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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter April 8, 2014

Pastors Notes:

Continue to remember our team in your prayers that left for Honduras yesterday morning. They have already been a blessing and today they get to work doing even more for the Kingdom! Cant wait to hear what God did through them when they return.

April 13th Palm Sunday.. Palm Sunday night, we will be having Communion & Foot Washing Service. Please come prepared to join with us.bring a towel. Childrens Service on April 27th in the AM service We will also have a BABY DEDICATION SERVICE ON April 27th

The food pantry is a mission project that helps needy families in our community, we are getting low on some things. If you would like to donate can beans, fruit, meat, rice any non-perishable items please see Ms Donna. Thank you for all of your support and the love you have for our community.

Ladies Lunch Bunch will be meeting TOMORROW, April 9th in the CLC at 11:30. Also, we are going to have a scarf swap, so please bring one if you would like to participate.

Thank you all so much for all the visits, prayers, and flowers that you gave to my sister. You all are such a blessing to me and my family. God bless and keep you all! ~Judy Crocker

Prayer List

AMERICA, Kim Roberson, Megan Laster, Tommy Wallace, Loretta Burdette, Brenda Cobb, Frank Patterson, Beatrice Granger, The Smith Family, The Beck Family, The Nabors Family, Destiny Leonard, Shirley O'Shields, Jimmie Plemons, Melissa Pendley, Billy Bevill, Ed Huggins, Joyce Sloan ,Vickie Wyatt, Judy Crowe, James Crow, Tonya Gibson, Kelsea Williams, Judy Roddy, Jennifer , Ira Brown, Curtis Wilson Family, Sammy Tallent, Patricia Price, Keith Seay, Jimmy Lever, Colton Morgan, Robin Nelson, Karen Rhodes, Ricky Williams, Dianne Sawyer, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

Here is a list of some upcoming fundraisers and ways you can get involved with our upcoming trip to Jamaica: 1. Gravatopia fundraiser from 6-8 on April 21st. We will receive 20 percent of all profits from that night when they mention WCOG. 2. Parents night out. Parents can drop the children off from 6-11pm on April 25th at the church. The cost will be 1 child $20, 2 children for $35, or 3 children for $45. -This will include pizza, games, and a movie -Sign- ups will be on the CLC check in table 3. Penny Wars will start on April 27th, so start saving them now. -This will involve every ministry department, we will have penny jars set up outside of the sanctuary of the church and they will be able to donate pennys in their departments jar and the winner will have the head of the department slime Jason at our send off part July 6th after church.

4. T-shirts will be going on sale this Sunday for fundraising and we will be selling them until the end of June. The shirts will go as follows for prices *1 for $15 *2 for $25 *all 3 for $35

The choir will wear ROBES this Sunday. Listen for announcements for special practices for Easter! Dress rehearsal for Easter will be April 19 at 9:00 am!

See the Ladies Bulletin Board for information on the State Ladies Retreat. The cost is $55 and that will include supper on Friday night. Last year it was awesome and I and still hanging on some of the messages spoken to us.

Hey guys, hope your week is going well. I want to tell yall how proud I am that you have chosen to attend the married couples retreat. I love it! This is an indicator that we as "Real men"........ we want to continue to learn how to become the man that the word of God declares for us to be. Brothers, I love each of you and I issue a CHALLENGE to you right now, go back and read over the "Resolution" that you signed which holds each of us accountable to reach beyond mediocrity. We as men can no longer settle for "good enough".

For the month of May we will have our monthly meeting on the second Thursday instead of the first. The speaker for our meeting will be our very own Rob Laster. I am sure that you young bucks ( LOL ) from the youth department will want to come and support Rob. Also, Band Of Brothers is in need of a freezer. Chest type or upright, really don't matter to us. If you have one that you would like to donate, please call the church office or you can call Allen at 864-706-3877.

Make your plans now! Our April Joy Club meeting is coming up on April 24 and you need to make your plans now to attend. The sign up sheet will be on the board by this weekend and you need to be one of the first to take care of this.l TRAVEL CLUB: If you are a member of our Travel Club or would like to be, please know that we are planning a trip down the Georgia, Florida Coast for this September. For more information please see Pastor Shealy or Debra Hagerman.

Mainstream Ministries will be having a bon fire at the new church property on Friday April 25th. The menu will include grilled chicken sandwiches, baked beans, cole slaw, chips, and smores. Please bring lawn chairs, the kids, and some friends to enjoy Christian fellowship and good food. Please sign-up on the bulletin board in the church hallway by Wednesday the 23rd. The cost is $5 per person.

This SUNDAY- Youth Drama- 4:00

Children Board's meeting has been postponed until April 27th at 5:00 No practice for drama or praise and worship April 19 is the first annual family picnic and egg hunt on the new church property . You will need to bring a blanket and a picnic lunch. We will provide the fun and games. See Ms. Donna for more details. Upcoming Events: May 23-25 - Look UP Lodge July 28-August 1- Boot Camp Vacation Bible School! (Mark your Calendars) If anyone would like to volunteer to help at VBS please sign up with Ms Donna.

Ministry Leaders for This Week Sunday Greeters- Janet Sloan & June Grubbs Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Danny Knight Usher Team #1 Brian Arnold, Michael Brown, Harold Chesney, Dennis Crocker, Rick Prietsr, & Kenny Waddell Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip and Rob Bus Take Home: Clint and Rob Van 1 Pick Up: Tabitha and Brian Van 2 Pick Up: Richard and Buster Van 1 Take Home: Deanna and Gina Van 2 Take Home: Tim and June Wednesday Late night Workers: Garren, Staci, & Lynette NurseryWednesday-Izzy Nichols AM Tanya Tumblin & Ashton Garrett PM: Ann Knight Kiddie Church Sunday Night: Lori, Genise, & Jollene Music- Wednesday- Kathy Arellano AM- Brantley Burnett Praise Team-Gold Guitar- Korey, Duck, John

PM-Mike Peeler

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