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Theme: Fall

Age Group: Toddlers

Your Name: Laura Homan


Topic: Where are the leaves? Using maps and books ask children where they see tress in their community. For example: parks, back yards, and around buildings. Are the leaves on the tress or on the ground. Havethe children point to where they see leaves. Objective: Children will be able to point to leaves they see in sight. Foundations: ELA.3.12 Actively attend to things that an adult is showing.


Topic: All the Leaves Are Falling. Sing the song all the leaves are falling down to the same rythum as Lodon Bridges falling down. Do motions along with the song. "All the leaves are falling down,falling down, falling down. All the leaves are falling down, it is fall. Tak the rake and rake them up, rake them up, rake them up. Take the rack and rake them up, it is fall. Make a pile and jump right in, jump right in, jump right in. Make a pile and jump right in, it is fall." Objective: Children will be able to use their bodies to perfrom motions with their arms, fingers, and legs. Foundations: P.3.15 Perform basic rythmaical skills alone and/or with partner.


Topic: Pine Tree Painting. Using premade brushes from sticks, pine tree leaves, and rubber bands have the children paint their own pictures of pine tress or just allow them to paint freely using the pine tree paint brushes. Objective: Children will be able to use nature to express themselves in artwork. Foundations: FA.1.59 Select different art media to express emotions or feelings.

Language/ Linguistic

Topic: The Leaves on the Trees. Read the book The leaves on the Trees if able to keep the childrens interest if not use picture book insteead. Objective: Children will be able to familiarize with books understanding how they are to be used and anticipat turningof pages through actions. Foundations: SE.4.15 Anticipates a sequence during daily activities.

Bodily/ Kinesthetic

Topic: Pine Cone Toss. Have the children take turns passing pine cones to their friends. If they are having trouble catching the size you give them try giving them a bigger one to see if they can throw and catch it more easily. Objective: Children will be able to throw, watch, and catch a pine cone using their hands, arms, and eyes. Foundations: P.1.9 Enjoy movment activities.


Topic: Class Park. Offer the class or small group items from nature Objective: Children will be able to work with peers towards the goal of creating what they would want their class park to look like. They would have to share and respect the thoughts and ideas of others. The finished product would go on a wall as the classroom park. Foundations: SS.5.13 Work and play cooperatly with others.


Topic: My Nature. Provide the children will items found in nature such as: leaves, bark, walnuts, grass, and pine cones. Allow the children to choose which items they prefer to handle and assist them ingl ueing items to paper as they wish. Children can rearrange their nature art as desired until the glue tries. Objective: Children will be able to use materials freely to express how their mind thinks they should be used together and in which quanity. Foundations: FA.1.50 Delight in touch and feel of materials rather than what is being produced.


Topic: Walnuts. Have a bowl of previously gathered walnuts. Than use a egg carton to sort the walnuts into the slots. Start wtih one walnut per slot do you have more or less if you have more allow the children to keep putting them in the carton or cartons. Objective: Children will be able to demonstrate they know the concept of one, more, and none. Foundations: M.6.4 Purposely move and manipulate different objects.

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