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Wynter Kiger English 1102 2/5/14 Observations

Figure Worlds: Figure worlds are based on cultural and social interpretations. They have their own set up rules and conventions to live by. In figure worlds, there are actors and artifacts that signify and exemplify the figure worlds. The figure world I will be observing is one in which most of its inhabitants are dead rather than living. I will be spending my time diving into the figure world of the AMC TV series, The Walking Dead. In this series the figure world consists of two main types of actors; the non-living, brain eating monsters and the humans fighting for humanitys survival. The purpose of this figure world is to unveil humanity in an apocalyptic world. In an apocalyptic world; morals change, behaviors change, and rules change. Ultimately what was once unacceptable is completely acceptable in the name of survival. In this figure world if your loved one becomes infected, you are expected to put a gun to their head and pull the trigger. In this world, you push emotions to the side and survive. In this world you kill. Not only are rules thrown to the side but so are normal conventions. Survivors have to resort back to farming for food, living without electricity and living on basic essentials. In The Walking Dead, there is group of survivors that the show focuses on and although it is an every man for himself kind of world, this group risks their lives for one another. Each person in the focused group is assigned a specific job/task to keep their keep living conditions bearable and to keep their sanity. Though they have one another; it does not stop other survivors outside their group to break what they have built. The conflicts in this figure world are human verses human, human verses self and human verses self. While observing this figure world I expect to see the following discourse communities; the main group (moral), zombies, enemies of the group (immoral) and so on. These discourse communities will help me discover what humanity is in an apocalyptic figure world. Actors: An actor is a person within the figure world who is part of the culture and social interactions. Artifacts help remake and make actors. Actors also represent and make up the figure world in which they are a part of. Rick Grimes: In this figure world Rick Grimes is the husband of Lori Grimes and father of Carl Grimes. He is also considered the leader of the group. The group looks up to him for answers and for comfort but when something goes wrong, the group blames him. It is because he is the main decision maker. His job before the zombie apocalypse was Sherif, so Rick naturally fits the role of the leader. He cares for everyone and feels as if it is his duty to keep everyone safe and together. His role in this figure world is to provide leadership and guidance to the rest of the group.

Wynter Kiger English 1102 2/5/14 Observations

Shane Walsh: Best Friend to Rick Grimes, Shane is accordingly second in charge. Unlike Rick, Shane usually is snap with decisions and actions. He comes off as a little arrogant and cold though he does care for the group. He is also significant because of his secret affair with Lori Grimes. He provides tension for the show and underlying betrayal in this figure world. Although he did not mean to betray his best friend, he did, therefore creating a new dimension and plot line to the show. Lori Grimes: Wife to Rick, mother to Carl Grimes and baby mama to Shane Walsh. Lori is the main mother of the group. She helps delegate house chores and watches out for everyone. But the reason she is significant is because although it is an apocalyptic world, she is the bearer to new life. Whether considered a burden or blessing in this world, she is pregnant. As an actor she provides even more plot and conflict for the world. Daryl Dixon: In this figure world, Daryl plays the bad boy type. He leads the group with a motorcycle and his weapon of choice is a bow and arrow. Daryls role is significant because he has expert survival skills, he knows how to track foot prints, look for clues and hunt/gut animals. He is usually the first to volunteer for any dirty work and is a trusty sidekick. His skills and good nature make him another right-hand man. Sophia: Sophia is especially significant in this observation because she goes missing. This causes the group to worry and for more tension to rise. The loss of Sophia signifies the loss of innocence and if she is to be found it symbolizes a miracle the group needs. Since this actor becomes missing, it forces the group to pull even more together as a family. Hershel: An old Christian man that owns the farm house. He is significant because he owns the land in which the group takes refuge. Not only that, but because of his Christian background believe that the zombies still have human value. Because of his belief it creates conflict between the group and himself. Hershel is an actor that symbolizes ignorance and innocence in an apocalyptic world. Because he is unaware of the world outside his farm, he still remains to have hope. The Prisoner: This actor is significant because he symbolizes other possible dangers besides walkers. Not only are walkers to be watched out for but other groups of people. Artifacts: An artifact can be tangible or be an idea that is specific to a figured world. Artifacts help make up and develop figure worlds. They demonstrate and symbolize actors and the figure worlds in which they are in. Actors help make and remake what is a considered an artifact. Ricks Sheriffs hat: This is significant to the leadership of Rick Grimes. It signifies power, morality and hope. Even though it is an apocalyptic world, Rick wears the hat proudly. He

Wynter Kiger English 1102 2/5/14 Observations

still fulfills the duties that the hat once represented in the normal figure world they once had lived in. Glens map: This is significant because it describes the role Glen fulfills in this figure world. Glen is the navigator, or the smarts. He may not have the brute force but he does have the brains. This map represents Glens intelligence. Ricks Radio: This is significant because it helps Rick keep his sanity. It is form of communication, his form of hope. As long as he keeps communicating through the radio it means Rick still holds out hope for rescue. Dales binoculars: This item holds significance because it symbolizes the role in which Dale plays. He is the one that stands on top of the RV surveying the wrecked highway, looking for any possible danger. Dale is like the father figure in this figure world. He takes the group as part of his responsibility. He watches out for them. The blouse: The blouse Carol admires in the first observation is significant because it shows that she still cares for material possessions. Since her deceased husband was held her captive, she is now free but free in an apocalyptic world. Her admiring the shirt means she still has womanly desires and likes. Hershels Bible: This represents morals and rules. Hershel abides by the Bible and is where he obtains his morals and judgment. This artifact not only makes up an actor but acts as guidelines. Since the farm belongs the Hershel the group is forced to live by what Hershel lives by. Daryls bow and arrow: This is Daryls weapon of choice. It symbolizes what kind of man Daryl is. He is not your normal man; he is an outdoorsy, survival type of man. He is one that is resourceful and his bow signifies this. Beths depression and suicide attempt: Even though it is the beginning of an apocalypse, actors are losing hope. Beths depression and desire to escape by suicide reveals and emphasizes what an emotional disaster this is for everyone. No one will ever be the same, even if there is a cure or place of refuge. Hershels barn: This represents hope for a cure. That Hershel still believes in a higher power and that a miracle may occur. The barn also represents denial survivors have about what the world has become. But once the barn is cleared out, denial is not an issue anymore. Discourse communities: Groups of similar people with similar likes and roles in figure world. These groups of people share common ground in their rules and conventions. The Leaders: Rick, Shane and Daryl make up this discourse community. They are the head honchos of the group and are responsible for any dirty work. They are the protectors of the group and the ones that call the shots. They are all highly respected.

Wynter Kiger English 1102 2/5/14 Observations

The Smarts: Glen and Dale make up this group. Dale and Glen are able to navigate through the destroyed city of Atlanta and are able to fix the RV. Glen and Dale make the plans that the Leaders come up with possible. They are not brute forces to be reckoned with so naturally they stay back and do some of the necessary chores for the group. The Followers: This includes everyone but The Leaders. They follow the leaders around and let them call the shots. They look for answers and next moves from them, not wanting to make the choice for themselves. They are innocent and naive to this apocalyptic world and although The Leaders are too, they have experience in leadership and survival. Lovebirds: Rick and Lori are obviously a part of this group. They are legally married and already have one son together. Rick adores Lori and is able to look past the affair for his family. Shane and Lori too are a part of the group. Shane is in love with Lori and feels as if he is a better fit for her. Because of this, a love triangle is created between Lori, Rick and Shane. This adds emotional conflict to an already conflicted figure world. Glen and Maggie also make up this group. This discourse community shows that even in an apocalyptic world, love still remains. Not only love remains, but human desires to want a partner in life. These Lovebirds give a gleam of hope to the figure world that you can still live satisfying life. The Walkers: The walkers include everything that was once alive but not dead. The walkers is what makes up the environment of the show and are the reason why this figure world the way it is. Every move the group makes is based on the Walkers. They are the ongoing conflict in the show. They are what make up the majority of this world. The Outsiders: The outsiders include the Prisoner and his gang. These actors represent other antagonists that are not walkers. Just because they are human does not mean they do not cause chaos and danger to the group. Hershels farm: This discourse community includes everyone related and associated with Hershels farm in the pre-apocalyptic world. Hershels farm is considered its own community because it has its own set of morals, expectations and conventions. Since this community is ran by Hershel, it is founded on biblical views. Hershel allows Ricks group based on his moral judgment. His moral judgment also includes that walkers are still humans. Since this is what he believes, he teaches his family to think and feel the same way.

Literacy Practices: are what is practiced in the figure worlds and literacy is whatever communication forms the actors in the figure world uses. Ricks commands: Rick is a straight forward leader. He assigns people task and duties that need to be done. He also puts other people in charge of main assignments; for example he put Daryl in charge of the wood search for Sophia. Rick tries to fair and reasonable with all his commands and because of this is highly respected.

Wynter Kiger English 1102 2/5/14 Observations

Dales fatherly tone: Dale is the man to go to when seeking soul searching advice. He is very understanding and wise in his attempts of giving advice. He tries to fill a father role for Andrea and continuously tries to keep her safe. Also he tries to teach Glen resourceful traits; just like a father would help a son fix up a car, Dale does the same with Glen. Maggie and Glens bickering: This couple arguing symbolizes human nature. Although they have the dead to worry about, they still find time to fight about their feelings toward one another. It is only human and the bickering is just a reminder that each character holds so normality. Hershels innocence: The fact that he has his farm believe that walkers are still humans is significant. It is significant because this belief is what led him to start capturing walkers and trapping them in his barn to protect them. This becomes a major conflict for the figure world. Ricks group thinks it is insane of Hershel because it puts actual humans in danger. His innocence in this apocalyptic world also symbolizes how still new this is for everyone in the figure world.

Observation 1: Season 2 Episode 1 10 minutes in: The scene is desolate Atlanta, Georgia. The dead roam the streets. Rick is speaking into a radio, talking about how he has lost hope and how they have lost people and theyre moving on. They pack up and start on a journey to a new settlement (Fort Benny). They have three vehicles; and RV, a small car and a motorcycle. Daryl drives the motorcycle, ahead of the group with his bow. Rick drives the older car, Lori is the passenger. Rick and Lori talk about their past trips to the Grand Canyon with Carl. Carl and Sophia speak about wanting to visit the sight again. Dale drives the RV, with Glen as the passenger. Shane cleans the guns in the back of the RV with Andrea. Andreas gun was a gift from her father. On the highway they encounter an abandoned collision. Glen uses the map trying to find another way around but there is no fuel to spare. The RV breaks down on the highway and the group gets out checking the RV. The group decides to scavenge supplies from the abandoned vehicles and find extra parts to repair the RV and cipher gas. Lori describes the wreckage as a graveyard. Tdog and Daryl start scavenging with no hesitation. Carol and Lori try to protect Carl and Sophia from grueling sights of dead walkers in cars. Glen and Dale try to fix the RV and Dale tells Glen to do it and learn something. Dale and Rick look through binoculars scanning the sight and Carol takes interest in a blouse she finds. Lori and Carol tell the kids to stay within sight. Shane discovers a truck with water supply and pours the water over his face, Glen gains excitement. Rick finds a heard of walkers within his rifle scope. Rick tells the group to hide under the abandon vehicles so the walkers do not attack. Andrea is stuck in the RV. In attempt to duck from the sight of the walkers, Tdog slices his right forearm on a torn up car. A walker wanders into the RV where Andrea is hiding. The walker discovers Andrea and Dale (which is on top of the RV) hands her a screw driver to protect herself since she is unable to load her gun. Daryl protects Tdog from a walker by stabbing an arrow through its head.

Wynter Kiger English 1102 2/5/14 Observations

20 minutes in: Andrea stabs the walker with the screwdriver through the eye. Daryl comes up with a plan to cover Tdog and himself with dead walkers. A walker discovers Sophia under the car and she is forced to run toward the woods for her life. Rick is the first to go after her, Sophia continues to run from two walkers. Rick catches up with Sophia and carries her and tells her to hide under the roots of the tree. Rick makes as a distraction, antagonizing the walkers. Sophia goes to run back up to the group (Rick told her to keep her sun over her left shoulder). Rick bashes the heads of the two walkers. Daryl, Rick, Glen and Shane search for Sophia. Daryl tracks Sophias footprints trying to trace her. Rick tells Shane and Glen to go back to the group and to keep them calm while Daryl and Rick still search. The group cleans out the cars and does other chores. Carol fiddles and stares out to the woods concerned about her daughter (Sophia). 30 minutes in: Carl opens a truck door with a dead walker in the driver seat trying to reach for an arsenal. Carl takes them to Shane and Lori tells him to stop playing with the arsenal. Shane sternly yells at Carl to take the arsenal at Daryl. Lori confronts Shane on his harshness and cold shoulder, Shane tells her they have both made mistakes. Shane tells Lori that he will be leaving the group and quietly slip the group with his new ride. Rick and Daryl still hunt for Sophia, they kill a walker and Rick searches the walkers fingernails and teeth. Daryl guts the walker with a knife to see what the walkers recent meal was. With gloves, Daryl rips through the intestines and stomach and finds out that the walkers meal was a chipmunk. Dale takes Andreas gun and Shane agrees saying the Dale should keep up with the weapons. Daryl and Rick break the news to Carol they havent found Sophia. Rick assigns Daryl to be the head of the search. Carol blames Rick saying how could you just leave her? Rick tries to explain to Carol that it was his only option. Andrea and Lori comfort Carol. Daryl, Rick and Shane are the only ones allow having fire arms. Carl wants to be a part of the search team, Lori tells Rick to make the call and Dale sways him to agree. Andrea and Dale argue about her being able to carry her gun. They argue about her suicide attempt and the death of her sister. Dale thinks he saved Andreas life and Andrea says she saved his. Andrea cant believe he wants gratitude when he took her choice away to take her own life. Dale is flabbergasted. 40 minutes in: The group starts to search the woods and Carl tries to talk to Shane but Shane quickly turns him down. Carl thinks Shane is mad at him but Lori reassures him that Shane is just concerned about Sophia. Daryl finds a tent and Carol calls out her name, Its mommy, were all here baby But Daryl only discovers a dead walker. Daryl tells the group its just a guy who opted out. The group hears a church bell. Dale confesses to Tdog back at the highway that he already had the radiator fixed yesterday. He says that he holds the truth to keep the group from mobilizing The group comes across the church which holds a few walkers. Rick, Shane and Daryl kill the walkers. Daryl speaks to the statue crucifix and asks, Yo JC taking request? The group hears the church bell again and only realizes that the bell is on a timer. Carol retreats back into the church. Andrea overhears Lori and Shane discussing him leaving the group. Lori is upset and Shane tells her it isnt easy on anyone; Im the one who has to lose you.

Wynter Kiger English 1102 2/5/14 Observations

50 minutes in: Carol prays to God and thanks Him. She prays for Sophia that she is safe and that losing Sophia wont be her punishment. Lori sits in the pew listening then comforts Carol. Back outside Andrea begs Shane to let her go with him, to escape. She describes them as the two odd men out. She asks Shane to think it over. Shane tells Rick they should head back, but Rick says its the miracle they need to find Sophia. The rest of the group heads back while Rick, Shane and Carl hold back to look. Lori kisses Rick bye and Daryl hands Lori a spare gun. Rick then speaks to the crucifix. He takes off his sheriffs hat and confesses he isnt much of a believer. He tears up, and he asks for acknowledgement and motivation. He puts his hat back on to leave but then turns around and pleas for a sign. He storms out, Shane and Rick follows. The rest of the group continues back. Lori offers Andrea the gun Daryl gave her to stop the cold looks and then defends Rick. She tells Carol to stop blaming Rick and reminds her that he did not hesitate to run after her. Andrea hands back the gun to Lori. Rick, Shane and Carl spot a deer in the woods. Rick smiles in appreciation and Rick lets Carl stare in fixation at the deer. Unexpectedly a gin shot goes through the deer and into Carls abdomen. Rick and Shane run to his side. Credits Roll.

Observation 2: Season 2 Episode 7 10 minutes in: Opening scene begins with the group eating breakfast. Glen calls the group to attention and tells them that the barn is full of walkers. Shane and the group inspects the barn and realize what Glen said is true. Daryl and Shane argue about what may be of Sophia. Rick says that before they clear out the barn they need to talk to Hershel because it is his land. Shane reminds Rick that Hershel thinks of the walkers as people. Opening Credits Shane is by himself and checks the barns locks. Back at the farm Glen begs for Maggie to speak to him. Instead she crushes an egg on his head. Carl tells Lori that he wont leave until they find Sophia. Daryl saddles up a horse to try and search for Sophia. Carol tries to stop him saying he needs to heal, that she cannot lose him too. Daryl storms off and calls her a stupid bitch. Andrea tells Dale that she is going with Rick to search for Sophia and leaves Dale in the RV worried. Hershel is in the house eating and Rick knocks on the door. Hershel is reading the Bible and tells Rick that since he is busy tending the field, he tries to study when he can. Rick offers help but Hershel declines. Abruptly Rick reveals that he knows about the barn. Hershel plainly says, Leave it be. Hershel then tells Rick that he needs them to leave by the end of the week. Rick then tries to bargain with Hershel saying that they are alive, humans before him. Rick tries to describe the conditions outside the farm, saying that the new world changes a

Wynter Kiger English 1102 2/5/14 Observations

person. He then exposes to Hershel that his wife is pregnant in hopes to change Hershels mind. He then flatly states, Think about it. Rick leaves. 20 minutes in: Shane then questions Rick outside the house. Rick then tells Shane they could make the farm a safe place and that Lori is pregnant. Back in the house, Hershel tells Maggie that Carl no longer needs his help and that they are a strong group and dont need their help anymore. Maggie then tells her dad Love one another, isnt that what you told me? Then accuses Hershel of changing. Hershel asks is this about the Asian boy? Maggie then explains that the Asian boy is named Glen and saved her from one of the walkers. Maggie says that it isnt about the group or her but about him and his character. Later Hershel asks Rick for his assistance. Lori and Shane fight about the unborn baby and who the father is. Lori tells Shane that the baby will never be his. Shane storms away and Carl stops him. Carl then expresses that they need to find Sophia before they leave and they will not leave until then. Lori calls Carl over. Shane charges into the RV and curses. He then questions Glen on where Dale is. Hershel, Tim and Rick wander toward some walkers. Hershel asks Rick how many walkers has he killed. Rick responds with, too many to count. Hershel tells Rick it doesnt matter if he sees those (walkers) as humans or not because if he wants to stay on the farm, hell have to treat the walkers as such. My farm, my rules, Hershel states. 30 minutes in: Daryl and Carol wander and Daryl points to a flower. He then apologizes for what happened earlier. Carol plucks the flower and says that they will find Sophia. Rick and Hershel capture the two walkers with cattle sticks to put them back in the barn (which the walkers escaped from). They are doing this because Hershel believes that the walkers are still human. He captures and traps the walkers in order to protect them. He tries to make Rick understand his beliefs by asking him to help. Glen and Maggie argue about Glen telling the truth about the barn. He said he needed and wanted to tell because the pharmacy reminded him that the walkers are dangerous and he never wants to put Maggie in dangers way. He then exclaims he is sick of secrets and rather has Maggie hate him and be alive rather than like him and be in danger. Glen then walks away from Maggie and then Maggie stops him and kisses him. Shane discovers Dale in the woods and asks Dale for the bag of weapons. Dale refuses to give the guns because he does not want Shane to try and clear out the barn. He then asks Shane, Is killing you what its gonna take? with the rifle to Shanes chest. Shane the responds Thats what its gonna take. Dale then proceeds with telling Shane he belongs with the apocalyptic world and even if he himself doesnt last long, he still remains a man of character. He then gives the bag of weapons to Shane. The group questions the whereabouts of Rick. Shane emerges and starts passing out weapons, with a plan to clear out the barn. Shane even tries to hand Carl a gun but Lori steps in the way

Wynter Kiger English 1102 2/5/14 Observations

and tells Shane that it is not his decision to make. Then Tdog spots Rick and Hershel with the captured walkers. Shane runs toward the men and asking them What the hell are they doing?! He yells and screams about how the walkers are not people and even shoots a walker in the chest to prove a point. Shane then opens the barn. Rick pleads with Shane, but it is too late. The herd from the barn emerges and the group starts shooting. 40 minutes in: Slowly the walkers come out and the group kills each one. Out of nowhere another walker appears. The group is in shock when Sophia steps out of the barn. Carol runs toward her daughter and Daryl stops her. Sophia continues to stumble her way to the group while everyone stares. Lori and Carl cry. Carol cries out to her dead daughter. The group waits for the decision to be made. Rick walks toward Sophia, points his gun and shoots her in her head.

Observation 3: Season 2 Episode 10

Shane is being chased by a herd of walkers and so is Rick. Rick runs into an old school bus hoping for refuge. Opening credits. 10 minutes in: Shane and Rick step out of the car and Shane questions why they are stopping. Rick says he just wants to talk. Rick tells Shane he knows what really happened at the school (that Shane shot someone innocent in the leg to distract the walkers from Carl.) Shane says it was for survival, for Carl to live. Rick questions Shane, You dont think I wouldve done it? You dont think I could keep Lori and Carl safe? Shane responds with, You cant be the good guy and expect to live. Rick returns with, Im not the good guy anymore; to save Carls life I wouldve done anything. Rick tells Shane that Lori thinks Shane is dangerous. Rick has figured out about the affair and tells Shane that he knows and that he wanted to break his jaw but didnt and it wasnt out of weakness; it took everything he had not to. Rick tells Shane, You dont love her and that they need to move forward with that understanding. Shane stops Rick and tells him that he wanted to save him from the hospital that day. That he did not look at Lori in that kind of way until after he thought Rick was dead and says I did not keep Lori and Carl alive, they kept me alive. Shane also reveals that if he could take by the affair he would. Rick and Shane drop the conversation and check on the prisoner back in the car. Rick and Shane start driving again and Rick states they need to use their knives more. Also about hopefully with winter coming around they will get a break, even if the walkers do not die, theyll be slower. 20 minutes in:

Wynter Kiger English 1102 2/5/14 Observations

Back to the farm Lori brings food to Maggies little sister. The sister asks Youre pregnant? How could you do that? Lori says she doesnt have a choice. Back to Rick and Shane Rick and Shane come to a spot where they can scavenge for food and leave the prisoner. A walker comes near and Shane draws his gun. Rick stops Shane and reminds him what he said about using knives, and then continues to slice his middle finger to draw the walker. The walker runs into the gate and Rick stabs his knife into the walkers head. Rick and Shane wander, looking for any supplies. Rick comes across dead, burned bodies. Shane searches an old school bus and sees a car seat. Shane drives their hatchback into the area and takes the prisoner (blind folded and tied up) out of the back. Back at the farm: Maggies little sister is in the bed crying. She is crying because of the loss of her mother and the loss of a life shell never be able to experience. Lori walks in. Honey I know how hard it is Lori sympathizes. The sister whimpers Its pointless. She believes it is pointless to live in a world full of more dead than living. But Lori reminds the sister of Maggie and Hershel and that she needs to stay strong. The sister replies with a thank you. Lori leaves and says shell be back so they can take walk. Soon after leaving the room she quickly comes back remembering that she left a kitchen knife. When she comes in she tells the sister, You do not want to do this. And the sister hands her the knife from under the covers. Lori runs to Andrea and ask if she has seen Maggie or Hershel. Back to Rick and Shane They rip the duct tape of the prisoner and walk away planning to leave him there. The prisoner yells to them Why would you save my life just to leave me here? The guy pleads with Shane and Rick and then exclaims I went to school Maggie after all! Rick turns back and yells at him about knowing Maggie. Then turns back around and mumbles Jesus. Shane explains to Rick that if he knows Maggie, he knows where the farm is and if he gets back to his people they could come to the farm for revenge. Shane quickly draws his gun and puts his finger to the trigger to kill the prisoner but Rick screams No! and pushes Shane to the ground so he misses the shot. Rick says Not now and Shane questions then when Rick, then when? Rick explains that it is a mans like they are thinking about taking. Shane interrogates Rick, Youre going to bring this piece of garbage back to the farm? A man that shot at you Rick! Youre going to bring him back where Lori sleeps? Where Carl sleeps? Rick tells Shane that the prisoner will be kept at the barn. Shane then questions Rick as a father/leader. 30 minutes in: Then Rick and Shane start fighting while the prisoner wiggles his way to a knife on the ground. The prisoner starts cutting himself free while Rick and Shane still fight. Shane throws a wrench at Ricks head and shatters the buildings window. A walker crawls out of the window and Rick

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kills it with a knife. Then a whole hear bust through. One of the walkers charges after the prisoner. The prisoner fights back and tries to free his hands. The prisoner ends up with is hands back in front of him and kills the walker. Back at the Farm Maggie and Beth (the sister) fight it out about Beth wanting to commit suicide. Andrea tells Lori that she was wrong by taking her knife away. Then Lori and Andrea argue about the delegation of chores. Maggie says that their mom would be ashamed with her. Beth suggests that she and Maggie should commit suicide together. Andrea comes in tells Maggie that shell keep watch of Beth. Andrea leaves Beth to herself. Maggie comes in later and Beth is locked in the bathroom. Beth tried to commit suicide by slicing her wrist. Maggie tells Andrea to never set foot in the farm house again. 40 minutes in: Back to Rick and Shane Rick is pinned to the ground by 3 walkers and he ends up shooting all them in head. Shane runs into the old school bus seeking some kind of shelter but the walkers follow. Rick catches the prisoner and Rick tells the prisoner that they are going, leaving Shane behind. The prisoner and Rick create a distraction with their vehicle to save Shane. Rick then drags the prisoner and locks him up again in the back of the car. Rick tells Shane if he wants to kill him, he will have to better. He reminds him that Lori, Carl, and the unborn baby is his family not Shanes. Rick then hands Shane a gun almost as a peace offering. Credits Roll.

Interview (William Kiger) 1. Explain to me how the herd changes the whole episode, why is this important. It changes everything. Because of the herd Sophia is forced to run toward the woods which begin a major plot line for most of the season. Not only that, but that was the first encounter with a herd. It adds more potential danger for the group later on. Give me an example on how this apocalyptic world has already changed the group. It is survival of the fittest. It is like the whole group needs to learn how to live again. This world changes rules, morals and the way of life. Tell me about when Sophia was spotted by the walkers and was forced to run toward the woods, how do you feel about Ricks actions soon after? I feel as if Rick did the honorable thing. Right when Sophia started to run toward the woods, Ricks automatic reaction was to save her. It is just further proof that he is the leader of the group. Explain to me the significance of Dale not telling the group the truth about the RV already being fixed. What do you think is his motive?




Wynter Kiger English 1102 2/5/14 Observations


I believe Dale did it for a simple reason. So the group wouldnt want to give up on the search for Sophia. If the group knew the RV was working, there would have been conflict to leave right then or stay and search. Tell me about the importance of Daryl, Carol and Rick addressing and praying to the crucifix (or Jesus). Why do you think the reason is for each of them addressing it? The importance is that each of them still believes there is a higher power to blame for this. I believe each of them addresses it for a different reason. Daryl addresses it to get out some frustrations. Carol addresses it to find some kind of comfort and ask for a miracle. Rick was to find some hope. He wants a sign that there is hope and a reason to keep pressing forward. He wants the group to stay motivated and stay positive.

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