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Cindy Christianty Bahasa PO. Inggris Lanjut A. Food product B.

Ingridients The ingredients are: Sugar (glucose and sucrose) Skim milk powder Dextrose Flavours More than 6 billion live Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain Water added Yakult LIGHT also contains: Dietary Fibre (polydextrose) and Sweetener (955) : Yakult :

C. The benefits of Yakult are: 1. HEALTH BENEFITS. Benefits of Yakult consumption range from maintenance of gut flora, modulation of the immune system, regulation of bowel habits & constipation and effects on some gastrointestinal infections. 2. YAKULT CONTAINS GOOD BACTERIA. Yakult's natural home is in the digestive system -- along with the 100 trillion bacteria (the gut flora) already residing there. Since the digestive system is the location for most of the body's immune system, it's important that a healthy balance of bacteria is maintained there.

3. USES NATURAL MATERIALS. Yakult (excludes variations such as in Yakult Light) contains sugar (sucrose, dextrose) to balance sourness with sweetness. skimmed milk powder, natural flavors, live Lactobacillus casei

Cindy Christianty Bahasa PO. Inggris Lanjut Shirota strain, 6.5 billion per 65 mL bottle (concentration of 108 CFU/mL), and water.

4. NO ARTIFICIAL COLORINGS. There are absolutely no colorings whatsoever in Yakult. Its color is a natural result of caramelisation during the production process. 5. HUMAN SOURCE.

The patented lactobacilli Shirota strain had a human source unlike other varities that comes from animals.

6. USES NATURAL SUGAR. Yakult uses Victoria sugar from locally harvested sugarcane. Sugar is necessary to mask the sour taste of lactic acid, which is produced during the long and natural fermentation process. Sugar also provides food for the bacteria, keeping them alive during shelf life. Yakult absolutely uses no Magic Sugar as rumored.

7. SUITABLE FOR PEOPLE WITH LACTOSE INTOLERANCE. Since it uses skimmed milk, Yakult contains very little lactose (approximately 1g per bottle), so may be suitable for some lactose-intolerant individuals. If this person can tolerate a yogurt, then it's likely he would be able to drink a bottle of Yakult.

8. DRINK AFTER MEALS. The best time to consume Yakult to help in digestion is after meals.

9. NOT A DRINK. Yakult is not a drink so theres no need to consume more than one bottle each time.


Cindy Christianty Bahasa PO. Inggris Lanjut When frozen, Yakult expands unlike other lactobacilli-based drinks which expand when exposed to higher temperature and has a tendency to blast. So the best time to consume it is in between, neither hot nor frozen, just chilled.

11. GOOD DRINK FOR PEOPLE WITH DIABETES. As part of a healthy balanced diet, each bottle of original Yakult (red lids) contains 9.2g of sugar, while Yakult Light (blue lids) contains 3.6g of sugar. As a comparison Coca-Cola and orange juice are in the range of 10g of sugar per 100g, but with a serving size usually greater than 250 ml, while Yakult is served in much smaller doses.

12. SUITABLE FOR PEOPLE TAKING ANTIBIOTICS. Since antibiotics can disrupt all the bacteria in the gut, doctors often recommend taking probiotic products such as Yakult during and after a course of antibiotics, in order to rebalance the gut flora. It is, however, advisable to take Yakult at a different time of day to the antibiotic.

13. 45 DAYS SHELF LIFE. Although the bottles indicate 30 days, Yakult has a 45 days shelf life. But it sells so fast that it is consumed within three days after purchase.

D. Opinion about the product In my opinion, this product is really good for health, especially for our digestion. This probiotic drink comes in cute little bottles about the size of a shot glass, so it seemed like a fun way to drink healthy. It is very sweet and has a yogurty taste. Maybe for some people, yakult tasted very sour, because it is a fermentation drink. For the people who has a problem on their digestion, this product is really good for maintain the balance of microorganism on our intestine and improve the health of digestive. Also this product is not too expensive and can be purchased at the nearest market or stalls.

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