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Armando Ballestero XI A

Importance of family in our lives

Much of our life is lived in the nucleus of our families. In a birth, and probably we form during our own life. L to family (Whatever its shape) is the basis for the organization of our society. What does this mean? That has a significant influence not only in the different areas of our lives, but also in who we are and who we will be.

The family is where we learn to socialize:

As I mentioned, we are born and (in most cases) grow into a family. There, we learn to relate to others, how to resolve conflicts, to share with others, and of course, the basic rules of living in society.

The family gives us values and beliefs:

As we learn to relate to others from our family, we also learn to see the world and locate him. We learn rules, and form our beliefs and values. Ie, is the first instance that teaches us to believe in something, and behave in the world valoric mind.

Couples learn from our emotional world

The first network of emotional support that we have over our lives even before our friends, our family is. While it is clear that not all families provide the necessary containment itself is the first reference in this regard. Again, placing us in the beginning of our lives, it is just our family who teaches us (or not) to put a name to what we feel, to deal with frustration, to develop self-esteem and we learn how to react to different situations.

On the other hand, as we mentioned, is in the family where every day would find more space for containment and what happens to us, thus acting as a basic social support system level.

The family gives a sense of belonging and identity:

One of the great attributes that gives us our family is the sense of belonging to something. Whether it's physical, cultural origin or participation, we are belonging to something greater, which gives us identity early. Without going any further, we use either the name or identifies our family of origin, or our current family (depending on culture). This sense of belonging we talked, played a key role throughout our lives (especially in adolescence) constituting us as unique and distinct beings.

Roles and responsibilities of family members

Learn the basic of each of the members of the family functions. Carrying out the functions expected of each member can lead to family harmony and happiness.


The role of each of the members is important because each of the activities they can perform are important and certainly complements the daily lives of all family members. School success is a team effort. The successful learning experiences begin at home. The more involved parents are in the education of their children will be much safer for children to succeed in school and in life. Success in school starts involving parents in the learning process. Support and clear expectations determine the direction of learning and help improve relations between the family and school. Each child should be encouraged to achieve learning goals and get the best grades possible.

Role of the father

the father's role is important, this should know instill values, and especially encourages your child to a good development, stimulating and giving love, when there is no father Paper occupies someone else, perhaps an uncle, a grandfather, a teacher, etc.., the person who the child sees as a role ... in the process of learning not only the father if not medre is involved, the important thing in this process is not who, but how it ago, a child is a copycat of their environment, what children see and experience is what he will learn.

Role of the mother

It is considered that the mother functions vary depending on the social, ideological and cultural conditions in which it is; although today more women venturing into the workplace, it is considered that their role has not lost importance in terms of physical and emotional development of children. Among the risk factors that exist in relation to drug use, you can locate the low parental involvement in the activities of the children, who according to his personality or age choose various tasks, which sometimes can not be of interest to parents, it is necessary to remember that the children themselves are very important.

Role of the sister

The brother or sister is always a great influence on the lives of children. They are a model or example for influencing the lives of the brothers, even though they have rivalries, big brother always seeks the best for the children. Although it can be a burden, parents should avoid comparisons, ensuring that the brothers grow and develop within their capabilities, without conditions. In turn, the older brother is the first all first come in the family, which receives the fears of new parents, which makes its way in life. Therefore, if you receive a profitas a gift to fulfill their tasks well-siblings also receive when their turn. But you

always have to grant these benefits demonstrating the responsibility of teaching and to assume the role whose older brother. Sometimes, the older brother may serve as a link with the younger brother, because being smaller share more codes with small. Asking dialogue and participation in the education of the brother can be a good way to improve ties.

Role of the brother

The role of the older sibling is important in the unity of the family. Children belonging to a family in which two or more siblings often learn to manage in life both by his older brothers and by the teachings of their parents. Young children learn lessons about love, disgust, commitments, negotiations, coexistence and human differences of his older brothers taking them to adulthood.

The family is the first school social human virtues which all societies need; by family is introduced into the civil society people. It is therefore necessary that parents see the importance of family in the formation of future citizens to direct the destinies of the country, whereas education is a process Handmade, personalized education where one to one; can not be done industrially, so it can only be done within the family.

Also develop important aspects related to family formation, the importance of disseminating values our children, the importance of a family to create men and women of good family types, among others.

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