att#

+. A '( mm &iameter #ha!t #$orte& b- to #leeve bearin"# carrie# a loa& o! 1. MN. The #ha!t
rotate# at 1'( rm. I! the coe!!icient o! #li&in" !riction beteen the #ha!t an& bearin"# i# (.1, ho
m$ch oer i# lo#t in !riction>  Answer: A
A. )1 
2. + 
4. +' 
5. 1(; 

'. A  mm #ha!t $#e# a #leeve bearin" that #$#tain a loa& o! +((( N. I! the alloable bearin" re##$re
i# 1. MN0m). Fin& the len"th o! the bearin".  Answer: D
A. :'.+: mm
2. ).++ mm
4. ;3.) mm
5. ;'.+: mm

. A )( mm #ha!t $#e# #leeve bearin"#. The total loa& er bearin" i# )((( N. An L05 ratio o! ).' i#
&e#ire&. =hat i# the bearin" re##$re> Answer: C 
A. 1 Ma
2.  Ma
4. ) Ma
5. + Ma

:. A )) mm &iameter #ha!t i# #$orte& b- #leeve bearin" at a &i#tance o! (.'( m. A loa& o! ).) 6N i#

alie& at (.) m !rom the le!t en&. The #leeve bearin"# have an L05 ratio o! 1.'. Fin& the ma*im$m
 bearin" re##$re. Answer: A
A. 1.;) Ma
2. .+' Ma
4. ).1) Ma
5. '.) Ma

;. A #leeve bearin" i# to have an L5 ratio o! 1.( an& an alloable bearin" re##$re o! (.' MN0m ). Fin&
the in#i&e &iameter an& the len"th o! the bearin" i! it i# to #$#tain a loa& o! )''( N.  Answer: B
A. ).+' mm
2. :1.+1 mm
4. +'.+ mm
5. 3;.+ mm 53/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

3. A #leeve bearin" ha# an o$t#i&e &iameter o! 1.'( in an& a len"th o! ) in. The all thicne## i# 01
in. The bearin" i# #$b%ecte& to a ra&ial loa& o! +'( lb. Fin& the bearin" re##$re. Answer: C 
A. 1(( #i
2. 1'( #i
4. )(( #i
5. )'( #i

1(. A thr$#t a#her ha# an in#i&e &iameter o! 1) mm an& an o$t#i&e &iameter o! :' mm. I! the alloable
 bearin" re##$re i# (. Ma, ho m$ch loa& can it #$#tain> Answer: A
A. )';).3 N
2. 1)'.' N
4. )3.++ N
5. ;+.+' N


1. Fin& the an"le o! contact on the #mall $lle- !or an oen belt &rive ith a :) in center &i#tance. The
 $lle- &iameter# are  in an& 1) in.  Answer: A
A. 1:'.))
2. 1:(.+
4. 1;'. +
5. 1'.+

). Fin& the belt len"th at a :) in &i#tance connecte& in oen belt. The $lle- &iameter# are  an& 1) in.
 Answer: D
A. 1).+ in
2. 1:.+' in
4. 1).'' in
5. 1:).3 in
. A  in &iameter $lle- t$rnin" at (( rm i# belt connecte& to ma 1) in &iameter $lle-. I! there i#
+K #li, !in& the #ee& o! the 1) in $lle-. Answer: D
A. 1;: rm
2. )) rm
4. )( rm
5. );; rm

+. For a "iven belt a man$!act$rer "ive# a hor#eoer ratin" o! ).' h er inch o! i&th ba#e& on a belt
#ee& o! )(( !t0min. The &rive i# to han&le 1( h an& the arc o! contact correction !actor i# (.3(.
Fin& the i&th o! belt nee&e&. A##$me that the belt i&th# are available in 1 inch increment#.
 Answer: B
A.  in
2. ' in
4. + in
5.  in

'. A  in ro$n& en&le## belt connect# a 1 in &iameter $lle- ith a ) in $lle- #acin" beteen $lle-#
i# + in on center#. The alloable #tre## i# +(( #i. I! the 1 in $lle- i# the &river an& rotate# 1(( rm.
Ho m$ch hor#eoer can be tran#mitte&> A##$me the coe!!icient o! !riction to be (.( !or each
 $lle-. Answer: D
A. (.1) h
2. 1.)+ h 54/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. (.(11' h
5. (.((3( h

. A 0; in !lat leather belt i# 1) in i&e an& i# $#e& on a )+ in &iameter $lle- rotatin" (( rm. The
#eci!ic ei"ht o! the belt i# (.(' lb0in. The an"le o! contact i# 1'(. I! the coe!!icient o! !riction i#
(. an& the alloable #tre## i# (( #i ho m$ch h can it tran#mit> Answer: B
A. +.' h
2. 3.' h
4. :;.' h
5. '+.' h

:. A ' mm ro$n& belt connect# a )( mm $lle- ith a +( mm $lle-. The center &i#tance i# 1'( mm.
The )( mm $lle- rotate# at 1(( rm an& the coe!!icient o! !riction o! the belt i# (.)'. Fin& the
hor#eoer caacit- !or thi# arran"ement i! the alloable belt #tre## i# ). N0mm ).  Answer: C 
A. (.1) 
2. (.) 
4. (.(();) 
5. (.('+ 


1. The ban& brae o! a ban& brae ha# )1( &e"ree# o! contact ith it# &r$m. 2- laborator- te#t#, it i#
!o$n& that the $ll on the ti"ht #i&e i# ;(( lb# an& the $ll on the #lac #i&e i# );' lb. =hat i# the
coe!!icient o! !riction>  Answer: A
A. (.);1
2. (.:'
4. (.1;
5. (.+'

). The inertia loa& on an electric brae i# ) lb<!t) an& the &rive #ha!t i# rotatin" at )((( rm. =hat
avera"e torB$e i# reB$ire& to brin" thi# loa& to a comlete #to in 1.) #ec>  Answer: A
A. 1:.1 !t<lb#
2. 1'.+' !t<lb#
4. 1).+' !t<lb#
5. ):.) !t<lb#

. The ban& o! a ban& brae ha# a contact an"le o! 1;(. It i# !o$n& e*erimentall- that the $ll# on the
 ban&# are ):' " an& 1(( " re#ectivel- $n&er certain oeratin" con&ition#. Fin& the coe!!icient o! 
!riction. Answer: D
A. (.3:
2. (.':
4. (.13:
5. (.))

+. A brae reB$ire# 3(( in<lb o! torB$e to #to a #ha!t oeratin" at ;+( rm in a erio& o! .' #econ&#.
=hat i# the inertial loa& e*re##e& in lb<!t )>  Answer: D
A. 3(.)
2. :+.+
4. +.+'
5. 3.)' 55/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)


1. A cone cl$tch ha# an an"le o! 1( an& coe!!icient o! !riction o! (.+). Fin& the a*ial !orce reB$ire& i! 
the caacit- o! the cl$tch i# :  at '(( rm. The mean &iameter o! the active conical #ection# i# ((
mm. Answer: C 
A. )+.+' N
2. 1;.+' N
4. ;.+3 N
5. +3).+' N

). Ho m$ch torB$e can a cone cl$tch tran#mit i! the an"le o! the conical element# i# 1( &e"ree# the
mean &iameter o! the conical cl$tch #ection# )(( mm an& an a*ial !orce o! ''( N i# alie&> A##$me
the coe!!icient o! !riction i# (.+'.  Answer: C 
A. 1).) N<m
2. +.' N<m
4. 1+).' N<m
5. )+. ' N<m

. I! the inertia i# 3( lb<!t ) an& the #ee& o! the &riven #ha!t i# to be increa#e& !rom ( to )'(( rm in '
#econ&#, #ha!t material i# o! SAE +1+( ith -iel& #tren"th o! 11(,((( lb0in ), !in& the cl$tch #tartin"
torB$e in !t<lb. Answer: C 
A. 1'3
2. 1);
4. 1+
5. 131

+. Fin& the !rictional ra&i$# !or a &i#c cl$tch. The &i#c cl$tch ha# an o$t#i&e &iameter o! 1( in an& an
in#i&e &iameter o!  in.  Answer: B
A. +.'+ in
2. +.(; in
4. '.+ in
5. ;.++ in

'. In a cl$tch the o$t#i&e &iameter i# ; in an& the in#i&e &iameter i# + in. An a*ial !orce o! +(( lb i# $#e&
to hol& the to art# to"ether. I! the coe!!icient o! !riction o! the matin" material# i# (.+, ho m$ch
torB$e can the cl$tch han&le>  Answer: B
A. 1).+' in<lb
2. +3:.;( in<lb
4. )1.+ in<lb
5. '.) in<lb

. A &i#c cl$tch ha#  air# o! contractin" !riction #$r!ace#. The !rictional ra&i$# i# ) in an& the
coe!!icient o! !riction i# (.. An a*ial !orce o! 1(( lb# act# on the cl$tch. The #ha!t #ee& i# +(( rm.
Ho m$ch hor#eoer can the cl$tch tran#mit>  Answer: A
A. ).); h
2. 1.) h
4. .) h 56/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

5. +.) h

:. A cone cl$tch ha# cone element# at an an"le o! 1(. The cl$tch tran#mit# )( h at a #ee& o! 1((
rm. The mean &iameter o! the conical !riction #ection# i# 1 in an& the coe!!icient o! !riction i# (..
Fin& the a*ial !orce nee&e& to en"a"e the cl$tch. Answer: A
A. )+.: lb#
2. )1).' lb#
4. )+.' lb#
5. +.:; lb#

;. In a ban& cl$tch, the ratio o! the $ll on the ti"ht #i&e o! the ban& to that o! the #lac #i&e i# +71. The
 ban& contact# the &r$m !or )'( &e"ree#. =hat i# the coe!!icient o! !riction>  Answer: B
A. (.1)
2. (.1;
4. (.)+
5. (.+)

3. A ban& cl$tch ha# an an"le o! contact o! ):( on a 1' in &iameter &r$m. The rotational #ee& o! the
&r$m i# )'( rm an& the cl$tch tran#mit# ; h. The ban& i# 101 in thic an& ha# a &e#i"n #tre## o! 
'((( #i. Ho i&e #ho$l& the ban& be> A##$me a coe!!icient o! !riction o! (.+(.  Answer: C 
A. ).1) in
2. .)+ in
4. 1.(1+ in
5. +.'+ in

1(. The an"le o! contact o! a ban& cl$tch i# )'( &e"ree#. The cro## #ection o! the ban& i# 101 in * 1.' in.
The &e#i"n #tre## !or the ban& material i# ;,((( #i. I! the &r$m i# 1 inche# in &iameter an& rotate#
at '( rm, hat i# the hor#eoer caacit- o! the cl$tch> The coe!!icient o! !riction i# (.+.
 Answer: D
A. )(.+ h
2. 1'.) h
4. )).+ h
5. ):.'( h

11. Fin& the oer caacit- $n&er $ni!orm ear o! a cone cl$tch ith mean &iameter o! )'( mm i! the
conical element# are incline& ; &e"ree# an& the a*ial !orce i# +'( N. The rotational #ee& o! the
&river i# )(( rm an& the coe!!icient o! !riction i# (.)(.  Answer: A
A. 1.; 
2. ).+( 
4. 1.);: 
5. .)+ 

1). 5etermine the oer caacit- o! a cone cl$tch $n&er $ni!orm re##$re an& a##$min" the !olloin"
con&ition#7 ma%or &iameter / )'( mm minor &iameter / )(( mm len"th o! conical element# in
contact / 1)' mm rotational #ee& / ;:( rm coe!!icient o! !riction / (.( an& alloable re##$re
/ :(,((( N0m)>  Answer: B
A. 1).+  57/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. 13.(3 
4. 1+.' 
5. ).+' 

1. Fin& the oer caacit- $n&er $ni!orm ear o! a cone cl$tch ith the !olloin" #eci!ication #ee&
/ ;:( rm len"th o! conical element# in contact / 1)' mm ma%or &iameter / )'( mm minor 
&iameter / )(( mm coe!!icient o! !riction / (.( an& a*ial oeratin" !orce / '(( N.  Answer: A
A. :.3 
2. '.) 
4. 3.+ 
5. .) 

1+. A##$min" $ni!orm ear, !in& the oer caacit- o! a #in"le &i#c cl$tch ith an o$t#i&e an& in#i&e
&iameter o! )(( mm an& 1(( mm re#ectivel-, rotational #ee& o! 11( rm, a coe!!icient o! !riction
o! (.' an& an a*ial oeratin" !orce o! ;(( Neton#.  Answer: B
A. +.) 
2. ).'' 
4. .) 
5. ;.) 


1. A !l-heel on a re## rotatin" at 1)( rm i# #loe& to 1() rm &$rin" a $nchin" roce## that
reB$ire# D #ec !or the $nchin" ortion o! the c-cle. =hat an"$lar &eceleration the !l-heel
e*erience>  Answer: A
A. <).') ra&0#)
2. <'.+' ra&0#)
4. <1.) ra&0#)
5. <;.+' ra&0#)
). A 1(( lb bo&- i# bein" hoi#te& b- a inch, the ten#ion in the hoi#tin" cable bein" et con#tant at
11( lb. At hat rate the bo&- i# accelerate&> Answer: B
A. 1.)) !t0#)
2. .)) !t0#)
4. ).)) !t0#)
5. +.++ !t0#)
. A bo&- o! ma## '( " i# bein" hoi#te& b- a inch, an& the ten#ion in the cable i# (( N. =hat i# the
acceleration> Answer: D
A. +.) m0#)
2. '.) m0#)
4. .) m0#)
5. ).13 m0#)
+. A !l-heel ha# a &iameter o!  !t an& ei"h# 1((( o$n&#. =hat torB$e m$#t be alie&, ne"lectin"
 bearin" !riction, to accelerate the !l-heel at the rate o! 1(( revol$tion# er min$te, er #econ&>
 Answer: C 
A. )'.; !t<lb#
2. ''.;( !t<lb#
4. '.;( !t<lb#
5. '.;( !t<lb#
'. A !l-heel ha# a &iameter o! 1.'m, an& a ma## o! ;(( ". =hat torB$e i# nee&e& to ro&$ce an
an"$lar acceleration o! 1(( revol$tion# er min$te, er #econ&>  Answer: D
A. '' N.m 58/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. +' N.m
4. ' N.m
5. )' N.m
. A 1) inch c$be o! #teel ei"hin" +3( lb# i# bein" move& on a horizontal conve-or belt at a #ee& o! 
 mile# er ho$r 8;.; !t0#9. =hat i# the inetic ener"- o! the c$be>  Answer: B
A. ).+' !t<lb#
2. +;3.)) !t<lb#
4. '+.+ !t<lb#
5. .+ !t<lb#
:. I! a c$be o! ma## )(( " i# bein" move& on a conve-or belt at a #ee& o!  m0#, hat i# the inetic
ener"- o! the c$be> Answer: D
A. ;(( 
2. 3(( 
4. ;'( 
5. 3'( 
;. A ile &river ei"hin" )(( o$n&# #trie# the to o! the ile a!ter bein" !allen !rom a hei"ht o! )( !t.
I! !orce# a ile into the "ro$n& a &i#tance o!  !oot. =hat i# the avera"e !orce o! the blo>  Answer:
A. ;,)(( lb#
2. ;,(( lb#
4. ;,+(( lb#
5. ;,;(( lb#

3. A ile &river o! ma## 1(( ilo"ram# !all# 1( meter# an& move# the ile a &i#tance o! (. m. =hat i#
the avera"e !orce o! the blo>  Answer: B
A. ).+' 6N
2. .; 6N
4. '+.) 6N
5. +.) 6N
1(. A 1((( lb bloc i# $lle& $ a )<&e"ree incline b- a cable e*ertin" a con#tant !orce F o! (( lb#. I! 
the coe!!icient o! !riction beteen the bloc an& the lane i# (.', ho !a#t ill the bloc be movin"
$ the lane 1( #econ&# a!ter the $ll i# alie&> Answer: D
A. 1).+ mh
2. 1(.) mh
4. 1:. mh
5. 1+. mh
11. A '(( " bloc i# $lle& $ a ) &e"ree incline b- a con#tant !orce F o! + 6N. The coe!!icient o! 
!riction beteen the bloc an& the lane i# (.'. Ho !a#t ill the bloc be movin" 1( #econ&# a!ter 
the $ll i# alie&> Answer: A
A. ):. m0#
2. +.) m0#
4. (.+ m0#
5. ;. m0#

1). A !l-heel havin" a moment o! inertia o! )' lb#<!t<#ec) i# revolvin" ith an an"$lar velocit- o! 1(
ra&ian# er #econ& hen a con#tant torB$e o! )( lb#<!t i# alie& to rever#e it# &irection o! rotation.
For hat len"th o! time m$#t thi# con#tant torB$e act to #to the !l-heel an& brin" $ to rever#e
#ee& o! ' ra&ian# er #econ&>  Answer: C 
A. 1).+ #ec
2. 1+.+ #ec
4. 1;.;( #ec 59/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

5. 1.+ #ec

1. A !l-heel havin" a moment o! inertia o! )( "<m ) i# revolvin" ith an an"$lar velocit- o! 1(
ra&ian# er #econ& hen a con#tant torB$e o! ( N<m i# alie& to rever#e it# &irection o! rotation.
For hat len"th o! time m$#t thi# con#tant torB$e act to #to the !l-heel an& brin" $ to rever#e
#ee& o! ' ra&ian# er #econ&>  Answer: C 
A. ' #ec
2. 1) #ec
4. 1( #ec
5. 1 #ec

1+. A ca#tin" ei"hin" (( lb# i# to be li!te& b- mean# o! an overhea& crane. The ca#tin" i# li!te& 1( !t
in 1) #econ&#. =hat i# the hor#eoer &eveloe&>  Answer: A
A. (.+' h
2. ;.' h
4. .' h
5. 3.' h

1'. A ca#tin" o! ma## o! 1'( " i# li!te& + meter# in 1' #econ&# b- mean# o! a crane. =hat i# the oer>
 Answer: A
A. 3) att#
2. ') att#
4. +' att#
5. + att#

1. A ca#t iron !l-heel ith a mean rim ra&i$# o! 3 inche#, i# rotate& at a #ee& o! ;(( rm. I! the
ei"ht o! the rim i# )( lb#, hat i# the centri!$"al !orce>  Answer: C 
A. 13.+ lb#
2. )).+ lb#
4. )3.+ lb#
5. +)3.+ lb#

1:. A #teel $lle- ith a mean rim ra&i$# o! 1)( mm i# rotate& at a #ee& o! 11(( rm. I! the ma## o! the
rim i# ' ilo"ram#, hat i# the centri!$"al !orce> Answer: B
A. '++.'( N
2. :31.'( N
4. +).( N
5. ;:+.' N

1;. A ro$n& bar ma&e !rom SAE 1()' lo carbon #teel i# to #$ort a &irect ten#ion loa& o! '(,((( lb#.
#in" a !actor o! #a!et- o! +, an& a##$min" that the #tre## concentration !actor  / 1. =hat i# the
#$itable #tan&ar& &iameter. iel& #tre## i# +(,((( #i. Answer: B
A.   in
2. ) 301 in
4. )  in
5. 1  in

13. A lever #ec$re& to a ) inche# ro$n& #ha!t b- #teel taere& in 8&/0;@9 ha# a $ll o! '( lb# at a ( in
ra&i$# !ron #ha!t center. Fin& the orin" #tre## o! the in.  Answer: A 60/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. ::( #i
2. :+ #i
4. :3( #i
5. ')+ #i

)(. A lever #ec$re& to a '( mm ro$n& #ha!t b- #teel taere& in 8&/1( mm9 ha# a $ll o! )(( N at a
ra&i$# o! ;(( mm. Fin& the orin" #tre## o! the in.  Answer: B
A. ). Ma
2. +(. Ma
4. +'.)( Ma
5. '.+ Ma

)1. I! a #ha!t o! '3 mm &iameter i# to tran#mit oer o! 1)  at a #ee& o! '(( rm, !in& the mean
&iameter o! the in !or a material havin" a #a!e $nit #tre## o! +( N0mm )> Answer: C 
A. 1( mm
2. 1+ mm
4. 1) mm
5. 1 mm

)). Fin& the thicne## o! metal reB$ire& in the hemi<#herical en& o! a c-lin&rical ve##el, ) !eet in
&iameter, #$b%ecte& to an internal re##$re o! '(( #i. The material i# mil& #teel an& a ten#ile #tre## o! 
1(,((( #i i# alloable.  Answer: C 
A. (.1( in
2. (.' in
4. (. in
5. (.: in

). Fin& the thicne## o! metal reB$ire& in the hemi<#herical en& o! a c-lin&rical ve##el, :'( mm in
&iameter, #$b%ecte& to an internal re##$re o!  N0mm ). The material i# mil& #teel an& a ten#ile #tre##
o! :( N0mm) i# alloable. Answer: D
A. + mm
2. ) mm
4.  mm
5. ; mm

)+. =hat o$l& be the &iameter o! the line #ha!t to tran#mit 1( hor#eoer i! the #ha!t mae# 1'( rm>
 Answer: D
A. 301 in
2.  301 in
4. ) 301 in
5. 1 301 in

)'. =hat hor#eoer o$l& be tran#mitte& b- a #hort #ha!t, ) inche# in &iameter, carr-in" b$t to
 $lle-# too clo#e to bearin"# i! the #ha!t mae# (( rm> Answer: C 
A. ( h
2. :' h
4.  h
5. :( h 61/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

). =hat o$l& be the &iameter o! oer tran#mittin" #ha!t to tran#mit 1'(  at '(( rm>  Answer: B
A. :; mm
2. ;1 mm
4. 3 mm
5. ;' mm

):. =hat oer o$l& a #hort #ha!t, '( mm in &iameter, tran#mit at +(( rm>  Answer: B
A. '( 
2. ( 
4. '' 
5. ' 

);. Fin& the tor#ional &e!lection !or a #oli& #teel #ha!t + inche# in &iameter an& +; inche# lon", #$b%ecte&
to ti#tin" moment o! )+,((( in<lb. Answer: C 
A. (.1)) &e"
2. (.(') &e"
4. (.) &e"
5. (.+ &e"

)3. Fin& the tor#ional &e!lection o! a #oli& #teel #ha!t, 1(( mm in &iameter an& 1(( mm lon", #$b%ecte&
to ti#tin" moment o!  * 1(  N<mm. The tor#ional mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- i# ;(,((( N0mm ). Answer:
A. (.1)) &e"
2. (.);' &e"
4. (.)+ &e"
5. (.'+ &e"

(. Fin& the &iameter o! #teel line #ha!t to tran#mit 1( h at 1'( rm ith a tor#ional &e!lection not to
e*cee&in" (.(; &e"ree !oot len"th. Answer: D
A. (.;+ in
2. .)+ in
4. 1.) in
5. ).' in

1. Fin& the len"th in !eet o! 301 inch &iameter roe reB$ire& to !ill a &r$m havin" the !olloin"
&imen#ion#7 2 / )+ in, 5 / 1; in, H / ( in. 8 6 / (.:+19. Answer: B
A. 1;: !t
2. )'( !t
4. );:+ !t
5. )+' !t

). Fin& the ben&in" #tre## an& eB$ivalent ben&in" loa& &$e to the ben&in" o! a  * 13 8!iber core9 ire
roe o!  in &iameter aro$n& a )+ in itch &iameter #heave. Answer: B
A. 1+' lb#
2. 1'3( lb#
4. 13; lb#
5. 1: lb#

. Fin& the breain" loa& in o$n&# o! a ro$"ht iron chain crane i! the &iameter o! bar !rom hich
lin# are ma&e i# ) inche#. Answer: A 62/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. )1,((( lb#
2. +1,((( lb#
4. 1,((( lb#
5. '1,((( lb#

+. The #eci!ic "ravit- o! ca#t iron i# :.). Fin& the ei"ht o! ' c$bic inche# o! ca#t iron.  Answer: B
A. 1.1 lb#
2. 1. lb#
4. 1.) lb#
5. 1.+ lb#

'. The ei"ht o! a c$bic inch o! "ol& i# (.3: lb. Fin& the #eci!ic "ravit-.  Answer: D
A. 1.+'
2. 1'.+
4. 1:.)
5. 13.1

. I! the &iameter o! &rivin" $lle- i# 1' inche# an& it# #ee&, 1;( rm. The &iameter o! &riven $lle- i#
3 inche#. Fin& the #ee& o! &riven $lle-. Answer: B
A. 1(( rm
2. (( rm
4. )(( rm
5. +(( rm

:. I! the &iameter o! &rivin" $lle- i# )+ inche# an& it# #ee&, 1(( rm, an& the &riven $lle- i# to rotate
(( rm, !in& the &iameter o! &riven $lle-.  Answer: D
A. 1 in
2.  in
4. ) in
5. + in

;. Ho man-  inch &iameter #et<#cre# o$l& be reB$ire& to tran#mit  hor#eoer at a #ha!t #ee&
o! 1((( rm i! the #ha!t &iameter i# 1 inch.  Answer: A
A. 1
2. 1.'
4. )
5. ).'

3. Ho man- 0; inch &iameter #et<#cre# o$l& be reB$ire& to tran#mit  hor#eoer at a #ha!t #ee&
o! 1((( rm i! the #ha!t &iameter i# 1 inch.  Answer: B
A. 1
2. )
4. 1.'
5. 

+(. =hat i# the orin" #tren"th o! a 1 inch bolt hich i# #cree& $ ti"htl- in a ace& %oint hen the
alloable orin" #tre## i# 1(,((( #i>  Answer: A
A. ((( lb# 63/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. +((( lb#
4. '(( lb#
5. +((( lb#

+1. I! the &iameter o! &riven $lle- i#  inche# an& it# reB$ire& #ee&, 1'( rm, an& #ee& o! &rivin"
 $lle- i# (( rm, then the &iameter o! &rivin" $lle- i#7 Answer: B
A. ' in
2. 3 in
4. : in
5. 11 in

+). I! the &iameter o! &riven $lle- i# + inche# an& it# reB$ire& #ee&, ;(( rm, an& the &iameter o! the
&river i# ) inche#, then the reB$ire& #ee& o! the &river i#7  Answer: C 
A. 11) rm
2. 1+ rm
4. 1) rm
5. 1+' rm

+. I! the &rivin" "ear ha# )( teeth an& rotate# ;( rm, an& the &riven "ear ha# +( teeth, then the #ee& o! 
the &riven "ear7  Answer: D
A. 1( rm
2. ( rm
4. )( rm
5. +( rm

++. I! itch &iameter o! the &river i# ; inche#, it# #ee&, :' rm, an& the itch &iameter o! the &riven "ear 
"ear, )( rm i#7 Answer: C 
A. )( in
2. +( in
4. ( in
5. '( in

+'. I! the inertia i# ;( lb<!t), an& the #ee& o! the &riven #ha!t i# to be increa#e& !rom ( to 1'(( rm in 
#econ&#, !in& the cl$tch #tartin" torB$e in lb#.  Answer: D
A. 1(( !t<lb
2. 11( !t<lb
4. 1)( !t<lb
5. 1( !t<lb

+. I! the inertia i# ;( lb<!t), an& the #ee& o! the &riven #ha!t i# to be increa#e& !rom ( to 1'(( rm in 
#econ&#. 4alc$late the heat "enerate& !or each en"a"ement i! cl$tch #tartin" torB$e i# 1( in<lb.
 Answer: B
A. )(.'( 2t$
2. +1.'( 2t$
4. (.'( 2t$
5. '1.'( 2t$ 64/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

+:. Fin& the hor#eoer tran#mitte& b- a air o! !riction heel# the &iameter o! &rivin" heel i# 1(
inche#, an& it revolve# at )(( rm. The i&th o! the heel i# ) inche#. The !orce er inch i&th i#
1'( o$n& an& the coe!!icient o! !riction i# (.)(.  Answer: A
A. (.3 h
2. (.) h
4. 1.) h
5. 1. h

+;. A bo&- ei"hin" ); lb# re#t# on a horizontal #$r!ace. The !orce reB$ire& to ee it in motion alon"
the #$r!ace i# : lb#. Fin& the coe!!icient o! !riction. Answer: C 
A. (.1)
2. (.+'
4. (.)'
5. (.;'

+3. Mea#$rement M / .+3' inche# at the "a"in" notch o! a  in ie threa& an& the ire &iameter i#
(.(:)1: in. Fin& the itch &iameter. 8 / (.1)' in9. Answer: D
A. 1.) in
2. (.+ in
4. ).+ in
5. .3 in

'(. Fin& the tooth thicne## on the tooth circle o! a 1+  &e"ree !$ll &eth tooth o! 1) &iametrical itch.
 Answer: A
A. (.11 in
2. (.)+ in
4. (.+'' in
5. (.;+ in

'1. Fin& the tooth thicne## on the tooth circle o! a )( &e"ree !$ll &eth invol$te tooth havin" a
&iametrical itch o! '. Answer: B
A. (.; in
2. (.1+ in
4. (.1(; in
5. (.' in

'). The o$t#i&e &iameter o! a inion havin" 1( teeth o! ' &iametrical itch an& re##$re an"le o! 1+ 
&e"ree# i# to be increa#e& b- (.):+. the circ$lar itch eB$ivalent to ' &iametrical itch i# (.);.
Fin& the arc tooth thicne## at the #tan&ar& itch &iameter. Answer: A
A. (.;' in
2. (.; in
4. (.'+ in
5. (.'+ in

'. The o$t#i&e &iameter o! a "ear havin" a re##$re an"le o! 1+  &e"ree# i# to be re&$ce& b- (.):+ in
or an amo$nt eB$al to the increa#e& in &iameter o! it# matin" inion. The circ$lar itch i# (.); in.
5etermine the circ$lar tooth thicne## at the #tan&ar& itch &iameter. Answer: C 
A. (.++ in
2. (.;+ in
4. (.)+ in
5. (.:) in 65/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

'+. A inion ha# 1' teeth o!  &iametrical itch. Fin& the chor&al thicne## at the #tan&ar& itch
&iameter.  Answer: B
A. (.' in
2. (.') in
4. (.; in
5. (.)+ in


1. An oen belt &rive connect# a +'( mm &rivin" $lle- to another &riven $lle- 1((( mm in &iameter.
The belt i# (( mm i&e an& 1( mm thic. The coe!!icient o! !riction o! the belt i# (.( an& the ma##
o! the belt i# ).; " er meter belt len"th. Other &ata are a# !ollo#7
4enter &i#tance beteen #ha!t# / + meter#
Ma*im$m alloable ten#ile #tre## o! the belt / 1'(( a
See& o! &rivin" $lle- / 3(( rm
1. The belt &en#it- in lb0in Answer: C 
A. (.(1+
2. (.()+
4. (.(+
5. (.(++
). The belt #ee& in !t0#ec Answer: D
A. .+
2. '.(
4. :.:
5. 3.':
. The an"le o! contact, ra& Answer: A
A.  ra&
2. + ra&
4. ' ra&
5.  ra&
+. The oer tran#mitte&,  Answer: B
A. :.+'
2. +(.;(
4. +.)+
5. +;.+ 66/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

'. The loa& at ti"ht #i&e Answer: A

A. 1(11.+: lb#
2. 1111.+: lb#
4. 1)11.+: lb#
5. 111.+: lb#
. The loa& at #lac #i&e Answer: C 
A. ''3 lb#
2. '3 lb#
4. ':3 lb#
5. ';3 lb#

). A #oli& tran#mi##ion #ha!t i# .' inche# in &iameter. It i# &e#ire& to relace it ith a hollo #ha!t o! 
the #ame material an& #ame tor#ional #tren"th b$t it# ei"ht #ho$l& onl- be hal! a# m$ch a# the #oli&
#ha!t. Fin&7
1. The o$t#i&e &iameter o! the #ha!t  Answer: A
A. +.) in
2. '.+ in
4. :.; in
5. 3.( in
). The in#i&e &iameter o! the #ha!t Answer: C 
A. 1.3) in
2. ).' in
4. .+) in
5. +.( in
. The vol$me o! the hollo #ha!t er !oot len"th  Answer: B
A. '.) in
2. ':.:+ in
4. (.( in
5. .+; in
+. The #hearin" #tre## o! hollo #ha!t i! it $#e& to tran#mit 1'(  at ((( rm, Ma
 Answer: D
A. 1).;+
2. 1+.'
4. 1.)
5. 1:. 67/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

. A &o$ble threa&e& ri"ht han&e& orm "ear tran#mit# 1' h at 11'( rm. The itch o! the orm i#
(.:' inche# an& itch &iameter o!  inche#. The re##$re an"le i# 1+  an& the coe!!icient o! !riction
i# (.1). Fin&7
1. The lea& an"le  Answer: D
A. 1.
2. .;
4. :.)
5. 3.(+
). The normal re##$re an"le Answer: C 
A. 1(.):
2. 1).):
4. 1+.):
5. 1.):
. The orm "ear e!!icienc-  Answer: A
A. ''.1K
2. '(.)K
4. ';.+K
5. (.+K
+. The oer tran#mitte& to "ear 8o$t$t9 Answer: B
A. .3 h
2. ;.): h
4. 1(.): h
5. 1.+: h
'. The tan"ential !orce on "ear Answer: B
A. 1,:3; lb#
2. 1,;3; lb#
4. 1,33; lb#
5. ),3; lb#
. The tan"ential loa& on the orm Answer: A
A. '+; lb#
2. ''; lb# 68/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. '; lb#
5. ':; lb#
:. The #earatin" !orce Answer: C 
A. +( lb#
2. +' lb#
4. '(1 lb#
5. ': lb#

+. A ban& brae i# in#talle& on a &r$m rotatin" at )'( rm, an& a &iameter o! 3(( mm. The an"le o! 
contact i# 1.' ra&ian# an& one en& o! the brae ban& i# !a#tene& to a !i*e& in hile the other en& to
the brae arm 1'( mm !rom !i*e& en& in. The coe!!icient o! !riction i# (.)' an& the #trai"ht brae
arm i# 1((( mm lon" an& i# lace& eren&ic$lar to the &iameter bi#ectin" the an"le o! contact.
1. The torB$e tran#mitte&  Answer: D
A. ).: 6N<m
2. .3) 6N<m
4. +.1 6N<m
5. 1.31 6N<m
). The ten#ion at the #lac #i&e o! the brae &r$m Answer: A
A. 1.;3 6N
2. ). 6N
4. .); 6N
5. +.3 6N
. The ten#ion at the ti"ht #i&e o! the brae &r$m  Answer: B
A. '. 6N
2. .1+ 6N
4. :.; 6N
5. ;.); 6N
+. The minim$m !orce in Neton# alie& at the en& o! the brae arm nece##ar- to #to the
&r$m i! '(  i# bein" ab#orbe&  Answer: D
A. 1)' N
2. 1'( N
4. 1:' N
5. )(( N
'. A #teel ban& ith ma*im$m ten#ile #tre## o! '' Ma an& .( mm thic ill be $#e&.
=hat #ho$l& be it# i&th in millimeter#> Answer: A
A. : mm
2. 3 mm
4. +1 mm 69/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

5. + mm

'. A helical comre##ion #rin" ha# #cale o! +(( lb#0inch, an in#i&e &iameter o! ).' inche#, a !ree len"th
o! ; inche# an& ith #B$are& an& "ro$n& en&#. Material i# to be chrome vana&i$m #teel ith orin"
#tre## o! ,((( #i an& G / 1(,;((,((( #i. For a loa& o! ;)' lb#, an& !or an avera"e #ervice, =hall
!actor,  / 1.)'. 5etermine7
1. The #tan&ar& #ize ire &iameter  Answer: B
A.  in
2.  in
4. D in
5. 1  in
). The #rin" in&e* Answer: A
A. 
2. :
4. ;
5. 3
. N$mber o! active coil#  Answer: D
A. ;.)
2. 11.)
4. '.+
5. :.;1
+. The #oli& hei"ht  Answer: C 
A. ).; in
2. .) in
4. +.31 in
5. .+ in
'. The #tre## at #oli& hei"ht Answer: A
A. 3+,'+ #i
2. 3',:' #i
4. 3,:' #i
5. 3:,:' #i 70/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

. A )  inche# &o$ble #B$are threa& ith to threa&#0inch i# to be $#e&. The !rictional ra&i$# o! the
collar i# ) inche# an& the coe!!icient o! !riction are (.1( !or the threa&# an& (.1' !or the collar. The
velocit- o! the n$t i# 1( !t0min. For a li!tin" loa& o! +((( lb#, !in&7
1. The lea& an"le  Answer: D
A. '.)
2. .):
4. :.3+
5. ;.('
). The torB$e reB$ire& to t$rn the #cre Answer: A
A. 11().' in<lb#
2. 1)3.' in<lb#
4. 1+3.' in<lb#
5. 13.' in<lb#
. The torB$e reB$ire& to overcome collar !riction  Answer: B
A. 1((( in<lb#
2. 1)(( in<lb#
4. 1+(( in<lb#
5. 1(( in<lb#
+. The e!!icienc- o! the #cre  Answer: C 
A. )'.';K
2. ).';K
4. ):.'K
5. );.';K
'. The oer in$t o! the #cre Answer: B
A. 1.: h
2. +.; h
4. :.: h
5. 3.: h 71/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

:. A 1 mm late i# lae& over an& #ec$re& b- !illet el& on the in#i&e an& o$t#i&e to !orm a en#toc 
1.' m &iameter. An alloable #tre## o! 1+( Ma on the late an& an alloable #hearin" #tre## o! 3(
Ma on the throat #i&e o! the 1+ mm !illet el&. 5etermine7
1. The internal re##$re that can be carrie& b- the late  Answer: A
A.  Ma
2. ' Ma
4. : Ma
5. 3 Ma
). The internal re##$re that can be carrie& b- the el&e& %oint  Answer: B
A. 1.; Ma
2. ).; Ma
4. .; Ma
5. +.; Ma
. The thicne## o! the late i! the internal re##$re i# ) Ma 8ne"lectin" el&e& %oint9
 Answer: A
A. 1.: mm
2. 1;.: mm
4. 1+.: mm
5. 1).: mm
+. The thicne## o! the late i! the internal re##$re i# )( Ma 8ne"lectin" el&e& %oint9
 Answer: D
A. 1(.1: mm
2. 1(.1: mm
4. 1:(.1: mm
5. 13(.1: mm
'. Factor o! #a!et- o! the late i! $ltimate #tre## i# +'( Ma  Answer: C 
A. 
2. +
4. '
5.  72/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

;. A #a!et- valve #rin" havin" 3<10) coil# ha# the en&# #B$are& an& "ro$n&. The o$t#i&e &iameter i# 11'
mm an& ire &iameter i# 1 mm. It ha# a !ree len"th o! )( mm. The #rin" m$#t be initiall-
comre##e& to hol& the boiler re##$re o! 1.; Ma on the valve #eat o! ) mm &iameter. Mo&$l$# o! 
ri"i&it- i# taen a# G / ;( Ga. 5etermine7
1. The !orce actin" on the #rin"  Answer: B
A. (.;11 6N
2. 1.11 6N
4. 1.+' 6N
5. 1.;: 6N
). The #rin" in&e* Answer: B
A. .;'
2. :.;'
4. ;.;'
5. 3.;'
. The coil &e!lection  Answer: A
A. 1 mm
2.  mm
4. ' mm
5. +' mm
+. The comre##e& len"th o! the #rin"  Answer: D
A. 1+) mm
B. 1') mm
C. 1) mm
D. 1:) mm
'. The #rin" #tre## i! it i# comre##e& to it# #oli& len"th  Answer: C 
A. ( Ma
2. ;( Ma
4. +(( Ma
5. +)( Ma 73/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

3. The lar"e &iameter an& !ace o! the &i# o! a m$ltile &i# cl$tch are )'' mm an& )' mm re#ectivel-.
The helical comre##ion #rin" $#e& to en"a"e& the cl$tch ha# 3<10) e!eective coil# o! 1( mm #teel
ire. The o$ter coil &iameter i# ;( mm. the !ree len"th o! the #rin" i# 1;' mm. =hen in lace ith
cl$tch en"a"e&, it# len"th i# 1( mm. A##$min" that there are 1( air# o! !riction #$r!ace in contact,
that the motor r$n# at 1)(( rm, ith coe!!icient o! !riction on contatct #$r!ace ! / (.1', 8 G / ;(
Ga9, &etermine7
1. The a*ial !orce available !or the cl$tch  Answer: A
A. 1.3 6N
2. ).3 6N
4. .3 6N
5. +.3 6N
). The mean !rictional ra&i$# Answer: C 
A. 1)'.+' mm
2. 1+'.+' mm
4. 11'.+' mm
5. 1''.+' mm
. The torB$e tran#mitte&  Answer: B
A. (.13) 6N<m
2. (.)3) 6N<m
4. (.3) 6N<m
5. (.+3) 6N<m
+. The oer that the cl$tch can tran#mit  Answer: D
A. (.3 6
2. ).3 6
4. +.3 6
5. .3 6 74/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

1(. An electric motor r$nnin" at 1)(( rm &rive# a $nch re## #ha!t at )(( rm b- mean# o! a 1( mm
i&e an& ; mm thic belt. =hen the cl$tch i# en"a"e& the belt #li#. To correct thi# con&ition, an i&ler 
 $lle- a# in#talle& to increa#e the an"le o! contact b$t the #ame belt an& $lle- ere $#e&. The
ori"inal contact an"le on the )(( mm motor $lle- i# 1( &e"ree#. The ori"inal ten#ion ratio i# ).+
an& the net ten#ion i# 1) N0mm o! the belt i&th. I! an increa#e in tran#mi##ion caacit- o! )(K ill
 revent #lia"e, &etermine7
1. The coe!!icient o! !riction  Answer: A
A. (.1
2. (.+1
4. (.'1
5. (.1
). The ten#ion at the ti"ht #i&e in the ori"inal in#tallation Answer: B
A. ).: 6N
2. ).: 6N
4. ).3: 6N
5. .: 6N
. The ten#ion at the #lac #i&e in the ori"inal in#tallation  Answer: D
A. ).)) 6N
2. . 6N
4. +.++ 6N
5. 1.11 6N
+. The ten#ion at the #lac #i&e hen the i&ler a# in#talle&  Answer: C 
A. (.+') 6N
2. (.' 6N
4. (.;() 6N
5. 1.)3( 6N
'. The ne an"le o! contact  Answer: B
A. )1(
2. ))(
4. )(
5. )+( 75/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

11. A !o$r heel vehicle m$#t &eveloe& a &ra bar $ll o! 1:,'(( lb#. The en"ine, hich &evelo# '((
h an& &rive# thro$"h a "ear tran#mi##ion a +<tooth #iral bevel inion "ear hich me#he# ith a
#iral bevel "ear havin" '1 teeth. 5etermine7
1. The #ee& o! the heel# Answer: B
A. '' rm
2. ( rm
4. ' rm
5. :( rm
). The #ee& o! #ha!t  Answer: C 
A. ;( rm
2. ;' rm
4. 3( rm
5. 3' rm
. The tran#mi##ion "ear ratio #ho$l& be $#e& i! the en"ine &evelo# ma*im$m torB$e at
1'(( rm  Answer: D
A. 1).: 7 1
2. 1.: 7 1
4. 1+.: 7 1
5. 1.: 7 1
+. The torB$e reB$ire& er heel, in<lb#  Answer: A
A. )1(,(((
2. ))(,(((
4. )(,(((
5. )+(,(((
'. The a*ial &iameter !or an alloable tor#ional #tre## at 1),((( #i, the e!!icienc- o! the
 bevel "ear &i!!erential i# ;(K  Answer: A
A. +  in
2. 1  in
4. )  in
5.   in 76/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

1). The #maller o! to concentric helical #rin"# i# ma&e o! )) mm &iameter #teel #rin" an& ha# an
o$t#i&e &iameter o! 1(( mm ith 1( active coil#. The o$ter #rin" i# ma&e o! ) mm #teel #rin" an&
ha# an o$ter &iameter o! )'( mm ith ; active coil#. 2e!ore the loa& i# alie&, the o$ter #rin" i# )'
mm lon"er than the inner #rin". I! the loa& o! 3( 6N i# alie& to the ne#t o! the #rin"#. 8G / ;(
1. Fin& the #rin" rate o! the inner #rin"  Answer: A
A. +3.;( 6N0m
2. '3.;( 6N0m
4. 3.;( 6N0m
5. :3.;( 6N0m
). Fin& the #rin" rate o! o$ter #rin"  Answer: A
A. 1).'( 6N0m
2. 1.'( 6N0m
4. 1+.'( 6N0m
5. 1'.'( 6N0m
. Fin& the loa& carrie& b- the inner #rin"  Answer: C 
A. +3.1 6N
B. '3.1 6N
C. 3.1 6N
D. :3.1 6N
+. Fin& the loa& carrie& b- the o$ter #rin"  Answer: B
A. 1(.;: 6N
B. )(.;: 6N
C. (.;: 6N
D. +(.;: 6N
'. Fin& the ercenta"e loa& carrie& b- the inner #rin"  Answer: D
A. :(.;1K
2. :).;1K
4. :+.;1K
5. :.;1K 77/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

1. A !lan"e co$lin" connect# to )@ &iameter #ha!t#. The !lan"e# are !itte& ith  bolt# o! SAE 1(+(
#teel on a :@ bolt circle. The #ha!t# r$n# at (( rm an& tran#mit# +' h. A##$me a !actor o! #a!et- o! 
', $ltimate ten#ion o! :(,((( #i, an& $ltimate #hear o! '',((( #i. 5etermine7
1. The torB$e tran#mitte&  Answer: B
A. ;,+'.;( in<lb#
2. 3,+'.;( in<lb#
4. 1(,+'.;( in<lb#
5. 11,+'.;( in<lb#
). The !orce alie& er bolt Answer: C 
A. +'1.1: lb#
2. +(.1: lb#
4. +'(.1: lb#
5. +:(.1: lb#
. The &iameter o! the bolt reB$ire&  Answer: A
A. (.)); in
2. (.); in
4. (.+); in
5. (.'); in
+. The thicne## o! !lan"e& to be $#e& Answer: A
A. (.1+1 in
2. (.)+1 in
4. (.+1 in
5. (.'+1 in

1+. A #imle ban& brae ha# a : cm &r$m an& !itte& ith #teel ban& )0' cm thic line& ith a brae
linin" havin" a coe!!icient o! !riction o! (.)'. The arc o! contact i# )+'. The &r$m i# attache& to a (
cm hoi#tin" &r$m that #$#tain# a roe loa& o! ;)( ". The oeratin" !orce ha# a moment arm o! 1.'(
m an& the ban& i# attache& 1) cm !rom the ivot oint. Fin&7
1. The torB$e %$#t reB$ire& to #$ort the loa& 8cloci#e9  Answer: C 
A. ),(1.) N<m
2. ),)1.) N<m 78/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. ),+1.) N<m
5. ),1.) N<m
). The ten#ion at the #lac #i&e o! the brae Answer: A
A. )1.'( N
2. +)1.'( N
4. ')1.'( N
5. )1.'( N
. The oeratin" !orce at the en& o! brae arm  Answer: A
A. ::.;( N
2. ::'.;( N
4. :::.;( N
5. ::3.;( N
+. The i&th o! a #teel ban& !or a ten#ile #tre## o! '( Ma Answer: D
A. +(.+( mm
2. ++.+( mm
4. +.+( mm
5. +;.+( mm

1'. A mechanical re## i# $#e& to $nch  hole# er min$te on a )' mm thic late. The hole i# )' mm in
&iameter an& the late an& ha# an $ltimate #tren"th in #hear o! +)( Ma. The normal oeratin" #ee&
i# )(( rm an& it #lo# &on to 1;( rm &$rin" the roce## o! $nchin". The !l-heel ha# a mean
&iameter o! one meter an& the rim i&th i#  time# the thicne##. A##$me that the h$b an& arm
acco$nt !or 'K o! the rim ei"ht concentrate& at the mean &iameter an& &en#it- o! ca#t iron i# :,)((
" er c$bic meter. Fin&7
1. The ma*im$m !orce reB$ire& to $nche& a hole  Answer: B
A. ;(+.: 6N
B. ;)+.: 6N
C. ;++.: 6N
D. ;+.: 6N
). The oer reB$ire& to &rive the re##  Answer: B
A. (.; 
2. 1.(1 
4. 1.' 
5. ).1 
. The !l-heel ei"ht  Answer: D
A. .) 6N
B. '.3 6N
C. :.; 6N
D. 3.:1 6N
+. The thicne## o! the rim  Answer: A
A. 11; mm
2. 1( mm
4. 1) mm
5. 1;+ mm
'. The i&th o! the rim  Answer: D
A. )+ mm
2. + mm
4. ++ mm
5. '+ mm 79/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

1. A !lan"e co$lin" i# to connect to ': mm #ha!t#. The h$b# o! the co$lin" are each 111 mm in
&iameter an& 3) mm thic an& the !lan"e eb are 13 mm thic. Si* 1 mm bolt# in a 1' mm
&iameter circle connect the !lan"e#. The e-a- i#  mm #horter than the h$bC# thicne## an& the e-
i# 1+ mm * 1+ mm. 4o$lin" i# to tran#mit +'  at 1( rm. For all art#, -iel& oint val$e in #hear 
i# one<hal! the -iel& val$e hich i# ++; Ma. Fin& the !olloin"7
1. The !orce on the #ha!t  Answer: A
A. 3+.)' 6N
B. 3(.) 6N
C. ;.+ 6N

D. ;(.+ 6N
). The !actor o! #a!et- in the #hear e-  Answer: B
A. 1.;
2. ).;
4. .+;
5. '.+
. The !actor o! #a!et- in bearin" e-  Answer: D
A. '.+
2. +.)
4. .)(
5. ).;
+. The !orce alie& er bolt co$lin"  Answer: A
A. '.+ 6N
2. .3+ 6N
4. :.3 6N
5. ;.3 6N
'. The !actor o! #a!et- in #hear o! bolt#  Answer: C 
A. .3
2. :.3
4. ;.(
5. 3.( 80/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

1:. A h-&ra$lic control !or a #trai"ht motion $tilize# a #herical re##$re tan ?A@ that i# connecte& to a
or c-lin&er ?2@. ?A@ maintain# re##$re in the tan at +((( #i.
1. The tan i# ) inche# in &iameter, el&e& ith 1((K %oint e!!icienc- an& ma&e o! #teel
 late# ith an alloable ten#ile #tren"th o! :,'(( #i. 4alc$late the reB$ire& thicne## o! 
the tan.  Answer: B
A. (.) in
2. (.+ in
4. (.'+ in

). The re##$re5.&ro
(.' in
beteen tan an& the c-lin&er i# ( #i. A##$me alloance !or !riction
in the c-lin&er an& acin" to be 1( ercent o! F, the oeratin" !orce. 4alc$late the
&iameter o! the i#ton i! val$e o! F i# '((( lb#.  Answer: D
A. 1.): in
2. ).3 in
4. .)3 in
5. +.' in
. 5etermine the all thicne## o! or c-lin&er 2 i! it i# ma&e o! ca#t iron havin" an
alloable ten#ile #tre## o! ),((( #i.  Answer: A
A. (.+;; in
2. (.'( in
4. (.' in
5. (.;: in
+. The i#ton #troe o! the or c-lin&er i# 1; inche# the time o! a or #troe i# '
#econ&#. 4alc$late the hor#eoer o$t$t o! the c-lin&er.  Answer: C 
A. 1.)3 h
2. +.) h
4. ).: h
5. '.+ h 81/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

'. A##$me that the or c-cle o! the i#ton ro& occ$r# ever- ( #econ&#, that the overall
e!!icienc- o! the h-&ra$lic control i# ;( ercent, an& the $m e!!icienc- i# ( ercent,
&etermine the hor#eoer o! the motor contin$o$#l- oeratin" the #l$m.  Answer: C 
A. (.)' h
2. '.+ h
4. (.3' h
5. 1.): h

1;. 4on#i&er a (+.; mm #ection o! a #in"le<rivete& la %oint ma&e $ ith late# o! .' mm thicne##
an&  rivet#, 1'.;: mm in &iameter. A##$me that the rivet hole# are 1.'; mm lar"er in &iameter than
the rivet#. In thi# %oint, the entire loa& i# tran#mitte& !rom one late to the other b- mean# o! rivet#.
Each late an& the #i* rivet# carrie# the entire loa&. 5e#i"n #tre## !or #hear i# '3; "0cm ), !or bearin",
1+( "0cm), an& !or ten#ion, :( "0cm ). A##$me that the rivet# ill not tear or #hear thro$"h the
 late to the e&"e o! the %oint#. Fin&7
1. The !orce that can be carrie& b- $n$nche& late  Answer: A
A. 1,(.+( "
2. 1,(.+( "
4. 1:,(.+( "
5. 13,(.+( "
). The !orce to ca$#e ten#ile #tre## on late beteen rivet#  Answer: C 
A. ,3+.' "
2. :,(;.(3 "
4. ;,3). "
5. 3,(33.+' "
. The !orce to ca$#e #hearin" #tre## on rivet#  Answer: B
A. :,';(.3( "
2. ;,';(.3( "
4. 3,';(.3( "
5. 1(,';(.3( "
+. The !orce to ca$#e bearin" #tre## on rivet#  Answer: A
A. 3,+:.:( "
2. 1(,+:.:( "
4. 11,+:.:( "
5. 1),+:.:( "
'. The e!!icienc-  Answer: B
A. '.+K 82/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. .(K
4. (.+'K
5. :.+K

13. A : mm #oli& #ha!t i# to be relace& ith a hollo #ha!t o! eB$al tor#ional #tren"th. The o$t#i&e
&iameter o! the hollo #ha!t i# 1(( mm.
1. The in#i&e &iameter o! hollo #ha!t  Answer: A
A. ;.'' mm
2. ;;.+ mm
4. 3(.); mm
5. 3).+ mm
). The ercenta"e o! ei"ht #ave&  Answer: C 
A. '(.+K
2. '.+K
4. '.'K
5. '.+K

)(. The en"ine o! a motor vehicle ith a heel &iameter o! :1) mm &evelo# '(  at ),((( rm. The
combine& e!!icienc- o! the &i!!erential an& tran#mi##ion i# :'K ith an overall #ee& re&$ction o! )'
i# to 1. 5etermine7
1. TorB$e to be &elivere& b- the cl$tch in N<m  Answer: B
A. ))+ N<m
2. )3 N<m
4. )+' N<m
5. )' N<m
). A*ial !orce on the cl$tch in 6N. O$t#i&e an& in#i&e &iameter o! the cl$tch are (( mm
an& )+( mm re#ectivel-. There are to air# o! matin" #$r!ace ith a coe!!icient o! 
!riction o! (.(. 8 #e $ni!orm ear metho&9.  Answer: B
A. ).+ 6N
2. ).3' 6N
4. .)' 6N
5. +.3 6N
. TorB$e on heel#  Answer: D
A. 1.)+ 6N
2. ).' 6N
4. .' 6N
5. +.+: 6N
+. 5ra bar $ll &eveloe& in 6N  Answer: A
A. 1).': 6N
2. 1'.) 6N
4. 1:.( 6N
5. 13.3 6N
'. See& o! travel o! the vehicle in m0hr  Answer: C 
A. '.+ m0hr 
2. :.+3 m0hr 83/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. 1(.:+ m0hr 
5. 1).( m0hr 

)1. A #in"le threa&e& traezoi&al metric threa& ha# a itch o! + mm an& a mean &iameter o! 1; mm. It i#
$#e& a# a tran#lation #cre in con%$nction ith a collar havin" an o$t#i&e &iameter o! : mm an& an
in#i&e &iameter o! ): mm. The loa& i# +(( " an& coe!!icient o! !riction i# (. !or both threa&# an&
collar. Fin&7
1. The collar torB$e  Answer: A
A. 13)( "<mm
2. 1: "<mm
4. 1;3( "<mm
5. )(( "<mm
). The torB$e reB$ire& !or threa&  Answer: D
A. 1)3 "<mm
2. 113) "<mm
4. 1'3; "<mm
5. 1+(1 "<mm
. The total torB$e  Answer: C 
A. 1(; "<mm
2. )(;3 "<mm
4. )1 "<mm
5. +;: "<mm

)). It i# !o$n& that the #hearin" machine reB$ire# )(' %o$le# o! ener"- to #hear a #eci!ic "a$"e o! #heet
metal. The mean &iameter o! the !l-heel i# to be :.)( cm. The normal oeratin" #ee& i# )(( rm,
an& #lo# &on to 1;( rm &$rin" #hearin" roce##. The i&th i# (.+; cm, an& the ei"ht o! ca#t
iron i# :,13.( "0m . The arm# an& h$b acco$nt !or 1(K o! the rim ei"ht concentrate& at mean
&iameter. 5etermine7
1. The rim ei"ht  Answer: A
A. .;; "
2. '.) "
4. :.) "
5. 3.+' "
). The thicne## o! the rim Answer: D
A. (.1+' cm
2. (.+' cm
4. (.:+ cm
5. (.';: cm

). A &o$ble reaction "ear a##embl- i# mo$nte& on three arallel #ha!t# locate& on the #ame horizontal
 lane. Sha!t A i# &riven !rom a )  #o$rce at ,'(( rm. The inion on #ha!t A ha# )+ teeth an&
me#he# ith a "ear on #ha!t 2. Another inion on #ha!t 2 i# in me#h ith a "ear on #ha!t 4 ith 1(
teeth. The centerline &i#tance beteen #ha!t A an& #ha!t 4 i# 1'+ time# the mo&$le. The overall "ear 
train ratio i# 1+71. A##$me mo&$le !or all "ear# are the #ame, &etermine7
1. The #ee& o! #ha!t 2  Answer: A
A. 1((( rm
2. 11(( rm
4. 1)(( rm
5. 1(( rm
). The n$mber o! teeth on "ear# at #ha!t 2  Answer: A
A. ;+ J +( teeth 84/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

2. ;+ J '( teeth
4. ;+ J ( teeth
5. ;+ J :( teeth
. The torB$e on #ha!t A  Answer: C 
A. .); N<m
2. +.+ N<m
4. '.+ N<m
5. .3+ N<m
+. The torB$e on #ha!t 2  Answer: D
A. 1(.) N<m
2. 1.+' N<m
4. 1.3 N<m
5. 1;.1+ N<m
'. The torB$e on #ha!t 4  Answer: B
A. '.+ N<m
2. ;.3' N<m
4. :.) N<m
5. :;.( N<m

)+. A e- i# to be &e#ire& !or a 1).: cm, #ha!t hich ill tran#mit oer o! 1'(  at ( rm. I! 
alloable #hear #tre## !or the e- i# 3)( "0cm ) an& the alloable comre##ive #tre## i# 1)(( "0cm ),
&etermine the !olloin"7
1. 4ro##<#ectional &imen#ion# o! the !lat e- to be $#e&  Answer: B
A. 1.11 cm
2. ).)) cm
4. . cm
5. +.++ cm
). Force actin" on a e-  Answer: A
A. ). 6N
2. +.+ 6N
4. .(+ 6N
5. ;.+ 6N
. Len"th o! e- $n&er #hearin" #tre##  Answer: D
A. :.+ cm
2. .1 cm
4. +.) cm
5. ).13 cm
+. Len"th o! e- $n&er comre##ive #tre##  Answer: C 
A. ).( cm
2. .+3 cm
4. +.:3 cm
5. '.+ cm
'. Sa!e len"th o! e- to be $#e&  Answer: B
A. ).( cm
2. +.:3 cm
4. .+ cm
5. ;.( cm 85/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

. A*ial !orce to remove the h$b !rom the #ha!t i! the coe!!icient o! !riction i# (.+'  Answer:
A. +'.) 6N
2. '.+( 6N
4. ';.+ 6N
5. '.+' 6N

)'. A inion rotatin" at 1;(( rm an& #$orte& on each #i&e b- a ball bearin" tran#mit# 1;  to a
matin" #$r "ear. I! the re##$re an"le i# )( &e"ree# an& the itch &iameter i# 1() mm, &etermine the
 Note7 A&&  &e"ree# to the re##$re an"le to comen#ate !or the !riction
1. itch line velocit-  Answer: B
A. ;.1( m0#ec

4. 3.1
5. 1.( m0#ec
). TorB$e tran#mitte& b- the inion  Answer: D
A. '.+ N<m
2. :'.) N<m
4. ;:.) N<m
5. 3'.+3 N<m
. Tan"ential loa& on "ear#  Answer: C 
A. 1,' N
2. 1,:'+ N
4. 1,;:) N

5. 1,3(;
+. Searation loa& N  Answer: A
on "ear#
A. :3+. N
2. ;:). N
4. 3;). N
5. 1,:'.; N
'. Total loa& on "ear#  Answer: A
A. ),(+ N
2. ,(+ N 86/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. +,(+ N
5. ',(+ N

). A &$mb aiter &e#i"ne& to travel a hei"ht o!  m hen loa&e& ill have a ma*im$m "ro## ei"ht o! 
1(( ". A coil #rin" i# rovi&e& belo to ab#orb #hoc in the event that the &$mb aiter #ho$l& !all
!reel- beca$#e o! #$&&en breaa"e o! the ire roe carr-in" it. I! the coil #rin" ill be &e!lecte& to
(.+; cm, i! the &$mb aiter #ho$l& acci&entall- !all an& it hit the #rin" !rom it# ma*im$m hei"ht o! 
travel, &etermine the !olloin"7
 Note7 #e #rin" in&e* o! ; an& a##$me ma*im$m in&$ce #tre## an& #hear mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- to be
;; "0cm) an& ;(;,:)( "0cm), re#ectivel-
1. =haal !actor  Answer: D
A. 1.(+'
2. 1.;
4. 1.'+
5. 1.1;+
). Ma*im$m !orce actin" on #rin"  Answer: B
A. 1;:).+ "
2. )1;.'( "
4. ))'.+( "
5. )+. "
. =ire &iameter  Answer: C 
A. 1.)( cm
2. ).+ cm
4. .; cm
5. +1.) cm
+. Mean coil &iameter  Answer: A
A. )3.+) cm
2. +.) cm
4. :.+' cm
5. +1.) cm 87/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

'. N$mber o! active coil#  Answer: A

A. 1(.)(
2. 1+.)
4. 1.+
5. 1;.+

):. The maintenance #ho o! AL ha# a motor oerate& hoi#tin" hich con#i#t# o! the !olloin"
mechanical art#7 Motor #ha!t ?A@ i# !itte& ith a &o$ble threa&e& le!t han&e& orm in me#h ith '
tooth orm heel at #ha!t ?2@ &irectl- belo. 4omo$n&e& on #ha!t ?2@ i# a )( tooth ' mo&$le
 inion in me#h ith a #$r "ear e-e& on #ha!t ?4@ ith a horizontal center line &i#tance o! 1'( mm.
Mo$nte& on the #ame #ha!t ?4@ i# a )(( mm &iameter hoi#tin" &r$m. The cable ra aro$n& the &r$m
#$#tain# a loa& o! '(( " at motor #ee& o! 1:'( rm. 5etermine the !olloin"7
1. itch &iameter o! inion  Answer: A
A. 1(( mm
2. 1() mm
4. 1(+ mm
5. 1(; mm
). itch &iameter o! #$r "ear  Answer: C 
A. 1;( mm
2. 13( mm
4. )(( mm
5. )1( mm
. See& o! #ha!t 4  Answer: B
A. ):.+ rm
2. 1.)' rm
4. +.)+ rm
5. 3.+' rm
+. oer at #ha!t 4  Answer: B
A. 1.+' 
2. 1.;3+ 
4. 1.(' 
5. ).(; 
'. TorB$e at #ha!t A  Answer: D 88/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. :.)+ N<m
2. 3.' N<m
4. 11.) N<m
5. 1.+: N<m
. elocit- o! the loa&  Answer: C 
A. (.)1 m0#ec
2. (.1;3 m0#ec
4. (.): m0#ec
5. (.+;' m0#ec

);. A machine #ho #omehere in $ezon 4it- !abricate& a air o! #$r "ear ).' mo&$le an& to be
mo$nte& on #ha!t# ith center line &i#tance o! 3( mm. The #ee& ratio reB$ire& i# 71. 5etermine the
1. itch &iameter o! the "ear  Answer: A
A. 1' mm
2. 1+( mm
4. 1+' mm
5. 1'( mm
). N$mber o! teeth o! the "ear  Answer: C 
A. '( teeth
2. ') teeth
4. '+ teeth
5. ' teeth
. 4irc$lar itch  Answer: B
A. .) mm
2. :.;' mm
4. ;.: mm
5. 3.() mm
+. A&&en&$m &i#tance  Answer: A
A. ).'( mm
2. .( mm
4. .' mm
5. +.( mm
'. 4learance  Answer: D
A. (.1)' mm
2. (.)'( mm
4. (.+)' mm 89/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

5. (.)' mm
. 5e&en&$m &i#tance  Answer: B
A. ). mm
2. .1)' mm
4. +. mm
5. '.33 mm
:. =hole &eth  Answer: D
A. ).; mm
2. .() mm
4. +. mm
5. '.)' mm
;. =orin" &eth  Answer: C 
A.  mm
2. + mm
4. ' mm
5.  mm
3. Tooth thicne##  Answer: A
A. .3 mm
2. +.+ mm
4. '.; mm
5. .+ mm

1(. Sace i&th  Answer: B

A.  mm
2. + mm
4. ' mm
5.  mm
11. O$t#i&e &iameter o! the "ear  Answer: C 
A. 1)( mm
2. 1( mm
4. 1+( mm
5. 1'( mm
1). Root &iameter o! inion  Answer:D
A. );.:' mm
2. ).+ mm
4. 1:.+' mm
5. ;.:' mm

)3. A $lle- i# e-e& to a )  inche# &iameter #ha!t b- a '0; * :01 in *  in !lat e-. The #ha!t rotate# at
'( rm. The alloable #hearin" #tre## !or the e- i# )) #i. The alloable comre##ive #tre## !or the
e-, h$b an& #ha!t are  #i, '3 #i, an& :) #i, re#ectivel-. 5etermine7
1. The torB$e that can be carrie& &$e to #hearin" #tre## o! the e-  Answer: A
A. '1,').'( in<lb#
2. 1,').'( in<lb#
4. :1,').'( in<lb#
5. ;1,').'( in<lb#
). The torB$e that can be carrie& &$e to comre##ive #tre## o! e-  Answer: C 
A. '(,11(.( in<lb#
2. '),11(.( in<lb# 90/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. '+,11(.( in<lb#
5. ',11(.( in<lb#
. The torB$e that can be carrie& b- the #ha!t  Answer: B
A. ':,+3'.1( in<lb#
2. :,+3'.1( in<lb#
4. ::,+3'.1( in<lb#
5. ;:,+3'.1( in<lb#
+. The torB$e that can be carrie& b- the h$b  Answer: D
A. +),3;.++ in<lb#
2. ++,3;.++ in<lb#
4. +,3;.++ in<lb#
5. +;,3;.++ in lb#
'. The ma*im$m torB$e the $lle- can #a!el- &elivere&  Answer: D
A. +),3;.++ in<lb#
2. ++,3;.++ in<lb#
4. +,3;.++ in<lb#
5. +;,3;.++ in lb#

(. A &o$ble threa& A4ME threa& #cre &riven b- a motor at +(( rm rai#e# the attache& loa& o! 3(( "
at a #ee& o! 1(m0min. The #cre ha# itch &iameter o!  mm. The coe!!icient o! !riction on threa&#
i# (.1'. The !riction torB$e on the thr$#t# bearin" o! the motor i# taen to be )(K o! the total torB$e
 oint in$t. 5etermine7
1. The lea&  Answer: A
A. )' mm
2. ( mm
4. ' mm
5. +( mm
). The lea& an"le  Answer: B
A. 1(.)
2. 1).+
4. 1+.+
5. 1.)
. The torB$e reB$ire& to t$rn the #cre  Answer: B
A. +.) "<m
2. .1 "<m
4. ;.+' "<m
5. 1(.) "<m
+. The total torB$e in$t  Answer: D
A. (.(1:): 6N<m
2. (.(:): 6N<m
4. (.(':): 6N<m
5. (.(:+); 6N<m
'. The motor reB$ire& to oerate the #cre  Answer: C 
A. 1.)3 
2. ).)3  91/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. .11( 
5. +.)3 

1. A "ear havin" ( teeth i# bein" &riven b- a 1)<tooth "ear r$nnin" at ;(( rm. 5etermine the
1. The #ee& o! the &riven "ear  Answer: B
A. 1'( rm
2. 1( rm
4. 1:( rm
5. 1;( rm
). The #ee& o! &riven "ear i! a )+ tooth i&ler i# lace& beteen the &rivin" an& &riven "ear 
 Answer: B
A. 1'( rm
2. 1( rm
4. 1:( rm
5. 1;( rm
. The #ee& o! &riven "ear i! a to )+ tooth i&ler i# lace& beteen the &rivin" an& &riven
"ear  Answer: B
A. 1'( rm
2. 1( rm
4. 1:( rm
5. 1;( rm
+. The &irection o! rotation o! the &riven "ear hen one i&ler# are $#e&  Answer: A
A. The #ame
2. oo#ite
4. ahea&
5. none o! the#e
'. The &irection o! rotation o! the &riven "ear hen to i&ler# are $#e&  Answer: B
A. The #ame
2. oo#ite 92/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. ahea&
5. none o! the#e

). A &i#c cl$tch havin" an o$t#i&e &iameter o! ) cm an& an in#i&e &iameter o! 1).: cm i# connecte& to
an en"ine that t$rn# at :'( rm. The coe!!icient o! !riction i# (.( hile the re##$re beteen the
!riction #$r!ace# i# ) "0cm ).
1. Force on the cl$tch e&al nece##ar- to &i#en"a"e& the cl$tch &i#c !rom the en"ine $#in"
$ni!orm re##$re  Answer: C 
A. 1,1''.1+ "
2. 1,)''.1+ "
4. 1,''.1+ "
5. 1,+''.1+ "
). Mean !riction ra&i$#  Answer: A
A. 11.;: cm
2. 1).;: cm
4. 1.;: cm
5. 1+.;: cm
. 4l$tch torB$e  Answer: D
A. (.+: 6N<m
2. (.:+: 6N<m
4. (.;+: 6N<m
5. (.3+: 6N<m
+. oer tran#mitte& b- the en"ine  Answer: D
A. :1.' 
2. :).' 
4. :.' 
5. :+.'  93/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

. To #hort #ha!t# havin" i&entical &iameter# o! ;.1 mm an& rotatin" at +(( rm are connecte& b- a
!lan"e co$lin" havin" + bolt# ith a 1(( mm bolt circle. The &e#i"n #hearin" #tre## o! the bolt i# 1)
Ma an& &e#i"n comre##ive #tre## o! the !lan"e i# 1' Ma.
1. =hat i# the oer tran#mitte& b- the #hort #ha!t> Answer: C 
A. )(.'( 
2. )+.'( 
4. ).'( 
5. );.'( 
). =hat i# the torB$e tran#mitte& b- the #ha!t>  Answer: D
A. (.() 6N<m
2. (.)) 6N<m
4. (.+) 6N<m
5. (.) 6N<m
. =hat &iameter o! bolt #ho$l& be $#e&>  Answer: C 
A.  in
2.  in
4. D in
5. 1 in
+. Ho thic #ho$l& the !lan"e be in mm>  Answer: D
A. :.(: mm
2. '.(: mm
4. 3.(: mm
5. 11.(: mm

+. To #ha!t# are connecte& b- #$r "ear#. The itch ra&ii o! the "ear# A an& 2 are )(: mm an& ;+) mm
re#ectivel-. I! #ha!t A mae# '( rm an& i# #$b%ecte& to ti#tin" moment o! ) N<m. re##$re
an"le i# 1+.'. =hat i#7
1. Rm o! "ear 2  Answer: A
A. ; rm
2. ;; rm
4. 3( rm
5. 3) rm
). TorB$e in #ha!t 2 Answer: C 
A. 3)( N<m
2. 3+( N<m
4. 3( N<m
5. 3;( N<m
. Searation loa& o! the "ear#  Answer: A
A. )3+.;) N
2. )3.;) N
4. )3;.;) N
5. ((.;) N
+. Total loa& on "ear# Answer: B
A. 11 N
2. 11:: N
4. 11;; N
5. 1133 N 94/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

'. A rectan"$lar e- a# $#e& in a $lle- connecte& to a line #ha!t ith a oer o! :.+ 6= at a #ee&
o! 1)(( rm. I! the #hearin" #tre## o! the #ha!t an& e- are ( Ma an& )+( Ma,re#ectivel-7
1. =hat i# the &iameter o! the #ha!t>  Answer: B
A. 1;.( mm
2. )1.( mm
4. ).( mm
5. )3.( mm
). =hat i# the len"th o! the rectan"$lar e- i! the i&th i# one !o$rth o! the #ha!t &iameter>
 Answer: B
A. .)+ mm
2. +.)+ mm
4. '.)+ mm
5. .)+ mm

. A $lle- 1( mm in &iameter tran#mit# +(  at '(( rm. The arc o! contact beteen the belt an&
 $lle- i# 1++ &e"ree#, the coe!!icient o! !riction beteen belt an& $lle- i# (.' an& the #a!e orin"
#tre## o! the belt i# ).1 Ma. It i# reB$ire& to !in&7
1. The tan"ential !orce at the rim o! the $lle- in Neton#  Answer: B
A. ),+(' N
2. ),'(' N
4. ),(' N
5. ),:(' N
). The e!!ective belt $ll in Neton#  Answer: C 
A. ),(' N
2. ),+(' N
4. ),'(' N
5. ),(' N
. The i&th o! the belt $#e& i! it# thicne## i#  mm  Answer: A
A. +( mm
2. )'( mm
4. ( mm
5. :( mm

:. A #teel #ha!t tran#mit# +( h at 1+(( rm. 4on#i&erin" alloable #hearin" #tre## ba#e& on $re
tor#ion to be '((( #i, !in&7
1. The #ha!t &iameter o! neare#t commercial #ize  Answer: B
A. 1  in
2. 1 :01 in 95/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. ) :01 in
5. 1 D in
). The tor#ional &e!lection on the #ha!t in &e"ree# er !oot  Answer: A
A. (.)+ &e"ree#
2. (.)' &e"ree#
4. (.) &e"ree#
5. (.): &e"ree#

;. A a%ero %ee a"onC# &evelo# +(  at 1)(( rm, ith #in"le late cl$tch ith to air# o! !riction
#$r!ace# tran#mittin" the oer. 4on#i&er the coe!!icient o! !riction to be (.( an& mean &iameter o! 
&i#c to be )(( mm, &etermine7
1. A*ial !orce reB$ire& to en"a"e the cl$tch an& tran#mit the oer  Answer: A
A. '.(' 6N
2. '.+(' 6N
4. '.'(' 6N
5. '.(' 6N
). In#i&e an& o$t#i&e &iameter o! the &i#c# an& the !ace i&th i! the ma*im$m re##$re i#
limite& to )(( 6a  Answer: A
A. 1 mm
B.  mm
C. ' mm
D. : mm

3. =ith the re#ent ater interr$tion# revailin" in Metro Manila, -o$ have been a#e& to &e#i"n an
$ri"ht c-lin&rical ater tan  meter in &iameter an&  m hi"h, vente&, an& to be !ille& comletel-
ith ater.
1. 5etermine the minim$m thicne## o! the tan late i! the #tre## i# limite& to +( Ma
 Answer: C 
A. ),+(' N
2. ),'(' N
4. ),(' N
5. ),:(' N
). I! the ater tan ha& to be elevate& 1( meter# !rom it# bottom an& ha# to be !ille& $ in )
ho$r#, &etermine the $m caacit- nee&e& to !ill the tan an& motor oer to &rive the
 $m i! velocit- an& hea& lo## i# ' meter#. 4on#i&er $m e!!icienc- o! :(K an& motor 
e!!icienc- o! ;'K.  Answer: D
A. '.1 
2. .1 

5. :.1
;.1 

+(. A +; in &iameter &iamon& #a bla&e i# mo$nte& on a $lle- &riven #teel #ha!t, reB$irin" a bla&e
 erimeter linear #ee& o! 1'( !t0#ec. Motor &rive i# 1)' h at 1)(( rm, ith  inche# &iameter 
 $lle-. 5etermine7
1. The #ha!t rm to attain bla&e eriheral #ee& reB$ire&  Answer: C 
A. :1).)( rm
2. :1+.)( rm 96/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. :1.)( rm
5. :1;.)( rm
). The #ha!t &iameter  Answer: A
A. ).1( in
2. ).)( in
4. ).( in
5. ).+( in
. The #ha!t $lle- &iameter  Answer: B
A. '.(' in
2. 1(.(' in
4. 1'.(' in
5. )(.(' in

+1. In an LRT II ro%ect, #teel railroa& rail# o! 1( m lon" are to be in#talle&. I! loe#t temerat$re
con#i&ere& i# 14, an& a ma*im$m temerat$re o! 4 i# &e#i"ne& !or, a##$min" coe!!icient o! 
thermal e*an#ion o! #teel to be 11. * 1( < m0m<4 an& mo&$l$# o! ela#ticit- o! #teel to be )(:,(((
1. 5etermine the clearance beteen rail# #$ch that the a&%oinin" rail ill %$#t to$che& at
ma*im$m &e#i"n temerat$re  Answer: C 
A. 1.) mm
2. 1.' mm
4. ).) mm
5. .) mm
). Sho$l& the e*ce##ive hi"h #$mmer temerat$re o! +(4 occ$r, &etermine the in&$ce&
#tre## in the rail# at that temerat$re  Answer: B
A. ;.+ Ma
2. 3.(' Ma
4. 1(.' Ma
5. 1).+ Ma

+). A !lan"e co$lin" ha# an o$t#i&e &iameter o! )(( mm an& connect# to +( mm #ha!t#. There are !o$r 
1 mm bolt# on a 1+( mm bolt circle. The ra&ial !lan"e thicne## i# )( mm. I! the tor#ional #tre## in
the #ha!t i# not to e*cee& ) Ma, &etermine7
1. The oer that can be tran#mitte& at (( rm  Answer: B
A. 1:.1) 
2. )(.' 
4. )+.) 
5. ).)  97/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

). The #hearin" #tre## in the bolt# i! $ni!orml- &i#trib$te&  Answer: D

A. 1.)3 Ma
2. ).+ Ma
4. .(+ Ma
5. '.;(+ Ma
. The ma*im$m #hearin" #tre## in&$ce& in the bolt#  Answer: A
A. 111.' Ma
2. 11.' Ma
4. 11'.' Ma
5. 11:.' Ma
+. The bearin" re##$re in the bolt#  Answer: C 
A. ).+ Ma
2. 1.( Ma
4. .' Ma
5. '.+ Ma

+. A #B$are #in"le threa& %ac#cre ha# ) threa&# er inch. It i# to li!t 1' ton#. The !riction ra&i$# o! the
collar i# 1 inch. The coe!!icient o! !riction beteen the threa&# o! the #cre an& ba#e i# (.1',that
 beteen the #cre an& collar i# (.1. 5etermine7
1. The &iameter o! the root o! the #cre i! the alloable #tre## in comre##ion i# ,((( #i
 Answer: C 
A. (.+' in
2. 1.'( in
4. ).:' in
5. .;' in
). The torB$e reB$ire& to t$rn the #cre  Answer: D
A. ;).+' in<lb#
2. :;+.+( in<lb#
4. ;:+.': in<lb#
5. 31)(.( in<lb#
. The $ll reB$ire& at the en& o! a ' !t bar rai#e# the loa&  Answer: A
A. )1;.'1 in<lb#
2. )+'.) in<lb#
4. )'.( in<lb#
5. );:.+' in<lb#
+. The ti#tin" moment e*erte& at the root o! the threa&#  Answer: A
A. 31)(.( in<lb#
2. 3'.+( in<lb#
4. 3(+.' in<lb#
5. 3;:.+' in<lb#
'. The oer o$t$t o! the #cre i! it i# t$rnin" at ( rm  Answer: D 98/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. 1.;: h
2. +.)( h
4. .(+ h
5. ).): h
. The oer in$t o! the #cre  Answer: B
A. 1(.); h
2. 1).+ h
4. 1+.3 h
5. 1.3 h
:. The e!!icienc- o! the #cre an& collar  Answer: C 
A. 1).3K
2. 1+.3K
4. 1;.)K
5. 1.)3K

++. A )(( mm ca#t iron $lle- i# !a#tene& to a 11).'( mm #ha!t b- mean# o! a );.1 mm #B$are e- 1:'
mm lon". The e- an& #ha!t are SAE 1(( #teel anneale& ith alloable #hearin" o! e- o! )3,+((
 #i an& comre##ive o! :'. "0cm)

1. Force reB$ire&
A. to33:.'3
#hear the
6Ne-  Answer: A
2. ;:.+' 6N
4. :'.( 6N
5. ').+ 6N
). Force nee&e& to comre## the e-  Answer: C 
A. 1+1.3 6N
2. 1'3.)+ 6N
4. 1. 6N
5. 1:.+; 6N
. Sa!e oer o! the #ha!t at (( rm  Answer: B
A. )(;.'+ 6=

4. ')'.::
+;).+3 6=
5. ').:+ 6=
+. =hat !orce actin" at the $lle- rim ill #hear thi# e->  Answer: A
A. 3.') 6N
2. ;'.): 6N
4. :'.) 6N
5. +.) 6N
'. =hat !orce actin" at the $lle- rim ill cr$#h the e->  Answer: D 99/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

A. 1+.: 6N
2. 1'.1 6N
4. 1'.3 6N
5. 1:.)3 6N

+'. A : mm bearin" $#in" oil ith an ab#ol$te vi#co#it- o! (.:( oi#e r$nnin" at '(( rm "ive#
#ati#!actor- oeration ith bearin" re##$re o! 1+ "0cm ). The bearin" clearance i# (.1): mm.
1. 5etermine the $nit re##$re at hich the bearin" #ho$l& oerate i! the #ee& i# chan"e& to
(( rm  Answer: A
A. 1.; "0cm)
2. 1;.( "0cm)
4. )(.( "0cm)
5. )).(+ "0cm)
). I! the bearin" i# "iven a total clearance o! (.(: mm, hat chan"e #ho$l& be ma&e in the
oil>  Answer: B
A. (.1: oi#e
2. (.)'1 oi#e
4. (.+ oi#e
5. (.+:) oi#e

+. A Mit#$bi#hi car tran#mi##ion ha# to #$r "ear# in me#h havin" velocit- ratio o! 1.+. The n$mber o! 
teeth in the &riven "ear i#  an& the &iametrical itch o! .
1. 5etermine the n$mber o! teeth in the &river  Answer: B
A. )) teeth
2. ) teeth
4. ( teeth
5. + teeth
). 5etermine the &i#tance beteen center#  Answer: C 
A. .) in
2. ;.( in
4. 1(.+ in
5. 1).(3 in
. =hat i# the circ$lar itch>  Answer: C 
A. (.+' in
2. (.;+: in
4. 1.); in
5. 1.(+: in

+:. A !l-heel ei"hin" 31( " ha# a ra&i$# o! "-ration o! 1')+ mm. The #ha!t %o$rnal# are (+.; mm in
&iameter an& have a coe!!icient o! !riction o! (.(. A!ter the heel reache# 1)( rm, the &rivin" !orce
i# ith&ran an& the heel #lo# to ( rm.
1. Ho m$ch ener"- &oe# the heel lo##> Answer: B
A. 1)(,: N<m
2. 1)',1'3 N<m 100/101
5/20/2018 BasicMachineDesign ALCORCON(2)

4. 1(,+'; N<m
5. 1+',(3 N<m
). =hat moment oo#e# the motion o! the !l-heel>  Answer: D
A. '.+ N<m
2. :(.+ N<m
4. :'.+' N<m
5. ;1. N<m

+;. A )  in 8;.3 cm9 &iameter #ha!t i# &riven at (( rm b- a +(( h 8)3;. 6=9 motor. The #ha!t
&rive# a +; in 81)1.3 cm9 &iameter chain #rocet havin" an o$t$t e!!icienc- o! ;'K. 5etermine7
1. TorB$e in the #ha!t  Answer: A
A. :,(( in<lb#
2. :,13: in<lb#
4. :,' in<lb#
5. ;,+(; in<lb#
). The o$t$t !orce on the #rocet Answer: A
A. )31.:3 lb#
2. ):.+' lb#
4. ().( lb#
5. :.+' lb#
. The oer &elivere& b- the #rocet  Answer: C 
A. )( h
2. ( h
4. +( h
5. '( h 101/101

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