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Prologue October 1101 Constantinople The damned incense hung eternal, like death, cleaved only by the baneful

dirge of screams and curses. Each clang and ring of metal tool on tool, tools falling into bo!ls and against remnants of armor and ruined !eaponry !as piercing. "onorous #atin droned from the colorless lips of the robed men !ho mindlessly haloed the long, plastered room as if puppeted by the enormous crucifi$ hung at the far end. %odies thrashed on pallets, fighting to free themselves from the hands of the surgeons !ho s!eated and strained and !orked like the dogs their patients s!ore them to be. "urely this could be no faithful hospital. &or 'oderick, it !as (ell)s antechamber. "obs roiled !ithin the fiery incense as !ell, as if attempting to dampen the cloying stench of rot and disease merely by the !eighty emotion of up!ard of 1*0 men. +en like himself, laid like so much half,butchered meat in a smokehouse. The choking smoke !as death, in 'oderick)s s!ollen and bruised mind. (e could feel its close, burning char against his already,fevered skin, licking a!ay at his sanity, slurping up his very life. (e !aited his turn !ith the surgeon, !ho !ould come soon, (ugh promised. -ery soon. 'oderick !ould have added his o!n screams to the miserable din he certainly had pain enough to !arrant them the but after three !eeks of !orsening agony, he had no strength left to utter

feeblest !himper. &rom the ill,fated battle at (eraclea, (ugh had brought him, returning them both to that grand city of Constantinople and ultimately its hospital against 'oderick)s protests.

./n Constantinople you !ill be cured,. (ugh had promised repeatedly. .0ou must only persevere until Constantinople. 0ou must, 'ick, you must1. 2nd 'oderick had, although ho!, he kne! not. (e !anted to die. To escape the pain of his in3uries. To avoid returning to his father in England a failure. 0es, that !as the !orst of all, the thought that made 'oderick)s functioning eye !ell !ith thin tears favor +agnus Cherbon, a!aiting his son)s return !ith hopes of the same treasure and holy

that +agnus himself had received on his o!n pilgrimage. 'oderick could hear his father)s condemnation already4 5orthless failure1 5eak, !eak, !eak1 &rom your mother)s damned !omb you !ere like her. 5eak1 6o son of mine. 2 disgrace. 'oderick had heard the !ords so many times, they !ere verse in his memory. 2 tear at last escaped 'oderick)s left eye and rolled dumbly do!n his cheek to leap from his face onto the rough blanket beneath his head. The tear left behind a !et path as cold as the hatred it represented. .(e comes, 'ick1 #ook1. (ugh grasped 'oderick)s left shoulder and s7uee8ed, his voice sounding as if he !as putting on an air of e$citement for a very young child. 'oderick)s left shoulder and arm !ere the only places !here his friend could touch him !ithout causing further agony, having been saved by the stout English shield strapped to 'oderick)s forearm. 'oderick let his head fall to the left, thankful that the surgeon did not approach from the other side of the room, lest 'oderick)s in3ured face bloated and stitched up like saddle leather by a young "aracen boy prevent him from anticipating the man)s approach. 'oderick felt the crude courses of thick gut pull in his s!ollen flesh all the same from the bridge of his nose, over his cheekbone, across and beyond his right temple. (is vie! of the long hospital chamber !as reduced to a hori8ontal sliver through his left eye, and he could see nothing at all through his

right. Perhaps it !as no longer even in its socket9 'oderick could not bring himself to ask (ugh. (is nose !as broken badly, his cheekbone likely fractured as !ell. "ince he)d been dragged from his mount during that bloody slaughter, the only sound in his right ear had been a dull roar, like an ocean tempest beyond the cliffs of his old home, Cherbon. (is head in3uries !ere serious, 'oderick kne!. %ut his arm !as so much !orse his right arm, his s!ord arm. 2nd his left leg... The surgeon neared 'oderick)s pallet, his long leather apron and tunic beneath stained a terrible and ghastly black. T!o pale, thin lads bobbed along in the surgeon)s !ake, carrying his instruments in flat, shallo! baskets. The man)s !hite hair !as long and thick to his shoulders, some strands escaping the tight knot of leather at his nape, and the ends looked as if they)d been dipped in blood. (is eyes !ere deep set and !intry, his mouth hard and nearly invisible. (e !alked 7uickly, the hands s!inging at his side looking as though they had been stolen from a "aracen stained a deep, deep bro!n, his fingernails in black relief. 2 s7uealing fear raced up 'oderick)s spine at the surgeon)s approach, and he prayed !ith everything left of his soul that he !ould die before the learned old man reached him. (e)d never imagined fear like this, and it caused 'oderick to scream and thrash and beg for reprieve inside his broken shell of a body. %ut outside, that shell did not so much as t!itch. .5hat is it:. the surgeon asked of (ugh, reaching out his nightmarish hands and speaking even before coming at once over the pallet. (ard fingers probed either side of 'oderick)s forehead, roughly turning the splintered skull in a starburst of fresh agony. .(ead !ound, yes:. (ands !ith the strength of ;oliath pressed his shattered right arm. .2nd arm, / see. %oth stitched as !ell as can be. &ever, yes:.

(ugh seemed to at last regain his voice at the brus7ue 7uestions and statements, given !ith little apparent sympathy. .0es, yes, maestro. &ever, yes. The stitches seem to be holding !ell, but his fever has steadily !orsened since (eraclea. / think perhaps it is his leg . %efore (ugh could finish, the old man s!ept do!n upon 'oderick)s left leg and 3erked up the stained covering. 'oderick fancied he could smell his o!n !ound on the bree8e the surgeon created, although his nose had been too s!ollen to take air in more than a fortnight. (ugh stepped to!ard 'oderick)s feet and continued. .Perhaps the lance !hich pierced him !as tainted !ith p . .Poison, yes,. the surgeon interrupted. .2nd through the thickness of his calf, no less. /)ve seen it often enough. 6asty trick.. The surgeon dropped the blanket back over 'oderick)s leg and flicked his fingertips to the lads hovering behind him, indicating the boys should move on. They trudged past 'oderick)s pallet !ithout a glance. The old man looked at (ugh. .(e)ll die.. Then the surgeon stepped directly into 'oderick)s line of sight, putting angular cheekbones before his face. .2!ake, yes: ;ood. 0ou)re going to die, my man,. he nearly shouted, as if he kne! 'oderick)s hearing !as not in its finest capacity. .<o you understand:. 'oderick !anted to nod and thought his chin may have t!itched do!n!ard. (e !as so thankful that the man !ould not be touching him !ith those black fingers. (e let his eye close. .6o1. (ugh shouted. 'oderick didn)t !ant to open his eye again, but the sounds of a scuffle prompted a distant concern for his friend. (ugh appeared again in the narro! slit of 'oderick)s vision, having sei8ed the surgeon by one arm. .6o, he can not die. There must be something you can do..

The old man pulled his arm free !ith a cold look of !arning. .The poison)s been in him too long. (ad / been at his side !hen he fell, perhaps. %ut no!, any potion !ould be !asted on him like pouring it upon the ground, and !e have not enough as it is. (e)ll be cold by the morro!)s light. / am sorry. ;ood day.. .6o1. (ugh shouted again, and this time nearly pulled the surgeon off his feet. .0ou must try to understand he saved my life. 2nything you can do . .;ood sir, you see the men lying about this chamber, yes:. the surgeon demanded. .Think you their lives are !orth less than this man)s:. .0es,. (ugh ans!ered immediately. .0es, / do.. . 5ell, / do not,. the surgeon shouted, and 'oderick silently agreed !ith him. The surgeon turned to go, but (ugh grabbed at the man)s hand once more, this time falling to his knees behind him. .Please, maestro, please1 / beg of you.. 2t the reedy catch in (ugh ;ilbert)s voice and the sight of him pressing his lips to the surgeon)s bloodstained hand, 'oderick let his eye close once more. (e could not bear to see the man plead for a cause so hopeless and un!orthy. .<o you not think / !ould save him if / could:. 'oderick heard the surgeon say in a 7uieter, slightly gentler voice. .Please,. !as (ugh)s only reply. 'oderick heard a curt sigh, and then, .%oy1. 2fter the pattering of 7uick footsteps and a rustle, clink4 .This !ill ease his pain. /t)s all / can spare, /)m afraid. "mall dose at first, yes: Only from the fingertip, lest you !ish to sho! him mercy and kill him outright. (e may stay until he)s dead, and then he must be moved. / need the pallet..

The surgeon)s steps fled impatiently from (ugh)s .;od bless you, maestro. Thank you, thank you1. /n the ne$t moment, (ugh)s breath huffed a cool, hammering bree8e on 'oderick)s fevered and throbbing face, and 'oderick heard the pip of a small cork. .(ere !e are, 'ick !hat / had

hoped for. Open up no!.. (e felt (ugh)s rough finger push inside his lips to scrub at his gums. 2 tingling !armth filled his mouth and then (ugh)s finger returned. 2nd again. 5as his friend trying to kill him: 'oderick opened his eye as best he could !hile his head started a slo!, bu88ing spin. (ugh)s face s!am before him, milky and pebbled !ith s!eat, as he tried to fit the stopper back in the small, colored glass bottle !ith fumbling fingers. .Come on, come on, for fuck)s sake1. The cork at last slid home and (ugh slipped the vial a!ay inside his tunic. .(ugh:. 'oderick tried to !hisper, but he heard only a gurgling .oo. blurt from his lips. /t !as enough to get his friend)s attention. ./t)s a lot, / kno!,. (ugh rushed as he reached over 'oderick, gathering together into a rough sack their fe! belongings scattered on either side of 'oderick)s pallet. .%ut you need it !e)re getting out of here, 'ick. /)m taking you to . .Oh,. 'oderick choked. .0es. . (ugh stood and disappeared from 'oderick)s line of sight, but his !ords !ere still painfully clear as 'oderick felt the rough blanket he rested on lift his head and shoulders. .Try to sleep,. (ugh said !ith a !hoosh of effort. ./t !ill .

%ut the rest of his friend)s statement !as lost to 'oderick as (ugh 3erked on the blanket and began pulling it like a makeshift gurney. 'oderick)s body started, and the !hite pain that e$ploded from the rough movement, combined !ith the si88ling, da88ling substance (ugh had slipped into 'oderick)s mouth ensured that he did, indeed, sleep.

'oderick didn)t kno! ho! long he)d been unconscious, or ho! far (ugh had dragged him, but he didn)t think it had been very long or very far, for the acrid taste of the hospital)s incense !as still thick and gritty in his mouth. (e heard the voices before he could try to open his remaining functioning eye, !hich refused to cooperate at that moment, any matter. 2s it !as, !hatever drug (ugh had given to 'oderick !as affecting his already, disadvantaged hearing, distorting the voices and, in spots, blanking them out altogether. (e felt no pain indeed, he !as largely numb, save for the uncontrollable trembling !hich had sei8ed him. Perhaps he !as cold. Or fevered. 'oderick could not tell. 2 7uieter voice beyond the black curtain of 'oderick)s a!areness no! deteriorated into a sob, and then 'oderick heard (ugh. ./ !anted to come to you first, but / didn)t kno! . .6o, no,. a !oman said. ./ understand. / am glad you)ve brought him, although / doubt / can help him.. The voice, lo! and s!eet and lilted, filtered through 'oderick)s brain in a familiar pattern. (e kne! this speaker. 5ho: 5ho...: 2ster: Ophelia: 6o... .0ou gave him too much, (ugh.. The !oman spoke again, closer to 'oderick this time. (e could feel her !armth near his left side. .(e may not !ake.. 2 brief image of dark, sloe,eyed beauty draped in purple silk flashed through 'oderick)s memory, but !as gone before he could grab it properly. 2rdis: 6o, that !asn)t it either.... .Oh, ;od1. (ugh cried, and 'oderick could hear the very depths of his friend)s misery. (e felt a distant sympathy for the man, obviously in a pain !hich 'oderick could blessedly no longer feel.

./ kne! not !hat else to do1 (e !as in such agony / thought moving him !ith any less !ould kill him.. 2 shuffling of feet and then (ugh)s voice sounded closer, hushed though, as if speaking a 7uiet blasphemy. ./ think he !ants to die.. .Then he likely !ill,. the !oman said. .5ithout the !ill to live, there !ould be little / could do !ere his in3uries even half.. Those sloe eyes again, and music. <ancing... .0ou are his last hope, 2urelia,. (ugh said, his !ords nearly a gasp. .Our last hope.. 2urelia. 2nd then the half picture of the !oman)s identity blossomed in 'oderick)s mind (ugh had brought him to 2urelia, to the o!ner of the most e$clusive brothel in Constantinople. #ovely, lovely 2urelia, !hom he had not seen since he and his company had arrived in the city so many months ago.... ./ !ill do !hat / can, of course,. 2urelia said. .%ut first !e must see if he can be a!akened. / have !ord from his family in England, left for him by a messenger only last !eek. Perhaps the ne!s might rouse him.. 2 fu88y rage tried to fight to the surface of 'oderick)s fevered brain. (is only family in England !as his father, and a distant cousin. 'oderick !anted to hear no message from his hateful sire, and he certainly didn)t !ant to return to Cherbon. %ut the anger stole too much energy from him, and so he let it go !hen he felt 2urelia)s soft, small hand on his left arm. .'oderick,. she called softly into his ear, and the song of her voice !as like a deep pool of !arm !ater. .'oderick, can you hear me:. (e could hear her, but could command no movement from his body to indicate such. (e could also hear the misplaced sound of a babe crying some!here else in the room. The hand on his arm s7uee8ed. .'oderick, open your eyes and look at me, my lord..

#eave me be, 'oderick said in his head, !illing the !oman !hile the pain !as still absent. The crying sound intensified.

and (ugh to let him slip a!ay

(e heard 2urelia sigh. ./ must tend to #eo soon.. (er !ords gre! louder in his head, but she had not raised her voice, perhaps only dra!ing closer to him yes, he could feel her breath no! on his neck.

.'oderick, hear me, my lord4 2 messenger brings !ord from England. 0our father is dead.. 0our father /s dead. 0our father /s dead. The last !ord the most important !ord seemed to echo in the vast cavern of 'oderick)s mind. 2nd for a span of time a second, an hour testing its sincerity. +agnus Cherbon !as dead: The pain !as trickling back into his body no!, in stomps and crashes and screams. 'oderick could feel his muscles cramping and sei8ing. (e struggled for clarity, for 3ust one moment of lucidness before the torrent of !hite,hot misery dragged him under and dro!ned him. (is eyelid seemed to !eigh a thousand pounds. 2urelia)s dark hair and doelike bro!n eyes flickered into focus before him. "he looked older, thinner, more tired from !hen he)d seen her last. Then, she had !orn rouge and kohl, and tiny golden bells in her hair. 6o!, she !as dim, !rapped in a sha!l, her eyes shado!ed naturally, and sunken. .'oderick:. she asked, hope and surprise in her !hisper. Over her shoulder (ugh ;ilbert)s face also appeared, and else!here in the room the infant !ailed insistently. .)Ome,. 'oderick heard himself rasp. .)El me, )Eel,ya. ;o...)ome.. 'oderick suddenly !anted to live. 'oderick let it s!oop and circle there, as if

Chapter One +ay 110= Tornfield +anor, England /t !as a lovely feast, save for the pointing and !hispering. 2nd the !ay she !as repeatedly 3ostled out of line !hen she tried to 3oin in a dance. Or that !retched !oman !ho had stuck out a slippered foot and caused her to fall into a serving maid, spilling half the puddings and breaking most of #ord Tornfield)s beautiful little painted bo!ls. 2s if she needed assistance making a fool of herself. "o no!, +ichaela &ortune hid herself a!ay near the musicians, !here she could be close to the music that !ould dro!n out the hateful things being said about her. 2nd, seated on the stool, she could hide the gloomy !hite stains of pudding spilled do!n the skirt of her only good go!n. (ere, she could become lost in the melody and hum along if she !ished, and she could convince herself it !as truly a lovely feast, !hen !hat she !anted to do !as find that miserable !oman !ith the spastic foot and snatch at her hair. Turn the other cheek, +ichaela reminded herself, as if her mother had !hispered in her ear. The meek shall inherit all the earth. 2s if to drive home her mother)s tireless lessons on gentleness of spirit, +ichaela caught a glimpse of her parents across the hall. #ord 5alter and 2gatha &ortune stood against the opposite perimeter of the chamber, closely linked together as usual. +ichaela)s father)s kindly face !as turned to look do!n upon his !ife, as if only !aiting for her to e$press any !ish he might fulfill. /t !as satisfying to see them en3oying themselves holding. #ike +ichaela, 2gatha &ortune !as often the brunt of !hispered gossip, although the mother they so rarely left their small

!as spared the indignity of the self,conscious clumsiness that plagued her daughter. The older #ady &ortune !as dismissed as ineffective and a bit loose in the brains, !hile the younger !as treated !ith scorn and avoidance. <evil)s <aughter. (ell)s (andmaid. "ister of "atan. Or, the very !orst of all, +istress &ortune. +iss &ortune. 2 clever play on !ords, +ichaela had to admit, and of all the hated nicknames she had been cursed !ith, likely the most accurate. +isfortune, oh my, yes. (er fingers pressed the !arped link of metal on the fine chain resting under the bodice of her dress out of habit. &or such a tiny ob3ect, its burden around her neck !as as immense as any oaken yoke. ."ong1. a man)s voice rang out, interrupting +ichaela)s self, pity. 2lan Tornfield, the &ortune family)s overlord and host of the feast, raised his chalice to!ard the trio of musicians near +ichaela)s hiding place. (e !as a handsome, moustachioed blond man of one score, ten and five, his !ife)s death last year leaving him and their young daughter alone in the modest manor. +ichaela had never met the no!,motherless Eli8abeth indeed, she)d never so much as spoken directly to #ord Tornfield. This feast !as only the second time +ichaela had visited the overlord)s home in the !hole of her score of years, although she couldn)t recall the first instance, as she had been but a young child herself. ./ must have a song immediately1 5ho is sporting enough to lend their voice to yon strings:. The cro!d .hear,hear.,ed !ith enthusiastic agreement, and +ichaela cringed as she spotted her o!n mother leaning this !ay and that, trying to pick out +ichaela in the cro!ded hall. +ichaela closed her eyes, as if it might make her invisible.

"he !as saved !hen #ord Tornfield announced his chosen candidate, and +ichaela opened her eyes !ith a relieved sigh.

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