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Strait Air Volksgruppe CONSTITUTION

ARTICLE I. NAME AND PREAMBLE Section A: The title of the club is Strait Air Volksgruppe and hereafter will be referred to as SAV. Section B: The Strait Air Volksgruppe (SAV) is organized as a non-profit aking club to pro ote Volkswagens and to culti!ate the friendships arising thereof. Although the club na e honors the air-cooled heritage of V"# an$ V" (air or water cooled) is welco e. %e bership is pri aril$ open to an$ V" enthusiast (car owner or not) li!ing along the Strait of &uan de 'uca or the (orth )l$ pic *eninsula. +ach e ber shall stri!e to foster a good public i age of SAV and to de!elop new e berships and will respect the indi!idual rights of each e ber. "ith each e ber contributing to the club,s continued success# the organization shall attain its pri ar$ goal for each e ber to ha!e fun and en-o$ the benefits arising thereof. ARTICLE II AFFILIATION The organization will affiliate with other organizations of like purpose for specific e!ents in a be deter ined b$ elected officers and a a-orit$ of the e bership. anner to

ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP Section A: A e ber in good standing# b$ definition# is one who is currentl$ on record as a e ber of the organization and has no indebtedness to the organization in dues and.or fees. Section B: /n addition to co pl$ing with Sections A and B of Article ///# all e bers are e0pected to adhere to all laws# state and federal# go!erning personal conduct and acti!it$ while participating in SAV acti!ities. Be$ond this it is e0pected that each e ber will respect indi!idual rights of other e bers and adhere to the constitution and b$-laws of the organization. Section 1: A e ber in good standing will recei!e all publications and !oting pri!ileges established in the constitution and b$-laws. Section 2: An$ e ber can bring an issue to discussion at a regularl$ scheduled eeting if a proper otion is ade. Section +: The officers of the board are directl$ accountable to the e bership of SAV. Section ': (o issue directl$ affecting SAV polic$# e!ents# or finances will be decided b$ the board of officers without a !ote of the e bership# with the e0ception of pro!isions set forth in Article ///# Section + of the b$-laws. Section 3: %e bers in good standing a$ participate in an$ e!ent. Section 4: The organization will in e!er$ wa$ atte pt to pro!ide acti!ities representati!e of the e bership,s interests. ARTICLE IV MEETINGS AND RULES GOVERNING SAV Section A: 5egular club eetings will be held the first Sunda$ of each onth. Section B: The board of officers a$ call a special eeting if dee ed necessar$ and the e bership is so notified. Section 1: The president shall bring each eeting to order and will not close a eeting until all agenda on the floor has been disposed of. Section 2: An$ e ber in good standing can ake a otion for a !ote on a particular atter on the floor but each otion ust be seconded before a !ote can be taken. Section +: +ach atter brought to the floor shall be thoroughl$ discussed before a !ote is taken. An officer of the board a$ state an ob-ection to a !ote being taken on a particular issue but a$ not block a !ote. *age 6

Section ': The secretar$ shall poll all eligible e bers present at a eeting when a !ote is taken and i ediatel$ announce the results of the !ote. Section 3: Votes shall consist of 7es# (o# or Abstain. Section 4: A otion shall pass or fail with a si ple a-orit$ !ote. Section /: )nce a atter has had a otion ade pertaining to it or has been brought to a !ote# it ust be o!ed fro the floor before another atter can be brought to the floor. Section &: The onl$ ethods to dispose of a atter on the floor is b$ a !ote or for the person aking the otion to rescind it. ARTICLE V OFFICERS AND ELECTIONS Section A: Three elected officers shall ake up the e0ecuti!e board# specificall$ *resident# Vice*resident# Secretar$.Treasurer. Section B: +lections will be held at the 2ece ber eeting. Section 1: The ter of office shall be one $ear starting at the &anuar$ eeting. Section 2: An$ e ber in good standing a$ hold office. Section +: An$ e ber in good standing a$ no inate another person for office# no inee ust be present# or sub it a written or !ocal acceptance of his.her no ination. (o inations ust be seconded before the no inee beco es a candidate. Section ': +lected officers assu e office the following eeting upon final !ote count. /ncase of a tie# the presiding president shall select the best 8ualified candidate. Section 3: )fficers shall ser!e without co pensation or reward. Section 4: (o person shall hold ore than one office at a ti e. Section /: (o office a$ e0ercise power which !iolates an$ section of the constitution or b$-laws or i pinges on the rights of an$ e ber in good standing. Section &: The duties of each officer are detailed in the b$-laws. ARTICLE VI PROVISIONS FOR AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION Section A: A end ents to the constitution a$ be brought up at an$ regularl$ scheduled eeting but no !ote can be taken on the proposed a end ent at that ti e. Section B: The proposed a end ent ust be sub itted to the secretar$.treasurer in writing b$ the person aking the otion. The proposed a end ent ust be signed b$ the otioner# seconder# and the secretar$.treasurer. Section 1: *roposed a end ents ust be brought to the attention of e!er$ e ber in good standing through proper notice e0plained in Section 2. Section 2: *roper notice of a proposed change to the constitution will re8uire the following: 6. (otice to the e bership b$ e- ail or 9S*S ail at least three weeks prior to the !ote. :. The date# ti e and location of the proposed !ote to be clearl$ set forth. ;. The e0act nature of the proposed a end ent be clearl$ set forth. Section +: The proposed a end ent will pass or fail with a a-orit$ !ote of the e bers in good standing present at the eeting. ARTICLE VII DISSOLUTION The organization a$ dissol!e b$ a a-orit$ !ote of the e bership present. /n case of dissolution of the organization whate!er funds are contained in the treasur$ at that ti e will be used to satisf$ an$ outstanding debts. The balance of the assets will be donated to the charit$ to be decided on b$ the e bership present.

Appro!ed 6:.<.=> 5e!ised (o!e ber ?# :=6: *age :

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