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The Population Explosion: Is Family Planning really Needed?

First of all I would like to thank the Almighty god for his blessing so that we are all here today in health. It is indeed a pleasure for me to be given this opportunity; therefore, I would like also to express my thanks and gratitude to Mr. Odo as a lecturer of Public Speaking subject and all class attendants today. Ladies and Gentlemen What may you say or think when I say 2 is enough and 4 is too much. Perhaps some of you may think and say that statements has a familiar ring to it. You are familiar with it, because you may read that statements are written along the road on banner or even hear it from ads in telly. Yes exactly that is BKKBN slogan which means that 2 children are enough and 4 children are too much. If Far east movement says 2 better than one, than BKKBN may say that 2 better than 4. For what reasons actually do you think that slogan is?. In the time span, Indonesia has been acknowledged as the top 5 of the most populous country in the world. The number of population of which has reached 225 million is Indonesia. Informed by, in 2011, United Nations Population Division released their World Population Prospects of the twenty most populous country in the year 2050, presuming no significant boundary changes between now and then which means Indonesia will be still in the top 5 rank if we have not made the best use of the adequate time to find contributive solution to the developing way for controling child-bearing. Indonesian families have more than 2 children in majority and most of them happened in poor family. It seems trivial for having just 2 children because mostly it is considered as individual right to choose how many children they would like to have, instead of responsibility they have to put upon shoulders. It should be taken into consideration that the more children you have the more expenses you have to pay. Expenses of education, medical expenses, cost of living, and many more. Automatically, the amount of each person got will be lower than having

less kid. Besides the quantity and quality of time that parents give to their children must be highly considered. When kids get inadequate time with their parents or do not get an appropriate education, it means less of enjoyment, comfort, and even personal quality. Do not forget that government also gets the impact of increased population. It will be a burden of the country by providing more public facilities, health insurances, etc. Is that problem just about money for buying needs? Nope. We have forgoten that there are bigger consequences for getting more people. First is land- place of living. The more people, the more lands needed; the more lands needed, the more trees cutting down. You know what will happen if more trees are cut down? Yes, exactly! No water absorption. We are gonna lose a substancial need of living. Felling of trees is one of Global warmings factors which harm our enviroment. Plants, Animal, all died. If that could be real, is earth still proper for living? Think about our generation to come. Ladies and gentlemen A difference between the rate of birth and the rate of death is not a balance. Rate of birth is still higher than death. Because we cant force people to be dead, we can prevent or even stop birth. So, is Family Planning really needed? Yes absolutely needed. May I once again would like to underline that the rapid growth of the worlds population over the past one hundred around the world in general and of Indonesia in particular affects all people through its impacts on economy and environment. So that family planning is one of the ways of controlling the growth of population for the better tomorrow of Indonesia. Remember 2 is better than 4; 2 is enough, 4 is too much. Thank you very much

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