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By: Diana Martinez


To understand amnesia we need to learn where memory comes from. It is located in hippocampus. Thats where the long term and short term comes from. The amygdala also has a role in processing memory as well.

What is amnesia?
its majorly memory loss caused by brain injuries diseases that attack the brain or drugs that affect the brain function

Different types of amnesia

There are the ones that last temporally and the other ones that usually happen to brain damage that are permanently.

Some of the people that face amnesia have difficulty learning new knowledge also known as anterograde amnesia. while others who do remember people , as in family members suffer from retrograde amnesia

It can occur to anyone at any age.

Also other effects that come with having amnesia is anxiety and depression.

What happens to the people who suffer with amnesia

Due to the memory lost , the person can lose their job because they dont have the capacity to maintain it. Also they would now have to rely on other people, like family on daily activates to keep going on with life.

Can amnesia be healed ?

There are study's done now to see if there is anyways to help these patients but nothing so far as came. Its hard to find something to help since the major of the brain has been damaged and trying to fix such a part of where memory comes from can affect other parts as well.

Dissociative amnesia is more likely to be found in women then men. This can be because of stress, traumatic events , or natural disasters.

Women and Men

Not healed but treatment

Instead of amnesia being healed there is treatment. There is going to counseling and seeing a specialist to help them somewhat improve some of the patents memory.

How to detect it
Well there are many ways to detect if you have amnesia or if someone else has it. The 2 ways are to go to Psychiatrist or psychologists.

As you also see how amnesia just doesn't affect memory it also triggers other emotional parts as in stress anxiety depression. With an effect like this , a lot of other problems may occur as well with it.

Famous case
Name: Henry Gustav Molaison Went under surgery . Very risky and he suffered after that with major memory lost ( amnesia ) His case was famous because it opened doors to how memory worked and how his memory lost was effected Died in 2008

Overall view ~
Overall amnesia is something no one should go through. Its not just hard on there person who has it but as well as others around them. So taking care of your brain and trying to prevent something like that to happen is what we should all do. Going to detect it as fast as possible is also something good to do. The faster they can help you.

"Case Studies for Amnesia." Article Myriad. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2014

"Causes of Amnesia." Causes of Amnesia. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. . "Parts of the Brain - Memory & the Brain - The Human Memory." Parts of the Brain - Memory & the Brain - The Human Memory. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2014.

"Mental Health: Dissociative Amnesia." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2014.

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