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Student Teachers Abroad

An Innovative Social Change Project

In 4-5 years of college, many students want to do 3
things. 1. Earn 120 credit hours to graduate on time 2. Travel/Study abroad 3. Participate in a community or social change initiative

Lack of time and resources to accomplish all three


No programs available that combine all 3 elements

Provide a program to college students in which they
can attain credit hours while also studying abroad and making a social impact

Consolidating the 3 activities to allow students to

participate in all 3 without wasting any time while also gaining a memorable and insightful experience.

Market Survey
When asked to rank how important each of the 3 were
to them while in college, we obtained the following results. For 60% graduating on time ranked first For 25% studying abroad ranked first For 15% social change ranked first
Graduating on time Studying Abroad Social Change

Market Survey
We gave the participants 3 activities and asked them if
there were no financial burden, which they were most likely to do during summer. We obtained the following results. 48% said helping children in poor countries 35% said road trip/vacationing 17% working at a local business
Helping Children Road trip/Vacatio n Working locally

Market Survey
When asked if there was no burden of graduating on time,
which of the two activities would they partake in, we obtained the following results. 63% said they would study abroad 37% said they would participate in a social change project
Study Abroad Social Change

When the program was described and participants were asked

on a scale from 1-10, how likely they were in applying for the program. We obtained the following results. The mode number was 7






Segmenting - Overview
The main difference between students is their
priorities. We have identified 3 consumers/student segments to target based on their priorities




Dual CreditExperience+ Credit Hours

Social InitiativeLearning experience+ Social Change

Study AbroadInternational Experience

Positioning: Graduate on time

Seeks an experience which is beneficial to him Is not willing to compromise credit courses

Wants outside opportunity that can transfer into

credit hours for graduation

Seeks to combine credit hours and experience

Segment- Joyce
Positioning: Make an impact in the world

Seeks to improve the peoples daily lives and


Seeks the benefit of a learning experience not available

in a traditional classroom

Wants to participate in a social change initiative in a

poverty stricken community where she can make a significant impact

Segment- Ratish
Positioning: Studying abroad/Experience the World

Seeks to have an international learning experience Wants the benefit of understanding various worldly
cultures and societies

Looking for an exciting, new, and challenging


Willing to take risks

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