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Puppetry Workshop

By Stephanie Artenosi

Introduction: Dog Birthday Parties Puppetry is an extension of ones self, It is one of the safest ways to act out, act up, entertain, educate, wonder out oud, unburden yoursef or release your feeUngs The puppeteer breathes life into his or her creations and we believe in them, thus hke other forms of Drama, it requires a wflful suspension of disbelief both by its audience and its perfo rmers. There is no actual recorded date for the birth of puppetry, but it is b&ieved to have been entertaining audiences for thousands of years. Puppetry exists all over the world and it has had an immense influence over human existence. Often times it is misunderstood and considered merely for children,
A brief History/Outline of Puppetry

some of the earliest kinds of puppets were tribal r tual masks used in religious ceremonies Native American Indians used puppets in their corn festi vals ard ceremonial dances Egyptians made jonted puppets from terra cotta China made shadow puppets frrn stretrbed donkey sk, 1 ied sheep d skn, etc. be Thrk-h ;i:pptts iJed ;st ovcr-cnt to :oe tuw od began cntrchnq rod i oseoents from U e i trio midde ages the Chnsean Church used puppets to crcad churcn doctrine, Mcrks and orests he auppeteers. eray r ire sed ci n3ct rho story of te niri f i ::h sevontnrn century jari ip2s ocame ; ar sri pppet ira ters r! ih rd lu:ly bPt ifflO orpui3r yj :h ws entn g on ( 11 Ot)1t S t iEiiTi I fl a ctsc c t i sc ;s cc J I :d L b cc n 3 u S

ehI d Prfma nce Tjp FoLtpet

**tThe scr!pt that you create/write must be appropriate for the puppet that you create**

Shadow Puppets: Where are you sitting? Where are your puppets entaring and exitng? We do not want to see your hands, therefore do n t cut he rod oo short. When the puppet is talking make t obvious .e g. shake it, moveabie mouth Learn how to manipulate the puopet. .try to make it look like its getting angry, laughing, etc. What type of voice will your puppet have,,, remember expression Do not make the screen look too crowded In some cases the script may be taped behind the screen.. may help out with various learning abilities. Creative touches: music, tissue paper for colour, over head projector for background scenery, etc.
. .

Hand Puppets The audience may see the puppeteer, but it does not matter if a puppet character is successfully created. o Th puppet may interact with itseif, another puopet or even another actor. Wut type f vo:e will your pccpet have? Any specific estres The script soulc not consist cf ;cent acts Matris ny irJde por g r c, touet pape oiis, Shjrsoarn etc. ue 1 g Puppets ur arm The actual puppcts a m. Fxrpncion of ore self. Manpulaton of puppet is keygve iife/ breath to the puppet rt:s more rerostng f he oupet doing someth rq o q. fnning P, ret has a chr3ctr ,co, jecti rec, othrq pc pot Do u t cown, :tand r, ci :oe racn 1 if e a ed o t; s

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OLD PUPPET: Aake your oice sound shcky and whiny !lLLY PUPPET: Talk in a hi,h olce and oe bubbly 59Y PUPPEP Talk quietly, slowly and a little shaky

FCIENDLY PUPPET: Be b bbly urd try singig a o t nj GRUMPY PUPPET: folk low and giumble a lot POWERFUL PUPPET: Make a deep and str3ng voice SMART PUPPET: Speck clecry rid slowly, trying u:ng UNNY PUPPET: Talk qn :Lly nd latgh a o;
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YOUNG PUPPET: T:lk SO5BY purrir.

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