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Screenplay A Dash of Faith by Arrianna Hamrah

Inspired by True Events

Arrianna Hamrah 2461 Silverbell Drive Harrisonburg, VA 22801 571.271.3506

INT. GROCERY STORE SALAD BAR PETER is an employee at the local grocery store and is currently getting yelled at by an overweight, moody customer in his mid-50s. Peters sense of mediocrity and detachment oozes out of every pore from his stature to the mundane look on his face. RUDE CUSTOMER I just dont understand how you can call this a salad bar without croutons?! PETER (Monotone, measured response) I was just going to get some more in the back, we were really buRUDE CUSTOMER No thats not even the point! Its the mere principle of always having croutons at a friken salad bar! You minimum wage workers are all the same... The customer dramatically leaves while waving his hand at Peter, as if dismissing him as his servant. Peter returns to behind the deli counter where the rest of his co-workers laugh in amusement at the interaction they just witnessed. CO-WORKER ONE (California surfer accent) Dude, what the heck happened over there? PETER (unaffected and slightly amused) Well, it would appear that my lack of agility in retrieving croutons for the man who is attempting his 100th chance at a diet is disgusted that I didnt retrieve the most unhealthy part of his salad. Peters co-workers fake gasp and snicker at each other. CO-WORKER TWO Man you havent even heard the half of it. Yesterday I had this broad quiz me in produce on what type of (MORE) (CONTINUED)



CO-WORKER TWO (contd) soil her organic onion was grown in. They all laugh while Peter proceeds on slicing some meat nearby while the others keep talking. CO-WORKER THREE (jokingly) I just dont get it. I told God this morning that if I got fired from this job that Id never complain about anything again, but I guess thats not happening. PETER (amusing but unwaveringly opinionated) That must be why so many people think youre crazy dude, cause when you talk to that God of yours, youre just talking to yourself. All the guys laugh and then rush back to work as a manager approaches the group. EXT. OUTSIDE OF GROCERY STORE At the end of his shift, Peter pulls out his phone to text his UNCLE JOE to see if hes almost at the store to pick him up. Close-up of phone screen to see text message. PETER (phone screen) "Hey, you almost here to pick me up?" A blue 69 Ford Fairlane pulls up by the curb a few beats later and Peter gets in. UNCLE JOE My favorite nephew! PETER (sarcastic but loving) Im your only nephew, Uncle Joe. UNCLE JOE (winking and smiling) Exactly my point. Whats not to love about having someone to get me free salads?!


Peter rolls his eyes jokingly. INT. UNCLE JOKES CAR The two have just finished laughing about Peters crouton mishap. UNCLE JOE (amused but perplexed) Who would of known that croutons could be a trigger. PETER Yea, seriously. UNCLE JOE (Uneasily with hesitation) Son, when exactly were you planning on moving on from that place? I mean dont get me wrong, Im glad you have a job, but they dont even pay you enough to have your own car! PETER (aggravated but leveled voice) Uncle Joe I told you, I have a real chance at making a supervisor position which would really UNCLE JOE (Speaks with quiet resolve) Peter, Peter - you know thats not what I meant. What ever happened to your cooking dreams? You were always so great at improvising when we cooked together! You have a God-given talent! PETER (shakes his head with mounting aggravation) Do you know how ridiculous you sound? Theres no future in that, no stability. UNCLE JOE (sincerely) Look, if being in charge of a salad bar is what makes you happy, then by all means go for it, but dont waste precious time if it isnt. (CONTINUED)



They pull up to the curb to a tall slightly grungy apartment building where Peter lives. PETER (spiteful and mocking) Im done with this conversation. What is it you always say? "Everything happens for a reason." Well it looks like Im meant for mediocrity. Hate to spoil your little fantasy. UNCLE JOE Oh Peter, if you really think that, Im sorry. You have so much more to give. PETER (bitter and straight-faced) No Joe, I dont. Peter slams the door and we see Uncle Joe sigh with sadness, and pull away down the street. INT. GROCERY STORE SALAD BAR The next day, Peter is doing some mundane task when a manager approaches him. MANAGER Peter - Youve got a phone call, make it quick. PETER Sure thing. Peter walks to the customer service desk nonchalantly, picks up the phone, and his face quickly changes to shock. PETER (stunned) Ill be right there Slams the phone down. INT. HOSPITAL HALLWAY Peter has his head in his hands with his eyes closed. A flashback to the conversation he had with his Uncle Joe the night before flashes through his head. Peter squeezes his eyes and fists his hair. There are family members talking (CONTINUED)



around Peter and their mumbling focuses in so they are now understood. FAMILY MEMBER 1 Do they even know who hit him? FAMILY MEMBER 2 No, all the police said was that Joe was driving on to the highway and someone rear-ended him into on coming traffic. Audio fades in and out again. Time elapses seen through shadows on the wall. FAMILY MEMBER 1 (speaking softly) Peter you doing okay? Peter says nothing and just stares. FAMILY MEMBER 1 I know you and Uncle Joe were close. But you gotta know hes in a better place, man. Peter raises his head for the first time and clenches his fists. PETER (voice quivering with anger and grief) How could you possibly think that. FAMILY MEMBER 1 (apologetic) Look Peter, Im just sayinPeter stands up, shaking. PETER (visibly angry and shouting) Dont act as if hes somewhere else! He is completely, one hundred percent gone Peter slouches to the floor. PETER (chokes out) Forever.

6. INT. PETERS BEDROOM A few days later. A phone rings in the background and the surrounding room is dirty and the shades are drawn. Trash is scattered everywhere. Finally a lazy hand slaps onto the phone and gets pulled to an ear still under the covers. PETER (groggy) Hello? MANAGER Peter, you have neglected to inform us why you have missed 5 shifts in a row. This phone call is the last time we will notify you before you are terminated. PETER (flat) Ya, okay. Ill be in today. He hangs up and proceeds to sloppily get dressed without any feeling or emotion. He pulls out his phone and starts to type "Uncle Joe" for his usual ride to work but is stopped in his tracks. A string of pain and a heavy sigh escapes him. A large horn in the background from the street below catches Peters attention when he sees a public bus honking at some jay walkers. Peter than sees the bus stop just a block further and makes a run for it. EXT. BUS STOP Its raining and dreary. Peter thumps onto the bus bench wrapped up in his own world, looking distant. Peter becomes aware though, of an annoying humming sound to the right of him and looks over and meets JAY. JAY (humming and content) Beautiful day, isnt it? Peter scoffs and shakes his head. The man next to him begins unwrapping a steaming hot sandwich when Peters stomach growls loudly. Peter looks over at the sandwich longingly when the man notices Peter. JAY This thing is way to big for just myself He holds out some for Peter to take. (CONTINUED)



PETER (confused but willing and amused) Ugh, well, okay, if youre sure. JAY Of course Im sure! Peter takes the sandwich and inspects what kind it is. PETER (matter of fact) Nice call, Reuben, this is my uncles favPeter snaps his mouth shut. PETER (clears his throat trying to regain composure) This was my uncles favorite sandwich. JAY (nodding his head) Your uncle had good taste. PETER (clears his throat, trying to change the subject) Whered you get a Reuben this good anyways? JAY Some swanky new joint up town called Bluecreek. Stupid name if you ask me, but great food. Understaffed as all get out though. Could really use some more hands in the kitchen. PETER (letting down his guard slightly) Gotch ya. Well thanks for sharing. Im Peter by the way, live right over there, and you are? JAY (toothy grin) Everyone just calls me Jay. I live there too, in fact Im pretty sure were on the same floor. I just (MORE) (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: JAY (contd) moved in to the place across the hall.


Peter nods absentmindedly. The bus arrives and Jay gives a casual salute to Peter as he leaves. PETER Youre not catching this bus? JAY Nah, I got some unfinished business before I get going. Peter nods and gives a little wave. EXT. DOWNTOWN Later that evening, Peters buddies from the grocery store have convinced him to go out and have a good time. The five friends are walking downtown and Peter is reserved but content, watching his friends banter with each other and try and pick up chicks. One of Peters friends gets shoved right into Peter. Peter gets knocked right into a storefront and pushes himself up giving a wry look to his friends. CO-WORKER ONE Sorry man! This idiot over here has no idea how to act in public. PETER (distracted, noticing the stores sign that he just slammed into) Its fine, Im fine. Peter sees that its the same restaurant Jay was talking about earlier, Bluecreek. CO-WORKER TWO (nods to the restaurant) You hungry man? PETER Ugh, ya. You wanna check this place out? CO-WORKER THREE Dude Im not dressed for fancy shamncy! Arent we going to that burger place?


CONTINUED: PETER Cmon, isnt this supposed to be my pity party?


The guys laugh and slap his back and agree to go inside. INT. BLUECREEK RESTAURANT DINING ROOM The restaurant has an illuminated bar with neon colors, brick, and exposed beams. Urban-chic feel. The boys are at a table goofing off quietly and looking at the menu. They order, talk, and receive their food soon after. PETER (grimacing) Ugh man, this steak is all kinds of wrong. CO-WORKER TWO Get a manager! They might give it to ya for free! CO-WORKER THREE (snickering) Cheapskate. Peter catches the attention of a man that is dressed as if he is one of the managers. His engraved name tag reads: SHEA. SHEA (smoothly) Yes, sir, can I help you with something. PETER Yes, I ordered this steak medium-rare, and its overdone. SHEA (becomes slightly uncomfortable) Is that so? Im very sorry it does look quite overdone. Ill get this fixed for you. We have just opened and cant seem to retain a decent chef. Im one of the owners and its been a nightmare. Is there anything else? Peter pauses, but decides to not say anything. (CONTINUED)



CO-WORKER ONE (whispers loudly) Tell him! CO-WORKER TWO (mouths silently to Peter) F-R-E-E! SHEA (expectantly) Yes? PETER (uncomfortable) Umm, well the steak is actually butchered wrong too. SHEA (lifts his eyebrows, slightly impressed) Is that so? Would you care to explain? PETER Well whoever you are buying meat from is selling you short. Hes given you flap meat taken from the flank, the underbelly, rather than short loin which is meant for a fillet like this. Peters buddies high-five and Sheas eyes grow big. SHEA (after a beat) Well, you seem to know your stuff young man. I know this is rather informal, but do you have any interest in a job here? You could come in a week or two for an interview for the back of the house. Peter is shocked, clearly not expecting that reaction at all. His buddies answer Shea for Peter, though. CO-WORKER TWO (slaps Peter on the back) Of course he would! Peter nods his head and smiles apologetically. Shea gives Peter his card.


CONTINUED: SHEA (business-like) Id like to see you on the Tuesday, a week after next. Noon work for you? PETER Yes, sir, thank you. SHEA Sir sounds so old, just call me Shea. Shea says goodbye and Peters friends all whoop and congratulate Peter while laughing and mocking Shea. INT. PETERS APARTMENT


Peter is by himself in the evening after he gets back from his night out, with the TV on in the background. Hes not watching though. Instead, hes flipping Sheas business card in his hand. He starts shaking his head slowly, then more quickly, then finally slaps the card onto the coffee table. He shouts at himself while pacing. PETER (exasperated, yelling at himself) What the hell are you thinking, Peter?! You, be a chef?! Working at a 4 star restaurant?! Peter kicks the side table and a slew of books tumble off the shelf. Peter mutters some profanity, takes a deep breath, and begins picking up the books. As he does, he notices his favorite, old, tattered up cookbook. Something is sticking out of the top and he investigates to see what it is. An old, discolored Polaroid picture of he and his Uncle Joe from his 5th birthday. FLASHBACK SCENE OF PETER AS THE SAME AGE AS HE WAS IN THE PICTURE. Inside a house in the kitchen with standard white and black checkered linoleum and green/blue cabinets. Old, homey feel. PETER (whiny but playful) But Uncle Joe! I want to buy a car cake from the store like my friend Josh did!


CONTINUED: UNCLE JOE Well thats not very special, now is it?! Cmon! You and I are gonna make our own cake. Uncle Joe picks up little Peter and swings him around.


Short clips of them laughing and cooking together. Flour is everywhere and its a complete mess. UNCLE JOE Wasnt that way more fun than Joshs dumb ole cake? PETER (giggling) Yea! And I think Im already better at making cakes than you are! Laughter. INT. PETERS APARTMENT I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons fades up from 1:50 Coming out of the flashback memory, something inside Peter changes. He looks at the picture fervently and places it gently on the mantle and grasps the cookbook in his hands. PETER (softly but fervently) Okay, lets give this thing a shot. MONTAGE SCENE I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons still playing, volume up. A culmination of scenes begin of all sorts of cookbooks, lists of recipes and ingredients splayed out all over his kitchen table. Numerous trips to the store in various types of weather and dress. Some recipes go well, others end up coming out of the oven as ash. While Peter looks disheveled, hes got a spark in his eye that wasnt there before. There are also strange occurrences of meeting people named Joe everywhere, like the cashier at a different grocery store, the name of a little kid on a Hot Wheels cake in the bakery where hes passing by to get more ingredients, etc. While Peter at first gave strange looks to the occurrences, he begins genuinely smiling and wryly looking around as if thinking as if maybe his Uncle must be there pulling some sort of joke. (CONTINUED)



As the final chord of the chorus plays Peter takes one tentative bite of his final recipe. A huge smiles spreads across his cheeks and he starts dancing and cheering that it tastes good. While hes cheering, a rack focus shot is used from Peters celebratory dance to the old birthday party picture that Peter has placed on the mantle. INT. BLUECREEK RESTAURANT DINING ROOM Peter is nervously waiting by the bar, looking at his watch again. Hes dressed better than hes ever looked and looks determined. Shea is barking at someone over the phone, rudely, which increases Peters anxiety. Finally, Shea walks into the room snapping his phone shut and looks aggravated to see Peter. SHEA (rudely) Oh, youre here. PETER Umm, yes, 12 o clock sharp, just like you asked. SHEA (distracted, looking at his phone) I guess well start with your credentials. Which kitchens have you been in around the area? PETER (earnestly) Well, just mine for now. But Ive had lots of experience cooking for family and my own enjoyment. But in order for you to see how good I am, I would love to prepare something for you right here and now to show you what I can do. SHEA (dumbfounded) Are you kidding me? PETER No, no! I really can do some amazing stuff -




SHEA (cool and arrogant) Do you know how valuable my time is? Do you really think I would allow you to be a chef here?! I dont have time for pathetic nobodys such as yourself who decide they randomly want to become a 4 star chef one day. PETER Sir, uh, Shea, please give me SHEA (already on the phone to make another call) Out. INT. PETERS APARTMENT A few days later. Peter is angry and dejected. He has his grocery store uniform on and as he is about to walk out the door for the bus stop, he stops to look at the picture on the mantle. With look of pain and anger, he picks up his favorite cookbook laying on the kitchen counter and throws it in the trash can. Peter then leaves, slamming the door shut. EXT. BUS STOP Its raining again as Peter muddles to the bus stop, with his hood up, stuck in his own little world when something breaks the silence - humming. When Peter looks over, sure enough, Jay is there smiling. JAY Hey there! PETER (mumbles) Hey. JAY (carefree and genuine) Man, what a beautiful day it is. Peter pauses with disbelief, looks like he going to say something, stops himself, then turns back around to face Jay.




PETER (angry and agitated) What are you talking about? Its a totally crap day. Everyone else in their clear mind would say its a crappy day so why on Earth would you say its beautiful?! Peter slouches and turns back to staring straight ahead as Jay seems to contemplate Peters reaction logically rather than emotionally. JAY (with a glint in his eye) Because of all the possibilities one day can bring. Peter opens his mouth to say something, but than snaps it shut. Hes confused and dumbfounded by what Jay has said and turns away with his head in his hands. After a couple of minutes, Peter looks at his watch annoyed that the bus isnt there yet. PETER (exasperated and to himself) Great. The bus is late and Im going to be late. Damn, I really need to get a car. JAY (humming and bobbing his head) Theres a great little car dealership down the road - in fact I believe they just got an old antique ice cream truck recently. Peter is looking down at his shoes when Jay says this. PETER (puzzled, still looking down) Umm, what the hell am I going to do with a Then and idea strikes Peter visibly and he looks up with incredulous eyes. When he turns to look at Jay he isnt there. Confused and slightly alarmed, Peter looks around to see where he could have gone but sees nothing. Instead, etched where Jay was sitting were the words "Faith." Peter touches the wood softly and a look of wonderment is on his face.


INT. AUTO SHOP "A MONTH LATER" plays across the screen. Peter is working on his ice cream truck that is now almost renovated completely to be a food truck. Hes putting some of the last finishing touches onto the truck including the name, "Joes Roadside Bistro." A guy working at the auto shop strides in and looks impressed. AUTO SHOP GUY Man, that truck of yours sure is turning out nice. PETER (proudly) Yea, it really is. Just hired the third part-time staff member to help me out with it too. Good thing, because we open up shop two weeks from now. AUTO SHOP GUY Well, brilliant idea. A food truck! Who woulda thought? PETER (agreeing) Seriously. Which reminds me, I gotta go see someone right now. Ill catch you later. Peter shakes his head and smiles, clearly thinking of Jay. INT. PETERS APARTMENT FLOOR Peter is knocking on the door across the hall from his apartment to try and talk to Jay. PETER Jay! Its me, Peter. No answer. Peter keeps knocking on the door, even louder this time. PETER Jay open up man! I have some crazy news for ya! Suddenly the door to the right of Jays opens up and a female neighbor steps out with a baby on her hip looking annoyed.




NEIGHBOR (big attitude) Can I help you with somethin? PETER Yea, sorry if I bothered you, Im just trying to find a friend of mine. NEIGHBOR (sarcastically) Well good luck. Nobodys lived in that apartment for over a year. Its been totally vacant. PETER (confused) Youre sure? An old man, probably in his fifties said he lived here. NEIGHBOR (answering while going back into her apartment and shutting the door) Nope. Not a soul. INT. PETERS APARTMENT Peter comes inside, still visibly confused and thinking. He wanders over to his bedroom and sees his old grocery store uniform. He smiles and pulls it off the hanger, looks at it reflectively for a moment before dumping it in the trash. As he does, it is noted that the cookbook is sitting thoughtfully on a little stand placed on the kitchen counter. He picks it up absentmindedly and starts going through it. INT. PETERS APARTMENT Some time has passed in the same afternoon, as now there are recipes and his cookbook splayed all over the table and hes discussing with someone on the phone about two different sauce ideas he has. Ya, ya, try one choices thanks, PETER okay thanks man. Yea Ill or two of these sauce and get back to you. Okay bye.




Peter sets down the phone, and takes a deep breath. The picture of he and is Uncle Joe is tucked into the cookbook now, and he picks it up admiring it for a few seconds. As he goes to set it down, something catches his eye on the back of the photo. "Have faith, kid. Love, J". As Peter reads it theres an instant flashback of Jay introducing himself, declining the bus saying he had unfinished business, the word "faith" scribbled into the bench, and the neighbor saying no one lived in the apartment. Peter stares at the message in disbelief as a huge and knowing smile spreads across his face. He shakes his head grinning, looks down at the picture, then tilts his head up and looks up, acknowledging his Uncle Joe. "I Will Wait" by Mumford & Sons fades up as Peters recognizing different scenes with Jay, to full by end scene, playing into the credits: 3:50

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