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Theres no one who really follows our family history, the person I can think of who can give me information about my ancestors is my father, he knows a lot of stories. Once a story is passed down so many times, it starts to lose some truth. Family members can add and take away from the story, or forget and change it. The accuracy is what Ill have trouble finding 2. The first thing comes to mind when I think of ethnic food is tortillas de harina (flour tortillas). While theyre popular in your ordinary grocery store, nothing compares to homemade tortillas de harina. Growing up my grandma was the only one who made them. She would wake up at early hours and would start preparing the dough. Everything can be found in the store, but you do need a tortilla roller to extern the dough. The roller is a little harder to locate, most Hispanic women are picky about their equipment. Tortilla de harinas smell of, well, flour. Not flour in its regular form, but four that has been mixed with boiling water to create texture. Flour that has salt, baking powder, shortening, and other ingredients that individually taste bland. Altogether, its a wonderful creation of a scratch made, warm, tortillas that remind me of chilly mornings, and my grandma that I miss so much. 3. Throughout high school I was very involved in a ministry known as, Younglife. The summer of 2012, I packed my bags and headed to Jasper, Georgia to work at a Younglife camp. My job was to be a server. I was part of a workcrew that consisted of 28 other teenagers from different parts of the U.S.A. We were going to live together and work together for a month. My roommates were from Texas, Flordia, and NC. Paige, Logan, and Lindsay were the best roommates that I could have ever asked for. I never knew complete strangers could bond as quickly as we did. I say that SharpTop cover in my 2nd home. Because of them, along with the other work crew members, I built that camp resort a home in my heart. 4. 1. 50 states 2. George Washington, Barak Obama 3. Mayflower, Indians 4. Francis 5. ? 6. Congress 7. Preamble 8. President 5. Im probably most familiar with MLA and APA format. I had an English Professor who gave me a packed that guides me. Ive used it for almost everything, it shows how to cite books, articles, web pages. Is it important to have a work cited page at peer review? Yes. I should, but usually my peers arent that interested in my work cited page. None of the information I had on my Family Tree Project came from the internet. If I included a work cited page, it wouldnt be an honest one. 6. Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. This quote speaks to me because it makes research sound interesting rather than boring. Its nice to think of it as youre doing it for yourself, instead of a grade. You can poke and pry with a purpose, and thats research. Youre enhancing your knowledge by feeding your curiosity. 7. As a researcher I find myself relying on direct quotes the most, to add facts, statistics, and information to my work. I typically use this approach to eliminate misinterpretation. When the quote is too long, I paraphrase to avoid boring the reader with facts. Also, it secures the reader, they can look it up and see it word for word. 8. For my research exit project I had write about the history of soccer. I had coached for 4 seasons, and needed to know the roots of soccer. The research was extensive and 8 pages along. I had a long time to write it but of course I waited for a few weeks before it was due. I am familiar with long research projects, through high school, and first semester of college, Ive had to really do research.

9. It depends on the time we have. Even if you like something and you have to do it, and you dont have time, then youll need motivation. But if youre doing something you like because you want to, then youll already be motivated. How to motivate yourself to do something you dont want? By thinking of the outcome if you do it, and if you dont. 10. Creating error free work is highly important. If you do not produce error free work, then your work in not valid. Especially in school and work. When participating in research or writing an academic paper, teachers expect error free work. Because they expect you to go over your material, go to peer review sessions, and using the school to edit everything. Once our papers are submitted they are basically of the schools, your teacher can use them again. And if you have error, or false facts, youre work is invalid, and can lead to numerous problems. The scene just gets worse if its an actual job, where you make a living that you turn in work that hasnt been reviewed, and is full of flaws. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, but you can avoid grammatical errors, fix sentence structure, presentation, etc.

11. I have a pretty good understanding of what I need for my e-portfolio site. Ive been playing with it since the beginning. I actually liked weebly so much that I created a personal one for my blog. I have a lot of pictures on my e-portfolio, its super east to work with. It lets you move, choose, remove, anything you please. You can really personalize it like I did, or keep it strictly for business. 12. its obvious that Amish live separated, but its not obvious why. Most people think that everyone once lived that way and the Amish just kind of stayed in an old timey era. They dont know the strictness, and seriousness that the church plays. They dont know things like rumspringa where the teenagers get to go out and do wordly thing. I need to clear up any stereotypes. 13. The websites I go to are usually .org .edu .gov, because theyre usually credible. I try to stay away from .com and blogs. I try to not use opinions as research, although if I want my teacher to see a different perspective of something, Ill put a blog, but Ill always say that its a blog. I usually go to google, and start from there. The databases from the library has proved to be helpful to me as well. 14. Ive never really had a bad experience publically speaking. One time in a public speaking class the teacher made us present on the spot just to show us how bad it is when youre not prepared. That went pretty bad, but it was funny, and the mood was light. It did show me how much you mess up, and how silly you sound when youre not prepared. 15. If you really want to do something, you will find a way, if you dont, youll find an excuse. I believe that people are successful because they want to be. It doesnt mean that theyll want to do everything they have to get there, but theyll do it regardless. Because what they really want is the ultimate goal. Even though I dont particularly want to do my semester long project, I want to be successful in the class. I want to be successful in the class, so it can help my GPA, make the deans list, my goal is to graduate, to be a good students. And if doing the semester long project is a part of this goal, then Im doing it. 16. Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen. If you make an effort to sit down and think about something, pretty soon youll start to think more in depth. Like on my long semester project, once I began to ask myself questions, pretty soon, I had more questions. Then, I wanted to answer those questions, I became interested. When I started

decorating my slides, I wanted to make it more colorful, more intriguing. Basically what the quotes means is that one idea will provoke another one, and then, youll have a lot of ideas. That is what makes a project successful, having a lot of ideas, and following through with them.

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