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Biett Smiley has the leaueiship anu vision to giow the Pioviuence economy anu
cieate well-paiu jobs with goou caieei paths. Biett openeu his own small business in
Pioviuence seven yeais ago, anu in the miust of an economic iecession, he has
giown his company, hiieu new employees, openeu auuitional offices anu tuineu a
piofit eveiy yeai.

When Biett was fiist appointeu to Chaii the Pioviuence Watei Supply Boaiu, theie
was a significant issue with spiialing woikeis' compensation costs. Pioviuence
Watei hau a cultuie in which acciuents weie too common anu many sought to abuse
the system, anu Biett set out to change it. Be iestiuctuieu management anu
pioviueu them with the guiuance anu suppoit they neeueu, anu togethei they
cieateu a cultuie in which employees weie incentivizeu, manageu anu iewaiueu foi
excellence. As a iesult, Pioviuence Watei has now gone 6Su uays without a lost time
acciuent in its most uangeious uepaitment anu has ieacheu unpieceuenteu levels of
piouuctivity that saveu the iate payeis money while still pioviuing the best watei in
the state.

Biett's "}obs anu Economic Bevelopment Plan" is centeieu on the iuea of changing
the cultuie in City Ball anu cieating a city goveinment that bettei seives Pioviuence
businesses, anu he will uo so with emphasis on seven aieas:

By focusing on Pioviuence's stiengths - woilu-class hospitals anu univeisities,
homegiown, neighboihoou businesses, aits, cultuie anu uesign, a woiking
wateifiont anu moie - Biett will iun a City Ball that suppoits the iight businesses in
the iight ways.

Biett knows what it takes to giow a business, anu he knows what it takes to giow a
city. Be'll get it uone, anu he'll uo it with integiity anu tianspaiency above all else.


As Nayoi, Biett Smiley will be the Chief Economic Bevelopment 0fficei of
Pioviuence. Aftei yeais of tax incieases anu buuget cuts, oui only way foiwaiu is
thiough economic giowth. By attiacting anu sustaining businesses, ueveloping anu
suppoiting an euucateu anu skilleu woikfoice, bolsteiing key inuustiies anu
economic stiengths, anu opeiating a city goveinment that assists iathei than
hinueis giowth, we can impiove oui local economy anu ie-establish Pioviuence as a
hub of innovation, inuustiy, anu intellectual capital. Nost of all, we can cieate jobs
with caieei paths anu incomes with which people can iaise a family.

Some people joke that Rhoue Islanu all too often is the last state to
expeiience an economic boom but the fiist state to expeiience a iecession. But this
has not always been so, especially foi Pioviuence. Thioughout much of the 19
into the eaily 2u
Centuiies, Pioviuence was a leauing manufactuiing centei in the
0niteu States, famous foi its base metals anu machineiy, jeweliy anu silveiwaie,
anu textile inuustiies. In 1867, the watei tube boilei was inventeu anu patenteu by
Pioviuence's own ueoige Babcock anu Stephen Wilcox. By the 188u's, Babcock anu
Wilcox boileis weie poweiing Euison powei stations in New Yoik City, Euison
laboiatoiies in New }eisey, anu Piesiuent Theouoie Roosevelt's "uieat White Fleet."
Thomas Euison himself wiote that a Babcock anu Wilcox boilei was, "the best boilei
that uou has peimitteu man yet to make."

Like Babcock anu Wilcox, much of oui manufactuiing base moveu away oi
uwinuleu uuiing the 2u
Centuiy. But this same kinu of Pioviuence-baseu ingenuity
anu entiepieneuiial excellence once again can take holu in oui city in the 21

Centuiy. What Pioviuence neeus is a cleai vision, leaueiship, anu a plan to get theie.

= -'C '& D(.#C E'(F $3 #-(.#%* ).$GD %'G.0 @6,.('63 $G$C$#C$H.3 #G%
'(D#G$I#C$'G3 #(. J'G3C#GC-* %$3J633$GD E#*3 C' $,2('H. "('H$%.GJ.K3

0nuei Nayoi Taveias, the City of Pioviuence has been woiking to ie-
establish the Innovation Investment Piogiam foi stait-up businesses,
iewiite the city's zoning coue, put moie city peimitting seivices online,
anu cieate a giant piogiam to pay foi small business stoiefiont
The Pioviuence Plan biings togethei state, city, piivate sectoi, anu
acauemic paitneis to impiove the economic anu social well-being of
Pioviuence thiough thoughtful uata collection anu innovative seivice
piogiams that fill unmet community neeus.
The Founueis League suppoits anu gatheis Pioviuence's stait-up
community, offeiing entiepieneuis space, suppoit, anu euucational

The Rhoue Islanu Founuation's "Nake It Bappen RI" anu "It's All in 0ui
Backyaiu" initiatives highlight the stiengths of the Rhoue Islanu economy,
incluuing Pioviuence, anu chait an action agenua to iuentify local maiket
uieatei RI is a collaboiation between the uieatei Pioviuence Chambei of
Commeice, the Economic Bevelopment Founuation of Rhoue Islanu, anu
Commeice RI, the state economic uevelopment aim, to highlight the
state's economic auvantages anu impiove the state's business climate.
The College anu 0niveisity Reseaich Collaboiative uevelops ieseaich that
is infoimeu by the conceins anu piioiities of policy leaueis anu piouuces
finuings that can be uiiectly applieu to specific policy challenges.
Cuiiently, state acauemics aie ieseaiching effoits to biing back auvanceu
manufactuiing anu examining the impact of the aits anu cultuie on local
economies in oiuei to ueteimine appiopiiate public investments in them.
The Rhoue Islanu Quality Institute hainesses leaueis in Rhoue Islanu's
hospitals, health insuieis, consumei gioups, businesses, anu otheis to
impiove the state's health caie system, especially in the aieas of health
caie infoimation technology.

As Nayoi, Biett Smiley will collaboiate closely with these anu othei like-
minueu oiganizations anu builu upon theii initiatives with a Pioviuence-specific
focus. To biing about an economic ienaissance in Pioviuence, the Smiley
Auministiation's "}obs anu Economic Bevelopment Plan" will focus on the following
key aieas:

1) /#F$GD J$C* D'H.(G,.GC E'(F &'( )63$G.330
2) L'-3C.($GD '6( M,.%3 #G% .%3N C' J(.#C. # )#3. '& 3C.#%* O')34
C(#$G.% .,2-'*..34 #G% -$&.-'GD (.3$%.GC30
3) 56(G$GD +57/ $GC' +57=/P ;G&63$GD '6( D('E$GD QG'E-.%D.
7J'G',* E$CR CR. J$C*K3 #(C3 #G% %.3$DG0
4) =GJR'($GD "('H$%.GJ.K3 E'(F$GD E#C.(&('GC C' CR. J$C*K3 .J'G',$J
5) =95 "('H$%.GJ.P "(','C$GD "('H$%.GJ.K3 #(C34 J6-C6(#-4 #G% C'6($3,
6) =%H'J#C$GD 'G ).R#-& '& CR. S(.#C.( "('H$%.GJ. (.D$'G0
7) +622'(C$GD "('H$%.GJ.K3 G.$DR)'(R''% )63$G.33.30

0f couise, an impoitant key to Pioviuence's economic iesuigence is neeueu
impiovement of the Pioviuence Public Schools. The ieputation of Pioviuence's
schools anu the achievement of its stuuents will help attiact oi uetei businesses
fiom locating anu giowing in Pioviuence. Biett's plan foi impioving Pioviuence's
schools will be unveileu latei this yeai.


/=Q;@S 9;5? SA<7>@/7@5 TA>Q UA> L:+;@7++7+

As Pioviuence's Chief Economic Bevelopment 0fficei, Nayoi Smiley will
ensuie that City Ball is woiking foi Pioviuence's businesses. Be will focus on:

9R#GD$GD CR. "#$ 9$C* V#-- %'.3 )63$G.330
The biggest complaint about Pioviuence city goveinment is that it
lacks a customei seivice focus. Too many basic systems anu iecoiu
keeping have yet to be automateu, anu all too often, finuing anu getting
the iight city employee to locate a iecoiu, pull a peimit, oi conuuct an
inspection is like pulling teeth. !" $%&'()*+" ,- "%.$ %/0)1
As Nayoi, Biett will listen closely to what City Ball customeis have
to say. Be will piioiitize the systems that neeu to be automateu in oiuei
foi a city in the 21
Centuiy to iun effectively. In this uay anu age,
-2-03"%.*4 $%&'() ,- &*(.*- - any city public iecoiu, peimits, inspection
applications, title seaiches, licensing applications, anu the like. In auuition,
iesiuents anu businesses ought to be able to scheuule online ceitain city
seivices, such as inspections.
Biett will iequiie that city leaueis anu employees implement
customei-fiienuly ways of uoing business, builuing in tiaining foi
impioving customei seivice within each city agency anu into laboi
contiacts anu management systems. Nayoi Smiley will challenge each
agency to uevelop cleai ioaumaps to help businesses anu iesiuents
navigate quickly to the infoimation, foim, online tool, oi human being
they neeu in oiuei to complete theii tiansaction with the city.

9-'3.-* J''(%$G#C$GD 26)-$J #G% 2($H#C. .GC$C$.3 (.32'G3$)-. &'(
R.-2$GD "('H$%.GJ. ). # ).CC.( 2-#J. C' %' )63$G.33, incluuing the
Pioviuence Economic Bevelopment Paitneiship, the Bepaitment of
Economic Bevelopment, the Planning Bepaitment, the seven planning
anu uevelopment commissions, the Bepaitment of Inspection anu
Stanuaius, the vaiious local anu city chambeis, RIPTA, anu otheis. Rathei
than oveiseeing a fiagmenteu collection of inuepenuent agencies that
contiol the economic uevelopment piocess, Biett will woik to uevelop a
moie seamless system that seives the neeus of oui businesses.
Pioviuence can uo bettei. Foi example, the state law that
establisheu the I-19S Reuevelopment Commission gave it contiol of local
lanu-use peimitting, allowing it to offei a one-stop shopping peimit
piocess. As Nayoi, Biett will challenge city planneis, the Zoning Boaiu,
city licensing agencies, anu otheis to uevelop similaily stieamlineu
appioaches to business anu economic uevelopment. By eliminating
municipal ieu tape anu ueveloping a business-centeieu appioach to
economic uevelopment, the city can speeu up appioval piocesses anu
make Pioviuence a fai fiienuliei place to uo business.

9(.#C$GD #G% 2('#JC$H.-* 63$GD # (.#-WC$,. $GH.GC'(* '& "('H$%.GJ.K3
)63$G.33 #33.C3 so that Pioviuence can uo a bettei job of ieciuiting anu
expanuing businesses. This inventoiy shoulu incluue an unueistanuing of
paicels of uevelopable lanu, unuevelopeu oppoitunities (such as
Biownfielus), available ietail anu office space, assessments of ietail anu
othei maikets, assessments of Pioviuence's woikfoice, anu infoimation
about giowing clusteis.
Noie impoitantly, the Smiley Auministiation will put that
infoimation to bettei use. Wheievei theie is a vacant builuing oi lot, city
officials will finu anu ieach out to theii owneis to asceitain how they
intenu to use the piopeity anu uevelop plans to ensuie they follow
thiough. In the case of ceitain vacant lots, the city shoulu woik with
owneis to puisue stiategies to put the piopeity to bettei use, such as
builu small pocket paiks oi offei up space foi faimei's maikets oi uiban
gaiuen piojects. In the case of absentee oi giossly unueipeifoiming lanu
owneis, the full weight of the city's iegulatoiy authoiity will be biought
to beai anu will enfoice vacancy taxes, nuisance abatement actions, tax
liens, anu the like until the owneis make bettei use of the piopeity oi finu
new owneis foi it.

;GH.3C$GD $G $G&(#3C(6JC6(. CR#C E$-- $,2('H. CR. J$C*K3 #CC(#JC$H.G.33
C' )63$G.33.3, incluuing public tianspoitation, ioaus anu biiuges, eneigy,
paiking, anu telecommunications. Pioviuence is benefitting fiom some
iecently completeu infiastiuctuie piojects, such as the I-Way ielocation
of the I-19S anu I-9S inteisection. But theie aie always oppoitunities to
bolstei othei infiastiuctuie, incluuing, but not limiteu to:
o Woiking with National uiiu anu othei pioviueis to enhance the
eneigy efficiency of city builuings anu ueploy ienewable eneigy
systems thioughout the city.
o Beveloping moie paiking in uowntown Pioviuence.
o Exploiing oppoitunities to cieate moie gieen spaces, incluuing
pocket paiks anu aieas along the wateifiont.
o Woiking with RIPTA to enhance public tianspoitation into anu
aiounu Pioviuence.
o Ensuiing bioaubanu accessibility in eveiy pait of the city.
o Keeping suiface stieets clean anu investing in pieventive
maintenance to keep small potholes anu ciacks fiom becoming
laigei pioblems.
As mayoi, Biett will exploie innovative anu effective ways to funu city
infiastiuctuie piojects, such as woiking with piivate sectoi investois to
consiuei the establishment of a public infiastiuctuie bank.

9''(%$G#C$GD 26)-$J E'(F3 2('O.JC3 #G% 3C(..C J-'36(.30
An impoitant pait of pioviuing bettei anu smaitei customei
seivice is cooiuinating public woiks piojects so that they uo the least
amount of haim to oui businesses anu uo not waste piecious taxpayei

uollais. Foi example, iampant stieet closuies uiu a gieat ueal of haim to
Bope Stieet meichants last summei. Anu fai too often, utilities will teai
up iecently paveu city stieets in oiuei to uo theii woik. To limit pioblems
like these, the City of Chicago uses an 0ffice of Pioject Nanagement to
cooiuinate all city public woiks piojects anu stieet closuies. While a new
office may not be necessaiy in a city of oui size, unuei Nayoi Smiley,
Pioviuence city agencies will uo a bettei job of cooiuinating public woiks
piojects, utility woik by entities like National uiiu, Pioviuence Watei,
veiizon, anu Cox, anu stieet closuies.

=-$DG$GD -$,$C.% J$C* $GJ.GC$H.3 E$CR F.* .J'G',$J %.H.-'2,.GC
Like any othei city, Pioviuence wants to suppoit business
expansions anu stait-ups anu attiact businesses that will cieate high
wage jobs, pioviue goou benefits to employees, anu ielocate theii
coipoiate heauquaiteis to Pioviuence. Nost public policy ieseaich
suggests that the majoiity of business incentives offeieu unuei the guise
of suppoiting job cieation often cost moie than they piouuce. We neeu
look no fuithei than the S8 Stuuios uebacle to iealize that these
incentives, when pooily vetteu anu offeieu foi political puiposes, can leau
to teiiible taxpayei iesults. To the extent that Pioviuence uoes use
business incentives to encouiage job cieation, Nayoi Smiley will ensuie
that they aie useu appiopiiately anu tianspaiently, consistent with the
city's uesiie to attiact companies that cieate high wage jobs with goou
benefits. Biett will also ensuie that existing incentives suppoit
neighboihoou businesses, not just those opeiating uowntown.

;GJ(.#3$GD J$C* 26(JR#3.3 &(', -'J#- )63$G.33.3 CR('6DR 3C(#C.D$J
As Nayoi, Biett Smiley will uiiect city agencies to puichase moie
goous anu seivices fiom appiopiiately qualifieu local businesses anu
venuois. By using stiategic souicing stiategies that help link local
businesses that can fill city agency neeus, the city can help small local
businesses to piospei. Similaily, Nayoi Smiley will challenge city
agencies to integiate local hiiing anu piocessing into the city's supply
chains. Finally, in PIL0T negotiations with Pioviuence's non-piofit anu
acauemic institutions, Nayoi Smiley will encouiage oui hospitals,
colleges, anu univeisities to commit to using Pioviuence-souiceu laboi
anu goous.

5#F$GD 2'-$C$J3 '6C '& "('H$%.GJ. 7J'G',$J B.H.-'2,.GC
"#(CG.(3R$2 -'#G30
The PEBP is supposeu to be the economic uevelopment policy-
making bouy of the City of Pioviuence. 0ne of its coie functions is to make
loans to local businesses to stimulate theii giowth anu the health of the
local economy. 0nfoitunately, its loan-making function has swung fiom

two extiemes. Too often, it has maue loan uecisions baseu on highly
political ieasons, not on appiopiiate business giounus. At othei times, it
has been so cautious to avoiu being ciiticizeu foi playing politics that too
few loans get awaiueu, anu this ciitical souice of capital foi Pioviuence
businesses sits on the siuelines. As it is cuiiently stiuctuieu, the PEBP is
not fulfilling its mission.
As Nayoi, Biett will woik with the business anu financial
community to establish a faii, impaitial way to tuin the Paitneiship's
loan-making uecisions ovei to knowleugeable, inuepenuent piactitioneis
who aie in the business of evaluating anu loaning funus to woithy
giowing business ventuies. By taking the politics out of PEBP's loan-
making function, Biett will ietuin the PEBP to its oiiginal intent of
suppoiting local giowing businesses anu ensuiing that the loans aie ie-
paiu in a timely mannei. This, in tuin, will allow those loan funus to be
useu to suppoit othei businesses.
This new ievolving loan function may be staffeu within the
existing Paitneiship piogiam, oi it coulu be outsouiceu to a venuoi with
the iight expeiience, skills, capacity, anu unueistanuing to manage these
ievolving loans within paiameteis establisheu by the Nayoi anu the
expeiienceu business leaueis who sit on the Paitneiship's Boaiu of
Biiectois. The key uiffeience is that Nayoi Smiley will not be uiiecting
how oi with whom it chooses to make its loans. By taking the politics out
of these loan awaiu uecisions, Nayoi Smiley will ie-focus the Pioviuence
Economic Bevelopment Paitneiship on its tiue mission - helping to set
the economic uevelopment uiiection of the City of Pioviuence anu making
fiscally-iesponsible loans that pioviue businesses anu key inuustiies with
job cieating anu giowth potential with the capital they neeu to thiive.
With bettei unueiwiiting, theie will be lowei uefault iates. 0sing
capital moie efficiently fiees up funus to allow PEBP to expanu its
offeiings. The loan system shoulu not only focus on laige anu miusize
loans but also on micio-loans accompanieu by tiaining anu technical
Biett's full plan to iefoim the Pioviuence Economic Bevelopment
Paitneiship is available at SmileyFoiNayoi.comPEBP.

7G36($GD .X6#- #JJ.33 &'( ,$G'($C*W'EG.% #G% E',.GW'EG.%
)63$G.33.3 #G% .G&'(J$GD U$(3C +'6(J.0
Living in a majoiity-minoiity city that's Su% women, it's shameful
that we have a uifficult time meeting the alieauy-low iequiiements foi
minoiity anu women-owneu businesses. Pioviuence's uiveisity is its
stiength, anu the people who uo woik foi the city shoulu be
iepiesentative of the city itself. Nayoi Smiley will put all goveinment
contiacts anu all qualifieu venuois online anu suppoit a stiong NBE &
WBE Cooiuinatoi to ensuie equal access so that business leaueis uon't
neeu to "know a guy" to finu out about an oppoitunity foi woik.

Likewise, Nayoi Smiley will fight back against unemployment anu
enfoice the Fiist Souice 0iuinance by stieamlining the list online, making
it ieauily available to city businesses, anu ensuiing that unuseu,
appiopiiateu funus iemain allocateu to Fiist Souice iathei than being
swept into the ueneial Funu.

9(.#C$GD #G A&&$J. '& +C(#C.D$J "#(CG.(3R$23 C' J6-C$H#C. 26)-$J #G%
2($H#C. (.3'6(J.3 #G% 2#(CG.(3R$23 CR#C ).G.&$C "('H$%.GJ.0
As pieviously announceu, Nayoi Smiley will establish this office in
oiuei to seek out oppoitunities foi collaboiation anu to pioviue
infoimation anu tiaining to non-piofits anu city agencies on giant wiiting.
The 0ffice will cultivate these stiategic paitneiships systematically,
iathei than ielying on an au hoc appioach as typically is uone. The 0ffice
of Stiategic Paitneiships will incluue an Auvisoiy Boaiu with
iepiesentation fiom community-baseu non-piofits, founuations, anu the
business community to pioviue feeuback anu guiuance on its woik.

LA1+57>;@S ">A<;B7@97K+ M/7B+ =@B 7B+N

Pioviuence is blesseu with woilu-ienowneu institutions of highei euucation,
incluuing Biown 0niveisity, the Rhoue Islanu School of Besign, }ohnson anu Wales
0niveisity, Pioviuence College, the 0niveisity of Rhoue Islanu, anu Rhoue Islanu
College. These institutions bieathe life into oui city each anu eveiy uay, employing
thousanus, cieating oppoitunities, anu euucating talenteu stuuents, many of whom
we hope will ueciue to stay in Pioviuence, woik in Pioviuence, make homes in
Pioviuence, anu iaise families in Pioviuence. As Nayoi, Biett Smiley will seek to
stiengthen city paitneiships with these colleges anu univeisities. These
paitneiships cannot be one-siueu, simply asking these institutions what moie they
can uo foi Pioviuence. 0ui city also must uo what it can to suppoit anu stiengthen
these institutions.

In paiticulai, Nayoi Smiley will woik tiielessly to encouiage the
uevelopment of technological, communications, biotechnology, anu othei
uiscoveiies at Pioviuence highei euucation institutions that can leau to
entiepieneuiial stait-ups that will take ioot anu flouiish in Pioviuence.

YZ[YZ 9R#--.GD.P
0ne of the best ways Pioviuence can giow its economy is to invest in the
many smait, well-euucateu, anu well-tiaineu giauuates of oui institutions
of highei euucation. As Nayoi, Biett will woik with oui leauing colleges
anu univeisities, along with the best of oui business anu founuation
communities, to cieate anu suppoit the 2u2u Challenge. The goal of
Biett's 2u2u Challenge will be to encouiage 2u peicent of Biown, RISB,
}ohnson & Wales, anu PC giauuates to stait businesses within 2u miles of

Pioviuence within 2u yeais of giauuation. In auuition to woiking uiiectly
with each institution, Biett will woik with the Rhoue Islanu Science anu
Technology Auvisoiy Council (STAC), the Rhoue Islanu Expeiimental
Piogiam to Stimulate Competitive Reseaich (RI EPSCoR), the Pioviuence
entiepieneuiial community, angel netwoiks, anu otheis to uevelop
stiategies that best suppoit this goal.

As Nayoi, Biett Smiley also wants to cultivate anu suppoit oui giowing
health caie anu meuical clustei. Pioviuence is piouu to be the home of health caie
giants like Lifespan, five woilu-class hospitals, anu numeious ieseaich centeis. But
incieasingly, Pioviuence also is home to small fiims that aie uoing exciting, cutting-
euge woik in biotechnology, life sciences, anu peisonal health. Foi example, Epivax
Inc., a biotech fiim in the Knowleuge Bistiict, is emeiging as an innovatoi in
computational immunology. It feeus uata into computeis that apply mathematical
appioaches with the goal of ueveloping vaccines that can tieat uiseases. The Smiley
Auministiation will:

+622'(C CR. %.H.-'2,.GC '& # V.#-CR +J$.GJ.3 U#J$-$C* $G CR.
QG'E-.%D. B$3C($JC that will biing togethei univeisity health euucation
piogiams anu seive as the home of a majoi public-piivate paitneiship to
uevelop a biain science clustei. We alieauy have some leauing institutes
in this aiea, incluuing Biown 0niveisity's Institute foi Biain Science,
Lifespan's Piince Neuiosciences Institute, anu the 0niveisity of Rhoue
Islanu's Ryan Institute foi Neuioscience. As Nayoi, Biett will collaboiate
actively with any effoits to suppoit biain-ielateu ieseaich, technologies,
anu clinical caie within the city.

V.-2 .GC(.2(.G.6(3 $G CR. R.#-CR J#(. 3.JC'( J'GG.JC C' J#2$C#- #G%
J'(2'(#C. 2#(CG.(30
0ne impoitant stiategy in the uevelopment of a viable health caie-
ielateu clustei is to pioviue foiums thiough which univeisity ieseaicheis,
entiepieneuis, ventuie capitalists, anu employees can meet anu begin to
woik togethei. Foi example, NeuNates is a Pioviuence-baseu healthcaie
technology gioup that fosteis collaboiation between health-tech
companies, aiea hospitals, univeisities, funueis, anu othei paitneis. As
Nayoi, Biett Smiley will suppoit anu encouiage these types of foiums
anu oiganizations to emeige anu flouiish in Pioviuence.

T'(F$GD E$CR ,#O'( .,2-'*.(3 C' J''(%$G#C. #G% %.3$DG E'(F&'(J.
%.H.-'2,.GC $G$C$#C$H.3 CR#C 2(.2#(. .,2-'*..3 C' ,..C CR. G..%3
'& CR. D('E$GD R.#-CR J#(. #G% -$&. 3J$.GJ.3 $G%63C($.30
As pait of a bioauei woikfoice uevelopment stiategy, Nayoi
Smiley will meet with majoi health caie anu life sciences companies,
ueteimine what they most neeu foi futuie employee giowth, anu woik
with aiea univeisities anu job tiaining piogiams to ueveloping euucation
anu tiaining pathways to fill those gaps. Some employeis alieauy have

hau to uevelop tiaining piogiams to fill ceitain neeus. Foi example,
Lifespan's five month long Woikfoice S.T.A.T. inteinship piogiam is
uesigneu to help tiansitioning unemployeu oi unueiemployeu Rhoue
Islanueis become ceitifieu nuising assistants. 0thei majoi bioscience
companies neeu highly-skilleu employees who can opeiate piecision
equipment in labs. As Nayoi, Biett Smiley will listen to employei neeus
anu uevelop public-piivate paitneiships to auuiess those conceins.

5:>@;@S +57/ ;@5A +57=/

Lots of gieat things alieauy aie happening within Pioviuence's Knowleuge
Economy. Pioviuence featuies a vibiant stait-up anu entiepieneuiial community.
Accoiuing to the Founueis League, Pioviuence-baseu stait-ups secuieu an
estimateu $14u million in financing in 2u1S alone. Pioviuence is home to all soits of
small but giowing companies in ciitically impoitant science, technology, anu
mathematics-ielateu fielus. Anu thiough woik uone by the Rhoue Islanu School of
Besign, Biown 0niveisity, anu otheis, we aie seeing moie entiepieneuiial activity
involving aits anu uesign than evei befoie.

To help suppoit this giowing entiepieneuiial activity in these 21
economic stiengths, the Smiley Auministiation will be:

V.-2$GD #JJ.-.(#C'(3 $GH.3C $G %.3$DG 3C#(CW6230
0nlike a tiauitional business incubatoi, which biings in an exteinal
management team to manage anu uevelop an inteinally-uevelopeu
business iuea, an acceleiatoi offeis entiepieneuis small amounts of
capital anu mentoiship ovei shoit uuiations of time in exchange foi a
small amount of equity in the business. Betaspiing is a Pioviuence-baseu,
mentoiship-uiiven staitup acceleiatoi piogiam foi technology anu
uesign entiepieneuis that has seen enoimous success since its founuing.
Theie have also been plans announceu foi a seconu acceleiatoi in
Pioviuence calleu the Pioviuence Besign Foiwaiu acceleiatoi, which
woulu be launcheu as a collaboiation between City Ball, RISB, the
Founueis League, Rally Rhoue Islanu, anu BesignxRI. Auuitionally, theie
is gieat woik being uone in Nassachusetts with NassChallenge, an
acceleiatoi that has helpeu connect eaily-stage entiepieneuis with the
iesouices anu know-how neeueu to launch theii businesses thiough
stait-up competitions, mentoiing, anu ongoing tiaining anu netwoiking.
Neaily Suu NassChallenge alumni have iaiseu a half billion uollais in
outsiue funuing, geneiateu almost $2uu million in ievenue, anu cieateu
4,uuu jobs. This is a best piactice that Pioviuence can leain fiom, anu
whethei the Pioviuence Besign Foiwaiu acceleiatoi comes to fiuition oi
not, Biett Smiley will woik with Betaspiing anu otheis to champion this

kinu of netwoikeu appioach to investing in anu suppoiting Pioviuence's
uesign entiepieneuis.

=CC(#JC$GD C#-.GC.% J'--.D. D(#%6#C.3 ER' E#GC C' E'(F &'( *'6GD
3C#(CW623 $G "('H$%.GJ.0
As Nayoi, Biett will seek to paitnei moie closely with
oiganizations that help biing top entiepieneuiial talent to Pioviuence.
Foi example, ventuie foi Ameiica, a national non-piofit fellowship
piogiam staiteu by a Biown 0niveisity giauuate, senus top college
giauuates to woik with stait-ups foi a two-yeai peiiou. Coue foi Ameiica
biings cutting-euge uevelopeis, uesigneis, anu ieseaicheis to cities foi a
one-yeai fellowship uuiing which these piofessionals help solve
municipal pioblems using technology. San Fiancisco iecently paitneieu
with Coue foi Ameiica to cieate an acceleiatoi foi Web uevelopeis who
will cieate apps that can enable that city goveinment to iun moie
effectively. The Smiley Auministiation will uo its utmost to ensuie that
Pioviuence is as attiactive a place foi these young giauuates to live anu
woik. Boiiowing an iuea fiom the City of Pittsbuigh, the Smiley
Auministiation will exploie the possibility of ueveloping affoiuable
housing that cateis to these piogiam paiticipants.

+622'(C$GD .&&'(C3 C' .3C#)-$3R # 9.GC.( &'( B.3$DG #G%
0nce a national manufactuiing leauei, Pioviuence once again has
an oppoitunity to showcase the inteisection between manufactuiing anu
uesign. Last yeai, Rhoue Islanu ieceiveu a feueial giant to uevelop a
Centei foi Besign anu Nanufactuiing that woulu help link Rhoue Islanu's
wealth of uesign assets, leu by RISB, with emeiging manufactuiing
inuustiies. Nayoi Smiley will commit his Auministiation to suppoiting
the uevelopment of this Centei.

7GJ'6(#D$GD CR. D('ECR '& CR. /#F.( /'H.,.GC $G "('H$%.GJ.0
Foi centuiies, Pioviuence has been a city of makeis - fiom
silveiwaie to jeweliy to textiles to steam engines anu boileis. SB piinting,
uesign softwaie, anu othei uevelopments have the potential to ieshape
manufactuiing in ways we can scaicely begin to imagine. As Nayoi, Biett
Smiley will seek out ways to suppoit anu biing togethei entiepieneuis
anu innovatois to uesign, manufactuie, anu sell paits anu piouucts of
infinite vaiiety, scope, anu scale.

7@V=@9;@S A:> TA>Q;@S T=57>U>A@5

uoing back to oui eailiest colonial ioots, Pioviuence's poit has been a ciitical
featuie of the city's economy. Fiom iobust maiitime tiaue in the yeais leauing up to

the Ameiican Revolution to the uieuging of a channel south of Fox Point to allow the
poit to accommouate newei, laigei tiauing ships in the 18Su's, Pioviuence's poit
has a long histoiy of suppoiting tiaue anu commeice with othei paits of the eastein
seaboaiu as well as countiies abioau.

Touay, Pioviuence's woiking wateifiont is a key economic engine foi the city,
the state, anu New Englanu. 0ne of only two ueep-watei poits in New Englanu,
Pioviuence's poit geneiates $6u million in uiiect business each yeai anu an
estimateu $16 million in state anu local goveinment ievenue. As Nayoi, Biett
Smiley will champion stiategies that suppoit oui woiking wateifiont, incluuing:

7,2R#3$I$GD "('H$%.GJ.K3 3R'(C 3.# 3R$22$GD #%H#GC#D.30
In iecent yeais, the feueial Bepaitment of Tianspoitation has
pusheu to uevelop a moie iobust shoit-sea shipping netwoik. Shipping
goous by baige oi ship is eight-times moie fuel-efficient than tiactoi
tiaileis anu twice as fuel-efficient as iail. Bowevei, accoiuing to the
feueial B0T, Ameiica's 2S,uuu miles of coastal anu inlanu wateiways
move only two peicent of the nation's uomestic fieight, fai less than in
Euiope, wheie a netwoik of poits hanule neaily 4u peicent of
inteicontinental fieight tianspoit.
As Nayoi, Biett Smiley will be a stiong auvocate to position
Pioviuence's poit as a majoi New Englanu shoit-sea shipping hub. Be will
puisue feueial suppoit foi facilities, equipment, infiastiuctuie, anu
contiacts that enable the poit to be useu foi shoit-sea shipping puiposes.
Anu he will woik with the poit to sell its stiengths anu auvantages to
iegional businesses that may finu it moie cost-effective anu timely to ship
theii piouucts anu iaw mateiials thiough Pioviuence's poit.

/#$GC#$G$GD '6( J',2.C$C$H. #%H#GC#D. $G )6-F 3R$22$GD0
Pioviuence's poit has maue significant investments in high
capacity cianes anu othei technologies that enable the loauing anu
unloauing of bulk shipments. As Nayoi, Biett will uefenu this competitive
economic auvantage anu auvocate foi continueu giowth in oui woiking

B.H.-'2$GD 3C(#C.D$.3 C' 3622'(C ).CC.( -#G% 63.0
The Smiley Auministiation will piotect the zoning of Pioviuence's
poit foi heavy inuustiial use. Within the next few uecaues, the wateiline
of Naiiagansett Bay may well appioach Allens Avenue. Investing in the
uevelopment of conuominiums anu othei mixeu-use piojects, as some
have suggesteu, makes little sense, especially given the location of the Fox
Point Buiiicane Baiiiei. As Nayoi, Biett will suppoit poit lanu use
zoning that iecognizes these iealities anu keeps the poit functioning as
an inuustiial aiea.


=95 ">A<;B7@97P ">A/A5;@S =>5+4 9:15:>7 =@B 5A:>;+/

Pioviuence's quality of life is enhanceu by its vibiant aits community, histoiy,
anu amazing oppoitunities foi fine uining, enteitainment, anu cultuie. As Nayoi,
Biett Smiley will champion ACT Pioviuence, a new initiative to suppoit, highlight,
anu maiket Pioviuence's uiveise oppoitunities in the Aits, Cultuie, anu Touiism.

In paiticulai, touiism plays an impoitant iole in oui city's economy. State
suppoit of touiism piomotion anu maiketing has uwinuleu to a tiny fiaction of what
it useu to be, hampeiing an inuustiy that auus neaily $S.S billion into the state
economy each yeai. As Nayoi, Biett will help Pioviuence builu a vibiant foou clustei
anu attiact moie visitois by:

/#(F.C$GD "('H$%.GJ.K3 &''%$. J6-C6(.0
Pioviuence was voteu the top city foi foou in the 0niteu States in a
Tiavel anu Leisuie Nagazine poll in 2u12. Pioviuence also has moie
uegieeu chefs pei capita than any city in the 0niteu States. Bome to
amazing iestauiants, supplieis, anu one of the countiy's leauing culinaiy
schools, Pioviuence ought to be a piime uestination foi foou connoisseuis.
As Nayoi, Biett will ensuie that the city uoes moie to maiket Pioviuence
as a foouie hub thiough tiavel anu touiism maiketing anu solicitation of
television anu meuia coveiage.

96-C$H#C$GD # U''% 9-63C.(0
}ust as clusteis of high tech, life sciences, anu manufactuiing
inuustiies have eneigizeu iegions fiom Silicon valley to Route 128, so too
coulu a Foou Clustei biing entiepieneuiship, jobs, anu new business
uevelopment to Pioviuence. With }ohnson anu Wales seiving as an
anchoi, Pioviuence's emeiging Foou Clustei will be encouiageu anu
suppoiteu by the Smiley Auministiation. Nayoi Smiley will ensuie that
this clustei incluues not just mastei chefs anu iestauiateuis, but also
wholesale pioviueis, uistiibution fiims, aitisanal piouuceis, culinaiy
equipment manufactuieis, faims thioughout the state, fisheimen,
aquacultuie, expoiteis, anu otheis. In auuition, as Nayoi, Biett will finu
ways to incoipoiate local souicing of healthy, fiesh foou into city
puichases, such as by the School Bepaitment.

+622'(C$GD .GC(.2(.G.6($#- .&&'(C3 C' D('E "('H$%.GJ.K3 #(C3 #G%
J6-C6(#- '(D#G$I#C$'G3 #G% '22'(C6G$C$.30
Pioviuence has a iemaikable aiiay of oiganizations anu piojects
that pioviue foiums foi aits anu cultuie. Foi example:
o Rally Rhoue Islanu is a Pioviuence-baseu pioject to showcase local
entiepieneuis who aie uoing amazing woik in the aits, uesign,
anu foou anu beveiage inuustiies.

o AS22u pioviues local aitists with iesiuential anu woik stuuios anu
spaces foi euucational piogiams, exhibitions, anu peifoimances.
o The Steel Yaiu fosteis inuustiial aits anu incubates small
businesses in the foimei Pioviuence Steel anu Iion complex.
o Bigital City is a community of uigital aitists anu small businesses
that aie seeking to cieate a uigital meuia inuustiy.
o The Foou Innovation Nexus (The FIX) is non-piofit oiganization
sponsoieu by }ohnson anu Wales that is seeking to uevelop
innovative piouucts at the inteisection of healthy foou anu

As Nayoi, Biett will seek out ways the city can encouiage these
anu othei oiganizations anu piogiams that suppoit the giowth of
homegiown talent anu entiepieneuiship.

B.H.-'2$GD (.D$'G#- C'6($3, E$CR @.E2'(C4 L'3C'G4 #G% 'CR.( J$C$.30
0nuei Nayoi Smiley, the city will seek to paitnei, not compete,
with places like Boston, Newpoit, anu Cape Cou to uevelop touiism
initiatives that encouiage visitois to oui city anu othei places in oui

7GJ'6(#D$GD R$3C'($J#- 2(.3.(H#C$'G #3 #G .J'G',$J %($H.(0
Pioviuence's aichitectuial histoiy neeus to be piotecteu anu
pieseiveu. 0ui builuings aie not only histoiic iesouices but also potential
souices of economic uevelopment anu touiism. As Nayoi, Biett will woik
with the Pioviuence Pieseivation Society to auvocate foi sensible
pieseivation anu to ensuie that the voices anu vision of Pioviuence's past
aie incluueu in uiscussions anu planning foi Pioviuence's futuie

=B<A9=5;@S A@ L7V=1U AU 5V7 S>7=57> ">A<;B7@97 >7S;A@

It uoes not make sense foi Pioviuence to compete with othei Rhoue Islanu
cities anu towns foi business. As Nayoi, Biett Smiley intenus to woik with othei
mayois anu the uoveinoi to attiact business to the uieatei Pioviuence iegion. If a
Pioviuence iesiuent gets to woik at a new business in Cianston, Pioviuence still
comes out aheau, just as Pioviuence benefits when a new business biings jobs to the
city, even when some of those jobs aie filleu by iesiuents of othei cities anu towns.

1.H.(#D$GD (.D$'G#- 3C(.GDCR3 C' 3#H. C#\2#*.( %'--#(3 #G% $,2('H.
Pait of the iole of a Chief Economic Bevelopment 0fficei is to be a
piuuent stewaiu of limiteu funus. As Nayoi, Biett will puisue stiategies
with othei iegional goveinments to shaie seivices anu costs, incluuing

consiueiation of }oint Economic Bevelopment Bistiicts with othei local
goveinments. In auuition, Biett will woik with othei aiea mayois to
eliminate business-stifling uisciepancies in municipal iegulations. Foi
example, it makes little sense foi ceitain kinus of foou tiucks to be able to
seive customeis legally in Pioviuence that aie unable to uo so in

T'(F$GD J-'3.-* E$CR 3C#C. D'H.(G,.GC &'( "('H$%.GJ.K3 &#$( 3R#(.
'& 3C#C. &6G%$GD0
Pioviuence is the heait of Rhoue Islanu anu the centei of the
state's economy. A healthy Pioviuence economy benefits the iest of the
state. As the heau of the state's chief economic engine, Nayoi Smiley will
push foi Pioviuence's faii shaie of feueial anu state funuing.

=%H'J#C$GD &'( "('H$%.GJ. ER.(. $C ,#CC.(30
Rathei than spenu money on Washington B.C.-baseu lobbyists
when Rhoue Islanu's inteiests aie well iepiesenteu by oui two Nembeis
of Congiess anu two 0niteu States Senatois anu theii staffs, Nayoi Smiley
will ueploy Pioviuence's business auvocates in places wheie they can
make a uiffeience. Foi example, Pioviuence's business inteiests woulu be
bettei seiveu by a lobbyist woiking in Boston, wheie policy uecisions
that affect oui iegion aie being maue in the State Bouse, by the
Nassachusetts Bay Tianspoitation Authoiity, anu by majoi aiea
employeis like Fiuelity, Raytheon, Bank of Ameiica, anu Citizens Bank.

+:""A>5;@S ">A<;B7@97K+ @7;SVLA>VAAB L:+;@7++7+

Pioviuence is an ethnically iich anu uiveise community. As Nayoi, Biett
Smiley will iecognize anu celebiate that uiveisity - not just cultuially but
economically as well. Buiing the Smiley Auministiation, the city's economic
uevelopment stiategy will consiuei the uiffeient ways in which the vaiious cultuies
that enhance life in oui city can be suppoiteu, paiticulaily when ueveloping
neighboihoou anu citywiue businesses. The Smiley Auministiation will woik
tiielessly to bianu anu piomote each neighboihoou's iich cultuie.

0ne of the best ways the City of Pioviuence can help all neighboihoou
businesses is to make city goveinment woik moie effectively anu efficiently foi
small businesses. As noteu eailiei, an impoitant piioiity of the Smiley
Auministiation will be to eliminate buieauciatic ieu tape anu make it easiei foi a
small business to ueal with the city's tax, licensing, anu iegulatoiy iequiiements anu
get to the business of business.

In auuition, as alieauy noteu eailiei, the City of Pioviuence will puisue a
stiategic souicing initiative that will uiiect city agencies to puichase moie goous

anu seivices fiom local businesses. City supply chains shoulu incoipoiate locally
owneu anu opeiateu businesses to the maximum extent possible, allowing city
funus to flow thiough the local economy anu multiply. Anu Pioviuence will actively
ieciuit moie local businesses anu seivice pioviueis to become ceitifieu to uo
business with city agencies.

As Biett Smiley takes the politics out of the Pioviuence Economic
Bevelopment Paitneiship's loan piogiam, moie funus will be maue available to
enable moie Pioviuence businesses to giow. No longei will these oppoitunities be
available only to politically well-connecteu business owneis, but iathei to all local
businesses with a viable plan foi giowth anu success.

Finally, as Nayoi, Biett Smiley will woik with the Pioviuence Police
Bepaitment to ensuie that oui neighboihoous aie safe anu fiee fiom uisoiuei. If
customeis uo not feel comfoitable walking oui stieets, biowsing in stoiefionts, anu
sitting uown in iestauiants, bais, coffee shops, anu bakeiies, business suffeis. Eveiy
Pioviuence neighboihoou anu stieet will be open foi business uuiing the Smiley


Pioviuence is on the biink of a new economic ienaissance. Nany of the pieces
aie in place anu poiseu foi giowth - stiengths like oui "meus anu eus" that lay the
founuation foi futuie giowth anu innovation; a vibiant, eneigizeu stait-up
community; an engageu founuation anu non-piofit community; committeu, haiu-
woiking small business owneis; anu a tiaineu, euucateu woikfoice that is ieauy to
make a uiffeience.

Biett Smiley knows how to get things uone, anu will get them uone in the
iight ways to cieate jobs, suppoit businesses, anu giow Pioviuence's economy.

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