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The accuracy of the polygraph and the Voice Stress Analyzer

Any technical devices directed to reveal deception (e.g. polygraph, voice stress analyzer etc.) have always caused the scientific discussions on their credibility. While the practitioners argue that data collected from polygraphs (which analyses electrodermal, cardiovascular, endocrine, and central nervous systems) are highly accurate, the scholars testing deception detection devices, on the contrary, doubt on their feasibility. Various laboratory studies together with the observational field studies and experimental field studies have been conducted in order to find out the truth/lies proportion screened by polygraph. The task is quite challenging since research, among other options, is based on the comparison of past deceptive or truthful polygraph results with the likelihood of future polygraph outcomes by examinees including those for whom it is impossible to confirm the truth. The serious concern to overall polygraph and voice stress analyzer accuracy lies in the examinees abilities to use countermeasures making de-jure deceptive statements truthful. Hence, the usage of alcohol or/and drugs dampen polygraph responses, also breath control, causing pain to oneself, muscles tensions, relaxation, mental disassociation, hypnosis, counting backwards are among techniques to lessen or distort the polygraph outcomes. Moreover, examinees aware of comparison techniques may continuously demonstrate more pronounced reactions to relevant questions than to comparison ones or irrelevant questions to be judged deceptive. Any effectiveness of countermeasures would reduce the accuracy of polygraph tests and the general quality of research on the criterion validity of the polygraph. Nevertheless, polygraph is the only technology which gives the most accurate result comparing to the other techniques which will be considered in turn.

Other methods of deception detection

Presently, polygraph is the most famous technology for the deception detection, though the scientific progress has introduced the new, alternative techniques to reveal false statements. These techniques are generally divided into four groups where the first one encompasses polygraph itself, the second one deals with the brain assessment methods, the third one considers the methods of detailed human behavior observation and the last one includes overt and direct investigations. The special consideration is given to the brain activity studies which can also enlighten the processes in the brain which lead to deception. Positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the modern functional imaging techniques with regard to the brain investigation. Detection of deception from demeanour is the other alternative to polygraph testing. The main focus is made upon the observation of specific examinees behavior such as gaze, posture, sound of the voice, facial expressions, body movements, interrogation etc. in order to assess his truthfulness. Scientific content and statement validity analysis use different aspects of language associated with deception. Specifically, the immediacy of expression including the usage of active or passive voices, affirmations or negations could signify the false statements. Also, such techniques as questionnaires, background checks, paper-and-pencil tests, handwriting analysis, involvement of training observers, are sometimes employed to judge on the examinees credibility. Despite a large number of alternative methods to detect deception, none of them is enough self-sufficient and credential to substitute polygraph. At present, alternative techniques serve the function of supplements to polygraph, though the studies are being conducted to increase the role of the other technologies on false detection.

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