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Diamond stared at the Target coupon for Tide laundry detergent sticking out of her g-string. What in the hell is this? she asked.

Its a $20 replied Reginald.

um, no its not, it looks like a damned coupon.

Well, I thought it was a twenty, babe. Sorry but thats all I got on me. But hey, 33% off Tide laundry detergent, what a bargain!

By now Diamnond, was in shock. She had grinded on this old guy for 2 entire songs just to get a coupon. She even let his wrinkly hands cup her breasts, and for what? A measley coupon to target. She screamed for the manager.

Whats going on here? asked Tom.

This is whats going on here replied Diamond as she shoved the coupon into Toms hands. This guy, just paid me for two dances with this.

33% off Tide, not bad. replied Tom with a smirk. He then turned his eyes towards the cheapskate, Reginald. Dammit Reggie, you couldnt bring in a coupon for

Sonic or Burger King!? Ive been starving all day. Reginald apolegiticly shrugged his shoulders in response. Tom then ordered the old man to return back to the bar.

Once Reginald left, Tom reached into his long billfold and plucked a $20 dollar bill. He handed the bill to Diamond and asked You gonna use that coupon? Diamond laughed and playfully handed it over.

Why did you bail out that old guy out? Usually you just have Cliff throw them out. asked Diamond

That old guy has been coming here for ages, he deserved a break answered Tom as he walked back to the bar.

Diamond ran back to the dressing room. She stared in the mirror and reminded herself that this was only a temporary stay. Just something to pay the bills as she attended vocational school. In and out in 9 months and then she would take her new education with her to Houston.

It was Diamonds second week on the job, and she still had no idea what she was doing. One day she was on the main stage attempting some pole tricks she had learned from Bella. She was feeling very confident after getting paid for her first private dance. This confidence caused her to overestimate the strength of her

thighs which were wrapped around the stripper pole. She used her upper body to raise herself up to the ceiling. Once she reached the top, all the eyes in the club had fixed themselves squarely on her.

After climbing to the top, she began to spin, her long tan legs wrapped around the pole as she twirled. She began to twirl faster and faster, and was now panicking. She wanted to gracefully slow down, so she relaxed her thighs grip on the pole. She relaxed them a little too much. The result was her crashing down with such force that she left a dent on the stage. Her ass cheeks were red for days.

Bella immediately came to her rescue and shot dirty looks at any person who dared to laugh. She escorted the wounded Diamond to the dressing room. Diamond was in tears, utterly embarrassed at her failure, but even more embarassed at where she found herself: humiliated in a strip club. She had hit rock bottom.

I cant even strip! What the hell am I gonna do for money? How is Mom going to get her insulin? How am I going to get through school? How am I ... Diamond was sobbing uncontrollably at this point.

Look, who cares what those people out there think about you, it dosent matter. It doesnt matter what you can do on that pole or even on that stage. All that matters

is that you make your money, and baby, you got what it takes to make a lot of money here. You are young, and what are those, C cups?

Yeah, 34 C, snivled Diamond.

Damn girl, you can make a lot of money with those. Just focus on the money, the pole dancing and other stuff will come later. These guys come here for attention and their wallets are full of cash they want to give away. Put the pressure on them to impress you, and in this place, money is the only thing that talks.

Diamond stopped crying at this point and was eagerly nodding her head in agreement. She was here for the money and needed to buck up. She realized that crying backstage wasnt going to get her any closer to her goals, to finish vocational school, or to buy her mother the insulin she desperately needed. She took a long deep breath and started to collect herself. Thanks, I needed that she whispered to Bella.

Anytime, babe. You have any more problems, you come to me said Bella with a smile.

After Diamond put on a neon green g-string, she headed back out to the lounge. People pointed at her and started to chuckle, but she gave zero fucks. She was on

the job; she needed to stay professional. She found an older gentleman sitting by the stage and struck up a conversation with him. She pretended to be utterly fascinated with everything he had to say. She was able to make a quick hundred bucks off him with dances; he even bought her several drinks.

After closing time, while Cliff was escorting her to her 2004 Honda Accord, Diamond was not thinking about how she ate it in front of a crowd of strangers. Instead, she was thinking about the three hundred and seventy dollars she had made that night. Money has a great way of erasing embarrassing moments.

Diamond arrived home at three in the morning. She woke her mother up as she entered the house. How was work? her mother asked.

Boring she replied as she gave her mother a hug. Same old, same old, nothing exciting ever happens around here after midnight. Her mother was just glad that Diamond was safe.

I really wish you wouldnt work the late shift at the gas station. It can be so dangerous, her mother said with a yawn.

A couple of months later, Diamond found herself arguing with Tom. Why the hell did you pull me away from the stage?! Didnt you see the line of guys waiting for dances? she said.

Hey, I gave you an extra song, and you should be happy with that. We got a lot of girls who need to make money tonight, replied Tom.

Who gives a shit about what the other girls want, I need to get mine. All those girls in there should fear me when I am on stage. They are lucky I dont just interrupt them when they are sitting with a customer. I could make a lot more money if I did, said Diamond.

Look Diamond, you are one of the best dancers we got, but I am not gonna start a fucking civil war with the rest of the girls by playing favorites. Rules are rules, you get two dances on the main stage and thats it, belowed Tom.

Diamond walked away from Tom angry but hungry. She had one goal and she was going to be damned if anybody or any rule got in her way. She knew what she was worth and she was going to get it. Diamond was working.

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